Rizzoli & Isles (2010–2016): Season 6, Episode 15 - Scared to Death - full transcript

Jane and Maura investigate the murder of a woman that is part of a "fear club"; Korsack and Nina find Jane's hacker, but it leads to more questions; Korsack contemplates proposing to Kiki.

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[whimpering softly]



[footsteps approaching]

Is somebody there?
Who is that?

[continues whimpering]

What are you doing?

[both grunting]


- Go!
- Aah!


It's done. I-I've
already canceled the deal.

But you loved that condo.

Yeah, but I can't risk my
new neighbors getting hurt

if this whack job decides he
wants to burn down my place again.

Okay, so you're just going to
stay at Frankie's indefinitely?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay. What if you can have

an entire townhouse to
yourself, no neighbors?

Well, then I would be rich.

- And I wouldn't be a detective.
- My friend Rick Sullivan ...

he's a medieval-studies
professor at BCU ...

- Yawn.
- He's leaving on sabbatical,

and he offered to let you
sublet his home while he is away.

And it's a block from me.

Ugh. That means it's
a block away from Ma, too.

Wha... okay, did you tell him
that my apartment burned down?

I did, and it turns out that
the townhouse is owned by BCU,

so it's insured, and he's
willing to take the risk.

- Hey, Ma.
- I wasn't snooping, I swear.

I don't believe it for one second.

She was totally snooping.
Why? What?

No, no, I needed to go into Vince's desk

- to get the inventory from last month.
- Mm-hmm...

And, um...

- I found... this.
- [gasps] No.

- Did you open it?
- Of course not.

- Liar!
- Maybe.

Okay, let's see.

Vince is gonna propose to Kiki!
[all gasp]

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

The sergeant has excellent taste.

- Mm.
- No!

It's bad luck.

What bad lu...
I've never heard of that before.

Yeah, I'm not aware of
that superstition, either.

Yeah, it's bad luck. You have to
let your mother try it on first.

[cellphones buzz]

Sneaky, Ma.
[cellphone beeps]

- I like that. Rizzoli.
- Isles.

- Give it to me.
- Okay, here.

- Try it on.
- Here.


- Okay, it's tight.
- Yeah, maybe it really is bad luck.

That is exactly how
superstitions get started.

Okay, yeah, I'm on my way.

[title music]

6x15 - "Scared to Death"

- Think Kiki will say yes?
- I hope so.

I mean, she and Korsak seem
to make an excellent match.

- Yeah.
- You don't think so?

No, I-I think they're great together.
He seems very happy.

I actually heard him giggle yesterday.

You're worried if he gets
married, things will change.

Things will change.
He'll be married, and he'll be happy,

- and then he'll leave the force.
- You don't know that.

- Watch.
- At least you have me.

Yeah, but you don't carry a gun.

- No, but I am fantastic with a scalpel.
- Very true.

Just... I can't imagine doing
this without him, you know?

He's always been there for me.

Don't say anything about the ring, okay?

Just let him bring
it up in his own time.

- Play it cool.
- Right.

[camera shutter clicks]

- Hello, Maura.
- I don't know anything.

About... the case.
I don't know anything about the case.

- What can you tell me?
- I ...

Victim is female, late 20s, no I.D.
Building is abandoned.

Homeless people sometimes camp
out here. one of them found

- her hidden back here.
- Looks like the body has been moved.

Somebody could have been tied up here.

- Korsak: Gag or blindfold, maybe.
- Jane: Mm-hmm.

Maura, do you see any
abrasions on the wrists?

No. No, I, uh...

don't see any rope burns
or abrasions on the skin.

Maura, we can have
Kent here in 15 minutes.

- You don't have to be here.
- I'm fine.

If somebody was tied up,
it's unlikely that it was our victim.

Well, maybe she was the
abductor and not the abductee.

Based on decomposition and
the bloating of the intestines,

I'd estimate the time of death
to be at least five days ago.

- So sometime over the weekend.
- I see at least two stab wounds

and what appear to be
several defensive injuries.

