Revenge (2011–2015): Season 4, Episode 1 - Renaissance - full transcript

Daniel is selling off his possessions to keep up a socialite life style and pays the rent for half-sister Charlotte, who now madly hates everyone else, even Jack, except Margaux' crazy junkie brother Gideon, whose dirty role Daniel now tries to expose. Jack has finished police academy add warns he can only hold off his partner Ben Hunter from arresting the cocaine addicts once. Locked up in a mental asylum after Conrad's murder, Victoria sanctimoniously makes friends to plan and execute an elaborate escape. Emily bitterly misses Aiden, has taken residence in Grayson manor and plays he socialite queen, helped by Nolan, who is worried and disgusted by her addiction to revenge, which now extends to cases neither of them has a stake in.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Revenge...

We have reason to believe
that you have information

about the abduction
of Charlotte Clarke.

We're gonna need you
to come down to the station

for some questioning.

You are officially
my second-in-command.

What are you doing here?

You're my big sister and my boss.

My sister stole the company
out from under me.

You take the reins, and we partner up.

Now we have the photo we'll use
to blackmail Danny.

- This isn't how I do business.
- Well, it is now.

People think I hate you,

no one looks at me when you're gone.

Transportation will meet you
about a mile south.


Now this is where it all ends.

What have you done?

You needed help.

I had no choice but to check you in.

Help me!

Goodbye, Victoria.

She's Amanda Clarke!
She's Amanda Clarke!

She's Amanda Clarke!

Victoria: In my lifetime,
I've come to understand

that there are three ways
for a person to disappear.

The first is to die.

The second is to lie.

And the last is to be reborn.

It was after my former husband's
death six months ago

that my transformation began.

I made my peace
with those who have wronged me

and with those who I've wronged,

no one more so than Emily Thorne.

Thus, after months of denial,

I've come to see my time here
in Claremont as a renaissance.

And I understand
that the trauma I suffered

seeing my murdered fianc?
led to my delusions,

from which I'm now free.

Never lose hope, Victoria.

With your help, I won't, Phyllis.

And on that note of camaraderie,
we are done for the morning.

Thank you, ladies.

It appears
you've actually made a friend.

Oh, I've made many,
Dr. Miller.

You simply have simply chosen
not to notice.

Well, perhaps here comes another.

You know, I think I may have
left something back in my car.

Ma'am, you can't leave.

You need to come with me.

She has quite an elegance.

Are you saying that I don't?!
Is that what you're saying?!

Because I am the belle of this ball!

You said we were best friends
and I was your favorite,

and get your hands off of me!

You lied to me!

Maybe you were better off alone.

Maybe we all are,
Dr. Miller.

Nolan: Well, there's a lot
of names in the hopper.

Erase-on Manor. Thornehill.
The Ross Supremacy.

Emily's still taking pictures,

but as far as the party signage goes,

a "Happy Memorial Day" will do.

The house doesn't need a name, Nolan.

Says the girl who doesn't know
which one to use for herself.

I do.
You just won't accept it.

Oh, Ems, I think I've accepted a lot.

Like when you said
you wanted to buy this house,

I redecorated.

You wanted to open the season here,

I'm co-hosting the party.

I'm just hoping that your secret plan

is to make your debut there
as Amanda Clarke.

Sorry. I'm Emily Thorne,
and it's simply a party.

After what the Graysons put us through,

don't you think we deserve one?

So there won't be any poisonings?

'Fraid not.

- No arrests or blackmailings?
- Nope.

No takedowns whatsoever?

Conrad's dead, I committed Victoria,

and Daniel's self-destructing
all on his own.

So, unless you can think of someone...

Nope. I can't.
Don't want to.

Then stop questioning me,
and let's enjoy the summer.

Hey, Ems, know what they said

about the girl who gave up revenge?

She lived happily ever after.

Going somewhere?


I was just about to come find you.

It's time.

You sure?

It's now or never.

Someday I will repay you.

But where are you gonna go?


I got some unfinished business.

I'll be sending you the bill
for her overtime.

Yeah, please do.

Penthouse "B" at the Ripley.

Oh, you live in a luxury hotel now?

Doing what you can

to try and salvage
the Grayson lifestyle.

