Revenge (2011–2015): Season 3, Episode 8 - Secrecy - full transcript

Daniel seems uninterested when Conrad insists to hand him the key to the Grayson men's secret love nest with private butler, secret for their wives, but ends up using it for intimacy with ex Sara, while neither realizes the butler is just as traditionally a spy for their wives. Aiden is coldly dumped and expelled by Victoria, but wins Charlotte's trust by handling a hacker-stalker-blackmailer. Victoria fails to break up the 'happy couple' at the 'co-ed bridal shower' she throws by staging Emily's ex-husband in a 'this is your life' game, but Charlotte proves Sara may have won Daniel already. Conrad outsmarts Margaux, but ghosts from his adulterous past are kept in reserve.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My father was an innocent man,

destroyed by powerful people.

The Graysons are behind this.
They're gonna pay.

I've dedicated my life
to avenging his death.

someone's gonna find you out.

And I won't stop
until they've all paid the price.

Word is that Conrad Grayson
is writing his memoirs.

I would love
to talk more about it.

- What do you want?
- Conrad Grayson sent me.

If you want any future with your son,
you leave now.

You can't deny that
we've made a good team.

I'm declaring my independence.

- You can't do this alone.
- Get the hell out of my house.

Daniel wants his ex-girlfriend
to make our wedding cake.

Do you suspect
something's amiss?

I think that you may be
the one for Daniel.

Perhaps we could work together
towards a common goal.

Looks like they're about
to rekindle their past.

Then I have to make sure
they have no future.

Secrecy causes
even the simplest truth

to seem wondrous, mysterious.

It has the power
to fuel passion

and seduce you into becoming
someone you're not.

We should get going soon.

You did tell your parents
I was coming, right?

Or that I exist?

I thought we'd surprise them.

But what if your mother
hates me?

She won't.

And even if she does,
I'll protect you.

But no matter how we try
to guard our secrets,

to keep them close...

They all come out eventually.

I was hoping to get in there
with you.

I can't. I'm...
I'm running late.

You've been going in earlier
and earlier all week.

Maybe we could get lunch today.

Find a secluded spot on the dock,
have a picnic...

Yeah. I, uh...

I can't today.
I got too much to do.

I promise...
I'll make it up to you tomorrow.

I would hope so.

Our bridal shower is tomorrow.


I still don't get why my mother
insisted it be co-ed.

Oh, everyone knows your mother
prefers the company of men.

I'm just happy you'll be there
to protect me from her.


That will be perfect, Rohan.

I'm on pins and needles.

That means I'm excited
to see you.

Yes, perfect.

Call me when you land.

Would you just, uh,
dry-clean the silks, please?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.

Well, I see you're still taking
advantage of our amenities.

Who was on the phone?

Oh, just a little surprise
I'm planning for the shower.

Well, since you've suddenly

gotten into the spirit
of things,

maybe you wanna make
the welcome toast?

I lost my phone.

Which relates how?

Well, I had the speech for Emily
saved on there,

and I don't have time
to recompose it.

Probably for the best

since I didn't inherit your
talent for faking sincerity.

It's called being polite.

And perhaps we wouldn't
have to be

if Sara had responded
to my appeal.

I haven't heard from her
all week.

Maybe because she's too busy
sneaking around with Daniel.

I noticed her texting
with him this morning,

so whatever carrot you dangled,
it seems to be working.

She won't stop digging.

Margaux's determined
to write this exposé.

She's convinced it'll help
Voulez's sales.

Yeah, but what exactly
did she discover?

Nothing yet,
but she's researching articles

on Grayson Global, Conrad,
the acquisition of Nolcorp, you.


Did she happen to see
that I made, uh,

People's sexiest men alive

right behind Joel McHale?

So what if Margaux manages
to sniff out some truth?

You know, maybe it's time
that a little gets out there.

Not when it involves Conrad.

All I'm asking is that
if she contacts you,

- don't give her any leads.
- All right.

What are you doing?


Aiden Mathis is moving in.

- Are you kidding me?
- He's a decent guy.

Who caused me
to send my son away.

Well, maybe that's not
a bad thing.

