Rookie Blue (2010–2015): Season 2, Episode 7 - The One That Got Away - full transcript

When a woman gets brutally attacked in the same manner as deceased rookie cop Zoe Martinelli, Det. Luke Callaghan is convinced that it's the same suspect. But when his erratic behavior gets him booted from the case, he must convince Andy to put aside their differences and follow through on his theory- putting her in terrible danger along the way.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(distant chatter)

What, you want to talk to the fence?

Listen, people are starting to talk,

so I just want to get
our story straight, all right?

Be clear about what we're saying.

I haven't said anything.
I don't know what we're doing.

I'm not entirely sure what happened.

Sorry. You're not sure
what happened?

Well, I can tell you that.

We were engaged,
and then you slept with another woman.

You lied about it,
you tried to hide it from me,

and then I found out.

It's not that simple, Andy.

It is simple.

The problem with the story
is that I don't like it.

You made me look like such an idiot.

I work with you.

I mean, I work with her.

I'm not willing to be that girl, so...

here's what I propose.

Things were moving a little too fast.
We're taking some space.

Eventually everything's
gonna fade away.

No one's gonna care anyway.

That is what I want.

That is the least you can do for me.

(basketball bouncing)

I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I.

(indistinct conversations)

- I'll see you later.
- See ya.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, I couldn't get ahold of you
all weekend.

What the hell is going on?

Yeah, I was staying at my dad's.

Did your dad fall off the wagon?

No, no. He's on a sobriety cruise.

12 steps and a shuffleboard.

He's fine.

So then why are you staying there?

Luke and I are taking a break.


No, it's--I'm fine.
It's fine. It's just--

We're taking some space.
We were moving too--

I don't believe in space.
It doesn't work.

(Andy) Perfect. (sighs)

No. Every couple gets one breakup.
That's it. One.

More than that, I'm sorry, you're over.
You're done.

So don't waste it.
Space is for losers.

Yeah, maybe so.
Now get out of mine.


Okay, Linda's collecting perishables
and canned goods at the front desk.

It's getting cold out there,

and we have at least
5,000 homeless in our city,

so it's the least we can do.

In other news,

Sam's old buddy George Goodman
has just been released

from the mental health facility
downtown... (chuckles)

So, uh, let's keep an eye out for him.

And apparently
it's day three without caffeine

for Officers Shaw and Swarek.

Whoever caffeinates first pays
the tab at the Penny tonight.

(Sam) Your stupid idea.

(Oliver) You know what?
It was my wife's stupid idea, dude,

and you didn't have to agree with it.

All right, people. It's Friday night.

Drunks, drunks, and...

maybe some drunk people.

(man coughs)

All right. Let's hit it.

(Oliver) All right. Let's start local.

We can get some
of these happy-hour soakers

off the street, right?

Get close.
Smell their breath.

Pay attention to details--
stammering, lying,

bottle of vodka kicking around
in the backseat.

Epstein, you've been drunk, huh?
Picture yourself.

(sirens wail in distance)

All yours, if you want it.

- Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.
- Hmm? Oliver gave it to me.

Bastard's trying to get me to break.

(sniffs) Hmm?

No. No. Thank you.

You wanna drive, just let me know.
We can switch.

Why are you being so nice
to me right now?

- I'm a nice guy.
- No, you are not.

What did you hear?

If you don't wanna drive,
just say so.

Well, the weather
has definitely turned.

I've always loved the autumn.

Oh, my God! Okay,
we are taking a break, all right?

Things were moving too fast.
We're slowing it right down.

It's really not the end of the world!

Okay, any more questions?

I didn't ask any questions.

(dispatcher on radio)
1519, we've got a possible B&E

at 11 Hingston Avenue.
Are you 10-8?

1519. We're on our way.

Well, are we going or what?

We're going. We're going.
Look at me go.

(siren wails)

Well, the lock is broken,
unless it was like this before.

No, I know I locked it when I left.

I know, 'cause I always do this thing
to make me remember.

Jazz hands:
Lock the door. Yay, jazz hands!

It's ridiculous,
but it's how I remember.

(chuckles) That's okay.

(exhales deeply) My sister
gets me all worked up.

She hates that I live downtown.

She's paranoid.

House is all clear.
You can go in.

I'm gonna check around the side
and check the alley.

