Resistance (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You come as a representative of an
outlawed organisation, whose acting

leader is the most
wanted man in the world.

We are the legitimate
government of this country.


James Mahon, put him on the wall.

Have Major Mills circulate
his details to all units.

Your new name is Kinsella.

Mick is moving you to intelligence.

Mr. Lennox is here to report
on British misrule in Ireland.

He's a powerful
voice to have on our side.

Your son will be leaving us soon.

We have found him a family.

Who are you?
I'm your mummy.

(Crying) Don't ever forget that.

How far are you willing to go?

I want my child.

General Winter has
got spies all over the city.

We need to know
who and where they are.

Did you find suitable accommodation
for General Winter's friend?


This is it Constable.



Open Up!

Open it up.

Open it up, it's the police.


What is it?

What do you want from us?

We're not hiding anyone.

Where is she?


Found her, Sarge.

Leave her, she's done nothing.
Bring her outside.


Them too.

On her knees, Richie.

Please, if she's done wrong, she
should be tried in a court of law.

We are the law.

And we're pronouncing sentence.

Please, Mister,
I didn't do anything.

Well you did do something.

You flashed your eyes and these long
locks at him, and he followed you

down that lane like a dog.

Where your friends cut him down.

That's why we've
got to cut these locks off.

When I'm done I'll carve a 'W'
onto your forehead for 'whore'.

So no one else feels tempted.

No you won't Constable.

This is enough.

Just following orders
Sarge, from the Castle itself.

The hair is enough.


(Crying and screaming)

Good afternoon Ms. Sweeney.

Grand day out there.

Thank you.


My friend, Mr. Kinsella,
recommended this library.

I'd like to take out
some readers' tickets, please.


Name and proof of address.

Thank you.

Might I browse
while you are doing that?

Of course.

I've got something.

A new greyhound to run.

Oh yeah?

Right in the heart
of Winter's set up.

That's good news.


What's his name?

I can't say.

If he expects us to believe his
tick-tack, he can at least trust us

with his name.
I can't say.

I promised him to
protect him, and his family.

Protecting your
source, you're learning fast.

But I'll warn you Mick doesn't like
not knowing who he's dealing with.

The tighter the
circle, the safer we are.

For all we know he's
a stooge feeding us dope.

I checked him out.

You're new at this, can you be sure?

He knew my real identity.

If I cut him loose
he could turn me in.

One way or another you'll have
to make sure that doesn't happen.

Your tickets.
Thank you.

You may use them now if you wish.

Might I leave this here for
Mr. Kinsella, as a thank you?

Of course, I'll make
sure he gets it personally.

That's the last one.

The Irish State will
be eternally in your debt.

I hope not eternally.

Well, for the duration
of the loan, at least.

Now... fill it up.

Good day, Mr. Jacobs.

Shall I have those new
agreements sent to records, sir?

Yes -- no.

On second thoughts
I'll keep them in my safe.



James Kinsella, from the Local
Government, rates branch, Mrs...


Lyons, of course here it is.

I understand you're running
a boarding house, Mrs. Lyons.

Won't you come in.

Thank you.

To my husband!

And you.

We all played our part.

I'm just happy our struggle has
the financial means to continue.

You don't drink Senator?

He's a prohibitionist!

I voted for it, yes.

Maybe it's something the
Dáil should consider, Mr. Jacobs?

Mr. Collins insists on abstinence
in both himself and his men.

However I think nothing would sooner
lose us the country, than attempting

to impose it on others.

Besides, after the raid here I'm
not sure the Dáil is in a position

to meet, let alone to
consider such policies.

You know I've been
thinking about that, Mr. Jacobs.

What is this?

A brochure.

There's a house on the square.

Just across the way.

It's unoccupied and
the lease is available.

I'd be happy to rent, in my
name, and at my husband's expense.

That's a very kind
offer, Mrs. Butler.

I'll tell Mr. Collins of it.

I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

And I'll let Mr. DeValera
know of your generosity too,

when I see him on my return.
We must toast you again.

