Rescue Special Ops (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 1 - Rescue in the Blue Mountains - full transcript

The team are dispatched to the Blue Mountains National Park to find two high school students, Joel and Cassie, who have gone missing from their camp overnight. Whilst there Dean and Lara ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Cassie!


- Hello?

How many missing?

Yeah, I'll pick up Chase.

You tell Michelle.

- What have we got?

Blue Mountains.

Two high school students
missing on a bush camp.

Hey, hey, hey, don't you
drip tomato sauce in my car.

- Can you hold it for a sec?


- Yes, we will be coordinating the rescue.

She's on her way right now.

- Behind you.

- Police coordinator.
- Oh.

James, Michelle.

I've got the details.

Like clockwork every year.

We'll be there in

- 10 minutes.

- Five minutes.

Uh, ETA in - One hour.

- 50 minutes.

I'll see you out there, Heidi!

- I'm getting changed.

- Dean and Chase?

- On their way.

- They were actually last seen at 3 a.m.?

- Routine headcount.

Everyone was in their tents,

but they were both
missing by 6 a.m. wake up.

- Three hours.

That's, uh, that's a big window.

Hey. - Hey.

- We've got two teenagers,

pajamas and tracksuit.

No jackets, no food, no water.

- No brain?

- Lara, this is Geoff
Andrews, the deputy principal.

- Oh, sorry.

- These are sensible kids, you
know, bright, well adjusted.

They're the last two students
I expect to just disappear.

- Any problems at school?

- Not these two.

Joel's a footballer, very
good, takes it seriously.

Cassie's top of her class.

- All right, you've all
got your search grids.

Anything at height or depth,

leave to Special Operations Rescue.

SES will do a grid search
sticking to the main trails.

Anyone not qualified, stay
away from ridge lines,

rappelling or climbing.

Also, any water greater than knee-deep,

any caves, caverns,
holes, anything like that,

leave that to Rescue.

Questions, queries, problems,
they go through Michelle.


- Sunset's at 7:30, so we want
to be out of here by then.

- Let's go.

- Thanks for the warning.

- Put your foot in your mouth
before I could say anything.

- It's my first posting.

I did a 3 a.m. headcount, and
everyone was there, I swear.

If anything's happened I...

- We'll find 'em.
- Will you?

I mean, you've done searches
like this before, right?

Does it turn out okay?

Do you find them?
- Honestly, it helps if

we know why people have disappeared.

It gives us something to work with.

- I can't think of anything.

- Boys!

- Thanks.

- All right, two teams.

Lara's with me.

Jordan, you stick with Chase.

We're Alpha, you're Delta.

- Why can't we be Alpha?

- It's just a letter.

- Then you be Delta.

- Chase, I'm not...
- Okay, we'll be Delta.

- Alpha, I want you guys to bush-bash

your way up to here, okay?

Then work your way down to this water

course just here, yeah?

We're gonna push out to the limit

of the search area, and we're
gonna work back down here.

Any questions?

- Yeah, how old you
reckon that teacher is?

- Relevance?

- If we get a good result,
I'm asking her out.

She's cute.

- Joel!


- The school I went to, we never did any

wanky overnighters at
the national park, mate.

Furtherest west we went
was a trip to the jail.

- Show you all where you're
headed after year 10.

- Time, money and resources,

all for a couple of rich
kids who probably disappeared

into the scrub for a quickie.

- It's a school camp.

What do you want them to develop

a sudden interest in botany?

- Botany?

- Hello?

- Oh, here we go.

I bet they've wandered back to camp.

- Uh, towels?

Yeah, towels are in the cupboard
just next to the bathroom.

- Picked up last night, did we?

- Yeah, yeah, me too.

It's, uh.

Yeah, listen, I'm on a
really big job, so, uh

- It's big, massive!
- Yeah, Okay, bye, honey.

- You can't
remember her name, can you?

- Ah, you know, it's
one of those tricky ones

like a Clara or Sara
or something like that.

- I can't believe any
girl would want to shower

at your place anyway.

Your bathroom's revolting.

- That's the whole point.

You take a girl back to a crappy bathroom,

she hangs around for two nights max.

- Oh, what?

Towel girl can't find the cereal?

