Room 104 (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Hungry - full transcript

Two strangers meet to fulfill an unusual mutual fantasy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hi, I'm Gene.

I'm Gene.

It's me. Gene.


Uh, hello?

Hi. Is it, uh...

is it you?

Yes. It's me.

- Hey. Gene?

- Hi.

- Dan?

- Yeah.


Please. Come in.

This is nice.

- Is it OK?

- Yeah. Sure.

- OK.

- Wait. Why do you ask?

Oh, I don't know,

I didn't know, you know,

what you were expecting.

And-- or used to.

So, I--

No, it's really nice.

I-- I like the flower.

And the candles.

And the dining table.

It's just--

It's nice.

It's nothing.

Yeah, it's all lovely.


Thank you...

for setting all this up.

Hey, uh,

it's OK if we're

a little nervous, right?

Uh, yeah.

- Yes.

- OK, good.

- Yeah.

- You seemed really calm.

Oh, I am so not calm.

- No, I-- I'm...

utterly aflutter.

I don't know why

I said that. Sorry.

No, no. I liked it.

"Utterly aflutter."

It's poetic.

- Yeah.

- And it's true.

I feel that way too.


Maybe we just,

uh, dive in?

- I'd like that.

- OK.

- Let's see.

Oh. Here you go.


18, 19, 20.

Get you some water.

What's this one?

- That is tranexamic acid.

- What's that?

Uh, it helps regulate

the female menstrual cycle.

And it slows down


- So, you know, just in case.

- That's smart.

- Right?

- Yeah.

Oh. Yes, please.

OK, good.

I didn't know

if you were a drinker,

and I didn't want you to think

I'm some kind of boozer

or-- or something.

- Hmm.

- Nice.




- Thank you.

- There you go.


Uh, to, uh,

the perfect night.

Perfect night.

Where we can just--

Where we can just be

exactly who we want--

- Jinx.

- Jinx.

Ah! Oh, my God!

- That's twice--

- In a row.

- This is crazy.

- I know.


Every-- Everything OK?

Yeah, yeah, um...

I think I might already

be starting to feel it.

Really. It said 20 minutes.

Up to 20 minutes.

Also maybe considering

the dosage...

Right. Right, OK.

Um, let's get

everything ready.


Shall we, uh,

get this out of the way?

Oh. Yeah.

- I, Gene--

- I, Dan--


It's like we're

the same person

or something.

I know. There's an air of kismet

about all of it. I--

Aw, I just said

there's an air of kismet.

Now who's the poet?


I, Dan Bender,

am of sound mind

and have previously agreed

to everything that I will do

and that will be

done to me tonight.

I, Gene Gerkin,

am also of sound mind,

and have previously agreed

to everything that I will do

and that will be

done to me tonight.


You OK?


Yeah, I think

just a few more minutes,

just to make sure everything's

in the right place.

You got it. Yeah.

I can't believe this night

is finally here.

- I know, right?

- After all these months?

All this correspondence?

All this not knowing?

I'm just happy you came.

I'm happy you came.

I have to admit,

for a while I was

starting to worry

that this was just gonna

turn out to be a big... joke.

- Me too.

- Really?

Yeah. Sure. I mean,

you and I,

we understand this,

but I don't think

a lot of other people would.



I think--

I think I'm ready now.

OK, Dan. OK.

- OK. Here, buddy.

- Thanks.

- OK.

- Watch your head.

- Ahh.

- There you go.

You ready, Dan?

I'm ready.


- Ahh.

- Did you get it?

- I got it.

You hold that.

There we go.

Nice. Nice.

- Mm.


It smells... good.

I know, right? I wa--

I wasn't expecting that.

Were you?


It smells like...

nothing I've ever--

ever smelled before.

- Right?

- Yeah, agreed.

- It's weird.

- It smells incredible.

Yeah. It really,

really does.


How you doin'?

How's the bleeding?

It's under control for now.

OK, great.

Let's just get you

over here.


There you go.


- Ahh.

- Thank you.

Well, you're welcome.

No, I mean, thank you...

for doing for me-- with me--

what nobody else

seems to understand.

Thank you for the same.

I mean, I'm excited for this.

And for my turn next.

It didn't hurt much at all,

by the way.

Shall we?

Before it gets cold?

This is the police! Open up!

- Jesus Christ.

- What?

Open up!

Coming! I'm just getting

out of the bathroom!

OK, come on,

come on, come on.

Come on.