And your husband.

Did you talk to them?

The girl wouldn't talk.

Her father did.

If he wasn't an IRA supporter
before, he certainly would be now.

But you have a story, I mean?

A girl having her hair cut?

A girl being violently assaulted by
eight policemen in the middle of the

I know that's the truth of it
Eithne, I also know what the editors

on the mainland would say.

The mainland of what, Mr. Lennox?

Apologies, across the water.

The English need to
know what's going on here.

Have you thought about what you're
going to do when all this is over?

Yes, I intend to be editor
of a new Irish newspaper.

One which cares
how the police treat women.


Well once you've written up your
article, I'll send it to my editor,

maybe he'd be more interested in the
story if he knows it's come from an
Irish woman.

Thank you.

I almost forgot, I've
something for you too, Diarmuid.

I thought you'd like
to see some of my work.

Now, I'm going to buy us lunch.

Something wrong, Diarmuid?

What's wrong with him?

I don't know, he's just...

Maybe you're jealous?

Maybe I am.

Post's up.


Not got one, Sarge?

No, RIC get to go home every
two weeks, unlike you poor saps.

You got a missus?
I do.

Five kids for me sins.

More peaceful sometimes on duty.

Who's yours from?

My girl.

We're getting
married when I'm done here.

Going to put a down payment on a
house with the money I'm saving.

That's why I signed up.

Just do what you're told Richie.

Follow orders.

Didn't think I'd
be shaving girls' heads.

You don't have to
become like them, remember that.


Need a team for a raid, Sergeant.

Direct order from
General Winter himself.

We're the boys that make the noise!
We need papers and equipment.

Anything with a list of names, or
anything in code, and no prisoners,
or casualties.

So no monkey business.

And Mahon, we won't be
needing you on this one.

No need for local
sympathies on special targets.


You heard the Captain.

Quick step.

Mr. Saunders?


My name's Barrett, Deputy Manager.
Nice to meet you.

Welcome to Butler's Bank.
Thank you.

If you'd like to follow me this way.

Just through here.

Mr. Butler sir...

Barrett I'm on my way to lunch.

This is Mr. Saunders,
he's with Inland Revenue.

Perhaps you'd
wait for me in reception.

How may I help you?

We're conducting an
audit of all Irish banks.

Our accounts are
fully audited, annually.

The Revenue is keen we
carry out our own investigation.

We are examining all
banks in the Dublin area.

I've already been in touch with
your colleagues at the Munster and

Leinster Bank,
perhaps they mentioned it.

We move in different circles.

But of course, if the Revenue
Commissioner insists, we've nothing
to hide.

Barrett will supply you with
any documentation you require.

Please take Mr. Saunders
to the records room.

Indeed Sir.

This way sir.

Get in there.

Everyone up.

We've met before, I believe Mrs...

Or is it Miss?

It's none of your business.

Reviewing musical recitals are we?

This is a private office.

"They took her out into the yard in
her night attire and cropped her... close, using the headlamps
of the Crossley Tenders to give...

...them sufficient light for
this particular police 'duty'."

"One of the police who held her said
'What lovely locks you've got?'"

(Laughs) She's got
lovely locks and all.

Want to know who did it?

Enough, Constable.

Seize everything;
documents, equipment, and her.

Leave her alone.

Him too.

Get your hands off her.

Get off her.

Cé a cheapann tú a d'inis dóibh?

Níl fhios agam.

Enough of your gypsy talk.

Go raibh maith agat as ucht
comhluadar a choinneál liom.

Fadhb ar bith.

Shut up!

Keep moving.

Here you are Sarge, brought
you back something to play with.


The Captain said no prisoners.

It was the Captain changed who
his mind, and who am I to argue?

We're to give these
two special attention.

I said clothes off.

And I said I demand a woman guard.

I told you, there are none.
Leave her alone.

Since you're a lassie, I'm going to
give you one last chance to take

your things off
yourself, otherwise we will.

I said leave her
alone, you filthy bastards.


Alright, alright.

I'll do it.