You don't have to worry
about Carl's safety

till the wedding's over,
and when it is, they'll leave,

and you won't ever
have to see Aiden again.

He's leaving with Emily?

I didn't even know
they were together.

Didn't hear you sneak in.

Just brought a few things
for Aiden.

Thanks again
for helping us out.

Why didn't you tell me that
that was your plan?

You knew I was leaving.

With the guy who tried to
strong-arm me out of town?

You conveniently left
that part out.

You gave me a deadline
to end this.

You don't get to pass judgment
about what I do when it's done.

You're right.

I don't.

Hey. Leaving so soon?

I have a few more things
to check off my list.


Saw it first.

Now because I'm a gentleman,
I'll hand it over.

A gentleman or a stalker?

Your text said you'd be here,

buying ingredients
for my wedding cake.

That wasn't an invite?


- All right, I'll go.
- No. Don't, don't. Don't.

I know Emily wanted lemon,

but, uh, I was just toying
with a strawberry layer.

But you know your fiancée
better than I do.

You think
she'll put up a fight?


What am I doing?

I'm sorry.

I just, uh...

This isn't like me, Danny.

My father ditched my mom
for another woman.

I do not want to do that
to Emily.

I haven't been able
to get you out of my head

since the 4th of July.

Yeah, well...
You need to.

- We both do.
- Do we?

I mean that, honestly.

- If we could just talk about all this--
- Talk about it? You're getting married!

- You're getting married in two weeks, Danny.
- I know--

- You should be talking to your fiancée.
- You're right.

I know. I know.

I just can't...

Help but wonder why you've come
into my life when you did.

Well, uh...

It was good to see you.

- Keep the change.
- Thank you.

Danny! Wait.

I'll be here Sunday...

In case you're free.


See you.

Hello, Sara.

I should've...

Gotten the hint when Daniel
blew me off this morning.

I came to surprise him for lunch.

When I saw him pulling out
of his parking lot,

I followed him here.

How long has it been going on?

This isn't what it looks like,

Really? So it's just
a coincidence that you...

Ran into each other here,

- just like at the bakery and--
- No, Emily,

- you have misunderstood this whole situation.
- Have I really?

I don't know what's wrong
with me.

I guess it's just the stress
of the wedding.

And God, Victoria--

she constantly t--
treats me like I'm not good enough.

- Oh, she does that to everyone.
- Not you.

I'm sure you're the kind
of girl a mother loves.

That's why I feel
so threatened by you.


I am not perfect. Okay?

But you have to believe me.
I am not a home wrecker.

God, I'm sorry for breaking down on you.

It's okay.

Do me a favor--
Don't tell Daniel.

I'm embarrassed enough
as it is.

You shouldn't be.

Thank you.

We want that to be here.

Yeah, that should work.

Mr. Grayson.
I wasn't expecting you.

I didn't think I'd get
to read pages so soon.

Sadly, you don't.

In fact, you'll have to wait
until the book hits the shelves.

our preliminary discussion,

I was offered
a more lucrative deal

from another publishing company.

You used my generosity
to start a bidding war.

Oh, no. No, no. I just...

Created my own marketplace.

It's a lesson every
young entrepreneur should learn,

as referenced in my prologue.

Don't forget to pre-order.


How you must miss the grandeur
of your last office.

Oh, what we lack in space,

we also lack
in illegal activity.

You're not still going forward
with Margaux?

I told you, she's been
investigating last year's events

and what happened in '93.

I took your advice
and I moved on.

These are for you.

Since you've always
fancied yourself a writer,

I thought maybe you could
help me brainstorm a title.

Sure, but not today.
I can't. I'm swamped.


And yet, you still found time
to shop for organic berries.

Did you pick them yourself?

I stopped by
the farmers' market.


All my years on this earth,

there is only one thing
that's taken me to places

I'd otherwise avoid.

I was meeting a friend.

A "friend"?

Or an ex?

Your mother mentioned

that you hired Sara
to make your wedding cake.

I thought that an odd choice.

I'm just trying to help
get her back on her feet, okay?

I owe her that much
after what we put her through.

Wow. How noble of you.

And I think you are ready.

Ready for what?

For a Grayson rite of passage.