OK. Stay in here

and don't come out

no matter what.

- OK.

No, no, no, no, no.


- It's so good!

- Really?

- What's that?

- Nothing! Just a sec!

What the hell

is wrong with you?

- Oh. So good.

If you don't open this door,

I'm gonna be forced

to break it down.

Sorry. Coming!

How can I help you,


Why did it take you so long

to open this door?

I told you.

I was in the bathroom.

What's your name?

- M-My name?

- Yes, your name.

- Gene.

- Gene what?

Gene Gerkin!

Is there a Dan Bender

here with you tonight?

Uh, I don't know anyone

by that name.

Well, who's all this for?

Um, for me. My friend.


Let's see here.

Jill Bender.

She found some unusual

and cryptic emails

on her husband Dan's

computer last week.

She did not

divulge the content,

but became concerned.

She followed him here

and watched him

walk into this room

ten minutes ago.

She called us

to check it out,

as she had reason to fear

his life,

based on his emails.

You want to tell me

where he's at?

You know, I have to ask,

isn't this something

you generally need

a warrant for?

I suggest you tell me

where the gentleman is.

I understand that,

it's just I paid

for this hotel room

and I'm not doing

anything wrong here.

Is he here?

Is he hiding?



Why'd you scream?

I don't know.

I mean, you scared me.

Y-You know,

you just come in here

and disrupt my evening--

If you see Dan Bender,

tell him his wife

is looking for him

and to go home.

Uh, excuse me.


I want your name

and badge number, please.

Excuse me?

I mean, your actions

here tonight

are in total violation

of my rights!

And I plan on filing

a report.

You gonna

file a report?


Yeah, I think

I just might.

- Is she gone?

- Ohh.

Both of you get down!

Down on the ground!

Please, just hold on.

I can ex--

Ow! Damn! Gah!

Fuck! Ahh!

- Please! Just let me--

- Shh!

What the fuck?

Don't move!

Don't you fuckin' move!

This is Pankin,

I'm at the motel

near the parkway.

- I need backup.

- Please!

- Let me just explain!

- Stay down.

Stay the fuck down.

I have two males,

two gay males--

No, we're not gay.

I have a wife.

Even if we were,

what does that

have to do with it?

Some crazy fucked-up shit

happening here

like some kind of

Silence of the Lambs shit.

We're not doing

anything wrong.

What?! You guys

are cuttin' off

each other's dicks

- and fuckin' eating 'em, man.

- So?

Stay down.

It's not illegal.

You're telling me

assault isn't illegal?

- We have a tape.

- That's right.

I have a recording.

Full consent, both sides.

It's not assault.

- Cannibalism, fucker.

- Not a crime. It's not a crime.


- Fuck.

- What happened here?

I think this one

agreed to have

his dick cut off

- so the other one could eat it.

- We split it.

But we agreed

on it beforehand.

It's all planned out.

If I may.

OK. I, Dan Bender,

am of sound mind

and have previously agreed

to everything that I will do

and that will be

done to me tonight.

- You OK, sir?

- Yeah, man.

You'll need

medical attention

at some point.

Yeah, I got bandages

for now,

so... we prepared.

So what else

happened here tonight?

Uh, she barged in

without a warrant.

'Cause they were doing

some crazy, illegal-ass shit!

It's not illegal!

Jeez, how many times

do we have to tell you?

We didn't have

probable cause.

He cut his dick off.

He cut his dick off.

That's assault.

It's really not?

It's fucking weird,

but it's not illegal.

And technically,

it's not assault,

with consent.

Which is exactly what

we've been trying to tell her.

Sir, you also OK

with what's happening here?

Up until you guys barged in

and ruined

our lovely evening, sure.

Uh, you'll want to

get that looked at sooner

rather than later.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Shall we continue?

We shall.

Bottom drawer.

You OK?

Yeah. I got this.

Do you believe

those police officers?

Who the hell

do they think they are?

Ah, they just

don't understand.

These are our basic

human rights, you know?

I know.

What are we gonna do?

It's not fair.

Hey, I don't want them

to ruin our night.

- You're right.

- OK?

I say we forgive

and forget.

That's very sweet

of you, Dan.

I'm inspired.

Think I'm gonna forgive 'em.

Are you ready?

I'm so ready.

What do you think

mine's gonna taste like?

If I had to bet,

I would say... delicious.



I hope you're right.

I'm losing my mind.

You are not here!

I'm inside the wall.