Rescue Special Ops (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 13 - Episode #1.13 - full transcript

Rescue are called to an emergency involving an oil tanker which crashed into several vehicles trying to avoid a pram. During the rescue they discover that the pram contained a crying doll and was created by the HQ intruder as he streamed the accident video to Lara's phone. After Lara leaves to return to Rescue HQ to prepare for her wedding Dean realises Lara's life is in danger from the violent stalker. But can he rescue her in time? Elsewhere, Heidi nominates Jordan as her fall-back guy if she hasn't met anyone by the time she is 30 and he agrees.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(intense music)

- [Michelle] Insert the
key, type in the password

which we will change every week.

- Just what we need in an emergency.

- [Man] This nutter's already spied on us,

almost drowned Chase, could've
killed Hamish's bride to be.

- [Man] Yep, I'll drink to that.

(ominous music)

(eagle screeches)

(rock music)

♪ Real dark and dirty ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little ♪

♪ Dirty yeah ♪

♪ Gonna get a little dirty ♪

- Yo Frank!

Hey how's hanging mate?

- You tell me, mate.

I haven't seen 'em for years.

- Keep telling ya that stuff
will be the death of ya.

- Ha, at least I won't die hungry.

(rock music)

♪ Don't look back ♪

♪ Don't look back ♪

♪ Don't look back ♪

♪ Every time that I turn around ♪

♪ Sneaks over my shoulder ♪

♪ Left at one you crossed the line ♪

♪ Now I long to hold her ♪

♪ Wherever you are ♪

♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ Wherever you are ♪

♪ It's gonna be all ♪
- Huh!

28 to 12!

Two points to victory.

You sure you don't wanna
throw in the towel?

You know, save yourself
a bit of embarrassment?

- Just keep talking, keep talking huh?

I'm just timing my run here.

- Yeah sure.

- What are you doing?

- [Chase] Yeah your timing sucks.

- Working, what are you doing?

- Getting his ass handed
to him on a plate.

- [Dean] Hey.

Aren't you supposed to
be getting married today?

- Yeah, but not until this afternoon.

- So what, you just thought you'd put in

a full day's work first?

- Well Hamish has got
meetings all morning.

What else am I supposed to do?

- Well gee, I don't know Lara.

What do normal people do

on the most important day of their life?

- [Lara] Since when did
you become a romantic?

- I wouldn't say that I'm a romantic.

I just think at the very least
it's gotta be worth an RDO.

Where you going?

- The whole reason why we're doing it

at a registry is to avoid all the hoopla.

No fuss, no frills, in
and out in five minutes.

- Sounds like my sex life.

What are you doing here?

- This is where I work!

- MVA, three vehicles.

Bates Street Avisford it's a
code nine, persons trapped.

We need all hands on deck.

- We're on it.
- Aren't you on light duties?

And aren't you getting married today?

- No my ankle's fine, and I'm
not getting married 'til 3:30.

- Right.

We got a big old code nine
MVA involving a fuel tank.

The dreaded thin blue line.

- You can't tell anybody.

(dramatic music)

(sirens wail)

- Hey, who's in charge?

- Gallagher, gotta stop running
into each other like this.

- All right, what have we got?

- We've got four trapped.

Both the truck drivers.

One's a red, impalement injury.

Other one's an orange.

- [Dean] All right, what's with the car?

- Both orange.

It's an illegal hybrid
conversion, homemade.

- Are you serious?

- Yeah, can't figure.

But it is unfortunately very live

as one of my boys just
found out the hard way.

- Lara, we'll take the
impalement in the truck.

- Lara, didn't expect to see you today.

- Wedding's not 'til this afternoon, Jake.

- Right, and you heard I was here.

- [Dean] Where's the power source?

- In the boot, just crushed by a tanker

which is leaking diesel.

Look we'll take care of the leak.

You guys need to get
to that battery setup.

- All right Jordan get the muddy walk

under this fuel tanker now.

I want to see if there's
current spreading.

- Already on it mate!

- If it was my wedding day,
I certainly wouldn't be here.

- Yeah I'd be in Bali.
- Really?

- [Man] Yeah.

- Beach wedding's my dream too.

You want to be my fallback guy?

- What's a fallback guy?

- Someone I'll marry if
I'm still single at 30.

