Romulus (2020–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Mostro - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

What do you bring as a sacrifice
to the oracle of the God Sancus?

Only my life.

It should be enough.

From here you must continue alone.

Tell me your name.

There was a time
when I knew who I was.

But now I am nothing anymore.

You are a foreigner.

Why did you come here?

My Gods no longer speak to me.

Sancus saw you,
dead among the living.

Speak with a sincere heart and
he will listen to your words.

I betrayed my daughter's trust,

destroyed everything I loved.

If not even death wanted me,

why am I still alive?

When the swords have thirst,
the answers you seek will come.

Now offer your sacrifice to the God.

Do not be afraid.

Be reborn and put on your new face.

When will we attack Rome?

Alba is under our control,

but the rest of the army
is still marching from Cures,

it won't be here for five days.

I don't want to wait.

My Lord?

I want my priestesses back, Sabos.


Attacking without the rest
of the army would be a mistake.

Alba was unmanned
and without a guide,

Rome is waiting for us,

and its kings are ready to fight.

Never address the son of God
like this again,

you are nothing,
you are worthless.

Say it.

I am nothing.

I ask forgiveness for his arrogance,

he still needs to learn,
but he is the best warrior we have.

Do you agree with him too?

I no longer hear my father's voice,

it was the priestesses
who brought me his words,

but now there is only silence.

Without their presages, it seems
that I no longer know what is right.

Perhaps there is something
we could do.

There is a Roman garrison on
the Politorium hill, northeast of here,

if I left tonight, with a select
group of men, we could conquer it,

the rest of the soldiers
will remain to defend Alba,

when our army is complete, from that
hill we will dominate the battlefield,

the Romans will have no escape.

I know the priestesses
would tell you the same too.

You have my permission, Sabos.

You wanted to speak with us,

we are here.

The God Sancus
has accepted our offerings.

What offerings?

The ones that your brother
granted us in your absence.

Our prayer has reached Sancus,

his voice whispered to me the
things that are yet to happen.

We are not interested
in the voice of a foreign God.

He spoke of Rome and Cures,

of the war that will befall our peoples.


Why are you telling us this?

I'm a messenger, that's all.

Did your God tell you
who will win the war?

No, but he spoke of you two.

He told me that the city with
two kings will mourn its ruler,

of the two, only one will remain,

the false king will die,
the true king will live,

and his name will be
forever bound to that of his city,


because he will reign over Rome.

How long have these doubts
been in your heart?

Too long,

I should have spoken about it earlier,

That woman does not speak for Rumia,

but only for her God,
you know that better than I do,

a God who is our enemy and
wants to pit us against each other.

But, for generations, the pack
has always had a single guide,

you saw it too, in the woods.

We are no longer in the woods, look
around you, see where we have come,

we couldn't have done it without Yemos,

he and I founded
the city sacred to Rumia,

together, we are Romulus.

Believe in us, Herennèis,

and I'm not asking you as a king,
but as a friend,

Yemos and I need you,

I need you.

And I shall be by your side,
Wiros, always.

You are thinking
about that woman's words.

Prophecies are obscure,

the Gods speak to us,

but we don't always
understand their language.

When I was a priestess of Vesta,

I also received the word of the Gods,
I saw Enitos die,

and men who called you a murderer.

All I wanted was to kill you,

but that wasn't the truth.

- The only truth is that Enitos is dead.
- I know you are afraid.

I am not afraid for myself.

Do you bring news from Alba?

Alba has fallen,

king Numitor has been killed.

My mother?

She is alive, but a prisoner.

Lower your gaze,


Have you seen
what your son has done?

It is his fault if your city
has been destroyed,

will you be able to forgive him?

The fault is not of Yemos,
you destroyed Alba,

I asked you for peace and you
answered with blood and iron,

where is my father?

Your father is with his people,

among the dead in your city,

perhaps you can find him there,

if the birds have not
already devoured his body.

Titus wasted no time,

a handful of Sabines
are already on their way from Alba.

There are no soldiers
on the way to Rome.

Our lookouts have seen nothing.

They are not heading to Rome,

I saw them with my own eyes, advancing
in the woods north-east of Alba,

they are few and fast,
they don't use paths,

but they go through the forest in silence,

they proceed only at night,
without torches,

taking advantage of
the light of the full moon,

in this way
they made themselves invisible.

- They are heading to the Politorium.
- We have a garrison there?

They are not ready for the frontal battle,
but they are preparing for it,

they know that from that hill
they dominate the plain.

