Rookie Blue (2010–2015): Season 6, Episode 11 - Episode #5.22 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Yo. Up and at 'em. It's 10 after 8:00.

We got to get a move on!

Why... why are you hollering at me?

Come up here and say hello.

No! You can't see me until the ceremony.

Hey. Get over here.

- That's ridiculous.
- It's actually tradition.

It's a superstition.

Look, I'm gonna take boo for a walk

and then take him to the sitter's, okay?

Uh, you have like 40 minutes to
get ready and get out of here.

Also, don't forget that
Oliver's taking you, all right?

Traci's gonna take me.

Uh, do you have the music on your phone?

I do.

Okay. What about your vows?

I do... memorized.

Would you please come
up here and say hello?

Okay. Close your eyes.

I'll know if you're cheating.

My eyes are closed.


A perfect match, McNally, you and me.

'Cause you are very high-maintenance,

and I can fix anything.

I love you.

Let's go.



Let's do this thing.


Nash, where are we on the
Lindsay McConnell murder?

Uh, I've been working it all night

with Gail and Detective Anderson.

Gail was the first on-scene.

And we're still not sure what happened.

What are you, new? The husband did it.

The husband always did it.

Okay, but I've had him in
interview for four hours.

His story hasn't changed.

He said he came home from work last night

- and he found her dead.
- And you bought that?

Okay, sir, it's just that it's
Andy and Sam's wedding day.

I'm the maid of honor...

do you know who Daniel McConnell is?

The defense lawyer?

Yeah. He's also the victim's Uncle.

He called me six times.

He wants to know if
we're laying any charges.

And tonight I'm having dinner
at a charity fundraiser.

Guess who's sitting at my table.

Before you go anywhere today,

I need a working theory, Detective.

I'm sorry about the timing.

Traci. Aren't you supposed
to be helping Andy?

Yeah, I am, but I'm not, clearly.

Okay. What do you need?

The flowers are being delivered

probably right now to the Sally port.

I need you and Chris to
drive them up to the church.

All right.

In my locker, you're
gonna find, um, um, um,

ribbons for the Mason
Jars, and the projector...

Oh, my God. The slide show.

I was supposed to do it
last night. It's a surprise.

No, it's cool. I will stay.
Hey, I got you covered, right?

Okay, a little star
transition, a little slo-mo,

a little Phil Collins... I got this.

Nash! Any day.

Two minutes?

Thank you.

We have tons of time.

I should have picked the route.

Do not worry.

It's not us I'm worried about.

Hey. Did Traci call you?


It's just a little snag.

Uh, she got held up at work,
but she's already sending a car.

Well, can you push it up?

I... I... traffic is impossible
all the way out of town.

You know what? Change of route.

407 to the 9 to the 5,
okay? Tell everybody.

Yes, I got it. I got it.

I love you. I got to go.

Don't worry.

Love you.

Listen to her, buddy. Remember my wedding?

My cousin, and he left
our rings on a city bus.

I had to chase that
thing for like 10 blocks.

Okay? These things always have
a way of working themselves out.

Fellas. Sup?

Um, I got a quick question.

What's the whole situation
with the plus-one?

I'm taking Chloe.


Well, she's technically invited,

so you're supposed to bring somebody else.

Don't think it works that way.

Diaz, my man...


So, is this my lucky day or what?

Just in time for the bachelor party.

You guys got dancers? Better hope so.

Sorry. Who are you?

My name's Jay Swarek. I'm
the father of the groom.

But I guess you guys wouldn't recognize me.

I'm sure that my picture
didn't end up in his wallet.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

- You're Sam's dad?
- Yes, I am.

Now, he told me I should meet you guys

and hook up here and
we'll drive up together.

Is that all right?

Yeah, but...

Don't worry about it.
You relax, there, Nancy.

Special parole. Just a
day pass for good behavior.

It's a special occasion.

Come on. Let's go.