- [Man] Yeah all right, deal.

- Hey hey, we're gonna use the soil bags

from the back of that truck
to dam up all this diesel.

- That's not dirt, it's
ammonium nitrate, fertilizer.

Which should give us some nice
fireworks for your big day.

It's not too late to pull out.

I am still on the market.

- All right Vince, this
is a major incident now.

The car is electrified, and
the tanker is leaking diesel.

- Go go go!

- [Dean] Gaggle of media here as well.

- Yeah do know, I'm mobilizing everyone.

I've diverted logistics to central ops.

I'm going to the site
myself to get eyes on, out.

Hey, I can take this one.

Deal with the press, all that.

- Vince, I'm pregnant, not disabled.

- What are you gonna tell Johnson?

- Gotta get my own head around it first.

(doors whirring)

- How's the leaking through to the tanker?

- So much for being eco friendly.

First it was LPG, then
it was vegetable oil,

then you just had to have
an electric bloody car.

- So this is my fault?

I told you not to overtake that truck!

- Guys, I need you to
stay calm for me okay?

Jordan, we need to get to the boot

and use the muddy walk
to unplug the battery.

- Small problem with access.

- Yeah well what about
airbags to roll it off?

- Electricity's running
right where we need to

put 'em, it's too risky.

- Guys, we're gonna get you out of here.

I just need you to stay calm, all right?

- All right his left leg's jammed

so we're gonna have to do a dash shift.

Need cutters, spreaders, and a ram.

Popping the door off,
go through the A pillar,

spread the dash apart, and don't forget

a safety shear all right?

- [Frank] Oi, just get me out of here.

- All right, recips
won't get through this.

You want to grab it?

Lara, how you doing over there?

- Combine bandage is secure.

Sir, can you hear me?

- I think his name's Frank.

- Frank, my name's Lara.

Can you talk to me?

- How's he doing?
- BP's 100.

Pulse 130.

Respiratory rate's pretty low.

Give him 110 of Maxolon.

- Good, good.

I'll grab the patient shield.

We'll cut through this bar now.

- Now listen, I'm gonna use
this insulated combine tool

to cut through the door.

Once you're clear to jump out,
I'll let you know all right?

- Are you married?
- Uh no.

- Got a boyfriend?
- No.

- She's got a fallback
guy, does that count?

- Whatever you do, don't marry a greenie.

He thinks if we all
drive hybrids the poles

will freeze again and the ozone layer

will magically close up.

- I just want to emit a little less

greenhouse gas in my life.

- And get us blown up in the process!

- Okay, Bree, no one is
gonna get blown up today

all right guys?

- Really stuff up your carbon
footprint, won't it honey?

(metal screeches)

- Okay, protective shield's in place.


You've been in an accident, all right?

I'm just gonna take this off,

and we're gonna cut you out of here.

It's gonna be all right.
- Get a grip up here.

Nice and tight.

That's it.

How's Jake's form huh?

Hitting on you on your wedding day.

Guy's a tool.

Right, nice tight grip, here we go.

(saw whirring)

(ominous music)

Okay, go.

Spine board in here.

- All right Frank, just
gonna pop this on you okay?

Get you out of here.

(metal creaking)

- Come on.

Lead this leg?

- Yeah I'm all right, I'm all right

I just want to check my load.

(ominous music)

Bloody mongrel fuel tanker
driver better be insured.

Being the driver of this
truck's my livelihood.

- That's it, right, keep pressure on this.

Keep his palm nice and stable, okay?

- All right.
- Fluid's up.

Get this heart monitor back on.

Get you out of here.

- Dean, check this out.

(truck crashing)

- Take over.

Didn't you stabilize the tray?

- Yeah but he jumped on to check his load

and his weight tipped it.

- It's ammonium bloody nitrate, Chase.

- Yeah, and diesel.

If that electric current sparks a fire...

- Hey hey, I thought you boys
were shoring up that leak.

- Get the hose lines
on these vehicles now!

- Jordan, we need to shift this tanker.

- Current's right where we
need to get under, mate.

- Okay Steve, what I need you to do

is crouch in the doorway and
then launch yourself out,

but do not touch the ground
until you're clear of the car

or you'll earth the current, all right?

- But Bree's still stuck.

- You go, save yourself!

- I'm not leaving you.

