Rookie Blue (2010–2015): Season 1, Episode 6 - Bullet Proof - full transcript

A fatal traffic accident involving an elderly man and a cyclist may not be as open and shut as it seems, and Andy's romance with Detective Luke Callaghan also seems headed for a collision after she objects to how he handles a young murder witness with a bullet lodged in his head.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
you know, maybe we could
get him for jaywalking.

I mean, he just... he ran right
through traffic. Too obvious.

Those little shorts...

He's probably not got
any I.D. on him.

Oh, now see, there you go.
That's... that's public indecency.

a criminal code violation.

We're gonna have to search him.


I gotta tell you, nash,

When it comes to men,
putting on this uniform

Is like putting on
an invisibility cloak.

? come on and get t minimum ?

help me!
Help me, please! Stop him!

1525. 1525. Sounds of gunshot,
possible injured party.

Black S.U.V.
Headed west on Scadding.

Start an ambulance!

? collected at the borderline ?

My baby's in the back!
They've got my baby!

police! Don't move!

Drop your gun! Nash, don't shoot!
There's a baby in the vehicle!

There is a baby in the vehicle!

Police! Don't move!
On your knees! On your knees!

? a detour ?

? in your new life ?

? tell all of your friends
good-bye ?

Oh, my God!

Is she okay? Thank you.

Okay. She's good.

? a detour in your new life ?

? tell all of your friends
good-bye ?

officer Williams, officer nash,

Apprehended this man,
jayson Kraker...

Carjacker who almost got away
with that baby yesterday.

Good job.

okay, now Kraker...

He's also our prime suspect
in last week's murder

Of the tourists
in that parking garage.

Homicide's working on that.
Now we got Kraker's gun. The only problem is

We can't find the bullet
to link him to the murder.

And Kraker's accomplice
is still at large.

Most likely armed,
definitely dangerous.

You know the drill.

That's it.
You have your assignments.

Congratulations, officer nash.

Yeah, it's too bad
the other guy got away.

Why are we all being held back
doing our regular assignments?

I mean, we should be out there
looking for that other carjacker

If he's so dangerous, right?
You mean, like the time I busted up

That international
gun smuggling operation?

Follow my lead.

will do, officer Epstein.

will do.

Come on. I'm working on it.
I'm working on it.

All right.
Gimme... gimme that. Gimme.

Ah, Detective barber.

Wow, look at that face,
that baby face.

I finally feel like
I'm seeing the real you.

Okay, shut up,
and I'm never playing poker

With you clowns again.

Just bring more money next time

So we don't have to bet
your facial hair.

Whoa, you look great.


Come on, choirboy.
Time to roll.

All right. You ready
to catalogue some evidence?

Yeah. I guess searching
stolen cars is my reward

For being such a hero.
Wanna trade?


No talking. You're driving.

save me.

Hey, Sammy.


Win big last night?

Feeling generous?

How about you give me McNally
for the day?

What, are you detailing
my, uh, rookie to homicide?

Bosses want more bodies
on the carjackers.

Mayor's coming down hard,
too many headlines.

Bad for tourism.

Serve, protect,
keep the Mayor happy.

At least you got Kraker in custody.
Yeah, now all I have to do is prove he did it.

What do you say?

Yeah, fine. She's all yours.
Really, seriously?

Yeah. Have fun. Ow.

Last poker game, Jerry took
Sam for over $400. Ooh.

It looks like
revenge was sweet.

Do you play with them?
No, that table's too easy.

Plus, I'm a great bluffer.

Wait. Did you really need
an extra body on this case?


Okay, you're not just choosing me because...
You know. No.

That's a sign of bluffing.

I'm just checking.

1507. Check.

copy, 1507.
You test too.

The other carjacker's
still on the loose.

Maybe we should drive by some parking garages.
Wow. Mr. Rule book wants to take initiative.


We're two rookies riding together.
We gotta lay low. This is 1505...

Okay, why don't you just
leave that thing off, Chris?

It's illegal to ride without
your seat belt. Ooh.

Well, real cops don't wear seat belts.
Oh, what? So you're a real cop, and I'm not?

You said it, not me.

this is 1511...
Let me ask you something, Gail.


