Relic Hunter (1999–2002): Season 2, Episode 4 - The Legend of the Lost - full transcript

Sydney and Nigel set out to find if the legend of the lost civilization in Africa is actually true. Unfortunately, they have to team up with Derek Lloyd.

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How many mid-terms
did we grade?

A hundred and twelve.

Sydney, you've got to
start making your classes
less popular.

I'll see you on Monday.

And don't forget we have
the symposium first thing.





Good morning, Sydney.

Good morning, Claudia.

The time-line chart on the
UR Dynasty you requested,

The research on Babylonian
irrigation methods,

Your expense reports,
the mail, your calls.

And might I mention
what a lovely outfit
that is you're wearing.

Ah. Your annual


It's coming up,
isn't it?

Is it?


Ancient Studies.

It's Nigel.

We have a symposium.
Where is he?

You have a symposium.
Where are you?

New Guinea.

New Guinea? Nigel,
what's going on?


Hello, Sydney.

Who is this?

An old friend.

Lloyd? Is this Derek Lloyd?

What have you
done with Nigel?

Oh, he's fine for now.
In your top drawer,

you will find US government
satellite photos

Of the Okora Forest
Preserve in New Guinea.


And a village. A village
that may belong to people

who are believed
to be extinct.

Oh, yes, Sydney,
the possibilities are
amazing, aren't they?

I want to talk
to Nigel.

Sure. He's staying at the
Molendo Hotel in Khala.

We'll expect you
within 48 hours.

Lloyd. Lloyd!


I'm Timo Batta from the
Ministry of the Interior.

I must speak with miss
Sydney Fox immediately.

Just a moment, sir.

I'm sorry, she hasn't
checked in yet.

Look, have someone
contact me as soon
as she arrives.




Where's Nigel?

Who do you think
you are pulling a stunt
like this? Where is he?

Would you have
come on your own?

Where is Nigel?
Would you have come
on your own?

Of course not.
You smell great.

Hey, Derek, look
what I got for us.

What've you done to him?

Are you all right?


I thought you were
being held hostage.

Show her the



look at these.


A Bronze Age
burial cavern.

There were people
in this one.

SYDNEY: The lost tribe
of Kai Nomata?

NIGEL: Supposed to be extinct.

They were destroyed by a
volcano thousands of years ago.

What if they weren't?
What if they led in time,

Migrated here to New Guinea?

A Bronze Age people
untouched by the modern world.

Don't tell me the USGI is
doing social studies now.

I was loaned out to the
United Nations department
of cultural affairs, Sydney,

Simple as that.

Travel inside the Okora Forest
is prohibited.

The local government,
at my urging,

agreed to allow one expert
to come along

to confirm that the
Kai Nomata exist.

My friend, Sydney Fox.


Okay, we have to get to the
Ministry of Interior to get
our travel papers.

Nigel, now's our chance.
Let's get out of here.

Do we really want to do that?

Has it occurred to you
that you might be suffering
from Stockholm syndrome?

Where the captive suddenly
bonds with the captor?

And forgets that the captor
is an unprincipled USGI agent.


Maybe he's for real this time.
You saw the photos.

Those could've
been doctored.

Maybe. What if they're not?

What if there really
is a lost civilization?

Let's go.

Come on.


Mr. Budur,
may I introduce...

I know who they are.

Mr. Budur does not
approve of the expedition.

The Okora Preserve
is a national treasure.

Travel is strictly

An exception has been made
for the venerated Sydney Fox.

I assure you...

If these people exist, they are
untouched by the modern world.

Their integrity
must be preserved.

Of course.

If you find the Kai Nomata,
you will document them

and then you will leave the
Okora Forest immediately.

Your escort will make
sure that you do.


The government representative
who will accompany you.

The fewer people
that come along,

the less chance of
contaminating the tribe

with outside influences,
Mr. Budur.

The government
representative goes
or you do not.

He will meet you
at the plane.

It brings a whole new meaning
to economy, doesn't it?

Hello, miss Fox.

My name is Timo Batta.

I'm your government
escort for the journey.

Set course two-thirty- five,

leveling at altitude
four-eight-zero-zero, over.

How much further
to the airstrip, Timo?

PILOT: That's a roger, Tower.
We will keep you informed.
Over and out.

Kidnapping Nigel was the
only way. You realize that.

And why would I
realize that, Derek?

There you go again, Sydney.
Always making things
so complicated.

You know what? You're right,
maybe I should keep it simpler.

Kidnap someone's assistant
to get them to work with me.

We had quite
the adventure once, Sydney.

What do you say
we put things behind us?

PILOT: Approaching drop zone.

What does he mean,
"drop zone"?

It's time.

What does he mean,
"it's time"?

I thought you said
the parachutes were
just a precaution.

And you believed him?

That information was on
need-to-know protocol.