- Steve, I need you to
jump out of the car.

- I'm not leaving Bree!

(suspenseful music)

- We're here.

- What's going on?

- All right we got an ammonium
nitrate diesel mix down there

and this tank is electrified.

- [Man] Air bags aren't gonna budget it.

It's too heavy for the gantry.

- We need a crane.

- Yeah you're right, we'll
need to get one of those.

- There.

- The crane is owned by Gillespie's.

- Tell the premier that's ANFO.

Ammonium nitrate fertilizer
mixed with diesel fuel.

The kind of explosive mix
preferred by terrorists.

- Understand that, Mr. Premier.

- Keep the muddy walk on that tanker.

- Will do.

- Tell me the instant the current's clear.

- Talk to him personally,

but right now we have got bigger problems.

(suspenseful music)

- He lost his methoxy.

Hey mate you got a methoxy?

Methoxy flu ring. - Hey mate.

- Bloody green whistle mate, come on!

Thank you.

(crane beeping)

- Bring her up, mate.

- All right, just hang in
there, just hang in there

and just step right out of the car.

- Get it up, now go forward.

- I'm sorry.

- I love you.

- That's it, that's it.

Go in guys, go go go.

Deano, let's move it mate.

That crane's not gonna hold.

(battery sparks)

- All right we're clear!

- Okay Steven I need you
to hop out of the car.

I'm gonna help Bree.

Take your time, mind your head, that's it.

- Mal about 40, BP 140.

The pole doesn't seem to have
impaled anything too vital.

Semi-conscious, respiratory rate's low.

You're gonna be okay, Frank.

- [Frank] Baby, baby.

- What did you say?

- Baby.
- Hold up guys.

- I hit the baby in the pram.

- Look after him.

- Hazmat response unit's on their way!

They just ordered the whole area cleared.

- Okay all my guys are out.

- There's a baby under the tanker.

- What?

- The driver told me he hit a pram.

- No, there's no baby under the tanker.

- How do you know, have you looked?

- Gallagher's just
ordered the area cleared!

If there is a baby under there, it's dead.

- All clear!
- There's nothing under here.

- Not here.

Lara, there's nothing down this end.

There's nothing here.

- Wait.

(baby crying)



(baby crying)

Guys, down this end!

(baby crying)

Come on Dean. - I got it.

- Come on.
- I need more space.

- Guys raise her up, up up up.

Do it, raise it up.

- The crane's only rated to 20 tons.

There's at least 30 ton of weight on it.

- Move it, Deano.

This crane's not gonna hold it.

- I can't reach it.

Okay, okay.

- [Man] Wheels are up.

- That's it, there, there.

(suspenseful music)

- The crane's not gonna hold!

(metal shrieking)

(Dean yells)

- Get it up!

Dean, Dean!

Come on!

Come on, get it up!

- One two... (metal groaning)

(Lara panting)

- Okay, is it all right?

Is the baby all right?

(baby crying)

For God's sake.

- Are you kidding?

It's a doll.

It's a bloody doll.

(baby crying)

- Terry, Terry come on!

- Now now now, go go go.

- Clear the area, clear it!

- [Man] Get 'em back, get
'em back at least 500 meters!

Come on, get 'em back, get
'em back, get 'em back!

Come on guys, back up come on.

- [Michelle] Okay get everybody back.

Set up a 500 meter hot zone.

- [Man] Come on guys.

- [Man] Yeah copy that.

- Now we're talking at least

a couple of ton of ammonium nitrate.

- Your priority should have
been plugging up that leak.

- Oh you want to talk to me
about priority, Gallagher?

You flout everyone's authority,

create a near ANFO bomb down there,

but don't worry you saved Barbie!

- There wouldn't have been any of that

if you'd plugged the
leak up like you had...

- 1,000 liters...

- You blokes stop bitching.

Let's deal with the situation.

Deano, get that gear off.

If someone lights a match around you

you're gonna go up like the
Harbor Bridge on New Year's Eve.

- Yeah don't give me any ideas.

- Righto, the power grid's down,

the immediate ignition
risk has been dealt with.

I've got a half a dozen ambos
on the perimeter standing by.

- Keep spreading that absorber.

Look, hazmat's gonna need
all those wrecks removed

in order to access the area.

We can't move anything until we do

at least a half kilometer and evacuate.

