Revolution (2012–2014): Season 2, Episode 3 - Love Story - full transcript

Rachel attempts to rescue Miles and to escape with Andover's terminally ill wife. Neville and Jason are caught off-guard. Charlie and Adam are at odds over what to do with Monroe.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Oh, I'm sorry.

Rachel: He's alive.

This is impossible.

It's the nanotech
that did this, right?

You're bounty hunters.

Just put a bullet in his brain,
hand him in dead.

They want him alive.

My name is
secretary Justine Allenford

with the United States

We're patriots.

Tom: They dropped the bombs,

and I am gonna rip them apart
from the inside.

Get down!

- I want to help you.
- Is that so?

- Guy's from a war clan.
- I'm Titus Andover.

This is my family.

Him. Not him.

Man: I can't risk you murdering
any more of my kids either.

He saved me.
I owe him.

Is he worth it?

My wife Jessica.
She's diabetic.

Went into renal failure
about two years ago.

The filth in her blood
built up to toxic levels,

no kidneys to filter it,
and we can't exactly just

pop into St. Mary's
for dialysis.

But the solution is simple.

If her blood is poisoned,
we just replace it

with fresh O-negative.

Over and over and over

for as long as she needs.

Before you go,

I want to thank you
for both of us.



You shouldn't have come.

You've done
stupider things for me.

Deep breath.

Can we get the hell
out of here, please?

- You got to take that woman.
- Why?

We can't move that woman.

Trust me. You want Willoughby
to last through the night?

Take her.

Miles: Rachel.

You, come with me.

Where are you going?

Just go.
We're right behind you.


We're getting out of here.

Come on, Ccome on, come on.

Who told you to shoot?


All right.

We're in.

We're working for the patriots.

So what now?

We cut all ties
with who we were.

We use our aliases. Hell.

We'll bleed red, white,
and blue

until we climb to the top
and kill them all.

For your mother.

Where do we start?

Tom: Next!

I thought you said
we'd be working security,

not slinging hash.

Aw, come on.
Bet you look good in a hairnet.

These patriots are cautious.

You want to rip 'em a new one,
it's gonna take time.

Billions of tiny robots.

Floating in the air?

That's what healed you?

I realize it sounds
fairly stupid.

It's just a lot to take in.

But you see what I mean, right?

What happened to me
wasn't a miracle.

It wasn't God
giving me a poke.

You still don't know
why it happened, right?

Look, if the word God
makes you nervous,

call it whatever you like,

but someone or something

told these machines
to save you.

They chose you.
You don't think there's a reason?

I'm not Harry Potter, okay?

I'm an agnostic Jew
from Minnesota.

People don't get chosen.

Especially not me.

I'm sorry.

But like it or not,
I think you just were.

Riley: Open the gates!

- I said open the gates!
- Man: Open 'em!



- You're...
- Alive, yeah.

Glad you are too.

Riley: You went out there?

Keep that woman breathing,
you hear me?


Who told you to go out there?

They came out to save me, Riley.
And I appreciate the support.

Hey, Stu.

You don't let me treat
that hand, you're gonna lose it.


You son of a bitch.
You brought them here.

You can't just hide
from a clan like this.

Sooner or later,
they were gonna come for us.

Granted, now it's sooner.

Oh, great. Great.

At least now we got
a chance at staying alive.

Oh, yeah? How?

Shut your slack jaw
and follow my lead.

You have my wife!

His wife?


You send
any of your boy toys in,

I will slit her throat.

Still got one good hand left.

You hurt her,
and I'm coming in.

You come in,
and I will hurt her.

So it looks like
we're at a stalemate.

So what are we
gonna do about it?

You and I are gonna
have a little chat

about where to go from here.

Not till I see that she's okay.

She's in no shape to move.

I need to see that she's okay!

I need to know that she's okay.

All right.

I'll show her to you.

Then we'll talk.

And if you let her die,
then God help you!

We need to talk.

- Not now.
- Yes, now.

- You need to calm down.
- Don't tell me...

I said calm down.

We are paying you to scare
this town, not gut them.

Then our deal is off.

I get it.
You're emotional.

But you do not want to do that.

You're gonna tell me
what to do.

Who the hell are you?

You know who we are.

The US Government?

You're just a bunch of plague
rats off some boat from Cuba.

So keep your diamonds.
I don't care.

