Rizzoli & Isles (2010–2016): Season 4, Episode 10 - Rizzoli & Isles - full transcript

The team investigate the death of a street racer, Alberto Santana, who died when his car exploded during a race. He has a criminal record and served time for auto theft. Fortunately, Giovanni the mechanic was there and recorded the race. What they can't see from the video is his opponent who goes by the name of Rayo. Maura and a handsome bomb squad officer find evidence of a bomb in the remains of the car. They also find a microSD card with images of the driver and the explosion from inside the car - it also shows that Lt. Martinez was there but hasn't offered any assistance in the investigation. A common link between the various suspects leads them to the killer.

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That ain't your grandpappy's motor.

That a 454- CI FE Stroker?

Sure is, Flaco.

Take a guess
how many extra horses are in there.

- I don't know, like a hundred?
- Try 250.

Two fifty?

Love to tune
that supercharged modular.

- Yeah, those are new.
- It's about to get hot in here.


- That is so cool.
- Hey.

Make sure his old lady
won't miss that cash,

because he's gonna lose it.

Worry about your own old lady.

Last call for bets on Veloz and Rayo.

Rayo? Who's he?

Man: Yeah, I heard it.
Turbocharger, man.


That's Rayo.

- It's fast, brother.
- I've worked on that 'Stang.

- It's not gonna beat my Camaro.
- You all gonna kill him, Holmes.

Yo, take a good look
at the ass-end of my car.

That's all you'll be seeing tonight,

You'll be kissing mine
after I beat you.


That's funny.
Yeah, kiss his ass, cabrón.

MAN: Oh!



It's bottle time.

You really should have
a total cholesterol test.

I should have a lot of things.

I should have six months
in my rainy day fund.

I should have eight hours of sleep,
a best friend who doesn't nag me.

You just can't admit that
this is about your coffee addiction.

- Okay, so go a day without.
- Okay. Not today.

- Let's go, Jimmie.
- Don't push, man.

There's something I do not miss.
Drug arrests.

Frankie does make those clothes
look quite good.

MAN: Yo, this is an illegal arrest.

- Really?
- You know it. This is illegal.

The 15 bags of crystal meth I found
in your pocket weren't yours?

Well, maybe he was wearing
someone else's pants.

Yeah. You heard the lady.

- That's it.
- Come on, pal, let's go.

Hey, listen, I was not dealing, okay?
I might've been giving free samples,

but tell this clown right here
that you can't bust me for that.

- Can you do that for me, baby?
- Okay, don't call me "baby."

And that clown is my brother.
Let's go.

What are you doing
talking to my prisoner?

If you don't want me to,
you should help.

- Detective Rizzoli was by himself.
- I'm on it.

- Other Rizzoli, get him upstairs.
- What's your problem?

I don't have a problem.

Why is he being such a douche?
He should be moving his own prisoner.

The French claim
"douche" originated with them,

but it's really an Italian word,

- An ancient means of conveying water.
- I'm using it to convey contempt.

- What?
- Checking your body temperature.

- Stop.
- All right.

- Why were you doing it?
- Signs of sexual arousal

- include a rise in temperature.
- I am not aroused by Martinez.

Well, it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Most women experience a sexual rush
around bad boys.

- Put out your hand.
- Give me my coffee.

- Mm-hm. Tremors.
- You know it's too much caffeine.

It's from him, and I think he's sexy.

Well, he thinks he's sexy, too.

They're at it again.

- Who?
- These idiot drag racers.

We got a dead one. Come on.


I would like to get along with him.
I don't know why he's making it hard.

Martinez is an alpha male,
you're an alpha female.

You make him uncomfortable.

So it's my fault?

- What do we got?
- An illegal street race.

Emphasis on illegal.
No witnesses.

Spectators scattered
when the car caught on fire.

Even the hard-core videoheads
aren't posting.

Looks like he's still driving.

He's got third-degree burns,
likely from a flash fire.