Why don't you come with me
into the city?

That family is
hiding something.

I've been collecting names
of Grayson Global employees.

One of them will be willing
to share their account.

I know you're afraid of what
Daniel might do, but just...

Talk to Nolan.

I mean, if there's a story to tell,
he'll tell it.

And if not, there's no need
to waste any more time on it.

Yeah, I'll try him tomorrow
at the shower.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Oh. Of course.

But I need to go back to work.

Yeah. I'll walk you out.

See you later.

- Bye.
- Bye.

And to think,
you owe me for that.


I am a miraculous matchmaker.

If only I could matchmake myself.

- You'll find someone.
- I can't even find my phone.

Figured I'd just buy a new one.

So that's my exciting life.
What's new with you?

Not much. But, um...

I wanted to ask you,

what do you know about
Aiden Mathis?

Are you in trouble?
Because all I know about him

is that's what he handled
for my parents.

He dealt with the messes
they didn't want to.

Why do you ask?

Nolan brought him up.
I was just curious.


Is everything okay?

Yeah. Everything's fine.

Rule number 17--
No fish for breakfast.

No killing on the premises.

Well, to be disregarded if,
uh, my life is in danger.

- I'll bear that in mind.
- Ah. Most importantly, 19--

Always give a heads up call
before coming home.

I am on the rebound,

so, bitch, don't kill my vibe.

Hmm. As you can see,

some people never follow
the "call first" rule.

Welcome back.

I am pleased to report
that the Maldives

- eagerly awaits our arrival.
- Mmm.

So... twisted, isn't it?

Planning a wedding with one guy,

- and honeymoon with another?
- There won't be a honeymoon

if we don't get
the final details in place.

I assume that
you're not referring to

your garter
and Daniel's boutonnière.

Primarily, tying Victoria
to the murder weapon.

Since you've been exiled
from Grayson Manor--

I could probably help.

No, I don't want your
fingerprints on any of this.

Look, I can handle this.
That's why I'm back here.

Um, just keep an eye
on Victoria.

And considering
she hasn't contacted me,

she must believe
she's got another way

of thwarting you and Daniel.

Then we'll let her
believe that.

Right in here.

How lovely to see you.

I'm sorry I didn't return
any of your calls.

Oh, for good reason.

I hear you've been very busy
with Daniel.

Oh, please tell me I can scrap
these wedding plans.

I can't speak for Danny,
but, uh...

As for me...

I'm not gonna help you
break up their engagement.

Sara, regret will haunt you
if you let Daniel go.

Well, I'd rather deal with that

than the shame of breaking up
a marriage.

There is no shame when it comes
to Daniel's best interests.

But who's to say it is?

Emily's sweet, sincere,
and exactly what Danny needs.

She loves him just as much as you do,
if not more.

I don't know what lies
that girl sold you,

but she cares about nothing
but money and status.

Sara, I can prove it to you.

Please give me a chance.

For Daniel's sake, please.

Well, if we've owned
this place for decades,

why is this the first
I'm hearing of it?

You haven't yet earned your spot
in the club.

Soon you'll be married,

and your dues will be paid.

How the hell did you keep
this from Mom

when we were in the red?

Because the deed is
solely in my name,

given to me by my father,
whose father gave it to him.

No Mrs. Grayson has ever
known about it.

You see,
contrary to what they say,

the secret to staying
happily married is secrecy.

I'm not keeping things from Emily,

So I guess she knows about
your little trip to the farmers' market.

Look, Daniel, even titans need
a safe harbor from the storms--

Professional or personal.

And you can trust Anderson here

to keep the nature of your
escapades close to his vest.

I don't want
to cheat on my wife.

That's what I'm afraid of,

Look, I'm gonna put this to you
as my father put it to me

when he first brought me here--
Do not marry your mistress.

Emily is your perfect match.

So if you get bored, you know,
switch paramours, not wives.

For one thing,
it's far more cost-effective.

I mean,
not that affairs are cheap.

I spent a pretty penny
on a minx from the rainbow room,

one... too many
of my secretaries,

and let's not forget Lydia...

May she rest in peace.

I can't believe
we've reached the day

where I give you the keys
to this place.

