Romance Is a Bonus Book (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Episode #1.7 - full transcript

Dan Yi's first date with Ji Seo Jun does not go as expected. A poet gives up on his unpublished manuscript.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -









Aren't you getting off work?


I'm in front of your company building.

Do you want to have dinner with me?

So far, we've only met by chance,

but this time, it's not a coincidence.

I'm asking you out on a date.

It's already time to go home.

Can you wait for just ten minutes?

I'll pack up and head out.

Sure, see you in a bit.


My gosh.

You acted cool again, didn't you?

-I'm off too.

See you tomorrow.

-Have a good evening.

Do you want to have dinner with me?


Who wants to go clubbing with me today?

Dan-i, do you want to go
clubbing with me today?

Sorry, something just came up.

I'm sorry.

Hae-rin, let's go clubbing this evening.

I'm sorry.
My mom isn't feeling well today.

-Let's go clubbing, Mr. Cha.
-I still have work to do.

I have a lot of time.

I should stay and get more work done
since I have a lot of time.

I'm off, everyone.


I'm sorry. I forgot about it.


Song-i submitted this production order.

Correct the parts I highlighted with red.

Didn't someone call you?
I'll do it if someone is waiting...


I'm free for the time being.

My mom is so shocked.

This is the first time
I've told her I love someone.

She's scared.
She stopped bringing up blind dates.

It'll only last a month though.

Then shall we grab dinner together?

I'm meeting my friends.

We're going to go to
a popular place and have fun.


I'm going to eat ramyeon alone, then.

Then I'll get going now, Mr. Cha.

Hang on a second.

Was that Ji Seo-jun?
It looked like it was him.

Yes, he wants to have dinner with me.

So, you knew.
Then why did you make me do more work?

There's no food at home. Eat outside.

Take this home for me.

I'm off.


It's pretty chilly today.

Is it?

It's cold outside.


-Sorry I kept you waiting.
-No, it's all right.

Don't stay out late.

Shall we go?


You must be cold.

No, I'm okay.

Aren't you hungry?

-I'm starving.

Let's go have some good food.

I really should open a ramyeon place.

This looks too good to eat.

-Who is it?
-I'm from the real estate office.

The real estate office?

I'm sorry, but this place isn't listed...
What's this about?

What is happening here?

-Please take your shoes off--
-Gosh, calm down.

Take your shoes...
Look, what is this about?

Excuse me, what's this...

Do you own this place?

I'm renting it for 500,000 won a month.

You don't own it?
You're on a monthly lease?

Well, I'm not sure
what my landlady said to you,

but I'm not moving out.

I still have months left on my lease.

You're Park Hoon who works
at Gyeoroo Publishing, right?

I'm Ji-yul's mom.

Ji-yul's mom... I see.

You think you can barge into my place
with this tall, lanky guy

just because you're Ji-yul's mom?

This is interesting.

Most guys get scared when I tell them
that I'm Ji-yul's mom.

-Any siblings?
-I have three sisters.

Three sisters...

-What do your parents do?
-They're having dinner now.

I'm asking what they do for a living.

My dad is an elementary school
vice principal,

and my mom is a housewife.

You and Ji-yul are in a relationship?

Yes, we like each other.

If you're after my family's money--

"Your family's money"?

I don't care about things like that.

The only thing I care about is Oh Ji-yul.

I love her purely as who she is, Mother!

Why on earth are you calling me "Mother"?

Break up with Ji-yul at once!

I guess this is how you kept
all the guys Ji-yul has dated

away from her so far,

but I'm different from those guys.

If you keep being like this,

I will take Ji-yul

and just run away with her.

-If that happens,

you will never see Ji-yul again.

For the rest of your life,
until the day you die.


just let us be in love, please.



And take your shoes off, please.

Darn it.


Cha Eun-ho, that is not right.

Don't call her.

Dan-i is with Ji Seo-jun now.

I get that it bothers you,

but you're being a loser now.

No, don't even text her.
What are you going to say?

I just want to ask her
when she'll be home.

Don't. That will make you look lame.