- We got a name?
- No.

- No plates on the car, either.
- Run the VIN number?

It was removed.
We might get a number off the engine.

Doubt it. Racers file the numbers off
and use parts from different cars.

Whatever caught fire
started inside the car.

- Maybe nitrous.
- Yeah.

I've read about that.

Street racers use nitrous oxide
to boost horsepower and torque.

Makes the car real fast.

And you know that because?

I might have added one
to my mom's station wagon.

Oh, my God...
What happened?

Blew the engine.
She grounded me for six months.


I called in the Bomb Squad,
to be on the safe side.

Let's look for aluminum shrapnel
maybe from a nitrous tank.

Jane. Hey.

What did I tell you, bro?
Jane, what are you guys doing here?

They make us show up
when there's a dead guy.

- What are you doing here?
- Just passing by. Moving through.

- So you missed the race?
- What race?

Hey, can I get a quick shot of you
for CandidGram?

Cool thing.
I'm documenting every second.

My whole life I mean,
with video selfies.

Your whole life? Every second?

- Any video selfies this morning?
- Yeah, yeah.

- I even got the explosion.
- You were at the race.

- Yeah. Poor Veloz.
- You know his full name?

He's a one name like Madonna.

- You know veloz means super fast?
- Yeah.

I had this Latina girlfriend, Diana.

She was pretty veloz,
you know what I mean?

- Okay, Giovanni. Give me your phone.
- Why?

Because you recorded the race.

- How do you know that?
- Hand it over.

- No.
- No?

- How's the Alfa?
- Sweet.

I'm gonna put a turbo on it,
try to take on these V-8s.

Wanna call me before?
Maybe I'll come watch you race.

- Yeah, I will.
- No, wait.

Street racing is illegal,
and I have to seize your car.

- My what?
- Yeah.

- Unless...
- Unless what?

We can find something in the footage
on your phone.

Okay. Just don't delete anything.

Ignore me and my bros in the Jacuzzi
with the Irish setter.

Oh, my God.

Frost, I think Giovanni
recorded the race.

- Can you look on his phone?
- That's great, Jane.

Might've found a piece of the tank.
See how it curves in there?

That means the explosive was attached
to the outside of the tank, right?

May I?

- It's not nitrous oxide.
- It's propane.

- KORSAK: If it's propane, it's murder.
- I'll need to confirm, of course.

Yeah. That's what it smells like.
Sorry. BT Sarron, lead investigator.

- BT?
- As in Brandon Thomas.

Though everyone seems to think
it's for "bomb tech."

I'm sure he had a nitrous oxide tank
and it was filled with propane.

That doesn't seem like a mistake
a savvy drag racer would make.

MAN: Got something.

- It's part of a blasting cap.
- JANE: So it wasn't a mistake.

Somebody rigged this car to explode.

- Nice oven mitts.
- Thank you. They cheer me up.

- Two-hundred-and-five degrees Celsius.
- Mm!

Somebody overcooked
the Thanksgiving turkey.

- Nothing too exciting over there.
- I'll get the all shrapnel.

Concentrated in posterior regions
of the shoulder, neck and head.

But he's still too hot.

Speaking of too hot, where's BT?

- BT who?
- Funny.

Actually since your last boyfriend
was Dennis the Serial Killer,

I'm all for BT.

You think there are any fingers left
in these gloves?

Like, I would love some prints.


JANE: We got another body coming in?

In a manner of speaking.
We're doing the vehicle autopsy here.

In the morgue?
In here?

- You can't do that.
- I can. It's part of my office.

And BT wants to be
in close proximity to the Crime Lab

in order to facilitate
his examination of the car.

Or his examination
of the medical examiner.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

- Come here.
- What are you doing?

I'm taking your temperature.
It's a subtle sign of sexual arousal.

He's a very nice man.

He has a PhD in applied physics
and he practices yoga.

Yeah, and why would you like that?
Ayogi with a PhD.


