Royal Pains (2009–2016): Season 2, Episode 7 - Comfort's Overrated - full transcript

Foxy socialite heiress Paige Collins needs a 'faux beau' to present to her parents instead of much older fiancé Graham Barnes, an adventurous freelance photographer and first Dr. Emily Peck's patient, then Hank's. Paige wanted Hank but settles for eager Evan, who does a great job but feels dirty after she pays him almost like an overpaid prostitute. While Jill consults Hank on the hospital board's plan to divert funds she destined for a free clinic, they visit her favorite beach food stand. the owner, mac from Queens, has curious symptoms since they left the metropolis to sell their lobster pasta.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm Hank. I was your typical emergency room doctor.
Until I got fired.
ADMlNlSTRATOR: You let a billionaire hospital trustee die
to save some kid off the street.
l made a judgment call.
You made a mistake.
EVAN: This trip is going to get you back on your feet.
HANK: What trip?
EVAN: To the Hamptons.
ls this an arranged marriage?
Yes. Do you want to marry him?
l know many couples who got married deeply in love.
Now they barely speak.
But does it feel right to you?
We have to stop being emotional about logical decisions.
Oh, my God, you went through with it.
You got engaged.
l'm raising money for a local free clinic.
Dr. Emily Peck. l'm Dr. Lawson's replacement.
Why would he need replacing?
Uh, you're sticking around? l am.
l'm setting up my own concierge practice here.
The Hamptons is big enough for the both of us. Don't you think, Hank?
Order up for the beautiful Jill.
Sorry, folks, we're all out.
Man, am l glad to see you, Mac.
One week without your lobster mac and cheese
was pure torture. Yeah, well...
Big Mac here was in the shop.
Yeah, l heard. Everything okay?
Some bumps and bruises, nothing major.
Take a fender bender over a deep fryer burn anytime.
Which is a good thing, since car insurance
is a lot cheaper than medical insurance.
Mac, you could've called Dr. Lawson.
l gave his number to Donna
when l ran into her the other day.
Ah, well...
We haven't been talking much lately.
Well, she didn't say anything.
Not surprising.
You know, she's probably embarrassed.
No one likes to admit they got the, uh, marital problems.
Yeah, well... Been there, done that.
l don't know, you guys just always seem
like you're so happy...
Clearly not my business.
Glad to know you're okay!
Here you go.
Oh, thank you.
So, what do you think?
l think comfort food shouldn't involve
long lines or lobster.
l was talking about the clinic.
Oh, right.
Uh, yeah. Well, from what l've read,
it looks like your family clinic won't be up and running
until about 2015. lf at all.
So, l was right.
The wording in the proposal does allow
the hospital to loan itself the clinic funds.
Yeah, and then use the money however they want.
l can't let the board get away with this.
l'm gonna give Dr. Blair a counter-proposal.
Well, l can have Evan take a closer look.
He's good with numbers, and liars.
So... Mmm!
l hear that Emily Peck has decided to stay in town.
Oh, yeah. That's what she told me, too.
Aren't you worried about a competing concierge doctor taking your patients?
No. l mean, there's enough out here to go around.
Unlike the mac and cheese.
This new Jaguar is so cool.
And now that HankMed's back in the black,
l figure maybe we can afford it. Maybe?
l need to leave early today.
Really, why? Trouble in paradise?
lt's personal.
Well, with you, personal means trouble, so.
No, personal means personal.
Well, l'll tell you what, l will support your need to leave early today,
if you support my need for new wheels
'cause l need them so bad.
Hey, guys. What's up? Hey.
So, Divya wants to leave early today,
l think you should say yes.
Evan needs a car. You should say no.
Yes... To both.
Okay, 321 1 Seaview Drive.
Don't move, we'll be right there.
Okay, l'm gonna go with Divya.
Read this for me, will you?
Yeah. Thank you.
And here is your car for the day.
The Saab?
l meant my own car.
Over here!
Hurry, please.
l'm in pain.
Just what l thought.
So, you fractured your ankle.
Yeah, of course.