My vows.


You're supposed to call when you get here.




You look beautiful.


Thank you.

I thought you weren't
supposed to put that on yet.

Well, yeah.

I was just trying it on one more time...

you know, make sure it was perfect.

Come in.

You're coming, right?


Actually, I'm, uh, I'm heading
to Vancouver in two hours.

Oh. I don't know for how long,

but I figure it's worth a shot, right?

Ohh. Okay.

Do you need anything
before I, uh... Before I go?

Uh, I mean, something
borrowed, something blue.

Uh, my vows. How about
those? 'Cause I lost them.

Okay, well, where was the last place

you, uh, you saw them?

Here, actually, on the counter.

This is not happening.

Sewing kit?

Eh... my bag, right there.


Oh, come on!

Let's see.

How bad is it?

Um... You want to take that off?

'Cause if I stitch you into there,

you will not be able to get out.


Uh, fine. Just do it. It's fine.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. I don't have time.

All right.

I mean, you know what you're doing, right?

Of course I do.

Teach you how to sew in the army?

Yes, ma'am.



Deep breath in.

You're happy, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, I really am.

Good. I'm glad.

What about you?

Over the moon.

I mean, the marlo stuff is a little tricky.

Um... But... I don't know.

I actually can't believe
we made it this far.

Well, I actually can't
believe I'm stitching you

into your wedding dress.

There we go.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

If I had to ask the driver to do it,

that would have been pretty awkward.

Something borrowed.

Thank you.


Have a great flight.

You have a great, uh... Wedding.

Break... break a leg.

Okay. Bye.

I'm coming. I'm coming.


No, I don't have 40 minutes.

No, it's my wedding, guy!

Okay. You know what?
Don't... uh, don't even come.

I'll drive myself.

So, what do we know?

Lindsay McConnell...

she's found dead last night,
bottom of the basement stairs.

Blunt-force trauma to the head,

blood on the hammer lying
next to her on the floor.

Husband comes home, 6:00 P.M.,
said he found her that way.

Oh! Sh... my bad.

Shh! Sorry. Sorry.

Coroner's report. Dead nine hours.

Time of death...

approximately an hour
after hubby left for work.

If the husband did it, what's his motive?

What do you mean, "what's his
motive?" They were married.

So that's his motive... they were married.

But, I mean, it's all pretty thin.

They were married a couple years.

Everyone said they were happy.

Everyone's happy. What does that even mean?

You're happy when you're
with someone at first

and all their little quirks seem cute.

And then after a while,

you hate the way that they chew their food

and find yourself holding a hammer.

Know what I mean?

Wonder what she was making for dinner.

Looks like a marinade of some kind.

Maybe Piri Piri? Mmm.

That's what my mom would be making.

Portuguese specialty.

Who is that muppet?

"I, Andrea McNally,
take you, Samuel Swarek,

to be my partner in life,

loving what I know of you

and trusting what I do not know yet"...

which better not be a lot,
because I hate surprises.

Oh, man.

"I promise to honor you and cherish you"...

learn how to read a map.

And I promise that if we
ever get married again,

I will leave way more time to get to you.

Hey, do me a favor.
Take a right right here.

A right.

This isn't the way out of town.

I got to make a quick
pit stop. Do you mind?

Now, come on. It's a wedding.

I... I'm coming empty-handed.
I got to get a wedding present.


All right, but make it quick.

No problem.

Okay, good.

This one?

Yeah, perfect.

A buddy of mine's in there.

He's waiting for me. He's got it.


Be right back.


We're sure he knows this guy, right?

Looks like nobody's home.

Hey! Are you crazy?

- You're standing in the middle of a highway!
- Yeah, hi. Um, I really need a ride.

Okay, but stand on the shoulder, man, okay?

- You're gonna get hit.
- Okay, yeah. Great.


Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no.

- What are you... what are you doing?
- You said "okay."