What you did at the office earlier
was lame enough.

Hey, do you know
what Ji Seo-jun said to me?

He said he has fond feelings for Dan-i.


Even to me, who is highly intelligent,
sensitive and perfectly rational,

this seems like

an emergency.

Hey, do you even know
how I feel right now?

I want to search all over Seoul
and bring back Dan-i.

Right, I know how you feel.

But at times like this, you shouldn't act
like how any average loser would.

That is not right.

Then what do I do?

Let's think.



I like this independent bookstore.

All the books were handpicked
by the owner,

so anything you choose will be great.

I like local,
independent bookstores as well.

Big bookstores

are like department stores
where books are just displayed,

whereas these places are like a space
that introduces books to the readers.

It's fun to browse and choose.



Dan-i, I think the rice cooker is broken.

-Do you know where the tissues are?

Dan-i, did you not pay
the electricity bill?

-We got an overdue payment reminder.

Dan-i, the water purifier must be broken.
There's no water coming out.

Dan-i, I'm hungry.

-Let's go have dinner now.

-It's delicious.

I've been here with my mom.

It's just me and my mom,

so I look up good restaurants
and take her there.

It'd be nice to have a son like you.

I wasn't always like this.

My mom was ill when I was in high school.

That's when I became
a more attentive, caring son.

Oh, right.

It's a gift.

Thank you.



I went to Dan-i's office building
and called her.

Then we came to this bookstore together,
and we'll have dinner soon.

I hope she likes the restaurant.

-Write down what you thought of the food.


The real gift is...

Here you go.

-Did you finish it?

Do you like it?

I love it.

I'm relieved.

You did such a great job.

-Try this too.
-Thank you.


I think

I should tell you this now.

What do you mean?

We're just friends living
in the same neighborhood, right?

But I just can't stop thinking about
what you said. You said it is a date.

I think this is a date.

Why? Do you dislike me?

No, it's not that.

When you get to know more about me,

you may lose interest in me.

I'm talking about

things like my age and my past.

Well, you're probably
a year or two older than me.

It doesn't matter
even if you're older than that.

And what about your past?
Do you have a criminal record?

No, I don't.

But some may think

that it's even worse than that.

What is it?

I'm a divorcée.

That old-fashioned jerk.

Hey, you're back.

These days, being a divorcée
isn't considered a flaw.

Things happen, and people get divorced.

What's wrong? Did something happen?

I told Seo-jun

that I'm a divorcée.

So what?

See? You're fine with it, right?

But he was like...

How did he react?

Why did I drop those

right at that moment?

I'm a divorcée.

I'll bring you new ones.

Great, thank you.

Dan-i, don't get the wrong idea.

I mean, no.

I'm not taken aback.

I don't care whether
you're a divorcée or not. It's fine.

It's just that
my wrists have been hurting lately.

Both wrists?

Yes. I mean,

it started with the right one,

but when you use a computer mouse a lot...

What was it? What was it called?

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Yes, that's what's causing the pain.


Actually, I have a kid as well.

She's 12.

Dan-i, he's no good.


There's more.

Why did I do that?

Right at that moment...

She's 12.

I'm so sorry.

You seem very surprised.


I'm not surprised at all.
What's wrong with having a kid?

It doesn't matter to me.

The water suddenly went down
the wrong pipe, that's all.

I'm really fine, Dan-i.

It's all a coincidence.

I actually have carpal tunnel syndrome,

and the water suddenly went down--

And I'm 37.

I'm probably more than
"a year or two" older than you.

How old are you?

I'm a lot older than you, right?



I'm 29.

Have more water.


I should just die, right?

What a loser. That's ridiculous.

So? What happened after that?

What do you think?
We took a cab home together.

He didn't walk you home?

He offered,
but I said it wasn't necessary.

Good. Don't go out with him ever again.

He probably
won't even call me again, right?

Why? Are you sad about it?

Then you shouldn't have told him.

You could've kept going out with him.

I had to tell him.

He seemed to have feelings for me.

Who cares about his feelings?
How you feel is more important.

You said he's just a neighborhood friend.