Eithne don't, don't you take your
clothes off, don't you do that.

Get him out of here!



Don't you have a wife?


My contact, he got us something.

Oh yeah?

An address.
The town's full of them.

Any one in particular?

Sounds like it's an accountant.

Excuse us, Mr. Jacobs.
Of course.

Now, we've had word they've
sent an assassin to shoot Mick

Collins, and your
fella gives us an accountant.

What do you think he's
going to do, tax him to death?

I just don't think
he's trying to play me.

Based on what?
How long have you known him?

Five minutes?

You put me on intelligence,
that's what I'm doing.

Yeah and if you want to stay on
intelligence, you'll start using

We need to keep this
tight, no loose ends.

The assassin, the other special
agents, those are the addresses we

Sorry Mr. Jacobs.


Mr. Brogan.

I put a plan to Mr. Collins a few
days ago, and I'm pleased to say

Mr. Jacobs has
brought word from him.

Thank God, me trigger finger's
getting stiff with lack of use.

That's not the only thing boy!
Lads, lads we're in company.

Jimmy, keep sketch
out there for us, will you?

Now, first of all, the plan is
to obtain guns, not to use them.

Cracked the
cipher yet, Miss Sweeney?

It's simple letter substitution,
once you have the keyword.

And do we have the keyword?


Gaelic for freedom.

That's very kind
of them to supply it.

They didn't, I worked it out from
the repetitions of letter sequences.

Yes, of course you did.

So what do we have?

The Bulletin's subscriber list.

Oh my old boots,
every last one of them.

Labour MPs, Shaw, Pankhurst.

Great work Miss Sweeney, very good.

You'll join us yes, this
evening, after supper, for cards?

It'd be good to have
a fresh face at the table.

Locked up in here all day.

I don't think I can, I...
What another secret liaison?

No -- yes sir, I'd
be happy to join you.


It's too easy
taking money off the others.


How's it going?

Missing the action?

What's he having you do?

Catering Corp.

Since when do we do army?

Since we need their Lee Enfields.

They're just a bunch of cooks.

They're still army.

We need the guns.

Proper shooters.

We're not going to get them
sitting around on our backsides.

Joey, you know
Fr. Leonard don't you?

Yeah, sure.

Can he be trusted?

He recruited me.

Is he still at the
Church at Westland Row?

Last I heard.

What's wrong?

You looking to make a confession Jim?

Not likely.


Now, they won't
put up much of a fight.

You and Conor
just take their rifles.

Remember, no casualties.

Yes Sir.

Good men.

Father Leonard?

I'm a friend of Joey Bradley's.

Oh yes?

He said you're a believer.

In the Kingdom of heaven?

And the Irish Republic.

The promised land!

Yes, I believe in that too.

I know your clients
were hoping for a longer let.

But we shall only be requiring it for
six months, while we have our house

Yes Bridget?
Sorry to interrupt, Ma'am.

Message from Mr. Jacobs.

Yes, yes, that'll be fine.

Where are they holding them?
The Castle they think.

Send word to Senator Shea.

Senator Shea?

I think the President's
'impartial observer' should know how

free speech is treated
by their allies, don't you?

Fresh fruit, and
apples, sixpence a pound!

I'll take a pound of your apples.

Will you now?

Not those ones, the other ones.


Got to look right, don't it?

And Joey, be careful alright.

Piece of cake.

In fact, the job's at a bakery,
I'll even bring you back a piece.

Just a piece?

Fresh fruit and apples,
sixpence a pound!


Book of poetry.

Just been returned.

Thank you.

Have you heard from her?

Since you sold her out to the IRA?

None of this would have happened...

If we'd adopted the child
and I'd given up my career.

No, Lawrence, I
haven't heard from her.

They can help each other.

To what?

Kill people?

Deep breaths,
Conor, just do what I do.

Stay where you are or I'll shoot.

How about you give
us your guns, instead?

Why would I want to do that?

Because you
shoot me, he shoots you.

Same as your friend.

Two of us still walk
away with your guns anyway.