Why are you so mean?

Oh, my God.

I need a traffic car

To banner and spring for a single-car collision.

1507 responding, on our way.

Two pizza crusts.

Hey, do you think
Gail likes me?

I don't think
she likes anyone.

Are you sure? 'cause
she laughs at my jokes.

She's laughing at you,
as in, not with you.

One vodka bottle, empty. I don't know.
I think she has a little crush.

Oh, come on. Ew!

Relax. I'm not saying
I'm gonna hook up with her.

I'm just saying, you t to admit
she's kind of sexy. No, I don't.


One pair of undies.

Boy shorts, actually.

Ugh! Can you please
explain to me

How bagging panties
is related to carjacking?

I have no idea.
Ask noelle.

Uh, you ask her.

She scares me.

Oh, tell me about it.

Oh, look at that. Box of condoms.

Nice. I'm starting to get
a whole picture

Of a romantic evening
that played out in this car.

In your world,
this is romantic.

Come to think of it,

You and Gail
are perfect for each other.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

1507 on the scene.

e.M.S. Is en route.

an ambulance is on its way.

It might be better if you just sat tight.
I tried to brake. I-I-I did.

The car seemed to have
a-a-a mind of its own.

I can get a statement from you

Once the paramedics check you t, okay?
It was an accident.

I've never had one,
not... not in 50 years.

Is... is he okay?

is the lady hurt?
She wasn't involved.

She came around the corner,
she saw this, she called 9-1-1.

Uh, no, no, sir. Sir, you should
wait for the ambulance.

No, no. Is... is he dead?

D-did... did you check?



Keep an eye on the driver.

1507. We've got
an injured cyclist here.

Where's the ambulance?

Sir, can you hear me?

I don't understand. We have his gun.
But we can't tie it to the murder,

And Kraker knows it.

The bullet went
through the victim's neck,

Severed the jugular and exited.
But there was no bullet found

At the scene, so where'd
the bullet go? Car.

Car went to impound.

They tore it apart
into tiny little pieces.

Well, I know how much you like surprises.
I hate surprises.

I got a tip from one of the
nurses in emergency. About?

I'll let you know if I'm right.

Ooh, you're not
one of those guys

That has to be right all the time, are you?
I don't mind pretending you're right sometimes.

we're gonna say hello
to one Benjamin Kelly, 21.

Short sheet... shoplifting, theft
under a thousand. Suspect?

Not yet. I just need to talk to him.

Hey. Hey, hey.
You... you got the wrong guy.

What are you arresting me for?
Nobody's arresting you.

I didn't do nothing. We heard a rumor you
suffered a serious injury last week.

Hey, have a seat.
Have a seat. Sit down.

Just want to ask you
a few questions...

On how you got that 9-millimeter
bullet in your head.

Uh, is there anyone
you'd like us to call?

Huh? No. Uh, no. I.

Um, any family?
A-anyone you work with?

Work with? At my age?

I'm actually flattered.

Well, the e.M.S. Will finish
checking you out.

You're a very nice young man.
Very courteous.

You're a...
you're a good boy.


Yeah. Excuse me.

Oh, of course.
Yes. Yes, I'm sorry.

He tell you what happened?
Uh, cyclist swerved in front of him,

Car had a mind of its own.
You know...

Should be mandatory retesting
for every driver over 50.

I think he's in shock.
Poor old guy.

Goes out for a drive, ends up
killing someone. It's awful.

Yeah? A little bit worse for
the cyclist, wouldn't you say?

Okay, I'm gonna wait
for the coroner.

You and Gail make sure

The old guy's car gets to impound.
All right? Uh, yes, sir.


Man, what the hell
have you been smokin'?

How could I be walking around with a bullet in my head?
Where are we taking him?

We're not taking him anywhere.
We're taking evidence.

He just happens
to be along for the ride.

Hey, he can hear you,

Yo, give me my phone back, man.
I want to call my lawyer.

I know my rights.
You haven't been arrested.

Well, then this constitutes...
Unlawful... Containment!

Unlawful confinement.

Which is notlicable here.

Uh, this is more, uh,
investigative detention.

We are taking him
to the hospital, right?