We'll look under the
fingernails for DNA.

- Work boot?
- Man's size 11.

So what happened?
Guy with size 11 boots is tied up,

manages to get away, stabs
his abductor a couple of times?

Maybe somebody else was tied up here.
[door bangs open]

Hey. You guys need to see this.

Looks like it was used

as some sort of
improvised torture chamber.

Uh, there's a lot of blood.
No more bodies.

- We search the whole building?
- Yeah. It's clear.

But... we found this over in the corner.

It's a digital encryption key,
like they have at banks.

We'll see if Nina can
track down the owner.

This place gives me the creeps.

These are pretty solid walls.

Somebody could scream in here for hours,
nobody'd ever hear them.

Frankie: So, our victim
has a criminal record.

Daniella Gibbs.
What'd she get picked up for?

Uh, mostly misdemeanors.
Couple of drunk and disorderlies,

and a minor possession charge.
All in Atlanta.

- Anything local?
- No.

And I'm not finding a Boston address

or records of employment
in the state, either.

Uh, let's call Atlanta P.D.,

see if they have anything more on her.

- I'll give them a call.
- Hey, thanks.

Did you hear from that computer
genius you talked to at M.I.T.?

He analyzed all the data from
the hacks on Jane's bank accounts.

Did you give him the
videotape of the arson, too?

I gave him everything.

He thinks he discovered
the hacker's signature,

a piece of code
embedded in all his hacks

- so he can take credit for them.
- Identifying that hacker

might be the only way that we
find out who's behind all this.

I sent the code signature to the FBI

so they can run it against
their hacker database.

They might be able to
give us something to go on.

Mm, keep me informed.

- Keep you informed of what?
- This is no longer an urgent kidnapping.

This is a plain, old-fashioned
police investigation,

- in which you are the victim.
- Sweet!

Old-fashioned investigations
are my speciality.

You can't investigate your own case.

If you do,
any decent defense attorney

will get whatever we find thrown out.

You need to trust us to do our job.

On a different note, I do have something

on that encryption key
found at the murder scene.

It's a digital account authenticator.

The serial number for this
one is registered to an

assistant manager at
First Cambridge bank, Perry Shaw.

- Any criminal record?
- Clean as a whistle. And I just called ...

he's at work today, so
he wasn't another victim.

- We should go talk to him.
- Yes, we should. After you.

[whispers] You find anything on that hacker,
I want to know about it.


I'm just looking out
for the investigation.

- I'm not keeping secrets from you.
- You're keeping a few secrets.

- Nope. I'm an open book.
- Yeah? Okay.

How do you, uh, propose
that we approach this guy?

You just want to...
engage him directly?

Whatever you think's best.

- I-I'm not married to the idea. I just...
- Okay. Sounds good.

- I'll see you then.
- Excuse me, Mr. Shaw?

- Yes?
- Boston P.D.

Uh, we have something
that you seem to have lost.

Oh, my authenticator.

Thank God.
That was gonna be such a hassle to...

Wait, why do you ...
why do you have it?

- Where did you lose it?
- I'm not sure, exactly.

I noticed it was missing
on Monday morning.

It was found in an abandoned
building over on 2nd Street.

That makes sense.
That was kind of a crazy night. [chuckles]

Mr. Shaw, why were you in that building?

The club? Like everyone else?

The Fear Club.

You buy a ticket, they
scare the hell out of you.

Saturday night's was really intense.

Are you telling us that
this whole thing is a game?

More like a personal
theater event, uh...

totally terrifying.

I screamed my ass off.
It's fantastic.

So, just, can I have
my authenticator back?

No, you can't. It's evidence
in an ongoing investigation.

A murder investigation.

Somebody got killed?
For real?

It's fantastic, right?



- What's up?
- Well, the test results came back

on the "blood" we found from the scene.

It's actually a mix of cornstarch,

red food coloring, and chocolate syrup.

- Hollywood blood.
- Basic recipe.

Yeah, that matches what the
banker's been telling us.