What if I don't want 'em?

Well, then I applaud
your idealism

and say you stand by your morals
for as long as you can.

But if you find yourself

just know that this is a place
where you can fall...

Without regret.

Daniel and I said we weren't gonna
exchange gifts at the shower,

but this morning I found this
in the closet.

Can you just estimate its value
so I can match the sentiment?

Mm... 5k? 7 tops.

Slightly modest
for a Grayson wedding gift, no?

Well, at least it proves
that he's back on track,

now that Sara's
out of the equation.

How can you be so sure?

I checked his phone.

She hasn't returned
any of his texts

since my little breakdown

God, I wish I could
cry on a dime.

It would help sell
my performance at your wedding.

Oh. For Daniel--

white gold,
self-winding, 7k. Done.

Oh, oh!

What about this one?

The Logan seafarer.

Press a button,
it sends out an emergency transmission.

You could be lost
in the Bermuda Triangle,

and help would come
in 30 minutes or less.

That seems
a little bit excessive.

I meant for you.


Considering what you're
trying to pull off at this wedding,

having a plan "B"
couldn't hurt.

Don't worry.
I'm not here for you.

Whoever you're here for,
you're not welcome--

Not after your last visit.

Jack, I was just trying
to protect your family.

I lost my father at a young age

and my sister not long after,

so I know the pain
of being ripped apart

from your own flesh and blood.

It was never my intention
to separate you from your son.

Okay. Well, let's just hope
you've done a better job

of thinking things through
when it comes to Emily.

Are you trying to vet me, Jack?

Seems you've gone to great
lengths to protect her mission.

But what about her?

It's endearing
what you're doing,

but you've no right.

I know the two of you had

what could only be described
as puppy love,

but that's the past,
and it's forgotten.

I'm the future.

You trying to convince me
or yourself?

Oh, I do hope we have your
support going forward, Jack,

because I don't deal with
complications as well as Emily.

Thanks for meeting me.

I have no one else to turn to.

I find that hard to believe,
as you barely know me.

And I can't imagine I got
Jack's recommendation.

I know what you did
for my parents,

and I need you to do the same
for me.

Well, what are we
talking about exactly?

When I went to Europe,
I met this guy.

A photographer.

Things happened,
and he took some...

Artistic shots of me.

- Nude.
- I was in an awful head-space.

Some creep stole my phone,
found the photos,

and now he's blackmailing me.

You do know I don't work
for your parents anymore, right?

This can't get back to them.

Or anyone else,
for that matter.

Okay. Well,
how did he contact you?

By e-mail.

He wants 40 grand.

Can you make it go away?

Look, I'm-- I'm already late
to my brother's shower, so--

Um, give me your computer.

I'll, um... establish contact.
I'll take it from there.

- How much is it gonna cost me?
- No, don't sweat it.

First one's free.

I'm surprised you got
my mother a hostess present.

You playing nice?

It's not for her.

I thought...
I thought we said no gifts.

Well, now I feel like a jackass.
I... I left yours at home.

Oh, you can give it
to me later.

Oh, welcome, darlings.

I hope that everything
pleases you.

No expense was spared to meet
all of your expectations, Emily,

and all of your desires,

In fact,

I hired Ms. Munello
to handle today's festivities.

After all,

it isn't the worst idea to get
a taste of what's to come.

It took some time for my brother

to find someone
who'd put up with him.

And I get that.
He can be annoying.

But he's still my best friend.

So, Emily, be good to him,

or you'll have me to deal with.

To Daniel and Emily.

To Daniel and Emily.


- I see you drank to that.
- Mm.


I'll get us all one.

That was lovely, Charlotte.
Thank you.

I meant every word.

Ms. Grayson?
Someone phoned for you.

Excuse me.

Well, now who's the stalker?

Well, at least
I have a legitimate excuse.

Do you?
When I saw you yesterday,

you didn't mention
you'd be working the party.

Well, uh,
it was a last-minute offer,

and, well,
I couldn't afford to say no.


Well, just so long as you're
working for my mother

and not with her.

Why would you say that?

Because she seems
abnormally giddy today,

and that usually means
she's up to something.