So why don't you
make it easy for us all, eh?

I knew you'd see sense.



Back under the truck!



You underneath the Tender.

You're completely surrounded.

You've got to the count of three
to come out with your hands up.

One, two...


What is it? Joey
didn't come back with the guns.

He's been arrested.

Barracks in North
Brunswick Street, they're saying.

I need you to do
something for me, tonight.

Don't worry it'll be alright.

Finished, Mr. Saunders?

For the day.

Everything in order?

I'll let you when I have
seen all the relevant documents.

Thank you Mr. Barrett.

Good evening Mr. Butler.

Mr. Sturgis.

Constance Butler, Lady President of
the Irish Prisoners Family Welfare

Mrs. Butler.
How can I help you?

By releasing the two journalists
you're currently holding without

I wasn't aware we
were holding journalists.

Well you are, and I
demand their immediate release.

One of them is a young woman.

I should look into it
first thing in the morning.

Mrs. Butler.

Ah Senator I'm glad you're here.

I came as soon as I heard.

I was with the Lord Lieutenant
when your message arrived.

Senator Shea, how
pleasant to see you again.

So what's this about
arresting journalists?

Mr. Sturgis has just been telling
me how he cannot look into it now.

I said I would look into it in the
morning, as a matter of urgency.

If it's a matter of urgency,
you should look into it now.


Well it doesn't look
good, whoever they write for.

I wasn't aware
there had been any arrests.

In fact I specifically
ordered there to be none.

Well it appears there were, and
there is such a thing as freedom

of speech, on which I have just
received a twenty minute lecture

from an American Senator.

Would you like me
to repeat it for you?

What were you doing raiding
their paper in the first place?

For this.

Their subscriber list.

You're looking at the top
twenty, we've got over 600 names.

All their middle class
travelling companions there.

Every last Bolshevik rat in the
British Establishment to boot.

Your Home Office and Secret Service
will be taking turns to eat out of

our hands over this.

Well, now that we have
it, let the journalists go.

Captain McLeod.



Now look here what's this all
about journalists, I specifically

I recognised one from
the raid the other day.

I thought I'd put the wind up her.

Now Sturgis has got
the wind right up him so...

Release them.

Get up.

He's dead.

Finlay, get in here!


Yes, Sarge.
What the hell have you done?

Our clothes not good enough for you?

I'm not a criminal.

I'll not wear the
uniform of a criminal.

Your own clothes.

Put them on.

Put them on!

And then follow me.

Miss Drury, I'm so relieved.

Are you alright?

Yes I'm fine, thank you.

Where's Diarmuid?

They said he'd
already been released.

I should get you home.

No, I'd like to find him.

Of course, as you wish.

I'll drive you wherever you want.

Thank you.

Get your kit together.

I'm shipping you out before
they start asking questions.

Where to, sir?

As far away as possible.


I hear the locals
call it the Rebel County.

Well let's see how you all like it.


I won't be seeing
me family after all.





I hope you don't mind
if I get ready as we talk?

No. Go ahead.

These mother's old things?


Here, I've some
make-up with me, let me.

It wasn't to give me
fashion advice you came?

I'm worried about you.

Barely a day went by I
didn't think about you and Tomás.

I'm sorry I didn't --
we didn't take him back then.

That doesn't matter now.

This is not the way to get
him back, I've come to beg you,

if you haven't already...

You have.

And are they going to do it?

I think so.

I shouldn't say
anything, I'll jinx it.

What have you done for them, Ursula?

What do you know that
they'd do this for you?

Look, I'm grateful to Lawrence
for putting me in touch with them,

but I don't want to involve either
of you any more than I have to.

Well we are involved.

These men are killers.

I know perfectly well who
these men are and what they do.

I decode their messages.

I work for General Winter,
the Head of Intelligence.


You never told me.

I'm not meant to.

Jesus, they'll hang
you if they ever find out.

Well, they better not find out then.

Is it the IRA
you're going to meet now?

Not now, no.

I'm going to play
poker at the Castle.