I was also a little...


He took me to a bookstore
and a nice restaurant.

I had fun whenever I spent time with him.

You have poor taste in men.

You're right. I do.

I mean, look at Dong-min.



I had to tell him.

He seemed to have feelings for me.

So, the rice cooker is broken?

Oh, no. It's not.

It actually works.

What about the tissues?

I found them.

And the electricity bill
was actually misdelivered.

-Did you eat?
-No, I'm hungry.

-How about some noodles?


Don't be too bothered
about what happened with Seo-jun.

It's over now. I'm okay.

Plus, I can understand him.

I mean, think about it.

Let's say you started
to grow feelings for a woman.

But she's eight years older than you,
divorced and even has a kid.

Wouldn't that turn you off?

It didn't turn me off.

None of that bothered me.

You even dated

a divorcée?

Come to your senses.

What if I keep liking her?

I said, come to your senses.

Thanks to you, I just did.

Plus, she's too dumb
to know how I feel anyway.

Hey, do you want your noodles
spicy or mild?

I'm not going to eat.

That little...

His personal life is so complicated.


Kang Yeon-ju finished
the first draft of her prose.

She did a pretty good job
since she spent a long time working on it.

So I think we'll be able to get
the final copy by next week.

We still have time until its release date.

Can we just move up the release date?

We purposely gave Ms. Kang
a long time to work on it.

I don't think we need to change it
so she can double check everything.

I don't think it's a bad idea
to move up the release date if we can.

It's going to be spring soon.

I think it'll sell well.

Sentimental stuff sell well
around this time of year.

Just when the spring breeze blows.


Spring flows through my veins
like water flowing in a stream.


On a hill near the stream,

there are forsythias, azaleas,

and yellow rapeseeds.

After having waited
for three winter months,

I finally start growing like grass.

Merry skylark.

-Fly to the sky from the furrow...
-He's having a relapse.

-What do you mean?
-Mr. Bong is seriously ill.

-The blue sky...
-He keeps having a relapse

just when people are about to forget. high.
-What kind of illness does he have?

Poetry illness.

He makes the company lose money
by publishing poetry.

That's not going to happen this time.

Take one and pass it around.

Let's wrap up.

Okay, everyone.

Who needs a water purifier?

-I'll be off, everyone.

I need a water purifier...

Ms. Go, do you need...

I'm pretty sure you already have
a water purifier.

Hey, wait. Do you need a water purifier?

We boil our water and drink it.

Who does that these days?
Just say you don't want to buy one.

Don't you need...

We already have a water purifier at home.

My ex-husband had too much love
for everyone.

So we bought a water purifier
from Poet Jeong Geum-seon,

a toilet from Poet Yun Seok-yeong,

and we even bought a massage chair

from Writer Yu Min-su.

We already have all of that.

Have a good day.

Let's move up the release date
for Ms. Kang's book.

Ms. Song, do a cross-check.

Mr. Bae, please check the print settings.


Hey, Eun-ho. We should publish
a poetry collection.

You know Choi Hyeong-su, the poet, right?

He just finished writing a poem
about spring.

And it's really incredible.

It has literary value, and it's very deep.

What? What's this supposed to mean?

Hey, Eun-ho.

Shouldn't we give opportunities to writers
who aren't doing well?

We are all in the same business
so why can't we help them out?

What's so bad about that?

Come on.

My gosh.

Hey, why can't you just buy one?
You have a lot of money.

Imagine how difficult things must be
for Mr. Park right now.

The poetry he last published

only sold 240 copies.

That means

he only got paid 240,000 won.

How much do you think
the publishing company would've earned

if he had only gotten paid 240,000 won?

The company would've lost money.

We don't even publish poetry.

So why don't you help out
and buy one for him?


You got divorced,
and you're still doing this?

You really need to reflect on yourself.

I get that you want to help people
who aren't doing very well.

But you at least need to be reasonable.

You should think
of the people around you first.

Every time you take a day off,
you go visit your brother in jail

or take your brother's kids
to an amusement park.

If you had been married, you should've
thought of your own family first.