He said it was some
kind of performance art,

- like a haunted house on steroids.
- Well, people love to be scared.

All that adrenaline and dopamine ...

the fight-or-flight response
can be very intoxicating.

Yeah, if I want to get intoxicated,
I'm gonna have a beer.

There's enough horrible
things out there.

I don't need to pay for the fake stuff.

Has Nina had any success
on tracking down the hacker?

I don't know. Korsak's
trying to keep me out of it.

Well, I'm sure he's doing what
he thinks is best for the case.

So what am I supposed to do?
Just sit around and wait

until whoever's behind
this makes his next move?

He'll make a mistake, and
you'll be there to catch him.

I won't, if Korsak won't let me
in on the investigation. I ...

What about tattoo lady?

Unfortunately, there was no foreign DNA

on her skin or under her fingernails.

The two stab wounds were made
with a double-edged blade,

though the murder
weapon was rather dull.

And the blows were delivered
with a great deal of force.

- So, a man?
- Or a very strong woman.

I also found trace amounts
of a chemical compound

on the wounds, which I
sent off to be tested.

Any drugs or alcohol?

None, though the liver did
show advanced deterioration

consistent with excessive alcohol use.
One other thing.

We recovered DNA from the strip
of cloth found at the scene,

and we ran it through the system.

No hits,
but we were able to confirm

that it came from a female,
but not Daniella Gibbs.

So we know at least two
people were in the room

when she was murdered ...
woman with the blindfold,

a man who left a bloody boot print.

And we don't have an I.D.
for either one of them.

Perry: No. I've
never seen her before.

She was there the
same night you were.

If you say so, but I didn't see her.

I didn't see anyone because of the hood.

The hood?

I had a hood over my head
almost the entire time.

I was chained to the
wall, could barely move,

couldn't see anything.

This woman was yelling how
she was gonna cut me in half.

Had this buzz saw she
kept bringing closer and...

I actually peed my pants.

Sounds like money well spent.


How many people were there with you?

No one. Everyone goes in alone.

That's what makes it feel so real.

I mean, it's 100 bucks,
but definitely worth it.

- How do you contact this Fear Club?
- Through their website.

But you got to have a password.

So, you ask for an invitation,
see if they respond.

And what happens if they do?

The night of the event,
they send you an address

and an entrance time and a code word.

It's always someplace different.

And you have no idea who runs it?

I told you, no.
I swear, it's all anonymous.

Then we're gonna need the
website and the password.

Nina: Yeah, we did a
raffle in little league.

Got a bunch of money for
bats and mitts and things.

- Cool.
- It was fun.

Well, here.
I'll take 10 tickets.

Really? Thanks.
That's so nice.

It's for a good cause.

Yeah. If we raise
enough, the St. Barnabus

after-school program
can get a new playground.

- That's so great.
- Did you say St. Barnabus?

Um, thanks again. Bye!

What a sweet girl.

Um, did you find
anything about the hacker?

I did.

I was just on my way up
to see Sergeant Korsak.

- And?
- I know you think you want

to know what's going on,
but you don't.

Because it might jeopardize
the investigation.

And that's the last thing
you actually want, right?


Here. As a consolation,
why don't you take these?

Maybe you'll win the
grand-prize trip to Hawaii.

St. Barnabus closed a year ago.
You've been conned.

[elevator bell dings]

I think I may have something.

Based on what the M.I.T. expert gave me,

- the FBI got a hit off their database.
- What'd they find?

They discovered that same code
signature in several other hacks.

The oldest was three years ago,

an online harassment
case over in Somerville.

Did they identify the hacker?

No. But I tracked down
the victim, Megan Christenson.

She works at a caf? downtown.

I thought it might be
worth talking to her.

Why don't you interview her?

Oh, I haven't actually done
field work since Chicago.

You went out with Jane recently.

- Only to back her up, not on my own.
- She said you did great.

I know you originally
took the assignment in BRIC

because you wanted to
stay off the streets.

- And because I like the work.
- You're very good at it.

But I also get the feeling
you're hiding in there.

