Reprisal (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - On the Principles of Horsehound - full transcript

Doris learns how to work with her new crew The Monster Ring. Ethan discovers the real reasons he was pushed to join this world. Joel makes an unprecedented offering to keep peace with the ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
That fire's dying down.

This was necessary.

'Cause now I need you
for what comes next.

And what's that?

Why'd you come to us, Joel?

You found me.

Yeah, outside of Houndsville
in that dog shit knuckle ring.

They called you Joel the Mover,

the bare‐knuckle champ rumored
to have sailed the world.

But you know when I found you?

When I saw you what you did
to your opponent.

That's when I found you.

A lost man with a grievance
against the world,

a grievance against himself,

and a man that needed
a family...

Like me... like Bash,

like every single one of us.

And when we tell them
what the Ghouls did to us,

they're gonna remember
what it's like to be a Brawler,

to have a family.

And those who were not
with us...

They're gonna see
what we're capable of.

They're gonna watch us rise
and burn

and consume... and prosper.

So, Joel the Mover,

you can leave.

Or you can put
those Ghouls' masks

on those Brawlers' heads

and join us.

And you join family.


Jukes, it's Joel.

We need to meet.

All right.
Where you wanna do this?

Your place.

Thank you for your time.

Good night, Preacher.

And what was all that about?

To bed, Anna.


How could you?

Well, I'm‐‐

well, I'm sorry, Miss Anna,

If Tammy can forgive‐‐

Looking a few days ahead,

this nice weather
will continue

with mostly sunny skies

and mild temperatures
in the upper 60s.

Nighttime lows will hover
around 58.

The winds today

are from the southwest
at 14 miles per hour.

Excuse me.

I was...

I was wondering if I could
have a cup of coffee.

What are you reading?

I like reading too.

I'd be reading right now,
but I left my books at home.

I like mysteries myself.

You ever read
Elmore Waterhaven?

He wrote mysteries.

I always thought of him

as more of a philosopher
than a mystery teller, but...

My husband didn't really
like reading.

Actually, I don't think
I ever saw him

with a book in his hand.

Course, he didn't really
do much of anything, I guess.

He just‐‐well, you know,
he drank.

And he died.

He did that.

He died from drinking?

Can you tell me where's
the nearest bus station?

Tough spot you could have
put us in.

I had a plan,
and he didn't disappoint.

- Was he a friend of yours?
- Did he seem like a friend of mine?

- Well, you brought him here.
- Because if I hadn't,

he would have found you

And we would have
taken care of him.

And instead, I did.

And that shit was impressive.

Good, because I want
you to feel

I can be on your team.

The fuck is a Bang‐A‐Rang

Like, a nightclub
or some shit?

It's a little more, um...

'round the clock than that.

And these guys, you said
they're your brother's gang.

They are.

And you mentioned
he dragged you behind a truck.

He did.

What would they do that for?

I'm afraid that part is...

A little complicated.

So you want us to rob 'em,

and then you can, uh...

well, you know,
do your thing.

The score.

That's what you'd be
interested in,

and me, I just‐‐I just need
the support.

- We don't kill people.
- Unless you have to.

Isn't that what you said?

Unless you have to?

You sure they got money?

Plenty of it.

Each Bang‐A‐Rang
has its own vault.

One we could have access to,
just in and out.

Because of your dude
on the inside?

Yes, my... dude on the inside.

Well, he's gonna have to know
what he's looking out for,

and you're gonna have to know
how we work.


Tomorrow morning,

we'll pick you up,

show you how it's done.

I joined this here army to join in the fun,

a‐jabbin' the Japs
and huntin' with guns.

And look at the job
that they hand out to me.




Your beard looks like shit.

Joel the Mover,

now a remnant of the years
like the rest of us.

Legends get old.

Gary, turn that shit off.

Get out of here, both of you.


who in the blooming
blue blazes is you?

Technical Fairy, First Class.

I heard you saying
that everything stank‐‐

Some oatmeal?

No, thanks.

How's Burt?

Sure he's fine.

There's a rumor going around
that he's dead

and you guys are just
covering up for it.

