Republic of Doyle (2010–2014): Season 4, Episode 4 - Carlotta's Way - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Republic of Doyle:

So Tinny's cool, huh?

Please, okay? We've been making
some good progress

so don't blow it.

Kevin Crocker is my dad.

And you're gonna tell the madman
convict Crocker you're his kin

and then, like what, go visit him?

We need to talk about

whatever you're thinking
about doing here.

What do you want from me exactly?

Start with your family.

I've never been married
and I have no children.

Al Kavanagh!

Looking good!

- Malachy?
- So you're looking for Jake then.

Yes I am.

Well I'll pass on the message.

- Who was that?
- Trouble.

Feel like a little promotion?

They think you're too deep.

Look I'm telling ya. It's only
a matter of time before he tells

me who the real supplier is.

Watch yourself Bennett.

Please tell me that you're okay.

[Car horns beeping.]

[Click click click.]

[JAKE] Dad, do you see anything?
'Cause I gotta tell you I got nudding.

Me either.

Doing a ransom drop in front of
all these people.

Something feels really off.

It's like I got a bulls eye on my back.

It's a sure way to keep us from
doing anything rash.

Well I'm not gonna do anything
that's going to jeopardize

the life of this little girl.

I just want this to be over.

Please let my little girl little
girl be okay.

Can't we do something?
I should be out there.

This is killing me.

Mr. Patterson, all this man
seems to want is the money,

so we do the drop exactly as he
says -- and then we get your

daughter back safe.

[DES] B'ys, I don't see anything kidnapper-y.
Not right now anyways.

[JAKE] Des. Just keep looking
around, alright? Scarlett could

be trapped in one of these cars
for all we know.

[DES] Roger that.

What? Sorry.
Des, I can't hear you, okay?

A stupid Herc just flew over.

[DES] I'm not -- Jake,
I'm not a jerk am I?

Herc. It's a plane.
Des, never mind.

Just keep looking for Scarlett.

[Cell phone rings.]

This could be it. Hold on.


Yeah. Is that any way to talk
to a kidnapper?

Okay listen. Hello. Alright?
I'm sorry.

You wanna talk more about my manners or do
you want me to give you a million bucks?

Where's Scarlett?

Scarlet's safe. She's with me.

You gotta prove that to me.
That's how this stuff works.

Show me the girl's okay.
Then you'll get your money.

I am telling you she's fine.
For now. But if I get even

the faintest whiff of police--

she will suffer for it.

[JAKE] No, no, no, no, no.
There are no cops here. Okay?

This is just you and me. But I'm
telling you, the longer I stand

here in traffic with a briefcase
full of cash, the better chance

this is all gonna go sideways.


Oh, oh, sorry! Sorry ma'am.
Lady, ah, sorry.

You hand the case to my
associate. He'll bring it to me.

When I know that the money is
all there, I will tell you where

you can pick up there girl.


Sorry, sorry.


Now the man headed towards you.

Hand him the case. No chit chat.

I see him. No chit chat.
I got ya.


Hope your man can count fast.

'Cause I want that little girl back.


That smarts.

No, no, no, no, no.
That wasn't us! That wasn't us!

Jake! The briefcase!
It disappeared.

Dad, we got a serious problem.

We got no ransom money.

And we got no little girl.

♪ Yeah (oh yeah!) ♪

♪ Oh yeah -- oh yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah,
eee-yeah, yeah yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah, ee-yeah,
ee-yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ Oh yeah... ♪

This kidnapper. He's not fooling
around. I mean if he finds out

we're here with the cops --

We need to give need to give our
statement about this hit and run

and get clear of them quick.

Sitting on our arses isn't going
to help us find that child.

Or the money, for that matter.

I'm guessing the ransom must
have fell into that car,

you know, when buddy got clipped.

You think that was part of
the kidnapper's plan?

Cut the partner our and take
him down at the same time?

Well he'd have to be pretty precise
to make a stunt like that work.


Hey. Malachy.
Look, I looked everywhere.

There's no briefcase. But the
litter around here is shocking.

