Riverdale (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof - full transcript

A charge led by Mayor McCoy threatens to further escalate tensions with the Southside; Betty is thrust into a burgeoning mystery surrounding the Sugarman.

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[narrator] Previously on Riverdale:

[Black Hood] This is the Black Hood.
I want to cleanse Riverdale of sinners.

I can't keep doing this.

I need you to cut your friends
out of your life, or I will, my way.

I'll consider reopening
The Red and the Black on two conditions:

One, no gangs. Two, no jingle-jangle.
See you trafficking in either, we're done.

Hang with the Serpents.
Ghoulies get a whiff that you're alone...

[Jughead grunting]

Tall Boy gave me this jacket.
It's time I start wearing it.

- Is that...?
- Jingle-jangle.

Nick, I mean it. Stop!

We didn't get a chance to talk last night.

I want Nick to pay, to suffer,
to burn in hell.

- [Black Hood] Give me another name.
- Nick St. Clair.

[Jughead] In Riverdale, everyone
wears a mask, not just the Black Hood.

But every so often the mask slips

and our true selves are laid bare
for all the world to see.


You, uh...?

You hungry?

You never have to ask me that.


[Jughead] So, we scramble
to put it back on,

like a kid in a cheap Halloween costume,
but it's too late.

People have already seen
what's underneath...

and it's terrifying.

Oh, my God.

What? Here to finish
what your little friend started?

You're alive.

Yeah. Tell that bitch Veronica
she's lucky I'm not pressing charges.

[Mr. St. Clair] Nicholas,
why aren't you dressed yet?

And who's this?

You're not safe here, okay? Any of you.

You need to go...

- Nicholas St. Clair?
- He is, and I'm his father.

- Is there a problem?
- [Keller] There's a complaint against him.

He'll have to come to the station.
You and your wife, as well.

You might wanna get dressed, son.

Should I ask what you're doing here?

I'm... making sure
Nick got what was coming to him.

Go home, Betty.

[cell phone rings]

You didn't kill him.

[Black Hood]
Nick isn't one of Riverdale's sons.

You've already given me
the most wonderful gift.

You said Nick's name.

In that moment of nakedness,
you let me see the real Betty Cooper.

And she was beautiful and righteous.

Judge, jury, executioner...

No. No, that's not... I'm... That's...

Now that I've seen your true self, Betty,
the real work can begin.

What do you mean...?

[line beeps]

[cell phone chimes]

[Hermione] Penelope, thank you for coming.

We called as soon as Cheryl told us.

I appreciate that.

I just wish you'd stopped her
from talking to Sheriff Keller.

Lord knows what Cheryl did or said
to the St. Clair boy to provoke him.

According to Veronica, nothing.

Hermione, Hiram,
I want this handled discreetly.

Well, I'm confident
that the St. Clairs feel the same way.

[Penelope] Then it's settled.

I'll talk to that idiot Keller
and tell him we won't be pressing charges.

After all...

nothing really happened to Cheryl.

Cheryl, I'm... so sorry.

Don't be silly. I'm used to it.

And besides, you heard what Mommy said.
Nothing really happened to me.

- Nick roofied you. He...
- I'm fine.

Veronica, everything's fine.

If everything is fine,

why did we just call Sheriff Keller
and make a statement?

Momentary lapse in sanity.
I mean, can you even imagine?

Me against Nick St. Clair
in a courtroom battle royale?

- I'd be a laughingstock.
- Cheryl, wait.

It's not just you.
He's done it to other girls.

I mean, hell,
he even tried to do it to me.

The night before the open house.

Did you tell your parents?

Yet you were happy to fill them in
on my after-dark drama?

I won't be a puppet
for your thirst for vengeance.

You want justice?
You go after Nick in court, Veronica.

[Toni] Thanks for letting me sleep over.

Now on to the next crash pad
until my uncle stops locking me out.

[Jughead] My trailer is your trailer.

- Last night was...
- A PG-13 grope session?