Oh, yeah. And we're gonna get
an X-ray of that bullet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no, no, no. Hey, hey.

I don't do hospitals, okay?

Look, they're gonna give me
a needle or something.

I don't want anything to do with that.
You should've thought of that before

You got hooked up with a bunch
of carjackers, jackbrain.

I don't like x-rays.
They freak me out.

Okay, well, then try
to get your mind off of it.

Maybe tell me what happened
when the guy got shot

At the parking garage.
I don't remember any parking garage.

I got a bullet in my head,

You know, you dress pretty nice

For a guy
who doesn't have a job.

Who says I don't have a job?
I freelance.

is that so?


I mean, look, a regular job
just doesn't pay enough.

I got a lot of expenses.

I'm serious!

Look, I got a sick mama.
a sick mama. Wow, original.

Wow. You have a hard time
trusting people, don't you?


You know...

You look really trustworthy,

So I'm-a tell you
the truth.

I got a lot of people
relying on me.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah! A lot of people.

Look, I'm like
their personal a.T.M., okay?

shut up. Don't laugh.
It ain't funny. I'm serious.

Officer, look.
It's not easy trying to be the hero. Oh.

It really isn't.

They're ready for us.

Don't look so scared, Benny.

Officer McNally
will hold your hand.

The object measures
just under a centimeter.

with a 9-millimeter bullet.

It entered here,
partially penetrated the skull,

Embedded itself
in the frontal lobe. It's...

Oh, hold on.
It's in my brain?

if you're going
to get shot in the head,

The frontal lobe's
the best spot.

And, uh, it also was slowed down
by... I understand it...

It passed through another victim?

No way.
I wasn't there, all right!

I live in a rough neighborhood.

It was a stray bullet.
Are you in y pain?

A lot of pain.
I think I need painkillers.

Look, um... Can...

Can you remove it?
Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa.

You asked for an X-ray.
Listen, just...

Yeah. The fact is that
people can survive years

With shrapnel lodged in their bodies.
So I'll... I'll be okay.

I can live with it, right?

My concern here is the bullet.

I need this
to put a murderer in jail.

And I need the patient's consent
in order to proceed.

Yeah. And I don't give it.

I'll get a search warrant.


You stay here.
Keep an eye on our man Benny.

I'm gonna talk
to the prosecutor.

There's a surgeon on shift who's willing to operate.
Okay, but we're sure that, you know,

He's involved? Like, he's not just a witness?
There's a bullet inside his head

That killed a man that we all
know came from Kraker's gun.

I need that bullet.
Okay, what do I do if he tries to leave?

keep him talking,
gain his trust.

If anyone can do it, it's you.

Who knows? Maybe you can
convince him to do it.

I'll check on you later.

Those pills should knock him out
for a couple hours.

I'll be back.

you doing okay?

Oh... I don't like hospitals.

I think
I like sedatives, though.

Benny, can we please
talk about last week?

Last week?
The parking garage.

I know you saw Kraker
shoot that man.

You know, it just would...
it would really help me out

If you could tell me
exactly what happened.


Or not.

Gail, your seat belt.


Wait, what are you doing?

I got blood on my shirt.

Can you stop staring?
I'm not staring.

So what did the old geezer
have to say for himself?

He's, like,
a retired schoolteacher.

He's 80.

Shouldn't have been
on the road.

You know the guy that he killed?
He has, like, kids.

Poor guy was
on the way to work.

You know, the driver
was probably on, like,

A senior's cocktail.
I've seen that before.

Senior's cocktail?

Yeah, my grandmother was on it.

She was on, like,

Ten different kinds
of medication,

And she just acted like
a crazy bat out of hell

At the slightest provocation.
He didn't seem crazy.

In shock, maybe.
But he called me a good boy.

That's really creepy.

Probably high as a kite. You know, I
probably should've asked him about that...

Like, if he was on any type
of medication or anything.

Yeah, Chris, you probably
should've asked him that.

You gonna put your belt on?

Putting my seat belt on, okay?
I'm buckling up.

You happy?

Excuse me?

Where's the guy in 402?

Uh, he... he woke up,
had to go to the can.


Sammy, you gotta change
that ringer, man. It's deadly.



I need your help.

