Revenge (2011–2015): Season 4, Episode 15 - Bait - full transcript

When Margaux uses her ammunition against both Emily and Jack, their friendship takes a dramatic turn. Meanwhile, Natalie shows Victoria the true reason behind her arrival in the Hamptons.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Revenge...

I am cutting you

and your campaign off from my money.

Natalie Waters.
I'm new here.

There's plenty of secrets out there.

Everyone has them.

And sooner or later,
I may even learn yours.

Oh, I suspect it will be sooner.

Man: I'm afraid there's been
a death in the family.

I heard you got a medal
from the mayor today.

And I left it,
along with my badge and my gun,

- on the chief's desk.
- Why?

Turns out being a cop just
wasn't the right thing for me.

I killed an FBI agent...
a bad one, but still...

and we lied about it.

I asked for evidence on Emily.

They're in on this thing together.

Use this to take them both out.

- Well, this is unexpected.
- Yeah, to me, too.


Pushin' down on my shoulders

and emptying my lungs

I should go.

And I should be playing
first base for the Yankees.

Well, I guess some things
just aren't meant to happen.

Besides, I mean,
where do you have to be

that's better than here?

That's a fair point.

And you escape me

It's just my life

hasn't exactly allowed me to just...

Like words I never

I truly can't imagine.

Should have said

The past few years,
everything I've done...

All I've lost...

And now...

You're next to me again

We don't have to do this.

- Do what?
- Talk about our past.

And you escape me

Then how am I gonna I learn
all of your deep, dark secrets?

Oh, I... I can assure you,

my life's not nearly that interesting.

At least it wasn't...
Until now.

Like words I never
should have said

And I don't mean to be the guy

that says there's something else
we could do besides talk...

There's definitely something
else we could do besides talk.

But all if the heroes are dead...

It's stunning.


- Thank you for coming.
- My pleasure.

But it seems I'm without my checkbook.

No! Oh, no, no, no.
It's not like that.

Due to some sad news,

my financial circumstance
is about to change.

I received a phone call
from an estate attorney,

and he informed me
that Daniel's grandfather,

Edward Grayson, had passed away.

- I'm so sorry.
- Oh, he was a good man.

The reading of the will is later today.

That must be quite the inheritance.

Edward and I always had a special bond.

And even when Conrad and I divorced,

Edward reached out to assure me

that I still had a place in
his heart and in his will.

He was always the practical one.

What better way to pay tribute
to Mr. Grayson's memory

than to use the inheritance

for a place his
great-grandchild could enjoy?

Well, the real tribute

will be to use the money
to help Daniel's foundation.

What would you think if I were
to turn one of the bedrooms

into a nursery for you and the baby?

You're too kind, Victoria.

Oh, I could say the same of you

for having followed my advice.

I saw you at the Ross reception,
and from what I inferred,

you dropped your vendetta against Emily

in your pursuit to clear Daniel's name.

You needn't worry about anything

other than picking out a crib.

You quit so fast you didn't have time

to clean out your locker?

I had an event to get to.

Look, I knew you were having
a hard time, but...

I had no idea how bad it was.

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Still, I'll miss riding with you.

I think we made a good team, there.

It's nothing personal, Ben.

Will I see you around?


Seems like we have
some of the same friends now.

Guess that's it.

So, what's Jack Porter doing next?

Something I should've done
a long time ago.

James: Emily was seen leaving
Ben Hunter's place this morning.

See what you can dig up on him.

Why am I still spinning
my wheels on this?

I gave you video of Jack Porter

admitting that he killed an FBI agent.

Lest you forget, this is about
destroying Emily's reputation

the same way she did Daniel's.

And know this...
Nothing will go to waste.

That video will be the first domino

in exposing who she really is.

Sorry to interrupt.

Here are the quarterly reports
you asked for.

Merci, Simone.

Thanks to the video,

by tomorrow morning,
the world will have

a very different opinion
of Emily Thorne.

Buongiorno, mio marito!

Are we Italian now?

Well, we will be in about eight
shakes of a turkey leg.

Mm, more or less.

Because what is
the wedding of the century

without an equally
extravagant honeymoon?

Italy, huh?

Mm, whereabout?

Wherever the espresso's hot
and the men are hotter.

