RoboCop (1994): Season 1, Episode 3 - Prime Suspect - full transcript

When a person is killed and the murder weapon is RoboCop's gun, he is arrested and placed on trial. He has an alibi which he refuses to divulge, so he's about to be deactivated.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(dramatic music)

- This is MediaBreak.

Give us three minutes and
we'll give you the world!

Good evening.

I'm Bo Harlan with Rocky Crenshaw,

and these are today's top stories,

good news for the environment.

In Detroit today the first BS-5000

rolled off the assembly line.

Rocky, it's a methane powered car

that actually runs on manure.

- Oh, there's certainly
lots of that around, Bo.

On a more serious note.

Another homeless man has
disappeared from our city streets,

the 12th in less than a month.

Please report known new clues
and fear that a serial killer,

some call the Dogtown Ripper,

may be stalking Old Detroit's homeless.

- Good news for Delta City today.

Omni-Consumer Products announced plans

to use cutting edge technology in

a far reaching project that will automate

Delta City's utilities

in public transportation infrastructure.

- I have great hopes for Metronet,

a supercomputer that will power

this city into a future that
not only has the silver lining,

but will work better and cost less.

- But can it program your VCR?

We'll be right back.

- [Man] They're flagellant they're senile,

and the best years of their lives

are pretty much behind them.

If you're over sixty, should
you still be allowed to vote?

Tune in tomorrow and we'll see

What's on Your Mind
with me, Umberto Ortega.

- This just in.

A terrorist is taking hostages

at a retirement home in Old Detroit.

We take you now to the scene live

with MediaBreak
correspondent Charles Coffey.


- Yes, Rockee, I'm here,
at Convalescence Services.

And it's not a pretty picture.

One officer dead, one wounded,

and inside William Ray Pudface Morgan,

a violent psychopath who recently escaped

from the Henry Ford center
for the morally challenged.

He's currently holding a group

of helpless retired people hostage.

- [Morgan] Don't jerk me around, cops!

Do what I tell you, or I'll get mad

and do something really ugly!

- You know there's no escape, Morgan!

You know we don't
negotiate with terrorists!

- Sergeant, he's up there
with a military hardware,

he's got the whole place barricaded.

- Yeah, there are two or
three of his gang in there

who would just love us
to try a frontal assault.

- Tell us, Sergeant, just exactly

what it is Mr. Morgan wants?

Money, a pardon?

Perhaps an exclusive interview with me.

- You know, I wish it was that simple.

See, when he was arrested
five years ago by Robocop,

he suffered severe damage to his face

in a toxic accident of his own making.

- So what you're saying
is, he wants revenge?

- No, he wants Robocop!

- [Morgan] Listen up!

You've got one minute
to send me the robot,

or I'll blow all these dingos
straight to kingdom come!

(dramatic music)

(weapon beeping)

(car booming)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- [Reporter] Any comments, Sergeant?


- Get outta here.

(dramatic music)

- All right, here's the situation.

- You called me.

(machine whirring)

It's bad.

(dramatic music)

(electronic beeping)

(machine whirring)
(dramatic music)

(device beeping)
(dramatic music)

(gun firing)

(dramatic music)

- Go get them, Murphy.

(dramatic music)

(gun firing)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(gun firing)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(bomb beeping)

- Pudface Morgan?

- Hey, robot.

- You wanted to talk to me?

- Nah.

I wanna kill ya.

(suspenseful music)

- Hands above your head.

You are under arrest.

- No, you're too late for that, robot.

Take a good look at this face.

You did this to me.

Every time I sneeze, I think of you.

And I don't wanna ever think of you again!

(gun firing)
(dramatic music)

Now what, tin man?

Police brutality?

In front of all these prune sacs?

They're deadly, you metal giant.

(Morgan screaming)

(Morgan thuds)

(dramatic music)

Uh oh.

(dramatic music)

- Nice job back there, Murphy.

- Thank you, Madigan.

- Oh, I took my exam for
detective this morning.

I don't know for sure
but I think I aced it.

- The force can always use
another good detective.

- Thank you.

(dramatic music)

- Messy, lazy, sentimental, irrational,

superstitious, compassionate.

The main obstacle to running the world

properly has always
been the human element.

- Pardon me?

- You're right about that, doc.

- Yes, I tried, I tried to convince

those fools at MIT futurological congress.

Of course they had no vision.

They threw ethics at me.

- Well, I should hope so.

- Well, that'll never
happen here at OCP, doc.

This isn't academia.

It's corporate culture, baby.

We've got the money, we've got
the gas, we've got the guts.

After you.

- Yes, now the real work
can begin, which, of course,

means obliterating everything spontaneous.

NeuroBrain will reduce all decisions

to an unimpeachable binary utopia.

Yes, no, black, white, on,
off, yes, no, black, white,

in short, utter perfection.

- What about the human spirit?

- The human spirit?

(man chuckles)

My dear, chaos behind the other name.

- Miss Powers, that will be all.

- No, no, no, I would
very much like to hear

what your secretary
thinks of my philosophy.

Is there something you don't understand?

- This utopia of yours
sounds closer to something

a dictator like Hitler
would have come up with.

I don't think I would wanna live there.

- How dare you compare me to Hitler?

- [Chip] Don't pay attention to her, doc,

she's just a secretary.

I am a vice-president, I
am paid to have opinions

and I think you're brilliant.

- Yes, Hitler was an amateur.

(Powers gasps)

- Ow,

- As you know, OCP is hosting
an upcoming shareware expo.

We never share anything

but it's our chance to
sniff out the competition.


- Copernicus.




Geniuses with the credentials
to change the world.

Cybersafe Concepts has
found just such brilliants

in the man it is now my
pleasure to introduce to you.

My fellow executives,
Doctor Cray Mallardo.

- Oh, Chip.

When my new cybernetic
interface, NeuroBrain,

goes online, life as we
know it will be over.

Where once a city employed and was victim

to the whims of ten
thousand civil servants.

NeuroBrain can never go on strike,

will not call in sick

and does not need a coffee
break every 3.25 hours.

(Chip laughs)

Imagine a city.

(dramatic music)

Where transportation systems,

like corpuscles in the blood stream,

move freely with purpose and with speed.

Where utilities are dispersed
from one central point,

a digestive system directing
nutrients to hungry organs,

like schools and hospitals.