I thought you were
with callaghan.

Yeah, well, he left me in charge
of guarding some evidence.

Well, it's a witness, actually,

It's a witness with some evidence.
McNally, I already have a headache.

Look, I lost the witness, okay?

And the doctor said he was
gonna be asleep for hours.

The doctor said?
The doctor is not a cop.

Where's callaghan?
Okay, listen, I gotta find this kid

Before Luke finds out that I lost him.
And I care because, uh...

You care because
if Boyko finds out

That I screwed up
this carjacking case,

Take a wild guess which
training officer he's gonna

Drag into his office and scream at for half an hour.
All right, all right. All right. Calm down.

What do you need? Okay, Luke brought
in this kid, Benjamin Kelly,

And all of his personal effects
are in booking.

See if you can find his cell phone.

Oh, and, um, Luke took the car,
so could you pick me up?




This one just came in.

It's an accident.
Contents need to be catalogued.

Sure thing.


Uh, we were just wondering,

Uh, if there was anything
in particular

We were looking for,
with regards to the carjackings.

You know how
some people say that, uh,

There's no stupid questions?

They're wrong.

Dov, this is just overflow
from the impound lot.

Okay, we're painting a fence
here. We're rookies.

This has nothing to do
with the carjackings.

Uh, we've got some bills...



Pen. Broken pen.

Maps, folded.

And a tin of, I don't know,
friggin' peppermint.

Hey. Hi.
Hi. Join the fun.

Yeah, we were actually
on the scene of this one.

Oh, whoa. Let me guess... uh, old guy.
How'd you know?

Nothing says golden years
like a tin of peppermints.


Uh, yes, for the cyclist
that he hit.

Yeah, we're looking
for, uh, any evidence

Of too many meds. If the driver
was taking a lot of pills,

It might explain what happened.

See, Chris is kind of worried
about the old guy.

I think it's sweet.
Well, knock yourselves out.

Yeah, we'll take it from here.

All right.

I'm telling you, Gail totally
wants to get with me.

Now I'm not saying
I'm gonna ask her out, but...

Please shut up.

What's with you today?

Who is she?

Keisha Simmons. Number one
on Benny's speed dial.

Oh, thanks for bringing her in.

Yeah. Remember...

She's under no obligation
to answer any questions,

Don't push your luck.

Be ce. Ask the important
questions first. Got it?

Yeah, got it.
all right.



what did Benny do now?

I just want to talk to him.
You a friend of his?

Ex. Very ex.

the-bastard-again ex.

Hmm. 'cause you're number one
on his speed dial.

Yeah, and the last time
he called,

I told him I didn't want to talk
to him... not then, not ever.

What do you want to talk to him about?
He's helping us with an investigation.

Helping the police?

Doesn't sound like
the Benny I know.

The other cop said I was free
to go any time I wanna,

And I wanna. Uh, okay, well, if you
hear from him, tell him to call me?

Sure, but I'm not gonna
hear from him.

Listen, does Benny
have a sick mother?

Mm. His parents are dead.

He used his mother's funeral
excuse on me twice.

Okay, well, if you were
trying to find him,

Where would you look?
I wouldn't look.


Hey, I was thinking that maybe we
should check out... previous addresses?

I'm way ahead of you.
Here's his latest.

37 seneca drive...
Dabramo, initial's "m."

Any warrants?
None in the system.

Maybe it's a girlfriend. Yeah, maybe.
You know, if this guy was a witness

To your carjacking murder,

You'd better hope you find him
before Kraker's buddy does.

Well, Benny didn't seem too worried about that.
Well, I should really go with you.

No, no, no, listen.
I totally screwed this up.

I need to fix it. So just
lend me the keys to your truck.

I'm gonna go look
at the address,

And then you can
blow the whistle on me

And ruin my entire career. I'm sorry.
You want to borrow my truck?

Okay, we can just go talk
to Boyko right now. No problem.

Brakes are touchy, all right?

Just careful.


Hey, pal, I thought, uh,
callaghan has your rookie today.

Yeah, well, callaghan's busy.

What? I'm helping her out.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Find anything?

Mm, gramps needs to pay
his auto club bill.

He's got perfect penmanship,
but there's no pill receipts.

