Rubeusutori in Habeodeu (2004–2005): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Soo In!

Hey, no one told you
to worry about money

If there's anyone going bankrupt, it'll be
me, not you, so just stay at the hospital

Doctor, we're finished with
his diagnostic treatments

Do you feel better?

- You must come again tomorrow
- Yes sir

Stabilize him so we
can collect some samples

Don't we have gauge?

Here sir

When did you arrive?

You seem busy

You noticed the atmosphere around here?
Start coming out as soon as you have time

Yes sir

Sir, the x-Rays came out

Hang it up over there

I'm sorry. You probably
haven't even unpacked yet

Don't worry. It's what I wanted to do

We really don't have the
luxury to relax around here

I'm thinking of even getting my
middle school son to work around here

I'll extend the deadline on
your product in exchange. Okay?

Yes sir

Oh, you're back

Excuse me


There's a volunteer program called
the OEP at Harvard University

I'd like you to find out

If there are any hospitals in Korea
that are related to the program

If not, please look for any hospitals
that do not charge their patients

Yes sir

Please look into it

Yes sir

Wait a second

We don't have any cases related to that

Hey, Hyun Woo

I'll give it up if you ask me to



Why bring that up all of a
sudden? When are you leaving?


So when is this "someday"?

When we are least in
love with each other

Well, since our love will keep growing

I guess the time to leave is now

The Organization of Hamilton?

Yes sir

I've never heard of it

It's an organization that supports free
medical care for African and Asian nations

I heard of them while I was
involved with the OEP program

And I've gotten the opportunity
to do a project that they funded

What's the specifics?

It's a work-Related disease but I won't
know the specifics until I meet with them

That's good

Wait, do you really have the time to help
me out when you'll be busy with the project?

Of course

I need to go meet with
the organization right now

Go go..

Excuse me. The hearing
took longer than I expected

No this is fine. Let
me introduce you to him

This is my lawyer. He's giving
counsel to our doctors here

This is a doctor who graduated
from the same school as I did

My name is Lee Soo In

I'm Yoon Sang Ho

On his right is my
collegue, Hang Sang Hee

I've heard much about
you. It's nice to meet you

It's nice to meet you


- Hi
- Hi

Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic

Me too

Thanks to you I could come back to Korea

I'm really grateful for this opportunity

You're welcome

I'm glad to get the opportunity
to work with you, Soo In

Oh, you can speak Korean?

Oh, didn't I tell you before?

I've lived in Korea
for about 8 years now

I'm pretty fluent in Korean

I didn't realize you were this fluent

Here are the specifics of the project

You'll find out it won't be too difficult when you look over it

Yes. Soo In Lee

She's already here in Korea

Find out what she's
doing and where she lives

Excuse me. Is there a Lee Soo In around?

I'm not sure

Is this location correct?

I'd like to ask you a question

Do you have any doctors
named Lee Soo In?

Dr. Lee Soo In? Please wait a minute

No sir. We don't have any
doctors by that name here

Do you have a doctor
here named Lee Soo In?

Thank you

I..I'm sorry, you go first

Soo In...

What are you doing here?

Shouldn't I be saying that?

I stayed an extra year after graduation
because of the ongoing research

Why are you in Korea?

Because of a certain case

It's nice to see you again. I
never expected to see you here

I didn't. I always
expected to see you again

You didn't even say goodbye. I was upset

It was a previous engagement

And I didn't like the
awkwardness of saying good-Byes

I'm sorry for making you upset

Have you been in contact with Hyun Woo?

I haven't

You didn't come here to see him?

I see you still can't forget about him

Just like...

I wasn't able to forget about you

Please make sure that the
defendent has his statment ready...

Hyun Woo!

Do you have some time?

Of course

I knew it would be difficult,
but this is overburdening me

I feel as though I jumped into
a situation which I couldn't help

Stop being such a defeatist

You have some money
issues as well right?

I can barely manage supporting
my daughter's education

I think about giving up daily

Is there anything I can help you with?

Could you lend me some money?

I'll find some, hyung

Yea right. It's be like stealing from
a pauper. I know your situation as well

Oh, I could use some
help in something else

What is it?

If you could give some counsel to a
couple of foreign workers it would be great

It's very important

You can count on me

Research for Soo In's ....