Telling you any earlier
would have just needlessly
upset you, my friend.

What? I'm upset now.
I'm very upset.

PILOT: Coming out final.

You can do this, Nigel.

As soon as you clear the door,
pull this rip cord here.

PILOT: Over drop zone.


I don't think
I can do this.

Yes, you can.

I don't think I can.

Yes, you can.

How do you know?


SYDNEY: Nigel, you're drifting.
Pull on your left toggle.

NIGEL: My left what?

SYDNEY: Your left...

Looks like
Nigel missed his mark.

He drifted east.

Guess you were out the day
they taught survival packing.

It's okay. I can handle it.

You ever drop
the hard-ass act?

Don't tell me.
Need-to-know protocol?

We should find
your friend.

NIGEL: Help! Help!
Somebody help, please! Help me!

It's okay.
I've got him.

Careful, you might
sprain an ankle.


DEREK: How's the
teaching going?

SYDNEY: Pretty good. Busy.
You know, between classes,
exams, research,

it's hard to find
free time for yourself.

Yeah, I know
what you mean.

You do?


Just what do you do
in your free time?

I, uh... I have hobbies.

Derek Lloyd has hobbies?


What do you do? Build model
airplanes and blow them up?

I collect stamps.


I collect stamps.

You collect stamps?

Yes, I collect stamps.
Is there something wrong
with that?

No, no, nothing at all.

Being a government observer
must be quite interesting work.

All that observing. Not
a lot of time to talk, eh?

Not a lot.

What is it?

NIGEL: I'm not sure.

Some kind of Kai Nomata
ritualistic symbol.

Maybe to mark out
their territory.

I say we camp
for the night.


Works better with bullets.

And a firing pin.


NIGEL: What's going on?
Who's shooting?

It's okay.

SYDNEY: I see him!

Don't let him
get away.




His own government
sanctioned this expedition.

Why would Timo
try and kill us?

I guess someone doesn't want us
finding the Kai Nomata.

The guy in government

No, they could've simply
denied us authorization.

He's got a battery factory
in here.

Double As, triple As,


Strobe light?

Who brings a strobe light
into the jungle?

Someone with a real thing
for disco?


NIGEL: Timo didn't
strike me as the

on-a-disc-man kind of guy.

Does this make any sense to you?


You know what really
scares me right now?

For the first time,
I believe you.


What is it?

These talismans.

You said they were
here to mark territory.

No, these are
more specific.

They're part of
Kai Nomata lore.

Th represent guardians,

a warning to anyone who's about
to enter their sacred territory.

So, I guess there's more
guarding this area
than just these puppets.

DEREK: Stay back.


DEREK: Jump!

How's the view?

Not bad.

NIGEL: Sydney! Derek!

Are you all right?

We're just fine.

Just fine.

Nigel, there...
There's some kind of
tunnel down here

with tribal markings
on it.

What do they look like?

Timbers, wooden
beams [STUTTERS]
with tribal carvings.

You should bring your
camera down here.

We need some shots
of this.

Yeah, get some good close-ups
on the carvings on the supports.

You know, by the
looks of those beams,

the structure of it could've
been something kind of mine.

What? Copper?

Possibly. The Kai Nomata
were renowned for their
use of bronze.

The roll's almost done.

I'll get you
another one.

Okay, it's in the pouch
on the side of my pack.

Hey, Lloyd.



What's wrong?

Lloyd's not here.

NIGEL: I'm sure he's fine.


What are you doing
with a sniper's rifle?

What's going on?

Let go of me!

Settle down
and let me explain.

Why? So you can lie again?

Sydney, Derek...

What are you doing?

Everything he's told us about
the expedition's a lie, Nigel.

Is that true?

Not everything, no.

Hey, hey...


Jonathan Quelch.

Doesn't sound like
an indigenous name.

He was a USGI agent

sent in to investigate
the possible presence
of Chinese missile silos,

But he disappeared. Quelch
never found the missiles,

but he did find
the Kai Nomata.

And appointed himself
their king.


If you think I'm going
to let you just take
this guy Quelch out,

do you know what that's
going to do to the tribe?

I've got my orders
Sydney, okay?

Quelch, he made a mess.
I'm here to clean it up.

You can stay with me or you
can go on your own, Sydney.
That's your choice.

This doesn't look good.

Stay calm, Nigel.

Where are they taking us?


We've been waiting.


Please forgive Mudo, the
ramblings of a condemned man.

You didn't happen to bring
the batteries, did you?

Never mind. I'll send
someone for them later.

You'll never pull
this off, Quelch.

Pull it off?

I've already pulled
it off.

In fact, if you'll excuse
the bad analogy,

I've pulled the blanket
off your whole little world.

You know, there's
something quite beautiful
about this place.

Do you know what I mean?

I could feel it
as soon as I got here.