(lowered voice) We got an EDP
wielding a chain saw

at River and Cornwall.
Said we're on our way.


All right. You can go back inside.
It's okay.

So you're sure
nothing's missing, huh?

I mean...nothing important.

My underwear...maybe.

A couple of bras.
A couple of bottoms.

It's expensive,
so I hand-wash it.

You sure it was there?

I'll check in my room,
but this is so weird.

You need to call a locksmith.
Now, okay?

Don't wait until tomorrow.
This is really important.

This guy is very good.

I'm gonna put the occurrence number
on here for you as well.

Do you have somebody
who can stay with you tonight?

I can call my sister,

settle in for a long night
of "I told you so."

Yeah, well, I think
she'll be happy to be here.

Seriously, I'm gonna check up
on you tomorrow, okay?

Uh, actually, you know what?

I'm not leaving until you call her.

There you go.

- Thanks.
- No problem.


Think you're pretty funny, don't you?

What? I'm just meeting you
for a drink, honey.

You called me.

We need to get our story straight.

Well, can I get a drink first?

Vodka martini,
straight up, olives.

Andy and I...(clears throat)
are taking a little space.

Things were moving too fast.
We're slowing it down.

That's the story.


What about us?

I don't know.

You know, 'cause there was
another side to that story

that kinda involves me,

so I guess I'm a little curious
as to how that story ends.

- I don't know.
- Really?

It's gonna have to do.

You set everything on fire,
everything in your life, for me.

She left, and you still need
a little more time?

Luke, I'm the one that got away.

If you want me to stay in the story,
you might want to figure this out.

I'm gonna let you get that.

(Andy) Is this our EDP?

(Noelle) Guess who.

(chain saw revs)

Hey, George. How ya doin'?

Are you ready to come down, huh?

(British accent)
It's not George.

It's King George.

I mean, you know that.
We've discussed this.

Yes, my mistake.

King George, are you ready
to come down?

Come on, my lord.

I just--I just need
to remove some of this

so that I can see.

Okay. Do me a favor.

Shut that thing off.

Come down here
and meet my partner.

You'll like her.
She's a thinker.

Hey, that's a wonderful offer,
and yet, I've just--

Wonderful. I can't climb back down
without dropping this.

- You know, you break it, you buy it.
- (dispatcher on radio, indistinct)

Okay. Fine. I'll buy it.

- You know what? She'll buy it.
- (dispatcher)...heard a woman screaming.

Copy that. Copy that.
11 Hingston.

You guys were just there.
You have a possible domestic.

- You guys got this?
- Yeah. Yeah.

(siren wails)

Sophie, it's the police!
Open up!

(lowered voice) Come on.
Let's go to the back.

Sophie, you in there?


It's Officer McNally!

Sam! Sam!

Come here. She's here.

(Sam) Make sure she's breathing.
I'll clear the second floor.

1519. We need an ambulance
to 11 Hingston.

(dispatcher) Copy, 1519.

(Sam) Top floor's clear!

(dispatcher) EMS is en route.

How's she doing?

She's alive.

(siren wailing in distance)

It's taking 'em long enough.

Here. Watch that. I'll--
Okay, keep her air--this elevated.

She might have a busted windpipe.

Careful, careful, careful. Easy.

(EMS Tech) It's okay. We got her.


Is she okay?

She's alive.

Great work.

(Jerry) All right, lock down
the street and the alleys.

Yes, sir.

11 Hingston.
We need all available units.

(dispatcher) Copy that.

(Jerry) Okay.
Let's move. Let's move.

(Andy) I asked her
if anything's missing

and she said nothing
except her underwear,

and even then she wasn't--

You didn't tell me about that.

Well, I was going to.
It was in my notes.

Okay. No, it's okay.

The underwear is a hold-back.

What are you talking about?

A detail from a similar crime
we kept out of the press.

You called Callaghan yet?

- Yeah, he's here now.
- Why is Luke here?

(Jerry) Okay. Stay put.

Zoe Martinelli--rookie from 15,
got killed 3 years ago.

Yeah, I know. Luke's big case.
Strangled off-duty.

Friday night, ground-floor apartment,
six blocks from here,

hands and mouth taped
with silver duct tape.

Only thing stolen
was a pair of underwear.

Guys, I need you to run it
through from the beginning,

calm, cool, slow.