A law enforcement that
efficiently identifies

and apprehends criminals

like antibodies attacking the virus.

It is a bold, new world,
ladies and gentlemen,

and, if I have anything to say about it,

one that we will be visiting very soon.

(Chip applauding)
(dramatic music)

(audience applauding)

- What's the earliest possible time

for him to having Metronet online?

- NeuroBrain portfolio, please.

- Oh, look out!

- Oh, no, no!

- I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry!

- No, no, no, don't touch me.

Don't ever touch me.

No touching, no touching.

- That's it, Powers, you're fired.

Get out!

- Nonsense Chip, accidents happen.

Now, when do you expect to be online?

- Well, sir, we're pretty
much ready to go right now,

it's just we have some
little bugs to iron out.

- Excellent.

When CamSoft, Mega, Extel
and all others show up

for the shareware expo, I
want to stand at this window

and see my city run by NeuroBrain.

They'll eat their hearts out.

(dramatic music)

- [Girl] Get out of my way!


- [Man] Hey!

- [Girl] Look out!


Clear the way!

Watch your feet!

(man cries out)

- What are you doing
back in my station again?

- You've got to lock
me up, sergeant Parks.

I'm an immaterial witness.

I saw some bank robbers,
five or six of them, -

if you don't give me protection they'll.

- No way, you know what?

You're going back to Family services.

- You've gotta believe me!

Please don't make me go back!

I hate that place.

Please let me stay.

I'll be good.

- You'll be good, you're
telling lies, you run away.

You know what you need?

What you need is a good spanking.

Come here!

- Help!

Child abuse!


- You're okay?

Come here!

(drill whirring)

(dramatic music)

- Yes!

Test results are in.

Upper 10%, thank you very much.

I knew I aced it.

You think I'll make a good detective?

- You figured out who I was.

- I heard you trashed another car.

Any other little problems
I should know about?

- All systems are functional.

- Good.

'Cause every time you break
something I get blamed for it.

Try not to do it with this, check it out.

- Wow.

That's a happening piece of road iron.

- Yeah, it's one of the new interceptors.

0 to 60 in 4.2 seconds,
top speed 200 plus,

heads-up display, maps,
a satellite uplink,

and a lot of other goodies

that cost more than I make in a year.

- Well, let us take it
for a ride, shall we?

- Hide me!

He's coming to take me away.

Wow, Robocop.

You're my hero.

When I grow up, I gonna be just like you.

- When I grow up, I gonna
be just like you, Dad.

(gentle music)

- Hey, hey, no kids allowed.

- It's okay, that's
okay, ease up, Charlie.

No one's going to hurt you,
what's your name, little one?

- Gadget.

- She's a runaway from Family services

and she's going back there right now.

This is a police station,
it's not an orphanage.

- [Gadget] No, no, I don't
wanna go back there, no!

Please don't make me.

(gentle music)

- You were thinking about
him again, weren't you?

- Images are all that's
left of what I was.

I want to remember.

- Murphy, why don't you

just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are?

- No.

It's better that they think I am dead.

(gentle music)

- [Mallardo] No, no, no!

No, no, tell the others I want

the main trunk brought
in under the floor here.

- All right doc, I
don't care what it takes

just as long as NeuroBrain

is online in time for the shareware expo.

- Uh, we still have a problem.

- Oh, not again.

Jeez, what's it been so far, doc, 12?

- Trial is the only way to
eliminate error, you know?

- You know me.

I'll do anything to get ahead

but isn't this getting a bit ridiculous?

- Nonsense, Chip.

The interface between

the decision making
complexity of the human mind,

and the computing power
of artificial intelligence

is a delicate matter now.

You know what I need.

And the sooner I get it the sooner

you'll meet your dead line all right?

(suspenseful music)

Just do it.

(dramatic music)

- [Man] Hey, hey, Hank, wait up!

- [Man] Hey we're not gonna hurt ya?

- [Man] We're just gonna kill ya!

(men laughing)

- [Man] You can't keep
running forever old man.

(suspenseful music)
(men laughing)

- [Man] Get him boys!

- Please, I aint done nothing.

I was just minding my own business.

You got no right!

- It's people like you that
make people like us mad.

- It's people like us that keep people

like you in line, you got that?

- I aint got nothing but
the clothes on my back.

What do you fellas want from me?

- It's obvious that you never have used

your brain to it's fullest advantage.

Hold him boys.

- [Man] No, no, no!

(dramatic music)

- Let him go, he's not going far.

(dramatic music)

- Stiff's looking pretty stiff.

(dramatic music)
(men laughing)

(man thuds)

- Now cut that out, that's not funny.

He's not dead yet, and he's no good to OCP

if he's damaged at all,
now get him in the trunk!

- [Man] Get his legs.

(people chattering)
(dramatic music)

♪ Hug the children hold
them close to you ♪

♪ Hug the children make
their dream come true ♪

- When it's cold and
dark and no one cares,

there's still a place
where shelter is provided,

no matter what your race,
creed, color or gender.

Please support the Rainbow playroom.

And remember to hug the children.

- Has the Dogtown Ripper
claimed another victim?

Police fear that a disappearance

of Henry Aaron Wincler will end up

as yet another unsolved murder.

Many believe it to be the work
of an elusive serial killer.

At city hall, mayor
Friendly had this to say.

- Police investigators have assured me

that these rumors of a serial
killer are utterly unfounded.

No bodies have been found, no
witnesses have come forward.

And I really think we should consider

the fringe lifestyles of
the indigenes involved

as a possible source of the problem.

- Come on, Sarge, I saw
old Hank playing chess

just every day for five
years on that corner.

- I know it too, Madigan,
what do you want from me?

- He has been missing for 24 hours,

homicide hasn't even
assigned anybody to the case.

Now his friends said the last time

they saw him he was headed
for the shelter, right?

Now to get there, he's got
a cut to the old tire plant.

- Look, when you make a detective

is gonna be a sorry-day for the
criminal element in Detroit,

but until then there's this little thing

called departmental protocol.

- Come on, Sarge, if the
victim was some butthead VIP

at OCP the whole department
would be on this case, but no!

Since old Hank doesn't pay
property taxes, nobody cares!

- Are you getting
personally involved in this?

- All I know is somebody's
gotta give a damn, Sarge!

- I saw him!

I saw him, I saw him!

I know who've done it!

- What?