Yeah. I mean, you spend
your whole life sleeping,

thinking you're alive and then
you come to a place like this.


A blank palette
just waiting for someone
to create,

for someone to mold it,
to shape it.

It called to me,
quietly at first.

Now, it's quite comfortable,
like an old friend.

It speaks in whispers.

Peaceful, so natural.

Reaching a part of me
that's always been there,
just waiting to emerge.

Now, we're becoming one.

You know they'll just
send someone else.

Let them come.

Each will be dealt with
in time,

as will each of you.


There's got to be
some way out of here.


This is the only way out,
through this door.

How, with him
watching us?

There's got to be
an escape, some way.

There is no escape
for any of us.

You speak English.


What did Quelch mean when
he said we'd be dealt with?

He knows you come here.

He plans big human sat...




NIGEL: Human sacrifice?

How did you learn
to speak English?

When Quelch
comes to village,

he teaches me and others.

We think he help us.
But Quelch does bad,

has pleasure with women
if they want or not,

Kills people
who do not obey him.

People like you?

I try and I try to turn
Kai Nomata against Quelch,

but he is protected by gods.
He has magical powers.

Magical power?

Boxes that... That shout,
sticks of light.

He gives our treasures to men
who bring him his magic.

Boxes that shout?

The CDs in
Timo's pack?

Quelch rules
with a boom box?

Sticks of light.

Which explain the electronics
stored in Timo's pack.

He was Quelch's

SYDNEY: As well as
running interference
for anyone that came after him.

Quelch has to be
stopped, Sydney.

Stopped, not shot.

What do you have
in mind?

I don't know yet.



Sydney, what are
you doing?

Flow, Nigel, flow.

Ah. You like this, huh?

Fine Swiss engineering.

Yeah, come take a look.

You can have it.
Just come and get it.


There you go.

Sorry, buddy.

Very good, Sydney.
What next?

Well, I couldn't very well
use this while he was watching.


Okay. You too.



That's supposed to be us.

Fourth of July

You see? Quelch has
magical fire.

No, Mudo, that's not magic.
Those are an amusement,
for celebrations.

Where we come from,
many people have those.

The mantle Quelch is wearing
is a symbol of Kai Nomata

The tribal leaders
would have wielded it
for thousands of years.

Won't stop me from taking
Quelch out if I find my rifle.

Lloyd, I think this tribe
has seen enough killing.

He's got a point,

With those bodyguards
of his around, nobody
can get close to him.

I know.

Well, what now?

I'm thinking.




We don't understand.

I not have word.

Under where we walk...

The tunnels.

Yes, of course. There's a
tunnel out in the forest.

It wasn't a mine,
it was part of some
primitive escape system.

There must be a whole
network of tunnels running
underneath the village.

If we could find
another entrance,

we might be able
to surprise Quelch.

Let's do it.

Bring me Mudo.

This must be where
the ancient tribesmen
buried their weapons.

The ancient tribesmen
didn't hide these.

Quelch's magical powers.

But who's to say Quelch
is the only god in town
with magical powers?


It's time to give the Kai Nomata
back to the Kai Nomata.


Search the huts.
Take five men and...



Kill the outsiders now.

I said kill them!

You're on, Mudo.

You are not king
of our people.

Only Kai Nomata
rule Kai Nomata.



SYDNEY: He's got a gun!

DEREK: Come at me.





Kai Nomata!

Kai Nomata!

And just when
it looked like Mudo

was about to be
defeated by Quelch...

Sydney and Derek saved him
while you hid.

I did not hide.
I played an integral part

in defeating Quelch and
saving the Kai Nomata.

By lighting a couple
of sparklers. Uh-huh.

They were not

There were some
very dangerous explosives
within those fireworks.

The only fireworks
I'm interested in

are the ones between
Sydney and Lloyd.

Come on, Syd, give.

Anything happen between
you and secret agent man?

Sorry to disappoint
you, Claudia,

but Lloyd is not my type.
Looks like I left my keys
in the office.

I'll get them for you,
as a little thank you.

Thank you for what?

For the glowing evaluation
that you gave me.

You filled out that form
and signed my name to it?

Well, you were going
to miss the due date,

and I know how important
you consider punctuality to be.

Go ahead.
I'll see you on Monday.

Did I tell you about that
near-death experience I had

when my parachute
didn't open? Well...


It is incumbent on me
to extend an apology

for all the deception
I have put you through...

over dinner.

Sorry, Lloyd, personal policy,

no socializing with
underhanded espionage agents.

[CHUCKLES] Well, perhaps
I may convince you to reverse
that policy, hmm?

* I send this out

* My inspiration


* What's up with you and me?

* You can be my baby doll

* What's up with you and me?

* You can be my baby doll

* Flufflin' up

* My heart was pumping
with the passion I felt within

* I'm close

* I was out in Illinois...