Just talk it through, all right?
Walk me through it.

(police radio chatter)

Okay, first priority--containing
the scene, keeping it clean.

Nash, nobody gets in,
nobody gets out.

It's on you, right?

Okay, the rest of you,
I want you to fan out in teams.

Neighbors, witnesses,
you know the drill.

Be specific.
Details, inconsistencies, huh?

Pay attention.
Write it all down--all of it.

If Callaghan's right, we're gonna be
looking at Ray Nixon again.

Killed a rookie
from 15 Division 3 years ago

and got away with it.

Okay, let's go get him.

I mean, he must've known her, right?
Zoe Martinelli?

She was a rookie.
She worked with him.

Yeah, but this girl tonight,

I mean, she wasn't a cop.

She was just a girl.

Swarek and Andy
just met with her.

I mean, Andy talked to her.

Yeah, well, Andy's been
pretty distracted lately,

so maybe she missed something.

Like what? I mean,
what could she have missed?

I mean, it sounded like
she did everything right.

If everything had gone right,
do you think we'd be here right now?

- Gail, that's not fair.
- What's not fair?

All right,
let's start with the neighbor,

see if he heard anything,
go from there.

I was working in the basement,
wearing headphones.

I didn't hear a thing.

- Wait, hang on. Is she okay?
- Who?

Sophie, the girl next door.

I figured it was just a break-in.

Happens all the time around here.

You know her?

Not--Not really.
I mean, she seems nice, but...

You didn't see her tonight?

No? There's nothing different?


No. I mean... I don't know.

I saw a guy in the alley.

I was up here getting a beer,
but I'm not even sure what--

Seriously, is she okay?

What'd he look like?

He was a big guy.
Uh, fit. 45, maybe.

Hair, you know...(blows)

Uh, he was wearing gloves.

Well, I just figured he was
picking through recycling.

I mean, those guys
always wear gloves, right?


(Traci) Okay. Thank you for your time,
Mr. Wilson.

(Mr. Wilson)
Oh, no problem.

The perimeter's important.
That's why I put you there.

It's where the answers are.

Really? Because I just talked
to a big man with a little dog

who saw nothing.

Well, slow and steady wins the race.

It worked for me with you, no?

Hey. Looks like we got a witness.

Such a kid.

Maybe he was waiting for us to leave.

Maybe he was still
in the apartment.

He was not in that apartment.
I cleared that apartment.

I just don't really know
what else I could have done.

I mean, I told her
to change the locks.

I even waited for her
to make the call.

I told her I was gonna
come back tomorrow.

It is tomorrow,
and you did come back.

(cell phone rings)

Wait a second.



You want me to do an interview?

Yeah, sure, okay.

ETA's two minutes.

Well, cheer up, McNally.

Callaghan's got an eyeball witness.

And he called you?

You can't be in there.

It'll look biased,
and we need this one to stick.

That's why I handed it off.

Hey, Brendon. How we doing?

I'm Officer Swarek. Um...

Do you want a water?

No, thanks.

Yeah? All right.

Uh...all right,
so maybe you saw someone,

maybe you didn't.

Any of these guys
ring a bell for you?

I was in my kitchen,
and he was in the alley.

It was pretty dark.

Okay, well, just...
just take your time.

(Sam) In a case like this,
everything's useful--

descriptions, fibers, footprints,


(Brendon) Maybe this guy?
Look, it's hard to say.

The guy I saw
wasn't in uniform.


- I need a warrant.
- It's 3:00 in the morning.

And, Luke, we've been here before.

Yeah. We've been here before
with the same guy--

Ray Nixon, the guy I've wanted
all along for this.

And it bit you in the ass
the last time.

Yeah, it bit me in the ass.
Doesn't mean he didn't do it.

Okay? It just means we couldn't
prove it. I couldn't prove it.

A cop gets killed,
and I can't close this case?

I've been wearing that
for three years, Frank.

Get me a warrant.

I'll see what I can do.

So I guess this means Andy and Luke
aren't getting married.

Not this week. This week,
they're taking a little space.

Eh, one big break-up--
every couple gets one.

Hey, that's my line.

You can't steal my theory
when I'm sitting right here.

Wait, so are you saying
that's why she was distracted

when she went
to that woman's house?

She cleared the house.
She called the sister.