My boyfriend got shot back in Chicago.
He was killed on my beat.

Was there anything you could have done?

- No.
- Then how about giving yourself a break?

You're smart.
You have great instincts.

I'm not suggesting that we
change your assignment, but...

it might be time to exorcise
a few of those demons.

Yeah. I got this.

- Thanks, sergeant.
- You're welcome.

- And, Holiday...
- Yeah?

I'm sorry.


Hey. Did you find
anything on the owners?

Not yet.
The website's run by a dummy corp.

I subpoenaed the records,
but it may take a few days.

Well, keep pushing,
'cause we need the names

of everybody that was there that night.

Well, the password
that Perry Shaw gave us worked.

So I registered for an invite.

Did you find anything
online about this Fear Club?

Uh, not much.
They fly under the radar.

But it was mentioned
in a few blog posts,

and it sounded pretty awesome.

Do you mean "awesome" as in
"awe-inspiringly stupid"?

Come on.
You used to love horror movies.

Oh, yeah. Remember when
we snuck into that revival

of "Night of the living dead," huh?

- I never heard you scream so loud.
- Shut up!

- You screamed so much louder than I did.
- Yeah. It was great.

Uh, this is kind of like that.

Scream a little, freak out,
then go back to your normal life.

Yes, but Daniella didn't
get to go back to her life.

Maybe one of the guys that works there

got carried away with
his role, took it too far.

Maybe. We won't know until we
find the woman in the blindfold.

It's kind of strange

that no one's reported Daniella missing.

- It's been almost a week.
- Mm-hmm.

Korsak: I tracked down the
guy that owns that building.

He lives in New York, says he's trying

to get the property rezoned
so he can build condos.

Did he rent it out to the Fear Club?

No. He thinks they must have broken in.

He has a security patrol
that drives by occasionally,

but they didn't notice anything.

Oh. We got an invite.

[man distorted]
Click if you dare.

[scoffs] Please.


God, I hate these guys already.
Hate it.

Hate that shit!
Hate it!

That was pretty good.

According to the banker,
you have only 30 minutes

to get to the Fear Club
location after they contact you.

They use metal detectors,
so you can't take your gun.

- I'll be close by.
- No problem.

And we need to catch at
least one person in the act

so they don't all pretend to be guests.

Toys from the drug-unit guys.

We've got a two-way radio,

- plastic earbud that is completely
undetectable. - Cool.

As soon as you identify someone
in charge, we'll come in.

I got the lab results back

on the chemical residue
I found in the stab wounds.

It's polylactic acid.

- Acid?
- Not the kind that burns.

It's a thermoplastic
used in a variety of products ...

surgical implants, disposable
forks and knives, drinking straws.

I doubt she was stabbed with a straw.

No, but that means the murder
weapon is made out of plastic.

- Like a prop?
- Yeah, like something an actor would use.

Maybe it'll be zombies.
That'd be cool.

You're going undercover.
You're not going on vacation.

- Yeah. I sure hope it's not spiders.
- Spiders?

Why would you say that?

Well, uh, people find
spiders scary, that's all.

I wouldn't be at all
surprised if it was spiders ...

a big, ol' web with hundreds of 'em.

- It's not gonna be spiders!
- You never know.

- No spiders!
- Okay.

Frankie, you're looking a little pale.

Would you like me
to check your blood pressure,

make sure everything's okay?

No, I'm... I'm fine, Maura.

That's hilarious. "Spiders."


- I don't like to talk about it.
- I understand.

But I could really use your help.

There's nothing the
police can do anyway.

At least, that's what they
told me when it happened.

I'm sure they did their best.

But maybe I can do more.


My accounts were hijacked.
My e-mail, all my texts.

Every stupid thing I'd ever
written was made public.

It was so embarrassing.

We all write things in private

we wouldn't want other people to read.

Some of my friends
never talked to me again.

And it didn't stop for months.

Every time I got a new
account, it got hijacked.

- Do you have any idea who was doing it?
- Yeah. I told the cops.