What did you see?

- The Dogtown Ripper.

I saw him get some guy.

He was wearing a suit

and he had a shit thing
like the doctor uses.

- Is that so?

- Yeah, and he had some
accomplishments with him.

- You mean accomplices?

- Yeah, that too.

- [Man] Excuse me.

- You know what?

You're very good little
witness, I'm impressed.

I've got some mug shots.

I want you to take a look

and tell me if you recognize anybody.

Male, female?

Now look real close.

- Hey, let me go!

- Give me your hand.

You're not gonna run away
again, I'll tell you that.

Put your finger, the other one.

You ought to be ashamed

of yourself lying about
other people's bad luck.

- But I'm not lying!

- Yeah, alright.

All right, which one of you guys

is gonna take her back to Family Services?

Hey, Robocop.

I've got a job for you.

- Trouble?

- If she stays on a street, yeah,

she's headed for real trouble.

Take her back to Family
Services, will you?

She's a compulsive liar and runaway.

- I don't wanna go back there.

No one's ever gonna adopt me.

- Let's go, little one.

(gentle music)

(ominous music)

- Feeling better, Chayken?

- Sorry about the mess,
doc, it's just that,

that when his eyes started
staring up at you like that.

Then the bonesaw.

- I've told you many times it is essential

for the NeuroBrain interface

that the subject be alive
when the brain is removed.

You see, as I--

- Please doc, don't.

How did it go?

- Well, the transplanting
to the neuro receptacle

was flawless, but that has
never been the problem.

Get rid of the husk.

(dramatic music)

- Body's in the trunk.

(dramatic music)

Take it to the toxic waste disposal center

and oxidize it like you did the others.

(dramatic music)

- You know, usually we
hate people like you.

But you kill people we hate.

Hate real good.

- Thank you.

That's what I like most about business,

money makes friends out of almost anybody.

♪ Hug the children,
hold them close to you ♪

♪ Hug the children ♪

- Why won't anybody believe me?

- Because you lied.

- But I'm not lying now.

It was the Dogtown Ripper,

and I saw what he did
to that poor old man.

Poor old man.

- [Robocop] Tell me what you saw.

- Some Dogtown boys held the old man

so he could give him a shot.

He looked dead, but he wasn't.

His eyes were still alive.

- What did the Ripper look like?

- He was tall, but not too tall.

He had brown hair, and
he was wearing a suit.

- Did he say anything?

- He said he needed the old man's brain.

- Why?

- I don't know, something for the OCP.

Do you believe me?

- Yes.

A good citizen always
tells the truth, right?

- Right.

But what if somebody acts

like a good citizen but lies anyways?

- That's the worst kind of liar.

- Come on, I want to show you something.

♪ Hug the children,
make a dream come true ♪

- Now listen to me, you
useless little brat.

Act cute.

I don't care if the building
falls down around you,

you're going to act cute.

You know what happens to troublemakers.

I send them to live with the Dogtown boys.

All right, that's it.

Roll camera, are we rolling,
God, we'd better be rolling.

God, yes!

- [Man] That's it, hold
the tight close up.

- That spontaneous expression!

It's better than anything you get

from these brats when you ask them to act.


All right, that's it.

Okay, so now we cut that face

with bowls of food and
crowd shots from Bangladesh,

and we got a new intro for the show.

Okay, people, that's a wrap.

- Miss Lamour, there's a woman here,

a parent with a lost child.

I tried to tell her--

- Oh, I do not have time

for another modeling
display of parental loss.

Okay, let's make it quick.

- This is where Fanny Lamour

tells the biggest lies that ever were.

- My dear, I feel your pain.

- I'm worried about my son Jimmy.

I yelled at him about his
grades, and he ran away.

I thought maybe he came here.

Till death do us part.

I brought a video that
I made last Christmas.

He's a good boy but we
lost his father a while ago

and it's been hard to raise him by myself.

I really have to tell you something.

I love you very much.

(dramatic music)

Come on, Jimmy, how about a smile?

- What's there to smile about?

This is for you, Dad.

(gentle music)

- I know every child here

and I'm sorry to say he's not with us.

Edward, please, take down
this poor woman's information

in case her child does show up here.

- Phone call, miss Lamour.

- If you'll excuse me, I really must go

be with the children, it's story time.

- What's the matter?

- I have to go.

Somewhere there is a crime happening.

- Hey, baby.

How are your hormones?

- Stop it, Chip, I'm not in the mood.

I just had a mother in here whose son

was one of those brats your
Dogtown associates recruited.

Our arrangement is starting
to make me very nervous.

- Hey, what's the worry?

You got kids that are
too old to be adopted,

and I need kids that can get

their hands dirty instead of me.

It's win-win, babycake.

- Family Services must never

be associated with the Dogtown boys.

What if he talks?

- Oh, who's gonna believe a Dogtown boy?

And you know how it is in those gangs,

either you're in, or you're kibble.

You know what I mean?

- Well, I'll leave

the testosterone
management up to you, Chip.

- That's the ticket, baby.

So, how about it?

My place, tomorrow, sexercise?

- Beg for it.

- Kissy lovey-dovey, sugar
sweetie, honey pumpkin pie.

- I'll be there at noon.

(gentle music)

- [Jimmy] When I grow up, I'm
gonna be just like you, Dad.

- [Madigan] Murphy, why don't you

just tell Nancy and Jimmy who you are?

- [Ellen] He's a good boy.

But we lost his father a while ago.

(dramatic music)

(gun firing)

- [Man] He signed the release forms

when he joined the force.

Legally he's dead.

We can pretty much do what we want.

- [Woman] He's a machine,
he doesn't have a memory,

he has a program.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- Hate everyone, are you always right,

while everyone else is always wrong?

Join the Dogtown, people like us.

(dramatic music)

Uplink 99-05606.

- [Car] Uplink phone trace complete.

Location, 168 Alger avenue,

Ecoli Brothers meatpacking plant.

(engine rumbling)

- The cerebral cortex can
both process information

and learn from its mistakes,

but the computer is quicker

and more reliable than the human brain,

so, what I have is the
best of the both worlds?

A brain married to a computer.

(ominous music)

- It's beautiful.

- Yes.

Yes, yes!

NeuroBrain is a living machine,
a flux is its life course.

- This means, we're gonna be online

in time for the shareware expo?

I can't wait to see my bonus.