I'm appalled.

There's a chance the money might have
fallen into the hit and run car.

Did you happen to catch a plate number?

No. No, but I know that it's a
911 Porsche Carrera. It's black.

{Ring} There's probably only
a couple of them in town.

I mean, it's a deadly car.
Oh my god, oh my god, it really

truly is a deadly car.

You find it. You track it down.
Call me right back.

Yeah. I mean...

I mean, hello.

I get very worried when I see
you in a police station while

we're in the middle of seriously
private business.

It's a ballsy move, considering I
hold the fate of a child in my hands.

How the hell do you know where we are?

Be more concerned with what
you're saying to those cops.

Listen. We're here because we
were witnesses to a hit and run,

you know, the part where you're
friend got killed by a car.

Look, unless you get me what I
asked for, there will be another

body by the end of the day.

But this one will be much smaller...

You got me?

No, we need more time, okay?

Just send us a photo of Scarlet
so we know she's okay.

And we'll get you the money.
But we have to hang up now.

Please, please.
Don't hurt Scarlet.

One million dollars.
Sixty minutes. Or she's gone.

Wait! Sixty minutes.
Do you think he's serious?


Um, no one. I just --



pizza for you and we thought

maybe you could get it in 60 minutes
or less or it's free kinda thing.

You expect me to believe you two
don't know anything about

this hit and run?

What do you want me to say?
Alright, we were there.

We saw somebody get smoked by
a car and then he died.

It's unfortunate,
but that's all we know.

What were you two doing in
the area in the first place?

We were just working on a case.

It was completely unrelated to this.

What kind of a case?

That's confidential, constable.

Like the doctor patient,
lawyer priest thing.

Yeah, and you know what it's like
(sorry), like when you have a lead

and it's, like, going, and you
need to follow up on it

and time is of the essence.

Do you have anything else to add here?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but
I endorse everything Jake said.

You know the drill.

Don't leave town.

I can barely get him to move out
of my basement.

Let alone leave town. Heh, heh.

Gotta keep an eye on her.
She's got your number.

And not in a good way.

Alright. Let's go.

Hit and run victim's name is
Rich Kearny. Single.

Lives in a small apartment
complex on Forest Road

but is more than familiar
with Her Majesty's Pen.

Huh, look at this.
McKeown Family Hotels.

Rich booked two nights there yesterday.

If you had a fixed address,
why book a motel room?

Seems like a convenient place to
stash a little girl,

don't you think?

Clock's ticking.

Let's go.

Hello hello there.

So I take it I made it to round two?

What do we have on our Q and A
today? Is it a list of my

favourite movies?
Books? Bands?

Hey don't get your jumpsuit in a knot.

What is your favourite band?

Why should I tell you?

Fine. Don't.
You brought it up.

What else you got?

I wanna know...
about your crime.

I wanna know why you did it.

You mean why I killed the junkie
prostitute? Or why I kidnapped

you and robbed the ATM warehouse?

Let's go in reverse chronological.

What can I say? I needed
the money. I was on the run.

It was your uncle who saw to that.

So it was purely financial?


But there's always other
reasons for why people

do things. Always.

Alright. What was the other
reason for why you grabbed me?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! So this
is what this is all about.

Well it's understandable, you'd
like to see the bigger picture

as to why you were the one who
was chosen to be kidnapped.

- Why did you choose me?
- I didn't.

What do you mean, you didn't?
You kidnapped me. Why?

It didn't have anything to do
with you. It was just

to piss off Jake Doyle.


Then tell me about
the prostitute you killed.

Nah, I think we can tackle
that another time.

I will say this.

Don't be so sure that I killed anybody.

See you around.

- Hi.
- Des.

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be
here. I know that was a, like,

a total bonding moment between
you and you your possible

murdering father.

Mind your own business.
Why are you here?

I need you.

You need me to run a license
plate or some crap, right?

No, I need you to help me find a
briefcase with a million dollars

in it to pay off a kidnapper,
in the next, like 55 minutes.

What the hell are you guys into?

We lost the ransom money.
Why are we just sitting here?