Way to knock a guy down a peg.

Look, cards on the table...

you're not over Betty.

And I'm not interested
in being anybody's rebound.


I'm more into girls anyways.

Roger that.

[Betty] I needed to clear my head,
and I did.

And I realized
that this is just a sick game to him.

Psychological torture.


I'm done with the Black Hood,
with his letters, with his Simon Says.

- What happens when he calls again?
- I won't answer.

I can't... keep playing, I can't.

- Didn't he threaten Polly?
- He did. I talked to her.

People at the farm are gonna
help her disappear until it's safe.

Whenever that is. Jughead and Veronica?

- We have to tell them the truth.
- We will. Let's let things settle first.

Make sure it's all over...

[cell phones ringing]

- Mom?
- Dad?

[Alice] Riverdale's best
and brightest, huh?

- Alice, thank you for hosting.
- Of course, Mayor McCoy.

When I heard what happened,
I decided we should come together

to deal with this motley crew
of liars, dope fiends, and fornicators.

Except for Betty,
who was smart enough to leave

before it was a bacchanalian free-for-all.

- Oh, my God. Mom, please don't.
- Great. Here we go.

- Saint Betty and Succubus Veronica.
- [Fred] Just for clarity, Alice,

- you're hosting this to gloat?
- I may have taken jingle-jangle,

- but she had a psychotic break.
- Cut her some slack, Veronica.

- She broke up with Jughead.
- Hashtag "Bughead is no more"?

- Betty didn't tell me?
- Ahem.

Careful throwing stones there,
acid-queen Alice.

I'm not the only one that knows the story
behind that mug shot

your daughter printed in her paper.

I, for one, would like to know who brought
the jingle-jangle to the party.

Reginald, not a single word out
of your mouth until we get a lawyer.

All Reggie needs to tell us, Melinda,
is how he acquired it.

- Gang member who deals on the Southside.
- You have a dealer?

Once again, mayor, the Southside
is the source of all our problems.

Is he a Serpent?
Does he go to Southside High?

- I think so.
- [Archie] Does it matter?

- Not all Serpents are dealers.
- Archie, not helping.

We shouldn't have taken the JJ,

but Nick asked Reggie to get it
and then pushed it on us.

He should be in the hot seat.
He's the one who roofied Cheryl...

Prosecuting him would be difficult,
given that all witnesses were high.

Josie and I saw Nick with Cheryl
the night after the party.

Neither of us were on jingle-jangle.

[Keller] The drug stays in your system
for three days.

If I drug-tested you right now,
you'd have a credibility problem.

Josie, you took that drug?

You put that poison in your system

knowing the way your father
struggled with addiction?

I see.

From this moment on,

bringing the Southside under control
is my number one priority.

If it means razing it to the ground

or arresting every single Serpent
in sight,

starting at that high school, so be it.

Let's go, Josephine.


"People have associated this school
with the plagues of the Southside,

drugs, gangs, violence.

But, like the Southside,
there is a community here.

And while the decay is real,
it is not irreversible."

I'm impressed, Jughead.

Where did you find the time to put out
an issue of the Red and Black

while pledging the Southside Serpents?

I'm not blind.

We had a deal.

The Serpents,
they truly are a community, Mr. Phillips.

- A community of drug dealers.
- That's not the Serpents.

That's the Ghoulies.
That's my next article.

- Jughead, when you said you wanted to...
- [cell phone chimes]

Uh, will you excuse me? Just two seconds.
I'm sorry, Mr. Phillips.

Jug! Jug.

- We gotta go, right now.
- What are you doing here?

Betty ask you to throw salt in the wound?

Mayor McCoy's about to raid
Southside High. We gotta get you out.

[doors bang]

[K.Flay's "High Enough" playing]

♪ You got me, you got me good ♪

♪ I'm already high enough ♪

[Jughead in distorted voice] Toni!

- Hey, Jug, you wanna help her?
- Let go!