Is there, uh, any numbers?
Anyone we can call?


There's gotta be someone.

Maybe if we knew where he was going...

Wait. That's weird.

Well, that's the cyclist's
address in the beaches...

And that's where we found him
dead on the side of the road.


Oh, this is... this is great.

We're stuck here handling
the world's grossest evidence

While everybody else
is out working actual cases.

I know. It's disgusting.

Absolutely nothing cool
about this job.


Can I see that?

What is it?

Uh, it's a saber

From "the righteous war of the
pontoon pirates." which is?

Video game. Man, I always
wanted one of these.

never got it.

Now okay,
what is with you today?

Leo's dad bought him a toy gun.


I don't want Leo
playing with guns.

What? Were your parents
letting you play with guns?

No. My mom only bought us educational
toys from Sweden.

We were on a strict diet of
peace, love and baby... whoa!


No way.

Yes way.
That is so coffee.

No, it's blood.
I'll bet you 20 bucks.

we'll go ask noelle.

Not it.

Oh, come on.
She likes you.

She's had it in for me
since day one.

Okay, fine. I'll go ask her.
You, uh, bag it up.

Okay, okay. All right.
I'm going.

Hey. Oh.

It's not what it looks like.

They're hormones.
Shut the door.

I'm really sorry.
I had no idea.

It's... It's harder
than it looks.

I need the mirror to...

To hit the right spot.

This must look
pretty desperate, huh?

Fertility clinic,
sperm donor...

You know what I see
when I look at this thing?

I see nine years...

Nine years with the same guy
who didn't want kids.

Same guy who just had a baby
with his new girlfriend.

Well, I don't know.

I see someone who wants
something so much

That she's willing to stick
a needle in her ass to get it.

You know, it's not easy finding
someone, doing this job.

I don't want to scare you,
but it's true.

Well, having a kid's
not gonna make it any easier.

I don't want to scare you,
but that's true.

Is this your first time?


I gotta do 'em twice a day
for two weeks.

And it's, uh,
kind of wigging me out.

You know, like, stabbing
yourself with a needle...

It's a little...

You want me to do it?

Thing is, uh,

Boyko's gone in a few weeks,

And I'm up for a promotion.

So if this...

If this doesn't work out,
then I want those stripes.

And if, uh, if anyone finds out,
I'll know it was you.


I won't tell a soul.

Uh... Ooh...

Hey. What's happenin'?

Sorry, I'm still trying
to track down this prosecutor,

Which is taking a lot longer
than I thought.

Oh, oh, totally. Cool. You know,
you should take your time.

How's our guy? Please tell me
you've talked him

Into giving up the bullet so I can
get the hell out of here. Uh...

Hang on.
I'm getting another call.

It's the prosecutor. I gotta go.
Call you back. I...

Come on.

Hello, Benjamin.
how'd you find me?

You're coming with me.
I can't.

Okay, then I'll arrest you.

Let's go! Okay, all right!
Just give me a minute.

Benny, who are you talkin' to?
it's okay, mama. It... it's for me.

There better be a damn good
explanation for this.

Officer, if he's giving you
any trouble...

Mama, this is officer McNally,

And I've been...
I've been helping her out.

It's true.

He's been helping me out.

Don't just stand there!


Look at . Look at the state
of this place.

You gonna take
all day down there?

Want a cup of coffee?

Oh, no coffee, thank you.
Uh, we're actually in a hurry.

You're Benny's mother?

Foster mother.
At least, I was.

Too much of a smart-ass now to
listen to me anymore.

Marie Dabramo.


Doesn't stop you
telling me what to do.

I should have thrown him out
years ago.

yeah. That why you
want me to visit you every day?

Benny, you almost done
down there?

He's a good boy,
most of the time.

But I could've drowned
by the time you got here.

I told you I was
gonna be here, and I am.


That should hold for now.

I'll fix it for real
later, okay?


Yeah. Look, you're not gonna
leave me with this mess.

Mrs. Dabramo, I'm sorry.
Benny's assisting us

With a really important
investigation. We've gotta go.

Yeah. I-I mean I promise
I'll be back, okay?

All right?
Mwah. Thank you.

You're not gonna assist anybody
dressed like that.