- That's not my phone.

- Why would they come up here?

- Ah, I don't know, smoke a joint?



Who's this?

- Is that you, Dean?

- Yeah, yeah.

It's Michelle.

They're calling the missing kids' mobiles.

- Whose is it?

- Joel's.

We're on the Grand Canyon track.

- Copy that.

Did you check the messages?

- Yeah, hang on, hang on.

All right, last message, 9:05.

Hi, Mum.

Camp is cool, see you tomorrow.

- Okay, keep looking.

Redirect Alpha Team and narrow the search.

- Yeah, I got you.

- Okay, Joel's mobile was found here.

Any idea why he'd go in this direction?

- No, we haven't taken the
students into that area at all.

- It's miles away from the campsite.

How'd they get so lost?

- Well, I'm sure we'll work it out.

We've redeployed our search teams,

and we're gonna concentrate
on that area, okay?

Who are these people?

- The parents.

- Hi.

G'day, my name's Michelle.

- Hi, I'm Cassie's mom, Georgina.

- Georgina, nice to meet you.

And? - Joel's dad, Matthew.

This is my wife, Jane.
- And Jane.

- Joel!


- Joel!


- Joel!


- Over here!

- What's going on here?

- You all right?

- Yeah, just a sprain.

More embarrassing than anything.

Not gonna be much

good to you now. - Icepack?

- Well, you still can be.


- Thanks.

- You reckon you could get this

back up to base camp for us?

- Yeah, you bet.

- There you go.

Someone will strap it for you there.

Or I could do it for you now.

- I don't want to take
up more of your time.

- You sure?

- You guys got enough on your hands.

- Ah, thanks.

So you wouldn't even retile your bathroom?

I mean, not that there's
anything wrong with slime green.

- What do you care, anyway, huh?

It's not like you have to shower there.

- As if I would.

- As if I'm asking.

- Anyway, I'm a spa girl.

- No, no, no, I'm not putting in a spa.

You put in a spa and they never leave.

- Cassie!


- My first sexual
experience was on school camp.

- Yeah? Let me guess.

You're at the back of the
bus with your hand on it.

- Ha ha.

- Don't deny it, mate.

Hang on, hang on.


- Is that Joel?

- Joel!

That's him.


- Joel!
- Joel!

- You all right, mate?

Cassie with you?

- Is he injured?

- Uh, can't tell yet.

Something's wrong, though, over.

- Okay, let me know.

Special Ops Rescue out.

- They found them?

- Just Joel.

- School board will be very happy.

- Until we know exactly what's happened

to that young girl, we'll just keep it

quiet for now, okay?

Just the parents, please.

Okay, we've found Joel.

- Oh.

- He appears to be OK.

We're hoping Cassie's nearby.

- Hey, Joel.

You hurt?

Did you fall, mate?

- No, I climbed down.

- Where's Cassie, mate?

Do you know where she is?

When did you last see her?

- Joel, can
you help us find Cassie?

Okay, I'm gonna check you out, all right?

Yell out if you have any pain.

Just squeeze my hand for me.

That's the way.

We'll get something on that, okay?

- Rescue Alpha
to Special Ops Rescue.

- Go ahead, Chase.

- Patient is conscious but incoherent.

All obs stable, blood
pressure is 120 over 70,

resp rate around 25, BSL 2.

Patient seems to be in
severe emotional distress.

- Can he tell you where
the missing student is?

- Uh, no, he won't or can't
answer questions about her.

Any luck with that chopper?

- We've got one injured kid so far.

How's it gonna look on the nightly news

if we can't get a chopper up there

because some politician
needs it on standby, hey?

Yeah, I'll hold.

- Last school camp I went on,

we got drunk as skunks on cherry breezers.

Nothing changes, then.

It's Sponge.

Whatever he's after, the answer's no.

- Hi, Sam.

Whatever you're after, the answer's no.

He said you said he could
have the car tonight.

- What did I say?

- The answer's no.

He said you promised.

- N-O, Sam.


No, you can't bloody borrow 50 bucks.


Thanks very much.

- He's your kid!

- Yes, mate, I'm still here.

We can have it?


Thank you.

Righto, Heidi-ho, off you go.