Well, I hear Florence is nice
this time of year.

So pack a bag...

Or just a credit card.

My jet's getting fueled up as we speak,

so we'll be good to go within the hour.



You know how you said you'd pay me

for any useful information?


Margaux has video footage

that she plans to use against Emily.

Footage of what?

I'm not sure,
but she's releasing it tomorrow.

All right, Simone,
you have to get this for me.

I'll try, but Margaux's being
very protective about it.

I can't lose my job over this.

Well, I'll get you a new one,

even if that means
I have to start a magazine.

Do whatever it takes.

Louise: II tuo culo sembra buono
in quei pantalones.

That means,
"your butt looks good in those pants."


Um, something came up.

I can't leave right now.

Well, how much time do you need...
Two, three hours?

Oh, probably a little more than that.

Why don't you go without me?

It's our honeymoon!

Well... I'll catch up with you
in a day or so,

and, uh, in the meantime,

you can taste-test your way
to the best gelateria.

Of course.

Gelato. Yay.

Victoria: Who the hell
are Ralph and Alice?

Edward Grayson's corgis.

I'm sorry.
What is that word?

You're getting his dogs.

It says here they're being flown in

from Scottsdale next week...
First class.

That's it?

There has to be some mistake.

Oh, wait, you're right.

You're also getting
their Burberry dog beds.

I just need your signature
here, here, and initial here.

What about the inheritance?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Grayson.

The remainder of
Edward Grayson's estate

is being left to his wife.

His wife?

She died 20 years ago.

So sorry I'm late.

You're Edward's wife?
That was your secret?

You've got to admit, it's a good one.

Well, the last time I spoke with him,

he wasn't dating,
nor was he revising his will.

What kind of scam is this?

This is no scam.

Teddy and I were married
four months ago,

so your conversation
was not a recent one.

Your husband dies a week ago,
and the first thing you do

is hop on a plane to the Hamptons,

and rather than telling me

that my father-in-law
passed away,

you spend two days concealing
your true identity.

And for what?

To go party-hopping,

or to embarrass me
in front of my friends?

I'll give you ladies some privacy.

Oh, we don't need privacy.
We need a judge.

This will is fraudulent.

I came to the Hamptons early

to see what kind of a person you are,

to meet you in a circumstance

where you're not predisposed
to hate me.

And maybe I would've
shown you some kindness.

But to see you rake
your friends over the coals?


You are just as vicious
as Teddy made you out to be.

Edward adored me.

And he always promised
to look after my family.

As a matter of fact, he
reviewed his will with me,

and I know full well
what was coming to me

and to my son, Daniel.

Well, all I know is that
shortly after Conrad's arrest,

Teddy's illness took a turn,

and when he tried to reach out to you,

you were nowhere to be found.

So when the going got tough,
you jumped ship.

I did no such thing.

But you know what was curious?

After my son passed away,

I left multiple messages for Edward.

Now, are you the reason why
he never called me back?

I thought it best
to keep his spirits up,

because you had done enough damage.

What you did to his heart...

Not even this nurse could help.

You were his nurse?

Oh, well,
this couldn't be more transparent.

You took advantage of an ailing man

who was clearly
wasn't in his right mind.

Any judge will see that.

Teddy was clear-minded
to the end,

and he thought the very worst of you,

which is why he left you
two incontinent dogs

and me everything else.

Not losing any sleep

over what the rest of the world
thinks about me.

I killed an FBI agent.

Is there more?

That was all Simone could retrieve

before almost getting caught.

Now she's worried
Margaux's on to her, so...

It's up to us.

I should've known Margaux
was too smart to play dumb.

God, if this gets out...

It's gonna destroy Jack.

How much time do we have?

She's releasing it tomorrow.

Well, then, we'd better get hacking.

If your computer system's
been compromised,

it's likely to be a cyber attack.

We'll send over a task force.

The computer in question
is air-gapped,

which means it's untouched
by the Internet

and therefore unhackable.

Someone broke in to the server
room to get at it at 10:37.

You know the exact moment?

I receive an alert anytime
the computer is turned on.

By the time I got to it,
the server room was empty.

Do you have any idea
what they were after?

Not sure.

It's possible I arrived before
they could finish the job.