No, I said, "okay, stand on the shoulder,"

not, "okay, I can give you a ride."

Look. Please? Okay?

Just like 20 minutes north to Uxbridge.

- No!
- It's like 20 minutes north.


Fine. Buckle up. I'm in a rush.

Okay. Thank you.

Where you coming from?

A friend's house.

It's hard to get around, living out here.

It's, uh... used to ride my bike, actually,

but then it... it broke.

Is that a... is that a wedding dress?

You getting married or something?

I am, actually.

To a guy named Sam.

That's awesome. I'm happy for you.

Well, thank you.

You have a boyfriend or...?

I... I used to, yeah. He went to jail.

But he was kind of a jerk anyways, though,

so... You know, it's not a... a great loss.

That's good.

Okay, I'm in the kitchen,
I'm cutting chicken.

My husband wakes up. He comes downstairs.

I'm the husband.

And I don't like the way you chew.

I grab a hammer.


So, why am I at the bottom
of the basement stairs?

Why am I just gonna, like, leave
the hammer lying next to you

and then head to work?

What's your problem?

Oh, it's just... it's
just so special, you know?

It's just the end of an era.

All the moments just... Coming together.


You weren't even around
for all those moments.

You're just walking in...
the last act of the show.

It's the best part, Gail.

I... I think she should be here by now.

Even with traffic, it's an hour's drive.

Yeah, hey. You know, w... w...
we're in great shape, okay?

Father Jean Pierre is here.

Chris and Dov left with the
rest of the flowers on schedule.

And look who I ran into.

- Hey.
- Hey. Did you get my present?

Is that your present?

- No.
- No.

- Yarrow.
- Oh.

You hang it above your bed,

and I guarantee you seven years of passion.

Oh. Only seven years?

Hey, uh, what's... what's with the smoke?

Oh, it's a purifying ritual.

It's gonna cleanse all the negative energy.

Oh. Nice.


Duncan, it's Epstein.

I need you to run an address for me.

139 west 22nd Street.

I want to know who lives there,
if they have a criminal record,

if they have any connection
to a guy named Jay Swarek.

Call me back.

Okay. I'm on it. I'm on it.

Um, hey.

Uh, any word about the
whole plus-one thing?



Come on. We're good. Let's go.

Did you get your present?

Yeah. Right here.

So, let's shake a leg. Come on.

So, what's your name?


With two r's.


You seem really anxious.

And I actually thought

I had cornered the market on anxiety today.

I'm fine.

I... I, um, I mean,

I just had a... a bit
of a bad ride before you.

- But I'm all good now.
- A bad ride?

Yeah, just a creepy driver, kind of.

He, uh, he was a big shot.

What does that mean?

Like, $100 kicks, you know,
big, fancy convertible,

thought he owned the world.

Hey, what happened to your hand?

Uh... y... you know, I...
you can tell me. It's okay.

No, I... I really don't
want to talk about it, okay?

So, how did... how did
you meet this Sam guy?

Uh, in an alleyway.

I basically kicked his ass.

Um, Starr, did you get into
it with the driver back there?

Because I passed by a red convertible

that was on the side of the road.

Is that him? Is that
who you're talking about?

Um... You know, I'm actually good...

I'm good to get out here now, actually.

No, that's okay. I can
take you to Uxbridge.

Why are you turning around?

- Because.
- Okay, pull over.

- Let me out of this truck.
- No! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

- Let me out!
- Hey!

Tell me what happened!

What happened to you?

Look, the guy was wasted, okay?

He pulled me onto this side road,

uh, I punched him in the
nose, and then I took off.


Are you gonna stop now?

Hey, can you just... do me a favor.

Grab the charger out of the
glove compartment, please.

- No, there's no...
- Just...

There's no phone charger.

Look, I don't want to go
back and see him, okay?

I... I understand that.

But if this guy assaulted you,
then he should be arrested.