But they said they
couldn't find any proof.

Who did you think it was?

This weird guy in my
public health class.

He kept asking me out,
but I didn't want to go.

I finally told him
to just leave me alone.

He got so pissed.

And then like a week later,
all my e-mails got released.

- Remember his name?
- Riley.

Riley Keating.

All right.
I'm gonna find Riley,

and I'm going to have a talk with him.

Hi, Professor Sullivan.
This is Jane Rizzoli.

Thank you for returning my call.

Um, I would love to see
the townhouse tonight,

and 7:00 should be fine.

I'll be there, unless I hear
differently from you. [beep]

Okay ...
Seriously? Excuse me.

- Where did that little girl go?
- She just left.

She's raising money to help blind kids.

If you hurry, you might catch her,

but I wouldn't count on
winning that Paris trip.

I'm feeling pretty
good about my chances.

This is the address.

Backup's in position behind the
building in case anybody bolts.

Frankie: Okay. I'm going in.


[deep voice] Code word.



[door slams]

[muffled screaming]

[man screaming in distance]
[metal detector beeping]

[screaming continues]


[door creaks]

[chainsaw whirring]


I heard that.

Was it spiders?

[chainsaw whirring]


You the guy that runs this thing?

'Cause we got some questions.

Aw, man, no.
Not Dani.

What was the nature of your
relationship with Ms. Gibbs?

She worked with me.

And... we were kind of
friends, too, I guess.

Uh, you don't seem very sure.

Well, I-I liked Dani,
but she was tough.

She... She'd been
through some hard times.

She was killed at your event.
How could you not notice?

I guess because she was downstairs

with the kidnap/torture crew,

and I was up on the roof
murdering those nuns.

Sure. Makes perfect sense.

When she didn't show up
at the end of the night,

I looked through all the
rooms where she'd been working.

They all looked empty.
I just figured she took off.

- You didn't think to report her missing?
- Honestly, we all thought

that she probably went off on a bender.

- She was a heavy drinker?
- Used to be.

She'd been sober about a year now,

but she had fallen off the wagon before.

What exactly was her role that night?

She was, uh, one of
the sadistic kidnappers.

She would make these terrifying threats,

and then the buzz saw was really loud.

So once people were good and scared,

she would just leave
them alone for a while ...

you know, really build up the fear.

Sounds like you've got
it down to a science.

More of an art.

Were there any men playing
kidnappers that night?

Two. Oh, but they're just

acting students from
the Community College.

- T-They wouldn't hurt Dani.
- Well, we'll need to talk to them.

And all of the participants
from that night,

especially the woman who was
blindfolded in that room with Dani.

Sure. Uh, except I don't have
the names of any of the guests,

o-only e-mail addresses.
You... You can have it all.

Anything if it'll help you
figure out who did this.


- Oh, hi.
- Hey.

I have the perfect proposal idea.

Oh, sorry.
Am I interrupting you?

No. No, not at all.

- Um, there's coffee.
- Thank you.

So, I think Vince should
propose to Kiki on a gondola

with italian music
and romance in the air.

That's how I want to
be proposed to! [laughs]

Where did Frank propose to you?

In the parking lot at Sal Falucci's bar.

- [laughing] Oh!
- Okay, wait, wait, wait.

- He was wearing his best suit.
- [laughing] Oh, that's good.

Well, I think gondolas are lovely.

But I am not sure that we can
decide how Korsak proposes.


So, uh, catching up on some reading?

Some very interesting articles.

How are you doing?

- Are you sleeping any better?
- Mostly.

Uh, don't worry. I'm... I'm fine.

You went through hell.
Nobody expects you to be fine.

Please don't say anything to Jane.

- I-I don't want her worrying about me.
- Like you could ever stop her?

But I, uh... I understand.

You know how much
I care about you, Maura?

- I do.
- So, how about you talk to me?


We talked to all the actors

who were there the
night of the murder ...

mostly college students,
none with any criminal record.

"I'm not a murderer, I just
play one on the weekends"?