We'll splint it today and put the cast on it tomorrow.
Wait, can we make that sooner?
l'm moving. Today.
No. We have to wait for the swelling to go down.
Besides, you shouldn't be walking, let alone driving.
l'll pay you double.
What? DONNA: Triple?
No. Why are you in such a hurry?
l'm not comfortable here.
MAC: Donna! Hello!
That's just my husband.
Don't pay attention, he's fine.
MAC: Help me!
What is that god-awful sound?
lt's just the chaise lounge l tied him to.
Donna! l just wanted to
pack up the truck undisturbed while he slept.
When did you plan on untying him?
After l loaded the truck, but then l fell down the stairs.
Come on!
l wasn't trying to hurt him.
You okay?
Breathe. Just breathe.
Breathe through your nose. That's it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Who are you?
More importantly... Who are you?
Hey, Donna. She's hot.
All right, all right. Easy. (COUGHlNG)
Here we go.
lt started when we got here.
That's when he started flirting with
every hottie and hoochie who stepped up to the truck.
No offense. None taken.
Oh, it's not my fault. The Hamptons is lousy with them.
So, you think the Hamptons changed Mac?
l mean, don't get me wrong, it's been great for business.
So, why did you leave Queens?
Mac's fancy pants cousin
gave us this place for the summer.
A belated wedding gift.
Sure beats a toaster.
The success of the Mac Truck, it went straight to his head.
He took his flirting to a whole new level.
Yesterday, he hit on my sister.
l'm telling them about Lacey.
Oh, let that go already.
(SCOFFlNG) Can you believe it?
No shame, no apology.
lt's like he doesn't even care.
l know what l did might seem crazy.
But l was at my wit's end
and l didn't want him to stop me.
You were leaving him.
l just wanna go home.
Sorry to interrupt. (CLEARS THROAT)
But, um, you didn't answer your phone.
Yeah, it's a little wet.
That's not your color. At all.
lt's horrible, in fact. Evan, and why are you here?
New client called. Kiteboarding accident.
She sounded scared. Sexy, but scared.
Go with Evan. l'll finish here. Okay.
Mom! Why would l lie?
Fine, fine. l'll send pictures.
l'll send so many that you'll be able
to wallpaper the house with them.
Okay, well, maybe not the whole house,
but your gift-wrapping room.
Or Dad's trophy room.
ln fact, l am going to send so many
that you're gonna wish l didn't have a boyfriend.
Paige Collins. You must be the other doctor.
Oh. Sorry, the other doctor?
Yeah, l wanted someone here quickly
so l called two doctors.
The paramedics left after the first one arrived.
l heard there was a kiteboarding accident.
ls everything okay?
My boyfriend Graham fell off his board
when he was shooting pictures and sliced his shin.
So, is the other doctor giving him stitches?
Mmm-hmm, right now. On the beach.
Two doctors? What is this?
First-come, first-serve?
Oh, there he is.
Hi, baby!
He doesn't look injured.
Oh, no, not him. The hot guy.
EVAN: The old dude?
lf the wound bleeds or drains, call me.
And don't get it wet until tomorrow.
Okay, Graham?
You're very demanding, aren't you?
But l'm even tougher on myself.
Thank you. lt's okay.
Baby, let me help you.
Thank you. Thanks.
What are you doing here?
l was called to see a patient.
My patient. Oh.
He's fine.
You snooze, you lose, Dr. Lawson.
What is taking so long?
You better not make Raj wait this long on your wedding night.
DlVYA: Mother! Well, what's the trouble?
This is the trouble.
l don't understand. You look beautiful.
As long as no one has to see me from behind.
This is a very bad omen.
No, it's just confusion over the measurements.
We will sort it all out, everything will be fine.
We'll take no chances, l'll contact Pandit-ji.
Your spiritual advisor, Mother?
You may not agree, but he will tell us
exactly what we need to do to fix it.
l already know what we need to do.
Find some matching fabric.
Are you sure l can't pay you?
Oh, absolutely. l didn't do anything.
Um. Could l ask you a couple questions?
ln private?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, l'll just... l'll hang out.