Since when do you play poker?

Since General Winter asked me
this morning, and since I don't want

to arouse his
suspicion, I have to go.

Mr. Kinsella.

What exactly is it you're asking me?

That you offer
the Americans another boy.

Orphans aren't cattle, Mr. Kinsella,
to be bought by the head and bid and

bartered for, I'm sure
you'd agree Father Leonard.

The boy's important to us.

A four year old child?

And 'us', who is 'us', Mr. Kinsella?

Those of us trying
to liberate the country.

Destroy it, you mean.

That's what you
and your sort are doing.

Father, do you honestly think I
could let a child into the care of

these gangsters?

You might be turning the country
into a bloody abattoir, but you'll

not touch a hair on
the head of one of my boys.

Goodnight, gentlemen.

Sister Benedict, please sit down.

Father Leonard, surely you
agree, the Church cannot give in to

Perhaps, Mr. Kinsella, you'd
wait outside while I talk to my

Sister in Christ.

I'll go a guinea.


McLeod you folded.

I shall fold.
Miss Sweeney?

I'll see your pound and
shilling, and raise you a shilling.


I fold.

You've certainly
acquired the lingo, Miss Sweeney!

She's a very quick
learner, Sturgis, I'm warning you.

Well then let's test her shall we.

Five guineas.

Now if you're confident that you
can beat him, Miss Sweeney, then

I am happy to underwrite you.

Now that's not fair.

It's not fair of you to raise the pot
more than Miss Sweeney's weekly wage.

Thank you sir.

Five pounds and five
shillings, and I'll see you.


Now, before you collect Miss Sweeney,
you must tell us what Sturgis had in
his hand.

A king and two sevens.

The best he could have made with the
cards on the table was two pairs.


It was you I was worried about Sir.

Oh yes?

You'd a better hand than
I did, but you didn't play it.

What did I have then?

Full house, queens and sixes.


And you?

Three tens.
How on Earth did she do that?

I told you
Sturgis, she's a phenomenon.

She can learn a new
code in ten minutes flat.

I haven't seen one she can't crack.

No I'll wager she remembers every
card that falls and in what sequence.

Now I really must be going.

Oh no, no.

And she knows to
leave when she's winning.


I ordered the car round for you.

No thank you, I prefer to walk.

You have your curfew pass?


I wouldn't want anything
to happen to my phenom.

Mr. Jacobs.

Not dancing tonight
with the belle Josephine?

We've a problem.

A chap, claims to be an accountant
from the Inland Revenue came to the
bank today.


Insisted on going through our books.

How do you know he's
not from the Inland Revenue?

Because he carries a gun.

I need you to put things straight.

What's his name?

I mean repay the money.
That's not possible.

Just give me his name.


But you can't do anything to him.

That's not how I do business.

There's a Mr. Lennox outside
who would like to speak to you.

Let me look into your problem.

Sister Benedict.

Who are they?

You got my message, good.

Who are they?

The girl's my niece, Minnie.

The priest's on our side.
Where are they taking him?

A safe place.
I'm his mother.

He's safest with me.

If you showed up in Dublin with a
kid, the world and his wife would

be asking questions,
and you'd be out of that job.

That job is the reason
I've put my neck on the line.

So you're kidnapping him?

I gave you what you wanted.

The address?
Mr. Saunders!

There's an assassin out there
who's after Michael Collins,

and you're giving me an accountant?

You're lucky I'm
even doing this for you.

You need to trust me, Miss Sweeney.

I need you to give me the aliases,
real names and lodgings of all

Winter's special agents.

The only one I've heard
them mention is the Wolfhound.

What does he do?
I don't know.

All I know is he's one of you.

He's one of us?

What do you mean he's one of us?
I don't know.

Please, I've told
you everything that I know.

Please let me have my son.
You need to find out who he is.

You hear me.

Find him.

Find the special agents
then I'll return your son to you.

This is how it's got to be.


Have you found him?

They never released him.

Where, where is he?

He was shot while
trying to escape, they claim.