You can't do that from behind bars.
Come on!

♪ Don't try to give me cold water ♪

♪ I don't wanna sober up ♪

♪ All I see are tomorrows ♪

♪ Oh, the stars were made for us ♪

♪ I'm already high enough ♪

Subtitles by explosiveskull

- What do you mean Nick did it to you?
- He tried to.

After the penthouse party,
but I nipped it in the bud.

I hope Nick St. Clair chokes
on his silver spoon.

You have to tell someone.
My dad or your dad.

No, Kevin.

My dad cannot know.

Have you ever seen The Godfather?
If my dad ever found out what Nick did...

- He'd put a horse's head in Nick's bed?
- Worse.

He'd put Nick's head
in Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair's bed.

I don't want his blood on my dad's hands
or on mine.


- Veronica, I...
- Don't even try, Benedict Betty.

[Veronica] Chill, Kevin.

She's not worth it.

[cell phone rings]

I've done everything you've asked.
Why can't you leave me alone?

[Black Hood] Because we're not finished.

I spared Nick's life. Because of me,
you don't have his blood on your hands.

If you don't help me,
you'll be responsible for far worse.

- Riverdale's streets will run red.
- Help you how?

While Keller and his men hunt
for low-level dealers,

we will go after the real sinner.

The drug maker,
someone who hides behind a name,

the Sugarman.

A corrupter of children
who deserves swift, brutal justice.

The fact that you're asking me to find him
means that you can't.

I'm a school-newspaper reporter.

Who also happens to be friends
with the daughter

of the Sugarman's former supplier,
Clifford Blossom.

I'd start there.

And if I find him,
what will you do to him?

Don't ask questions
you don't want the answers to, Betty.

Bring me the identity of the Sugarman,
and I will put down my sword.

And if I don't? If I refuse?

Someone will be purified.
Don't test me on that.

[line beeps]

- [Archie] Jughead, calm down.
- Calm down?

Archie, Riverdale just became
a police state.

McCoy's convinced the Serpents
are dealing jingle-jangle.

Serpents don't deal that stuff.
The Ghoulies do.

- So, tell Mayor McCoy that.
- Oh, Mayor McCoy.

Do you mean the McCoy that just arrested
all my friends for no reason?

Why do you care anyway, man?

I thought you and Betty wanted nothing
to do with me, right?

[Archie] I'm sorry about what happened,
and how it happened.

And as for Betty,
you should maybe talk to her.

[cell phone chimes]

I gotta go. Tall Boy wants to parley.

Sweet cousin, to what do I owe
this unannounced pleasure?

I just wanted to see how you were doing.

I'm... compartmentalizing.

But I also see right through you,
Invisible Woman.

I'm writing an article.

On jingle-jangle inundating Riverdale.

- Have you ever heard of the Sugarman?
- Yeah, of course.


As children, Mother told us tales

of how Daddy was friends
with the so-called Sugarman.

And if we were bad,

he'd sneak into our rooms at night,
steal us from our beds,

whisk us away, nevermore to be seen.

Cheryl, is it possible
that this man maybe worked

for your father's drug business?

Dear God, Betty, is there no memory,
however traumatic, you won't defile?

- I'm just trying to get to the truth.
- I've told you.

The Sugarman was a poison confection
spun by my mother to scare children.

Like the sandman or Krampus.

Now, fly away, little bird.

Community service?
Can't you just ground me, Dad?

Community service was Mayor McCoy's idea,
and it's a damn good one if you ask me.

You wanna put that trash in your body,

you can spend the day picking up trash
at Pickens Park.


I know Jug wasn't at your Lollapalooza
the other night,

but he does go to Southside High.
It's ground zero for that crap.

You talking to him, checking in?
How's he doing?

- Trying to.
- Yeah.

It was kind of like that
when I was trying to help FP.

I don't what it is.
A never-ending battle with those two.

I just hope with Jug
it's not a losing one.

[punk music playing]

[Tall Boy] Sit down, kid.

