Roadkill (2012–2020): Season 4, Episode 1 - Boatkill! The Muscle Truck-to-Boat Extreme LS Engine Swap! - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- This time on Road Kill,

it's take the muscle truck
engine and put it in the boat,

go out on the lake,

take the boat engine back out of the boat,

put it back in the muscle truck

and go home, episode.

- And somewhere in there, we have fun.

(car zooming by)

(car engine starts)



(fast-paced rock music)

(boat engine roaring)

- [Finnegan] So it's
January and because this

is sunny southern California,

it's almost 80 degrees out,

which means, we can go boating.

Where else are you going to be able

to do this?

And as usual, we're going to do this

the hard way.

Dave's on his way to my shop because

my cousin has this old jet-boat

without a motor and Dave
has the muscle truck

which has an LS-6 in it.

We're going to drag this to the lake,

we're going to rip the
motor out of the truck,

put it in the boat,

go do some racing,

take the motor back out of the boat,

put it in the truck,

drive all the way back home.

It will be just that easy.

This is Road Kill.

Everything the hard way,

even if it kills us.

(screeching tires)

- [Dave] Yo.

That thing is cool.

- [Finnegan] Yeah, right?

Check the name out.

- [Dave] 1974 special.

- [Finnegan] You almost called it.

It's a '76.

- [Dave] Really?

- [Finnegan] Yeah.

- It's a Jeep.

- Pretty much.


- Well, I like this, too.

- [Finnegan] The genius
of this plan here is,

yes, pretty fast, pretty fast

and together.

Neither one of these have motor plates

for an LS engine.

- [Dave] Is this ready?

- Yeah.

It has motor plates for an LS,

but it is--

- [Dave] That's as far as you'll go

- [Finnegan] But it is
built with some hokey stuff

like the fuel system, fund
with with Teflon mime,

real good.

Water system, rubber
hose, that would hook up

your washer and dryer.

- It's just water.

- [Finnegan] In the 60s and 70s,

there were about 40 manufacturers

producing like, a hundred
different models of jet-boats.

- [Dave] And they're always like this.

- [Finnegan] Well,
there's only four that run

worth a damn, this is one of them.

- [Dave] Oh, okay.

- [Finnegan] It's old and
fairly hacked up and so,

you know, it's not worth a ton of money,

but you stick a halfway decent motor

in it and at the very least,

it gets you and your beer
to where you want to go.

This is one of the few
boats that you can go

really fast in and if the motor blows up,

you don't get spit out of the boat.

- Okay, perfect.

- [Finnegan] Yeah, so it's safe.

- [Dave] I've never
really been a boat guy.

I don't know anything about them.

I don't think I ever will be,

but it's cool that I'm
going to get introduced

to them right here.

I'm glad he has them so
that I can play with them.

The boat itself though, is super cool.

If I had to have a
boat, I would have that.

It has patina, it has style.

It has 70s goodness going on.

I dialed that thing in on the way here.

Um, but we need to
fabricate a trailer hitch

because the trailer
hitch company sent me two

right-hand frame brackets
instead of a right and a left.


So we'll be hacking and welding.


- [Finnegan] Well, we're going
to put all that really heavy

stuff that could scratch
anything in the truck

'cause you know, we just put
a brand new wood bed floor

in there, and that's how
we're getting to the lake.

- That's how we're leaving for the lake.



- [Finnegan] Yeah.

- Oh, am I going to barf?

Nah, I'm not going to
get seasick in the boat.

I think Finnegan's going to do everything

he can possibly do to
embarrass me on this trip.

I imagine at some I'll end up

in the water, but I will resist.

We're packing up absolutely everything

that we need to get this job done.

We're not going to forget anything.


Finally, we get to the
actual problem here.

Two right-hand frame
brackets or maybe left-hand.

Not a right and left.

- We will fully be maxing out my welder

to put that together.


- Whoa.


I thought you were grabbing it, too.

- Sorry, it just fell and distracted me.