What did the bank say?
Can you get more?

More? No!

That was every last cent we had.
We maxed out everything.

I don't understand. What about
the business accounts,

the line of credit, our investments?

Joe, there's a least half a --

There is no more money Carlotta.
That was it. All of it.

Okay. Well, we're doing everything
we can to recover the ransom.

In the meantime, we should
concentrate our efforts on who

might have taken Scarlett.

- Of course. She's right Joe.
- Okay.

Do you know of anyone who might
have a grudge against you?

Anyone at all.

Not that I can think of, no.

Scarlett's biological father --
is he capable of doing this?

If he is, he's doing it from
the great beyond. He's dead.

Scarlett's father passed away
when she was still a baby.

Oil and gas. Tough business.
Any enemies? Rivals?

I don't work with people like that.

Now this is ridiculous.

We need to do something
and we need to do it now.

[Cell phone rings.]

Excuse me for just a moment.


Rose. Could the Pattersons identify
our hit and run victim, Rich?

No. They have never seen him
before. Looks like he was just

a hired hand.

Any leads on that van
from the ransom drop?

Well without a plate,
it's gonna take me a while.

There are thousands of vans
registered in the province.


Wait. He's calling again.


You wanted a picture?
There it is. It should remind

you of what's at stake here.

Yeah, I got it. Look.
We just want to get Scarlett

back safe and sound.

You got a funny way of showing it, hero.

I know your kind.

Always make mistakes under pressure.

Buddy what makes you so sure
that you know me?

You prove me right, hot shot.

Rose. I need you to run an IP
address from a photo that was

just emailed to me, okay?

It might help us find where he's
keeping the little girl.

We've got less than an hour to
get this psycho his money.

Yeah, okay, I'm on it.

We're on our way to check out

a hotel where Rich might be
hiding Scarlett.

Tell the Pattersons to hang tight.

[MALACHY] Let's hope
Scarlett's safe inside.

Here that?

It's music...

from a stupid video game.

We got a kid's snack pack,

a juice box, crayons.

Has Des been hanging out here?

She wrote her name on this
colouring book.

Scarlett's been here, Dad.

Good news. If she was frightened
she wouldn't be interested

in playing, or colouring.


- Jake!
- On it!



It's a black Porsche you're looking for?

Yeah. I know doing this can get
you kicked off the force --

I mean -- out of the Academy.

No one wants that
on their resume, right?

Des, it's a little girl,
and I know how horrible it feels

to be snatched away.

It was not an awesome experience. One of
the un-awesomest I've ever experienced.

Well definitely in the top ten.

Made even worse by the fact that
it was my father who kidnapped us.

And he maybe, possibly killed
someone too, once upon a time.

But whatever. I'm fine.

Well, in his defense,
he didn't, and still doesn't,

know that you're his kid.

Yeah, a lot of difference that makes.


I know having a criminal slash
dad can be rough.

It makes you question
everything. I used to think I

was gonna wake up one morning
and suddenly wanna go rob

a bank because stealing was in my blood.

Yes b'y Des, you're a natural
born killer. We all knows that.

You know what I mean, Tinny. Me?

I couldn't even rip off a bag of
chips, but my dad?

He knows how to rip off all the chips.

Oh my god.

Look, the point is, is that...

I am who I turned out to be.

I'm me, who's who my dad is not,
or is not was you or I and me...

Okay I got a couple of hits
for the black Porsche.

- Let's go check them out.
- Okay.

But Des, even if we find 'em

there's no guarantee that
the money's still going

to be with the car.

Well it's worth a shot.

At the very least, we'll track
down the vehicular manslaughterer.


Ooof. Ooh.

You see how you're playing fast and
loose with this young girl's life?

You tell your new buddy, Joey,
that he can consider this my

two weeks notice.


Two weeks notice. [Bang.]

♪ Yeah ee-yeah, yeah ♪



Yeah. Dad I think that's him.

Okay, this guy, before

I was knocked unconscious,
he said something about

two weeks notice.

I think he works for you.

Griffin Daniels took our
daughter? My driver?