- Cassie!


Special Operations Rescue

to Rescue Delta.

Joel's been found in the Alpha's quadrant.

Relocate to there.

- Yeah, copy that, Michelle.

We should reach that position
in about, uh, 10 minutes.


- Okay, let me know when
you're back in that sector.

Special Ops Rescue out.

- Hold on, Michelle.

- What's that?

- Uh, Michelle, looks like
we got something here.

- Dean, what is it?

- Ready?

- Flip, flip it.

That's it.

This is Rescue Delta
to Special Ops Rescue.

We have a code 4, over.

- Rescue Delta,
did I hear you correctly?

You have a code 4?

- Yeah, that's correct code 4.

- Is it Cassie?

- No.

- You're all right, mate.

A little further.

Let's get your blood sugar up a bit.

I like the red ones.

You sure you don't know what
happened to Cassie, mate?

- Special Operations
Rescue to Rescue Alpha.

Chase, we've got a code 4.


- Michelle, confirm that was a code 4?

- Delta's with the body now.

The thing is, it's not Cassie.

- Hang on, what?

Who is it, then?

- Don't know.

Just get that boy back here, okay?

- Yep.

Rescue Alpha out.

You won't believe this,

but Dean and Lara just found
a code 4, but it's not Cassie.

- Where's the kid?

- Joel!




- What do you mean, you lost him?

- He just took off
when our backs were turned.

- Chase, he's a high school student.

- Yeah, he's also the footy champ,

and he got us by surprise.

- You, he got you by surprise.

- We've got your coordinates.

We'll meet up when we're done here.

- Any chance you can tell Michelle?

- Well, that's just brilliant, Chase,

because I've got the deputy principal

telling everybody we've found him.

No more surprises.

I want him back here and fast.

- Copy that, Michelle.

- Vince, did you get that?

I mean, why would he do that?

- He's a teenager.

There's no why with
them, it's just how much.

- So, okay, what about at school?

Any sign of bullying, drugs?

Mr. Andrews, a fit,
young, healthy boy doesn't

just take off for no good reason.

I mean, if there's something you can

possibly help...
- Look, school every school

has its problems.

But not with Joel.

Not as far as I know.

Heidi, what's your ETA?

- Yeah, we're five minutes away.

It's difficult to see anything.


- Dean, what can you tell me?

- Matt Reinhart,
not that you'd know it,

but his driver's license
has him at age 32.

- Special Ops
Base to Special Ops Rescue.

- Yes, Vince.

- Matt Reinhart's
the pilot of that

light plane that went down three days ago.

- Not the one from Bathurst?

- That's the one.

He was heading to Melbourne
with his girlfriend.

What are they doing in the
middle of the Blue Mountains?

That's, like, hundreds of
kilometers from the flight path.

And where's the girlfriend?

- Just another one of
the millions of questions

I have no answers for today.


- You know, there's something

in the glove box that might help you.

- You know, drinking on the
job's never a good look, Vince.

- No, stress ball.

Kids gave me one for my birthday.

- Well, perhaps they're
trying to tell you something.

- No, no, it's just cheap.

- Can you inform the Victorian
State Rescue coordinator?

They've been searching
south of the border.

Thanks, Vince.

- Will do.

- It feels wrong leaving him here.

- Well, we've got to find those kids.

And I don't mean Jordan and Chase.

- There
was a passenger with the pilot.

Amanda Jackson.

- If she could've walked
out of there, she would've.

But if she's still in the plane,

she's more than likely dead.

Delta out.

- Anyway, it looks more like he drowned,

rather than being you know.

- Splattered?

- Yeah.

So where's the plane?

And the passenger?

- This looks like it used
to be part of a propeller.

- Rescue
Team Alpha to all parties.

No sign of Joel, but we found a torch.

- We win.

We found a plane.

- Chase, we've had confirmation

on the torch.

Cassie owned the pink Maglite, AA-size.

I'll have additional
SES move to your grid.

- All right, Rescue Alpha out.

- Somebody must know
something about these kids.

I'd like to speak to their friends.

- I'm sorry.

You'll have to go through the
school's lawyers for that.

- Are you serious?

- Very, they're traumatized already.