We'll keep digging, but
nothing's jumping out.

There was one guy that worked
in the basement with Dani,

- but he's a size 9 shoe.
- So, that's not our guy.

Nobody knew of any
problems she was having.

No ex-boyfriends, no threats.

Maybe Dani wasn't the target.
Maybe she was caught in the middle.

I may have something.

I ran all those e-mail addresses
you got from the Fear Club.

I focused on all the entrance times

that matched up to when
Dani Gibbs disappeared.

- Okay, what'd you find?
- One of the addresses was connected

to a restraining order that
was issued two months ago.

- Assailant or victim?
- Victim.

Her name's Karen Hughes.
She's the director of a local preschool.

She filed against a former
employee, Gus Brooks.

And what do we know about him?

Brooks has two priors for assault,
both back in Philadelphia.

- Got an address?
- Last known is back in Philly.

But this is the preschool
that Karen Hughes runs.

Okay. I'll grab Frankie,
and we'll go talk to her.

We should talk to Philadelphia P.D.,

have them do a drive-by,
see if he's still there.

- I'll take care of it.
- Okay, thanks.

I think I found the hacker.

His name's Riley Keating,
and he's here in Boston.

- You know where?
- Yeah.

I'll send some uniforms to pick him up.
[both speaking indistinctly]

[elevator bell dings]

[school bell rings]

[children chattering, laughing]

We're investigating a homicide.
A woman died that night.

Oh, my god.
It was real?

[printer whirring]

Is there a place where we could talk?

I had never done
anything like that before.

Honestly, my life here is
pretty boring most of the time.

You would think with all
these kids running around,

it'd be anything but boring.

I've always loved that
rush of adrenaline ...

you know, roller coasters, zip-lining.

I thought the Fear Club
would be like that.

That poor woman.
She saved my life.

Can you tell us anything
about the man that stabbed her?

He wore a mask,
like a scarecrow kind of thing.

Do you know how tall he
was, skin color, anything?

Uh, I only saw him from across
the room, and it was dark.

Uh, he was taller than her, though.

Uh, two months ago,

you filed a restraining
order against a Gus Brooks?

Yes. Uh, she worked
here for a few months,

doing maintenance
and taking care of the grounds.

But I discovered that he
lied on his application.

What'd he lie about?

His name, for starters.
I mean, we knew him as Jerry ...

which I found out later was
actually his brother's name.

He used that and his brother's
social security number

to get the job. When I learned
that, I fired him immediately.

- And he didn't take that well?
- He showed up here a few times,

insisting he'd been doing a good job.

He'd yell from the street,
frightening the children.

- Has he been around lately?
- No.

After I filed the restraining
order, we never saw him again.

- Uh, he lives in Philadelphia now.
- How do you know that?

He entered a residential treatment
facility for anger management.

He sent me these letters
apologizing for his behavior.

He says it's part of the program.

- The postmark says Philadelphia.
- This one was sent a week ago.

Uh, if it's all right with you,

we'd like to put you
into protective custody.

Well, I run the school.
I-I can't just leave.

How about we leave an officer in a
squad car right out front? [music]

Good job tracking him down, Holiday.

[dog barking in distance]

It felt good being out again.

Hate to be the kind of guy that
says, "I told you so," but...

[laughs] But you told me so.
And you were right.

You know, I almost left the force once,

right after my second divorce.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, I was so busy with the job,

I didn't notice that my
wife and I had drifted apart.

When she left, I blamed myself.

I couldn't shake the guilt, for months.

Then I finally realized
I can't change the past.

Got to find a way to move forward.

- It's not easy, though.
- No.

But it gets a little better every day.

- Can't ask for more than that.
- I suppose not.

[engine rumbling]

Is that him?

That's him.

[dog barking in distance]

Riley Keating?
Boston P.D.

Where are you going?
This party's just getting started.

You talk to Philly P.D. yet?

Yeah. They talked to Gus
Brooks at his apartment.

He swears he hasn't been back to Boston

since Karen Hughes filed
the restraining order.

