Relic Hunter (1999–2002): Season 2, Episode 21 - Set in Stone - full transcript

Hungary, 1595: In a monastery, Knight Gabriel impales a demon, which then turns to stone. 2001: Nigel and Sydney arrive bearing a letter from a monk, but the abbot claims it is a forgery and shuts them out. Sydney decides to dig deeper.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -




God be with the noble
knight, Gabriel.

Let us pray
for his triumph
over the dark one.




NIGEL: Look at it, Sydney.

A medieval monastery
virtually untouched by time.

Monks collecting beeswax
as they have for centuries.

SYDNEY: Are you
excited, Nigel?

NIGEL: Oh, I've imagined
this moment for years,

ever since my father told me
the story of Saint Gabriel
as a boy.

But that sign on the gate,
"no visitors"?

Oh, don't worry,
they'll be glad
to see us.


Then again, they're not
exactly rolling out
the red carpet, are they?


Oh, good day.
My name's Nigel Bailey.

This is my colleague,
Dr. Sydney Fox.

I'm Theodoric,
the abbot of
this monastery.

This is a cloistered community.
Visitors are strictly forbidden.

Ah, the signs. Well,
you see, we're looking
for Brother Elgin.

He was supposed to
meet us in town but
he never showed up.

We have no
Brother Elgin.

That's impossible.
I've exchanged
correspondence with him

Saint Gabriel's sword.

That's no more than a fable,
young man, a bedtime story.

Trust me, we have no
sword in the stone here,

or anywhere else
for that matter.

We've come 5,000 miles.

There must be
some mistake.

I mean, how many
closed orders can there be
in this part of Hungary?


NIGEL: Hello?

Brother Theodoric, please,

there must be
some misunderstanding.

A few months ago, I
wrote depicting a theory

I have on
Saint Gabriel's sword.

A Brother Elgin responded.
He was intrigued.

He instructed me to meet
him in the town today,

but he never showed.
Look, I brought
his letter with me.

Let me see it.

Your presence is
an insult to the sanctity
of this order.

If you truly respect
our privacy, you'll leave.

It's a fraud.
Please, hear me out.

What's that?

It's a 15th century tableau

depicting Saint Gabriel
slaying the demon Belisle.

Just as in a story that
was told to me by my father
when I was a boy.

If you look closer,
there's an aura

surrounding Gabriel's
right hand.

Now, in medieval art,
auras depicted a sacred or,

or mystical entity.

Well, this one suggests
that both the sword

and his gauntlet
are part of a magical unit.

Just what
are you implying?

That the sword,
if it is within
your walls, of course,

can be removed from
the stone that holds it

by a person
wearing the gauntlet.

An interesting theory.

But it doesn't change the fact
that the sword never existed.

The legend isn't true.

We realize that you're
a cloistered community,

but if you'd allow us
to speak with Brother Elgin
just a moment.

FATHER: please.
We're simple people.

We make candles
from beeswax.

There's no Brother Elgin.

There's no sword
in a stone.

Now, I must get back
to my work.

Thank you for
your trouble, Father.

Don't go thanking him.
What about my theory?

It's time to go.

I can't believe it, Sydney.
I'm at a complete
and utter loss.

Well, don't be.
Did you notice
the Abbot's reaction

when you showed him
the tableau?
He's hiding something.

He was lying.
There's a Brother Elgin.

No, he's telling
the truth about that.

You said he wasn't
telling the truth.
There's no Elgin?

Think about it.
If you're a monk in
a cloistered monastery

and trying to
sneak a letter out,

are you gonna put
your real name on it?
I guess not.

I think Elgin's
a pseudonym
of some sort.

Of course.

Gabriel's squire
was named Elgin.

Someone's been doing
his homework.

Yeah, so was our
mystery letter writer.

Oh, one more thing.
Did you notice
a tattoo on his arm?

On his left wrist,

he had a strange
and distinctive tattoo.

I think
it means something.


I'm so sorry.
Are you all right?

Nigel Bailey?