Well, we have your visitors' log
and your security footage,

so we'll start there.

In the meantime, do you know anyone

who could be targeting you?

I am the CEO

of an international media conglomerate,
Agent Lin.

- That makes me...
- Everybody's target.

But a midday break-in?

Good money's on an inside job.

Find the sea glass, Sammy!

David: Hey, Jack!

Nice suit.
What's the occasion?

Ah, it's just...
Old friend of mine...

He wants me to join his firm.

I'm supposed to meet him
and talk about it.


That sounds like a good opportunity.

I don't think I'm gonna go.

Stepping back into that world,
I just, uh, I don't feel

like it's what I'm supposed to do.

Not that I know what I should be doing.

You're rebuilding a relationship
with your daughter.

That's no small thing.

Yeah, it doesn't really feel
like a full-time job.

Look, no one knows
what the future holds,

but if you're an optimist,

that... just means
anything is possible.

Last time that I knew what
I should be doing with my life

was the summer that I
bought the beach house...

Just fixing it up
a little bit at a time.


I know what you mean, yeah.

For me it was the, uh...

It was the boat.

I was gonna sail to Haiti.

That was... Three years ago.

What stopped you?

My dad died.

And then I, uh,

I had to stick around and take
care of my little brother.

And your daughter showed up.

You two used to love scouring
the beach for sea glass.


We would lay them all out

and see which ones were worth keeping.

You guys...
You were inseparable.

That never really changed, did it?

That looks like a pretty good one.


Yeah, it sure does.

Come in.

- Emily?
- Jack, hi.

- We need to talk.
- I know.

Wait, you... You do?

And I don't know the extent of
the footage that Margaux has,

but we will figure it out.

What are you talking about?

Nolan didn't call you?

I was about to.

- Now you get to tell him.
- Tell me what?

What... What's going on?

Margaux has a video of us
talking about Kate.

You admit to killing her, and
we both cop to covering it up.

And so, what, she's gonna release it?

She's gonna try.

Have you seen the video?

Just a clip of it.
I'll pull it up.

I killed an FBI agent...
A bad one...

Damn it!

If this thing gets released,
my life is over.

Are you sure you can't get into
LeMarchal's computer system?

This specific computer is unhackable,

but Margaux's security system is not.

Wait, you guys are breaking in?

Emily: Tonight.

The only way to get the file
is to steal the computer.

No, it's not.

Last night, Margaux and I had

our first real conversation
since we split.

It was almost like we were friends.

I will talk to her.

No, you could make things worse.

I don't want her tipped off.

And I don't want the truth coming out.

It's my ass on the line.
I killed an FBI agent... Me!

I can't leave anything to chance.

Now, if that means confronting
Margaux head-on, so be it.

All right, you have to trust me.

Not this time.

I'll talk to him.

Yeah, you'd better,

because Margaux
cannot know we're coming.

Lyman: And how is my favorite
unreal housewife?

Well, I was hoping
you would have caught

a ride out of town on mama's broom.

And miss the moment
you come to your senses?

And which senses would those be,

the ones where I decide to finance

your anemic political campaign?

Woman: Anything for your friend,
Mrs. Ross?

Oh, no, dear, he won't be staying.

"Mrs. Ross"?

Now, come on.
You won.

You got your money.

Must you sit here and make
a mockery out of marriage?

Look, Nolan and I have more
affection for each other

than most couples I know.

Well, then, pray tell...
Where is he?

He had some work to do.

The man does not have a job,

except for making sure this
place keeps you well-hydrated.

Day after your reception,
here you sit alone.

Your marriage is a sham.
Everybody knows it.

Well, at least I'm creating
a life for myself,

which is a whole lot more
than I can say for you.

Your campaign is sinking,

and, well, golly,
that is just all you have.

Silly girl.

You should know better
than to doubt me.

I always find a way to come out on top.

What about Stickley furniture?

Do you know of any local collectors?

You lost me
at "Stickley."

So that would be a "no."

There's an antique dealer...

A few miles down the road.

- You're David Clarke.
- Yeah, I am.

- Natalie Waters.
- Ah.

A person who obviously
watches the news.

Nice to meet you.

You, uh,
in the market for Mission furniture?