I don't care what your sweaty,

little plan is for this town either.

All I want is my wife.

Or else I bleed
those people alive.

Each and every one.

We clear?

I can't let you kill him,
you know.

Monroe murdered your partner,
like I said he would,

and you still won't listen.

You know, you're rocking
some real anger issues.

You should wear
a black belly shirt.

Do you take anything seriously?

Nah, not really.

It's how I stay sane.

So this is personal, right?

You and Monroe?

He murdered half my family.

So yeah, you might say that.

I'm sorry to hear that.
I am.

But I still can't
let you have him.

All so you can
collect your bounty.

So I can save my dad.

The people who want Monroe,

these United States
whoever they are...

...they've got my dad.

And I'm willing
to trade Monroe for him.

Some trade.

But I'm telling you...

If you kill Monroe,

it's the same
as killing my father.

And that I take seriously.

You sure you don't want
something for the pain?

Not really the time
to get high, is it, Gene?

Listen, if I can actually
pull this off,

be ready, okay?

Get everybody ready.

Aren't you pretty much
the town drunk?

We're just supposed to
listen to you?

Who else, Riley? You?

Anybody else feeling
the bold leadership

of Barney Fife over here?

Hey, do not call me that.
I'm not some idiot.

Worked for this town
for a lot of years.


You brought hell down on us.

Your husband
just wants to see you.

Make sure you're okay.

Are you gonna
give me back to him?

It'll all be over soon.
Don't worry.

No, you don't understand.

Don't let me go back there.


When I got sick, I thought...

...well, this time,
I'm finally free.

But even then,
he wouldn't let me go.


He chained me to the bed.

He killed people for me.

He'll never let me go.

I'm sorry.

I'm not used to people
being nice.

She's terrified of the guy,

and we're gonna
make her go back?

- I don't see another option.
- Miles.

I can't fight like this.

Can't use a sword.


how else
am I gonna protect you?

Hey, stay where you are.

You pull anything,
we'll kill her.

Are you all right?

You'll be home soon.

Miles: All right.

You got your proof of life.

She's gonna take a nap.

You and I are gonna talk.

That's enough of that.

Hey. Give the man
his gun back.


We're not being mugged.

We're being vetted.

Muggers don't take you
to a second location

for a pat-down.

Oh, and by the way,
your nails are too clean.

So we gonna sit here and make
bedroom eyes at each other,

or can I talk to your CO?

Not bad, Mr. Crane.

Didn't find anything.

You can't blame us.

After all, we want to know
everything we can about you.

So why don't we start with,
who are you?

Edgar Crane.

And this is my son Nate.

Oh, It's very interesting.

Because I happen to know
that you're Major Tom Neville.

And that is your son Jason.

So I'm just
supposed to let everyone

waltz right out of here,

They didn't do anything
to your wife.

I'm the one that took her.

Jessica is fragile
and precious.

Like a porcelain doll
on a high shelf.

It's my job to protect her.

It's always been my job.

So how do I just let you go?

Everyone in this town gets out.


And when they're safe... can have your wife back.

And me.

I'll stay behind.

You can take
every ounce of my blood.

You can milk me dry, tiger.

Oh, Jessica.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.



I had to get away.

- Jessica, stay with me.
- I had to get away.


Jessica, Jessica!
Hey, hey!


Hey, hey, Jessica.

Keep your eyes at sea level,
or I poke them out.

Yes, ma'am.

You know, you...

I don't want to hurt you.

Charlie, trust me.

You're gonna want to see this.

I was looking for a weapon.

And I found this.


I also found this.


What do they want with my mom?

Hitch up the wagons right away.

Get everyone on 'em.
We'll meet up in Denison.

So we have to leave our homes?
That's what you're saying?

Oh, hey, you want to hang
around here? Be my guest.


She's dead.
She cut her wrists.

How the hell did you
let that happen?

I was out of the room
for a minute.


You're gonna smile.

What are you doing?

The town panics,
Titus is gonna smell it.

Okay? So tell no one.

Just act like
everything's fine.

Bring her some food
once in a while.

Come out with empty plates.
Get it?


You're not smiling.

This is me smiling.
What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna get
as many people out as I can

before Titus finds out.

Come on.

- One more.
- Up there?

Come on, everybody on here.

We've got room for
two more right here.

Ken: It's a shame.

This town survived
the blackout, bandits,

two cholera outbreaks.