I can't have you interrogating them.

I'm sorry, my hands are tied.

- Right.

Get me the lawyer.

- Michelle, it's Joel's phone.

Dean sent it up with the SES guys.

- Right, thanks.

Heidi, do you speak teenager?

- Sure.

Okay, so, Joel and Cassie
have been going out

for two years, right?

And then two weeks ago, Joel dumps her.

No reason.

Cassie's best friend
Monique says that Cassie

was absolutely devastated.

And Joel's best mate
Henry says that Cassie

was a stupid bitch and
deserved to be dumped,

which is pretty harsh, I think.

And the sex wasn't that
good according to Henry,

but, according to Monique,
their sex life was rocking.

Well, not rocking, but it was okay.

- They told you all that?

- Yes, they did.

- Good teen talk.

- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

- Three days.

There's gonna be maggots.

Are there?

- Uh, she's not pretty.

Oh, shit!

- What do you mean, not pretty?

Where's Matt?

- Michelle about?

- Detective Johnson.

- Vince, isn't it?

I'm just dropping off
some forms and, and this.

It was on your doorstep.

Secret admirer.

- Michelle's not here.

She's coordinating a
search for two missing

hikers in the Blue Mountains.

- No worries.

I'll just drop it on her desk.

- I'll take it.

- Just let
her know I dropped by.

- Sure.

If I remember.

A little busy around here.

- She's a nice woman.

- We all know about you
and Barnesy's missus.

- Hmm, you don't know shit.

- I know what I know.

He was married, and now he's not.

- Rescue Delta to Rescue Base.

- Don't you have to get that?

- Vince, what info

have you got on that plane?

- Can't keep your dick in your pants.

- Pardon?
- Vince, you copy that?

- Deano, your aircraft's
a Beechcraft Bonanza.

750 kilos.

You'll need to anchor
it under the fuselage.

- Okay, I'm just
gonna put this around you.

- All right.

- That should do it.

All right, now, I'm gonna
borrow your finger for a minute.

- All right, Lara,
I'm just gonna get in there.

- Yep.

Hi, Amanda.

Does that hurt?

Can you feel that?

- Can't feel anything.

- Nothing at all?

- No.

- She's in real trouble.

Fractured femur, broken
wrist, severely dehydrated.

But our big problem is that she's got

a major crush injury to her legs.

- How long to get her out?

- Look, I don't know.

If we release the pressure too quickly,

she'll get a massive dose of toxins.

It'll kill her.

- Okay.

Got that.

You do what you can.

I'll have Heidi ready in the chopper.

We'll transport her to Liverpool Hospital.

Yeah, Roger, Delta out.

- Rescue Base to Rescue
Alpha, you're on your own.

Rescue Delta is tied up
with the injured passenger.

- Yeah, we heard.

Don't worry, we'll find him.

- Is it true you've redirected the search

away from the children?

- Can the children
survive a night in this weather?

- Look, first things first.

We have a patient who
needs an urgent medivac.

- Is it true
you found the children

then lost them again?

- The seat's wedged.

The runners are warped.

I can't move it back.

- All right, we'll treat her here.

I have to release the
pressure really slowly.

We're gonna need the
IV and a heart monitor.

- All right.
- Get the cannula pack.

Alright, Amanda, I'm gonna cannulate you.

You're gonna feel a little sting.

I've just got to get some fluids in you.

- I'd prefer a beer.

- I tell ya what, I'll do you a deal.

We get you out of here, I'll buy you one.

- How'd you end up here?

I thought your flight was headed
from Bathurst to Melbourne.

- Matt, Matt proposed.

We decided to go to Sydney
to tell our friends.

- What happened?

- We hit fog and then hit trees.

- All right, Amanda, I
want you to take a nice,

big, deep breath for me.

All right, all right.

That's good, that's good.

It doesn't look like you've
got any chest injuries,

and your heart's doing fine.


You did good, Amanda.

Hanging on for three days, it's...

- Matt made, made me
promise to wait for him.

He, he'll be back.

Where is he?

Is he?

He's all right.

Is is he all right?

- He, um...

- Lara Lara, I just want a
hand over here for a sec.

- Please.
- It's okay.

It's okay.