Actually, uh,
I'm just trying to find a good home

for a couple of chairs...

And a set of antique spoons,

and more golf clubs than
you can possibly imagine,

among other things.

I recently lost someone, and
this is my inheritance.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

It's, um...
It's been overwhelming.

I'm just trying to place these items

with people who will appreciate
them as much as he did.

So, uh, if you know anyone

who has a thing for, uh...

Russian nesting dolls...

Oh, wow, yeah.

Doesn't everyone?

What's your plan for that ketch?

- The boat?
- Mm-hmm.

To give it to the nice man
I met at the bar...

If he promises to take care of it.

Well, you shouldn't give it away.

You should ask the nice man
for fair market value.


How about you buy me a drink...
And it's yours?

Every night and day

I don't understand.

Wills are contested all the time.

Susan: Okay.

I could take this on and chalk
up a bunch of billable hours,

but based on your current
financial situation...

That woman is a criminal.

She duped a dying man out of millions...
My millions.

I'm sorry, Victoria.

I'm not sure if you can
even afford this hour.

My apologies.

I couldn't help but overhear.

No one ever means that.

Lyman Ellis...

Future congressman, current lawyer,

and the man who will take on your case.

Do I know you?

You know my sister, Louise.

Now, I saw you, at her reception,

raise more money in one hour

than I've seen
at any political fundraiser.

You're scrappy.

I'm sorry, Mr. Ellis,
but the answer is no.

And I haven't even asked you
a question yet.

Like I said, scrappy.

Now, what would you say if I told you

I could get you your money...

All of it?

I would insist that you first tell me

why I should believe you.

Well, I understand how it feels

to be screwed out of an inheritance.

And like you, I'm willing
to do whatever it takes.

So wouldn't it be prudent
for us to pool our energies

to make sure you get back
what is rightfully yours?

I need a lawyer, not an opportunist.

Well, it's a good thing
for you that I'm both.

Well, what's in it for you?

20%... Based on what
I accidentally overheard,

that should be more than enough

to fund my campaign
through election day.

Mrs. Grayson, if I lose,
20% of nothing is nothing.

You could not ask
for a better proposition.

Prove to me your worth.

If you find something
useful, I'll consider it.

Thanks for meeting me.

We need to talk.

I can't believe how big Carl is.

I'm glad you brought him along.

Well, I didn't have much of a choice.

Daycare closed early, so
Daddy day in the park.

What did you want to talk about?

Well, it's gonna...
Sound stupid,

but, uh,
after we talked yesterday, I...

I couldn't stop thinking
about how we broke up

and how I said some things
that weren't fair,

and... I just...

I thought that I should call.

To be honest,
I did some things that weren't fair.

Well, I just want you to know
that going forward...

I'm here for you, single
parent to single parent.

I appreciate that.

I can't quite fathom how
much my life will change...

Not just emotionally, but practically.

When was the last time

you were able to do
something spontaneous?



I, um... The other night,

I got out of bed and made myself
a grilled cheese sandwich.

No planning.
I just did it.

Oh, so you're saying

I should savor the theater
this evening?

Well, I'd never tell you what
to do, but I will say...

What is the theater again?

Wow, some pep talk.

Look, it's just that, you
know, your priorities change.

You get a new perspective.

You know,
now every decision that I make,

I think, "how is this gonna affect Carl?"
You know.

What kind of example am I setting?

Yeah, it is a lot to consider.

- Hey, buddy!
- Hey!

No, give it to her. Nice!

You're giving that to me?
Thank you.

It's a limited edition.

You don't actually have to wear it.

The things a parent does
for their child.

You'll know soon enough.

Ready to prove your worth?

Natalie Waters began working

for Edward Grayson six months
ago as his private nurse,

while she was still married.

A few weeks in,
she got a quickie divorce,

followed by an even quicker
marriage to Mr. Grayson.


That's a matter of public record.

Where's the dirt?

It seems that Nurse Waters
is anything but.

She had her credentials stripped

after she was fired from a hospital

for swindling a patient out of money.

So that goes to a pattern of behavior,

which is why I have already

filed the paperwork
to contest the will.

Well, that sounds
more like a lawyer talking.

A lawyer?

My lawyer.

Hey, I thought you'd be
halfway to Italy by now.