Are you married?
lf not, are you dating or living with anyone?
And if you are married,
why aren't you wearing your wedding ring?
Uh... Are you separated?
Or just kind of creepy?
Uh, no, no, and the last three don't apply.
This shouldn't be as weird as it sounds,
but would you be willing to be my faux beau?
Faux beau?
Pretend boyfriend.
Listen, my parents won't stop hassling me
about getting married.
They want grandkids,
and l would just need you to take some pictures with me.
Why don't you take pictures with your actual boyfriend?
Not that l care about his age... l don't...
But they would.
And l'm tired of disappointing them.
Yeah, l think l'll pass.
l'm not sure if your plan is flawed,
misguided, or just kind of creepy.
A sense of humor... Another plus.
Just think about it.
l did.
You know, my brother may reject indecent proposals,
l tend to be a tad more progressive.
EMlLY: l like your outfit.
Makes you seem less uptight.
Oh! l'm uptight?
Did you check Graham for a concussion?
l did, even though he sustained
3-centimeter intermediate laceration to the shin.
His head is fine.
Hey, Graham.
Dr. Hank Lawson.
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, you mean my slip?
Nothing to worry about. Thanks for asking.
So, Paige, l've been giving a lot of thought to your plan.
So have l. l want Hank.
And l will pay you a finder's fee to convince him.
All right. You are not gonna get Hank.
l tend to get what l want.
You will never get it from Hank
in a million years. Trust me.
He's as stubborn as an ox.
Mule. Ox.
l see the family resemblance.
Twenty seconds to win me over. Go.
Do you like basketball?
Kobe, Shaq, LeBron.
Yes. Think of LeBron as Hank.
You don't want LeBron, okay.
Who you want is the guy who signs LeBron's checks.
You sign LeBron's checks?
lf the NBA were called HankMed and Hank were LeBron, that's exactly right.
Now you have three seconds to say yes.
EVAN: What, you made storyboards?
You're actually a really good artist.
Thanks. Yeah.
You're also insane.
Like, look at all this.
PAlGE: My father has a military background.
He thinks four steps ahead.
So, l have to think five.
Wow. You must really dig this guy.
lf you had told me 16 months ago
that l was gonna meet and fall in love with an older man...
Sixteen months?
That's a long time to keep a secret.
lt's been easy, until now.
My parents travel all the time.
But this time, Graham's leaving for Egypt.
He's gonna be gone about three months.
l wanna go with him. (CELL PHONE RlNGlNG)
You need your parents' permission to go on a trip?
Well, as long as l need their money,
l need their permission.
This is the only way l can be with him.
At least for now. l get it.
Sometimes you have to do something crazy
to do something wonderful.
You've done something similar?
Yeah, it's how l ended up in the Hamptons.
l'll pick you up at 10:00 for your makeover.
Sorry, pretty heiress said what, now?
Does the you that's sitting here now
look like the you l need to be in there?
Oh. Well, this guy, you know, he's...
Better make it 9:00.
Graham? lt's me, Hank.
GRAHAM: Um, l'm back here.
Graham, everything okay?
l had an incident in the dark room.
lt's nothing.
Um... Actually, it's something.
Come here.
l didn't wanna call you,
but l knew when Paige saw these burns,
she was gonna call someone.
And it wasn't gonna be Dr. Peck.
Paige would never admit it, but she is the jealous type.
She's also one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Apparently a lot has happened to you.
l was gored by an elephant in Kenya.
And l got caught in an avalanche in the Alps.
l broke my shoulder running from a bull.
ln Pamplona? No.
This was a photo shoot in Texas.
Oh, sorry if this is a little uncomfortable.
Comfort's overrated.
Do you mind if l take a look
at those chemicals you were mixing?
Nitrocellulose, ethyl alcohol...
l've been using these chemicals since l was a kid
developing wet plate photos.
This one's ethyl ether.
Oh, l hope not.
Ethyl ether mixed with nitrocellulose
would produce an...
An explosion.
Which is exactly what happened.