Is he your kickboxing teacher
too, because the guy kicked

the hell outa me.

He's ex-special forces.

Your driver is ex-special
forces? Why?

I travel to dangerous parts of
the world. I need protection.

Why am I even answering this?

Buddy's driver is a trained
killer. Isn't that awesome?

You might have thought to tell
us before now that you have

a mercenary on your payroll.

Listen, he could have some
grudge against you.

Can you think of any reason why
he'd want to exact revenge?


Griffin, he's always been so
sweet to Scarlett.

He wouldn't hurt her. He won't.

Carlotta, what makes you so sure
he won't hurt her?

He didn't seem the type.
He seemed nice.

I didn't quite get that
impression myself.

I can't believe this.
I just, I can't.

Honey, please don't blame yourself.

I'm not blaming me.

I mean you were the one who was
supposed to be looking after her

and you let this guy
in and take Scarlett?

This guy? Your kick boxing
chauffeur? You hired him, Joe.

You brought him into our life.

Okay, here we go.

Well why do you need a bodyguard
anyway. Tell them the truth.

Do you see what
I have to deal with here?

Protection in all those sleazy strip clubs.
That's the real reason.

B'ys. We have thirty minutes
to find your daughter.

So a lot less domestic spatting
would be really good.

The address on Griffin's
driver's license is a fake.

None of my databases had him listed.

Special forces training.

He knows how to keep
himself off the grid.

Yeah, he was released

from the military with
a dishonourable discharge.

He punched a superior
officer in the face.

So obviously he loves authority.

That's all I could find.

But if we had a cop
with some high clearance,

I think we could --


It's him. Just be quiet.



Where's my daughter?

[GIRL ON PHONE] Hello, Daddy?

Oh my god. Honey, Scarlett? Are
you okay baby? Say something.

Scarlett, Scarlett. Do you know
where you are? Where are you?

Tell us where you are.

[GRIFFIN] Nice try, Joey.

Listen to me. I swear, on your
life, I am going to go to

the police if you don't bring
back my little girl.

That's a stellar idea, sir.

No, no, no, no, no. Listen to
me. We just want to make sure

the little girl is safe
and sound, alright?

Doyle. I'm sorry our little spat
got cut short. I promise I'll

finish it properly next time.

And what, I guess I'll be seeing
you guys in about 30 minutes.

What do we do now?

We find Griffin.

Or find the money.

Um, guys? I had a look at Joe's
company finances.

He's on the verge of bankruptcy.
That ransom was everything he had.

Well I suppose we've got no choice
but to get that money back now.

Rose, you stay with the happy
couple. If the police are

completely off the table,
I think I have another way

to get Griffin's real address.
I'll be in touch.

Okay. So this is like, the last
name on the list, Pat Coombs.

You think this is our hit and run guy?

I hope so. Whoa! It looks like the
cops are on the same track as us.

Let's look around before they get back.

Okay. 88, 89.

Shouldn't numbers be even on one
side, odd on the other?

Yeah. Except if you're in Australia
where everything is backwards.

Well that cop just looked in
number 90 and found nothing.

Well maybe our hit and run man
isn't at home.

Or... he switched the numbers...

with this one.

There he is! Let's go!

You doing okay there?

I'm great.

Just great.

I don't know why I hired
you guys though.

Incompetence runs pretty rampant
in your business plan.

My granddaughter was kidnapped once.


And I don't think I was ever so
frightened by anything in all my life.

But we kept looking.

And we found her.

So... don't lose hope.

I'm trying not to.
It's just ah...

not having the power
to fix this --

it's really doing my head in.

I can't believe Carlotta
let this happen.

Why are you so focused on
blaming your wife?

She uh...

Carlotta's not the woman that I married.

Or maybe she always was that woman
and I was just too blind to see it.

Care to elaborate?

No I don't.

Just find me my daughter.
So all this can be over.


Looks like the united front
is really starting to crumble.

I think you're right. See if you
can get Carlotta to open up.

I'm going to dig a little deeper myself.