Mm, I've seen Italy.

I wanted to see it with you.


I'm sorry.
It's just...

Yeah, something came up.
I know.


I realize you did me this huge favor,

for which I'm eternally grateful,

but I wouldn't have married you
if I didn't like you.

And, yes,
I got control of my money, but...

I also got a friend in the process.

What are you saying?

I'll have my lawyer draft divorce
papers and set you free.

Oh, Louise.

It's not that at all.

I... I love spending time
with you,

and Italy sounds perfect.


There's that "but" again...

And not the
"looks good in those pants" kind.

Okay, today...

Something important came up.

And the thing is...

Emily and I...

You're sleeping together?

No, no, no.

Um... Emily and I...

Oh, God.
How do I explain this?

We're sort of like superheroes.

But I thought we were the wonder twins.


You're serious.

Only in the sense that we do, uh,

well, good things
for people who deserve it,

and... Bad things
to those who don't.

And what are you on today, a
mission of mercy or malice?

How does... "Merciful malice"
suit you?

Like La Perla.

Maybe I can help.



Training for a mud run?

I'd tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

And I'd like to keep you around...

For your witty repartee.

Oh, well, now the pressure's on.

Let me ask you something.

- Did you see Jack today?
- Yeah.

Did you get the sense
that he knows about us?

Not that there's an "us,"
per se, but...

It didn't come up.

I... I saw him at the station
house this morning.

He made a comment about us
traveling in the same circles.

Well, maybe I'm reading
too much into it.

So, you got plans tonight?

Um, yeah, actually.

I'd ask what, but I wouldn't want you

to have to kill me
in front of all these people.

How'd it go with Jack?

He's a good man

who unfortunately is friends
with the wrong person.

But he tried to play me
just like you played Nolan.

You're better at it.

So we're still moving forward, then?

Call the FBI.

I want them to be there
to spoil all of her fun.

Tonight, Emily Thorne will
finally get what she deserves.

I'm in position.

And mission Em-possible is a go.

All right, I'm deactivating the alarm

on the northeast corner.


I'm good.

All right.
You're making my palms sweat.

- You're clear.
- I'm going in.

And north hallway's clear.

Man: Stop right there!

Oh, my goodness.

This isn't soul cycle.


- You know her?
- Gosh darn it, I could have sworn

Jack said the gym was
on the eighth floor.

Jack sent you here?

Or was it eighth Avenue?

You know,
I am so terrible with directions.

I'm so sorry to interrupt.

- Lin: Um, ma'am?
- Yes?

Agent Westgate here
is gonna need to ask you

a few questions before you go.

- Oh. My pleasure.
- This way, ma'am.

Okay, so, a few questions,
and then what?

Well, if there's nothing suspicious,

then she's free to go...
Standard operating procedure.

She's going to lie.

That woman is working with them!

Who's "them"?

I'll show you.

I don't know what you're up to,
Ms. LeMarchal,

but this is clearly
a waste of agency resources.

Good night, ma'am.

Heather: Are you sure
you want to part

with your husband's Cuban cigars?

Knowing yours would enjoy them
is all that matters.

It's what Teddy would've wanted.

- Well, then... To Teddy.
- To Teddy.

Man: Excuse me, are you

the Natalie Waters
with the Stickley chairs?

I am.

Consider yourself served.

What is it?

Teddy's will is being contested.

Does this mean
I'm not getting the cigars?

You didn't think
I was going to allow you

to dupe my father-in-law
and lie to his heir, did you?

I loved him.

What exactly did you love most,

the fact that he was worth millions,

or that he was on death's doorstep?

I think it was both.

You have no idea
what you're talking about.

Don't I?

I've known women like you.

In fact, I've been accused
of being a woman like you.

So you don't fool me for a second.

When I started working for Teddy,
my life was falling apart.

- I was in a horrible marriage.
- Well, sure.

You were poor.

And every day,

when I arrived to work,
Teddy, despite his illness,

showed me more kindness
than anyone ever has.

I know it may be difficult

for small-minded people
to comprehend,

- but we fell in love.
- Mm-hmm.

So, while our marriage
may have been brief,

our love, nevertheless, was real.

And if giving you his entire estate

would bring him back, I would.