- Nice.

- [Dave] We planned that.


Just (mumbles) now.

- We were destined for this.

Look at this.

- There's no reason
for this not to happen.

Everything fits.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Well, the thing with
this aftermarket hitch

is that if we do it like it's meant to be,

the bracket hangs down so far,

the hitch is going to
end up right about here

'cause the truck is so low.

I mean, literally, it would be right there

so we're figuring out how to fabricate

our own cross member and receiver now.

To make the hitch, we had to fabricate

our own cross member,

make sure that we weren't welding

near the gas tank so that that exploded.

We also had to make it
so that we could still

service our fuel pump
and to do all of that

we had to unbolt the
entire bed of the truck

to pick it up a little
bit so that we could

do our fabricating.


(welding and sparking)

(calm instrumental music)

This trailer hitch is 99
and a half percent done.

All I need now, are the
plates that he's drilling,

we'll clamp those to the truck,

weld this to the plates,

dishes are done.

We're out of here.

- [Dave] We got these side plates done now

miraculously all my holes that
I drilled lined up perfectly,

so now we have to mock the hitch in there

and mark it, weld it up,

bolt it together, drop the bed back down,

bolt it back on, load the boat,

hit the road.

And it's dark outside already.

I called it.

Pretty soon we'll be
having that conversation

about, "Well, should we
really leave tonight?

"Or should we leave in the morning?"

(instrumental country music)

(welding and sparking)

I'm sure in the real world,

we'd like these brackets
to be about this long,

but this is the Road Kill world

where the brackets are this long

and it works perfectly.

(instrumental country music)

- Oh, yeah.

- Look at that.

(instrumental country music)

- Chicks everywhere are
going to want to get

towed by the muscle truck now.

- Wow.

(instrumental country music)

(rock music)

- [Dave] 7:45 in the morning,
I think we're about to

hit the road and I
think we might even make

it all the way to Lake Elsinore.

Apparently, it's like
a hundred miles away.

It's going to rain.


I'm going to let Finnegan
drive because this thing

has no brakes and I'm
not crashing the boat.

So not bad

- Not bad at all.

- We're winning right now.

(engine roaring)

- I didn't want to jinx to that.

I don't want to say
we're going to make it,

but it's not bad.

- It's like we're winning right now.

- Now, this moment.

- Right.

Can we please do a burn out
with the trailer attached?

- Only if you tape up
the front of the boat.

But yeah, we can.

You asked me to power with no operator.

- It's official.

The needle burrows
off-brand Chinese vice grip

is not the way to go for the window crank.

(truck engine roaring)

- [Finnegan] Today, we're
headed to a boating event

known as the Tom Papp Memorial.

Tom Papp was a guy who is essentially

a mentor to whole jet-boat community

in Southern California and had a shop

where he would help out anybody

and essentially not charge them for it.

So when he passed away, they decided

that they would meet up every year

to honor him and it turned into

this giant gathering where like

a hundred boats show up every year.

We're headed to Lake Elsinore, California

which is just south of
Riverside about 70 miles

from L.A. and from what I hear,

the place is nasty.

In fact, even the locals
call it Lake Smellsinore.

The good news is that it's not that great

for fishing or swimming, it's all about


Typical Road Kill fashion,
I didn't think we'd

actually make it this far.


So I didn't call them to say,

"Hey, we want to come change an engine

"in your parking lot."

- Right.

- But, there is no sign that says,

"Don't work on your boat,"

so I'm thinking that
applies to trucks as well.

The problem I think is the cameras.

We probably should go in there

and say, "Hey, um, can we film

"in your establishment
for the next 24 showers?"

- The next 24 showers?

- Ish-hours.

- Ish-hours (laughs).

- Yeah.

- Well, let's go see.

- That's right.

- [Dave] So we talked to
the guys in the office

and said basically,

"Hey, do you guys mind if we just

"work on our boat a little bit?"

They're like,

"Uh, sure, we don't care."