The focal point of this case is whether
or not the chemicals made by DA Chemical

Has been harmful to the locals

Because DA Chemical is a multi-National
corporation, we must determine

Whether or not it has met the standards
as in US, where the corporation is based in

The report that is in front of you

Are the legal limits issued by the EPA

Regarding the same chemicals
which are involved with the case

How long do you think it will take?


Is it possible that you don't
want to go back to the US?

Are you still thinking about Soo In?

There was a report from Boston
that detailed her current address

What will you do if you find her?

Meet her if you want to

However, don't forget
that you're still mine

Getting ready for a surgical procedure?


While I'm in there, the lawyer
you met the last time should come

I heard that he'll come with someone
that will help him with legal counseling

What's his name?

Oh, Attorney Kim Hyun Woo

If the surgery takes longer than
planned, I'll need you to meet with him

Do I have to be the one to see him?

Why, do you have anything else to do?

No, not really, it's just...


The president of the hospital
graduated from Harvard Medical School

Not only has he been
providing free medical service,

He's also helping out illegal immigrants

He's an incredible man



Just reminded me of someone I know

Who is it?

Nobody you know

Yea yea. I appreciate your help on this

I hope it'll help you
in the future as well

Oh, and I know his subordinate
who was incredible pretty

Treat me well and I'll
introduce her to you

I told you I have no interest in women

Well, we'll find out whether
that's true sooner or later

You can get off first.
I'll go find a place to park


I appreciate your help

I'll do my best sir

About your subordinate
I saw last time...

I'm not sure where she is

-Here's the results
-About the blood test....

Oh, you're here

Let me introduce him to you

He's Attorney Kim Hyun Woo

He'll be helping out the illegal
immigrants in place of Attorney Yoo

I'm Lee Soo In

I'm Kim Hyun Woo

Sit down

Please continue

Well regarding the blood tests
of the 35 residents with arthritis

We found incredibly high
levels of mercury and cadium

Please, come in

Doctor Lee, I need to talk
to you outside for a moment

Well, it's in the past...

Hyung. You can go without me


I just need some...

Are you just trying get
another glance of Doctor Lee?

No. I just wanted to verify something
regarding the workers. You should go first

Well, good luck

Looking for me?

I still can't understand

I thought our relationship was deep enough
that we could discuss our futures together

If you really had to leave,

You should've at least given me
the time to reflect and understand

Have you even thought about how hard
it would be on me after you disappeared?

I'll never endure another
such shock the rest of my life

Did you even think about me?

It would be a lie to say no

I never thought about you

I vowed not to do so. That's
how I even endured to this day

Hyun Woo...

Are you back for good?

No. Just came because of a project

I see

You must be busy. You should
head back to the hospital

Hyun Woo...


Thank you

This is good


For your health

For your happiness

Don't you have a boyfriend?

I do

Where? In America?

Nope. In here

I've always kept him here

I did so when I was involved
with the OEP program in Bolivia

I'll do so again once I
leave for Africa in two months

Let's have another glass

Shall we?


Soo In!

Soo In!

Lee Soo In!

Soo In!

Lee Soo In!

====Soo In!====

You're finished. Just
endure a little bit more

You're done. Please
finish up the procedure

Yes, ma'am

I still can't understand

Have you ever thought about how hard
it would be on me after you disappeared?

Oh Hyun Woo, I'm really busy right now

You're going to have to meet
with President Cha right away

Looks like he's in need of some funds

Hyung, I don't think I
should be going there...

I'm sorry, but I really
need your help. Thanks!


Hello? Hyung...

- I'm sorry about taking your time
- It's alright

You must be really busy these days

Yes I am

Despite the fact that he lost
three fingers while working

It looks like his employer
isn't paying for his treatment

Simply because he's an illegal immigrant

Dr. Lee is aware of his condition. I
hope you two can find a solution together

Do you need to be somewhere else?

Some guy keeps insisting
that he be discharged

So this means that
even illegal immigrants

Can receive government
health insurance benefits?

That's what it says

So what happens when they submit
insurance papers? Do they get deported?

Well, since their identity
will be revealed, yea

Then they'll resist doing
that. This is a problem

How much in monetary
rewards can they get?

I'll have to access their individual situation.
Do I look like a friggin judge to you?

Well, how is his situation?

Let's get some air first

I realize that you're
uncomfortable meeting me


This isn't a meeting between you and
me, but between a doctor and an attorney

If this makes you as
uncomfortable as you seem

Our hospital will find another attorney

Or, I'll excuse myself from the case

What would you have me do?

