Revenge (2011–2015): Season 2, Episode 20 - Engagement - full transcript

Aiden struggles with Emily and Daniel's engagement.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Revenge...

That's Alison Stoddard.

What the hell is Conrad
doing with the governor's wife?

Carrion has the ability
to knock Manhattan

off the power grid
in less than a millisecond.

Pose for the camera.
(Camera shutter clicks)

Feel like putting on a show?


I assume you've kept
your personnel files

of all your employees?

I was wondering if
I could look over Mathis'.

Daniel's growing suspicious
of your past.

Are you denying that you
abandoned a six-month-old boy?

The story is true.

Help me find my firstborn son.

- And in return?
- Sole owner of Nolcorp.

I can't go head to head
with the Falcon.

He's the best there is.


(Camera shutter clicks)
Check your in-box.

You've messed
with the wrong person!

I wanna spend the rest
of my life with you,

but only if you want the same.

(Siren heard in distance)

(Emily) Engagement can be
a commitment to love...

Or a declaration of war.

One must enter every battle
without hesitation,

willing to fully engage
the enemy...

Till death do you part.

(Daniel) Emily?

(String quartet playing)

When you said you were bringing me
dinner at the office...

Well, I wanted to do something
a little bit more private,

less... in the limelight.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.

Le blanc ou le rouge?


I know that devilish grin of yours.
What are you up to?

Well, I've been thinking
about what you said.

Have a look.


Last year, my biggest regret

was not getting on that plane
with you.

I just hope it's not too late
to say "yes."

To Paris?

To us.

To us.

Thought you went to school.

Charlotte flaked on me again.
She was supposed to drive me.

Does it have anything to do

with that paparazzi video
of her with that girl?

Why didn't you talk to me
about it, man?

I gotta hear about it from a group
of barflies? What's going on?

She's in a really dark place,
and she's...

She has been
ever since Amanda...

She into drugs again?

I don't know.
I don't know. Maybe.

It's pretty hard for me to tell
with her blowing me off every day.

What are you...

I need money for bus fare.

How many buses are you taking?

Are you gonna drive me?

Ashley's on her way over.

Did she find out anything?
I mean, is, uh...

Conrad screwing
the governor's wife?

I'll know soon enough.

Whatever he's up to,
there's no way

I'm gonna let him slither his way
into the governor's mansion.

Hey, do you know why

you're supposed to bury
a politician 100 feet down?

'Cause deep down,
they're really good people.

(Victoria) Tell me, Conrad,

what is your true intention?

'Cause I know that
you wouldn't sacrifice

an asset as valuable as Nolcorp

out of the goodness
of your heart.

Well, with the Initiative

and their sizable business
out of the picture,

paring down is what's best
for the company.

And if it promises to hasten
the recovery of your long-lost son,

all the better, yes?

Forgive me if I find
this sudden generosity

rings about as true as one of
your campaign promises.

Speaking of broken promises,
34 more letters today.

It seems that
every orphan born in '73

is trying to lay dubious claim
to the throne.

What are the chances that
your real son is in this mix?

Also dubious.

Call it a mother's intuition.

Well, best of luck
to Mr. Ross then,

as he chases down
your wild goose.

Ah. Perfect timing.

This is
the Nolcorp transfer agreement.

Now I know it was
your first acquisition,

- so letting it go may be...
- If I weren't good with it,

I would have vetoed
the board's decision.

can I steal a moment with you?

Unless, like your sister,

you're still giving me
the cold shoulder over the news.

I'm neither upset nor surprised

that you have
yet another kid out there.

Bite your tongue.
I think you know how that happened.


And since we're making
new additions to the family...

You remember my fiancee.

Emily and I are re-engaged.


- Allow me to offer our congratulations.
- Oh, why, thank you, Conrad.


How... repetitious.

We're hosting a party tonight
to share the good news.

Well, I can only hope
that you opt for

a very long engagement
this time.

Actually, quite the opposite.

In two weeks,
Daniel and I take off to Paris.

That's where
you're getting married?


That's where
we're planning to live.