- Yeah I'll coordinate that with the cops.

What's this stuff's flammability risk?

(eerie music)

(phone beeps)

(phone chimes)

- Michelle?

I got a couple of weird
messages this morning,

then this just came through.

- What makes you think this is linked

to your recent security issues
and not just some sick prank?

- Why send me the video?

- It's not your guy's MO.

- The incidents have been escalating.

- Yeah but whoever did
this couldn't have known

it'd bring rescue out.

- Maybe he just wanted
to cause an accident.

Having us here is like a bonus.

- Ah hazmat want to
evacuate up to half a K.

I want to make the
northern perimeter Baker.

Wilson on the east.

Stillwell south, cross
street on the west side.

- Those streets are full
of houses and factories.

It's gonna take time and manpower.

- I'll rope in cops,
fireys, us guys as well.

Maybe you should go back to HQ.

Well, if this guy that's targeting us

has caused all this,
you know, he's gonna be

somewhere close by, you
know, admiring his handiwork.

Makes the situation unpredictable.

- So?

- In your condition...
- Ah Vince!

Just let it go, will you?

Coordinate the evac, go on.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

I want to talk to you about something

a bit later, all right?

- Well we need to organize
a canvas of the area.

See if anyone saw anything.

- This way, quickly.
- Is everything all right?

- [Man] Back this way,
quick, quick, quick!

We need you down here...

- [Vince] Hi Deano, this is Vince.

Hazmat need an ETA on the evac, over.

- Oh yeah Vince, we're
running into a few hiccups.

Standby for that.

Ma'am, I appreciate you
trying to run a business,

but this is an emergency.

- [Woman] I'm sorry, but I just can't

clear out at the drop of a hat.

- What seems to be the problem, Heidi?

- Some of this lady's clients

are in the middle of their transactions.

- Transactions?

- I think it's a brothel, mate.

- I guarantee total customer satisfaction.

- Yeah look that's really admirable,

but coitus interruptus is going to have

a whole new meaning if that bomb goes off.

Do you understand me?

- Fine!

But you can tell them.

- I can tell them.

- No that's all right, I can do it.

- Mate, I'll tell them.
- No it's all right, I'll...

- Boys, I will go.

You go clear the senior center.


- Hey.

Got any saline dressing in your kit?

Just gotta tape up my
ankle, stop the bleeding.

- Yeah, sure.

- Thanks.

- Just this way, please.

Just this way, thanks.

That's the best offer
you've had in a while.

Just this way, thanks.

- Unlike you.
- What?

- Your Heidi thing, you
know falling back thing?

- Oh, well she obviously fancies me.

Right through here, thanks.

- Pretty sure she was
taking the piss, mate.

- Well that's the last of 'em.

- You know but it could
be a sympathy thing,

because to be honest, I
kinda feel sorry for ya.

- Man if you're so hot for Heidi,

why don't you just tell her?

- I'm not saying I'm hot for Heidi.

- Well probably for the best.

She has excellent taste in guys.

Heidi, this is Chase.

The senior center's clear.

You're the only one holding us up.

- Yeah yeah, look it's just taking

a little bit longer than I anticipated.

Like I said sir, I'm really
sorry you had to cut it short.

- No you should apologize to her, not me.

- Take it on yourself, mate.

- Oh, this is where you
judge me then is it?

- Oh hey look, I'm all into
freedom of sexual expression.

If this is what you have to
do to get your rocks off,

then power to you sweetheart.

- So I should get you to
make it up to me then huh?

Matter of fact, here.

Take my card.

I'll do you a good deal.

- Deal?

(Heidi sighs)

- Need a hand?

- I should be okay.

- Here you go.

I'll take it from here.

So the evac's complete.

Vince wants us to give the fireys a hand

clearing the wrecks.

Sooner we can do that,
the sooner the hazmat

can come in for the mop up.

- And we can get outta here.

Who'd have thought you'd
spend today like this huh?

- Saving your ass.

- [Dean] I bet Hamish'd
be pissed if he knew.

- You got tape?

- You know some people
could be forgiven for

thinking that you don't
want to get married today.

Thinking you'd rather put
yourself in hospital than

walk down the aisle.

- There's no aisle in a registry office.

There you go, now you're
indestructible again.

(eerie music)

- Gonna have to leave
the tanker on the road.