They had no idea what was coming.

- [Finnegan] It was sort of a forgiveness

versus permission program.

- Where do you want to do it?

I'd really like to avoid dirt,

but that's the road there, isn't it?

- We can put the back of the boat

at the edge of the dirt.

- Oh, like turn the trailer around,

disconnect it, yeah.

- Yeah.

But I wish we could film these guys

'cause the look on their
faces when they figure out

what, "Oh, we're going to do a little work

"to our boat," is (laughs)
it's going to be classic.


- Why would they really care?

Were not going to put
oil on the ground, much.

- I knew a buddy that got staph infection

from this lake, so don't dive in

with your mouth open.

We're here for a boat race

and he was one of the guys

that was helping launch boats

and he had a cut on his leg

and he was in the water all day

and ended up in the ER.

But I love this place.

- That could've been my toe.


It wasn't but it could've been.




- This is the key to our success

is the portable Chinese-made

and totally reliable engine hoist.

This is the same hoist
that went to Sparks, Nevada

and put an engine in an El Camino

during a snow storm in a parking lot.

- [Dave] That might send a message.

- You think?

Just the tell-tale signs.


Stuff is about to get
weird in their parking lot?

You said you had a
little bit f work to do.

- We consider this a little bit of work.

- [Finnegan] Yeah, this
is not bad, really.

- It's only going to take a day,

or less.

(upbeat instrumental music)

(seagull chirping)

(slow rock music)


- [Dave] This might be another clue.


It's about to go down.

- Oh, maybe its just over-heating.


- We've got MSD Atomic EFI on this thing

which is like the simple
self-learning fuel injection deal.

All of our electronics and everything

are in here.

It's just a matter of unzip-tying

and unplugging everything

and then we'll get it out

and be able to put it back in quickly.

- So this, is the wiring harness

that's going to allow us to quickly

put that LS-6 into the
jet-boat and run it.

This will control the spark.

(slow instrumental music)

(liquid pouring)

- [Finnegan] Okay.

So much wind.

- Okay, that's, knot's to puke, though.

- There's a draining panel right there.

Dude, look at the level of containment

we got goin' on here.

- Not one drip has hit the ground yet.

- This makes up for years of us

ruining the Earth.


- Alright.

- [Finnegan] Driver-side
header, exchange on a C-10.

Never happened before.

- Pretty good.

- Never.

- That fits nice.

- So there, there's sand there.


- [Dave] I wonder who tried
to undo the torque converter

to fly-wheel bolts and unfortunately,

we've got nothing to turn
the engine over with,

so we're trying to rig
the starter to work.


There stop.


Let me get one out.


Ugh, pinch!

Ugh, that hurt.

- [Finnegan] That sucks.

- Yeah, I can feel the empathy.

- It pains me.

It troubles me to hear you speak that way.


(fast-beat instrumental music)


- It's only raining a little bit.

I hope it gets much
worse before we're done.


This will stop working.

- [Finnegan] So that oil on the floor

of the truck came from the jack.

- [Dave] Exactly.

(fast-beat instrumental music)

- Alright.

- Yeah!

That moment, we just won.

So far, we've been pretty lucky.

We haven't tried to actually hang this

in the boat yet, so I
shouldn't talk too soon.

- [Finnegan] These are the original mounts

that actually bolted
the LS-6 into our truck.

These will not work in our boat.

Chris Starkweather over at B1 Racing

in Santa Ana, California
crafted a front motor plate

setup that will bolt onto the existing

water-pump holes and then down to the

strainers of the boat
and this is how we're

going to mount this thing in.

See, the thing about
boats is their super-easy

to work on, but there are no kits

for these things.

You cant go online and just order

a conversion set of bolts and mounts

to put one of these together.

- Look at this bitchen mid-plate.

This thing was made by B1 Racing

in Santa Ana, California and it's nice.

I mean, look at the mill job.

The problem is, this next semi-circle

is an interference fit
with the flex-plate.