You've certainly profited
from my family's downfall.

You expect me
to protect your reputation

after what you did?

I made you my second-in-command,
my partner,

but then you quit with no warning
and still no explanation.

Yeah. You're not the only one
enduring family tragedies.

Well, then, you should be
fighting to rebuild your life

instead of feeding your libido.

Oh, now I'm supposed to take
your advice?

Save your concern for your brother.

Oh, I can handle him.

At least with Gideon,
there are no surprises.

You have the right to remain silent.

And you have the right
to buy us drinks tonight.

- Precinct rules: Rookie pays.
- Hey, quit hazing my probie.

Don't worry, Porter.
Keller's a cheap date.

One beer and he's under the table.

You should talk, Hunter.

So, you want to go throw back a few?

Huh? On me?

Uh, I can't.

I got to pick Carl up from daycare

and don't have a sitter tonight.

I hear that.
I was raised by a single dad.

Yeah, a lot of grilled cheese
for breakfast,

pancakes for dinner.

So, first day out there.
How'd you feel?

Green as hell.
Hope I didn't make you nervous.

What, on our three traffic stops
and one domestic? No.

Just remember two things, all right?

Why you became a cop
and that I got your back.

Why did you become a cop?

Well, the bar is doing okay

but not enough for a college fund.

I guess I thought this would be
good for the soul.

I've just seen too many people
get away with murder and...

I finally wanted the power
to do something about it.


So you aren't doing this
so that you can start

arresting people
instead of kidnapping them?

Never gonna live that down, am I?

No, you got to own it.

I mean, how many of us can actually say

that we've been detained
for a class "b" felony?


never chase that...

Well, my fitting went swimmingly.

My party outfit is kind of epic,
even for me.

Are we playing musical chairs?

I figured I'd drive us home.

Ems, I told you.

I had this little minx custom-made
for our summer of fun,

but there is only one blond
allowed behind the wheel.

Look, if you want me
to embrace a new life,

then maybe you should embrace
some new rules.

Hop in.


I said, "baby, I do this,"
I thought that you knew this.

Can't stand no haters
and honest, the truth is...

They speak it, depart it...

Oh, my God!

Are they all right?

- I'll buy you a new one.
- Hey!


Are you blind?!

I am so sorry.
I'm not used to driving this car.


You know, every summer,
you people come flocking in here

like you own this town.

Oh, this is just fanta...
You know what?

Just give me your insurance.

Oh, we don't need to hassle with that.
I'll just cover it.

Must be nice living in your world.

Just bring me the estimate.

I'm in the house on
the east edge of Coopers Beach.

- The old Grayson Manor.
- This is why we need a name.

Oh, you're Emily Thorne.

Yeah, I heard you bought that place.

Been listening to my customers

yapping about your party all week.

Well, why don't you come?

Bring the estimate then,

and you'll see we're not all that bad.

You know what?

If that's the soonest I can get
the check from you, fine.

- Perfect. We'll see you then.
- Yeah.

- And, again, I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

Look at you...
Solving conflict without a red sharpie.

I'll drive.


There's daddy.
Say hello, Carl.

What the hell?

You don't talk to me for six months

and then out of the blue
you pick him up from daycare?

- Come here.
- I missed the little guy.

You know what that was like for me?

Not knowing where he is,
not being able to find him?

And how's that feel, Jack?

That fear, that knot in your stomach?

Thought I'd remind you
who you really are

after your first day on the job.

Protect and serve, right?

That's not what you did for me

when you tied me up in that room.

I told you again and again,
it wasn't me.

Then look me in the eye and say it.

After all this time,
you still can't, can you, Jack?

Charlotte, you're just gonna
have to let this go.

Calm down, Jack.
You're scaring your son.

Poor little guy...

Being raised by a dirty cop.

I had a premonition.

It's going to rain.

"It's going to rain again.

"Rain every day, as though to spite me.

I might as well
hang myself."

It's Chekhov.

I like it.
Especially the end.

It worked.

How did you know the orderly
would have it on him?

Because his wife is due in two weeks,

which is when men think

they're suddenly vital to the process.

I haven't had that much fun in years...

Without acid.

Phyllis, thank you.

Dennis: Cheers.