We won't be a sec.

- His leg.
- Nice and relaxed.

Take it easy.

Just rest.

I won't be a sec.

- Don't you think we
should tell her about Matt?

- No.

Thinking about him's probably the only

thing keeping her alive.

- We should lie?

- You want her to live?

Look, Lara, just until the
chopper gets here, all right?

- Wait up, Chase.

That kid was in no state to outrun us.

What if he just hid?

We were here, right?

- Great, so we're about as close

as the nearest fish and chips.

- Fish and chips.

- It'll take us
forever to backtrack.

- Then we go down and up.

- Okay, just watch her leg.

Watch her leg.

The seat is jammed.

Gonna have to wedge it back slowly, okay?

- It's all right.

It's gonna be alright.

- It's Okay, Amanda.

- You all right?
- Everything's okay.

- That's what Matt said.

Did he tell you where I was?

- Uh, we wouldn't have
found you without him.

- Is he is he all right?

Because his leg was pretty bad,
and he was in a lot of pain.

- He's not feeling the
leg so much anymore.

Sodium bic ready? - Yep.

- All right, you're doing great, Amanda.

- Okay, I'll talk 'em in.

Rescue Team Delta to Rescue Helicopter 23.

What's your ETA, over.

- This is Helicopter 23.

We're coming in over the position.

Can you give me an update

on the patient's medical condition?


- Major lower body crush injury

with multiple upper body fractures.

Her GCS is 9.


- And she's still alive?

- And ready to move out of the wreck.

As soon as you guys are ready to winch.


- The pilot's having
difficulty sighting you.

Do you have a visual on the bird?


- From the sound of it,
you're just off to the south.

I'll let off some smoke.

Give me two minutes.


We don't want them dropping
right on top of us.

They'll blow us off the cliff.

There's a clearing back there.

You'll be right?

- Yeah, yeah, I got it.

All right.

- Oh God, God!


- Amanda, stay with me!

- Please get me out.

- We'll get you out.

We've just got to do
this really carefully.

- Promise you won't leave me.

- Amanda, I'm not gonna leave you.

I'm gonna be right outside the plane.

- No!


Promise you won't you won't leave me.


- I promise.

I promise.


- Help me!

- Rescue Delta to Rescue Helicopter 23.


- This is Helicopter 23 to Team Delta.


- Rescue Team Delta to
Rescue Helicopter 23.

Do you copy me?


- Lara!

- Help!
- Lara!

- Help me!
- Lara!

Get me out! - Lara, Lara!



- Get me out!
- Lara!

Lara, hold it.

If that snaps, she goes.

- No, don't!

Dean, I can't hold it!

Dean, leave her!


Dean, get out of there!

Dean, I can't hold it!

Leave her!

- Amanda, Amanda, I got ya.

I got ya.

Oh, f.

- Matt?

- Yeah.

Yeah, it's me.

It's Matt.

I'm here.

- I love you.

- I love you back.


It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

- This is Helicopter 23 to Team Delta.

Lara, are you two coming up?


- That's a negative.

It's a body recovery.


You okay?

- Yeah.

- Rescue Coordinator to Rescue Delta.

Copy the code 4.

I'll inform police and
air crash investigators.

You got a waypoint?

- We're at Flat Top.

Coordinates south 33
degrees 39 minutes point 22,

east 150 degrees 22 minutes point 09.


- Dean, we've got to find
these kids before dark.

- Yeah, I got it.

Delta out.

We've searched pretty much all this grid.

I reckon we cut across through here,

head out to the escarpment.

- I'm with you.

- Joel!


- Hello!

Can you hear us?

- Joel?

Just whatever's going
through your head, mate,

just, just take it easy.

- She's dead.

- Hey, you don't know that.

- Yes, I do.

- No, Joel, listen.

We're still searching for Cassie.

- She's dead, okay?

I killed her.

- Okay, Joel, listen, just come over here

and tell us what happened, all right?

- We fought, and I pushed
her, and she went over.

- She was your
girlfriend of two years, right?

What happened, why were you fighting?

- It doesn't matter now!

- We still need to know where Cassie is.

Joel, we still need to find her.

- Where is she, Joel?

- Could you just get back?