Joe's not exactly forthcoming.

I'll see what I can do.


How about a massive favour?

I need your help.

You can't be here Jake.

No one saw me come in here, I promise.

What happened to your face?

Uh, it's nothing. Listen.

There's a missing eight year old
girl. Her name is

Scarlett Patterson, okay?

The guy that's holding her
ransom -- he's gonna kill her

if I talk to the cops.
And seeing how, technically

you know, you're not actually
a cop right now...

I need your help.

What can I do?

The kidnapper's name is Griffin Daniels.

He's an ex-special

forces fella and I can't access
his file, so I was thinking that

maybe you could get in there,
have a look around and give me

whatever information you can find.

I'll see what I can do.

As long as you keep away from me
and don't come back here.

I'll try not to take that personally.

You know how all this looks
right? It doesn't look great.

I mean, the ginseng bottles.

Either you're looking for a
boost of energy or you're trying

to build a makeshift crack pipe.

Look. It's not mine. Okay Jake?

I'm fine. I know what I'm doing.

Okay? I might look the part.
But I'm not on the crack.

That's good to here.

I'll have to take your word for it.

Listen, I just wanted to say
that the last time I was here,

I really enjoyed the time we had
together, you know,

being together, together.

Yeah, me too.

And I'd love to be there again.
I mean, not now, obviously

because I gotta find the 8 year
old girl, but any other time

that you could possibly think of
-- I'm here, I mean I'm --

I should go.

This is pretty.

Who gave it to you?

Your crack boyfriend?

You better not have
a new crack boyfriend.

Get outa here.

And just...

and just call me if
you get any info, okay?

Okay Tinny, what are we gonna
do? We gotta stop him and we

gotta get the money.

Des. Stop distracting me.
I know what I'm doing.

[Car revs.]


Des, I need backup!

Ah! I got a splinter...



I'm gonna have to ask you to
stop resisting arrest and put

your other hand behind your back.

[Handcuffs click.] Des!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was just
distracted by the extreme...

hotness of that whole thing.

Get up!

Where's the briefcase?

This car is a lease.

How am I going to explain this damage?

The briefcase! Spill!

What briefcase?

The one you know fell in your
car when you were running buddy

down in the street.
This one, right here.


Right... here.

Who's this now?

Al Kavanagh.

Man, when they say the streets
are getting uglier

and uglier they really mean it,
don't they?

You must bring property value
down wherever you go.

Some charmer, aren't you?

So I sees private dick junior.

Where's the dickhead senior?

Malachy? Or did he get
an actual job?

No, b'y, still running around
town, chasing scrotbags.

But in this case, no need to
chase. Fate has brought

one right to my feet.

Most people hanging out around
here are looking to buy Oxy.

Is that your weakness, Jakey
boy? You don't seem the type.

But it takes all kinds, as they say.

What are you doing here, scrot?

That's none of your business.

Al, forgive me if I simply walk
away and never think of you again.

The feeling is more than mutual,
you little prick.

[Cell phone beep. Car starts.]

Thank you Leslie.


From Walter.

Carlotta, why didn't either of
you tell us about the divorce?

Why does that matter?

Everything matters when
a child's gone missing.

Joseph thinks I'm having an affair.

But I'm not.

I love him and we have a --

had a long life together and
now it's all crumbling apart.


Jake? Did you talk to Leslie?

Yeah. Leslie got me an address,
okay. I'll text it to you.

We got, like 10 minutes,
so meet me there right away.

Took long enough to get here, tubby.

I've asked you not to call me
that. What do you want?

What do I want?
That's how you greet a client?

You're my lawyer. You should be
thrilled to get my call.

- Your lawyer?
- Hmm.

Yeah. See I was only your lawyer
when you were blackmailing Jake,

and that was just a ploy to get
information out of you.

Still means we got attorney
client privilege, doesn't it?

Mister Tubby?

Great. Now.
What I'd like to ask you,

confidential buddy, is why you
think Jake Doyle's niece

is coming to visit me in prison?



Wait a minute.
Didn't you kidnap her?

I know. Spooky, huh?

