Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Minotaur Maze - full transcript

After defeating a fire yokai, the turtles discover a pizza place in the Undercity. They enter the Maze of Death to obtain the ultimate prize, but must contend with its guardian first.

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- ♪ Rise of the ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Rise of the ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Heroes in the half-shell
Turtle power ♪

♪ Rising up against evil
paint the city green ♪

♪ Raph is ready for a fight
Leo's making a scene ♪

♪ Mikey's got mad skills
Donnie rocks machines ♪

♪ With each other
they discover ♪

♪ Their destiny and rise ♪

♪ Cowabunga ♪

♪ Rise of the ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Heroes in the half-shell
Turtle power ♪

♪ Rise ♪

[bell dings]

- [laughs]
- Oh, cool.

Oh, yeah!
- [grunts]

- Check this out.

- Uh-oh.
Ha ha ha!

Not bad, not bad.
But check out these puppies.


- Oh.

- If you guys want to see some
real skill, look right here.

I'm going to make a portal
to New Jersey.

[dramatic music]

Come on, power-portal-jitsu.


- [laughs]

That's not going to get you
across the street,

let alone to Jersey.

- Okay, but...

See, it's practical,
which makes it better.

- Hey, Donnie,
what are you doing, bud?

- Well, while you guys took
flashier items from Draxum,

I, on brand,
took a more cerebral one.

See, this crystal,
combined with the elements--

- Get to the point.
- Now, I can see

all the mystic energy
hidden around New York.

You're welcome, and thank you.
- Whoa, that's awesome.

Hey, what about that laudromat?

- It looks like a laudromat.

But, what do we have over here?

Whoa, underneath
that old lady's skin

is some kind of
fire mutant thing.

[dramatic music]

all: Whoa.

- She just disappeared
into that wall!

- I believe she went
into some sort of

cool, mystic pizza place.
- Pizza!

Guys, my blood shuggies
are getting low.

I need to eat, bad.

[dramatic music]

- Step aside, let's put
the prettiest face first.

- I don't think
that's a good idea.

- Why?
If anyone's gonna

get us inside, it's me.

- [blows raspberry]

- Nice try, pretty boy.


- Awesome!


- Don't leave me!

- Huh?

[dramatic music]

All right, all right.
Everybody be cool.

This is our first time

in a classy restaurant,
uh, establishment.

- Hey, guys,
this wall is definitely broken.

[pigeons coo]

- [grunts]

- Hm, a table.
What do we do?

- Okay, be cool.

I think we just sit at it,
and ask for stuff.

- Uh, like regular people?
- I think here, we are regular.

- [groans]

- Never forget,
you are the champion, bro.

- Thanks, bro, I was having
a real existential crisis.

[dramatic music]

- Ah!




- Whoa!
- Oh, ew, gross.

- Oh, no, no, no, no,
this is not for you.

- "Prove you're a champion?"
Oh, this is definitely for me.

- Well, no it's not.

You, my friend, are not
a champion, sorry.

- But you see, Bone Man--
and can I call you Bone Man?

I am a champion, and I want to
know what's behind your rope.

- Well, you need not
be concerned with

the laberinto de muerte,

or as you would call it,
the Maze of Death.

- Ominous.
But also, a question.

When I solve your
Maze of Death, what do I get?

- You get
your picture immortalized

on our wall of champions.
Also, pizza.

The world's greatest pizza.

- Well, guess who's face
is about to go on that wall?

I've solved all kinds of mazes.

You're looking at
the maze master, mister.

- Be warned, in this maze,

the use of mystic powers
is strictly forbidden.

- No mystic powers?

I never touch the stuff.
I'm old-school.

- Ugh, fine.
Would you like to enter alone?

- You know what,
make it for four,

because what's the point
of being a champion

if you can't rub it
in your brother's face?

- Sweet salvation.


My salvation!
- No, what are you doing?

Don't eat that
run of the mill garbage,

when you can have
the world's greatest pizza.

- Oh, please,
every place in New York

claims to have
the world's greatest pizza.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, but this
pizza's behind a velvet rope.

Velvet rope, guys.
Velvet rope--

You know that means quality!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Leo, what is this place?