- Hey, hey, hey, take it easy.
- Get back.

- Take it easy.

It's Okay. - Just get back.

- Okay, let's look again.

Text from Joel's mom.

Keep warm.

Give me a call tonight.

- You didn't wait for the lawyer.

- No, I didn't have time.

And neither did your missing kids.

Okay, Jacko.

Who's Jacko?

You wanna go to the footy?

- He's a kid in Joel's class.

I don't know what you expect to find.

- Try the delete folder.

Delete isn't really delete
until you delete the folder.

Know what I mean?


This friend of mine, she
broke up with her boyfriend

over these steamy messages
from her yoga instructor,

and he found them in her
delete folder and read them.

Okay, what do we got here?

They're all from the same number.

No name.

The last one was sent at 8:37 a.m.

- After Joel went missing.

I hope you're not
worried about last night.

Who sent this?

- Call it.

- It's ringing.

- I can hear it.

- Joel?

- Okay, Joel, we know that you

were sleeping with your teacher.

- Brooke and I are in love.

Cassie, she she was just so
pissed off when I dumped her.

She just wanted to know why,

and I couldn't tell her the
truth 'cause the deputy,

he already hated Brooke.

If he found out, that'd
be the end of her career.

- So what happened, Joel?

- She saw me coming out of Brooke's tent.

- Two years and you dump me for a teacher.

- I'm sorry.

- You know what, you
will be, and so will she.

- Hey, what are you doing?

- I'm telling the deputy.

- Cassie, you can't do that.

You can't tell him.


Cassie, watch out for the edge!


Cassie, Cassie!


- I had him, Chase.

- Didn't look like it.

- Hey, hey, Joel, we still need to know

where Cassie is, okay?

So where did it happen?

Where did it happen, mate?

- It was here.

- Here?

You mean here, here?

- Go, we've got him.

- Just check the ledge
where he was standing.

- Can you see anything?

- Nothing.

- Hold my legs.

- I got you.

- You got me?
- Yep.

- I can see her!

- Cassie!


- She's moving.

- Cassie!

- Shit.

There's not much of that ledge.

- Cassie, don't move!

All right, get back,
I'm getting down there.

- Got me?
- Yeah, come on.

She's alive, Joel.

Cassie, my name's Dean.

Just hang in there for me, okay?

How are you, Cassie?

Let's have a look at that.


All right.

We're gonna get you out of here.

- Good, because then I'm
gonna crucify that prick Joel.

- Cassie, we're only here because of Joel.

- He told us where you were.

- Oh, really?

Well, did he tell you that
he's screwing his teacher?

I'll bet he kept that one to himself.

He dumped me for that bitch and slag.

- You're gonna be okay.

- Tough day?

- Could've gone better.

Couldn't have done it
without the coffee, though.

- What are you doing now eight mugs a day?

That'll get you wired.

- You insult me.

I drink at least 10.

- And the sleepless nights do
we see any connection there?

- What's in there?

Detective Johnson was here.

- It must've dropped off the edge.

- Ah, did he say anything?

- Nah, nah, just dropped it off.

- Well, that's okay.

I can thank him myself
at the protocol meeting.

- Great!

You mob all right?

Any need for a debrief, a peer assessor?

- That's what the pub and a
few beers are for, isn't it?

- You finally said something right.

My shout.

- Does that include cocktails?

- One round, beer and wine only.

- Well, do cherry breezers
count as a beer or a spirit?

- Nice try, Heidi-ho.

- Are you okay about today?


Two out of three.

- You can't fool me, Gallagher.

I saw you today with Amanda.

- This is Dean.

Sorry, who?


- The towel girl?

- Yeah, that sounds great.


See you there.

- What did she say?

- It was Clara.
- Yeah.

- Looks like dinner and drinks.

- Two-nighter, is she?

- Hey, who knows?

Maybe one of these
days, I'll find the girl

worth putting in a decent bathroom for.

- Hey, Dean, can I get
a lift back to my place?

- You mean Dad's place?

- Yeah.

- Tell me again,
Chase, how did that

high school student get away from you?

- I'd prefer a beer.

- I'll tell you what I'll do you a deal.

We get you out of here, I'll buy you one.