Gosh, you punk.

Yes, I know. I wasn't exactly
the best husband.

And the same goes for this poetry issue.

You know better than anyone
that we'll only end up losing money.

But every time the season changes,

you're always begging
to publish a poetry collection.

You seriously need to grow up.

Okay, fine.

Why are you putting this here?

My gosh, seriously.

We didn't get to wrap up the meeting.

Oh, okay.

That's the sales report on Last Corner.

There are days
when it only sells ten copies.

It's been a month since it got published,

so I guess it won't get any better.

But I didn't want to give up on it
so easily.

So I thought
of a different marketing strategy.

Please take a look.

Mr. Kim.


That's all I have to say
as the team manager of the Marketing Team.

And now, I have something to say to you
as a friend.

Okay, go ahead.

Is Ji-hong a pushover to you?

Does he seem like a pushover

because he's been discouraged
after we got divorced?

Did the seizure of
my ex-husband's monthly payment

cause you any kind of harm?

You don't need to buy the water purifier

or publish the poetry collection.

But what gives you the right

to tell him to grow up?

I may have parted ways with Ji-hong
because I ended up

getting sick and tired of him.

But I still know that he's a good man.

We didn't get a divorce
because he's a bad person.

The only reason I got a divorce

was because
living as his wife was exhausting.

But you have no right.

You have no right to lecture him
about our divorce.

I'm sorry, Mr. Kim.

No, it's okay.

Did you really tell my mom

that you're going to run away with me?

Yes. I did well, didn't I?

My mom was so surprised.
She said she's never met anyone like you.

That's right.
Ji-yul, you're in for a whole new ride.

I'm different from all the guys
you've been with until now.

Your mom came all the way to my place
to threaten me,

but I didn't back down.

But we're not really dating.

Exactly. Go ahead and use me.
I'll let you do that.

Use me to find your freedom.

Your mom got really scared
thinking I might actually elope with you.

So I'm sure she won't interfere
with your personal life for a while.

Yes, you're right.

If she starts interfering again,

just tell me.

If she does that again,

I'll just disappear with you.

Goodness, Hoon.

You'd do that for me?

Thank you.

Hey, gosh. Okay, I get it.

-Thank you.
-Don't do this. We're at work.

Thank you.

Gosh, okay.

-Let's stop.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

Gosh, I was really startled
when you hugged me.

You hugged me three times.

You're a great dancer.
Why are you in such a good mood?

Because this is so delicious.

Do you want some?

Ms. Seo.

I came up with an idea for the blog

using the powerpoint slide format.

-Powerpoint slides?
-Here are some examples.

Using this kind of method to deliver news
is very popular these days

because it has a lot of visuals.

I thought maybe we could use this method
to promote our books.

I guess it's similar to a preview.

The readers can read it page by page,

so we can also upload it
on other social media platforms.

This is a good idea.

We can choose whether we should use

a photo or an illustrated image
according to each book's genre.

It'll make people curious.

You really come up with the best ideas
including what you did for Mr. Park.

Thank you.

Then should we upload this regularly
on our social media page?

Ms. Seo.

Mr. Cha.

Can I be in charge of regularly
uploading the contents?

Will you be able to do it?
Your team is always so busy.

I can do it as long as I'm given
the opportunity.

If you can do it, then why not?

Thank you. I'll do my best.

Dan-i, since I let you do this,
what do you say we go clubbing tonight?


Never mind.
I don't think your outfit is suitable.

-Wear something fancy next time.


He is unbelievable.

I was going to go easy on him
for Yeong-a's sake.

You're treating Choi Hyeong-su to lunch?

-What? What's the matter?
-Why are you treating him to lunch?

We won't be publishing any of his works.

Maybe not his poetry,
but we can at least publish his prose.

No way! We can't publish his prose!

He got cut from the magazine
in less than a year!

That's because it was a fashion magazine.

Whatever. Just call him to our book café
and talk to him there.

Why would I tell him to come
all the way here just for a cup of coffee?

We're not a charity group!
We also need to earn money!

All you ever talk about is money! My gosh!