He's so hideous to look at, too.

- I said he was nice.
- Okay.

Can you find some fingers in there?
Because I really need an ID.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

JANE: The test of true love.

Will he be disgusted
when he finds you wearing

the dead man's fingertips?

- I don't know, let's find out. Hello.
- Hey.

- The Camaro's ready to be autopsied?
- I hope it's not an inconvenience.

You know, it just seemed easier
to do closer to the Crime Lab.

Are you wearing his fingers?


That's remarkable.

I've heard of this technique,
but I never thought I'd see it.

Yes, well, there's always action here
in the Crime Lab.

How'd you do it?

Well, I immersed his fingers
in a rehydration solution.

- Sodium carbonate?
- Yes.

- Ten grams?
- Yes, with ethanol.

- Ninety- five percent pure?
- With distilled water.

Okay, and for those of us
planning to not try this at home,

can we get to the graphite powder?

Oh, yes, of course.


All right, we might get a print
off the index finger.

- That's not bad.
- Absolutely incredible.

Okay, I'm gonna scan it,
run it through AFIS.

Maura, will you do
the other fingers for me, please?

- Maura?
- What?

- The other fingers? Will you...?
- Oh, yes, sure.

- Of course.
- Okay.

FROST: Here's what I found
on Giovanni's phone.

I'm pretty stoked to see this Camaro
and Mustang hit the track.

KORSAK: Still hoping
to get a hit on his prints.

If I can crowbar a V-6
with a turbo in there,

be a small monster.

Got him. Alberto Santana.

He was paroled
after doing a year-and-a-half

into a five-year sentence
for auto theft.

I wanna talk to the driver
of that Mustang.

There's not a single good angle
of his face.

This is hard to watch.



That was not good, man.

Our victim's last known address
was a halfway house.

I wanna get in touch
with his parole officer.

Jane, you got to see this.

I'm telling you,
these freaks are serious out here.

Okay, 25K on the race.

- Twenty- five thousand dollars?
- A really good driver gets a third.

So that's like $8,000.
Enough to commit murder.

Can you show me what Giovanni has
on the other driver?

Giovanni mostly shoots Giovanni.

This is all I got.

After I beat you.

How many red 2005 Mustangs
are registered in Massachusetts?

- Too many. I found 539.
- We got to go through all of them.

Can Frankie help?

I already tried.
Martinez is using him for something.


Oh, goody. Giovanni's in the café.

I'd take him off your hands for you,
but I hear he's a face licker.

Not my face.

Hey, Jane.

I hope you haven't put him
in any danger out there.

He's in more danger in here
of choking to death, Ma.

- You know who this is?
- Nope.

Mrs. Rizz, this is the best
plain spaghetti and meatballs

in the history of Italy. Oh!

I going to look good driving your Alfa.

I wanna know his name.
I wanna know it now.

Honest to God, Jane.
I don't know.

They called him Rayo,
which means "lightning bolt."

- Man, I wish I had a cool nickname.
- Why didn't you mention this before?

You didn't ask.
Can I have my fork back?

You think maybe I'll get a plaque
or a medal or something for helping?

It's not solved, Giovanni.

I gave you the pieces. Can't help it
if you can't put them together.

- That's it.
- Oh! Whoa!

If you're gonna stab someone,
start with your father.

Hey, how's he doing?
I heard he got a real fine lady.

Shut up.

Hey, Ang.

Hi, Sean.

- Everything all right?
- Yeah.

Ang? What's next, a little PDA?

What's PDA?

- Public display of affection.
- You shut up.

Don't talk with your mouth full.

- You need any help here?
- No.

Do me a favor. Try this meatball.

- Shut up.
- Hey, what are you doing?

Yeah, but there's no indication
of a timing mechanism.

This has got to be an RCIED.

improvised explosive device.

It's so refreshing to have someone
else translate the acronym.

You know, the blasting cap we found,

the way the car blew tells me
we have a wireless detonator.