I'm a police officer. I can handle him.

I'm not getting out of the truck.

That's fine. You don't have
to. I'll take care of it.


I'm a police officer. I want
to talk to you for a second.

Get out of the car.

- I... I can't move.
- Get out of the car.

I can't m... m... move.




Come on!!

It's my wedding!!

Get out of the car... now.

I can't.

Why not?

S... she stabbed me.



Duncan. It's Andy.

Hey, I only have a few seconds right now...

Andy, listen, like, I'm honored
to be on your mind right now,

but look, please, today's about you, okay?

You need to focus.

No, you need to listen to me right now!

I am at a dead-end road
off of Concession 5,

uh, probably about three
klicks east of Whitevale.

I was driving Sam's truck,

and I... I'm with this
guy right now, and he's...




Okay, okay, uh...

Do you have a shirt in your duffel bag?


Look, the kid was just standing
in the middle of the highway,

and she flagged me down.

S... s... she said she needed a ride home,

and she wanted me to
turn down this road here.

- Then she pulled out a knife and then...
- Okay. Okay.

I need you to put pressure on here, okay?

- And keep the pressure on.
- She said she wanted my wallet and my phone,

and I said no.

And then she... she hit me
with the butt of the knife,

and then... and then she... she...

- Ow!
- No, no, no! You can't... you have to let go! Please!

Don't touch it, okay?

We have to leave it in because
I don't know what it's hit.

Are you just gonna leave it in me?

Yes, we're gonna wrap it up, okay?

Don't look. Don't look down. Keep pressure.

Where are your car keys?

She... she took them with her.


So, the house belongs to a
known associate of Jay Swarek.

They had a couple of B&Es back in the '90s.

Really? That's very interesting.

Yeah, it's crazy. Listen.

Um, any word about the
whole plus-one situation?

Because, I mean, I tried to ask Andy,

but her phone cut out.

Should I be worried?


Jay, you lied to us.

That house back there
belongs to a known criminal.

Criminal? Stewart?

Stewart's not a known criminal.

He's a known yellowbelly.

And he wasn't home, so technically,

I wasn't associating with anybody, right?

So, what? You decide
to break into his house?


This watch is originally my son's watch.

I gave it to him.

This watch means more to him than anything.

I got to get it to him. I
got to get it to him today.


'Cause a long time ago,

I took this watch away from him, okay?

He broke a window in my
house after I warned him,

so I took it off him as payment.

It's tough love.

Okay, maybe too tough.

But look how it all turned out.

And I never had the chance as a father

to show him how absolutely
proud I am of him.

And I figured this might do the trick.

We don't need to charge
someone. We just need a theory.

Okay, so you want to just
flip a coin and pick one?

Do you have a better idea?

What's the knife for?

She was making Piri Piri, right?

No one never said she was making Piri Piri.

Shut up.

Piri Piri, you marinate the whole chicken,

which is why you don't need a knife.

Plus, it's a lot of chicken for two people.

It was frozen.

It was frozen. She was using
the knife to separate it.

I do it all the time 'cause I live alone.

Well, you don't say.

I'm constantly forgetting

to put the chicken out the night before,

so it's always rock-solid,

so I have to use the
knife to wedge it apart.

It's actually really
dangerous, which is why...

Which is why what? What?

Which is why I use a hammer

to pound on the end of the knife.

She was... she was... she
was carrying the hammer.

That's why her prints are all over it.

And she was bringing it back downstairs.

So, she tripped... She fell...

She landed on the hammer,
and she smashed her head open?

So, maybe they were happily married.

Maybe not every relationship
is a piece of crap! Ha.

Still very tragic, but maybe...
maybe it wasn't a murder.

It's a theory. I'm gonna take it.

Okay, I'm telling Jarvis. You guys just go.

Forget it. We're late.
You drive like a maniac.

You're my plus-one.

You can thank me later, by the way.