What do you mean, shot?

I'm so sorry, Eithne.

Take me to him, I want to see him.

Take me.
You can't.

You stay out of it!

For all we know it
was you informed on us.

I'm a reporter.

I need to report his death.
Take me.

You're going nowhere tonight.

They haven't released the body yet,
nor even an official statement.

There's nothing
we can do at present.

Stop those men!

Out of the way!


Ruining this town you are.

Hope youse catch them.


Had to come home early.

You two been alright?

Where is he?
Who are you?

Where's my son?
He's not here.

You can't just come
barging in here like this...

Then where is he?
It's alright girls.


How did you find us?

There's 54 James Mahons in Dublin.

But only one with
a niece named Wilhemina.

Don't ever come near here or
my family again, you understand?

You understand?

I want to see my son.

How do I know he's still alive?

Who do you think I am?

I need to know he's alright.

Give me what I asked for.
What if I can't?

What if I can't?

I thought I asked you
to release the journalists?

I did.

Apart from one who unfortunately
died under your supervision.

He was shot while trying to escape.

Is there evidence?

Well the officers involved have
since been posted away from the

city, but I'm sure we could
find some evidence if necessary.

I've no option but
to follow your line on this.

Although we should
reconsider these executions.

Bradley and Corcoran murdered three
soldiers, there's ample evidence for

Yes, but hanging
them like common criminals?

How will the public perceive it?

This is not a war,
they are common criminals.

You're making it impossible for
me to bring Sinn Féin to the table.

They'll come to the table, but only
after I've taken out Collins so

thoroughly disheartening his death
squads and the IRA, DeValera's no

option but to talk to us
on whatever terms we see fit.

Now is this not the purpose of
the Prime Minister's dual strategy?

You must keep me
abreast of your actions.

We need to pull together on this.
Of course.

Where's Miss Sweeney?

She hasn't been in yet today.

Doctor's appointment.

I do hope there's
nothing wrong with your phenom.

I know I said I wouldn't
involve you any further.

And I told you we are involved.

I warned you, the both of you.

I'm sorry.

This is kidnap.

I'll talk to him.

I'll tell them if he wants Ursula to
do as he asks, she needs to know her
son's alright.

Thank you.

I can't promise
anything, but I'll try.


Hangman's on his way from England.

Your only hope is if the Lord
Lieutenant commutes your sentence to

And the only way that's
going to happen is if you talk.

So, who ordered the bakery job?

Billy the Kid.

Sorry to be asking you out of
retirement so soon, but I need your

expertise on this.

Going in there, just the two of us?

You'll lose us, as
well as Joey and Conor.

Once they're in the
hanging cells in Mountjoy,

there's no hope of rescuing them.

When they move
them, that's our one chance.

It's a risk, but
one I'm willing to take.

Willing for us to take.

Willing to take with my men.

But time is ticking on.

How do you know
they're going to move them?

A source.
And that it isn't a trap?

I can rely on my contacts.

I thought you two were close.

Him and your niece and all.

Look, you are the
only hope he has Jimmy.

So what's the plan?

We're going to go in and get them.


By asking for them.

From now, until we get back,
just do as I say, understand?


In a few minutes that arm is going
to come clean out of that socket.

So again, who?

Buffalo Bill.

Winter wants to know
if you've got anything?

Just the one.

James Mahon.

One of their shooters,
wanted for that murder last week.

He's saying he's one of ours.

And is he?

But why not let
them think that he is?

If they want to kill one of their
own, it's one less bastard for us to
take care of.

You're all ears aren't ya?


Send him to Mountjoy.

You can't send him in that condition.
Then clean him up.

I'll report to
General Winter myself.


Why should I believe that.

You nearly got us all killed.

It was a trap,
it was a trap for me.

Best remember facts.

Otherwise my men will
burn this library to the ground.

Winter's got an informer.

Frank told me he thought it was you.

I understand your problem with the
accountant will soon be resolved.

Someone within this unit is
passing information to the IRA.

General Winter wants to
see me, he wants you there too.

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