I see you haven't changed

Incredibly calculating, and still strictly
separating personal life from business

How can you be so cold?

Is it that easy for you?

I'll have you know that on the way here

I pondered for hours on whether
I should act friendly or composed

But when I saw you,
everything went blank

All the things I vowed for
hundreds, no, thousands of times

They all vanished as soon as I saw you

But you... how can you act
like nothing has ever happened?

Who am I to you exactly


Did I even exist in you life?

I'm not all that comfortable either

I realize that

So... it has nothing to
do with business right?

We'll find another lawyer

I'm not done

You've done well

I'm not done with you yet!

It's just as difficult on me as well

Then why did you leave?
Why the hell did you leave?

You told me to

I slept all night holding unto you.
But when I woke up, you weren't there

Your warmth, your
smell was still with me

But you weren't there

You know that's not what I meant when I
told you that you can leave. You know that!

I missed you too

You said it was a harsh winter, but I
longed for the harsh winter of Boston

Then if that's true, why the hell
haven't you even bothered to contact me?

I was scared

I was afraid that if I heard your voice
I'd give up everything and run back to you

I picked up the phone and put
it back down hundreds of time

For a time, I didn't
even go near a phone

That's the difference between you and me

While you tried your hardest
to get my face, my voice, and me

I was desperately trying
to hold unto your smile,

The warmth of you hand,
even your warmth of your body

You had no intention
of loving me, did you

I'm Hong Jung Min, the
one who contacted you

You say you were in Hyun Woo's class

Yes sir

What do you want with me?

I have something to ask you

Do you remember a company by
the name of "Sae Ahn Jung Mill"?

Twenty years ago, it was
devoured by the Samil corporation

You were the attorney representing Samil

Yes, I do remember

But why bring up something
that happened twenty years ago?

Do you know what happened to Hong Tae
Sup, the president of SaeAhnJungMill?

No, I do not

He died

He ended his own life

Why do I have to heard that from you?

Because he was my father

What is the reason you wanted to see me?

This is the final
proposal from our side.

Let's not waste any more
time and put an end to this

I believe you will find
the proposal acceptable

Our demands still remain the same

2 million dollars for injury treatment

2 million dollars for
psychological damage

And another 5 million for environmental
cleanup so that this does not occur again

Do you realize that the chemicals
released by 'DA Chemical'

Is acceptable under
America's EPA standards?

This is Korea

The data you have submitted seem to
be based on the limit allowed in Korea

However, there seems
to a discrepency here

According to our research,

None of the other Korean corporations
are adhereing to the policy

That is none of my concern

My case focuses on the
people of ShimBalLee town

And the fact that their
numerous diseases and cancer

Is caused by the chemicals
released by 'DA Chemical'

Attorney Yoon

You were accepted into
law school with honors

And graduated at the top of your class

However, you left your former law
firm due to the 'JangIlYooShik' case.

Is that not correct?

After that, you became a scrub attorney

What's your point?

I was just wondering why your life
changed for the worst in an instant

You realize that..

It's illegal to release confidential information
between you and your client, do you not?

Why says I leaked any
confidential information?

After you left the law firm, it seems you have
met with the attorney for the opposing side

Did you have a twinge of guilt
after ruining someone's life?

That case had already concluded

That may be,

But the attorney is still restricted by law
from releasing any confidential information

I've been hearing that the person
you met is preparing for an appeal

If that happens, does your career
as a lawyer end with our case here?

Heck, you may not
even see its conclusion

Well, let's see which is truly
for the residents of ShinBalLee

I'll give you three days to reconsider

I hope you make a wise decision

What the hell just happened?

Did we have to do a
background check on him

And blackmail him with his weaknesses?

It was something we could
have easily won in court!

I like ending things fast

I want to end it quickly
and then go back to America

The longer we stay in Korea,
the more your mind will waver

And I don't want you to be in chaos.

Don't forget,

You will be the person who will take the reins
at the law firm of James Yoo once you return

Was his name Sang Mee? I don't
see your colleage these days

Oh, I told him to rest for a bit


I haven't been able to pay
him for the last 10 months

I just felt really sorry

Hyun Woo, listen to me

Don't be so stubborn and meet
a good woman and get married

Once you get married,
concentrate on raising your kids

Don't make your wife and
kid suffer like I do....


Damn. What the hell is wrong with me?

