Ridley Road (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Vivien wakes up in Colin Jordan's bedroom to see a suitcase containing documents detailing his illegal private army. If she can get it out, she can send him down. However, several NSM foot soldiers have become suspicious of Jack following Lee's beating. When they ask questions, he and Vivien narrowly avoid being exposed. In private, Jack tells Vivien there is too much heat and they need to run. Vivien refuses, telling him she's going back in to finish the job - with or without him.

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Vivien, you have to forget about me.
He's gone to London. Ridley Road.

I'm looking for Jack Morris.

The Jews are the saboteurs
of Europe.


I do bad things to bad people.

We haven't heard from Jack.
You have no idea how to get to him.

What if he had a girl?
She could just turn up unexpectedly.

Come back with me. You think you can
come here with your best Marilyn

impression and seduce these nutters
out of their views?

Are you frightened of me? No.

Here you go. Must have dropped it.

What's your problem?

Make your way to the side door.
You're a filthy Yid.

Lee's been beaten and he can't
get up. We gotta go, mate.

We can't just leave him, mate.
This building is about to go up

in flames. Jewish thugs.

We'll give the police names
and addresses, divert attention.


Very glad I found you.

There lives a lady
in Greensheet Road

She grows, she grows,
she grows so sweet.

Sing with me!

That she calls for a ladder
at the end of the street.

You can be louder than that.

Sweetheart, sweetheart,
will you marry me?

Yes, Lord, yes, sir,
half past three.

Paul. Where are you?
Daddy's coming!

Let's tidy you up,
darling. That's it. Good boy.

Wir kommen wieder.
Wir kommen wieder.

We come again.

I'll get him ready.

Don't fall for it! They're fooling
you! Don't fall for it!

This isn't an arson attack!
This shouldn't be a crime scene!

This is just another staged attempt
to slander the Jewish community!

Shame on the police!

All right, it's a bit early, innit?
I haven't even had me porridge yet.

Come on, stand back,
lad, you know the drill.

Get the Yids that Hitler missed!

Oh, yeah, course you did.

Typical bleedin' Nazi.

Do me a favour.

You're having a laugh, ain't ya?

Solomon Malinovsky, I'm arresting
you on suspicion of arson.

You do not have to say anything,
but anything you do say

may be given in evidence.
It's a set-up. Cuff him.

Oi, what do you think
you're doing? Oi!

You get your filthy mitts
off my savings.

Proceeds of crime, mate.
Police property now.

This is a legitimate business.
Is it? Come on, then.

I know how much is there, right?

It's all signed and accounted for.
Come on, then.

Now, I'm trying to do it exactly as
Viv did it but I do have me own way.

You know,
we're all different, aren't we?

Different strokes
for different folks.

Vivien couldn't have picked
a worse day to go AWOL,

to be honest with you. Boss is
moving house again. Fifth time

this year. And her son's up in
the banger for the umpteenth time.

Never ends with him. Now, do you
want to have a look at the back?

Yeah. Yeah, it's lovely.

What are you looking for?

He wants us all downstairs.

But you said you'd play.
Won't be long.


Good morning, Peter.

Pretty late to the game,
but Fleet Street got there at last.

"Police at loss as Zionist attacks

"destroy private London residence
of British Party."

Well done. Front page.
Nice one. Brilliant, sir.

What's wrong with you?

Please. Lee should be in a hospital.

With, like, proper doctors.

He won't make it in here,
he's in too bad a way.

Given how riddled our health
services are with exotic illnesses,

I'd say he couldn't be
in safer hands.

Now, I want training to resume
as soon as possible... Tell him.

Go on, tell him.

Tell him what?

Go on.

It doesn't matter.
He was going to leave him.

Peter was going to leave Lee
for dead. What?

I didn't mean it that way.
How did you mean it?

Honestly, I wasn't... Why would you
say a thing like that?

Peter? Care to explain?

I was guarding Mr Rockwell, sir.

Before things got heavy on his side.
Then the Yids started storming.

Didn't they? It was mayhem,
if you recall. Right. That's right.

Jeff told me Lee had been hurt,
but I hadn't seen him.

I didn't know what state he was in.