I should get back to work.

It's not like we can't talk
to each other, Sara.

We're not doing anything wrong.

It's the fact that we want to.

Hello again, Sara.

Em, can you believe
these little things?

They're like cakes for elves.

Wow. Sara really can do it all,
can't she?

Thanks to you,
I know our wedding's gonna be perfect.

Gather around, everyone.

We're going to play
a little game.

Conrad, Daniel, come here.

Since when does my mother
play games?

I know you were expecting
somebody far prettier,

but Charlotte sends her regrets.

I take it you brought the phone?

Look, man,
my deal's with the girl.

Well, I'm her representative.
You can give it to me.

Not until I see the money,
I'm not.

- Okay, $40,000, right?
- Uh-huh.

You see,
I'm not sure that that's very fair.

Oh? Well, see, uh, TMZ,

They're willing to pay
almost as much.

You know, they pay top dollar
for celeb nudie photographs.

Yeah, but what's the price
for a girl's innocence?

That slut is anything but innocent.

You know that's someone's
little girl.

That's someone's sister.

Whatever your thing is, I don't--

Aah! Aah!

Hey, hey, hey!
Break it up! Break it up!

Remember what I said about
complications, Jack?

Don't be one.

Jack, leave him alone.


While I'm not the type to partake
in wedding shower games,

my wife insisted.

And as my son will soon learn,
your wife not only dictates

the games you play
and the rules,

but somehow she always wins.

And today, she has conjured up

her own modest version of
"This Is Your Life."

And we invite you

to take a trip with Daniel
down memory Lane.


Now as many of you know,
I'm writing my memoirs--

Ah, how's that for
a shameless plug?

And in doing so,

I've been recalling
Danny's many nicknames.

He was "Graystroke" at Harvard,

"Boone" at summer camp,

and in high school,
his lacrosse team dubbed him...

'cause he broke mine during J.V. playoffs.

James Dennis.


How you doing?

Good to see you.

Well done.

Conrad screwed me over.

A feeling you must be
all too familiar with.

Seems all your hardships began

after Grayson Global's
acquisition of Nolcorp.

My problems started
long before that, kitten.

And as much as I would love
to scapegoat Conrad for them,

it's not my style.

But take it from someone
who was on the inside--

There's nothing
about Grayson Global

that's worth writing
in a bathroom stall,

let alone in a book.

End of story.

She was
your ninth grade Latin teacher.

Too bad.

It seems it's time I moved on.

Smart girl.

I am just so happy to be here.

- Good to see you.
- I'm so proud.

Take care.

Emily, come join me, will you?


Ah. Well,
it breaks my heart

that Emily has so few friends
and family,

especially since
moments like these

should be shared by loved ones.

Finding someone to participate
today was no easy feat,

but... I did stumble upon
a very old acquaintance.

He's very handsome,

a bit of a silver fox,

and extremely wealthy.

Surely you haven't
forgotten that.

Hmm? After all...

He was your husband.


Kya haal chaal hai, Emily?


I can't believe it.

What are you doing, Victoria?

Never do you write or call.

I see now why.

How busy you must be
with this young one.

How I missed you so.

- This is a joke, right?
- It's not what you think.

It was a marriage
of convenience.

Oh. I hadn't realized that.

It wasn't my most honest moment, but...

- I did it to help Rohan.
- Oh? With what?

True love.

I was being in danger
of deportation,

and I had just fallen
for someone.

I helped Rohan obtain
his green card

so that he could stay
with his partner Benny. Hi!

You told me on the phone

that the marriage was a disaster
and left you penniless.

You said that?

Well, my English
sometimes up and down.

It was Ro who almost
bled me dry

in the brief time
that we were together.

He's never been good
with money.

He still isn't.

But enough of me.

To Emily,
who helped me find love.

How happy I am
that she has found hers.

I am on the pins and needles
for you and Daniel.

It means "excited," yes?

Hear, hear.

what a thoughtful gift.

I must find a way to repay you.

Daniel, I should've told you.

Just by the time we were
engaged, I...

I felt awkward bringing it up.
I should've known that

your mother would try
to use it against me.

Well, yeah,
that's what she does.