What else was she supposed to do?

Well, now we know.
When someone's underwear gets stolen,

you don't leave them alone.

Rookie lesson.
Live and learn.

- Andy.
- Yeah.



Yeah, thanks.

What? Is everything okay?


(Frank) Luke, it's Saturday.
It's still early.

Yeah, we need to get in there
before Nixon knows we're coming.

(Sam) Good.
So let's get ready.

- Please.
- Okay.

Okay. We're waiting
on a search warrant

for one Sergeant Ray Nixon,
43, unmarried.

Decorated veteran,
no criminal record.

Narcissist, control freak,
trophy collector.

(Sam, clears throat)
Primary suspect in the Martinelli murder,

lived a block away from her
at the time.

Eyewitnesses put him near the scene,
but nothing stuck.

The warrant is for apartment,
car--what else?

It's all on the base.

We're looking for weapons,
duct tape,

underwear, gloves, journal,
camera, pictures, anything.

We're going in with a couple
of MPs, military police,

so quiet, calm, professional,
in and out, no attitude.

I want in on this.

Bastard's not getting away
with it this time.

Where we at?

As I said,
quiet, calm, no attitude.

Warrant's in. Let's move.

(sirens wailing)

(knock on door)

(Luke) Police. Open up.

(man) Give me a second.

- Can I help you?
- Morning, Ray.

(MP officer) Yeah,
this won't take long, sir.

(sighs) Come on in.

(Luke) Spread out, two to a room.


You know what we're looking for.

(Oliver) All right, McNally and Diaz,
you're gonna take the office, all right?

Wow, this guy never gives up.

That was three years ago.

There was no evidence,
and, oh, yeah, I didn't do it.

Check the warrant.

(Oliver) Check up top, too.

Who--Who's Sophie Lewis?

(Luke) Oh, that's the woman
you almost killed last night,

only you didn't quite finish the job.

It's kind of unlike you, Ray.

You must be getting rusty
in your old age.

What are you talking about?

"2300 hours."
2300 hours, I was here.

I was having a beer
with a soldier from my unit.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Really.

Give me a name.
We'll check it out.

Private Jane Eddie.

She stopped by for a beer.

She wanted to talk about
her deployment.

She's in barracks.
I'll have her paged.

No, no, no. We can handle it.


(sighs) Look, if you don't mind,

I'm gonna go put some clothes on.

(Luke) Actually, I do mind.

You're gonna stand right there,

and we're gonna
keep searching in here,

then we're gonna go to your office,

then we're gonna go to your car.

So stay put.

We had a beer...

talked about his tours in Bosnia...

told me what to expect
when we got to Panjwaii.

What time did you leave?


We're shipping out soon.

My first tour, Afghanistan.

Sarge knows I'm a little nervous.

We had a beer, all right?

That's it. That's all.

All right.
So, uh, 2130 to midnight,

the girl swears they were together.

We know that Sophie
was attacked at 2315,

give or take five minutes, so...

Hey, Ray.
What'd you promise her?

Excuse me?

The girl. Your private.
She's lying for you.

What'd you give her, huh?
Time off? Promotion?

Some underwear?

(chuckles) Detective, it's not my fault
you can't make your case.

Three years of trying,
I feel sorry for you.

- I really do.
- Easy there, pal.

I'm fine. Relax.

That's a hell of a view.

I could stay here all day.

Detective, stop! Detective!

Keep your comments to yourself, huh?
You know what?

Better yet, keep talking,
you arrogant son of a bitch.

You'll probably give me
something that I could use.

(Andy) What happened?

Turning in my files and going home.

(Andy) Why?

I'm sorry it went this way.

No, you're not.

I'm off the case.
It's all yours, detective.

McNally, grab the others for me.

Parade room, two minutes.

Gail, go get the others.

Detective Rosati would like to
share something with the class.

Nash, I want all this stuff
off the board.

I want to start clean.

Look, I really want to
look at this whole thing fresh.

Okay? No baggage.

You know too much about a case,
it can screw you up.

You get tunnel vision.

So Ray Nixon...

Maybe...maybe not.

What happened to Callaghan?

He made a move
before he was sure.

Now he's taking a little time.

That's the story,
so let's just move on.

What do we have from last night?
What do we actually know?

We have a neighbor
who identified Ray Nixon

in a random stack of photographs.