The Long Island Harbor Conservancy

appreciates your fundraising efforts,
Ms. Thorne.

Oh, well, I couldn't imagine
a better event

to break in my new home or
christen your new yacht, Dennis.

She looks like a beauty.

Well, she is.

Just as beautiful
as the woman I named it for.

You have no idea how embarrassing it is

to have your name painted
on the side of a boat.

I think it's an honor.

Fortunately, you have
a lovely name like Jennifer.

So, what happened to your last yacht?

I'm surprised you hadn't heard.

It was involved
in an accident last summer

with a small fishing boat.

A man was killed.

Oh, yes, I remember.

But your skipper took it out
for a joyride, right?

That's right, yeah.

It's just so horrible to think about.

Excuse me.


This is Victoria Grayson.

I'm being held captive
at Claremont Institu...

I know exactly where you are, Victoria.

What are you doing in my house?

I'm paying the mortgage.

You should see
what I've done with the place.

I changed everything
except the phone number,

a precaution
I'm sure you now understand.


I've hurt you. I admit it.

But you've hurt me, too.

I just want to end this cycle, please.

And I want my childhood.

I want Aiden.

And I want Pascal back.

You led him to his death.

You insinuated your way into my family.

You have earned your pain.

You are exactly where you belong,

ranting on like a lunatic.

For the record,
Conrad slaughtered Pascal, not me.

And as for everything else I did...

I would do it all again.

Sorry you wasted your call.



Nolan was wrong.

You don't look anything
like a stripper.

Jack, you don't need to keep
coming over to check in on me.

- I'm fine.
- I'm not.

Charlotte took Carl from daycare.

- What?
- He's fine.

She just... She just did it to scare me,
and it worked.

My, uh... My partner asked me
today why I became a cop.

He joked that it had something
to do with the kidnapping.

Well, he was right, wasn't he?


It's a little more complicated
than that.

I first thought about joining the force

after, uh, Amanda's murder

and again after my brother was killed.

I hated the powerlessness,

'cause I knew that Conrad
had the cops in his pocket.

I knew that if I became a cop,
no one could pay me off.

So why didn't you join back then?

Because I learned who you were.

Listen, at the academy,
they drum into us this idea

that we're working
for the greater good.

And I know that that's what you
were doing in your own way,

but you know
I was never okay with that.

You were waiting for me to be done.

Jack, you didn't have to put
your life on hold to protect me.

Well, I'm just glad that it's over...

...that you're moving on.

Man: Ma'am?

- We're ready.
- Um, I'll be right with you.

And, look, in case there was
ever any doubt

as to why I stayed in the Hamptons,

it was for Charlotte.

She's the only family I have,

and one way or another,
I will make it better.

So, you heard from Mom?

Yeah, the postcards stopped coming.

Last one said she was in Amsterdam.

I still can't believe
she ditched us to save herself.

Can't you?

When the government took everything,

she was the first rat off the ship.

Well, at least you still have
the money you made at LeMarchal.

Speaking of, would you mind
covering my rent again?

Char, we talked about this.

You know I don't love
you living alone downtown.

Why don't you move in with me?

You just want to keep me
under your thumb.

Yeah, you're right.
I do.

I barely hear from you,
and I-I worry.

With what you've been through,
you need a support system.

I'm doing fine, thanks.

Well, then, do fine here
with your brother.

It's no Grayson Manor, but...

Yeah, you know, Emily's throwing

her Memorial Day party there tomorrow.

She even had the gall to invite me.

Well, that bitch never knows
when to quit, does she?

Yeah, neither do I.

Now, how about that rent check?



Yeah, how...
How much was it again?

Five grand?


Seven grand?

Is that okay?

Anything for my little sister.

Hope you don't mind
they put me in here.

Not as long as you stop crying.

This place doesn't deserve your tears.

I'm Louise.
Louise Ellis.

Victoria Grayson.

As in Conrad Grayson?


I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm not.

That man was a tyrant.

I see that you've overpacked.

Mother said she was sending me

to a health spa to rejuvenate.

If you're worried that I might
cut you in your sleep,

I'm not crazy.

Aw, that's too bad.

Sanity's your enemy here.

I spun out a bit after my daddy
died last year.