Oh, I don't like her.

Okay. I'm just gonna recline
you a little bit, okay?


Just keep breathing.

D... did you just get married or something?

Uh, I'm about to.

I have about 15 minutes.

- I... I'm sorry.
- It's okay. It's okay. You know what?

Someone's gonna come soon,

but until then, I've got you, all right?

- So, we just need to keep pressure on here.
- Okay.

I need you to talk to me, all right?

What were you gonna do today?

Uh, I... I rented this s... silly red car

so I could surprise my
girlfriend, L... Linda.

I was on my way to the cottage.

And... and she wasn't
expecting me till tomorrow,

but I... I couldn't wait.

Oh, yeah? Why not?

'Cause I missed her.

I wanted to... I wanted
to go for one last swim

before it gets too cold, you know?


I figured that could be 74.

74 what?

E... epiphanies.

Just... Like...


You know? Big or... or small.

Just... Things I wouldn't
have noticed before I met her.


Angus, hold on.

Angus, come on. You got to stay with me.

Okay, you know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna, uh, get you
out of here right now.

You're gonna come with
me to the highway, okay?

- I'm gonna get you up. Yes. We're gonna count to three.
- No, I c... I can't.

One, two, three. Come on, Angus.

- Come on. Let's go.
- Aah!

You're okay. You got it.

- Come on.
- Oh, no, no. I can't.

- Please.
- I can't.

That's so weird. I can't even move.

Okay, okay. Look, I'm
gonna go out to the road.

I'm gonna flag somebody
down and get us some help.

I need you to keep pressure on this.

I'm gonna die here, aren't I?

No! No, you're not.

No, listen. I'm gonna go out to the road.

I'm, I'm... I'm gonna be right back.

Okay? I promise, okay?

- Keep pressure.
- Please.


You know, one time, I had a
bride show up on a Saturday

when the wedding was actually on a Sunday.

That's pretty weird.


She's gonna be here.

Uh, the wedding's in, uh, 10... 10 minutes.

Come on. You know the girl.

She's probably working on one of her lists.

She wants everything to be perfect

before she walks through the door.

Yeah, you think?

Yeah, I do.

She loves you.

I, um... I just talked
to the guys in Northbrook,

and there's been no reported accidents.

So... Sam, do you want
us to go and look for her?

Like, put an APB out on the truck?



I made it.


What are you doing? I come in peace!


Sammy, I brought you something.

Where is it?

H... how did you get here?

We drove him.

That wasn't the plan?

Thanks, guys.

Did Sarah tell you about this?

Yeah. She probably thought
I'd just send you a card.

Look at this.

Buddy, you just got to
breathe, all right? Breathe.


After all this time, look
what I got for you right here.

It's your watch.

Remember how you loved that?

I figured today would be a
good day for you to have it,

bring you luck.

That's funny, Dad. Um thanks.

I already have one, funnily enough.

Friend of mine gave it
to me... before he died.


It's kind of an olive branch, anyway.

I don't mean to be a burden,
but I do need to inform you

that we have a funeral here at 3:00 P.M.


Did we miss it?


Where's Andy?



Please, please, please! I need your help!

Hey! No, no, no! I need your help!


What is wrong with you?!

You are what's wrong with the world!

I'm getting married!


We all die alone.

That's what they say.

That's very helpful, Dad. Thanks.

Well, we... we might all die alone,

but that doesn't mean
we have to live alone.

And you know what?

If we're gonna choose to
live with other people,

chances are we're gonna have to
make a compromise at some point.

And you know what? I've
learned how to compromise.

I've also learned how to be vulnerable.

You know what? You don't have to
act like a fruit to catch a woman.

You really don't.

Actually, they hate it, in my experience.

Well, thanks for the dating
tips from, uh, Millburn Prison.

Hey, at least your mother
showed up for our wedding.


But, hey, if your girl doesn't show up,

what you're gonna do

is pick yourself up on your own two feet,

act like a man.