So... what?

I'm just saying -- that Jake's
niece is coming to visit me.

I think Jake would like to know
why she's doing that.

Now you are Jake's best friend.

It's in Tinny's best interest,
am I right?

You know, I will find out.

But I'm sure as hell not gonna
do it for you.

See I'm refusing to represent
you on the grounds that you

are a massive, massive

juice arse.

That's a big mistake, Tubby.

You just got on the list of
people I'm gonna attend to.

I was just afraid I was gonna
lose my license.

Yeah, well no worries about that
cuz you can't drive in prison.

You know you killed a guy.

[Beeping] You ran him over.
You drove away. You killed him.

What have I done?
Oh my god, I'm sorry.

You can make this right, man.
Okay? Okay? A little girl is

gonna die if we don't get that cash.
I'm serious, like right now.

What? A little girl?
What are you talking about?

Just tell us! Where's the money?

Alright --

What are you doing?

Ah, Tinny?

You sure you don't know?

No, no no! Fine! Fine! There's a
secret compartment in the trunk.

He's not here.

It looks empty.

No games, no colouring books
and no Scarlett.

Look at this.

Looks like he's had a guest over.

Expensive taste.

Maybe that's why he needs the money.

Rose tells me he doesn't make nearly
enough for this kind of hooch.


It's him.

Yeah, I mean hello.

[GRIFFIN] You have a couple of minutes left.
Is it fair to say you have

my money? Or are you too busy
rooting around in my house?

So now, not only does the kid
die, but you die as well.

You do not follow
instructions clear enough.

No, no, do not blame the kid for
this, okay? It's my fault.

It's because I'm stupid. I'm thick.
We just need some more time.

No. You've had enough time.
And I am sure that right now you

and your father are wishing
you hadn't wasted it.

No, just please -- [click]
do not hang up.


Now what?


We have the money.

Des found the ransom.


[Beep beep beep.]


♪ Oh yeah ♪

I think it's safe to say -- with
everything that's happening --

the police are now officially involved.

I'll take all the help we can
get. This Griffin guy --

I'm telling you -- he's too
unpredictable and he's too dangerous.

How come he seems to know every time
we're within ten feet of a cop?

It doesn't make any sense.

There's no way he could have
known we were in his apartment.

It's creepy how
he keeps close tabs on us.

I had Des run a sweep on
everything we got.

You know -- the house, the van--
no bugs, nudding.

So how does he know?

Ask. And you will receive.

- [ROSE] Nice going, guys.
- And we got the bad guy.

What's this?

Cadet Doyle here has a collar.
The hit and run scumbag.

She called it in.

The uniform on the scene let her
bring him in herself.

Good work.

I bet this will make your family proud.

Lucky for you, they're all here.

Okay. We've got the money back.

Let's get a plan going to bring
Scarlett home safe and sound.

Ya. After we've talked.

Why don't you and your dad make
yourselves comfy in the board room?

What about Joseph and Carlotta?
They've been through a lot.

Fine. You can take them home,

but I may have more questions
for them later. Okay?

C'mon guys. Let's get you home.

So this should be an interesting tale.

Ah, no.

Hood, watch this case for me.

It's Sergeant. And you should
watch how you talk to a superior

officer, Constable Hayward.


It's your chain of evidence.
It's your responsibility.

Explain. Now. Everything.

- Uh.
- Well, I lied.

I told her we were gonna go...

rare bird watching --

which she is totally into.
Tinny loves... bird?

Des shut up.

Anyhoo -- the bottom line is,
I lied and I was investigating

the missing ransom money and
then buddy showed up and then

the chase happened and Tinny, she was
awesome, and then I got a splinter.

Actually it was pretty bad.

I can't believe we're stuck in there.
This is a total waste of time.

I agree. The cops are in and now
we're playing by their rules.

Everything okay?

Well, I just talked to my tech
friend. The emails Griffin sent

originated from a mobile account
and are being sent to an address

at the same account.

Who does it belong to?

Joseph Patterson.

Are you saying that Griffin
and Joe are in this together?