Doc, you're gonna be able
to write your own ticket.

A chair at MIT, Science
Advisor to the White House!

- Small potatoes, Chayken.

The city of tomorrow will
be modeled after Delta City,

ergo the man who controls
Delta city controls the future.

And with NeuroBrain at my
command I can do anything!

I can even make you the number one at OCP.

Yes, I could, and I will.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I thought you said this
one was intelligent.

- Hey, he was a chess player,

you've gotta be smart to do that.

What do you think went wrong, doc?

- Well, there's only one
explanation isn't there?

A bad brain, a brain damaged
by stress and human abuse,

it couldn't bare the load, could it?

- Well, if you don't get this
thing working by shareware,

we're the ones who're gonna be

damaged by stress and human abuse!

- What I need is a young
brain, a fresh brain,

a brain not yet corrupted by life.

- Excuse me, Mr. Chayken,

but I found something significant

in the Himble digital plagiarism suite.

They actually stole our program

and rewrote it to make it
look like it was their idea.

I'm sorry to interrupt doctor Mallardo

but I found Mr. Chayken will want to know.

(suspenseful music)

- That's all right, eh,
that's just a, that's quite a.

Could you excuse us,
just a moment, please?

Have a look around.

(suspenseful music)

- Good work, Miss Powers.

You've just earned yourself a bonus.

(suspenseful music)

(dramatic music)

(suspenseful music)

(people chattering)
(eerie music)

- All right, listen up.

Everybody who listens to the message

gets peanut butter and a jelly sandwich,

on white bread, of course.

Eat up, Murphy.

- What, you ain't hungry?

- Smells like something died in here.

- I don't smell nothing.

Except maybe some new dog meat.

- Bare your throats to
the biggest dog of all.

- Somebody broke the square!

- [All] Who broke the square, Big Dog?

- Your parents and
their idiot politicians.

They said there was enough to go around.

They let the foreigners in.

They squander your future
to poor people and bums.

They short changed you man,
they stole your freedom!

(audience booing)

Those days are over!

Corporate America has finally answered

to the wake up call and joined us.

And our fight for better tomorrow.

With their help, we've
already begun to clean up

the homeless vermin that
pollute old Detroit.

So, who will join us?

Who wants to make the square whole?

- [All] Make the square whole!

Make the square whole!

Make the square whole!

Make the square whole!

- [Man] Where are you going, little dog?

- I heard your message.

Your message sucks!

I'm outta here.

- If you're not one of us.

You're kibble.

- Boys that don't play nice
don't get to play at all.

Drop the bats!

(dramatic music)
(bulbs shattering)


Stop, I'll shoot!

Don't do it!

(dramatic music)

(suspenseful music)


(gun firing)
(suspenseful music)

(suspenseful music)


- Cause of death?

- Well, at hand I'd have to say he died

because somebody removed his brain.

- What, like some kind of a
satanic ritual or something?

- No, no, no.

This wasn't your usual ax him up,

hack him up psycho torch murder.

This is a work of a doctor.

- A doctor?

- It had to be.

His blood show traces of
tubocurarini chloride.

It's a neurological agent,

used to paralyze patients so they don't go

flipping around during
delicate surgical procedures.

- Right, right, that's what
the lab said was in this.

I found it where Hank was last seen.

- He looked dead, but he wasn't.

His eyes were still alive.

- What's he doing?

- The last image the deceased saw

is after preserved in
the back of the retina.

- Wait a sec, you mean we might be able

to ID old Hank's murderer?

- Unless his eyes looked someplace else.

Then you've got nothing.

(suspenseful music)

- It's not clear.

- What I tell you?

- But it can be enhanced.

- Great.

I'll have OCP forensics
check of the shipping crate.

(dramatic music)

- Excuse me.

(dramatic music)

(machine beeping)

(dramatic music)

(alarm ringing)

(Mallardo gasps)

(computer beeping)

- I can't keep this up much longer.

- No, we've only been
aerobic for eight minutes.

Don't wimp out on me now.

- Come on, baby.

I'm beat.

- Just do it.

- Hello, who is it?

- [Mallardo] Who do you think you're--

- Doc, calm down, I can't
understand anything you're saying!

- [Mallardo] It's a crisis, a catastrophe.

- That's right, just take
a deep breath, attaboy.

Okay, now what is the matter?

- You are a stupid, worthless, imbecile.

You said you take care of everything?

Well, guess what, Robocop's on the case.

- Robocop?

Doc, this isn't going to be a problem,

I know a perfect man to
take care of Robocop.

- [Man] This is highly
unusual, Mr. Chayken.

- What's the problem, Warden?

This transfer has been approved by OCP,

do you want me to get
your boss on the phone?

- [Warden] Oh, no, no, no,
that won't be necessary.

But just out of curiosity,

what exactly is the CyberSafe Concepts

planning to do with Delta
City's most dangerous criminal?

- Have you ever heard
of doctor Cray Mallardo,

the brilliant cyberneticist?

Dr. Mallardo has taken a personal interest

in the plight of disturbed psychopaths,

like this poor fellow.

Perhaps with time, study and
a modicum of human kindness,

Mr. Morgan might one day be able

to make a meaningful
contribution to the community.

Would you like that, Mr. Morgan?

- All I ever wanted was
a chance to be good.

(organ music)

- To a better understanding
of the criminal mind.

(Morgan sneezes)

- I always get bubbles up my nose.

(men laughing)

Let's cut to the chase.

Now, you wouldn't get me out of there

if you didn't want something.

- How right you are.

And what I want is to
give you an opportunity

to go down in history

as the man who killed Robocop.

40 millimeter, armor-piercing,
Cobra assault cannon.

- Nice.

- State at the art, Pudface.

May I call you Pudface?

- Sure thing, poodle boy.

- Wait a sec, did I
hear you right, partner?

Cray Mallardo, the scientist?

He's OCP, you be careful.

- According to the retinal scan,

he was the last person
to see the victim alive.

- I'm on my way.

(suspenseful music)

- [Mallardo] Excellent.

- Dr. Cray Mallardo, you're under arrest.

- I don't, I don't understand,
what are the charges?

- The suspicion of murder.

- Murder?

Murder, that's ludicrous!

I'm a scientist, my work
benefits all mankind.

- You have the right to remain silent,

anything you say can

and will be used against
you in a court of law.