Business to discuss.

Tall Boy, what the hell is this?
Where are we?

You're in my house.


It's the House of the Dead.

Well, I'm sorry, who the hell are you?

[Tall Boy] Take it easy, Jughead.

Malachai speaks for the Ghoulies.

The heat on us and our ranks depleted,
our tribes need to unite,

and that's gonna be easier to do
if you endorse this partnership.

- Me?
- [Tall Boy] You're FP's son.

That carries weight,
especially with our younger members.

Tall Boy, they're the reason
Southside was even raided.

- Them and their jingle-jangle.
- [Malachai] Chaos is how we thrive.

You'd better get used to it.

Are you seriously gonna do this to my dad?

- You're supposed to be his right hand.
- The Northside declared war today.

Your old man ain't here to call the shots.

And, yeah, I'm his right hand.

That makes me de facto leader
here and now. So...

things are changing, Jones.

Either you change with them...

or suffer the consequences.

[Malachai chuckles]

Evolve or die, baby.

Evolve or die.

[Betty] Sheriff Keller.
The station said you might be here.

I'm off the clock, Betty.

Just a few questions for
a Blue and Gold story on jingle-jangle.

[Keller] All right.

One question,
so, you'd better make it good.

Have you ever heard of a dealer
called the Sugarman?

Have I heard of him?
Well, I know him. You know him.

The Sugarman, the Maple Man,
the Delivery Man,

he had about a million different names,
but it was always just one man.

Clifford Blossom.

But he's dead.

So, how is there still a supply
of jingle-jangle?

Jingle-jangle didn't hit the streets
until after Clifford died.

Truth is, anybody could be
the supplier now.

Good night, Betty.

[Veronica] Drafting your next
savage takedown?

[Betty] I don't expect you to believe me,
but I didn't mean what I said.

There's no sane excuse.

[Veronica] No, there isn't.

So, tell me, B...

what's the insane excuse?

[Veronica] So, to recap...

you're talking to a serial killer
on the reg...

and he's been puppet-mastering you?

I'll never forgive myself
for what I did, V.

To you, to Jug, to my mom.
Hell, even to Nick St. Clair.

Girl, I would've given Nick's name

and then happily treated myself
to a facial.

I still may. But, yes...

you're in a toxic relationship
with the Black Hood

- and you need to break up.
- Or I could turn the tables on him, V.

He says he'll go away
if I do one last thing...

find out who's behind the jingle-jangle.
Some creep called the Sugarman.

Okay. So, what's the problem?

[Betty] If the Sugarman exists
and I find out who he is,

I can't just give up his name.

The Black Hood would kill him.

Drug dealer or not,
he's still a human being.

- Barely.
- [Betty] I'm so close, V.

Will you help?

I'm in.

This isn't an alliance with the Ghoulies.
This is a hostile takeover.

God, who knows how long Tall Boy
has been planning on betraying us.

Maybe I stall,
just until Sweet Pea and Toni get out.

I just hope they'd rather go to war
with the Ghoulies than start...

- Jughead.
- ...dealing jingle-jangle.

You joined the Serpents to keep the peace.

My dad would never sit back
and let this happen, so, neither will I.

- So, unless you have any better ideas...
- Not me. But, dude, what you just said...

[FP] Start from the beginning, boys.

[Jughead] Hey, you can reprimand me
for joining the Serpents later,

but if we don't do something now...

there will be no more Serpents.
It'll just be the Ghoulies.

Ghoulies dress like fops,
but they're a nasty crew.

The Serpents have survived worse, though.

Much worse. The only hitch is,
it sounds like you're outmanned,

which means you gotta avoid bloodshed
at all costs.

- I agree. A hundred percent.
- [FP] So, outthink them.

This is about territory.

If there's one thing Ghoulies love,

it's their crazy souped-up retro cars
and hearses.

You catch my Riverdale drift, boys?

Challenge them to a street race,

But keep it on the DL.
It's illegal. It'll get you locked up.