You know that because I had
to show you how hard life is.

Oh, you showed me how hard life is.

Thank you.

That's fine.

So, what about the watch? I
can give it back to Stewart?

You're out of prison one day,
you're already robbing people?

Eh, so what?

So I go back to prison.

What else was I really gonna do?

Work in a dollar store? Pay rent?

Oh! I can sit around your,
uh, highfalutin condo.

We could talk about being
vulnerable all night.

Look, thank your lucky stars
you didn't end up like me.

That's pretty huge.

And if your girl knew how hard that was,

I think she'd be here right now.

Well, thanks, pop.







What are you doing out here,
Andy? You're gonna get squashed.

- I have never been so happy to see someone in my whole life.
- Listen, the first rule in road safety

- is you don't stand in the middle of it.
- How... how did you find me?

I tracked the nav system in Sam's truck.

You sounded stressed out on the phone,

so I figured, you know...
I mean, I know I'm a dummy,

but I'm not deaf, you know,
and I figured I'd come out

And make sure you're okay.





Hey, hey, hey! Angus!

Can you hear me?


You came back.

'Course I did. I promised.

Big day for promises, huh?

Yeah, it is.

These guys are gonna call your girl,

let her know where you are.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hey, Duncan. Can I use your phone?



We're gonna... we're gonna
go and we're gonna find her.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Uh, Sam. It's me.


Where are you?


Uh, Concession 5 Road,

just this adorable little dead end.

Um, there was this girl.
She stabbed this guy.

Actually, it's a really long story.

Is it? Is it a long story?

I'm sorry.

Uh, did you think I wasn't gonna show up?

Sweetheart, I never
doubted you for a second.

All right. We still good to do this thing?

Well, uh, we missed our first window,

but give it about 45 minutes,
we could be back in business.



Are you okay?

I'm great.

I love you.

I love you, too.

She's on her way.


Thank you.

You look perfect.

Something blue.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

See you in a minute.

I love you.

Dearly beloved...

We are gathered here
today to witness the union

of Samuel Jay Swarek...

Andrea Grace McNally...

in holy matrimony.

Into this estate,

these two present come now to be joined.

If anyone can show just cause

why these two should not
be lawfully joined together,

let them speak now,

or they can forever hold their peace.


I, Samuel Jay Swarek...

take you, McNally...

Andrea Grace McNally...

as my lawfully wedded wife...

to love and to cherish...

to... embrace...

and to set free.

You took a broken man
and you made him whole.

And each day, I will be grateful.

I am grateful for everything
you've given to me.

So, now I take you...

my friend, my best friend, my partner,

and the love of my life...

for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,

for now, forever, for always.

I had the greatest vows ever.

And I can't find them.


Here I am...

looking at you.

And this is what I know.

I have loved you since
the moment I saw you.

Loved you and feared you.

Well, not you, but this.

I have been so terrified
to love... this profoundly.

But not anymore.

For good and for bad...

for great and for hard...

for dreams...

And the truth behind the dreams...

I am here.

I am yours.

Sam Swarek...

I choose you.

I promise to honor you and cherish you.

And while I will not obey you, per se...

I will always hear you.

And I will keep loving you...

one moment after another...

one epiphany at a time.

We got any rings?


Here you go, pal.

With this ring, I thee wed.

Thank you.

But I think you have the wrong ring.


Once again. Okay.

With this ring, I thee wed.

With this ring, I thee wed.

By the power vested in me,

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I
could have your attention.

Troops, this is, uh, like parade, I guess.

And no one listens anyway.

All right.

I am honored... no, I am thrilled...

to present...

where are they?

Uh, Mr. and Mrs...

Uh... Andy and Sam!


You know, the worst part
about this marriage thing

is that it could actually happen to us now.

Like, it's a possibility.


You just need to, like, relax, string bean.

We're not getting married.