Get the men ready,

we don't have much time, we will stop
them before they conquer the hill.

What are you doing here?

If you are Latin, you have
crossed the border of your lands.

I am exactly where I need to be.

My companions and I are thirsty,
give us some milk.

What happened to your face?

What's wrong, are you shy?

Don't be shy, show yourself!

Look at him, he's a monster!


Show yourself!

That's enough!


This man has more courage
than all of you put together.

If you kill me,

you will die too.

Do you want to die?

My life no longer belongs to me.

You are right,

from now on it belongs
to me and to King Titus.


Nobody will eat with you,

They don't trust me
because I'm a foreigner.


They are only afraid.

But you are not afraid of me.

Where others see a monster,

I see a warrior,

a weapon in the hands of Cures.

I humiliated you in front of Titus,

but I did it to protect you,

before the son of God,
we must all remember our place.

You too?

This is a holy war,

it is much bigger than you and I both.

Soon the army of Sancus
will enter Rome,

and you will be by my side.

- We cannot both risk our lives.
- What are you saying?

I need you in Rome.

My place is together with you.

Rome has two kings for a reason,

if one falls,
the other will defend the city.

I know what you are doing,

you think I will be the one who dies,

because the blood of kings
flows through your veins,

and I am just a slave.

- That's not true!
- Don't lie to me!

You're not capable of lying,

if that prophecy is true I prefer to die,

- I didn't ask you to protect me.
- Don't you understand?

I have already lost one brother!

I couldn't save Enitos,

but I can save you.

You have to promise me, Wiros,

promise me you will stay in Rome.

I promise.

I leave Rome in your hands, brother.

You said you didn't want to fight

alongside someone
who doesn't reveal their heart to you.

The Sabines attacked the sacred city,

and whatever you have done regards you
and the Gods you have offended, not me.

And this war,
does it regard you?

What do you mean?

The men who killed your family
also came from Cures.

I already had the justice
I was looking for,

Sabines, Latins,
for me there is no difference,

it is men who bear the burden
of their sins, not peoples.

But you will fight alongside Rome,
you have chosen your side.

I am a warrior, not a soldier,

I don't fight for a king or his city.

So why do you fight?

Because you asked me to.

And I know you still need me.

You should also be there
to guide us in battle.

I promised Yemos.

You are a wolf like us, Wiros,
not a watchdog.

- Rumia is with us!
- Rumia!

You shouldn't have revealed
the God's words to them.

Prophecies do not belong only to those
who have the gift of receiving them,

but also to those who have to live them.

Volusia is right, they are foreigners.

It is a sacrilege,

they are enemies of King Titus,
it is to him that we owe our loyalty.

Ehough! I alone have been chosen
to be the voice of God,

only I truly know the will of Sancus.

Ersilia! Let her go, please!

Knowing the future will not help them.

The truth is just another way
of the Gods,

to destroy men.

- Come with me!
- No!

- Come or they will kill you!
- Leave me!

Help me!

Help me!

Should we stop her?

Leave her be.

You deserved more father,

but this is all I can do,

may Jupiter guide you on your journey.

You weren't born in Cures,

and you are not Latin.

I understood it from your voice.

My family lived in a village
in Etruscan land,

my father healed mortal wounds,

and with him many others,

and I helped them.

Did the Sabines come
and take you away?

Your father?

Did they kill him?

He sold me
in exchange for twenty sheep.

You didn't send for me
to talk about my life.

I want to know why
you told us your God's prophecy.

You were just with us,

and Sancus is generous to those
who keep their promises.

That isn't true!

You did it to weaken Rome,

to divide me and my brother.

Is that why he left,
and you stayed?

Yemos and I are brothers,

nobody will ever be able to change that.

If you wanted to follow him into battle,

9no man, woman
or God could have stopped you,

and Sancus is generous to those who
keep their promises, that is the truth.

And what am I afraid of?

Of being an imposter,
a slave wearing the mask of a king.

Who do you think you are?

You too are a slave!

I have been chosen,

but you still have to prove
who you really are.

Thank you for letting me bury my father.

Look at me.

I want to feel your hands.

Cleanse me as you cleansed
your father.

- We got here late.
- There aren't many of them.

We can still take back the garrison.

Be careful.


It's a trap!


For king Titus!


Rumia is with us!


Look behind!

We must go!


Are you okay?

I told you to stay safe!

Get him!

It should have been me!

It should have been me!

You can't leave me alone!

Look at me, Yemos!