You haven't been paying
your tax.

You're supposed to pay us 60%
on all you take in.

Well aware of the number,

I'll drop it to 35.

35, and we'll give you back

the northeast corner
of the county.

And in return?

Our little scrimmage
couple weeks back...

Noticed you weren't there.

Sent Konstantinov
in my place.

Was that really your call?

not exactly someone

to take to take no
for an answer these days‐‐

Is he the only one of yours

not taking no these days?

Can't have close calls
like that, Jukes.

If you would have turned
those boys over to us,

I would have sent them
straight back to you.

We put you guys
on hard times.

I know that.

This place, your bars,

that two‐bit fucking drug ring
you run...

All falling apart...

for many years now.

Pay your tax.

35%, northeast corner,

so long as you take control
of your guys.

That's it.


What's in it for you?

No war and never having to see
any of you ever again.


So from Joel the Mover
to Joel the Peacekeeper, huh?

All gotta live our lives.

Let me ask you something.

You ever actually believe
that bullshit story

all those years ago?

Our guys ambushing you
like that?

you don't stop

whoever the fuck's
selling Scratch to Meredith,

deal is off

and I burn your everything.

Where will the auction be held?

Where will the auction
be held?

How many pounds does your cat weigh?

How many pounds
does your cat weigh?

The bones are in the wheelbarrow.

The bones are in the wheelbarrow.

Right where they belong.

Humid today.

Feel like the humidity
always brings the rain.

Does it feel like rain
out there?

I'm sorry,
I‐I didn't realize...

Um, that'll be, uh, 7,

uh, 54.

Yeah, so, uh...
that's Meredith's, huh?

Not yet, it ain't.

She said she paid.

Not in full.

How's your belly, fool?

Didn't I knock you out?


She said she paid in full,

Paid in full when I was
dealing with just her.

She didn't say anything
about sending

you three rats over here.

Said you didn't have a tow.

We have a tow.

Look, Gary,

we apologize,
all right?

We were just trying to show
the new guy some fun.

Didn't realize things would
get out of hand the way it did.

However... from what we heard,

you boys got a spanking
about not paying your tax.

I could be mistaken, but to me,
it seems like

if I was to go back,
tell Meredith you said she didn't pay,

what happens when she goes
to Daddy Burt,

talking about how the Ghouls
ripped her off?

And after everything
we all just did to cool down...

So maybe quit
the shakedown bullshit

and give us the fucking bike.

When this goes south,
and it will...

I'm coming for you first,

You and many others, pal.

Excuse me.

Any trouble?

A little bit.

They kick your asses again?

Well, you boys
keep being so sweet,

I might just give you a ride.

I wouldn't be caught dead
on that thing.

Mr. Purist.

You're welcome, by the way.


I'll see you boys
with the cops tonight.

- Cops?
- Mm‐hmm.

It's Cop Night tonight.

- Cop Night?
- Fucking Cop Night.

Few times a year,
Brawlers let 'em in,

let 'em all in...

show 'em a good time,

let 'em blow off
whatever steam they got

under their belts.

And in addition to some other
financial arrangements,

they turn a blind eye...

to everything.

You're looking fine.


Toast, boys.

I say this every fucking time, but...

thanks for this.

Glad you're having a good time.


So I got something interesting
for ya.

One of my guys,
they spotted him.


Thrift store
just outside Shawtown.

Trailed him in an unmarked

but lost him
up by Route Dixon.

You sure it was him?

I think anyone would know
Burt Harlow if they saw him.

Well... he's alive.

Seems like it.

Listen, I can have them do a
sweep of the area if you like,

get a more specific location.

No, just, um...

Just keep me posted.


Will do.

Say... you got any
of that other stuff?

You know, the good stuff?

My man.

He just kept staring at me.

I know.
Isn't he the one that arrested you?

She's right.

It was.

And there he is.

I need whatever Scratch you have.

I don't have any.

You told me to stop,

so I did.

It's for the cops.

Good to know.

Yeah, and we don't let
cops pay...

for anything.

Ain't that rich?

You just let
all your principles

fly right out the window for
the boys in blue, don't you?