Apparently, they had mocked it up

on an engine that had a smaller diameter,

flex-plate, so this is hitting

and instead of letting itself clearance,

we're going to fire up the generator

and Finnegan's going to
hit it with the flap disk

and (horn) create
greatness out of butchery.


So it fits now?

- [Finnegan] Yeah, all
that grinding I did.

Not necessary, it was on backwards.


- I didn't do that.

- When you turn it around,

it was just fine.


Let's not focus on who did it,

let's just focus on,

"Hey, motor goes in boats now."

- It's fixed.

- Yeah.

- Where are the dowels?

I need to smash them back in.

- [Finnegan] They're on the ground.

(calm instrumental music)

- Whoa, I just tripped a big piece off

the main rail.

- 'Cause it's sitting on the main rail

'cause it can't come my way

'cause of the starter.

- [Dave] Okay.

- [Finnegan] We've got a
Sharpie, we need to mark it.

We need to grind the aluminum part of it.


A little more.

There we go.

In, with any luck,

that's the last time
we'll need the death wheel

for this installation.

(calm instrumental music)

(boat engine humming)

Ahh, that's better.

- You can't even work all night now.

- Yeah, 'cause that's
not going to piss off

the neighbors.

We can always stick this
in the cab of the truck

with he windows up.


- Yeah, 'cause the exhaust
wouldn't hurt that situation.

(engine humming)

We have a couple problems going on

here now.

This adapter was built
to be able to connect

the drive-shaft for the boat to the back

of the crank shaft, but the problem here

is that the drive shaft
is completely bottomed

in the jet-away which isn't good

and our adapter won't fit in there.

It's as if the crank flange

has a different offset in it

then it would on the engine that they

mocked it up with,

so we have to move the engine forward

in order to get enough slip-travel

in the drive shaft in
order to fit this in,

but after that, we still need to be able

to get a longer bolt and
the thing that we have

discovered is this is a special thread

designed by GM that does not match

anything we're going to be able to get

at a hardware store anywhere, right?

- That about sums it up.

We're screwed.

I think three's a certain level of--

- [Dave] Aright!

- [Finnegan] And the
generator is out of gas.


- [Dave] Can I go to sleep now?

- [Finnegan] No.

- [Dave] By now, it's like midnight

and we had no solutions other than

for Mike to hitch a ride all the way back

up to his shop where
he was going to hook up

with the guy who had machine our spacer

just a little bit and more importantly,

loan us three bolts that
would go on the back

of the LS crank.

- [Finnegan] I kind of'
wanted to race tomorrow,

Mr. Knuckenfoots, has
an LS-powered jet-boat

and we robbed three of the bolts

out of the back of his crank shaft,

so now it's even.

He's got three,

we have three.

I'm sure none of it will come flying apart

in the middle of that race.


And the guys at B1 Racing shaved 400 thou

off the back of our drive shaft yoke,

so now we have clearance, Clarence

and this engine can stay in the boat

and I can't talk anymore
'cause it's really late.

- When the drive shaft breaks,

does it just go through
the bottom of the hull

and sink the whole thing?

- [Finnegan] Well, no.

- 'Cause that would be great video.

- [Finnegan] There's a battery there.

- After it saws through that,

starts an electrical fire?

Does it do--

- Well, I figured when it's--

- The good news is the electrical fire

goes out when it goes under water.

- Right, right.

I never understood why they
put a fire extinguishers

in boats 'cause (laughs)
I mean, let's be honest.

- Water doesn't burn.

- Let's be honest, through there.

Through there already.

(calm instrumental music)

- [Dave] Easy as that.

All that mashed whatever.

- Oh my God, look at all the sand.

- [Dave] Wow.

That's bad.

This is all sand from when we took this

to the dunes.

If that tells you how hard
core we got out there,

that's pretty legit.

I don't know how we're
going to deal with it.

I think that's all we got.