Revenge S02E42

(Victoria) Really, Daniel?

Your first engagement to Emily
was a disaster.

What difference
will Paris make?

Emily's the one, all right?

If you don't support me,
then fine.

But I'm not letting her
get away again.

Besides, I'm sure you'll
find my replacement

before the week's out.

Don't be cruel, Daniel.

You and I have both
made mistakes.

The difference is,
I don't make them twice.

Except bastard children, I guess.

Thank you.

Well, between you and me,
Daniel, I'm thrilled.

You always did have
a soft spot for Emily,

- or at least her bank accounts.
- Oh, why wouldn't I?

I've always wished
a stable future for you,

plus if you were to rush
an announcement into the Times,

I predict a bump in the polls.

You know what?

You can milk our engagement
all you like.

But in return,

I want my trust fund withdrawn
from the Amanda Clarke Foundation.

Since the Initiative's
pulled out of the company,

there's no reason to be hiding
our assets anymore.

Well, perhaps,

but your money's securely
gaining remarkable interest

right where it is,

right along with the rest
of the family fortune.

I don't care.
I want all my ducks in a row

by the time I step away
from Grayson Global.


And when you say au revoir,

what exactly do you plan to do,
nibble croissants

and jet around the world
for the next fifty years?


I can certainly see this girl's

burrowed into your heart,
hasn't she?

Oh, she's been there
since the day I met her.

I recognize the symptoms.

Okay, but at least wait

to announce your departure
from the company...

(Cell phone rings)
Until after...

After the election, I get it.



Grace, you read my mind.

Hey, contact HuffPo, will you?

Get an engagement announcement
on the home page.

Already on it.

And I have a delivery
from Takeda Industries.

Aiden Mathis' employment records.

Should I messenger it
to the house?

No, I'm on my way in.

(Knocks on door)

Word is buzzing
around the office.

I believe congratulations
are in order.

You think I called you here

to break the news
that I'm marrying Emily,

make sure
there's no hard feelings?

You know, when I hired you,

I had H.R. do an extensive
background check.

Came back squeaky clean.

So what did you do,

pay them off,
hack the system to erase your file?

No, of course I didn't.

All right,
so why am I only now learning

that your father
was Trevor Mathis,

the baggage handler
suspected of putting a bomb

on Flight 197?

Because that is not information
that I am comfortable with...

with sharing, Daniel.

- You don't understand the things that...
- Help me to,

because it can't be coincidence
that you took a job here

given Grayson Global's
complicated connection

to that flight,
to David Clarke.

They were the sins of my father,
not mine.

And you of all people
should understand that!

We have nothing in common,

I thought you were
just after my job.

Or Emily. But it was always
more than that, wasn't it?

That's why you targeted
Trask's funds.

You were trying
to get back at them.

Who's "them"?

What d... What does Trask
have to do with anything?

Security's gonna come up
and escort you off the premises.

Needless to say, you're fired.

Somebody is clearly trying
to manipulate you against me.

Look, just...
Just tell me who it is.

Someone I trust
far more than you.


Jack, I'm working.

Actually, that...
was mine.

So what'd you find out?

You will be happy to know
I'm back in Conrad's good graces,

thanks to
your photography skills.

But as to the nature of
his relationship with Mrs. Stoddard,

I'm afraid I didn't glean much.

Okay, well, then let's just go to the press
with the photo, put it out there.

Let the voters draw
their own conclusions.

I'm not convinced that
this picture is enough

to derail Conrad's campaign.

Time's running out.
I gotta do something.

I have a suggestion,

but it comes with
its own set of risks.

What are we talking about?

How brave are you, Jack?

I always did love this ring.

Well, we thought about
keeping it a secret,

but with all the press
surrounding the family right now...

Ugh. Don't talk to me
about overexposure.

You saw the video
of me and my friend Regina?

Yes, I did.
What were you thinking?

I wasn't.

I keep wishing
Amanda were here.

She'd know
what I was going through.

Um, not with the press.
I just mean...

It's a sister thing.
Never mind.


Look, I know you miss her.

She can never be replaced.