Graham, when was the last time you had your eyes checked?
l think Gerald Ford was President.
l'd like you to see this ophthalmologist l know.
l'm fine.
Look, if not for yourself, then for Paige.
When's your big day?
DlVYA: lncredibly soon. ln London.
Where my fianc? lives.
Wait, so you live here and he lives in London?
Keep it that way, l think it could work.
Thanks for the marital advice.
Hey, Donna.
You look beautiful.
And you look beautiful too.
Oh, hey, Donna.
That medicine you gave me isn't working.
Yeah, well, maybe you need to give it some more time.
Maybe you didn't give me the right amount.
l think l know what a person with a stomachache needs.
A belly rub?
All right, that's it.
l have had it with you!
Just go.
Donna... What did you give him?
The usual pink stuff.
And if l'm lucky, whatever it is he has
is fatal.
People are looking at me.
They're not looking at you, they're looking at me.
Stop fidgeting.
Get rid of your gum.
l can't believe you just did that.
MANAGER: Miss Collins, so nice to see you.
How may we help you today?
See that guy over there?
PAlGE: He is gonna need some clothes.
Lots of clothes.
Please get Miss Collins' friend whatever he wants.
Whatever l want?
Pizza. Pepperoni.
Whoa, make it two.
l like it.
Do you like it?
Yeah, absolutely.
Make him look sophisticated.
Now people are looking at you.
PAlGE: Ooh, love this one.
l like this one, not that one.
Oh, so cute! Come here.
What? What are you doing?
We're not done yet. Here we go.
Sit back. Okay.
Okay, here we go.
That was a surprise.
Well, you make a much better faux beau than l expected.
EVAN: That was the best day... Ever.
We did take some great pictures.
Yeah. Just...
l'm not sure about the ones we took in the photo booth.
Are you kidding?
We're clearly in love.
Look at this. This is so good.
Oh, that reminds me.
Thanks again.
That'll do it.
Hey, baby.
How are you?
lt's Graham. l gotta go.
Right, um... Yeah.
Could you drive me down?
No, no, really. l gotta go.
Okay. Oh, okay.
Well, me too.
Of course. Yeah.
Ugh. Worst day ever.
Yeah, totally boring.
Mac got sick,
Donna gave him something and now Mac's even sicker.
lt's all very curious.
Why can't l sync up my e-mail?
Here. Give it to me.
Wait, you don't seriously think she's trying to get rid of him?
l don't know what l think.
But they are very unusual newlyweds.
That's true.
Oh, look who needed to feel pretty.
Are you wearing makeup, dude? Yeah.
Because l'm a whore.
l'm a dirty whore.
Do you know what that was about?
Well, yes. Evan is a dirty whore.
He'll be fine.
Mac and Donna. Yeah.
You wanna test the bottle for poison?
l know it sounds crazy.
But l am worried that this is more than
fractured ankles and broken hearts.
And l'm worried that if we don't solve this soon,
stranger things are going to happen.
So, you wanna fight dirty, huh?
Emily, come on in.
No, don't get me wrong, you know. l'm up for that.
Just don't hide and not take my calls afterwards.
No, no, no, l'm setting up a new phone.
And l have... Okay, l'm sorry, time out.
What are we talking about?
Oh, you know exactly what we're talking about.
Graham Barnes. You stoled my client!
''Stoled''? What are you saying? l'm confused.
Don't try to obfuscate, okay.
He was my patient first.
No, l'm confused that a woman who says ''obfuscate'' also says ''stoled.''
For the record, l did neither.
l don't believe you.
Call him yourself, l think it's the green button.
Why would l call him?
Apparently, he's not even my patient anymore.
Emily, l did not try to steal your patient.
Look, l knew that he was trying to resist my recommendations,
but l just didn't think that you would take advantage of that.
l did not take advantage, okay?
But what did you recommend?
l had the nerve to insist that Mr. Peter Pan himself
have a full work-up.
You know, l've dated older guys.
They all have the same issues.
Yeah, they favor tights, pixie dust, fighting pirates.
No, what they like is never growing up.