He drank himself to death.

My mom's been trying to convince me
I'm still screwed up,

that I need time to figure things out.

I can't imagine
choosing this for your child.

Well, then,
you're a better mother than mine.

Well, you'll soon learn
that this place is a prison,

and Dr. Miller
is its well-paid warden.

Took me six months
just to obtain a phone.

But you did call somebody, didn't you?

Sadly, I reached the very devil
who committed me.

Well, you must know another way out.


I will lose it in here,

which I'm sure is exactly
what my mother wants.

Poor poppet.

Enjoy the trappings of your former life

while you still have them,

because they take everything
away from you here.

Maybe we should let them.

You better not disappear on me again.

Aiden: I won't, Amanda.




No, I, I can't feel the heat.

Yet don't let it catch you.

No, I, I can't feel the heat.

I know I can't get you home.

Okay. Go ahead.
No, I can't finish my workout.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I knew that the moment I run,

You made it.


This check is for you.

That's... It's too much.
I mean, the estimate's only...

Please, please.
To cover the hassle.

Thank you.

Look, um, I'm sorry I blew up
at you the other day.

Just... Just been a really
crappy year, you know.

And I guess I just...
I expect the worst of people.

Oh, believe me, I've been there.

Not so sure you have.

Just had a really short fuse
ever since I lost my fianc?.


- Too much too soon, I know.
- No, no. Not at all.

I lost someone, too.

And to be completely honest,
it's been hard

to find someone who understands
what I went through. So...

I'm glad you came, Nancy.
Would you stay?


Every queen of the Hamptons
needs her throne.

And this one even has room
for her jester.

You like?

I love.

Long live the new queen.

- Crowd: Cheers!
- Charlotte: Look at her,

rubbing my nose in everything
that's happened.

Why don't we just rub our noses

into something a little bit more fun?

Right after I say hi to the hostess.


Thank you for coming, Charlotte.

I only accepted your invite

because I thought after all this time,

maybe you'd surprise me, but
my mom was right, wasn't she?

This is all you ever wanted...
This lifestyle, this house.

I wish you'd give me
a chance to explain.

Why would I give you anything, Emily?

When you want something,
you just take it.

Man: Wanted one of these

ever since I saw Goldfinger as a kid.

So why are you letting her go?

Oh, I don't know.

I guess I realized some things in life

were more important than
pretending to be James Bond.


Rumor is you've been selling
anything that's not nailed down

so you can keep pretending
your fortune didn't sink

along with your family's.

If you think you know so much,
then why the hell did you ask?

We agreed to a lot more than this.

Supply and demand, Grayson,

and your name doesn't intimidate
people the way it used to.

So why don't you just hand me the keys?

Listen to me, you son of a bitch,

if I read about this sale in "Page Six"

or in your family Christmas newsletter,

you'll see just how intimidating
I can be.

Now get out of here.

How could you know?

How could you know
that those were my eyes,

peepin' through the floor?

It's like they know...


You all right?

Nervous, I guess.

I've never christened a boat before.

- Oh. Well, don't worry.
- Woman: Champagne?

It won't feel a thing.

- Ah, thank you.
- Cheers.


To take me to the club
because they know...


Um, I wanted to say thank you
for the donation

and for accepting my invitation.

Since I'm covering the summer parties

and now you're the one throwing them,
it seemed necessary.

And I was curious to see

how you would erase Victoria from here.

Thoroughly, it seems.

Well, I like to forget
as much of my past as possible.

My new mantra.

I regret letting Daniel color
my earlier opinion of you.

Well, we've both been burned
by that match.

But I like to think he's getting his

now that he's the son of
the most hated man in America.

- Feel like I died and went to Billy Joel's house.
- Champagne?

Ah, that's funny.

Feel like I'm in The Twilight Zone.

Porter, I mean you've got to be

the most connected rookie
that I've ever known.

Who's your in here?

She's over there.

Emily Thorne.


You two got a little something
going on?

No, uh, it's complicated.

Yeah, well uncomplicate it.
She's hot.

Her, too?

Come on, as your commanding officer,

I order you to tell me your secret.

Come on.

I'll show you the rest of the place.

Game's in progress, guys.

Charlotte, you're stripes, babe.