- Go on.
- [FP] Set the terms of the race.

Their guy wins, the Serpents roll over.

But if we win, the Ghoulies back off.

And maybe you raise the stakes.
Whoever wins controls Southside High.

We get rid of the Ghoulies
and get rid of the jingle-jangle

and get McCoy off our back.

[Cheryl] That's me, that's Jason,
and that's the Sugarman.

Remember? You'd tell us tales
of how he was friends with Daddy?

We were to stay up in our rooms
whenever he visited Thornhill?

Was he one of Daddy's business associates?

Not maple syrup,
but the other kind of business?

After all you kept from me about Daddy,
about Jason's death,

is this another piece
of your cryptic puzzle?

As usual, Cheryl, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I never told you any such stories.

As for your father's business dealings,

you know full well that all his records
were either seized by the police

or burned in the fire you started.

[Kevin groans]

- Pickens Park? More like Needle Park.
- I wouldn't even go cruising here.

Hey, uh, feel free to, you know, pitch in.

I get you're pretty much Beyoncé,
but today, you're just like us commoners.

I think your biceps can handle it, Mantle.

- You trying to get me to flex?
- [Veronica] Josie.

You mind if I borrow Reggie
for a New York minute?

Please. Take him.

Love watching me walk away, huh?

What do you want, Veronica?

We were kind of
in the middle of something.

I want the name
of your jingle-jangle contact,

and I won't take no for an answer.

Betty, you have to talk to Jughead.

Soon, I promise.

I just need to take care of a few things.

I'll go out on a limb
and guess you're Verne. You got my stuff?

- I don't take American Excess.
- Will this do?

My girl and I
need a reason to live tonight.

She broke up with her beau.
Full spiral. Tragic.

One fifty.

I know you're overcharging me,
but I'm desperate.

My compliments to the Sugarman.

Did I get it wrong? Isn't that the name
of the genius behind these sweet treats?

Have you ever met him?

What about my change, asshat?

Our Drugstore Cowboy
should be passing you

in three... two... one.

I've got eyes on him.

[rock music playing]

[Jughead] Me and my boy...

wanna challenge you to a race.

If we win...

Serpents remain autonomous...

and you quit dealing at Southside High.

[sniffs] And if we win?

We fold...

and you can continue polluting Southside
with your little straws of death.

So, the mighty Serpent Prince
has some stones, but not much else.

So, unless Your Highness wants to put some
of Daddy's territory on the table,

I got no reason to agree to a race.

[door slams]

They were following me.
Tried to get in the garage.

- Veronica?
- Betty?

- Archie?
- Jughead?

[all] What are you doing here?

- Wait. So, these are your bitches?
- I beg your misogynistic pardon?

Why don't you take your skanks
and get the hell out of here?

Until you make me a better offer,
there'll be no race.

If you win...
we'll give you the Whyte Wyrm.

You can expand your drug-dealing horizons
and upgrade out of this literal hellhole.

We'll take the Wyrm
and Sunnyside Trailer Park.

[Nick] Two turkey burgers
and a Cobb salad. To go.



What are you still doing in town, Nick?

[Nick] Picking up some fuel
for the trip home.

How are you?

How am I?

How am I?

You roofied me.

- You tried to rape me.
- I don't think that's what happened.

You're a Less Than Zero monster.

At least I'm not a desperate tart
from a truck-stop town, hon.

Let's not distort reality
to cover your morning-after shame.

You were high, half-naked
and begging for it.

Call your lawyer.

Seeing as you're
such an unrepentant spore,

I think I'll be pressing charges
after all.

Sweetie, did no one tell you
about the arrangement my parents made

with your cobra-like mother?

You're not gonna be saying anything
about that night to anyone.

After all, there's a reason
it's called hush money.

For the lady's meal, as well.

[Betty] God bless Reggie Mantle
and his inferiority complex.

His car's a lot like him.
It's beautiful to look at...

but not much going on under the hood.