- I'm gonna build an NOS prototype.
- And that's standard, correct?

In order to know what caused it,
you re-create it?

Yes. I just hope
they found pieces of the transmitter.

The transmitter could be anything
that emits an RF signal.

- A radio, cordless phone, key fob.
- I love that you know that.

I think this could be a microSD card.

Jane said that the racers put cameras
in their cars.

She asked me to look for anything
that might suggest

the presence of a video camera.

I noticed what looked like remnants
of a rubber ring on the dashboard.

I wonder if he had
a suction cup mount there.

It's a good place
for a mini action camera.

You know,
if we can recover what's on this card

it's possible the victim recorded
his own vehicle as it exploded.

Maura found a microSD card.

She thinks there was a camera
inside the car.

- They get anything?
- The Crime Lab's looking at it.

Now, BT is convinced
we're looking at an explosion

triggered by a wireless device.

I wanna go through Giovanni's footage.

See if there's anyone with something
that could be a transmitter.

I got a hold of parole officer,
Elizabeth Keating.

- She's with the family.
- I was about to review the footage.

I'll take Frost. Come on.

- Thanks for meeting with us, Keating.
- Sure.

Thank you for letting me be the one
to break the news to his wife.

I've known them both for three years
and it's such a shame.

Alberto was one of the good ones.

You know, he was always on time,
always working.

- What was his job here?
- ELIZABETH: A mechanic.

He was really good.
This is his father-in-law's garage.

Alberto was trying to buy it.

On a mechanic's salary?

- Is that why he was racing?
- I had no idea he was racing again.

We think someone from that world, maybe
even the driver he was racing against

sabotaged his car.

Alberto did time for using
stolen parts to rebuild engines.

- Any indication he was back into it?
- No.

No, his wife and I both worked
to keep him straight and narrow.

Did he mention anyone he was having
a problem with? A customer maybe?

No. I wish I could be more helpful.

Alberto promised me.

He promised me
that he wasn't gonna race.

I'm sorry to have to tell you
that's how he died, Mrs. Santana.

Elizabeth just said
that it was a car accident.

Alberto's files might be important.

- We'd like to look through them all.
- Go ahead.

It's hard to accept Alberto's death
wasn't an accident.

We're still investigating, sir.

- Did you know he was racing?
- No.

So you didn't know any of the people
he might've been associating with?

He knew better than to talk to me
about his racing days.

I can't believe he was doing it again.

He was just trying to make things
better for me and the baby.

He didn't have to race.

- I should have given you the garage.
- WOMAN: Papi, Papi.

Papi, it's not your fault.

Who's that in the photo
with Alberto?

That's Alberto and his sister,

She's beautiful.

She died of a drug overdose
and that's why Alberto hated drugs.

Did Alberto have a specialty?

- Something people sought him out for?
- Yeah.

He was a genius with motors.

Guys who wanted horsepower
but didn't want flash.

He'd put big motors
in little crap cars.

What about his Camaro?
Did he work on that here?

Alberto drove an old Toyota.

The only Camaro I know he worked on
was an old '88.

- FROST: Who was the customer?
- MAN: I don't know.

Did you notice anything about
your husband's behavior recently?


- It might be nothing.
- KORSAK: But it's worrying you.

So it could be something.

He was spending a lot of time here.

He was nervous.
I thought it was because of the baby.

But now I know
that there was something wrong.

Crime Lab couldn't get anything
off the SD card?

Not yet.

Well, I went through the footage
frame by frame.

I couldn't see all the spectators.

The ones that I did see
weren't holding anything.

Thank you.

Thought you said
you ordered something good.

- This is good.
- It's kale.

It's that thing on the salad bar
that nobody used to eat,

but now it's the cool food.

Are you abstaining
from coffee tomorrow?

No, I'm abstaining from kale.

You have a history of cholesterol.
You need to take that test.

- You're very nosy.
- I'm very concerned.