I'll be right there.

- You guys want a bump?
- No, I think I'll pass.

Miss, step back and put your
hands on your head, please.

You can't be serious.

Ben, Ben, let me handle this.

Look, given your history with her,

I think you need to step back, too.

Hey, you stay right there.

Look, we can't do this to her.

She's not in a good place right now.

Word of advice, Porter,
your duty is to protect.

You can't look out for people
if you're looking the other way.

She's family.


But you get one pass with me.


Your buddy...
He's quite a jackass.

Charlotte: Jack!

I hear you give her so much as
aspirin, I'm coming for you.

Now... leave peacefully...
or I will arrest you.

Both of you.

Louise: Stop!

You can't take that from me!
That's my private property!

- Sorry, ma'am. Regulations.
- She warned you.

- Hey!
- They take it all.

No! But this isn't fair!

Man: All right.
I'm coming through.

Back to your room.

Hey, what's going on? Hey!

Hey, who's in there?!

Open this door!

Fire! Fire!

Open the door!

Thank you, Olga.

Go, Victoria!
Go! Go! Go!

Louise: Wait for me!

I'm sorry, poppet.

No! Victoria!

Hey, slow down,
po-po Porter.

I want an intro to that partner of y...

He left.


I don't know what I was thinking
bringing him here.

There was a situation with Charlotte.

She came here with Gideon.

- They're dating?
- Dating, doing blow...

Whatever you want to call it,
he's a bad influence.

Oh, yeah.
He's a real enfant hair-ible.

I considered working withim
at one point,

but his business model is two
parts Madoff, one part Manson.

You know, I used to be the only person

Charlotte could depend on.

At this rate, I'll be the...
The one booking her

by the end of the summer.

Oh, I was just saying
I want to poach your guest list

for my next fundraiser.


Your brother said the same.

Did he?


Actually, I couldn't understand
a word he was saying.

He was so high on yayo.

Did you know that he brought Charlotte?

That's an interesting choice,
if you ask me...

Him going after Daniel's sister.

What do you mean?

Uh, I'm not sure you heard,

but Charlie did a stint in rehab
after an overdose.

She's not the most stable little pony.

I didn't realize.

Just given her history,
it makes me wonder

what Gideon wants with her,

as if squeezing her brother
out of LeMarchal wasn't enough.

Daniel stepped down
of his own volition.

Did he?

- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.

Then I'm afraid
I've succumbed to idle gossip.

Although, now I am curious
what Daniel would say

if you asked him about
his night with the redhead.

I've heard the whispers...

People wondering
why I bought this house,

how could I live here knowing
what Conrad Grayson did.

Well, call me an optimist,

but I saw an opportunity
to take something dark

and breathe new life into it...
Make good happen,

which all of you
have helped me do today

with your generous donations.
So thank you.

Hear, hear!

In that same spirit of starting anew,

we invited the Southampton Yacht Club

to christen this vessel,
which launches from the Gold Coast

on Friday for her maiden race.

I'll let her captain take it from here.

Thanks, Emily.

Thanks, everyone, for being here.

Happy Memorial Day.

What a way to celebrate, huh?

All: Yeah!

My crew left me with the choice
of naming this lovely lady.

I knew I wanted to dedicate her
to the love of my life,

my anchor when I'm adrift.



You son of a bitch.
You named the boat after your mistress?

No, that's not...
I didn't do that.

You're still screwing her, aren't you?!


After everything you put me through.

No, they painted the wrong name.

No, or you said the wrong name
by accident.

Wouldn't be the first time
that happened.

Jen, for God's sake, don't do this.

I only gave you an alibi
to save myself the humiliation.

But now you can tell everyone
for yourself!

Oh, for God's sake.

How you killed this poor girl's fianc?

because you were too busy
piloting your whore

instead of your boat.

I am so sorry.

Jen! Jen!

You crashed into that girl's car
on purpose.

I came across her story,
and I wanted to make it right.

- It worked.
- Whoa, wait. What worked?

Manipulating retaliation for a girl

that did not even ask for it?

You wouldn't understand.
She will.


Nancy, please wait.

Look, I'm sorry.
I had no idea that your fianc?...

He was the one
who was killed last year.

You know when you hit my car?