No wonder he always knew where
we were. He had an inside man.

Totally makes sense.
He's flat broke. He's heading

into a divorce.
He could easily stage this

kidnapping with Griffin's help to
keep his money away from Carlotta.

Where's Joe right now?

He's already left.

Listen, I'm going
to head over to the motel

to see if there's anything there
that could lead us to Griffin.

Yes. Sure. Just make yourselves
at home. Have a little Doyle

pow-wow in the RNC Boardroom.

I gotta fly.

Where's the briefcase?

What are you talking about?

The one my granddaughter brought in?

Full of cash.

- Hey!
- Come back here Jake!

I'm warning you! Jake, I can
order them to shoot you.

Joseph Patterson just walked out of
here with a briefcase full of cash.

He's our only way to get
Scarlett back and there's a good

chance he's behind all of this.

The briefcase is on my --

Follow him and get that money.

Joe! Stop!

No this has gone too far.

We've gotta talk about this.

Talk? That's all you wanna do.

- What are you doing?
- No!

♪ Yeah ee-yeah yeah ♪

Des, we need you to go through
my phone, okay?

Track all the phone calls from
Griffin -- every photo.

This guy may be Special Ops
but he's not infallible.

Dad, Joe did not get into that
van willingly, okay?

Griffin dragged him in.

You think Griffin's gone rogue?

Changed the game plan
without telling Joe?

I dunno --

Oh, uh -- What do I do?
What do I do?

Give it to me.


[JOSEPH] I screwed up. He's got
me and Scarlett and the money.

I don't know where we are but
maybe you can trace this or --

Joseph. Just look around. Okay.

See if you recognize
anything around you.

He's got me tied up. I can't
see outside. Let me try --

[GRIFFIN] What are you doing Joey?

[JOSEPH] Oomph.

[GRIFFIN] Nice try Doyle.
We'll talk later. [Hang-up.]

- Wa --
- I thought we had 'em.

Maybe we do.

Did you hear what was in the background?

The plane?

You don't think?

Hercs. Griffin's holding Joey at
the exact same spot that we did

the first drop.

The airport.

Call Monica.
Tell her where we're headed.

Des --

It's a phone call. How am I
gonna mess that up?

Just tell Monica to meet
us at the airport.

Oh. Thank you
very much.

[MALACHY] Hey Rose.

Hey. Listen. Griffin and
Carlotta, I think, well, I think

they're having an affair.

So Joe was right.
She was stepping out.

So why would she stage
a kidnapping. I mean --

maybe she needs the money.

They stayed at the McKeon Motel
a couple of times together.

Yeah, it's right here
in the reservation book.

- Thanks Rose.
- Okay.

Look, got him. He's over there.

Alright, I guess we gotta move.

Jake, we are not moving until we
have the proper backup.

[Phone vibrates.]
With all due respect Monica,

I don't think now is a good time
for us to delay.

He's calling me. Sssh.


So I guess now that you got your
cash, you could just hand

Scarlett over right?

That's why I'm calling to thank
you for getting me the money.

Everything worked out after all.

No, no. This isn't over until you
give us back the little girl.

No. I don't think so.

Excuse me?

Well, my ride will be here soon and
Scarlett will be coming with us.

I doubt you and I will speak
again after this.

It's been a slice Doyle, but I
had to call. I don't know why.

I guess I wanted to.

Do I know you or somethin'? What's
your beef with me exactly?

No. You don't know me. Not
personally. But guys like you.

Remember that you alone are
the reason the girl wasn't

returned to her parents.
Don't ever forget that.

He doesn't know we're here.

Hey Griffin! Buddy!

I've been looking around town
for you all day.

So, what do you think?

Let's end this whole thing

and you hand Scarlett over right now.

Back off.

Unfortunately I don't
think that can happen.

I'm almost glad you said that.

You were warned.


Carlotta. Grab Scarlett and go.

I'll meet you after I'm done
with this idiot.

No. I told you I didn't want any
of this. Just stop. Please!

[Punch. Punch.]

I can't believe that worked.