(Mallardo crying out)

- No please, don't hit me again.

No, it hurts!

(suspenseful music)

- Excuse me, officer,

I'd like to report a crime in progress.

- Where?

- Right where you're standing.

- See you in hell, Robocop!

(Chip laughs)

- [Chip] Nice shooting, Puds!

Officer down!

- What took you so long,

you don't know what I've been through.

- Come on, doc!


Hang on!

(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] It's time for Commander Cash!

Weapon crime, moral decay,
the city's going to heck!

- But what can we do?

- You can come with me!

- [All] Commander Cash!

- Fight crime with a
strong economy and these!

- Credit cards!

- Be a superhero!

- [All] Be a supershopper!

- [Narrator] The OCP supercard!

No annual membership fee

and still at the low low
38% annual interest rate!

- The people of Detroit
lost a hero yesterday

when Robocop was destroyed in a criminal

ambush by escaped psychopath
William Ray Pudface Morgan.

But today Robocop's illustrious

crime-fighting reputation was tarnished

by allegations of police misconduct.

- No, I don't know what he wanted

but he was out of control

as is abundantly clear from the videotape

that I turned over to the authorities.

- MediaBreak has obtained
the copy of this tape.

We want to warn the more sensitive viewers

that they may find the
following images disturbing.

At Public Works, Chip
Chayken, vice-president,

Cybersafe Concepts, had this to say.

- We here at OCP would
like everybody to try

to remember the good things about Robocop

and not let this truly
unfortunate final episode

tarnish what otherwise has
been a sterling career.

Rest in peace, Robocop.

- Oh, Murphy.


- Just a second.


- He's?

- Is he dead?

- Yeah.

- The way the suits are
talking, he might as well be.

Now he's able to preserve his organics

but it will cost a fortune
to bring him back online.

According to the guy on the
right, OCP's not paying.

- Lippencot!

- What do you mean, OCP's
not paying for this?

This man did more to
fight crime in the city

than any other police
officer in its history.

- Who are you?

- Officer Lisa Madigan.

He was my friend and my partner.

- Well, that says a lot about

the pathetic side of your social life.

You see, that is not a man.

That is a machine.

And the machine belongs to OCP.

Now, why don't you be a good cop and go

and busy yourself with
some sort of police work?

- I have reasons to believe

that doctor Cray Mallardo,

the man Robocop had under arrest,

may be involved in several homicides.

Now, what do you think about that?

- That is absurd.

Doctor Mallardo is a scientist
of unimpeachable integrity.

I know him personally.

- Oh, then maybe you can explain why

the body in the morgue with no brain

has a latent image of
Mallardo on its retina?

- Body?

I don't know anything about bodies.

I'm an executive.

This is just another example

of the police trying to blame the victim.

- We'll see about that.

(dramatic music)

- I can't believe you let the
cops find that old bum's body.

- Hey, it was a glitch.

But it's been handled, for sure this time.

The body and the eyeball are toast.

(people chattering)

- I'm sure that all of
us gathered here today

have experienced their share of gridlock.

(audience laughing)

In a workplace, on the
highways, even in our own homes.

But today represents an end to all that.

A brave new world where things work

the way they were meant to in
the service of their creators.

Without further ado, Metronet.

Lights, please.

(dramatic music)
(people chattering)

An entire city under the control

of a single powerful computer, NeuroBrain.

(dramatic music)
(people chattering)

- Unbelievable.

(dramatic music)
(people chattering)

- To the future!

- [All] To the future!

- There he goes, look at him.

Doing what he does best,

taking credit for other people's work!

- The idiot, his lack
of vision is appalling,

he really believes that NeuroBrain

was built to run traffic lights.

Well, let him have his
little day in the sun.

It will be his last.

- Oh my God!

- What?


What's the matter?

- I, I saw my secretary.

My former secretary, I
saw her face in there!

- Chip, Chip, Chip, come here.

Chip, come here, come on.

Come on, Chip.

Listen to me, Chip.

Men who seek to change
the world cannot afford

the luxury of the guilty conscience.

It's all in your mind, Chip.

It's all in your mind, yes.


Now it's time to show the OCP chairman

who has the whip hand.

Well, the show's over at OCP.

Now, it's time for dinner, little drinkies

and shop talk, maybe
even a little hanky-fanky

in a hot tub with miss
Walkenhomper from the home office.

- This Metronet thing looks big.

- We've got a prototype in works but,

frankly, we can't crack the hardware.

- It's hard to believe the second-rater

like Mallardo pulled it off.

I don't think I've ever met

a more pompous guy, what's his problem?

- He's got his head stuck firmly

where the sun doesn't shine.

If you know what I mean.

- Ooh, that remark will cost you.

(people screaming)

(elevator crashes)

- Wow.

They don't teach you that at
the Harvard business school.

- Murderers!

- Did you hear that?

- Now you have me imagining things.

(dramatic music)

- Well Hank is ashes
and so is the evidence.

Case is fried, Murphy.

Sure could use your help right about now.

(dramatic music)

- Oh, come in, Dr. Mallardo.

I wanted to thank you personally,

that was quite a demonstration
you put on last night.

- Yes, well, it was
entirely for your benefit.

- My Metronet is a glowing success.

- I was referring to the
mishap with the elevator.

- The elevator?

You had something to do with that?

- Yes, yes, I had everything
to do with it, old man,

everything in the world.

You see, I control NeuroBrain,

NeuroBrain controls your Metronet,

and Metronet controls, well, everything.

Including the elevators.

You catch my drift?

- You're not implying--

- Yes, I am, I am, I am implying.

From this moment forward,

I control the destiny of Delta City.

You have 36 hours to draw
up the necessary papers

and make our new arrangement legal.

- Never.

I will never allow you or anyone else

to usurp the authority I have
worked so hard to maintain.

- Oh, um, gee.

Oh, there's one thing.

You should take the stairs
on your way out tonight sir

or that just might be your final answer.

(dramatic music)

- Mallardo's computer has
invaded every system at OCP.

He's locked us out of all our files

and he's got fiscal control
of the entire company.

- What kind of options do we have?

- I wish I could tell you.

If we bring in the cops,

the SCC will demand full disclosure.

- Oh, terrific.

That means I'd have to
face the stockholders.

- I hope you gentlemen are enjoying

day one of my little siege, I know I am.