You took it in stride, though.

Well, I guess
I'm getting used to it.

- I'd love for you to meet Rohan.
- Yes.

So now you've seen her ability
to spin the truth.

Hers or yours?

I should never have come here.

I was naive... or hopeful.

Yeah, maybe you're right that
Emily and Danny won't work out,

but it won't be her fault.

You cannot be fooled
by that girl.

You think you're protecting
your son...

But your psycho
obsession's only hurting him.

Let him go.

I'm gonna do the same.

Good-bye, Victoria.



So... Ro,

you were schooled in revenge,

When I first went to Japan,
Rohan was training with Takeda.

He's since completed
his mission.

Oh. Well, how did yours end?

Is the person who wronged you
in jail?



We're taught once our goal's complete

not to mention it again.

Don't brag after a shag.

Got it.

Though the whole
green card thing,

I assume that was part
of today's act.

No, no.

Emily actually did that for me.

Thanks to her,
I found happiness after revenge.

I hope she'll find the same.

So you were married,

but you weren't a gold digger?

No, no. Rohan made his fortune
long before we met.

Not by digging gold,
but mining rubies.

Ooh, I almost forgot...

You bought the seafarer.

I was hoping you could set it

in something more suitable
for a bride.

A ruby, perhaps?

Red is her favorite color.

It'll be my wedding present
to you.

Benny's waiting.

Thank you. Bye.

When you confessed
to Bizzy Preston

about your marriage,

you knew that Victoria
would take the bait

and spend the next two weeks
chasing her tail.

And anyone who was there today

can testify to how desperate
Victoria was

to destroy my engagement.

The evidence does
keep piling up.

This is gonna be
one hell of a wedding.

I wasn't sure you got my text.

Danny. Um...

I only came to say that I won't
be making your wedding cake.

- And... good-bye.
- What?

Is this--
Is this because

I accused you of working
with my mother?

If-- If so, I'm sorry.

No, no. Please don't be.
You weren't wrong.

Okay, for the past two weeks,

she's been trying
to snake charm me

into coming between
you and Emily,

And I couldn't do that.

Especially after
what I saw today.

Oh, well, after what I saw,

I don't think I can go through
with this wedding.

And it took until today
to realize

that Emily and my mother
are the same person,

and I do not wanna marry
my mother.

Can I show you something?

Remember this?

I gave it to you that summer.

I never told you, but...

After the accident,
I thought I'd lost you.

I spent that night pacing
the hospital halls.

By the time the doctors came by
to tell me that you were stable,

the diamond had cut into my palm
from clenching it so tightly.

I mean, I didn't even realize
the E.M.T.s had given it to me.

You held onto it all this time.

I never... thought you'd allow me
the chance to return it.

- We can't undo our past, Danny.
- I know.

I just don't wanna forget it,

Can I?

I'm not asking you
to commit to anything.

I just can't commit to Emily,

not when I feel this way
about you.

I won't risk losing you again.

Mm. No. No, no, no.
No, we can't do this.

Not until you've spoken to her.

We won't. We won't.

I just don't wanna say good night.

Someone had the daft idea

of sending these here
after the shower.

And I thought that you might
want to take these home

so you could get an early start
on your thank-yous.

It seems you could've
had your staff

- bring them down to my house.
- Oh, yes,

but there's one gift I wouldn't
trust anyone to deliver.

But you've already given me
the greatest gift, Victoria.

It was lovely
to see Rohan again.

Hmm. Emily...

Had I known
that you were keeping

such a secret from Daniel--

That is what you were banking on,
isn't it?

Yes. You've always known that I
doubted your devotion to my son.

And I've never questioned his
until now.

What's this?

You see, for years,

the Grayson men have had
a little pied-à-terre near the Met.

And they've passed it down
from generation to generation,

one after another
have strutted around,

thinking their wives were
clueless about their liaisons.

But we've always known
if we wished to.

And we've passed
that little card

to each
new future Mrs. Grayson

as a sort of wedding gift.

Well, I appreciate the gesture,

but Daniel and I are
nothing like you and Conrad.

We're more alike
than you think.

Go on.

See for yourself.

Hello again, Mrs. Grayson.