He have an alibi?

Not a good one ...
home alone, watching TV.

But I also called the treatment center

where he's been doing his
anger-management program.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'm not sure he's our guy.

Let me guess ...

model patient, making
remarkable progress?

Uh, he's been showing up
three times a week

to his court-mandated sessions.

Uh, counselor confirmed
he's been doing great.

Still, it's only a six-hour
drive from Philly to Boston.

But if he's living there,
how would he even know

that Karen was going to
the Fear Club that night?

I don't know.

We still need to talk to him.
Can you get an address?

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

I have no idea what you
guys are talking about.

You set up the website
that contained this video.

These people burned
down a detective's home.

I hope they were insured.

You also hacked into Detective
Rizzoli's bank account.

No, I didn't.

And I don't even know
this Detective Ratatouille.



- You found the hacker.
- Nina and Korsak brought him in.

He's not giving us anything, though.

No connection to Joe Harris?

No connection to your kidnapping at all.

No connection to me. No
connection to Framingham prison.

He's too young to be the
person behind all this.

- I agree.
- Joe Harris was a psychiatrist

used to working with convicts.

When I heard him on the phone,
he was talking to someone

he had a personal and
trusting relationship with.

I don't believe he would have
used that tone with this kid.

Yeah, so that means this guy
is just a keyboard for hire.

Get comfortable.
You're not going anywhere.

Riley: You guys got nothing on me.

And I could probably actually sue you

for, like, false "arrest-ment,"
or something like that.

We may not be able to prove you
hacked Detective Rizzoli yet,

but we didn't arrest you for that.

Three years ago,
you hacked into the accounts

of a young woman named
Megan Christenson,

which is illegal.

You weren't as good then as you are now.

You left traces,

which we tracked back to
your personal accounts.

- That was no big deal.
- It was to Megan.

And to the State of
Massachusetts, who shall be happy

to give you 2 1/2 years
in the state penitentiary.

Lucky for you, Megan and I
have a pretty good relationship.

She's agreed not to press charges
as long as you cooperate.

- I don't really know that much.
- Tell us what you do know.

We'll find whoever's behind this.


I called him.
I-I saw the townhouse last night.

You did?
Are you gonna take it?

[sighs] I don't know.

- I just... I-I'm unsure about...
- Jane.

Uh, something weird just popped
up in the Fear Club e-mails.

- What?
- I-I found a second invitation

that was sent to Karen
Hughes's office computer,

but it was sent
to a different e-mail address.

Well, who else has
access to her computer?

I called her.
She said no one.

So somebody else at the school
got an invitation?


I saw one of those 3-D
printers in the classroom.

The plastic that you
found in the wound ...

could that come from a 3-D printer?

Definitely. Uh, the polylactic
acid is biodegradable.

Wait. You think that the killer
printed the murder weapon?

It would get through a metal detector.

And that would explain
why the blade was dull.

3-D printers can't re-create
the honed edge of a knife.

We got to talk to Karen.

- Uh, do we still have a uniform
outside the school? - Yeah.

Okay, call him and ...
and tell him to find her.

Stick with her until we get to her.
Bye, Maura. [elevator bell dings]

- Maura!
- Kiki.

- What a nice surprise.
- Surprise, yes. [chuckles]

Uh, Vince and I are gonna
get something to eat.

- Can you join?
- Oh, I really can't talk to you.

I mean I really can't talk.

I can't talk to anyone about anything.

Just busy.
Busy, busy, busy girl.

Well, that's too bad.
Maybe some other time.

- Yeah, love to.
- Oh. Oh.

- Bye!
- Okay. Bye. Yeah.


[pounding on door]


Officer Ellis. Is everything okay?

Yes, ma'am. Just a precaution.

- Okay if I come in?
- Yeah.

[cellphone rings]

I imagine that's Detective Rizzoli.

- She needed to talk to you.
- Hello?

Hi, Karen. It's Jane Rizzoli.

- Is everything all right, detective?
- I'm not sure.

Um, i-if you could just sit
tight until we get there ...