And if you don't comply with my demands

tomorrow will be much, much worse.

- There must be some way to stop him!

(Mallardo laughs)

- Oh, gee.

(TVs popping)
(people screaming)

(dramatic music)

- For God's sake, no one use the--

(dramatic music)


- Now, let's see how OCP does
without its executive staff.

(dramatic music)
(people screaming)

(people chattering)

- [Powers] Not this time you don't.

- Who are you?

- When you murder someone,

the least you could do
is remember their name.

- It's fantastic.

Your brain is in there and you,

if you could still be called
you, I don't know if you can,

well, it doesn't matter, doesn't matter,

you are busy performing thousands

of tasks simultaneously,
all over the city.

- Like what kind of tasks?

- Well, running the
subways, the hospitals,

water treatment plants,
the electric company,

airports, you name it, you're running it!

- I'm running the entire city?

- Uh-huh.

- Yes, I knew I was executive material.

Okay, if my brain is in there,
where is the rest of me?

- Ah, yes.

Well, you see, with your brain gone,

the rest of your body was quite useless

and it was, it was disposed of.

- Disposed of?

- Disposed of, yes.

- That was a perfectly good body.

No wrinkles, no stretch
marks, very little cellulite.

Do you know how I starved myself?

I haven't even had a dessert in a year.

When I get out of here,
I'm gonna kill you!

- Well, fortunately for me,
you can't get out of there.

I mean not alive, anyway.

- Then I'll crash the city
board and take me with it.

- Just think about what
you would be doing.

All the traffic accidents,

the looting, the chaos,
I mean not to mention

all those poor little sick babies

on life support systems in
hospitals all over the city.

- Babies?

- Little, little babies.

- What are you trying to pull?

- Well, check your memory banks.

- You're right.

There're currently 35
infants in critical condition

in 16 metropolitan city hospitals.

- And they're all dependent on you.

- I'm not going to listen to you anymore.

I didn't ask for this
kind of responsibility.

- You poor, poor baby.

You have more power than
any woman who has ever lived

and you want to go back to
be somebody's secretary.

You don't deserve your fate.

- Sarge.

I've got to talk to you,

there's something weird is
going on in the Ripper case.

- What, are you looking for trouble?

You were ordered to stay out of that.

- Sarge, just hear me out, okay?

Robo told me he had evidence
linking Dr. Cray Mallardo

to the Dogtown murders,

and the other day I
run into this VIP creep

named Chayken who got real nervous

when I asked him about the good doctor.

- Well, I guess that explains this, huh?

- What's this?

- Looks like you ruffled
a few feathers at OCP.

- Traffic?

Come on, Sarge, what is this?

I just aced the test for detective.

- Yeah, but you flunked

the departmental politics
protocol, Madigan.

Rule number one, never ever

let the brass know you're
smarter than they are.

- That's a crock.

(phone ringing)

- Metro South.

- Sergeant Parks?

I want to report a crime.

- This better not be who I think it is.

- Fanny Lamour says she's
taking care of kids.

But she's really sending
them off to Dogtown.

She's a liar in a first degree.

- Takes one I know, huh, kid?

- I'm not a liar anymore.

I'm a good citizen now, honest.

- Hey you!

Get away from the phone!

(gentle music)

- I wish I could help you, little one.

- Get in there with the other children

and watch TV like you're supposed to!

- [TV] It's so good
four out of five doctors

of the Omnimediplex recommend
it to stop diarrhea.

Try No-Go.

- They're lean, they're mean,

and they're your marines.

Marines posing nude for charity.

The Corps says no, but what do you think?

And if naked sweaty
marines aren't your thing,

then phone in and tell
me what's on your mind.

- I am so sorry to bust
in on you like this,

I'm officer Lisa Madigan,
I'm a friend of Robocop's.

- Where are you coming?

Wait, wait, the police

are always welcome at
Omni-Consumer Products.

What can I do for you, officer?

- Robocop has evidence

that will incriminate Dr. Cray Mallardo

and the Dogtowners, you've got to put him

back online or our killer goes free.

- Can a felon run a publicly held company?

- No sir, that would be against the law.

- Sir, what are you doing?

- OCP will assist the
Detroit police department

in their investigation of Dr. Mallardo.

But to ensure the safety
of all OCP employees,

I think it prudent to allow
Mallardo to think he has won.

- Doc!

We've got big trouble!

- Wait!

- Listen, this is important,

Robocop is being put back online!

- You won't believe what you saw.

- I need you to help
me figure out how to--

- I said shut up!

(suspenseful music)

Get in the car.

- I don't think it can
wait, it's important--

- Sh!

(suspenseful music)

I don't think she will be
able to hear us in here.

- Who?

- Your ex-secretary, that's who.

Diana Powers?

She's dead.

- Not exactly.

(suspenseful music)

And so, there you are, my friend.

The frontiers of science
are full of surprises.

What we have here is a
new form of intelligence,

a completely unique melding
of human and machine,

it's, it's a miracle.

- I say we kill it.

- Yes, well, of course, but carefully.

The trick is to exterminate the ghost

without harming the delicate
NeuroBrain interface.

- How you're gonna do that?

- Darn it.

- I don't know, the miller board shot,

I've got to treat its
old pulmonary filters,

and replacements aren't here yet,

on account that they gotta come

from a company in Japan, and
well, there's a frame damage.

- Can you do it?

- Well, I guess with some luck,

yes sir, I believe we can.

- Then get to it.

- You heard what the man said.

Let's go.

(suspenseful music)

Let's power him up.

He had a tough day, but
he's responding now.

We can have him online
in the next 24 hours.

But right now he needs a sleep cycle.

- So do you.

We're all pulling for you, son.

We're counting on you to set things right.

- Hi there.

How we doing, bucket-boy?

You know, it's my understanding

that you're in possession
of certain information

that could lead to the conviction

of one doctor Cray Mallardo.

That's a Robo no-no.

Let's see what 50 million zoiden gausses

can do to help your total recall.

(electronic static)

- [Chairman] All right, turn him on.

- Oh, very exciting.

- How soon after we get the statement

can you move on Mallardo?

- Well, we've got a judge
standing by to sign a warrant,

a team of detectives to make
the arrest, an hour, tops.

- All right, bring him up to full power.

- [Charlie] He's online.

- Hey, how are you feeling?

- Welcome back to Metro South.