No, we really don't have time.

No, I've got a fresh shirt
out here for you.

I know because I washed it.

So where's the other guy... Detective
fancy pants? He's meeting us.

Why are you with him, anyway?

I'm detailed to homicide.

Shots fired at 37 seneca drive.

I need backup.

are you all right?

Yeah, you saved my life.

I'm sick and tired
of you lying to me, Benny.

When are you gonna admit You were
working with these carjackers, huh?

Okay, okay. I-I was
at the parking garage.

But I didn't know Kraker.
I only knew the other guy Mike.

He told me
him and one of his boys

Were gonna boost some stereos

And that they would pay me
to keep six.


Is that really the truth?

I needed money. All right?

And I didn't know
they had a gun, okay?

I swear I didn't know
they had a gun.

The guy freaks,
he runs right at me,

And Kraker shoots him.
He falls right on top of me.

I go down.
I'm covered in blood,

And I got this crazy,
crazy headache.

Then I realize...

He's dead...
And I got this.

Who's Mike?

Mike Simmons.

Uh, I spoke
to a keisha Simmons.

That's Mike's sister.

You didn't tell keisha you were looking for me?
Well, I-I said you were helping us out.

She must have called her brother.
Gotta play closer to the vest, lady.

But the way you kept
your mouth shut with Marie,

I-I owe you one.

McNally, how you doing?

Man, she saved my ass.

Yeah, she's got a lion's heart, this one.
yeah, you can't go there, okay?

Got the guy who shot at you,
pulled him over on elm Avenue.

Is his name Mike Simmons?
As a matter of fact, it is.

We got the shooter in custody.
That's what Sam just told me.

Why are you even here?


The thing is, I, um...
Actually, it's my fault.

Officer McNally brought me.

I needed to pick up a few things
and... and see my mom...

You know, if I was gonna do
the operation.

You still need
the bullet, right?

Nice work, McNally.

I'll take him to the hospital.
You finish up here.

Well, we don't have to operate.
He was there.

He saw the whole thing. Can't he just testify?
Me on. With his record?

Yeah, but even the doctor
said surgery

Might not even be necessary.
Yeah, she also said she would operate

If Benny gave his consent. He's a kid.
He's an uneducated kid who...

Who's making the first decent
decision of his adult life.

He's doing this because of me.

I don't want him doing this
because of me.

Andy, it is not your job
to save people

From what you think
they should or shouldn't do.

It's your job to help
close this case.


You're the officers
from the accident.

How are you feeling, Mr.
Peterson? A bit shaky.

I suppose I'll survive.

The nurse will be by any minute
with the discharge papers.

Mr. Peterson,
I'm officer peck.

You should know that we found
the map on your G.P.S. system.

You... you had no right to search
through my personal things.

You knew Donald cross.

Who? The man you ran
over this morning.

The man you killed.
This is ridiculous.

I'm not gonna listen
to another word of this.

We have evidence,
Mr. Peterson.

The g.P.S. System in your car
shows the route that Donald took

Every morning
when he cycled to work.

You planned it.
The guy was your student in the '80s.

That's when you
sexually assaulted him.

You're a nice boy. You wouldn't
listen to these lies.

His wife told us he was
gonna have you arrested,

And she also told us that Donald
was contacting other students.

You don't want to listen
to that vicious little bitch!

Hey, you watch your language,
Mr. Peterson.

You keep that bitch
away from me!

Just like donny...
telliies, out to get me.

I want my lawyer.

Fine. You can call your lawyer
from the station.

But right now
you're under arrest

For the murder
of Donald cross. Come on.

You know, Benny,
you could still...

I know what you're gonna say.
I'm not doing this for you.

Then why are you doing it?

That man in the garage...

He died in my arms.

You think I want this
in my head?

Any of it?

I'm getting it out.
Maybe it'll help.

I don't know. I don't know.

Hey, being a badass has not
been working out so good.

I mean, look at me.

I got a freakin' bullet
in my head. Hello.

I figured the odds
have gotta be better

Playing one of the good guys.
wish me luck.

Okay. Good luck.

I'll be waiting here
when you wake up.

I bet. Make sure
I don't run away again, huh?

damn straight.


what is taking you so long?