Hey, I've got an idea. Bother BT.

We haven't progressed to the point

where we're exchanging
genetic DNAfamily histories.

- You exchanged any DNAyet?
- We've been too busy.

You know, he is doing a prototype
of the nitrous oxide system

to determine
where the charges were placed.

BT: Hey.

I apologize for the interruption,
but I finished the prototype.

- Oh, that's wonderful.
- Yes, it sure is.

Would you like to join us?

I can't.
I'm standing by at the Crime Lab.

They're making progress
on that SD card.

Oh, that's great. I'll call Frost
and see if he wants to help.

Or, uh, you know...

...Dr. Isles is very good
at standing by.

Aren't you, Dr. Isles?

I mean, it's your find
so you both should be there,

in case they recover something.

No. But wait, what about you?

I don't wannajust leave you
here alone with your kale.

Oh, I digest my leafy greens
so much better when I'm alone.

Go. It's almost 6 AM
in Afghanistan.

- Casey will keep me company.
- Okay.

- See you.
- Bye.

Can I join you for a beer?

- No, it doesn't go with my meal.
- I'm sorry about this morning.

Okay, thanks.

Come on. Let me buy you a drink.
It'll be like old times.

Why are you suddenly
being so nice to me now?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Yes, you do.

I only came by to give you these.

- Now you're giving me my car back?
- DCU doesn't need it anymore.

Because it got burned
in an operation?

- What, you don't want it back?
- No, I do. Yeah, wait up, I do.

I do. Thank you.

You come over here, offer me a beer,
give me my car back.

If I was a suspicious person,
I might think you wanted something.

Like what?

What do you got that I want?

- Don't do this.
- Don't do what?

We were good together...
when we didn't talk.

Don't, Raff.
I'm involved with someone.

- He's not here.
- We have to work together.

No, we don't.

- MAURA: I found it. BT, I found it.
- BT: Yeah.

What time did you get in?

I didn't go home.

- Any luck on the SD card?
- No.

- Any luck with BT?
- Sh!

Sorry. Were you talking to me?

- Is this what I think it is?
- I don't believe it. You're incredible.

- Yes, she is. What is it?
- I think it's the receiver.

Yeah, the Boston Marathon bombers

triggered the blasts
with toy remote controls.

This receiver proves my theory.

Someone at the race
triggered the explosion.

Can you give me an idea of its range?

Please don't tell me
you don't like to guess either.

Yeah, I actually do hate to guess.

Well, I won't hold it against you.
Ask her.

The type of circuitry used in this
limits its range.

I'd say it wouldn't be reliable
beyond 100 feet.

Thank you.

Don't be insulted. I'm sending Frost
to help you with that SD card.

No, you were right, Jane.
No one's close enough.

JANE: Unless there's someone
in those buildings.

The only one close enough
is the other driver.

We got to find him.

Before we begin our presentation,
Sergeant Korsak,

I'd like to acknowledge your work
on the computer today.

Thank you, Detective Frost.

I hope I'm about to acknowledge
your work on the SD card, Detective Frost.

You are, Detective Rizzoli.


- FROST: Look at this.
- Okay, that's Alberto.

It's bottle time.


He thought he was turning on
his secret weapon.

Frost, can you play that back
from the beginning?

JANE: Okay. Slow it down.

Go a frame at a time.


Who does that look like?

No way.

Lieutenant Martinez was at that race.

And you've already poked around
on the down-Iow?

Yes, sir.

According to Martinez's secretary,

he hasn't been in the office
much at all for a while.

What did Frankie say?

I didn't wanna put him
in that position.

Well, that's the right call.
Martinez is his boss.

- So, what do we do?
- We try and talk to him.

- You know we've left messages?
- Okay, so we wait.

We're investigating a homicide
that Martinez witnessed

- and didn't bother to tell us about.
- I got that, Detective.

You know what happens if I get into
it with chief of detectives?

- No, sir.
- Well, why don't you tell him?