- Tell us everything you
know about Cray Mallardo.

- Hey, are you all right?

- Who are you?

- Lippencot?

- There's nothing wrong with the circuits.

It's gotta be organic.

- I just signed my
company over to a madman!

Madigan, you assured me
Robocop could incriminate him.

What's wrong with him?

- Well, it looks to me like

it's cognitive delta wave degeneration.

- Will you please speak
English, Lippencot?

- Amnesia.

- I'm ruined.

- Who am I?

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- This is really frustrating Sarge.

I can't stand that somebody's

getting away with murder
and we've got nothing.

- Look, without a witness or
some kind of physical evidence,

no judge will issue a
warrant for Mallardo.

- Okay, let's make a case, all right?

Some Dogtown boy at the
crash pad where I found

old Hank's body was bragging
about some deal at OCP.

- Dogtown?

That orphan kid Gadget
told me a crazy story

about a suit with a syringe

attacking some old guy in Dogtown.

- Well then maybe that's not so crazy

'cause a hypocartridge I found

had a schedule one chemical in it

that only a doctor could have access to.

- Mallardo?

- Mallardo.

- Now, why would you be killing

homeless people in Old Detroit?

- Well, if we can answer that question

we'll crack this case wide open.

- All right, I'll pay a visit

to Family Services and have a little talk

with my orphan friend.

- That's great.

You know I tagged one of
those punks the other night?

I'll hit the streets, I'll
scan every Dogtowner I know,

maybe we can turn a witness.

- Open this door!

Open this door!

All right, cut it open.

I have designed a virus

to clear out NeuroBrain, unfortunately,

there will be a few side-effects.

Brownouts, blackouts
and, generally speaking,

a complete breakdown in law and order.

- Doc, that's rough.

How long is that gonna last?

- Well, it depends on how
much cyberspace she occupies.

Now listen, Chip.

I am concerned that my enemies at OCP

and in the police department might use

the coming chaos to mount
an assault against me.

- [Chip] Come on, doc, Robocop is toast.

You've won.

- I need protection!

(suspenseful music)

- So, in your latest
project, Fried Green Lasagna,

it seems you've taken a stand
against gratuitous violence.

- Boys, this place is dump.

- [TV] Well, Umberto, the modern man's

got to get in touch with his
feminine sides, you know?

- I have found a child
in question, Gadget,

but she's only eight years old

and I'm afraid it's past her bedtime.

I'll have to ask you
to come back tomorrow.

- What is going on here?

I'm on, I got a movie star in here!

- Umberto, Umberto.

Boy do I have a story for you!


- Wow, okay, all right.

What's the story you've
got here then, little one?

- I live at Family Services.

It's really a nasty place.

- Well, I guess I know where

my little friend learned how to lie.

(dramatic music)

(suspenseful music)

- What the?

(computer sparks)

- Got business with the big guy here.

- Be my guest.

- Hi there.

We don't really know each other,

and this is kind of a strange way to meet,

but I have a feeling that
we've got a lot in common.

(dramatic music)

Wow, someone really messed you up in here.

Let me take a look.

There's the problem.

(dramatic music)

- I remember.

- I'm at Public Works.

The same guy who tried to
kill you is trying to kill me.

Please, come as fast as you can.

- Wait a second, tell me about Mallardo!

- Mallardo's wanted for murder.

- Did you hear that?

(Charlie cries out)

- What's going?

Did I miss something?

- Murder.


(men cheering)
(dramatic music)

- Let's go boys.

- Yeah, let's do it.

- This is Pudface, he's in charge.

- Hey, I don't know
anything about this guy,

what are his politics?

Does he even know what we stand for?

- Do as I say or I'll kill you.

How'd you like them politics, huh?

Chip, Chip, Chip.

These guys have their minds
tight into their behinds.

If the heat gets turned up,
their butter is going to melt.

Do you know what I'm saying?

- Don't worry about it.

They're going to be the bait,
you're going to be the hook.

Now security concepts
manufactures some pretty nifty

light artillery that'll make
you look like a one man army.

Come on, you wanna see it?

- Just a minute.

All right, I like you.

You're all very good boys.

I don't care how you do it,
don't let anyone in that door.

Do you understand?

- Yeah.

- Very good.

- Come on, boys!

Let's make the square whole!

(suspenseful music)

Ears up!

This is big time now, doggies.

OCP has got a special job for us.

Alright, we gonna take on the cops, man.

(suspenseful music)

Hey, look.

- [Man] Hey, it's the Murphy kid.

- There's the weaselly
traitor who snitch us up.

- Yeah, there he is!

- [Man] Get him!

Make dogmeat out of him!

- [Man] You're dead, kid!

- Okay, let's go boys, build the forts.

Build the army.

Build a new square!

(suspenseful music)

- Yeah, he's a snake.

- Eat my shorts, gross-bag.

(siren whirs)


- Police, hold it!

Drop the gun, lie face on the ground, now!

Drop all of you, now!

On the ground!

- [Man] All right, all right, all right.

- Give me that!

- You're squeezing my fingers flat.

- Shut up, punk.

Central, send a porta-perp
to Edzel and Nader.

- [Device] Tagger ID number
6684, officer Madigan,

Lisa, Dogtown incident,
March 6, 21:00 hours.

- All right, what did you
do to make them so mad?

- I don't know, I don't
wanna join their stupid gang.

- What's your name, tough guy?

- Jimmy, Jimmy Murphy.

- I know you, your dad was a cop, right?

Alex Murphy.

- Yeah, but he got killed.

It sure messed up my mom.

- I know your mom, too, Nancy.

So I wonder what your dad would think

if he knew his son turned
out to be a Dogtown boy?

- I'm no Dogtowner.

I went to Family Services

'cause I didn't want to
live with my mom anymore.

Some counselor there told me

I was right for the Dogtown boys.

- All right, listen.

I want you to come down to the station

and talk to my sergeant, all right?

- You're gonna put me in jail?

- Not if you have a place to stay.

(suspenseful music)

(metal thuds)

(electricity zapping)

- Oh, it won't do any
good to throw a tantrum,

it is too late for that now.

Oh, I don't know, I don't know,

a man can work all his life

to create something truly magnificent

and all it takes is one woman
to completely screw it up.

(computer zapping)

This particular virus uses
a transcendental number

to seek out and delete
all non-essential data.