- Yeah, well there's still
plenty of fuel in it.

- Well, moving something that size,

easy enough to get a spark
off the road, bushka.

- Score yourself an invite?

- None of us did.

They're doing it at the registry office.

- Thought you would have
been the mate of honor.

Know I always thought you guys

had some sort of thing brewing.

- Well you thought wrong.

- Choice between you and a fancy lawyer?

See why she went the other way.

- We're just mates, Jake.

That's all we've ever been.

- That's all you'll ever be.

It's a pity, she's a pretty hot toddy.

Ring on that finger, mate,

it's gonna be twice as
hard to get your end in.

Relax, mate.

Just jokes.

All right?

- Yeah, I really hear what you're saying.

In about 10 minutes,
we're almost done here.

Babe, I'm not gonna be
late for my own wedding.

Nah, I'll shower at HQ, get changed there.

I'm not getting cold feet.

Had no choice.

They needed all hands
on deck for this one.

Of course I love you.

Bye, I'll see you at 3:15, bye.

- Ah that takes the prize, mate.

You're never living this down.

- Hey guys, Heidi scored a
date with a cup prized gigolo.

- What?

Show me!

- Hit on by my grandma.

- Hey, have you seen Jordan's gran?

- Yeah, she's one hot Polish babka.

- [Lara] Serious?

- Okay sorry to break up the party.

Lara, we have the situation
under control now, you can go.

The rest of us need to clear this gear,

and provide hazmat with backup.

- You sure you don't
need a hand packing up?

- No, we can handle it.

Go and take Vince's car.

- [Lara] I don't mind.

- Haven't you got something
else you should be doing?

Go on, get going.

Give you a chance to
get in the shower first.

We'll be right behind you all right?

- Okay.


- Have fun, Lara.
- Bye!

- [Lara] See ya.

- [Michelle] All right,
let's get this gear put away.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Don't marry Hamish.

- Why not?

- He's too good for you.

- What?

I gotta go, Dean.

- [Vince] Deano, come see this.

- I was emailing head office
and this screen just popped up.

- Definitely a live stream.

- It's not a TV camera.

Could it be a news website?

- Pixelation's lousy,

could've been shot from a mobile phone.

- Someone's hacked into our network.

- Well where is it coming from then?

- It's coming from that
direction, somewhere down there.

Go, go.

♪ Uh-Huh ♪

(rock music)

- Michelle, are we getting any warmer?

- Yeah, Vince I see ya.

Little bit more to the left.

No no, sorry not your left.

My left, your right.

- Hey you!

Go go go.

- [Michelle] Yeah that's it, that's him.

- [Vince] Go go!

(rock music)

(glass clattering)

Michelle he's headed your way!

(Michelle shrieks)

- [Heidi] Michelle are you all right?

- I've got her, go, go!

Hey, just stay there,
stay there, stay there.

Stay still, stay still.

(rock music)

(tires squeal)

- All right, okay, on his side, good.

Roll him back, roll him back.

Major laceration to the rear of the head.

Chase, get a trauma pad
on this, lots of pressure.

- Fractured left wrist.

- I got a fractured
right wrist here as well.

Heidi can you band things up for me?

- Yeah.
- Fractured femur.

I'll cannulate him, get the heart rate.

- Give me 10 of Maxolon.

If you can hear me, I want you

to squeeze my hand for me okay?

I get nothing.

I'm gonna push gently down on your chest.

If you feel any pain, just let me know.

How's Michelle? - I don't know.

- Slightly rigid ab, query internal bleed.

- Hang on, he's coming round.

(boy coughs)
Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

Hold still hold still.

- Calm down mate, calm down.

You've been in a bit of a scrape.

- What's he said?

- Nothing, he's just
regained consciousness.

- Has he got any ID on him?

Anyone recognize him?

Where's his phone?

- Take it easy, okay.

Stay nice and still for me.

Can I get a spine board in here please?

- Yep!
- Not my phone.

- What'd he say?

- He's saying it's not his phone.

- So whose phone is it?

- Hey mate, if it's not your phone...

- Whoa whoa, keep your head still.

- Whose phone is it huh?
- The ambo's.

- Chase, keep pressure on that.

- What did he pay you for?

- Take video with his phone.

- An ambo paid you to take
a video with his phone?