Do you always talk about money
to emphasize that you're the president?

You're right. I get agitated

every time the payday comes near
because I'm the president.

Then how do I pay my workers?
Money doesn't grow on trees!

That's not what I meant.

Plus, you wouldn't have even started
this business

if money actually grew on trees!

Our company published five best-sellers.

Is it so bad to use that money

to buy a meal for impoverished writers?

Okay, fine. Buy him a simple Korean meal.
Nothing more expensive than that.

I made myself clear, okay?
That's the limit.


I won't use it, okay?

I won't use the company card.

I'll pay with my own money.

I'll buy him Korean beef.

Mr. Bong.

I can't believe he's a team manager.

You hired me, you bastard!

Do you think being
the president is everything?

This is why people call you a salesman.

Can we please be a bit more humane?

Think about it! What do we do here?

We make books!

So we shouldn't live like animals.

What? "Animals?"

Gosh, I can't believe you said that.

I'll talk to him.

-Mr. Bong.
-My gosh.

-We have a long way to go!
-Mr. Bong.

I am so angry.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have caused a scene
in front of all the employees.

You're heading
to Mr. Choi's neighborhood, right?

You can use my credit card.


I don't want to use the company card.


You should talk to him
about publishing his prose.

We can work on it together.

Jae-min just said he won't allow that.

I'll convince him.

The Editorial Team will participate.


Are we never

going to publish poetry?

It's just not profitable.

It might be possible
if we don't lose money.

Plus, literature is not our specialty.

The industry is dying.

"We don't have enough money."

"This book doesn't sell."

"It doesn't seem like
this book will sell."

Poetry will eventually die at this rate.

Poetry will no longer exist in this world.

I'll join you after a meeting.

I haven't talked to Mr. Choi for a while,

so let's grab a drink.


Thank you for this.

The number you have dialed is unavailable.

Please leave a message after the beep.

Mr. Choi, it's me.
Why aren't you answering?

Have you forgotten about our plans?

Anyway, meet me
at the barbecue restaurant instead.

Do you know the one next to the market
at the intersection in your neighborhood?

Meet me there.
I'm buying Korean beef today.

Anyway, call me
once you receive this message.

Two portions of rib-eye, please.

-I'll wait for my party though.

-Can I get a beer first?
-Sure thing.

Jae-min, that little...

I'm a divorcée.

Actually, I have a kid as well.

She's 12.

And I'm 37.

I'm probably more than
"a year or two" older than you.

It's totally over.

That was our last moment.


What do I say?

-Is Ms. Ji In-gyeong's guardian here?
-That's me.



Even if you call me, I won't answer.

Damn it.

The number you have dialed--

Is he seriously not picking up?



Mr. Cha!

Over here.

What about Mr. Choi?

I don't know. He's not answering.

I waited for him at the restaurant.

Maybe he's home.

I was going to drop these off.

Wait, are these for him?

-I bought some on the way.
-Good. That's nice of you.

Is he home?

You must be here
to see the writer who lives there.


I felt bad since
he spends all day writing in his house.

Still, he has friends who come by.

He's three months behind on his rent,

but I haven't been able to press him.

I brought some kimchi and rice too.

Gosh, that's nice of you.

-Let's go up.

Mr. Choi!

Mr. Choi!


He seems to be out.
Why don't we just leave these here?

Should we?

But what about the pork you bought?

It'll be fine since the weather is cold.

Should I open the door?

Mr. Choi!

Are you home?

-I'm coming in.

Yes, Ji-hong.


Ji-hong, I'm sorry about earlier.

Write your meal with Mr. Choi
as a business expense.

I talked to Eun-ho and...

you should discuss
the publishing of his prose.


Mr. Choi...

He's dead.

He was on the ground and wasn't breathing.

If only I had treated him
to some meat the last time we met.

I've been feeling terrible about it.

If only I had come by sooner...

Why bother writing good poems?

No one ever reads them.

My poems are free.

They're all over the Internet.

Some jerks

uploaded my entire poetry book.

I'd make a fortune if I could earn

just 100 won per poem.