But we're gonna be
sisters soon, too.

And I'm hoping that

you'll be more
a part of my life.

Which is why I'm here.

I was wondering if you
would be my maid of honor.

That is,
if you'll leave this room

long enough to come to Paris.

Oh, my God, Emily.
Of course.


Hate to interrupt
this Hallmark moment.

You must be Regina.

Which means you must be
a user of the internet.

Bad time, Charlie?

Um, I was just leaving.

We'll talk more
at the party tonight.

Thanks, Emily.

Any luck?

The guy who sold it to me
didn't buy

the whole "for a friend" bit.

Sorry, but given my history,

and now with the tabloids
following me everywhere...

I got your back.

How disgraceful.

All of these people

trying to capitalize
on your pain.

Emily, dear,
that extravagant ring on your finger

does not give you permission
to flit in and out of my house

without good reason.


I was here asking Charlotte
to be my maid of honor.

She's really so excited
to see Paris.

She's already seen it,
multiple times.

I would assume
that you of all people

would appreciate the city of lights,

After all, isn't that where
you attended art school

all of those years ago?

Sorry to interrupt.

Am I early?

Mr. Porter, of course.
We have an appointment.

Your timing is perfect
because Emily is just leaving.

Right this way.

Shall we?

We can speak privately in here.

Good-bye, Emily.

I hope you know
I appreciate what you've done

for my family,
with the foundation,

taking us under your wing.

Which is why I...

I think you should see this.

It's Conrad with
Governor Stoddard's wife.

And it certainly
didn't look like

the first time
he'd met with her.

Why are you showing me this?

Why not just approach
my husband?

I'm just trying
to protect the campaign,

and no one has a better chance

of getting through to Conrad
than you.

That photo
has the power to derail him.

I don't mean to imply anything,

Don't worry, Jack.

My husband does a fine job
of implicating himself.

I'll handle this.

All right.

They say politics makes for
strange bedfellows.

And folks tend to
jump to conclusions

when they see two people
who are supposed to be enemies

acting like friends.

The opposite of you
and Emily Thorne.

You used to be very close,

I couldn't help but notice
a chill in your friendship.

Did she tell you that
she's re-engaged to my son?

- I can't say I'm surprised.
- Yes, well...

I don't imagine
you'll be receiving an invitation

to the engagement party

seeing as your tryst with her

was the reason they
broke it off the first time.

Oh, didn't you know that?

Oh, Jack, my apologies.

It was one thing when he was
working for Conrad,

but what business
would Jack have with Victoria?

Maybe he wants her recipe
for devil's food cake.

I'm serious, Nolan.

If I don't know
what he's up to,

how am I gonna do
anything about it?

You realize
you can't protect Jack forever,

don't you?

I made a promise to Amanda,
and I plan to keep it.

I have to go.

(Makes whooshing sound)

(Regina) Nothing like
a little retail therapy.

Sounds beautiful.

Where are you off to?

I'm taking Eeyore out
to buck her up.

Promise not to make
any more headlines.

Can I have a minute
with my sister?

Look... I just wanted to say,
you don't have to be embarrassed

about what happened
outside that club.

All right? Not around me.

Don't try to commiserate.

You have no idea
what I'm going through.

Sure, I do. I...
I've been through

a rough patch of my own
when I was your age.

Hey, you...

You're gonna be at our
engagement party later, right?

Sorry. I can't be
around Mom right now.

And I'm sure you understand,

or you wouldn't
be moving to France.

But good luck tonight.

And this year,
try not to shoot anyone.

(Knock on door)

Hello, Alison.

Were you expecting
your husband... Or mine?

I understand you two
have been seeing each other.

Are you trying to ensure
that you stay

in the governor's mansion,

regardless of the outcome?

No, Victoria.
You've misunderstood.

All I want
is to move out of it.


I have no interest
in your husband,

only my own.

When Conrad entered the race

as the only viable challenger
to my husband's office,

I asked for a meeting.

And just like that, his poll numbers
magically began to rise.

And my husband's began to fall.

Are you saying that you've been
sabotaging his campaign?