How much?

All of it.

You're one hell of a host,

Thank you.

No problem.



Oh, I recognize you.

Arrested you once.


You probably do
recognize him.

Dude's wanted for murder
up in Detroit.

You get that APB, Officer?



I haven't seen anything
from Detroit.

Relax, little Phoenix.

Told you... you're with us now.


Where are you off to today?

Just running some errands.


Well... I'll be leaving
this afternoon.

I'm sorry?

Figured I should
let you know.

There's a train station
not far from here, I guess.

I'm going to hail a cab,
buy a ticket,

and get on a train
that will take me to Detroit.

And what do you think
is going to happen

once you travel to Detroit,

You have...

so much purpose, Doris.

I can see it in you,
and I...

envy it.

But... I can't sit here
in the dark any longer.

Colin kept me in the dark,
and now I'm in the dark again

while you go out and...
and pursue it,

while you pursue your purpose.

And I...

I pursue nothing.

I pursue nothing, Doris.

That's always been my problem.

I'm going to say
you killed Colin

and that you kidnapped me
and that I escaped

and that I‐I don't know
where you are.

And then I'm going to take
the restaurant,

and even though I‐I may
have to deal with Big Graham,

I'm going to make you proud
with it.

That's what I'm going to do.

Are you going
to tell them that...

Colin was your idea
to begin with?

That's very unfair of you.

My point is, Molly...

we're in this together.

We've been in this together.

If we're in this together,

then why can't you tell me
what you're up to?



You don't wanna know
what I'm up to.

You good?

Long morning already,
but all good.

Thank you, Cordell.


I'm looking for a Doris Quinn

and/or a Molly Quinn.

A what?

Two women,
possibly guests here.

I don't any
of the guests' names, man.

I just check 'em in.

Then may I see your ledger?


Why not?

It's confidential, man.

You know what?

Whatever you want,
all right?


I'd like to ask you
a question.

Do you trust me?

W‐what do you mean?

Because if I'm going
to help you

get out of trouble,

I might need some help
of my own.

- Like how?
- Here's how we work.

it's all about principles.

Now, any given time,
we're usually clocking

about 3 to 12
underground operations.

And they all got
one thing in common:

ain't none of 'em good people.

We don't rob no one
that's good.

So whenever
we're clocking somebody,

it's usually about the bad
they're up to.

Like this guy,

Carburetor Ron
and his mechanic scam.

As if it ain't bad enough
that old money

ripping off people
in this community

with some overpriced
shady‐ass work.

The guy also does

the classic smuggling shit.

Gets that South American
drug work in,

cut and corrupted.

All kinds, all prices.

Pollutes the community.

Then there's the fish spot.

Another classic operation.

Diamonds, rubies,
what have you,

all smuggled in fish.

They get jewels
from other galaxies

is what I heard.

That's not an actual thing,

but I do appreciate the myth.

The point is,
they're up to no good,

because half of the fish
go rotten.

And all them jewels are stolen

like a motherfucker.

It's a huge fucking waste.

Then we got the Piano Man.

Piano Devil,
as we like to call him.

Dude fixes pianos

but got some
whole other bullshit going on.

Considers himself a reverend,

Reverend Paulie Piano.

He has
an entirely fake‐ass religion

and a bunch
of lost‐ass followers

going behind his every word.

Love of God!

- It's kind of sad.
- It's very sad...

especially because his thing,

it's extremely fucked up.

Come on!

Convinces his followers

they need to exorcise their
demons through knife fights.

That they can actually cleanse
themselves of their troubles

if they wanna fight
to the death.

The real problem is,
though, Reverend Paulie then invites

a bunch of his
degenerate‐ass pals

to come place bets
on who's gonna win.

And that's where we come in.


Because the next part

is all about calculation.

'Cause we watch.

And we schedule.

It takes patience.

Hey! Move, move, move!

But if we don't know their schedule...

If we don't take our time...

If we don't learn their every single drop,

when money's coming in...

And when it's going out...

Then we don't know how to move.

So what's your boy gotta do?