Exactly. He hadn't seen him, sir.
Yeah, I wasn't worried cos...

..he's a fighter, isn't he?
Strong lad.

But one look at Jeff's face, well,

I got straight round there.
Didn't I, Jeff?

You did, yeah. What?
Honestly, it's nothing.

You said... You said it felt off,
that's what you said.

Well, I suppose when Lee wakes up,

he'll be able to tell us himself,
won't he?

Yeah. Exactly.

If. If he wakes up.

Jane will nurse him. What?

No, no, no, please, not her.

I have three sisters. I understand,
the hormones in your body

are doing spectacular things.

Try not to get yourself
in a state. For the baby's sake.

Take her to the train station.
No. No, please, please. No!

Lee, can you hear me?

Lee? Just going to change
your dressings.

Sorry, Jeff, I'm really sorry.

Damn, Jeff, mate, hang on.

From the Duke's library.

Can hardly leave with it,
can I? That'd be stealing.

You won't be long, will ya?
Two minutes.

Jane, can you come ?

I can't, Peter.

They're everywhere.
Just come, please.

Did you do that to him?

Yes. Colin knows
who you are, Vivien.

You and the Klein boy.
He saw it in the Chronicle.

Jeremy? Your engagement announcement
was printed in the paper.

Jordan had it in his study.
I saw it before we torched HQ.

He knows.

You're up, my love. I'm sorry.
They get all the Jewish papers,

Jack, that doesn't mean he read it.
That doesn't mean... He's played ya!

He's played ya. Don't say that.
Why didn't you follow my lead?

I was trying to get you out.
I was trying to talk to you.

Why didn't you listen to me?
Why didn't I listen to you?

You, who lies and disappears

and gets so stuck
I have to come and find you,

who beats a boy so badly
his cover will be blown

the moment he wakes up. I have found
what we needed to get him put away.

I sacrificed.

I did what needed to be done.

Listen to me. Listen. Whatever
you let him do to you last night,

I forgive you, all right?
I can forgive you...

I'm not asking for your forgiveness,

I'm not asking for anything.

You need to follow my lead now.

I'm telling you, I found everything
we need in a suitcase -

arms invoices, membership files,
bank transfers, everything.

I can't let you go back.
I'm going back. They'll kill you.

Has he gone? He's coming.

Shouldn't have let him go.

Dammit. Dammit!

When can you play? Soon.

When is lunch? I wonder where
your father put that suitcase.


Paul, I'm talking to you. Yes?

Do you know where your father
put that old suitcase?

Don't like currants. Why does
everything have currants in it?

I know, I have a great game.


Find Peter!

If I'm not being charged
I need to be released.

Undo your trousers, please.

Do you want to be restrained?

Hang on.

Morning. Morning.

Any word from Vivien? Not yet.

Morning, Rabbi. Morning.

Where's Soly?

Where is he?

No-one knows. The money's gone.

He wouldn't have.

Where's my daughter?

Oh. Liza. Tell me no lies, Nancy.

Let's get inside. Quickly.

Democracy is the greatest
deception of the modern age.

The Jews are behind
the soaring immigration rates,

the destabilising of our
market forces, endless wars,

unforgivable poverty. I understand,

but how will you do this, sir?
It seems so insurmountable.

How can we stop this?

I'm sorry, Liza.

I know it's a lot to take in.

Would you like another cup of tea?

Can I...?

Can I...just get this right?
Cos I'm not...

My husband...

..is a documentation forger

for an underground organisation
that my brother runs.

And my youngest daughter,
the apple of my eye,

knocked on your door -

having never been
of Manchester -

and in a matter of - what,
a couple of days? -

you had her bleach her hair,
adopt an alias

and sent her in to schmooze
a full-blown Hitler disciple.

Have I got that right?

Yeah, that's right.


Do you remember when you sent
your Ronnie up to me,

that time that your mother was ill?

Yes, I do.
Do you remember where I took him?

The train museum.

Beg your pardon?
To the train museum.

The train museum.
That's right, Nancy.

We had a look at the old steamers.

Bought him a pencil case.

And afterwards, we went to Lyons Tea
House and had a lovely cream cake.

Do you see the difference?