It seems your son
and his lady friend

have settled in for the night.

Is there anything else
I can do for you?

Anderson, can we get
some more ice, please?

Right away, Mr. Grayson.

That'll be all.


- You alone?
- Yeah. Daniel's in the city.

Good, 'cause I wanna talk to you.
It's about your sister.


Some guy stole her phone.

He was apparently
blackmailing her with it.

- Is she okay?
- She's fine,

because your boyfriend
beat the hell out of him in my bar.

- Aiden did?
- Brutally.

And I can see from your reaction
that he hasn't told you.

Now you told me
it's none of my business

what happens when this is
all over.

But how well do you know Aiden?

I thought this was about
my sister.

Where did you meet him?

We trained together.

We're a lot alike.
He lost his family, too.

So I heard.

What do you want, Jack?

I wanna know that
you know what you're doing.

Of course I do.

Would you even tell me
if you didn't?

You were always secretive.

Even when we were kids,
and you'd see a shooting star,

you'd never tell me
what you wished for.

I realize now it's not
because you didn't think

it was gonna come true.
It's because...

You're afraid.

- Of what?
- Of letting people in.

You know,
maybe I was a lot smarter then,

because had I not told you the truth,
who I really am,

maybe you wouldn't hate me
right now.

I could never hate you.

And not for lack of trying.

It's just, after seeing Aiden today, I...

I think you deserve more
than you're getting.

You don't even know him.

And to be honest,
you don't know me.

Not anymore.

You're right.

You wanna know what
I used to wish for?

That nothing would ever change.

You didn't call first.
What if I'd had company?

Well, looks like you already
got rid of them.

Or you didn't.

Should I be concerned?

Turns out I didn't need
to be inside Grayson manor

to play my part.

I borrowed Charlotte's laptop,
got her I.P. address,

wi-fi code,
mummy's credit card details.

Now you tell me. But...
That's everything we need

to set up Victoria as the buyer
of the murder weapon.

I, uh, assume Emily knows
you took advantage

of her baby sis?

I merely took advantage
of an opportunity

whilst helping Charlotte.

There was no need to pester
Emily with the details.

Look, this isn't gonna be a thing,
is it?

You giving me guilt about

how I need to openly communicate
with my girlfriend?

- No. I just--
- Good,

because there's something
I need you to do,

and it's incredibly important.

This stays between you and me.

"The Choices We Make"?

Daniel, uh, chose it.

Simple but profound,

considering the lesson I've been
trying to pass down to him.

And what is that exactly?

is essential in all facets of life.

You know,
I may have single-handedly saved

- Daniel's relationship with Emily.
- Hmm.

I think that you might have
some rewrites to do

once he calls off this wedding.

Are you still in denial

about how your transparent
shower stunt backfired?

Oh, come on. I know you were
rooting for the other woman.

Not surprising,
considering you were one.

Thank God those days are over.

Do you remember that
terribly obvious bachelor pad

you took me to?

Oh, I...

I got rid of that place
years ago.

I'm all yours now, darlin'.


- We need to talk.
- Me first.

But you already gave me
a watch.

Well, this wasn't planned.

But before you open it,

I have something to confess to you,

I followed you.

I saw you and Sara at
the farmers' market yesterday.

After you left,

I confronted her.

And I broke down
on that poor girl.

You know I trust you.
I just...

Couldn't get a hold
of my emotions.

It was so unlike me that

I realized something else
must be going on.

So I went to the doctor.

Are you okay?

I'm great.

As it turns out...

We're pregnant.


Hey. Sorry I missed you earlier.

You want to, uh,
you wanna come by tonight?

I can't. I have a last minute
meeting in the city.

- That sounds mysterious.
- It is.

Someone contacted me,
claiming to know enough about Conrad

to fill a book of their own.

Probably some lunatic
looking for cash.

After my disappointing chat
with Nolan Ross today,

my fervor for the story
is dying.

Well, that's too bad.

Well, not if it means more time
for nightcaps with you.

- Good night, Jack.
- Good night.

Ah, you made it.

Thanks for meeting with me,
Ms. Davis.

It's Lydia.

And believe me,
the pleasure is all mine.