You know, when a guy Graham's age
has two falls in one week?
You've seen Graham twice? Yes.
The kiteboarding incident was my second visit.
He had a mountain biking accident the week before.
Yeah, he had an accident today too, in his dark room.
There's definitely something going on,
and l think it's age-related.
Age-related? The guy looks better than most men half his age.
No, he spends his time in exotic locales,
l'd say it's lifestyle-related.
You wanna bet?
On a patient's diagnosis?
Oh, no, you are not uptight at all.
He's not in the room with us, l wouldn't do that.
HANK: No...
EMlLY: Okay.
Let's call it a differential, not a bet.
All right. A differential.
You're on.
Loser buys dinner.
Sounds good.
Okay. You'll be buying.
Uh... Bad time?
No, no. Not at all.
Jill Casey... Dr. Emily Peck.
Jill Casey.
You're the administrator of Hamptons Heritage.
Yeah, l am. Nice to meet you.
l'll call you. We'll do lunch.
And we'll do dinner.
You'll be buying.
ls this awkward?
Not for me.
So, how does this provide me with leverage?
Right now the clinic funds are held
in a separate nonprofit.
Yeah, the board insisted l create one.
Yeah, and though you intended to run the clinic
through Hamptons Heritage,
there's no reason you couldn't enlist another hospital.
The board would have a big problem with that.
And that would be the least of their problems.
l mean, imagine the PR nightmare
when it's revealed they're trying to borrow from
rather than build a community clinic.
And that's my leverage.
Hank, thank you. (LAUGHS)
Yeah, sure.
Hey, any news from the lab?
We'll have the results by noon.
But you wanna check on Mac now.
You know what, first...
l wanna make a confession, guys.
You took Paige up on her offer.
You were her faux beau.
What gave me away?
Oh, l don't know.
The shopping bags, the highlights, the faint smell of lavender?
That was tuberose, actually.
Oh, good to know.
lf the lab calls, please forward?
Mmm-hmm. You guys wanna hear
the valuable lesson l learned?
No. Look, it turns out
that l am easily seduced by the world of glamour and money,
because it's where l wanna be.
Okay, the lesson that you should've learned
is that you shouldn't fake date for money.
lt started out that way,
but then halfway through
l realized that l actually liked her.
A lot. And l wanted to help her.
Anyway, as a sign of my growth,
l am forgoing my coveted Jaguar.
l am putting the tainted funds into HankMed.
DlVYA: Mmm.
Div. Did something happen with Raj?
Where's your ring?
Oh, my God. My ring.
Oh, so you're not disengaged.
Of course not.
You lost your engagement ring and didn't even notice?
Divya, that's a bad sign.
Stop it. You sound like my mother.
All right, think, Divya.
Sometimes you take your ring off for procedures.
Hi. Hi.
How can l help you?
l lost my engagement ring.
And l think l left it in your kitchen.
Wait here.
That was suspicious.
So is that.
MAC: Hey, guys!
Grab a spoon.
Well, at least he's still alive.
l thought l asked you to wait outside.
There was blood on the porch.
From my ankle.
l got an itch and l grabbed a hanger.
l think there's something stuck in there.
My ring.
Oh, no. HANK: Hey, Mac.
You okay, buddy?
He's sitting on the couch
wearing his underpants and macaroni,
what do you think?
Okay, that's new.
l think it's time for a neuro exam.
Uh, Paige texted me.
She said to meet her here?
Paige didn't text you. l did.
Uh, sorry. l'm a little confused.
Maybe this will clear things up.
Oh, my God.
Uh, l mean...
Graham, it's not what it looks like.
And for the first time in history,
those words are actually true.
Well, why don't you come on in
and we'll talk about it.
Why don't l just come in and hang out with only you. All right.
Blunt, antisocial behavior,
increased appetite, strong desire to touch...
What else?
He's been licking the TV remotes.
And all this started after you came to the Hamptons?
We were good in Queens.
The truck was fine, my foot was fine,
Mac was fine.
l'm sorry, what do you mean the truck was fine?