Liza, please, I...

You'll get that off
with a little bicarb.

Now, tell me where
my brother is, Nancy.

I've got to make a phone call.

I know my rights.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Soly, on you go.



If you're not going to charge me,
you need to release me.

It's been over 24 hours.
It'll take as long as it takes.

Especially the state
of your paperwork.

Changed address again? Yes.

What was it this time?
Just your bog-standard harassment.

Not that you lot did anything
about it. You know, I'd change

that attitude, if I were you.

Grievous bodily harm
is a serious offence.

Mr Rockwell is a respected
American politician, I'm told.

What kind of message
does that send out?

I didn't touch him, Officer.
I didn't need to.

He was so scared, the stupid Nazi
fell on his arse all by himself.

He fell smack bang
right on his arse.

He fell on his arse all by himself!

Oi! Half-caste! Half-caste boy!

Oh, sod off, mate.

So what do we win
when we find the suitcase?

Oh, something very, very...

Could I have a word, Jane?

We're in the middle of a game.

What is it?

Elise was very distressed.

It's hard to watch a pregnant woman
in such a state, don't you think?


..they're expecting
a greater share in your subs.

They made that very clear
behind your back.

Is that a fact?

Yes. Lee didn't stop going
on about getting his house.

Getting his house and calling it
quits, I think that plan was.

We all have our reasons for getting
involved in the movement, I suppose.

Indeed we do.

She said she saw your coat
in a salon.

The distinctive one
with the butterfly patch.

They'd never heard of you there.

Said it belonged to a Vivien Evans.

All the hairdressers are friends.

I know Vivien Evans well.

She loved my coat and wanted to get
a matching butterfly patch,

so I...I gave her one.

Perhaps your dad taught you to sew.

Your dad, the postman.

Or your dad, the Jewish tailor.

I know what you are.

You don't know anything about me.

You're a whore.

Get up. Get up now.

I can't. I'm sorry.

You knew...
and you took me to your bed.

Of course I knew.

I knew before the Ridley Road march.

Watching you walk to that synagogue,

Though I do wonder how you felt,
really, deep down.

I wonder if part of you wanted to be
one of us.

To walk among such strength
and bravery.

A stark contrast to your wretched
tribe, I would imagine.

Get up!

Help me!

He's here! I found him!

Paul? Paul? Paul!

Paul, where are you?

Tell me where you are. Paul?


Caught you.

Have you got the suitcase?

I really need it, darling. Quickly.

Give it to me, darling.

If I give you this,
you'll leave me, won't you?

Oh, poor, sweet boy.

May God bless you.

And keep you.

And shine His light on you.

And be gracious to you.

May He turn towards you...

..and grant you peace.

Thank you, darling.


Don't do that.


Jack. Jack!

Get back in here.

No. No!

Oi, half-caste boy! Sod off!

Go on, sod off, I said.

Listen. I gotta tell you something.

Go to Ridley Road!
Shut it, Yid, I'm warning ya!

Shut up! Leave me alone.

He's got a message for ya.

Are you telling him? Ridley Road.

What's he saying?
He says, get to Ridley Road.

You worked with my niece.
They set us up. Colin Jordan...

Our niece Vivien, she's in with
them, and we can't get hold of her.

You go to...
That's enough! Pipe down.

You got that?!


Ah. Ah.

Keep moving!



You're released.

Pick the blanket up.

All finished.

You've always taken liberties.
This is getting ridiculous.

Why are you trying to punish me?
I don't want to punish you.

I've lost everything. I've lost
my family, my name, my daughter.

Please, Liza...
If they touch a hair on her head,

I swear to God, I will...
I'll destroy you.

Liza, Liza, Liza.
Who the hell are you?

It's all right. It's all right,
Liza, I know him. I know him.

He's from the salon.
What is it, son?

Soly. What about Sol?

He's been stitched up by the NSM.
What? They got in here last night

and they framed him.
He's in custody now.

Soly sent me to warn you.
He says they will come back.

You need to get out of here fast.

That's all. Son... Stevie?
It is Stevie, isn't it?

Wait. Hold up.

Is he all right?

She didn't mean...
She wasn't scared of you.