Our schedule?

when you're supposed to arrive,

when the drops happen,
and the vaults.

I've never actually seen
any of the vaults.

Well, just work on that,
figure out how it works,

and‐‐and we'll talk.

I guess I don't have
any choice

but to trust you, then,

huh, Doris?

I'd say you're a little
too far down the road not to.

Wouldn't you agree?

It's a strange thing, Molly,

that story of yours.

Is it what you needed

to clear Big Graham's name?





Do you know any languages...

other than English?


I find them fascinating.

Uh, complex strings
of syllables

with different meanings, uh,

the history of different

of the human condition.

I knew Colin a long time.

We all did.

All loved him...

And all always found it
so confounding

that he ended up with you.

He'd be out at the strip clubs
all night,

few dozen mistresses...

We would all‐‐we would all
say to him,

"Colin, buddy, what are
you doing with this broad

"if you're just gonna go
running around like that?

Live your life, man."

I miss him.

Good guy.

Which is why...

well, Molly...

It's why I'm really going
to enjoy this.

Oh, Molly.

I'm really, really
going to enjoy this.

You look troubled, doll face.

Been a weird day.

Ain't every day around here
a little weird?

Good point.


Actually, uh,

starting to think
my liver's rotting out.

Was wondering if I should
cut back on the booze.

Well, beer's not booze.

It's beer.

So they haven't
scared you off yet.

They've come pretty close.

So what actually
brought you here?

I, uh...

I just, uh, heard about it.

You heard about it?


Just... something to do?

Something like that.

So why that bike?

The one you had us pick up.

Why not one of the rods that
are lying around on the lot?

Jesus, the rods?

Have you seen them?
They're ugly as shit.

I thought that was the point.

Oh, okay,
you mean the whole, um,

"beast on the outside,
purpose under the hood"?

Brawler folklore bullshit.

They're a bunch of idiots,
all of 'em.

You grew up here, right?

So you were around
for all of it?

Around for all of what?

The big war...
with all the gangs,

the one everyone talks about.

I mean, I was pretty young.

I don't really remember.

Except that I do...


I mean,
I remember how it felt.

I'm not saying
that I was afraid,

'cause I didn't understand enough about
what the hell was going on to be afraid.

What I mean is that I...

It felt dark.

It felt dark.

And maybe that's why
I've always wanted to leave.

I don't know.

Where you wanna go?

I'm on tonight.

Maybe I'll see ya out there.

A lot to take in, right?

Quite a bit.
It's impressive.

Now, what we need to know
is your timeline here.

When do you wanna
start on this?

- Pretty soon.
- Soon as in‐‐

This week.

That's a lot of moving parts
and not a lot of time.

Do you have time
for some tea?

Maybe we could iron
some things out.

Tea sound good to me.

Tea it is.

What kind of tea
do you prefer?

- Peppermint.
- Rooibos.


He tried to do...

the thing,
and then I did the thing,

and then...

the thing happened.


that's fine.

How the fuck that piece
get there?


It doesn't look
allergic to the sun.

What do you mean?

Look how pale it is.

Yeah, but it's wood.

Sun is good for wood.

It's how it all grew
in the first place.

That's a pretty good point.

Do you not want it, then?



your presentation, please.




Allow me to read
from its principles.

"On the principles
of Horsehound.

"Principle number one:

"the name Horsehound is derived
from the function

"of both a horse and a hound.

"For, like a horse,
it will ride proud

and be fearlessly ridden
by Daddy."

That's you.

"And at the same time,

like a hound,
it will hunt the Great Beast."

Who's the Great Beast?

The Great Beast is all
that's bad in the world

coming together as one
and trying to pollute the good.

Well, that sounds terrifying.

- Hello, Queenie.
- Hello, little one.

Are you still making
the friendly ones dance?

Well, I'm not sure what you mean by
"the friendly ones,"

and I don't make them, but yes.

All right.

Horsehound it is, then.


Allergic to the sun.

Sunscreen, I love it.

Uncle Bru can help you
get dinner started.

Then it's time for bed.

Uncle Bru,
we have some meat in the freezer

if you'd like some.

I'll take it.