Random. That picture of Nixon
was in the paper for weeks

after the last time he was arrested.

It's the same neighborhood.

Of course that's
who the kid picked. Next.

Sorry, detective,
but there's a pattern here.

B&E, panty raid, silver duct
tape on the hands and mouth,

attempted strangulation,

six blocks away from
Zoe Martinelli's apartment--

38% of sex offenders
steal underwear

as a precursor to a bigger crime,

and we're talking about Sophie Lewis.

You can't get Zoe Martinelli
off your brain?

Maybe you need a little break.

Here. Go get us some pizza.

It's gonna be a long day.

(Andy) Anything I can do to help.

All right, moving on.
Nash, you spoke to someone?

Uh...yeah, I, um...

I talked to a guy who was
walking his dog, 2315 to 2330.


Nothing. He saw nothing.

That's good. I like nothing.
Let's start from nothing.

(The British Columbians)
♪ Going out on you ♪

Hey, Liam, pizzas ready yet?

Hey. Almost out of the oven.
Five more minutes.

- Okay.
- There you go, pal.

Luke's right over there.

How long's he been here?

Don't worry. I'm looking after him.
It's half ice.



Really original.

Never claimed to be original.

You know, in another life,
could have had a nice desk job,

a house in the suburbs,

reading about dead people
in the newspaper,

vaguely worrying
about the crime rate.

How's your day, honey?

Oh, my day's been great,
really great.

Yeah, I've been lying
to all my friends this morning,

and now I'm picking up lunch
for the woman that you left me for.

- I didn't leave you.
- Yeah, whatever.

(Liam) Andy. Pizza's ready.

Poor you.

Seriously, drinking at noon?

Feeling sorry for yourself

while everybody is busting their ass
working on your case?

God, you must be having
a really hard day.

Get a grip.

So what's the plan, then?

I don't know.
My pizza's ready.

Come on, Andy. What's the plan?
Come on. Please.

Okay. You know what?
Nixon's alibi checked out.

Jo's moving on.

She doesn't even think
the two cases are connected.

She's wrong.

Well, listen, I'm just
telling you what I know.

Andy, she's wrong. She's wrong.
The guy is guilty. Okay?

His alibi is bogus.

He's precise, he's calculated,
and he's a collector.

Everything he's ever done,
anything he's ever taken

is neatly catalogued away

I'd bet my career on that.

You already have.

Eat something.

(police radio chatter,
siren wails)

(door release buzzes, beeps)

So? Sophie Lewis.

Sister says she's single,
not into drugs or alcohol,

and according to Andy's notes,

she had some lingerie stolen, maybe.

"Bra, panties,
thinks she wished them."

She what? "Wished them"?

Sorry. "Washed them."

Okay. Ugh.
I hate the word "panties."

So the sister's here now?

Yeah, Holly Lewis.
She's in there with Jerry.

Okay. I'm gonna
check in with her now.

When McNally gets back
with the food,

I want everyone to take five,
grab a slice,

then we're back out
on the street canvassing.

And they can coordinate
through you. Keep me posted.


I can't believe she made you do this.

Yeah, well, that scrawny little bitch
is out of her mind

if she doesn't think
those two cases are connected.

Detective Rosati
put you on pizza duty.

You need to drop the whole
Zoe Martinelli-Ray Nixon thing.

Luke said Ray Nixon attacked
Sophie Lewis. I believe him.

"Luke said"? Bad approach.

Almost as bad as the word "panties."
Jo's on a tear.

What's wrong with the word "panties"?

The panty train's
left the station, all right?

We're starting fresh.

What's going on with the victim?

Well, she's still in critical condition.

It's gonna be a couple days
before we can actually talk to her.

What's that?

Early forensics report.

There was green fiber found
on the duct tape on her wrists.

Consistent with that of a rug
or a carpet,

half an inch long. Gail?

- Shag?
- Yes.

- Green shag?
- Yes.

- Next door neighbor.
- Yes.

I always like a neighbor
for this kind of thing,

but guy's got no priors,

so, you know,
I want to start small, quiet.

We bring in this Brendon, uh...


Brendon Pretak for official questioning,

we lose the element of surprise.

Yeah, but we can go back there

and say we need to do a follow-up.

Yeah, I could say I lost my notes,
rookie mistake,

you know, forgot to write
something down, missed a detail.