Brother Elgin?

I couldn't contact you sooner.

My real name is Oswin.

I apologize for the deception.

What's going on here?

Theodoric says all contact
with the outside world

leads to curiosity.
And curiosity leads to passion,

and passion leads to sin.

But you responded to
Nigel's letter.

I help the abbot
with the mail.

Most inquiries to the monastery
are destroyed by fire.

But after reading yours--
I was right
about the sword, wasn't I?

It's not safe
to speak here.

Go to the village.
Contact Vasy the merchant.

I'll try and
find you there.

Just go. Go!

We have to remove
all the wood
and stuff from the walls,

replace those curtains.

What I have in mind
is saffron silk taffeta
with a pistachio trim.

That'll flow into
the new form of the room

and give it a much
airier feel.

Really, the wood
paneling has to go.

Actually, I think Sydney's
pretty fond of the wood.


My boss, whose office
you're redoing.

Well, I work
for the university,
not any Cindy person.

Well, Sydney's got some
pretty specific tastes.

Oh, really?
What might they be?

Well, thermal-proof
the windows,

insulate, make the space more
environmentally responsible

without losing
the original character.

That's it?

What's wrong with that?

Listen, I have
commissions to justify.

I am not about to
be dictated to by some
squeaky sorority girl.

My father has a relationship
with the president
of this university.

So do I.


Brother Oswin.

But the monks rallied
around their fallen hero,

and as Belisle prepared
to finish Gabriel off,

their prayers stirred
something deep inside
the knight.

And wounded though
he was, with his last
ounce of strength,

he plunged his sword
deep into Belisle!

Careful there, Zorro.

Turning the dark beast
to stone and trapping
the blade,

where it sits
to this day,

waiting for some
brave knight to find it.

Let me guess,
when your daddy
told you the story,

the knight's name
was Sir Nigel?

Sir Nigel the Brave.

Did he act the story out
when he told you?

The first time he told,
he tripped over one of
my mother's favorite lamps.

But something in his spirit
captured my imagination.

Drove me to learn
more and more.

One of the reasons I chose
a career in Ancient Studies.

So finding this relic
would mean a great deal to you.

It'd mean I proved the legend
of Saint Gabriel to be true.

Give me the cell phone.
I'm gonna call Claudia,
have her check on something.

Look around see if
we can find the merchant
Vasy's store.


You've always been
a day dreamer, Oswin,

more fascinated
with the view
from your window

than your devotions
inside these walls.

Now, I'm not sure.

Have I misjudged you?

I find comfort
in the Word of God.

Then quote a passage for me.

Proverbs 17:20.

"He that hath a forward
heart findeth no good.

He that hath
a perverse tongue,
falleth into mischief."

Abbot, I'm sorry.
I don't understand.

Brother Asven saw you
talking to the strangers
this afternoon.

I was only telling them
to go away.

Beware your tongue, Oswin.

Or should I say "Elgin"?

We found this hidden
in your things.

It's a letter from
the Englishman.

It mentions the sword.

You were to destroy
all correspondence.

The secret of
the sword's existence

is your blood-sacred vow.

Nothing to say?

Funny how only now

you'd choose to honor
your vow of silence.



Perhaps the bee bag
will loosen your tongue.

No, please.

How did you get a letter
out of the monastery?

You're mistaken--

My mistake will be
to let you live
a second longer

if you continue
to deny you have
betrayed this order.

It was Vasy,
Vasy the merchant.

He mailed it for me.


Bag him.

No, wait, I told you
the truth.

Should never have
sent that letter, Oswin.


Go to the village.
Deal with Vasy.


Claudia, where
have you been?

I've been calling,
the machine's not on.
Are you all right?

I was across the Quad
in that disaster formerly
known as our office,

going over paint samples

with this wicked witch
of a decorator
the university hired.

Okay, never mind that
for right now.

I need you to check
on something for me.

Go get a pencil
and a paper.

Okay, shoot.

SYDNEY: Draw a "Z."