I really wanted to succeed

I guess this is my fate

Don't say such stupid crap.
There's nothing wrong with you

How can you say that after
enduring for the last two years?

Hyung, I'll try to find some money.

Let's keep fighting till the very end

I'm simply too tired now


It's too late

Here. Eat as much as you can

Thank you

I remember the time when I
became bankrupt because of a child

And scrambled for a piece
of bread here and there

Did you say President
Cha? The hospital president


He's an amazing man.
I really respect him

While you were all over
the place volunteering

After you graduated from
Harvard Medical School

There were times when I was
unhappy with what you were doing

But when I thought it over, there
was nothing to be unhappy about

While some chase fame,
money, and prestige

I think living like this is at
least a hundred times more rewarding

You think I can go with you
when you leave for Somalia?

Eat up

Eat up


Did you stay up all night?

I found some money

You should pay the wage that's
due and give the rest to your wife

Hyung! You should be awake by now




Hey, stop joking around and wake up

Just wake up

Hey i'm going to get really
pissed if you don't wake up


Hyung, what are you doing?
Hyung! Hyung!...........

...substance molecule

Come in

Have you heard? Attorney Yoon has died

What's the cause?

It's not fully determined yet,

But they say it's probably
due to overwhelming stress

I think this will be
resolved quite easily

I guess we can return
sooner than we thought

I really don't know what's wrong with me

I tried so hard to succeed

I guess this is my limit

Man, if Attorney Yoon had
a genius like me at his side

Things would never have gone like this

I'm back

Oh, hello

- Could I get a cup of coffee?
- Yes sir

Mr. Chairman

Yes sir

They'll be cleaning out
the office of Attorney Yoon

His family will be there this
afternoon. I'd like you to help them out

Of course. Do not worry

Also, I've decided that we'll take care

Of all the cases that he
was currently engaged with


I'd appreciate it if you
could organize the files for me

Yes sir

Well, excuse me sir,

But if I'm not misunderstood, I believe
that he didn't really have any cases

The case regarding DA Chemical

And the residents of ShimBalLee
will be our main focus from now on

Oh, um Attorney Kim, sir...

It's something that is
beyond the scope of my ability

I'll need much help from all of you

Meeting is adjorned

Um.. Attorney Kim... excuse...

I have a meeting with a client, so if
anything important comes up, contact me me...

Are you just going to sit
there? Go out there and stop him!

Why? I think we can do this

Why the hell do you think he died? This
is like crawling into the mouth of a dragon

Attorney Kim

I understand the situation. But it's times
like this that we need to keep out cool

The law firm for the other side is
infamous for their aggressiveness

I've heard rumors about how they
blackmailed people in certain situations

They totally busy people alive with their
antics. They're in a different level than us

Is this true?

Of course. I have my sources

On top of that, they brought this lawyer
from the US who's apparently no joke

Something about James Yoo Law Firm?

This lawyer named Alex
Hong is so infamous,

One lawyer was even afraid
of giving him his name card


You just say Alex Hong,
of the James Yoo Law Firm?

Yes. Alex Hong

Attorney Kim!....

The case has been taken
by some other lawyer

There's another lawyer foolish
enough to tackle such a case?

Who is it?

He attended the same law school as
I did. Somebody named Kim Hyun Woo

Did you just say Kim Hyun Woo?


He's also from Harvard
Law School, just like you

What are you doing here, Attorney Kim?

I was wondering who the blackmailing
asshole was. Was it your work?

I see you still run into things

Without considering what
you're getting yourself into

It's nice to meet you again

Even though we were never close, I
thought you at least had integrity

But what's this. What
the hell were you doing?

I see you're still immature

This guy has been working
on this for two years.

He even pushed back the needs
of his own family to do so

Do you know what you
have done to this man?

It might have been passing news to you,
but for him, his entire life was in ruins

Have you even thought about
the chaos in his heart?

Could a bastard like you know
how it could possible feel?

I know. I know very well.

Thanks to someone I know, I've
had to endure it since I was young

That only those with power can win


That's why I only play
games that I can win in

You asshole. Does this
look like a game to you?

What are you doing! Let go of him!

If you even want this case to go to trial,
you may want to fix your temper first

Stop it, Kim Hyun Woo!

This situation will flip 180 degrees

I hope you're not going
to dig your own grave

I'll make sure you pay
the price for your actions

Timer: lolipss

Translation: Yong

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