Um, crescent wrench, please.

Thank you.

So, this is what Serpents do for fun, huh?
Street-race rival gangs?

[Jughead] Just go ahead and say it, Betty.

You said you weren't gonna join them, Jug.

And you said you loved me,
and then you dumped me via Archie.

Which, by the way,
way worse than via text.


I'm sorry, Jughead.

It won't make any sense...

but everything around us was imploding,
and I did it to protect you.

Betty, you did the one thing
that could actually hurt me.

I will explain everything to you, Jug,
I will.

But right now, I just wanna get you
through this race.

[Cheryl] I had the most fascinating chat
with Nick today.

Then I went rummaging around your bedroom
until I found this.

Before you start casting stones,
you should kn...

The Lodges are still accepting money
from the St. Clairs

- for their precious SoDale construction.
- I don't care about them.

I care about my mother.

You defend Daddy
even after he murdered your son...

but you won't stand up for me.

Not even against my would-be rapist.

Oh, don't be absurd, Cheryl.

And give me that check.

Not until you tell me the truth
about the Sugarman.

He exists, Mother.

We both know it.

He worked with Daddy.

Your father...

Was an awful human being,
and thank God he's dead.

But I'm alive, and I'm begging you...

for once in your life, be honest with me.

Care about me more.

It's simple.

The St. Clairs bought your silence.

But you're not getting paid
until I hear the truth.

What can I say...

or do...

to get you to stay here with me?

Instead of going to that dangerous...

dumb, possibly deadly street race?

Don't worry, Ronnie, I have a plan.

Like the plan you and Betty had
when you snuck into Ghoulie headquarters.

[Veronica chuckles]

- Touché.
- One that hopefully keeps everyone alive.

[cell phone buzzing]


What? Slow down.

They what?

Are you still doing business
with the St. Clairs?

Letting them invest in SoDale
after what Nick did?

- To be fair, Cheryl's accusations...
- Cheryl's telling the truth.

I know, because Nick tried to do it to me.

Nick St. Clair... hurt you?

[Veronica] Tried to.

But I stopped him before he got too far.
The next night, he went after Cheryl.

- Veronica, why didn't you say something?
- I didn't have any proof.

And Nick has done it before,
I'm sure of it.

Veronica, as God is my witness,
I swear to you, I will...

Under no circumstances
will we take a penny from that family.

All right, let's do this!

[all] All right!

Not the kind of drag race
I ever imagined myself going to,

but at least the guys are hot.

[rock music playing]

[Archie] Don't worry, Ronnie, we got this.

Just make it back to me.

Preferably in one piece, Archiekins.

[Betty] Before you get in the car,
I need you to know...

I never stopped loving you, Jug.

I'm not sure I can.

Also remember, don't ride the clutch,
and don't let it slip between gear shifts.

You're an enigma, Cooper.

- Let's do it!
- [all] Yeah!

[crowd cheering]

[Tall Boy] Get these cars up in a row!

Race over Herk Harvey Bridge
to Dead Man's Curve.

First one back here wins.

- Uh, I usually do the honors.
- Not today, Cha-Cha.

I was born for this moment.

[engines revving]

Engines warm and ready, gentlemen?

[crowd cheering]

[rock music playing]


Damn it.


- Jug, we're coming up to the bridge.
- I know. I got this.

It's too narrow for both of us, Jughead.

Jug, we should abort.

- And let them win?
- We will both crash on that bridge.

Serpents are joining the Ghoulies
over my dead body, Archie.

I'm sorry, man,
but I'm not down for those terms.

[tires squealing]

Why would you do that?

Trust me, Jug,
you're gonna thank me for this.

[sirens wailing]

[Archie] Jug, stop! Jug! Jug!


Come on, Jug, we gotta go. Come on.

Everyone scatter!
The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!

- [Veronica] Oh, my God, you're okay.
- We gotta get out of here.