All right okay man, just stay
nice and still for me okay?

Gonna get you off to hospital.

Can I get that spine board in here please?

All right, we've got a male
roughly age 20 years of age.

Loss of consciousness at scene.

Head lacerations...

- I'm gonna need a couple of you guys

to take him in the ambulance.

- [Jordan] You want us to take him?

- Just trust me on this, will you Jordy?

- [Dean] BP's 100, pulse rate's 140.

We've got heart lines running

and we've given him 10
of Maxolon, you good?

- Hang on, I need you to stay put.

If what he says is true, there's
a dozen ambos on the site

that I need to question,
and he's one of them.

- What if it's bullshit?

- What if it's bullshit?

What if it's not?

You roll with them, keep
an eye on him will ya?

And I'll just call for the...

- All right, Heidi, Jordan,
ride with the ambulance.

Radio dispatch on the way,
let 'em know what's happening.

- What's going on?

- I need to ask you some questions, mate.

(ominous music)

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Bruised my hip, that's all.

- I really think you should
go to the hospital Michelle.

- I'm fine, Vince.

Why did Jordan and Heidi
take off in the ambulance?

- Guy said that some ambo
paid him to take the video.

- What?

- Yeah, Johnson's grilling
all the ambos on site.

- Michelle, you've gotta get
that looked at, all right?

- Hey Vince, quit faffing
over the boss huh?

(phone rings)

- Michelle Letourneau.

Heidi slow, slow down Heidi.

- He's saying that he took
a photograph of the ambo

that paid him to take the video.

- With the dude's phone.
- With the ambo's phone.

- Where's the phone now?

- Detective Johnson has got it.

- [Ian] I can't get
photos up on this thing.

- Give me that, Einstein, here.

Takes a smidge of technical know-how.

There you go, last photo taken.

- [Ian] Let me look.

Well, he doesn't look familiar.

- Wait I know that guy.

He was here, before.

- [Michelle] I know his face.

I know that guy's face, where from?

- Rick Jones.

You know that dipstick I
threw out of the station?

Get out!

- He's the nutter.

The nutter obsessed with Lara, oh shit.

- Get a patrol car to HQ just in case.

(ominous music)

(shower trickling)

(phone rings)

(tires squeal) (siren wails)

(phone rings)

- Lara.
- It's Michelle.

Police are cordoning
off the whole evac area

to conduct a full search.

If Rick Jones is still hanging
around, they will find him.

- I can't get through to Lara.

She's not picking up her phone.

- Yeah I have tried to call her too

but look she's probably just
under the shower all right?

Johnson's sending a patrol car back there.

What's your ETA?

- 15 minutes.

- We're about to head back.

Give us a call when you get there.

- Yeah right.

(siren wails)

Come on, come on, come
on Lara pick up, pick up.

(phone rings) (ominous music)

(object clatters)

- Hello?


(pounding on door)

- Ms. Knight?
- Yes.

What's wrong?

- Ma'am we got a call to drop by

to make sure everything's okay with you.

- Why wouldn't it be?

- You have good security here?

- Yeah, just got upgraded.

You need an access pass to get inside.

- Okay, well we're just gonna

hang around out here for a bit.

- Okay.

(shutters whir)

(ominous music)

(tapping on glass)

- Just spoke to the uniforms
in front of the station house.

Lara's fine, situation is normal.

- Oh good, what a relief.

All right, we're heading back there now.

- Hey did you want to tell
me something from before?

- Did you really have to do that?

- Yep.

(hair dryer whirs)

- Ah great.

(switches click)

Okay guys.

All right Dean?

Heidi, you've had your fun!

Where's my dress?

(metal squeaks)


It's not funny anymore.

(Lara grunts)

- Remember me?

Oh, how disappointing

to think you're all I've been
thinking about for weeks,

and I haven't even crossed your mind.

And after I made you
famous on my video blog.

- Rick, Rick?

(Lara grunts)

(Lara screams)

(intense music)

- Hey guys, everything all right?

- Yeah, just checked with the lady inside.

There's no problem. - All right.

- Rick, please.

Please just put the saw down.

Please, please Rick put the saw down.

Please, I would never ever hurt you.

You don't even know who I am.

Please, please put the saw down.

- You may as well head off huh?

Go and find some trouble.