Oh, a few weeks ago,
a hit-and-run driver sideswiped the truck.
Was Mac in the truck?
He was parked on the side of the road.
But he wasn't injured.
l mean, he was knocked around.
He bumped his head and banged his elbow.
Bumped his head? Did you see a doctor?
He didn't even go to the hospital,
he said he was fine.
(SCOFFS) Not what l was expecting.
What's wrong with Mac?
Okay, well his symptoms seem to indicate
some sort of neurological disorder.
Because of the accident?
You know, it makes sense,
with the abnormal behaviors and appetites.
Yeah, he needs a CT scan and an MRl.
Hopefully, then we'll know how to help him.
l can't believe this.
My poor Mac!
So, this was all a show?
Oh, my God, this is so uncomfortable.
Go on.
Because Paige wanted to get her parents off her back
and show them proof that she wasn't single.
She has a boyfriend. Me.
She didn't wanna alarm them.
Because l'm a photographer? An artist?
No, l don't think it's so much what you do,
it's more that you've been doing it
for a really long time.
Like, longer than she's been alive.
l'm older than her, who cares?
Her parents might.
Because you're probably older than they are too.
l'm sorry.
l should see Paige.
l need to talk to her.
You know what, Graham...
Are you...
Are you all right?
Get Hank.
l think you've been experiencing
a series of mini strokes.
But in the eye.
Once they start, they can repeat with growing frequency.
l don't understand.
You saw the ophthalmology report, l'm fine.
These types of strokes can be difficult to diagnose.
They would have to be occurring at the same time
you were having an eye exam.
Oh, this is crazy.
You need an ultrasound of your carotid arteries and an echo.
Now, if there is another one...
No, l mean it's happening right now.
My left eye, l can't see.
What's going on, Hank?
He's in the middle of an occlusion.
lt's an embolism in the central retinal artery.
lf l don't dislodge the occlusion,
the retina will die and he'll go blind in that eye.
This is my lens eye!
lf l can't see, l can't work!
Okay, close your eyes.
l'm sorry l have to do this.
Do what?
Ow! Oh, my God!
Okay, okay.
Hank, can he see yet?
No! Damn it.
We should call 91 1 .
No. By the time they get here it'll be too late either way.
You have to help me. Just please help me.
Okay, l need to make a slit lamp.
Evan, take this tape, rip it into thin strips.
Graham, l'm gonna owe you a new pair of glasses.
Okay. Good.
Thank you.
There it is.
Hank. What are you doing?
lt's a procedure that will draw the fluid
out of his eye's anterior chamber.
lt should lower the pressure
and allow the plaque to move out.
Okay, don't move.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.
This is gonna hurt, isn't it?
Just try to remember
you find comfort overrated.
Now, stay on this fixed point and don't move.
Uh... Just stare and don't move.
Graham, he knows what he's doing.
Just try to relax.
Okay. Okay.
Oh, God!
Good job, Graham, put this on your eye.
EVAN: That's it, right?
Okay. (GROANS)
Graham? Graham.
Can you see?
Yes. Yes?
Yeah, l can see.
l can see.
Hey. Hey.
Jill said l might find you here.
You first. How's your patient?
Graham's getting a full work-up,
but it looks like he'll be okay.
Mmm. How's Mac?
Your suspicions about a neurological disorder were correct.
The neurologists are thinking
that it's Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
Hyper-orality, increased appetite,
inappropriate social behaviors, yeah.
The good news is, is that the meds
should help decrease those urges,
and that time should help Mac's brain repair.
And l found my ring.
That's it.
He ate it.
See? Everything is fine.
Or not.
Where's your engagement ring?
l am cleaning it.
All right, what did Pandit-ji say now?
He said, ''Forget the wedding lehenga,
''there are bigger problems.''
Bigger problems?
He said, ''Divya's love is destined
''to travel through another man.''
Well, Pandit-ji is wrong.
Raj and l are deeply committed to one another.
Bacche, l believe you.
But Pandit-ji is never wrong.
Order up for the beautiful Jill.
Thank you. Please!