- Come on, we gotta go. Right now.
- [Tall Boy] You called the cops?

You won't throw in with the Ghoulies,
but you will with cops?

- Where's the honor in that?
- Calm down, Tall Boy.

- You think I knew Keller would be there?
- I called Keller.

What the hell, Archie?

Did my dad tell you about this, too?

No, this was my idea
to get rid of the Ghoulies. It worked.

They get arrested for racing,
they're off the chessboard.

For how long? One month? Three months?

You know what they'll want
on the other side?

Your head on a stake! All of ours!

Careful you don't get burned again.

You said I never protected you.

The Sugarman...

was a story I concocted...

to turn an all-too-real monster

into a child's bogeyman.

And it worked, for a while.

But now I need the truth.

Over the years,
there were many Sugarmen...

each taking over for the last.

When Clifford decided

to groom your brother
to take over the family business...

he wanted him
to meet the current Sugarman.

I protested, but your father insisted...

and God help me...

so began the terrible series of events
that led to Jason's death.


Thank you for that, Mommy.

One more question:
Who is the Sugarman right now?

[cell phone ringing]

Oh, my God, is that the Black Hood?

It's Cheryl.


You did?

Who is he?

Wait, are you positive?


Cheryl just told me the Sugarman's name.

Oh, my God, Cheryl Bombshell for the win.


What do I do, Veronica?

If I give the Black Hood his name,
may God have mercy on the Sugarman.

And if I don't...

may God have mercy on all of us.

[cell phone ringing]

I assume my time's up?

[Black Hood] Yes, Betty.
Have you found him for me?

I did.

Good girl. Now tell me his name.

I could.

But that wouldn't do you any good now.

I've already notified
the sheriff's office.

You'll have to read his name in the exposé
I just published in the Blue and Gold.

Care to comment?

I told you what would happen.

The Sugarman needed to be brought
to justice, not execution.

He will be dealt with in the right way.

You're playing a risky game.


but it's my game now.

Which is what, Betty?

A game that ends with me catching you.

I found out who killed Jason Blossom.
I found out who the Sugarman was.

You're next, Black Hood.

I'm breathing down your neck.

Can you feel it?

Can you feel me?

[line beeps]

What are the other Serpents saying?

Some people give you props for
challenging the Ghoulies and beating them.

Others hate that you
cut a deal with Keller

- because it puts us in bed with the pigs.
- I didn't. That was Archie.

[Toni] Yeah, I know that
and you know that, but some of them don't.

[man speaking indistinctly
over police radio]

No, is this another raid?

[Toni] Didn't you hear?

They caught the Sugarman.

♪ Dark as night and clear as day ♪

♪ The end is near when memories fade ♪

♪ Fall in line
A deal is made ♪

♪ The price you pay ♪

[Fred] Did you hear about that teacher
at Southside High who got arrested?

Jughead was in one of his classes.

- How's he dealing?
- Honestly, Dad, I'm not sure.

I tried helping Jughead with something,
and it backfired. He's pretty pissed off.

it's not the first fight you guys had.

Pretty sure it won't be the last.
You'll patch it up.

- Are you okay, Dad?
- Mm-hm. Yeah. Feeling better every day.

[phone rings]

[Hermione] Lodge Residence.

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Of course, all our prayers.
Thank you, Andre.

Everything all right, mi vida?

The St. Clairs had a car accident.

They were run off the road.

Nick... he will recover,
but it's gonna take several months.

Oh, well.

Karma's a bitch.


[Jughead] In the end,
the girl next door came clean

about her dance macabre
with the Black Hood.

Further confirmation that everyone
in Riverdale wears masks.

Case in point: Robert Phillips.

By day, he is a kind,
caring English lit teacher,

hiding his true identity,
a ruthless drug dealer.

♪ So, dig your grave ♪

♪ Dig your grave ♪

♪ Dig your grave ♪

♪ So, dig your grave ♪

Sweet dreams, Sugarman.

Subtitles by explosiveskull