So if we had enough sand in there,

it would sort of extrude upon the boat

as it ran.

The EFI was cool and
all, but it just wasn't

saying "jet-boat" and so,

bam! Holly high ram, taller ram,

and two 650 ultra double pumpers.

We couldn't really have
the boat without that.

- [Finnegan] Look how much
bigger our engine is now.


- I know (laughs).

- Oh yeah, she makes 850 and a,

1200 on the bottle.

Where's your nitrous?

Don't worry about it.

- [Dave] Yeah.

You know, it's got the sand, dude.

- [Finnegan] The what?

- The sand.


It's the new thing.

(calm instrumental music)

(ducks quacking)

- [Finnegan] As usual, we were dead late

when we arrived at the event

because we had been up all night

trying to put the Rogers together

and when we showed up,

the launch ramp was packed

with chrome and powder-coated machines

and a whole lot of people that were ready

to hit the water.

It's morning now, the day of the event.

As you can see, a lot of people here

ready to have a good time

and we are not quite ready.

We're close, though.

The carburetor's are on.

That's the key life right there.

- Gloriously, I was able to actually

sleep five hours last night

which I think is going
to save us this morning

'cause we don't have that much left to do.

People are taking bets
right now how long it's

going to take us to get in the water.

It's nine o'clock,

and he's claiming noon.

And I'll say that's reasonable

which means two.

- Here's what we got left here.

We've got to wire the ignition,

hook up all the fuel lines,

fund the puke tank,

and then, put the headers on,

tighten up the alternator.

We're good.

- Recognize this guy?

He made the roll-cage on our Vet Hat car.

Believe it or not, he
had a customer come into

his shop and go,

"You know what?

"I need one just like that."

So he duplicated that Vet Hat car

and it got delivered, what?


- Yeah, last night, 11 o'clock.

- Yeah.

That's amazing.

- Yeah.

- [Dave] In the trunk,
we had the Atomic EFI

running the ignition system,

but when you put
carburetors on an LS engine,

you need something to trigger the coils

because the GM engine, three engines

have no distributor at all.

And so there's one answer to that

which is these MSD boxes.

They make two of them.

One of them is for the early engines

with a 24 tooth reluctor
on the crank shaft

that plugs in right here.

The later engines tend to be 58.

There's crossover years where you really

got to find out which
reluctor that you've got.

But once you know that, you
just buy the correct box.

It all plugs right in.

One for the left bank,

one for the right bank.

Them they go to some of the sensors,

like the crank position
and the cam position

and then you have to
deal with your timing.

In the bottom of the box right here,

there's a place you can shove a chip in

that has a pre-programmed timing curve.

But we prefer to go with
the actual programmed curve

through our laptop computer
that plugs in right there.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- I said we'd be done by noon.

It's 11:20 giving us plenty of time

to start the boat, find
out that everything leaks

and work on it for another half an hour

before we go on the water.

(engine starting)

- Yes!

(boat engine running)

All good?

- Let's go boating.

(slow instrumental music)

- [Dave] So what are the
odds this thing floats?

It's been 10 years since it's been

in the water.

You're floating now.

- [Finnegan] Okay, pull it back out.

- Go out.

Apparently, we have not
only a small water leak,

but a big gas leak.

Somebody put tape around

the braided hose, as you normally do,

to keep it from fraying,

but then the tape is still in there

while the fitting is put together

and so it seems like its holding

the hose in a way that's making it

leak out of the fitting.

So we got to take that apart

and try not to fill the whole bilge

with gas while we're doing it.

- Here's our solution.

Leaky hose, bring the spare,

build a new one.

We'll be on the water in 10 minutes.

(slow instrumental music)

(cranking engine)

(boat engine roaring)

- Yeah!


- [Finnegan] I literally had the shakes

the first time I hit
the key on the rockers.

I mean, think about it.

We just ripped this engine

out of a truck, put it in a boat

that hadn't been on the water

in about 10 years, and now,

I was ripping across Lake Elsinore

in this thing.