I thought you said
we were getting pizza.

- It's nothing,
we've just got to solve

an easy, straightforward
maze first.


- Wait, what?
I didn't sign up

for a pre-meal maze.
- Yeah, this looks really hard.

My tumbus wants easy food.
- Don't worry, just follow me.

Onward, boys.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Left here.
Just follow my lead.

Left again.

- No!
- Yes!

- No.
- We're lost.

- [groans]

- Guys, trust me,
it's this way.

♪ ♪

[mechanical whirring]

- That's not my tum-tum, mm-mm.

- That, no--no, that--that's
the sound of baking.

We must be close.

Wow, look at this.

They make the pizza
right in front of you.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Can we get four extra larges?

One meat lovers,
one definitely not Hawaiian.

Okay, how does everybody
feel about olives?

- [growls]

- Uh, looks like
they hate olives.

- Huh?

♪ ♪

Okay, okay,
we don't need olives.

- [groans]

- [grunts]

Come on!


Nice try, shredhead.

Time for my mystic-punch-jitsu!

- [grunting]

- No mystic powers!
- No mystic powers?


- Hm.

- Help! Help, help, help!

- [grunts]

What's up with this maze, Leo?
I almost got my cheeks grated.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

- Relax, we solved it.
The pizza is just over--

oh, no, it's closing.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Oh, come on!
- Now, why can't I just

use my Power Punch
and take down this wall?

- Funny story, but I may have
left one thing out.

The only rule in the Maze
of Death is no mystic powers.

- Maze of what now?
- Okay, two things.

♪ ♪

- Oh, no!

- Uh, guys?
- Not now, Donnie!

What's going on here, Leo?

- Nothing, we're just here
to get pizza.

And to get my photo
on the wall of champions.

- A-ha! I knew we weren't
here for pizza.

You just wanted to come here

so you could
get your picture on the wall.

To prove you're
the best at something.

- That's what I just said.

- Don't try to deny it, Leo.
I got you.

- I'm not trying to deny it.
- We're gonna be skewered!

[dramatic music]

- We're trapped, how are we
going to get out of here?

all: Make a portal!

- I can't,
it's against the rules.

I'll never get my picture
on the wall of champions.

- Who cares about a picture
when we're gonna be crushed?

- Fine.


I can't do it.

I got no mystic mojo.
I'm useless.

- Hey, that's
not true, brother.

You just got to believe
in yourself, and know this:

if I die in this maze,

I will haunt you
for the rest of your life.

- Well, in theory,
you'd both be ghosts,

so I'm not sure how you would--
- Donnie, not helping!

- You know,
it would really help me

if you guys said
that I was your champion.

all: Just open it!

[dramatic music]

- [quietly]
You're a champion.

♪ ♪



I did it!
Oh, I really am the best at--



[tense music]

We're at the center
of the maze.

♪ ♪

We got the pizza!

[all cheer]

- I am the champion!

- Cheaters!

Who dares to try
and eat my pizza

without following
the strict customer agreement?

- That cannot be good.

[dramatic music]

- You can't escape me!

♪ ♪

I am the assistant manager
of this maze,

and the maze does what I want,

pending corporate approval.

- [grunting]

No, no, no.

- Run.
You cut up my maze.

You cheated.
Now, you will all pay!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Wait!
I'm the one who cheated.

I created the portal
to save my brothers.

Punish me, their champion.

all: Yes, punish him!

- You all tried to cheat me
out of my world's greatest 'za!

- How can you call it
world's greatest?

How do you know
we haven't had better?

- What do you mean, better?
You're not talking about

Famous Minotaur Pizza
on 19th, are you?

- Oh, man.

You talking about FMP on 19?
Oh, I love that place.


- That garbage those idiots
call pizza?

Wait until you try mine!

[all gasp]

- This pizza good.

- [laughs]

Best you've ever had?

- We really appreciate
you letting us go.

It was the right thing to do.

- Who's your champion
now, guys?

[all grunt]

They'll come around.
But first, where do we go

to get our picture taken
for the wall of champions?

Because I want to make sure
they capture my good side.

- Wrong wall.

[shutter snaps]

[dramatic music]