You risked your neck
coming here today. Thank you.

At the end of the day
we're all the same, ain't we?

No, we're not quite the same.

But maybe...

..we're fighting the same fight.

Yeah. Maybe we are.

You'll let me know
if Vivien makes it, won't you?

Don't wait around. Get out of here.

Any chance of a lift to the station?

I'm late for work.

Get in. I'll see if I can make
the half past. Thank you so much.


Help me.

Please don't let them kill me.

What kind of mug do you take me for?
I'm begging ya.

Just let me open this door.
You deceived us.

You deserve what's coming to ya.

You don't need them.

You don't need 'em. I know you.

I know what you've been through.
Shut your trap!

I know the life you've lived.

Let down by everyone
who should have cared for ya.

Your own mother broke your trust.

You think the world's rotten,
out to get ya.

With the hand you've been dealt,
you'd be right.

You should be furious with the
world, course you should, but...

..you can't think
Jordan's the answer.

I'll tell him what you're saying.
I'll tell him.

You're done for, mate.
You're finished. He's using ya.

Why do you think he never
gets his hands dirty?

He's taking you for a mug.
He can't believe his luck.

He's laughing at ya, Jeff.

Stop the van. And let me out.

I believe in you.

You can do this. Let me out.

Jeff! No!

Stay in your seat.
Don't make a scene.

I'll talk you through
how this is going to play out.

Tea? No, thank you.


Miss? Miss? Excuse me?

You're going to tell me
who put you up to it.

You're going to tell me everything
you know. Where's Peter?

Where did you take him?

I think that little love affair
is as good as over now,

now that you're damaged goods.

There's a special place
for your kind, you know.

They marked you in ink - Feldhure,
field whore, across the chest,

kept in a room for the soldiers
to enjoy after hours.

Even the other inmates
would spit at you in the camps.

It's over for all of you.

I suppose you think I'm the one
on the wrong side of history.

That's got to you, hasn't it?

The trouble with you lot,
it's the denial.

Look around.

We are everywhere.

We're sitting in this carriage.

We're voting
in the House of Commons.

We're working in the factories
and toiling in the fields.

We are getting closer

and closer to our moment
of delivery.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I need your attention, please.

I am in great danger.

This man sitting next to me is not
my husband. He wants to hurt me

and I need some assistance.
Darling, do sit down.

Please. Please, won't someone
help me? Excuse my wife.

She's not feeling well.
No, please, please.

Down you go, dear.
Please! Please! Please!


Must be losing your touch.

PA: Ladies and gentlemen,

the train now terminates
at Rushford Road.

All change, all change.
Coming into Rushford Road.

Train terminates here,
ladies and gentlemen.

Excuse me.

You forgot this.

Thank you so much.

Can you for a moment imagine
if I'd interloped your family?

If I had been the one to lie,
to deceive?

Could you imagine, Vivien?

Of course you can't, because
the only victims that are allowed

to exist in this world are you.

All I am doing

is protecting my son.

All of this is for him.

Everything I do is to give him

a better chance, a better world,

a fairer world.

It's as simple as that.

What did you intend to do?

Turn my child against me,
break up my family?

There's no need.
It's already broken.

If you keep quiet,
you have a chance.

No, no.
Loyal to a fault, my lads are.

One word from me and there's no
telling what they might do to you.

We don't want that, do we? Help!


Get after her! Go!

Can you please hide me?



Get it off her!

No! Get her hands off it.

Oi, leave her alone!

Get your hands off me!

This is my country!

This is my country!

Take me to Ridley Road, please.
Go on, love, jump in.

Oh. Vivien.


..where is he?

I'm so sorry.

You can go in but she hasn't
left the bed. It's all right,

I know, I know. Poor girl.
I'll handle it. Leave it to me.


Vivien, love,
there's someone here to see you.

Hello, my love. Only me.

I know exactly what you need.


Much better.

More...classy. Thank you, Barbara.

You're on the right side
of the angels, my love.

But your bags
are an absolute disgrace.

One sec. Could you hold that,
please, Mrs Epstein?

Vivien, we're going to fix you up
good and proper.