(boat engine roaring)

(calm instrumental music)

After cruising for a bit,

throwin' a rooster tail and played it safe

getting to the other side of the lake,

we finally rolled into the cove

and the scene was epic.

Side by side drag racing with boats,

people hanging out on the beach,

having a good time.

I mean, if it wasn't January,

there would've been bikinis everywhere

and this would've been the best day

at work ever.

- [Dave] Once we beached the boat

and started to hang out,
Finnegan broke the news.

He had realized about
halfway across the lake,

that we had actually
jacked up the controller

that adjusts the angle of the jet

coming out of the back of the boat.

It was dead flat and apparently,

that means if we raced,
someone was going to die.

- [Finnegan] So what we did was,

took a piece of ski
rope and tied the nozzle

in the up position.

We didn't have any control over it,

but at least now, the
boat would plane out,

throw a rooster tail,
and we can still enjoy

the rest of our day even if we couldn't

go drag racing.

(boat engine roaring)

Not bad.

- [Dave] Instead of
racing, we just decided

to cruise around the lake and check out

this boat that hadn't been on the water

in 10 years.

And you know what?

It was good.

- [Finnegan] We had a lot of fun.

As a matter of fact, it
was probably the best

two hours of boating ever.


(boat engine roaring)

We're out of gas.

- [Dave] You're kidding.

- Nope.


- We ran out of gas.


That's alright.

I feel good.

Maybe eventually, we'll
get to to the outhouse.


Yeah, that happened.

- They don't get the best fuel economy.


I think you can rate it in single digits.

It's like the average jet-boat

goes about three miles per gallon.

Something like that.

And I don't care 'cause it's about

50 smiles per gallon as
far as I'm concerned.

- [Dave] So paddle.

- I didn't bring a paddle.


We have no life vest,

no paddle, no rope.

Even if they could tow us.

- [Dave] Well, you know what that means.

- [Finnegan] We've got nothing.

- We need to catch on fire

'cause we're prepared for that.

- [Finnegan] Just sink this bitch.


- Oh well, I feel good.

- I'm, I'm, you now what?

- I was going to do the same thing.

- Solace.

There's a good wind.

I think America wants to see the bottom

of our feet.

People outside of America
probably not, but.

- Now look at that.

- [Finnegan] Not yours anyway.

- Chronic, nasty foot.


Check that out.

- Eventually, we'll float to land, right?

- I'm not in a big hurry to
take this motor out anyway.


I got to pee.


(cranking boat engine)

- [Finnegan] Thread it.

Here we go.


This is fully illegal.

Refueling on the water.

- [Man] Yeah.

- [Finnegan] This is the water tank.

I'm filling it up for ballast.

I'm going to go wakeboarding soon.

(cranking boat engine)

(boat engine roars)

- [Dave] Ahh!

Not (mumbles).

- I'm sorry, I won't do it again.

I promise.

(boat engine roaring)


- [Dave] I knew that was coming.


(boat engine roaring)

After the boat event,

we pretty much just hung out,

had a lot of fun,

talked to some people,

which left the engine
swamped to the next day.

And when we woke up,


It's raining.

But as you know,

there's no glory without suffering.

This is going to be fun.

- [Finnegan] The pit area
is sloppy and wet now.


- At the hard part of this job.

- Good?

- [Dave] Good.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

- [Finnegan] It's Sunday, the
day after the Tom Papp Memorial

out there on the water.

Full success.

That's what we had.

Now, we got to do is get that engine

out of that boat, put back in that truck

the way it was before, so Dave's happy

and drive home.

- It's barely drizzling right now,

but the forecast says
that it's going to pour

later on and our video guys

have taken the easy-ups

so they can keep their camera gear dry.

- Alternator's a little scuffed.


Who ordered ranch dressing?

It's all over the alternator now.

(upbeat instrumental music)

We are about to set
our own personal record

for removing an engine out of a jet-boat.