I need you to stop right there.

Let's get you out of there.

How dare you take my girl away from me!

Which one Joey?

Joe. Griffin and Carlotta --
they were in this together.

Please don't -- I -- It wasn't--
I didn't --

So what happened?
Joe found out about the affair?

He was gonna leave you and you'd
lose everything.

Some kind of pre-nup,
I'm guessing?

I was gonna end up
on the street. I had no choice.

So you arranged for your
boyfriend to kidnap your own

daughter for the money?

What happened when the first
money drop went wrong?

Why didn't you give up?

I told Griffin to stop and just
let my Scarlett go,

but he wouldn't listen.

I had nothing to do
with things since then.

What? You're pretending you're
clean in this?

I did it for you, and for us.

Are you going to leave it
hanging on me after everything?


He's -- I'm begging you.
It's all okay now.

She's back with us.
Can't we just walk away?

No. It doesn't work like that.
You can't just turn it back now.

If I go down, you go down too.

Griffin. Look around.
You're definitely going down.

Well, you and I will pick this
up at another time then.

She's in the back.

Were you scared? Yeah?

I know it doesn't look like it.

But I'm one of the good guys, okay?

Come here, honey.

♪ Oh yeah ♪

So how are you doing?
It's a lot to take in.

To be honest, the quicker this
is over, the quicker I can start

the process of moving on.

Scarlett's finally safe now.
That's what matters most.

You know, she may just be my
stepdaughter, but I love her

like she's my own.

I guess it's just going to be
the two of us from now on.

Uh, look, I know that I didn't
show it, but I really do

appreciate everything
that you did for me.

For us.

I wish you the best of luck.

Take care of yourself,
and the little one, hey?

So what do you say father?
The first round's on me.

First time I've ever heard you say that.

I've said it lots of times. I've
just never followed up on it.

Four more hours left of this
stupid shift. You're lucky.

You're done for the night.

Tell me about it.

He's got an eye on you. Careful.
He's a rough one. Trust me.


I called and texted a bunch of
times. Where were you to?

I was shopping.

Cell service in the mall is shits.

Come on.

You're not even the least bit
interested to know what I bought?

I had to get something nice
to go with this gorgeous

necklace you got me.


Are you at least gonna show it to me?

Maybe. If you're lucky.

Come on.

Let's me and you get outa here.

Go someplace quiet.


You know Jacob.

I never tell ya --
at least not enough --

that you're a...

you're a good investigator.

One glass of whiskey and already
the tears are coming?

I haven't had a drop.
I'm serious.

You saved a little girl today.

You did good.

And I'm not ashamed to tell you.

[Click.] Good work.

You too.


Are we gonna head home?

Umm... Long day.

Night kids.

Don't be too late.

What's wrong with you?


I'd tell you if I could, believe
me, but there's some things that

I just cannot share.

Just know that as soon as I can
unload the burden

you'll be the first to know.


Listen kid, it's getting a
little late here for me to be

answering stupid questions,
so what do you want?


I needed to talk to you,

but if you want me to go, I will.

I'm sorry. That was...

That was rude of me.
I apologize.

What happened to your face?


Things get a little boisterous
in here, as you can imagine.

I was a certain ways into the
process of figuring out how to

get back at the guy who did this
to me and then you showed up.

That sucks.

Well, you know, I'm...

I am slowly learning that revenge
is a fairly useless motivator.

So what can I do for you?

Okay. Come on.
How about we just tick

off some of those boxes on
the psych review, alright?

No, I was not a bed wetter.
No, I'm not a bed wetter now.

No, I have not tortured small animals.

No. You toyed with bigger
ones instead. Like me.

We're back there again?

Look, perhaps we just shouldn't
touch on the subject of

our little run in.

Look kid, honestly. I'm curious.

So why don't you do us both
a big favour and just tell me

what is on your mind.

What is your favourite band?

It's The Clash.


I like them a lot.

Ah, good. We got something
in common. That's good for us.

We've got more than that in common.

How do you figure that?

You're my father.

I thought it was about time you knew.

I'm your kid.