Okay. Uh, yeah.

Epstein, you're the dumb-ass,
and, Peck...

blonde, pretty, lots of makeup,
total nerd bait.

So that'll help,

but go easy, and take
Shaw and Diaz with you.

Look, sorry to bother you again.

You are a witness now,
and Epstein here...

Rookie lost his notes.

Boss finds out,

he's behind the desk
for the rest of his natural life.

Sorry, man. I just need you
to walk me through your night

one more time so I can make
sure I got the whole story,

written down this time.

Okay. I was just--
I was in the kitchen,

I was just getting a beer...

Oh, my God.
I love that desk.

I have been looking
for one of these.

Oh, Sally Ann, 20 bucks?

Isn't it awesome, Dov?


Friday night.

You know, I just want to see
if we missed anything.

Maybe Brendon did it,
maybe he's a copycat,

but either way, I want to talk
to Nixon's witness again.

You're still assuming
the two cases are connected.

- Yes, I am.
- Why?


Because Luke says so?

I already gave my statement.

I know. We just want to
go over it one more time.

Please. I'm leaving in two days.
I have to say my goodbyes.

I have to pack my entire life
into a 9x9 storage locker.

When is this gonna be over?

Okay, you know what?
He's my superior.

I would trust him with my life.

Hell, I'd probably even lie for him,

which is kind of saying a lot,

considering I'm probably one
of the worst liars in the world.

Look, if Sergeant Nixon asked you
to lie for him on Friday night,

I just ask that you would think about
what you could be covering up.

A woman was nearly killed.

Do you want to know
what I lied about?

I was in bed with him.

All night.

Left at 3:00 in the morning.

That's what I lied about.

We'd be dishonorably discharged,

two careers ruined.

I guess that's up to you now.

Hey, does every soldier
have a storage locker?

I mean, they go on tour for,
like, a year, two years.

What do they do with all their stuff?

Okay. Let it go.

Nixon's alibi is even tighter
than it was before. Okay?

Just saying we never checked out
his storage locker.

Because he doesn't have one.

There can't be that many
storage units around here,

so why don't we do
some door-knocking?

You know? No harm, no foul.

Luke says he's definitely
hiding trophies.

We just need to find out where.

Come on. It'll be fun.

Okay. If we're doing this,
you're not driving. Okay?

Why? You were gonna
let me drive last night.

Why are you doing this?

We're wasting our time

trying to pin this on someone
who didn't do it, for what?

A guy who put a ring on your finger,
and then cheated on you?

What? How do you--
How do you know that?

You can spin the story
any way you want.

Anybody who cares about you
is gonna figure it out pretty fast.

Yeah, but that doesn't change
what he knows.

I believe him.

All right, well...
believe whatever you want.

I'm gonna walk back to the station.

You want to drive, drive.

I could use a little space.

Sam, I...

(keystrokes, beeping)

(sighs) Hi.

Yeah, this is Officer McNally
from the 15 Division.

Trying to locate
a Sergeant Ray Nixon.

I was wondering
if you had any storage lockers

registered under that name.

Are you sure?

Yeah, Nixon. N-I-X...



Hi. Yes.
This is Officer McNally.

You just hung up on me.

I know--Fine...

Okay, there's no Ray Nixon.
What about a Sophie Lewis?

Okay. Uh, Zoe Martinelli?

Yeah, M-A-R-T...Martinelli.

Yes, okay, great.

I'll be over there
in just a second. Thanks, bye.

Carpet's gone.
Neighbor ripped it out.

No more green fibers.

Looks like he brought
industrial cleaners,

'cause the place was spotless.

Yeah. Diaz is sitting
on the neighbor's house.

If Pretak moves, we're gonna know it.

Okay, well,
the guy could be renovating,

rethinking his aesthetic.
It's all circumstantial.

Or he could be tying up a noose,
loading a handgun.

I prefer getting him alive,
but, hey, that's just me.

Okay. Yeah.
You're absolutely right. Let's do it.

Where's McNally?

She's out getting me a decent coffee.
Why? You want one?

Yes. I knew that you would break,
brother. I knew it!

(Jo, on phone) Detective Rosati.
I need to talk to Duke.

Bill gets paid every month in cash.

That's pretty damn miraculous,

considering Zoe Martinelli
was murdered three years ago.