(saw revving) (Lara screaming)

- Put the saw down!
- Lara!

(saw revving)

Yeah I need the police to

special operations
rescue headquarters now.

(intense music)

- Rick will you put the saw down?

- The ambos didn't want to know me.

I was too complex for their test.

Too intelligent, but when I saw you

jumping across buildings,
flying like some heavenly angel,

I knew that I was not
destined to be just an ambo.

I was meant to be one of the elite,

but you ruined that for me.

You humiliated me!

You are an angel, Lara.

Or at least, you will be soon.

- Rick no, no no no no no!

(saw revving)

Please, please!

Please no!


Dean, watch out he's waiting for you!

(intense music)

Dean, Dean, Dean wake up,
come on wake up, wake up.

Get up, come on, get up.

No wait... (Rick shouts)

- I could've been one of you.

I could've been the best!

If only you had given me a fair bloody go!

(Rick yells)

(intense music)

(Lara wheezes)

(both grunting)

(both panting)

(metal clangs)

(both panting)

- I gotcha.

(emotional music)

♪ Let me weep under the willow tree ♪

♪ This past season's been eternity ♪

♪ I'll not leave until they come for me ♪

♪ So let me be under the willow tree ♪

♪ Let me sleep under the willow tree ♪

♪ Let his leaves fall down to cover me ♪

♪ The slow embrace into his ashen arms ♪

♪ Substitution for your promised charms ♪

♪ Oh when ♪

♪ 'Cause now and then ♪

♪ I could have sworn I heard ♪

♪ Somewhere above my head ♪

- Well, just wait 'til
reality hits the fan.

Believe me, having kids
is no walk in the park.

- Four kids, two failed marriages,

I'll know where not to come
for advice on family matters.

(Vince chuckles)

- You didn't hear that from me.


- What a day eh?

Betcha everybody'll be glad
to see the end of this one.

- Are you pregnant?

(Michelle sighs)

Whose baby is it?

- It's um,

it's my baby, Dean.

(gentle guitar music)

- Hey, Lara's about to go.

- [Hamish] So, missed the
wedding but I'll be damned

if we're gonna miss the honeymoon.

- [Man] Well you paid for
the flights and the hotel.

It'd be a shame to waste it.

- You'll have to have a
beach wedding, you two.

- That is the plan.

Anyway, we got 90 minutes

to catch these flights
so we'd better head off.

See you later.
- See you darling.

- Take care of her.

- See ya.
- See ya mate.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

- Have a good one.
- Have fun.

- Cheers mate.
- See ya.

- I get another one. (laughing)

Bye beautiful.

Hey. - Hey.

(emotional music)

- Thank you.

- Good luck.

- Bye guys.
- See ya!

- Bye!
- Have fun!

- Have fun!

Send a postcard, woohoo!

- Bye! (all clapping)

- [Vince] Who's up for the pub?

- No, no I'm gonna have an
early one tonight, Vince.

We're off, see you later.

- Hey mate, you pubbing it?
- No I can't.

Gonna go sit down with Heidi.

- What just the two of you?

Okay, well just remember
I'm the fallback guy.

- Well maybe I'm the guy.

- [Chase] Have fun.

- Looks like just the three of us, boys.

- Somehow Vince I don't think

Dean will be up for it tonight.

- Shown you that mate, hey?

- The Ambassador Club?

- Guess who just became
a gold class member, eh?

Free entry for myself and two lucky mates.

Half price beers, live
sports on the big screen.

Buy one lap dance, get one free.

Happy hour all night long eh?

(upbeat rock music)

- Who am I kidding, come on.

- Yay you're in.
- Let's go.

- Hey did I tell you boys about

the famous fireys rescue grudge match?

Biffo at half time.
- Please Vince, please.

- [Vince] No no, no no,
good story all right?

Coming out at the full kick off,

midfield boys are...

(doors slam)

(rock music)

♪ See them crawling ♪

♪ Their faces on the ground ♪

♪ My heart keeps jumping ♪

♪ I wanna stay around ♪

♪ Now they can't hear me ♪

♪ I ain't too young to die ♪

♪ But before I let you take me ♪

♪ You gotta look me in the eyes ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty yeah ♪

♪ I'm gonna get a little dirty yeah ♪

(pleasant music)

(soothing music)