Choi Hyeong-su.


he realized he was writing poems
that no one was interested in,

but he had to keep going.

Poems knocked on his heart every day,

and he had to write them down on paper.

That's who he was,

and that was how he could live.

But just like that,

the world lost a beautiful person.





-Ms. Seo.

I applied the powerpoint slide format

to five of the newly released books.

Please take a look.

-How long has it been?
-Four days.

Have you tried calling him?


You really should.

If not you, then who can?

You did a good job on these.

Some poets sent us their writings,
so see if any of them stands out.

I'll expect a report.

How do I write one?

I'm not going to teach you
how to do your job

since you don't seem
to be passionate about it.

How do you know if I'm passionate or not

about learning the job?

I think it's good to proceed.

If you wanted to learn,

you'd look up and study
the reports written by senior colleagues

instead of asking me!

I see.

Where do I find these reports...


It's in the office library. Follow me.


This is easy.

Include the writer's name,
a short summary,

reasons for not publishing

as well as reasons for publishing.

Then I should notify them
of the rejection by email.

It's really nothing.

There were many files though.
Can you get through them all?

I could help.

For a temporary worker,
you sure go out of your way

to look for more work here.

Everything I learn
will come in handy one day.

I'll read half of these.

I'm curious about the works
of rookie writers.

Really? If you could, I'd be grateful.


Writer Seo's work was due yesterday.

It was a new date we settled on after
pushing back the deadline 3 times.

She hasn't submitted anything yet.
And she hasn't called either.

So I'm just wondering
if I should call her.

Don't. Just wait.

Do you know what she wrote on Twitter?

She wrote three words.

"I am..."

Sorry about that. "I am bored."

How can she be bored? Why not write then?

How can she afford to be bored?

Why isn't she typing at top speed

when her due date
was the day before yesterday?

It gets boring in your studio.

Are you taking her side
as a fellow writer?

She's expressing her hardship.

She can't whine because
it'll get the same response.

No one forced us to be writers.

We chose this path,
so we can't whine about it to anyone.

That's why she wrote what she wrote.

You writers are so annoying.

I know because I'm a writer myself.
Just let her be.

Not meeting the due date
is toughest on the writer.

Have dinner with me later on.

I can't. I have plans.

You'll have dinner with me.

I just hypnotized you.

I said I have plans.

You'll have dinner with me tonight.

Is this the flower shop?

Yes, I want to purchase some.

I'll arrive in about 30 minutes.
Can it be ready by then?

Yes, thank you.

This is Cha Eun-ho's
Books outside the Pages.

We'll now kick off the show.

Let me introduce you
to our special guest today.

Just like I previewed last week,
we have the master of thriller novels,

Yu Myeong-suk, with us today.

Hello, Ms. Yu.

Yes, hello, listeners.

I am Yu Myeong-suk.

You're finally here on our show.

We've been waiting for a long time.

I'm grateful for the warm welcome.

The world has changed a lot.

Back in the day,
writers only had to write books at home.

These days, we need to attend
book reading and signing events.

Then let's go ahead
and talk about your book.

Here you go.

That's my order.

No, it's mine.

A mixture of
violet lisianthus and eucalyptus.

Yes, that's what I ordered too.

Wait, it's Ji Seo-jun!

Are you the one who called?

I was just about to make it.

Hold on.

-You can take mine.

I can wait for the next one.

You owe me now.

Well, I don't want to owe a stranger.

We may end up crossing paths again.

You can pay me back then.

All right.

-Thank you.
-No problem.

Here you go.

-Good day.
-Thank you.

Can I cancel this order?

We're actually meeting the same person,
so I'll get going.

I'm sorry.

Ms. Yu, I brought a gift.

I bought a set for you.

This wasn't necessary at all.

They're good for you
so make sure to use them all.

I'll buy you more if you run out.

Thank you.

Did you like the meal we had last time?
You seemed to like it.

I can't believe you remember that.

Set B for both of us, please.

No, make that for four people.

Are there more people joining us?

You'll see.

Set B for four, please.

What is it? Why are you following me?

Me? Follow you?