I already don't like the way you chew.

I didn't mean you and me.

Oh, did you mean "the gays"?

Yeah. Sure you did.

Equality is a terrible thing.

Uh, hey, ladies.

Have either of you seen Jay Swarek?

I don't know who that is.


Hey, Andy.

Um, can I talk to you for a quick second?



I just want to say
thank you for everything.

Yeah. I should be thanking you.

I did save the day, didn't I?

I'm just playing.

Um, but being invited to this means a lot.


I... I didn't invite you.


Well, I mean, being
included feels nice, too.


I'm being transferred to 16 Division.

I wanted to wait until after the
ceremony to let you know, but...

you know, just in case
you got too distracted

and forgot your vows or something...

which were awesome.
They almost made me cry.

I'm actually gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too. Come here.

You taught me everything I know.

But I got to find Jay, okay?

You have an amazing wedding, all right?

- Thank you.
- See you.

Stay out of trouble.

How you doing?

- Jay?
- Duncan.

That's you.


Oh! Ohh!

Go, Duncan!

What's on your mind, McNally?


Just that everyone we
love is here... together.

And we're here... together.

I feel like I'm gonna explode

into, like, a million shiny pieces.

I think that's called "joy."


Yo. Price.

Good morning, Mrs. Swarek.

Good morning... Mr. McNally.



Okay, then.

Hey. Walk here today?

Yeah. You?

Yeah. Exercise. Keeps the anxiety down.

You're telling me.

You believe this?

Six years at this place.

Six years together.

Whatever happens, you're
a solid cop, McNally.

A great partner.

You too.




Uh, excuse me. That's my locker.



They just gave me a number, so I...

I wondered why there was stuff in here.

So you were just going
through my personal things?

No, I...

Move it, child.

Oh, my God. I knew it.

They're transferring me... 27 Division.

Shoot me now.

Do not say that unless you mean it, Chloe.

You're right. It's just an
unfortunate figure of speech.

Oh, my God.

I'm gonna miss you guys so much.

Same division.

Me too. Andy?


My name's not even on here.

Check over there.

Detective in training.

It's what you wanted, right?
You've done all the courses.

The new staff said you were ready.

It's fine. 27 Division's fine.

At least I know my way around.

Can it, Price. You're staying.

- Same platoon?
- Same platoon.


Wow. That was totally worth it.

You have some good moves there, Price.

You ready to go?

What happened?

I kind of missed bossing you guys around.

Now, I dig that corner office.

It's the drawers.

- And the glass.
- So much glass.

Is that why we're still here?

Uh, only thing that I said to Jarvis...

you guys are not the
problem. You are the solution.

Let's go meet your rookies.

What do you mean, "our"?

I mean you're gonna be
training them, Diaz...

you and Peck, McNally.

And today, you are gonna be reporting

to Detective Sergeant Traci Nash,

our brand-new head of Guns and Gangs.

That's right. Get in there.
There's been a lot of...

- Detective...
- Don't even talk to me right now.

All right, that is where
we're gonna focus our day.

Hey! Come on, children,
inside. Class is about to start.

All right, everybody. Listen up.

"A" platoon is reporting for parade.

So, everybody else, you
know what that means.

I will be available right after this

to discuss next moves, all right?

Uh, anyone that doesn't know who I am,

I'm Acting Staff Sergeant Oliver Shaw,

and I will be your hostess today, okay?

Uh, there are fresh faces
here, and I will tell you,

we are glad that you are here.

Okay, down to business.

McNally, you're taking Connor.

Diaz, with Zettel.

Peck, you're rolling with Fox,

who looks a little bit nervous,
so you will go gentle on him.

- Staff?
- Yes?

More shots fired on Richmond.

All right, get out there.

T.O.s, keep eyes on your rookies.

Rookies, keep eyes on your T.O.s.

Stay together.

Serve, protect...

and don't screw up.