Well, why don't you try?

You never know.

Teddy saved my life, and I
would do anything for him.

And that includes
protecting his fortune

from the likes of you.

Trying to get me on a B&E?

Was that the best you could do?

Should've brought
your FBI pals up here,

because I both broke and entered.

Nice try, though.

I don't know what you're talking about.

A word of advice...

If you're gonna keep coming at me,

you're gonna have to be
a hell of a lot smarter.

You think you're invincible.

Not invincible.

Just... Better.

I will find your weak spot.

Let me save you the trouble.

I don't have one.

Oh, and, uh, by the way...

Nice bracelet.

Oh, no!

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Is that Natalie?


What do you think?

I think I owe you an apology.

It appears I gave you
the first boat ever made.

Well, 15 years, uh, sitting
in a harbor will do that.

But I wanted a project,
so no apology necessary.

Well, then, you're welcome.

Have a good night.

Is it true...
That you're a Grayson?

Knowing your history,

it didn't seem like
a good thing to lead with.

You may have thought I had
an ulterior motive.

Should I be worried
there's a crack in the hull?

Full disclosure...

The only reason I would sink this ship

is if Victoria Grayson were on it.

Oh, wow, oh.
I'm sorry.

- You guys aren't still...
- No, no, we've moved on.


Well, besides, I would never let

all your hard work
to honor Teddy go to waste.

Well, if you call
listening to the Cubs game

and drinking beer working, then...

Considering how they've
been playing lately,

it does feel like a job,
so I guess it qualifies.

Well, they're down eight
in the second, so...


Wait, do you want to join?

What's misery without
a little company, right?

So this little doohickey erased
Margaux's entire computer?

Worked like a charm.

Uh, now let's put that away
before you do the same to mine.

Well, thank you for trusting me.

I don't.


Let's put that away.

You know,
I know I didn't do much, but...

It was nice to feel included.

I am so sorry I didn't see it sooner.

See what?

How much we're alike.

I mean, I spent most
of my life as an outsider,

and it...
It felt awful.

But then Emily showed up and
trusted me to be her partner,

and... My life changed.

So, while our wedding was strategic...

I did promise to be there for you.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't.



You served Natalie the papers?

Well, isn't that why
you had them drawn up?

You completely jumped the gun.

Now her public declaration's
all over TMI.

She's become
the anti-Anna Nicole.

- I helped you.
- How, by not giving me

sufficient time to build my case?

By getting her to declare her love

publicly and on the record.

We now have a narrative to ruin.

Did you see her?

She was...
Emotional and sincere.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

I've just gone through
so much lately, and...

I... I wanted to find
some way to help.

It's okay, Victoria.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Emotion and sincerity can be faked.

Point made.

Natalie's sob story

now exists for us to dismantle
piece by piece.

Even if that means
fabricating information?

Talking like a lawyer...

But thinking like a politician.

I truly am the best of both worlds.

And in my short time here,

I can see that honesty
does not get you very far,

so who am I to break with tradition?

Hear, hear.

Miss LeMarchal.
Is everything okay?

You tell me.

That's April.

Are you looking
for my ex-wife?


No, I found her.

You know where she is?

Which makes one of us.

And if you don't do as I ask,

I could let another person
know where she is...

Someone who wants to find her

for a completely different reason.

What do you want?

It worked.
You're in the clear.


Thank you.

We all did our part.

I know about you and Ben.


And you have to know...

That there's someone out there
who's a better fit for you.

I realize that my timing is terrible.

I get that.

But... After Aiden...

I know what it means

to lose someone, and I was...

I was trying to give you space.

So you're doing this now

because you think
I've moved on with Ben?

- Jack...
- I'm doing this now

because I can't watch you
be with anyone else,

because for once,

we are both in a place
to maybe start a relationship,

and after everything
that we've been through,

and at a time when I don't know
what the future holds,

I have one certainty in my life,
Emily... One.

And that is how I feel about you.

It's always been you...

From the moment
Sammy ran up to you that day.

I don't know what to say.

Things between us, Jack, they're...

They're messy.

Life is messy.

But... You find a way.

You have done and sacrificed
so much for me.

You know how much I care about you.


But what?

I can't, Jack.

I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna wait around.