I'm feeding Conrad information.

Leaking strategies,

my husband's attack ads
before they air...

Anything to give Conrad
an edge.

Now what could this man
have possibly done

to drive you to destroy
a thirty-year career in politics?

Mark has a degenerative
heart condition.

His private doctor says,

well, he won't survive
another term as governor.

Maybe not even survive
the year.

Well, why collude with Conrad?

Why not go straight
to the press?

No, Mark would never
forgive me.

Living the life Mark leads...

Endless nights at the office,

gone weeks at a time...

Every time
I say good-bye to him,

I have no idea
if it'll be for the last time.

It sounds excruciating.

Listen to me.

If Conrad wins,
if you love him,

limit him to one term.

This job is
a practical death sentence.

(Clears throat)
Slightly unsettling...

a freshly fired
Grayson employee

lurking the halls
of a subsidiary.

Trust me, if I could be
anywhere else, I would be.

I need your help.

Fret not.
After the requisite rubber stamps,

Nolcorp can remove
the Grayson noose,

and I can resume hiring.

You could be my bodyguard

I could be your Whitney.

I'm not looking for a job,

That's not what I heard.

Look, you're gonna need
something to do

while Emily finishes
her end game.

There is no end game for Emily.

What are you talking about?

All these years of training,
trying to focus my anger...

I always thought when I avenged
my father and sister

that I'd get some kind of...

Peace or...
closure, whatever that is.

Well, you must have felt

when you killed Trask.

I felt empty.


Are you saying

you want Emily to just
give up her mission?

Because you were the one
that told me,

take revenge away from Emily,
and we will lose her forever.

But I know better now.

That's something that
her father knew all along

and... you, too,
I suspect.

(Exhales deeply)


Where would we start?

When Daniel's parents
learn about my background,

they're gonna remove me
as treasurer of the foundation.

We need to drain the account
before that happens.

It's impossible.

The Falcon created
an unhackable bank account.

Not even Carrion
could break the code.

I never said that it was gonna be easy,
only that I need your help.

More importantly,
that Emily does.

Now can I count on you or not?

(Buzzer sounds, lock clicks)

Did we have
a playdate scheduled?


Here's the deal, Edith.

I need answers fast,

and you need
a get-out-of-jail-free card.

So... play ball,

and I'll erase the cyber trail
that got you indicted.

I'm listening.

Where is Victoria Grayson's
first son Patrick?

She claims that you erased
all traces of him

- in some grand extortion plot.
- Bitch would spin it that way.

Roundabout the time

the whole David Clarke thing
was going down,

little teenage Patrick Harper
hopped a bus from Cleveland

in search of his birth mother.

When Victoria
caught wind of it,

she had her henchman
pay the kid 5 mil to disappear.

She then employed me
to eliminate

all digital traces
of his original identity.

She's playing you.

Any chance you

kept that file in a...

(Chuckles) Blackmail bank?

No, unfortunately.

Sorry it's not
the answer you wanted,

but I believe we had a deal.

Mm. Not quite yet.

What is the Initiative
planning to do with Carrion?

Don't know.

Don't care.


After I validated it,

I tweaked your code
for a little insurance.

Carrion can't operate
without my magic touch,

which means either you
get me out of here or they will.

Just a question
of who wants it more.

- We done here?
- Ah, almost.

How do I access

the Amanda Clarke Foundation

Since you like games so much,

you'll find it in a place I was born,
if not made.

An old favorite,
hiding in plain sight.

I'm Mark Stoddard,
and I approve this message.

(Man) Conrad Grayson has proven

that he's a wealthy man
from Wall Street

- who's out of touch with Main Street.
- What's that?

He's more concerned
with private planes

than he is
with public transportation...

He certainly managed
to capture your essence.

It's my opponent's
newest attack ad.

Conrad Grayson: Bad for New York.
(Cell door closes)

And how, may I ask,
did you get it

- before it's been broadcast?
- Well, that's not important.

Your job now
is to neutralize it.

Ah, Mr. Porter,

just think.
Now in two days,

you're gonna be able
to get back to your life

and begin figuring out
an appropriate bonus

for all your efforts.