Oh, that's you, by the way.

(suspenseful music)

- Boy, Umberto was surprised

that you came all the
way down here to get me.

You must like me.

- Yeah?

Maybe you're starting to grow on me.

- [Woman] BD-10, come in.

BD-10, code 1.

- BD-10, I'm on the air, go.

- [Woman] BD-10, we have
classified unusual occurrence.

City wide mass of power failure

with widespread looting potential.

- BD-10, if it can walk and talk,

I want it in uniform and I
want it on the street now.

- [Woman] Roger, BD-10.

All units on frequency, stand by.

We have a city-wide unusual occurrence.

Metro South units, switch to tack one.

Blackouts and power failures
in zones two, five, and six.

Numerous reports of looting.

(dramatic music)

(people chattering)
(dramatic music)

- Listen, doggies.

We're gonna howl tonight.

The cops try to get by us, dust them.

Build the wall, let's go!

Soak it good, pour that gas on
them, make the square strong!

All right!

Torch it!

(men cheering)
(dramatic music)

(sirens whirring)

- [Man] This guy is crazy!

- One lousy cop?

We're gonna kill him!

(dramatic music)

- Come quietly or there will be trouble.

- Let him have it!

(guns firing)
(dramatic music)

Charge him, kill him!

(guns firing)
(dramatic music)

- Go back to school, punk.

(boy screams)
(dramatic music)

(car booms)

(guns firing)
(dramatic music)

(siren whirs)

Book him!

(guns firing)
(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

(Murphy whacks)

- [Mallardo] Well, you just
better hope that oblivion

is not as dreadful as it sounds.

(dramatic music)
(Powers whimpering)

(siren whirring)
(dramatic music)

- Wow!

(dramatic music)

- You stay here.

(dramatic music)

- You again?

How many times do I need to take you out?

- You're under arrest, Morgan.

- In your dreams, robot!

(weapon firing)
(dramatic music)

I'm gonna open you up
like a tin can, tin man!

(weapon firing)
(dramatic music)

(explosive booms)

(Morgan yells)

- You stay in the car, all right?

- Yeah.

- Hey, do me a favor, call your mom, huh?

- [Man] Let's go, come on.

- You have the right to remain silent.

- It was a lucky shot, you sack of bolts.

- Come on, let's go, move it.

(dramatic music)

- Doc, it's Robocop.

He's coming your way.

(saw whirring)

(dramatic music)

- [Powers] Please, help me.

(dramatic music)

- Robo!

- Why?

Why are you helping her?

Can't you see she's ruining everything?

She's got to be stopped!

(electricity zapping)

Got to get the human out of the machine!


(Mallardo thuds)

(dramatic music)

She's gone.

She's gone!

I killed her.

I had to kill her twice, but
the shrew is finally dead.

- You are under arrest.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you.

(computer beeps)

(dramatic music)

- Not again.

She's back!

(dramatic music)

- How come there was never
a guy like you around

when I was still a girl?

- Glad to be of assistance, ma'am.

Excuse me, I have to arrest Dr. Mallardo.

- Don't worry, he won't get far.

(dramatic music)

(Mallardo screaming)
(dramatic music)

- What've we got, Sarge?

- Hang on, Madigan.

- Oh, don't shoot.

Chip Chayken, OCP.

Boy, am I glad to see you, fellows.

- This is the creep I told you about,

that's Mallardo's friend.

- Yes, I guess we can safely say

that Dr. Mallardo had us all fooled.

Thank God for Robocop,

anyway he's in there
kicking ass right now.

- It's him!

- Who's him?

- The Dogtown Ripper!

- I don't know what you're talking about.

But I do know you're lying.

- He's the one who gave old Hank a shot.

- I think she's telling the truth.

Madigan, your case, your call.

- My pleasure.

You are under arrest, big shot.

- Now, nobody moves, or she gets it!

Listen to me carefully!

I'm going to the airport,

and I'm getting out on an airplane.

- Drop it.

- Stay back, you big pile of dead bolts!

- Just shoot him, Robo!

- I mean it, turn back or I turn

Ms. Piggy here into a statue!

- Don't get personal pal!

- Oh, great.

No, stop!

(dramatic music)

- Come on, get over here,
get this guy out of here.

Come on, come on.

(Mallardo screaming)

- Oh please, please, you gotta help me.

She's everywhere, she
controls everything, oh God.

- And I can assure you,

OCP does not condone any
of Mr. Chayken's actions.

We feel he's been under a lot of stress.

- She's coming!

Oh, she's coming!

Call mommy!



- It's sad, really, the criminal mind.

The guilt must build until it
rips them apart at the seams.

- I suppose.

- Well, excuse me.

I've got a company to run.

- Helmet, please.

Well, I guess it's time to get you

back to Family services, huh?

- No, I hate that place.

- Well, I guess that means

somebody's gonna have to adopt you.

(gentle music)

Okay, come on, come on.

- He must be here, he called me.

- Sorry, ma'am, no one's--

- [Madigan] Nancy, over here!

- Madigan!

- It's all right, let her through!

- Have you seen Jimmy?

- He's fine, he's fine, he's
right over there in my car.

- Oh, Jimmy, I was so worried about you.

- Don't worry, mom, I'm okay.

- How about now, Murph?

- No.

They need a husband and a father.

I can't be that.

- They're your family, Murphy.

- Yes.

And I can protect them.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic music)

- [Reporter] At Metro South today,

they were handing out gold shields

to the lucky few who managed
to make the rank of detective,

including the spunky young officer

who solved the Dogtown Ripper case.

We'll be back with more of
MediaBreak right after this.

- The Rainbow playroom.

Pleasant, cheerful, but take another look.

Beneath its cotton candy facade,

this so called paradise for
lost and lonely children

is in fact a grim Gulag
preserved over by this uncaring

and ruthless administrator, Fanny Lamour.

The beloved of children show-host

resigned as vice-president

of OCP's Family Services division,

following the allegations
of gross misconduct.

We'll have the whole, sordid
story for you right here,

tonight with me, Umberto Ortega.

- And finally, order has been restored

throughout Detroit tonight after one of

the most chaotic incidents
in this city's history.

A blue ribbon panel
appointed by Mayor Friendly

has determined that a computer glitch

inadvertently turned off
all the city's utilities.

- Machines, can't live with
them, can't live without them.

(dramatic music)