It was kind of the best thing

that had happened to me in a long time.

It felt good to get upset
about something so trivial.

For so long, I couldn't feel anything

but hatred for that man out there.

I got sick of hating.

It is a useless, crippling emotion.

At least now he'll be charged.

Then what?

He's gonna hire fancy lawyers
to fight it.

If there's a trial,

It would take months,
if not years, right?

While I live the worst day
of my life over and over again.

Even if they find him guilty,
what's it all for?

Nothing can bring back
the people we love.


I'm sorry.
What were you expecting?

- A "thank you"?
- Leave me alone.

I already made that mistake.

Addicts cannot be trusted
to be by themselves.

I'm not an addict.

You are the very definition!

Ems, I have been here
since the beginning,

but you shut me out just like
you're shutting me out now.

Why? Because you're ashamed or...
Or in denial?

Either way...

Em, you're scaring the hell out of me.

Maybe it's time for an intervention

to force you to be who you really are.

What if I went out there
and told everybody

that Amanda Clarke is alive and well?

And everyone she loved is dead.

The Graysons killed them all.

They left me nothing
to go back to, Nolan.

This is all I have left.

That's why you can't let go
of Emily Thorne.


Get out.

One peace offering deserves another,

unless you're off Negronis now.

I only said that
so you would let me up.

Why did you really step down
from LeMarchal?

This again?
I already told you.

No, you didn't, actually.

You cited your family's tragedies,

but family never stopped
Daniel Grayson before.

And I know you just like you know

I've never been satisfied
with half-truths.

So tell me about the redhead.

What did Gideon say?

I want to hear it from you.


Remember that night I invited
you over to the Sassen Hotel?

And cancelled
two minutes later? Yes.

I'd been partying with this girl...
The redhead...

And I must've passed out.

And when I woke up,
I found her O.D.'d.

All I could think at the time
was what this would do to me,

what this would do to my name,
your company.

So I took care of it.

So you "took care of it."

And, uh, what role
did Gideon play in this?

No. What did he tell you?

Oh, it doesn't matter what he told me.
And that...

Oh, so he didn't tell you anything.

Answer the question.

What I didn't know at the time

was that Gideon was there
when she died.

He took a photo of her
and used it to blackmail me

and force me out of LeMarchal.

Now, I didn't tell you

because I wanted to protect you
from my mistakes.

Now, yes, what I did was indefensible.

Yes, I should've called the cops.

But I don't... I don't know.
I... I panicked.

It seems that's what he was
counting on.

As if he had planned it.

He got the room that night.
He picked the girl.

Part of me has always wondered

if he just got lucky
she O.D.'d, or...

You think my brother killed her.

Then we have to do something.

Not me. I'm done with him.

Well, are you done with your sister?

Because Charlotte is with him
right now.

Hey, slow down.
Leave some for me.

I still can't believe
Jack ruined the rest.

Jack is a gutless douchebag,
like all cops,

who hides behind his badge and his gun.

That's just it.
He thinks he's untouchable now.

Let me tell you something, sweetheart.

No one is untouchable.

Nolan: Hello?

Emily: Can we talk?

Well, that depends.

Are we making up or...
Breaking up?


Look, I'm sorry that I wasn't
honest with you today.

You asked me why I did what I did.

I empathized with Nancy.

I wanted to protect her from
feeling the pain that I felt.

From becoming like me.

She was never like me.

No one is.

You're a snowflake.

A unique, bloodthirsty snowflake.

And that's just it, isn't it?

Like you said, I'm an addict.

That thirst has become a part of me.

I don't know who I am without it.

Maybe I don't want to.

Let me call you back.

Oh, you didn't invite me to your party.

How did you get out, Victoria?

With a little help from my friends.

Nothing bonds people like
being imprisoned together...

Something I know you're familiar with,
given your time in juvie.

Am I right, Amanda?

What do you want?

Arriving here tonight, I think
I know how you must've felt

when you first returned
to the Hamptons.

So much hatred in your heart for me

and what you thought I'd done.

What you did.

If you'd only come clean then,
you could've known the truth.

You could've reunited with your sister

and prevented her so much pain,

but instead, you chose revenge.

Now it's my turn.

Then welcome back.