Did you think I was a pervert?

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did. You made a mistake.

I didn't think you were one.

You owe me one and you made a mistake.

You owe me two favors.


What's her deal?

-Ms. Yu.
-Hi, welcome.

-Have you been well?
-Yes, what about you?

I've been okay.

What? It was you?

I told you that
we'd be having dinner together.

Who is the other guest?

Come this way, Seo-jun.

Fancy meeting you here.

We met at a flower shop on my way here.

Congratulations on your book.

This is the flower I like.

-Where is the manuscript?

-Can I take a look?
-No way.

Shoo. You might jinx it.

You work for another publisher.

Ms. Yu.

I don't think they want to work with me.
They won't let me even touch it.

Oh, my. You're going to work with us?

-You can take a peek right--
-No, no.

I guess everyone knows each other.

It will be easy to discuss this then.

I want Seo-jun to design my book cover.

No, I haven't decided yet.

Let me see how they treat me first.

Treat him well.

He's the perfect designer for my book.

You owe me a favor.
You should pay for your mistake too.

Why don't you join us?

I haven't decided yet either.

I must read the manuscript first.

-Take care.
-Take care.


-How are you getting home?
-It's close from here. I can walk.

I'll go home now.

Will you bring the manuscript tomorrow?
Mr. Kim needs to check it.

-Get home safe.

I'll see you again.

Let's carpool. We're neighbors.

I want to see Dan-i too.

Why? I thought you wouldn't be seeing her.

Why would I not?
I even brought a present for her.

I don't want you to see her.

-That was curt.
-You're being curt too.

You started it,
so you should stop it first.

Hey, stop seeing Dan-i.

I said no.

You were shocked
after finding out about Dan-i.

What? Dropping my knife,
choking, and hiccupping?

That was all a coincidence.

That won't be enough.

Your subconscious
brought upon the triple effect.

Your entire body is refusing
to accept Dan-i.

Let me ride with you.
She's not answering my calls.

She probably blocked you.

I'll ask her in person.

I know you're 29.

-So what?
-I'm three years older than you.

Age doesn't matter.

I'll be seeing the woman
who you treat like your sister.

The moment I dropped my knife,

I completely forgot about her age.

I hoped that Dan-i wouldn't be home.

I should throw away my intellect,
rationality, conscience,

and ethics.

I shouldn't have let him ride along.

I'll definitely regret this.

Give this to Dan-i.

And tell her that I'll be waiting here.

Did you get
Ms. Yu Myeong-suk's manuscript?

What's that? That's the manuscript, right?

-Let me look.
-No, the manuscript is in my car.

The manuscript wouldn't be this light.

-What is that then?
-This is mine.

-Let me see.
-Hey, no.

He's making me more curious.

Wait all night long. She won't go out.

Eun-ho, that isn't right.

Dan-i also likes Seo-jun.
She definitely does.

So what? What do you want me to do?

Love isn't about possession.

You can't have her
just because you want her.

Stop it.

I already regretted all my life
after letting her go once.

I shouldn't have let her go back then.

I won't regret anymore.

I know that too.

After he said he liked her,

you know that
she kept staring at her phone.

She waited for Ji Seo-jun to call.

Let's eat some fruit. Did you have dinner?

Why can't I cut this part?

What's this? Where did you get this?

Ji Seo-jun gave it to me.


Go outside. He's waiting.

Really? Where did you meet him?

You can ask him that.

Hey, hey. Do I look okay?

Luckily, I haven't removed my makeup yet.
Thank goodness.

Hey, where is the mirror?

I'm going out now.













It's cold.
Why aren't you wearing a jacket?

Sometimes, he's cold as ice,

but sometimes, he's the most warm-hearted.

I live with her but I can't do that
because people might find out.

But that prick is...

-He said he likes me.
-"Love"? As if.

Do you like that asshole?
Do you really like him?

What's all this?

He's like a little brother to me,

but at the same time,
I can't figure out what he's thinking.

Snow reminds me of someone.

That's why I told you,

"The moon is beautiful."

It's beautiful, isn't it?