But today is the day it dies.

We don't have a choice, Ken.

Ride fast and hard.

No matter what,
don't look back.


Uh, Stu? A word?

Is something wrong?
Just tell me.

Just grab Cynthia.

Get out of here
as fast as you can, okay?

- You're getting on this wagon.
- What?

There's one seat left.
Take it.

No, not without you.
I'll wait for the next one.

Look, you said I had to figure
out why they brought me back.

Well, now I know.
I am here to protect you.

What's going on?

Just do it, Cynthia, okay?

I'll see you soon.

Major Tom Neville
of the Monroe militia.

An enemy combatant.

By all rights
we should execute you.

If you know all about me,
then you know...

...that I was forcibly discharged
from that organization.

Look, I get it.

I should've told you who I was.

But all I wanted was to help.

What you are is disloyal
and conniving.

I'm supposed to believe
you want to help us?

You want to know the truth?
I don't care about you.

I don't care
about the United States.

It's not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

Because I know
who dropped those bombs.

I know who killed my wife.

Sebastian Monroe did.

Who else could it be?

And I want revenge.

Every night I picture
the same thing.

My wife.

She looks up.

Hears the blast.

As the glass shatters.

And as she bursts into flame.

I wonder.

Did she feel it?

It was my job to protect her.

I want Monroe to pay.

I need him to pay.

I want to help you find him.

Take a good, hard look.

Am I lying now?


I think you're lying.

Justine: Drop the gun.

I honestly don't know
if you're lying, Major.

But a man
with your unique skills

might come in handy.

Yes, ma'am.


...whether you try to
help us or hurt us...

...we'll keep you close.

But if you should
try to hurt us...

Wouldn't dream of it.

Let him go.

What about my son?

Oh, we have
a very special plan for him.

That's of course if you don't
have a problem with it.

No, ma'am.

Whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes.

Up and at 'em.

Hey, what happened
to all the,

"he killed my family," stuff?

What are you doing
with all these?

Those are bounties.

I hunt them.

It's all kind of
in my job title.

What's the U.S. Government
want with this one?

What's so special
about that one?

Answer the question.

Look, all I know is

these guys
they came up from Cuba.

They pay well.

I bet you
50 other bounty hunters

have those same warrants.

Six ounces of diamonds. Per head.

So all that about your dad,
that was all crap.

No, that was the truth.

My dad,
he's a well-respected...

Yeah. No.
It was crap.


Thank you.

We're not gonna shoot him.

Excuse me?

I don't like killing.

Not unless I have to.

So what now?

I'm guessing
Miles is with your mom.

Knowing him, he is.

You're gonna go warn him.

And I'm coming with you.

Excuse me?

You see this?

Randall Flynn had a ring
with the exact same eye on it.

If he's one of these guys,

if they're half as bad
as what he was,

we're all in trouble.

And your family

could use my help.

Do you think
they want your help?


But they're gonna need it.

You're delusional.

I'm walking away.

And when I'm gone,
you won't be able to track me.

So if you want to stop me,
shoot me.

Hey, what's all this?

Plan B.

I'll be right behind you.

I'll see you on the other side.

That's exactly
what I said to my dad

the night I told him
it was okay to die.

That's great, Aaron.


Here it is.

Last boat off the Titanic.

Get on.

Come with us.

That's not the deal.

Titus sees me on a wagon,
he will charge.

I got to stay here.

He finds his dead wife,
he comes for you.

Well, let's just make sure
you're long gone by then.

No. I'm not going.


I went through too much
to save your life.

I'm not gonna just let you die.

- We don't have a choice.
- No, we do.

We stay, we fight.

We find a way out.

Yeah? How?

One hand tied behind my back?

When this gets bad,
I'm not gonna be able to-

Protect me?

That it? Protect me?

I don't need a martyr.
Miles, I need you.

So, how about we just
protect each other, okay?

This is all very touching,
but, Rachel, get on the wagon,

or I swear to God,
I'm gonna throw you on.

The barrels.

Over there, over there,
in there.

Come on.

I love you.

I love you.

You should have
listened to me, Titus.


Rachel, hold on.


Sir, you all right?

You all right, sir?

Who, who are you?

U.S. Government, sir.


I need a medic.


- Rachel!
- Just stay back!

Let us do our job.

I got a pulse.

Heartbeat is low.