Keep your campaign promises,
and I'm good.

Well, let's hope the voters
don't hold me to so high a standard.


I did what we talked about.

I showed that picture
to Victoria.

But after all the horrible things
that woman did to Amanda,

I don't trust her
as far as I can throw her.

If anyone's more committed
to his defeat than us, it's her.

She's got a track record
for keeping her men

exactly where she wants them.

Including Daniel, apparently.

She told me I was the reason
he and Emily broke up last year.

That's because you were.

You know, Jack,
we're friends now,

so I feel like
I should just tell you.

Right before Emily
gave him back the ring,

I saw the two of you
at her house kissing,

and I told Daniel.

Why would you do that?

She was engaged to a man
that I had feelings for

while she clearly
had feelings for you.

She always seems
to get what she wants.

People like them always do.

Not him.

Not this time.


I'm so glad you could all
join us tonight

to once again celebrate
the engagement of Daniel to Emily.

As the old saying goes,
if at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.


Oh, it's every mother's dream

to have her son
marry the girl next door,

and Daniel certainly hasn't
disappointed me.

Emily's been a part of our lives
for over a year now.

And even when they were apart,
she never really left us.

So welcome to the family,

To Daniel and Emily.

(Guests murmur)
(Man) Hear, hear.

And I look forward to
getting to know you better

with each passing day.

Starting now,
if you'll indulge me in a little chat.

How could I say no?

Well, here we are...

That impressive ring
once again on your finger,

ready to spirit my son away
to Europe.

Paris was Daniel's idea,

Oh, Emily.

I was not born yesterday.

I know more than anyone just how

susceptible my son can be.

- We couldn't be happier.
- (Waves crash in distance)

Of course, there are certain
things we need to work out.

I want two children.
Daniel's lobbying for three.

Either way, you'll make
a terrific grandmother, Victoria.

And we'll put a picture up
so that they can see you.

I know what a woman in love looks like,
and that's not you.

Not one year ago,

and not today.

I understand why you're on edge,

Especially here tonight.

I can't imagine how difficult
it must be for you

to spend time
in David Clarke's old house...

On the very swing that

Amanda told me
he built for her.

The memories of love and betrayal
that must flood in.

I'll give you a moment

since you so clearly need one.

(People chat indistinctly all at once)

- Oh, God.
- You're gonna be fine.

You just need
some air to breathe.

(Declan) Charlotte.
Hey, Charlotte.

- Move it.
- Hey, Charlotte.

What are you doing here?

You wouldn't answer your phone.
I figured you'd be here.

Ugh. Stalker.

Please don't be mad at me.
(Photographers shouting, cameras clicking)

I'm not mad at you. I'm worried.
(Photographers shouting, cameras clicking)

I'm fine. I... just...


- Great. She sees you, she pukes.
- Shut up.

Guys, enough. Come on.

She's sick.
(Camera shutters clicking)

(Man) Do any body shots
with your girlfriend?

- (Man) Hey.
- Come on. We gotta go.

- (Man) A photograph, miss Grayson!
- Had a little too much to drink, young lady?

I'm not drunk.

You're not 21 either.

She's fine.
I'm gonna take her home.

Charlotte, come on.

Charlotte Grayson, right?

One of you might want
to call Daddy Warbucks,

- tell him his princess is being booked downtown.
- Hey!

- (Charlotte) Let go of me.
- (Declan) Hey, guys, come on. Hey, hey.

(Police car door closes)

(Soft music in the background)

Are you all right?

You seem a million miles away.

I fired Aiden today.

But I thought he was
your insurance policy

in case something went wrong.

I found out that his father
was the one

who put that bomb
on Flight 197,

a fact that he went
to great lengths to conceal.

Where did you get
this information?

Well, his ex-employer
sent me his personnel file.

- Takeda?
- Yeah.


Could we have a word?

Go ahead.

Oh. Yes, of course.

Well, I wanted to apologize
for my reaction to the news.

I'm afraid I just couldn't
mask my surprise.