- Start a ball rolling we can't stop.
- Could be the end of his career.

CAVANAUGH: Got that?

If you're gonna go to principal's
office to complain about somebody,

make sure
you want that somebody expelled.

Give the guy a chance
to explain himself.

Yes, sir.

- How long are we gonna give him?
- I know he's got a reason.

Better be a really good one.

I've been through two years
of Alberto's receipts here.

These are the invoices
from the last few jobs Alberto did.

There's a handwritten note in Spanish
attached to this invoice.

- This has a VIN number. Run that.
- Yeah. Sure.

What's the note say?


In inglés, por favor.

"Front seat. Heat on full."

"Brake. Left signal. Recline."

- Huh?
- Got me.

VIN number's for a Mustang.
The parts are for a stroker kit.

Somebody was getting their Mustang
ready for a race.

Why would Alberto be souping up
a competitor's Mustang?

- Who's it registered to?
- Miguel Ortiz.

No address.
Just a P.O. Box in Jamaica Plain.


He didn't pay his parking tickets.
He got two dozen last month.

See if he's been ticketed
in the same place more than once.

FROST: Nice, Jane.

He got five out
in front of 1268 Boston Street.

Looks like a warehouse.

That is enough for a search warrant.
Let's get it.

Why do we sneak in
when we already have a warrant?

JANE: Because it's more fun this way.

KORSAK: Best to do a search
before the bad guys know what's going on.

JANE: Well, well, well,
what do we have here?

Hello, sweetness.

Keys are still in it.

- Korsak, you got that list?
- Oh, yeah.

- It's front seat.
- Yeah.

- "Heat on full."
- Uh- huh.

"Brake. Left signal.

- What are you doing?
- Patience, Detective.

When you come into the country,
Border Patrol searches your car

- with the doors open, right?
- Right.

- Try again.
- I know.

"Front seat. Heat to full."

"Brake. Left signal."


Well, what do you know?

That was a sequence to open a hide.

And it looks like our friend Miguel,
drug trafficking.

This one's coffee.
This one smells like cayenne pepper.

To throw the dogs off.

His wife said Alberto was worried.
Maybe it wasn't just racing he was into.

Alberto was working on this Mustang.
He was being forced to build hides?


Boston Police. Freeze!

- Frank, what are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?

I have a feeling we walked in
an undercover operation.

Yeah, you sure did.

You should trust your colleagues
and share your information.

We're separate operations, Rizzoli.

What is wrong with you?
Whose side are you on, Martinez?

Better start talking, Raffie.

- Look, don't make us threaten you.
- What do you mean threaten us?

He didn't tell you, did he?

Martinez watched our victim
get blown up this morning.

He knew we were investigating,
and he still didn't come forward.

He didn't tell us he was friends
with our prime suspect either.

This is Detective First Grade
Miguel Ortiz. NYPD.

- You're a cop?
- Yeah.


MARTINEZ: I brought Miguel in.

I've been doing this in New York,
infiltrating street race as a driver.

That's how a lot of
meth is getting moved.

- In hides?
- Yeah.

Since when did meth
become a problem in Boston?

Since it blew into town
about six months ago.

Dealers have been popping up,
giving away free samples.

Like Jimmie Washington?

Is that why you barked at me?

It was need to know.
I couldn't tell you.

So whoever's running this thing

created his own market
by handing out free meth?

Yeah. We don't who the Unsub is.

But we know this guy.
Chapo Benavidez.

An MS-13 gangbanger from Boston.

Broke his parole two years ago
and fled to Juárez, Mexico.

He runs a methamphetamine lab
from there.

He's been getting it
to New York distributors.

Now it's found a way into Boston,
thanks to your unknown subject.


- So who is this guy?
- FRANKIE: Jorge Vega.

Big meth dealer.
He runs all the street races.

Took us three months
to get close to Jorge.

After the explosion,
he hired me to be a delivery driver.

Now you wait for the call
for the next load of meth.