I'm ready.

Hey. We caught a murderer.

We did.
We caught a murderer!

If you hadn't have been so nice

And wanted to look for his prescription...
if you hadn't thought he was creepy...

Did you see the look on Jerry's face?
Did you see Boyko's face?

We should celebrate or something.

I mean, uh, do you want to get
a drink? Are... are you free?

Whoa. A drink? We just solved
a homicide in one day

All by ourselves, and you're
asking me for one drink?

Or... Or two?

Two! Wow, I got you up
to two drinks, Diaz.

Do you have
a curfew or something?

'cause we caught a murderer.
We did.

We did.
We caught a murderer.

And you don't need a note
from mom to go out.

? took a big trip ?

? with your old band ?

? to your homeland ?

pay up.

I should have known.

I should have known it wasn't
blood. It was just coffee.

Another red-letter day
for officer Epstein.

Ha ha! Thank you.

So what were you and noelle
talking about for so long?

I don't know.
Family stuff, kids.

You still worried about Leo?

Thank you.

Yeah, you know, I am.

'cause he's not growing up
with the same advantages

You had, Epstein,
with your big ol' family,

Educational toys,
never playing with guns.

Whoa. Who said
I never played with guns?

I said I wasn't allowed
to play with guns.

Why is it such a big deal?

Doesn't need to be
such a big deal.

It's just a little piece
of plastic, you know?

It's just a little toy.

But I look at my kid,
and he's got this gun out,

And he's pretending
to shoot people dead.

? when they aren't looking ?

It makes me feel like...

Like a disreputable single mom
with violent tendencies?

you're not.

You're... you're a cop who carries
a gun to protect people,

And you've got a little kid who wants to
be just like you. Well, if you say so.

Wildest boy I ever had.

Five foster homes
before I got to him.

It's a miracle he turned out
as well as he did.

Hmm. I'm sure a lot of that
had to do with you.

He's a good kid.

Just needed someone
to see past his record,

See who he really was.

He's really lucky to have you.


? take the pills
that they give you mornings ?

? spit them out
when they aren't looking ?

? fix a smile,
but you burn it hot ?

? it's a mad, mad world ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?

? na na na na ?


I didn't know how to number it.

You can take care of that.

Hey, hey, hey. Wait. Stop.


This isn't your fault.

The surgeon... she would have
never operated if she thought

This was gonna... I know.
She said it would be risky. It's nobody's fault.

It's just a fluke.
It was.

This bullet is gonna put
a killer behind bars.

You should feel good about that.
That's a good thing.

No, it's not a good thing,

You know, maybe it's right.

Maybe it's... It's a part
of being a good cop.

But you know what?
I don't even know anymore.

All I know is that
he was a good kid.

He was a decent kid.

You know what? This isn't... this
isn't even about the bullet.

Okay? It's... it's not
about the bullet.

I don't know if I can...

Even if it's right,
I cannot be this kind of cop.

People are gonna get hurt.

People are gonna die...
good people,

No matter what we do,
in spite of what we do.

I'm sorry, officer McNally.

It doesn't matter what kind
of cop you want to be.

That's just something you're
gonna have to get used to.

That's the reality.
That's the job.

Why don't you let me
finish this up?

I'll meet you at the penny.

Are you coming in
for a drink, pal?


Oh, so you're still feelin' it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hair of the dog, my friend.
It's the only cure.

Yeah. Yeah. No,
I'm just waitin' for my keys.

And you, my friend, ought to go
straight home and go to bed.

Yeah, yeah. You're taking care
of everybody today.

Are you, uh, are you waiting
for your rookie?

No, I told you.
I'm waiting for my keys.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, uh, Sammy,

Training officers
and rookies...


I'm gonna go.
I'll be at the penny

If you... Want to...
yeah, anything.

All right.


Yeah, good night.

Thank you for the car.

Heard about your witness.

Ugh. Yeah,
he was never a witness.

He was always just evidence.


This job is...

I guess I just have
to get used to it, right?

You need anything?

Want to go for a drink?
Need a ride home?

No. I just need to...

Actually, what do you know
about plumbing?

jump in.

Can't wait to see
where this is going.