..wait for him. Yes, but wait
for him and then you'll know,

he'll tell you what to do. Listen
to your mum. Because it makes sense.

I've been to the depths of hell
to get this bloody case out.

Vivien, language.
I'm not waiting a second longer.

Vivien, please.

Thank you, Mrs Jones. Are they
in 'ere? Yes. Well? Daddy?

They'll see her. Oh, my nerves.

Er, and his name's
Detective MacCracken.

Er, I'm told he works in Special
Branch, so he'll take the meeting.

Oh, Vivien. Well, what does she do,
David, does she go right away?

Well, she can't go on her own.
I can, Daddy, of course I can.

If they seize the evidence
or arrest you for trespassing...

It'll be different this time.

We can't afford
to let you go on your own.

I would take her if I could
but...I have a record.

Oh! It's only minor but...
it would jeopardise everything.

It would ruin
all her tremendous work.

I'll go. I'll go with you, Vivien.

All right, sis? It's been a while.

They let you out again, then,
did they? Yeah, you know me -

I've got friends, owed favours.

It's all groovy, as the kids say.

Afternoon, Mrs Jones.

Mr Burns. I'm afraid I'm not
receiving visitors presently.

Oh, I'm sorry. I was just passing.

Only we've missed you
at the meeting.

Ethel's Victoria sponge
isn't quite as bouncy.

Wanted to make sure you were
all right, that's all.

Quite all right, Mr Burns.
Well, as all right as one can be

with all the troubles
that are going on.

Oh, pardon me,
I didn't know you had guests.

We're sitting a shiva.
A what-va? A shiva.

For the young gentleman
who lost his life.

It's a Jewish custom.

Right. Well, I'll pop back
at a more convenient time.

Actually, Mr Burns,
if you wouldn't mind,

you can just sod off out of it.

Beg pardon, Mrs Jones?

I lost three boys
during the war,

fighting off vicious buffoons
like you.

I'll be long cold in the ground
before I let history repeat itself.

So if you wouldn't mind taking
a running jump, Mr Burns.

Clear off!
And, quite frankly, rot in hell!

I need the toilet again.
Just hold it in.

I've had four children,
Vivien, I can't hold it in.

Detective Inspector MacCracken.

Hello. Miss Epstein. Mrs Epstein.

May I please reiterate
my condolences?

We tried to get statements
about Jack Morris,

but no-one will talk to us.

I think the community have lost
all faith in the system,

to be honest.

The 2nd of December 1961,

an order of ten M48A rifles

from Mr Jordan's Province account.
This is the invoice.

19th of December 1961, another
order, this time from South Africa.

Eight Lee Enfield
No 4 Mk 1 rifles

and two Mauser pistols
with ammunition.

This one's from the UK.
Weedkiller. Five gallons.

And bleach, ten gallons.

Enough to make
dozens of home-made explosives.

Walkie-talkies, radios.
Here are the receipts.

Bank statements
from their Province account.

Huge deposits from Germany, Poland,

but mainly from America. Most likely
contacts of George Rockwell,

the leader of
the American Nazi Party.

All East Harrow Holdings
company deposits

are the Duke of Westwick.

These are photos of their
paramilitary training camps.

This one details their training
programme. As you can see,

they are deliberately targeting
borstal and boys' children's homes.

Thank you.

You have a duty to act on this now.

You have to.

No more young men should have to
lose their lives.

I understand, Miss Epstein.

They'll feel
the full force of the law

if I have anything to do with it.

You raised a very brave girl,
Mrs Epstein. She's my heart.

And my grey hairs.

Thank you both.

You did good, my girl.

Well, someone once told me

an antifascist
doesn't just talk, she does.

Forgot about that.

I'll pray for you. Thank you.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you all.

Just know...

..that I am proud of you.

Proudest I could be.

Mum, don't, you look so sad.

Daddy explained that I might not
hear from you for a very long time.

For your safety.

Well, I promise I will eat.

And I promise I will sleep.

You have everything you need

for a good life. Please...

Be strong. I am. Yes.

Course you are.
Well, I must be, mustn't I,

to have a daughter as brave as you?

I love you.

Hello. Hello.

Roza Furstenburg? Yes.

In you go.