Exactly. Any second now.

Did Alberto build the hide
in your Mustang?

No, no. Jorge builds the hides.

He hired Alberto to do the engine
and then he found out he could drive.

Wait, so Alberto wasn't part of this?

- Why is he working on your Mustang?
- He thought it was Jorge's.

The Mustang's registered to me,
but Jorge owns the cars.

- That's how he controls the races.
- They're fixed?

No! Jorge's a cheater, too?

Alberto didn't know.
He thought the races were clean.

But after he worked on the engines,
Jorge would load in a new fuel map.

JANE: So we got means.

It isn't hard for Jorge
to switch propane for nitrous.

Motive: Alberto found the hide
in your Mustang.

Opportunity: Jorge owns the Camaro
that Alberto drove.

He couldn't have triggered
the explosion.

He was at the starting line.
He was too far away.

We're still looking
for a second killer.


- Hey, it's Jorge. It's him.
- MARTINEZ: Rizzoli, please.

Hold off on arresting Jorge.
We need a little more time.

We're not gonna step
on another unit's operations.

Do you have Jorge under surveillance?
All right, he's not going anywhere.

- You sure he'll roll?
- He will if we get him with drugs.

Well, then why are we standing here?
Let's go get them all.

Am I supposed to thank you
for letting me come along

on what should be our arrest?

Sure, if you want to.

- Stop.
- What?

I'm not gonna look at you
and you are not gonna make me smile.

How much you wanna bet?

You think I don't know
that you do this to every woman?

Do what?


Pay attention.
Jorge's pulling into the lot.

Okay, that's Jorge in the blue Civic.

MARTINEZ: Those are his boys
in the truck.

- Yeah, we good?
- Yeah.

All right. Let me check this out.

Well, there's your meth.

It officially sucks,
this one's yours.

Thank you, Jane.

You're welcome.

Why are you still sitting here?

- Yeah.
- JANE: That is a lot of meth.

All right. Yeah.

- Go, go, go.
- That's it.

- Go, go.
- JANE: Yeah, you run, Jorge.

- Look at him go. Get him.
- Too late.

Down on the ground!
Down on the ground! Now, cabrón.

- Down on the ground.
- JANE: This one's yours, Frankie.

I got him, Papi.

JANE: The meth party's over, Jorge.

Jorge lawyered up.
My guess is, he's afraid of this guy.

Well, at least he can't run.
His bail was set at half a million.

DCU hasn't found anything
at his house or his business yet.

If we don't find that transmitter,
we can't connect him to Alberto.

I got bad news.

Jorge's lawyerjust showed up
with the bail money.


Huh. Next stop, Mexico.
Wow, kudos to you, Martinez.

I'm so happy we just stood back
and let you complete your operation.

- Time for the BPD shuffle.
- The what's that?

You would be amazed at how slow
Sergeant Collins in Booking is.

Can't find the ink,
camera won't work.

Vinnie, you're my boy.

No, no, no. Do not smile.
You are not allowed to smile.

Why? Isn't it good that guys
sometimes get lost in the system?

Hey, Reggie, it's Vince.
I need a favor. Sure.

I searched Jorge's Civic again.
He had a hide.

- How did you get it open?
- Persistence.

- Look what I found in his dash.
- Nice work, bro.

It's a programmer
for car alarm systems.

So you can use that
to program a key fob, right?

We need to get that to BT.

If we can match that to the receiver,
we don't need Jorge's transmitter.

KORSAK: Reg, I need you to slow
a guy down. Jorge Vega.

Crack on the receiver
but I think I fixed it.

- We're about to try it.
- Okay, turn on the programmer.

The programmer is set to
the same frequency as the receiver.

Okay, Maura. Thanks.

We don't need the transmitter.
Jorge planted the propane bomb.

- We need the second killer.
- Whoever triggered it.

Alberto worked all of Jorge's cars,
but he had invoices and receipts.