Given what you've done for me,
l am giving you a 6% discount every Tuesday for life.
Well, do l have to do the math?
lt's the worst coupon ever.
l'm kidding, you eat on the house,
or the truck, or whatever this is.
Well, thank you.
Hey, l'm just glad that you're really okay.
Well, thanks to Hank.
He's a good guy.
He is.
How are you?
Oh, hey!
Sorry l'm late.
Oh, it's okay.
ls everything all right?
Oh, yeah, l can't believe how much better Mac is doing.
Or how much better he looks.
l'm glad they're working things out.
Come here.
All right?
No, no, no, no, no, l insist.
Oh, you finally admit that you were wrong?
Graham's illness was age-related?
Excuse me, but Graham's illness
could easily have been lifestyle-related.
You know, it's probably more of a combo of both.
Okay, then we'll go Danish.
You mean Dutch?
That's what l said.
No, you said ''Danish.''
Okay, whatever.
Let's play for it.
You confuse your words when you get flustered.
l do, but l didn't.
Either l make you nervous,
or you have a neurological disorder.
l do not have a neurological disorder,
and you do not make me nervous.
Why don't you break?
All right.
Oh, yeah.
Don't get too comfortable, sunshine.
Thank you.
Oh! So sorry.
All right. So sorry.
All yours.
That was good.
HANK: Okay. l get it.
You're good.
Told you l wasn't nervous.
Two out of three?
No, it's getting late.
Some other time?
So, what is the difference
between Danish and Dutch, anyway?
Denmark and Holland.
Close enough.
Goodnight, Hank.
All right.
What do you think?
l think you have a flair for the dramatic.
Not sure what you mean by that.
What's behind the van? What?
ls it a Porsche? ls it a Viper behind it?
No. Quattroporte?
What is that? Don't tell me.
You know what, let's move it and find out.
Let's move that van. Move that van!
Be my guest.
You're serious?
You're lucky, this was the last lease on the lot.
And it's perfect.
lf l had a wife and two screaming kids, then it would be perfect.
Just come here. Drive it, you'll see. Okay?
lt's like floating on a cloud, if clouds had XM radio and a navigation system.
lt has XM radio? Yeah.
That's kind of cool. Right.
You're welcome.
Hey. Hi.
What's up?
What's up is that you owe me an apology.
Oh, l do? Mmm-hmm.
Did you not get my texts?
Oh, l'm not talking about Graham.
l am talking about William and Ellen.
Who are they?
l'll give you a hint.
They're coming to town to meet you.
You call your parents by their first names?
No, but you will.
Same fee as before?
Yeah, l don't know about that.
Evan, when the General wants to meet someone,
it's not really a request.
All the more reason for them to finally meet Graham, right?
Graham left for Egypt.
He said he couldn't be with someone
who had to lie about being with him.
l should've listened to your brother.
lt was not a smart plan.
l was with you for one day,
it was clear to me how much you loved him.
lf he didn't see that then he left because of his own issues, not yours.
Thank you.
ls that your car?
This is not a car, this is a van.
This is a Sienna, actually.
And it floats like a cloud.
A cloud that has XM radio and a nav system,
and can do this.
And maybe this.
My parents are gonna love you.
Paige, you know what, wait a... Wait, wait!
Hey. Hey.
Thanks for waiting.
l just wanted to gauge your comfort level on something.
But first, l need to thank you.
lf my clinic was up and running,
l could've helped Donna and Mac.
But since it wasn't...
l depended on you.
Yeah, no. We were happy to help.
You always are.
Which got me thinking...
And l came up with this.
A new proposal.
Hank, l don't need Hamptons Heritage,
l don't even need four walls.
All l really need are committed professionals.
You want HankMed to run your clinic?
There's still some details that need to be worked out,
but l just need to know if you're in.
lt's interesting.
l mean, no overhead, so virtually all funds
could be directed specifically to patient care.
Yeah, equipment, supplies, medications.
Anything a patient might need.
l mean, from a business standpoint,
it's a great idea. Really.
But from a personal standpoint,
it makes you uncomfortable.