[Karen screams]

Go, go.

[siren wails, tires squeal]



[grunts, yells]

Frankie: He's alive.



- [both whisper] Anything?
- No. You?

No, nothing.

Frankie, get down!


- Thanks.
- Yeah.

[breathing shakily]


Okay. It's all right.

It's okay.

It's over.


It's okay.

It's okay.


So, Gus Brooks was using
a plastic key that he made

on the 3-D printer to break into
the school after he was fired.

Looking for a way to get his revenge.

- Fear Club was the perfect opportunity.
- Mm-hmm.

And then Daniella Gibbs got in
the way and saved Karen's life.

Hey, Jane, uh, you were right.

There is something I've
been keeping from you.

What? That you're gonna
ask Kiki to marry you?

- How did you know that?
- I'm a detective. I know things.

Uh, it... it's fine. I get it.
It's your life. It's ...

No, no, no.
I wanted to tell you. I just...

I thought talking about
my marriage proposal

- was insensitive.
- Why?

All the stuff that was going on ...

Maura's kidnapping, the attacks on you.

What... so, you're
worried about being happy?

How are we supposed to get
through the shitty moments in life

if we don't have the happy
ones to balance them out?

- So you're okay with it?
- Yeah.

I'm more than okay with it.
I'm thrilled. [cellphone buzzes]


- Hmm.
- Where you going?

I got one more case to solve today.

Yeah, it's for a really good cause.

- Mm. All right, well, I'll take 100.
- A 100? Really?

The orphans are gonna be so excited.

So excited.

You know, I think the only kid
benefiting from this... is you.

Don't lie. I'm a cop.

- I just wanted a puppy.
- A puppy?

My Mom said no, so I decided
to raise the money myself.

Well, honey, if your mom said no,

- then you can't have a puppy.
- But it's not fair.

Okay, well, maybe if you spent
more time convincing your mom

and less time swindling people,
you might get what you want.

- You really think so?
- I think it's worth a try.

Because this is over.

- T-There's my mom.
- Wha...?

- You're Cynthia's kid?
- Here, I'll make you a deal.

I'll give all the money I raised
to the boys and girls club,

- and you don't tell my mom.
- I'll make you a deal.

You give me all the money
you made, I'll give it

to the boys and girls club,
and I may not tell your mom.

Deal. Thanks.

Do you really think I can talk
my mom into getting me a puppy?

I think you can do anything
you set your mind to.


You know, she reminds me of you
when you were that age.

A thief?!

Cop, thief ...
it could have gone either way.

- Just saying.
- Well, smart kid.


Come on, Vince.
Who doesn't love a gondola?

Ma, she could get seasick.
You never know.

- Does she?
- I-I don't know.

You know what you should do?
You should propose to her

at Fenway Park when
the Sox are playing, you know?

And... And they put it on the
big jumbotron on the big screen?

Wait. You want him to propose
over a hot dog and beer?

Perfect, isn't it?

A proposal deserves champagne
and a string quartet.

I always thought getting
engaged in a hot-air balloon

- sounded like fun.
- Or maybe you could just ask her.

- Longfellow Bridge... very romantic.
- Yeah.

There's always the top of the hub.
Unbelievable views.

- What about a flash mob?
- I love those. [laughter]

Oh! You know what he should do?
He should write her a song.

You should write her a ...
Where'd he go? [gasps]

Ye... [gasping]

- Huh?
- Yes, of course! Yes!

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

- She said yes!
- Yay! [laughter]

[all cheering]


Oh, how sweet!

- I love new beginnings.
- Mm. Aw.

I... oh, speaking of,
I took the townhouse.

- [gasps] You did?!
- Yeah.

- Yay!
- Yay.

- Yes!
- Wait, you're moving out?

First of the month.

Oh! Drinks are on me!

Here's to the future
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Korsak! Yes.

[All cheering]

- Congratulations!
- Congratulations.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Whoo-hoo!

- Angela: Let's see.
- Whoa. Whoa.

[Indistinct conversations]