- So it was on the up-and-up.
- JANE: Yeah.

What would you do
if you were trying to stay clean

and you discovered that the guy
you drove for was a drug smuggler?

Alberto's parole would get revoked

if he knowingly worked on cars
that were moving drugs.

He lost his beloved sister to drugs.
He hated drugs.

He told someone about that hide.
And that's what got him killed.

The only thing that Alberto, Jorge
and Chapo had in common was time.

- They all did time.
- Not in the same prison.

They still have a connection.

Everyone on this list is involved
in a drug distribution ring

run by Jorge Vega.

Jorge is my parolee.
He was distributing drugs?

DCU arrested him today
for drug trafficking.

Had over a hundred kilos
of methamphetamine.

Is there anybody else on that list
that's one of your parolees?

I don't believe this.
Nearly all of them.


- Excuse me.
- Would you like more coffee?

- Yeah.
- MAURA: We're ready for you.

You must've had a great vacation.
You're so tan.

I did. I just got back
from a Mediterranean cruise.

- Nice.
- Thanks. I'll be right there.

Thanks, Ma.

Did you know that Alberto
was working on Jorge's cars?

I didn't know that.

You think Jorge had anything to do
with Alberto's murder?

We're not sure.

There might be something
that you could do that could help us.

Anything you need.

- This shouldn't take too long.
- I'm happy to help.

Hello, Sergeant. Detective.

Homeland Security
has a nice photo of you

crossing the border in El Paso
on your way to Juárez.


Third time this year.
Must really like it there. Nice tan.

- Maybe you got it visiting Chapo?
- Excuse me?

You remember Chapo, right?

He's pretty famous.
Runs the biggest meth lab in Juárez.

Wait, Chapo is a nickname.
It simply means "shorty".

Carlos "Chapo" Benavitez.
You know him, right?

He's one of my parolee skips.

Help me understand
where you're going with this.

- Dr. Isles, you wanna take that one?
- Of course.

As you know,

Jorge drained the nitrous oxide
in Alberto's tank

and he filled it with propane.

What do you mean, as I know?
What are you talking about?

Two blasting caps like these
were duct-taped to the tank.

We going too fast for you?
Tell us if we need to slow down.

MAURA: First blast blew a hole
in the aluminum tank

allowing pressurized propane gas
to escape into Alberto's car.

The second blast ignited the propane.

We found a receiver
under the front bumper of his car.

We think the transmitter
is a key fob.

- You have your keys on you, right?
- Yes, but I don't...

Get them out.

Push the lock button. Now.


It's a simulation, of course.

But you just blew a hole
in the aluminum tank.

Push the unlock button.


I guess you remember that,
watching Alberto's car explode.


- Why would I kill my own parolee?
- You forgot that part, too?

Alberto found a hide when he worked
on one of Jorge's cars.

And he did the right thing.
He told his parole officer.

He didn't know you are also Boston's
biggest crystal meth dealer,

and Jorge's boss.

You have a nickname.
Did you know that?

We've been calling you Unsub.

You and Jorge killed Alberto
to save your drug business.

Oh, God.

- I want a lawyer.
- JANE: Yeah, get a good one.

Jorge's already trying
to make a deal.

You're under arrest
for the murder of Alberto Santana.

I thought you had a hot date with BT.

And I thought
you'd be fending off Martinez.

He tried.
Wanted to celebrate.

I am troubled that it was a woman
running this meth operation.

- Which actually worries me.
- Why?

Because it suggests
I might be sexist.

I am more troubled
that she was a parole officer.

She's supposed to be one of us.

- You're eating kale.
- I'm playing with kale.

Does that count as a serving of dark,
leafy greens?


- Guess what.
- You know I can't guess.

- I'm gonna have coffee tomorrow.
- Jane.

- And the next day.
- You're impossible.

- I know.
- Eat your kale.

Okay, but I'm having french fries
for dessert.

Of course, you are.
Ripped By mstoll