- I think you mean judgment.
- Oh, silly.

So I have here a check
for the funds you requested, in full.

Well, thanks very much.
We appreciate that, Dad.

Thank you so much for your support,

You know, there is still time
for you to heed your old man's advice,

leave this right where it is.

I know what I'm doing.

And if you know
what you're doing,

you'll take Mathis
off the A.C.F. account

before the foreign banks
open tomorrow.

Believe me,
he's not to be trusted.

How could you do this?

By exposing Aiden,
you've put both of us at risk.

The boy has put you at risk.

Careless, undisciplined...

I should never
have let him come to you.

But you did let him come.

And now everything that I've
been working for is in danger.

Only if you're too weak to do
what needs to be done.

Have you forgotten
what your enemies have stolen?

It's all I think about.
You know that.

Then remember this...

The path you walk is for you...


Even now
those who destroyed your father

are planning a second strike.

What are they gonna do?

What they always do.

Create fear, chaos...


And you're here to stop them,
aren't you?

Takeda, tell me what you know.

Let me help you.

Let Aiden help.


This path is mine alone.

So it's true?

You're really
gonna marry Daniel?

I am.

What's different
this time around?

What do you mean?

I mean, last time you were
willing to break it off over one kiss.

I don't understand
why you didn't talk to me about it.

I tried to tell you, Jack.

But then Amanda was there,
and she was pregnant...

And suddenly, you had
this whole new life ahead of you.

Not anymore.

Be careful of Victoria, Jack.

She manipulates
whenever it serves her,

and she doesn't do
anything freely.

You think I don't know that?

I was married to Amanda.

And you were supposed
to be her best friend.

How could you agree
to marry into a family

that we both know
ruined her life?

I wish I could explain it
to you.

And someday, I will.


Emily... I am so tired

of all the secrets
and the half-truths.

It's always "someday" with you.

You should go be
with your new family.

(Waves crash gently in distance)

(Soft indistinct chatter from inside)

(Glass door creaks as closed)

I didn't know Jack
was on the guest list.

He wasn't.

God, this is such a mess.

Tell me what I missed.

Takeda told Daniel
about Aiden's father.

Yeesh. Bad teacher.

He claims that

the Initiative's plan
is imminent.

Well, not as long

as the Falcon's computer
privileges are suspended.

Carrion can't operate
without her keystrokes.

And I got that
straight from the bird's mouth.

You saw her?

Well, get this...

Patrick came a-knockin'
in the early '90s.

Victoria paid him
5 million smackers to disappear.

So either he's grateful
for the buyout

or he's furious
for the double abandonment.

What else did you find?

Well, the Falcon's
done parroting

until I solve her riddle.

She says the answers I want
lie in the place

that she was born if not made.

She grew up in Jersey.

I've searched everything
from Sinatra to Snooki.

No love.


Charlotte just called.

- I gotta bail her out of jail.
- Jail?

Yeah, some cop looking
for his fifteen minutes

snagged her at a club downtown.

I gotta find out
what his price is.

Well, let me come with you.

No, no, I need you
to hold down the fort.

I gotta get her home before
my parents catch wind of this.

The last thing she needs

is a lecture from
those two model citizens.

I'm so sorry. All right?

I'm gonna call you
from the car.

You know, sometimes
he actually seems like a decent guy.

You know I'm with Aiden now.

No matter what?

I think I made it clear
who I'm fighting for.

Wait. That's it.

That is the answer to the riddle.

Uh, I'll explain to you
when I get back.

(Declan) They want 3 grand
for Charlotte's bail.

We just need to hit a few atms.

Must be real nice
having all that cash

ready and waiting for you.

Is that why Charlotte
likes you?

'Cause I know it's not
your personality.

Maybe because I'm there for her

without being super judgey.

Right. 'Cause you've known her
for what, five minutes?

You don't know anything
about her

or me, for that matter.

My loss, I'm sure.

(Camera phone shutter clicks,
video game music playing)

I figured out
the Falcon's riddle.

The entry code
is a numeric passkey.

Her high score
on Street Fighter.