Guess you don't read the papers.

Look, I don't know
what you've got in there,

but if you guys are withholding
DNA evidence, drugs, weapons...

Well, how were we
supposed to know?

All right. You know what?
It's not even your fault.

If I come up with anything...

I'll come find you.

Thank you.

All right. So the guy keeps
coming out with garbage bags,

and he's putting them
in other people's bins.

Where is he now?

Haven't seen him. He hasn't
come out in about 20 minutes.

Last I saw him,
he was in the back room.


Here we go.

(whispers) Oh, crap.

(cell phone rings)

- Hello?
- (Andy) Luke.

Andy, I need to see you.

No, you need to get
a warrant right now.

I'm at Vessel Storage,
Parliament and Richmond.

The locker number is C1084.

The name's under Zoe Martinelli.

- What are you talking about?
- It's Nixon.

He's keeping everything here--
everything you said.

Just hurry up
and get the warrant, okay?

I do not want to screw this up.

Okay, okay, I'm calling it in.
You just stay put, all right?

I'm on my way.


I need Frank.

We have a warrant!

(Jo) Brendon Pretak,
you're under arrest

for the attempted murder
of Sophie Lewis.

(Jerry) I'll run the interview.

(voice mail) Hey. You've reached Andy.
Leave a message.

Andy, we're just waiting
on the warrant, all right?

Call me back.

(Nixon) I'm working on it, all right?

Just give me a second here. Shh!


Get her out of here...
come back, clean up...

and clear everything out.

It's not perfect.

All right, sergeant.

Two days.

Two days and I'm gone.

Let's just see what happens.

Okay, sergeant.

Let's do this thing.

You know...

It's funny.

You're a soldier, but it's always
different up close, huh?

Close your eyes.

Close your eyes!

That's an order!

(tape ripping)

(muffled shouts)

Don't move! Don't move,
you son of a bitch!

Don't move!


Stand up...

Hands behind your head.

Do it.
Hands behind your head.

Step forward.

One step. Slowly!

One more step. Slow!

Slow! Stop!

Take one step back, slowly.



(handcuffs jangling)

Put your left hand down.

Left hand down slowly
behind your back. Slowly!

Stay down!

Stay there.


It's me. It's me.

I'm gonna take it off, okay?

All right.
It's me, it's me.

Look at me.
Look at me.

Okay? Okay.


(whispers) Look at me.

Look at me.
You're okay. You're okay.

(whispers) Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Alicia Makin.


Private Sabrina Bryant.


Officer Zoe Martinelli.


Sophie Lewis.

- No.
- Ray.

No. That was amateur.
He didn't even finish.

He was trying to be me.
He probably read about me in the papers.

Good for him,
but he didn't finish his job.

He left evidence at the scene.
He left traces.

- Pathetic--
- Okay.


Long as we're clear.

Yeah. Yeah, we're clear.


Let's move on.


I'm sorry I left you.

It's okay.

Someone taking you home?

Yeah, I'm gonna get a ride
with Traci.

Andy, you can't stay at your dad's.
I've been to your dad's.

Fine, then I'll...

I'll stay at Traci's.

His lawyer's gonna be here soon.
We should get back in there.

Can you believe this guy?

I've never met anybody
more arrogant.

I mean, he had a locker
under Zoe's name. Who does that?

What's going on with the neighbor?

Oh, Jerry's got him.
Kid's crying like a baby.

Copycat, pervert, easiest--
easiest interrogation ever.

You and I will be done
before the sun comes up.


So I'm just saying...

She believed me.

- Who?
- Andy.

After everything, us,
she believed me, and what I knew.

Luke, I was doing my job.

You just couldn't wait, could you?

Same as it ever was.

I've made a lot of mistakes,
but this is by far the worst.

I want her back, and I want you gone.

(voice breaking)
Okay. Then I'm gone.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(Hey Rosetta's "Red Song" playing)

We'll put you on the couch.

It pulls out, but it's comfortable.

And the sheets are clean,
but that's not me.

That's my mom. She always
makes sure the sheets are clean.

(voice breaking)
Luke slept with Jo.

I know.

♪ In the black, I feel you ♪

I'm really tired.

I know.

♪ In the black, I sense ♪

♪ Somewhere in the red ♪

♪ The colors end ♪