Learn something new
from her every day.


Was curious...

Ghouls' tax. Yeah?

Did you discuss reducing it
with Burt

before you just up and did it?

Burt probably doesn't
even remember

what their tax was set at.

Well, then you could have
discussed it with me.

That what this really about,

It's about preserving
our position.

If we start making concessions,
we appear weak.

We start showing the others

we're open to working
with them

instead of lording over them,

then we preserve peace.

That's how we preserve
our position.

If you're so afraid of a fight, Joel,

why don't you just leave?

Because you think this place
will fall apart without you.

Is that right?

In which case...

if you are worried
about the little one,

there's always Rita.

You'll figure it out.

We'll keep the Ghoul tax at 35%
if you think that's best.

And when Burt does come asking,

I'm sure
you'll convince him just fine.

Who is it?

It's me.

We need to come inside.

You ain't gotta do shit.

Bernice, I can explain,

but right now, we need
to come inside, please.

Hello, uh, Bernice.

I apologize for interrupting,
but, um...

May we use your shower?

Like I said, I‐‐

- You can explain.
- Yeah.


Bathroom's down the hall,

Thank you.

Oh, um, you wouldn't happen
to have any, um,

cheesecloth for the...


Tell me you cooked something.

Just trust me on this,
all right?

How are you feeling?

You were right.

I can't go back.

I see that now.

Which means...
I'm coming with you.

Wherever the hell it is
you're going,

I'm coming with you,

and there's nothing you can do
to stop me.

Will that be all right?

Sure, Molly.

That'll be all right.

I'm gonna go out of
town for a while for a job.

With that woman?

She's got something big,

real big.

Big enough, I think, that‐‐
- Don't...

Earl, don't even think
about saying it.

I swear on my mother's
goddamn grave.

I mean it, Bernice.

Now, look, I know she can be
a bit... concerning.

But she got a fucking plan.

And what me and Cordell
would come back with...

that'd be it.

It could have been it
a while ago.

We could do better is all I'm saying.

It's all
you're ever gonna say.


I want y'all out of here tomorrow.

You can send me a postcard.

BERNICE; Do you ever think about
him when you're out there?

You ever think
about our little man?

Or do you just...

try to forget it all
ever went down like that?

Just keep...

gunnin' and gunnin'
and robbing it all away.

It ain't even like that,


of course it ain't.

Who was he?

He was an attorney.

An attorney.

My husband's attorney.

Yo, your husband sent him?

My husband's dead.

My husband's colleague,

it was him that sent
the attorney.

You know what?

You don't have to talk
about the personal shit.

That ain't what we're here for.

I got mine. Cordell got his.

I mean, we all got something.

I don't even need to know
why your brother

dragged you behind
a fucking truck.

If I get a chance to meet him,
maybe I'll ask him myself.

But when we talk
about being on a team, Dottie‐‐

I should have told you
about Big Graham.

I know.

Big Graham.

- My husband's colleague.
- Yeah, no.

Big Graham, like...

Detroit Big Graham?


That's who's after you?


I know, uh...

it's bad.

Big‐‐Big Graham, like‐‐like

ole head‐ass mobster
Big Graham?

Big Graham, like we robbed
that boy six times, Big Graham?

What the fuck?

About to be a seventh time,
Big Graham.

Come on, now.

Ole sleepy‐ass motherfucker?

I wish he would bring his ass
down here. Fuck you, man.

He probably need a fucking pacemaker.

Ole Benjamin Button‐faced‐ass

Come on, son.

Yo, the talk about Big Graham
is making me sleepy.

I‐I‐I'ma go to bed on that one.

- Ha!
- Big fucking Graham.

Do you believe this shit?
Oh, shit.

So we on the same page, then,



One last thing before I forget.

Monster Ring used to be
a bit bigger back in the day.

Ain't gotta talk
about that now, but...

We gonna be on a team...

Ah, shit, here.

I figure you can't leave
ole girl here,

and it sounds like you can't
send her back home either.


Welcome to The Monster Ring.

Both of you.

We leave in the morning.

Mash good!

Easy, Igor, you impetuous...