I'm calling 10 minutes,

this thing's out of the boat.

And we have not disconnected

or done anything other than getting out

the tools we know we need to do the job.

Prepare to be amazed.

- Ready?



- Okay.

The fuel line is loose.


- Three of the hoses are off.

Get that over here, clearance (mumbles).

(machinery cranking)

(upbeat instrumental music)


We got to definitely (mumbles).

- Okay.

Okay, what do I need to
get this starter off?

- [Dave] Oh, no.

- What?

- [Dave] The hoist fluid.

- What hose?


Nah, it wasn't upside down.

We'll be fine.


It just takes a few pumps

to get started 'cause it's Chinese.

Sorry China.

- China gets us every time.

- I wonder what (mumbles) on something.



Alright, what's the time?

- And out!

12 minutes, 36 seconds.

We didn't do 10.

- Close enough.


We didn't even scratch the boat.

- [Dave] Nope.

(upbeat instrumental music)

As it turns out,

the local Wal-Mart does
not have rain gear.

I had this.

My pants are going to get soaked.

The rain's coming,

so we're improvising.

- Not (mumbles).

This is going to work.

I feel like Superman now.

Our jet-boat motor is rapidly becoming

a muscle truck motor again.

We've got the front accessory drives on.

Put the power steering back on it

and then I think we'll put it

in the truck.

(upbeat rock music)

- Look at this.

That's how much it's raining.

Hey, can we do like, on overhauling?

Where we just get like,
a whole crew of guys

to come in here and wrap this up

and then they show us.

Like polishing it off

and driving it out?

- [Finnegan] Are you
talking smack on chip?


- [Dave] We are done
with the cherry picker.

(metal equipment rolling)

- [Finnegan] A little bit of water.

A little bit of sand.

- These rails right here,

the fuel rails with the injectors

that fit against cleaning sand off of

from our off-road excursions

in the muscle truck.

They just drop right in.

The computer that controls the thing

is in these rails.

There's just a power
module in the firewall

and everything plugs right in.

That's basically it,

no-brainer installation.

It looks kind of messy
'cause we've had it on before

but these are all just plugs that go

to like, the crank position sensors,

cam position sensor, all
the stuff that's already

on the LS motor.

- The home stretch.

- Soon as I find a nut for the starter,

I'll have the headers on.

(suspenseful music)

(slow, instrumental music)

- [Finnegan] Finally, it was
down to grueling and naturally,

some of the bolts that we had taken out,

just two days before,

had walked away.

So there was some minor nightmares

and we were burned out,

but we finally got it running

and hooked up the boat
and headed back for home.

- Fixed.

(truck hood slamming)

Dishes are done, man.

Let's go home.

This is something we had talked about

doing for so long and I can't believe

we actually pulled it off.

So many guys out at the lake

were like, "Why would you even do this?

"Take apart a perfectly good truck,

"put in the boat, the whole thing."

You know what?

It's because we can.

I know you've never seen it before

and this was glory.

And being out there on the lake

was actually a lot of fun.

I learned a lot about speedboats.

It was great to see how the LS performed

in the thing, so Finnegan finally

got in his boat episode.

And you know what?

It was a lot cooler than I
thought it was going to be.

I had a lot of fun out there

on the lake.

Was it really worth all
the wrenching, though?

Not really.

You didn't think we'd end
without a burn-out, did you?

(truck engine roaring)

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Wake up!

Hah, it didn't work.

That sucks.

- Ahh.

- [Finnegan] He's in a coma at all times.

- What I miss?

(dog panting)

- Hey, quit it.

I'm not playing (mumbles).

(dog howling)

(instrumental country music)


- This is why we bring
a quiet dog normally.

- I have to work.

You're not helping.

(dog panting)

(dog barking)

(instrumental country music)

(mumbles) yeah.

- Well for now, we'll sit tight

and license plate (mumbles).

- Eddie, Eddie?



Taking you home, but
I'm not going home then.