Great. Well, let's just hope
we haven't run out of time to use it.

Uh, yeah, about that...

We really need to
bring Emily into the loop.

Look, I thought we agreed
to keep her out of it.

Well, that was before
I found out

about Takeda's
November Surprise on you.

It's a sub-zero world
when your own sensei

stabs you in the back.

I've gotta go.

Your lack of restraint

has proved to be your undoing.

You're being shortsighted.

I came here to help Emily.

You failed.

Your mission is over.

My mission is over
when I'm with Emily.

You let us both go,
and I promise

she'll never learn about
your true objective.

Try to stop me,
and she learns the truth tonight.

You were never gonna let us go,
were you?

Some paths are chosen.

Some are chosen for us.

(Both shouting and grunting)





(Both grunt)


(Both grunting)





You are a soldier.

Not a warrior.







This is where your path ends.

What's going on, Charlotte?

Kissing girls, getting arrested...
That's not you.

I'm just tired of the way

Mom and Dad ruin
everything and everyone.

And the last thing I want

is to bring someone else
into this family for them to hurt.

our other brother's better off

staying far away.

I'm not talking about him.

Daniel, I'm pregnant.

(Woman) We just received
a startling tape

that is sure to have
a major impact

on the New York
gubernatorial campaign.

(Alison) Mark has
a degenerative heart condition.

His private doctor says

he won't survive
another term as governor.

Maybe not even survive
the year...

My husband is peerless
when it comes to skullduggery.

I confronted him
with the photos,

and he spins it into this.

...impossible stress.
(Turns off TV)

Oh, a brandy would be lovely.

Let's put our cards on the table,

I know you don't like me,

and you hold me responsible

for things that happened
to your late wife.

But I also know

that you want to destroy
my husband's campaign,

as do I.

And that was your aim

when you brought me
that photo, right?

Thank you.

I've been married to
that scoundrel for 26 years,

and I have innumerable reasons
for wanting to see him fail.

But what I don't know
is why you do.

He ordered my wife's murder.

That's a serious accusation.

Do you have proof?

(Drawer lock clicks)

Nothing that would
hold up in court,

or he'd be in jail right now.

Let me be the judge of that.

(Nate) We're not talking about
the Porters, are we?

Okay, look, let's say somebody

was able to remove this leverage
you're talking about.

Is the deal back on?

As it stands, Mr. Ryan,

that's a purely
hypothetical question.

We never had this conversation.

Are we in?

Says the man
who's thirty minutes late.

The sooner we drain
the Graysons' funds,

the sooner I can convince
Emily to leave with me.

Well, I've overwritten
the Falcon's security block.

Now all I need is your admin code,
Mr. Treasurer.

Assuming Grayson I.T.

hasn't pulled you off
the account yet.


Decision time, mate.

You hit "enter,"

and that bank account
zeroes out.

And the Graysons
are left with nothing.

So this is why you wanted
to solve the Falcon's riddle...

To bankrupt the Graysons.

we're not ready for this.

On the contrary.
There's no more time to lose.

Aiden, don't!


(Man) The recent revelation

of Governor Stoddard's
heart condition

has sent shock waves
throughout the state,

and with New Yorkers headed
to the polls in a matter of days,

the news almost ensures
a victory

for challenger
Conrad Grayson...

Incredible. Two days from now,
you'll be governor of New York. likely voters in
precincts all around the state

- say that their...
- Well, I'll drink to that.

(All toasting indistinctly)

(Nolan) It's done.
The Graysons are bankrupt.

What happened?
Where did the money go?

In an account so secret,
not even the Falcon can find it.

Tell me you didn't use

your administration code
to gain access.

The Graysons
will know it was you.

That makes $3,000.

Let's go get my girl.

She is not your girl, Regina.

(Alarm buzzing)

(Alarm ringing)
(Declan) The door's jammed.

(Siren wailing)
What the hell?

It's a blackout.

(Car alarms wailing,
horns honking)

(Emily) The whole city's out.

That's impossible.

Manhattan runs off several
independent power grids.

(Sirens wailing, horns honking)


It's started.