Now draw a horizontal line
right through the middle of it

and add two little circles
to each end of that line.

Okay, I give.
What is it?

That's what I want
you to find out.

Vasy's shop's on
the next corner.

It's locked?

Huh, strange.
The van's here.


Are you all right?


What about him?

Thank you.

Are you Mr. Vasy?


I'm Sydney Fox.
This is Nigel Bailey.

Brother Oswin told us to come.

He said he'd try
to meet us here.

I saw you at the monastery
this morning.

You talked to Oswin?

Theodoric allowed it?

Well, not exactly.

Do you know why he'd
want us to come here?


What have I gotten
myself into?

How well do you
know Brother Oswin?

I've been delivering
groceries and supplies

to the monastery
for years.

I've known Oswin
since he was a young lad
in the village.

Then a couple
of weeks ago,

he asked me to post
a letter for him.

I did.

Now Theodoric sends
his monks to beat me up.

I don't understand.


put Sydney on.

I've got some information
for her.

Claudia, for you.

Yeah, what've you got?

It's a religious symbol,
Medieval European.

Why don't you give it--
I'm way ahead of you.

He's gonna get back to me
as soon as he gets anything.

But I got to go now.

What's the rush?

Paint samples.

I thought that you hated
the university decorator.

Oh, did I forget
to mention that they'd
hired an outside contractor?

What's his name?

CLAUDIA: Andreas.


They'll be back.

Theodoric is a brutal man.

Sounds like
he knows tactics.

The order's recruits
are young boys

from poor families
with few options.

Easy pickings for
men like Theodoric.

Was Oswin different?

Oswin was an idealist.

He had hopes
of updating the order,

committing it to
public service,

and bringing it into
the twentieth century.

But once he was initiated,

he found that Theodoric
had perverted it,

descended it from
Christian practice

and made it into
a cult of the sword.

Was Oswin alone
in his hopes for change?

The other monks
live in fear.

Theodoric has the order
under his thumb.

Oswin was about
to tell us something

when they came after him.

Can I ask you something?

What was Oswin's letter
to you about?

I have a theory
about Saint Gabriel's sword.

I don't understand.

Surely he told you,

it's there in the monastery.

NIGEL: I knew it.

We believe Gabriel's gauntlet,

his glove, is the key
to withdrawing the sword
from the stone.

When we showed this
to Theodoric

and told him
our thoughts on it,
he reacted strongly.

Of course.

He'd want to keep it
for himself.

The question is, where do
we start looking for it
to find it first?

I trust solitude

affords the opportunity
to think about your actions.

Tell me,

how long have you
been writing these letters?

I only wrote the one,
I swear it.

The truth, Oswin.

If only you could have read
that young man's letter,

sensed the passion
in his words.

He was only seeking
the truth,

the truth about Gabriel.

I thought...

if he could only
just see the sword,

just to know
that it exists.

What if he'd stumbled
on the key?

Do you have any idea
the kind of havoc
he could unleash?

The dark one's forces
are all around us.

Prepare yourself.

What did he say?

CLAUDIA: He recognized
your "Z" symbol right off.

It's called a zadovar,
very rare.

It's also some sort
of sun sign thingy.

But get this. In 1974,

several zadovars
were uncovered
at a dig in Hungary

at a place called
Childric's Hill.

Childric's Hill?

Near here,
I know the place.

Oh, and there's
something else too.

He gave me a doctoral thesis.

It's got sketches and a plot
of the ruins. Would that help?

Yeah. Get to a scanner
and e-mail it
to Nigel's computer.

Good work.
CLAUDIA: Thanks.

By the way,
how's the decorator?

Oh, oh, so good.

We're going to chow down
on some calamari

as soon as Andreas
gets here.

I thought you
hated calamari.

Oh, yeah, well,

I'm learning to have
an open mind.


I'll join you
in a minute.

Belisle, soon
it will be time,

and you will
be free, master.

NIGEL: Childric's Hill.

Legend says that
Saint Gabriel was buried
by his squire, Elgin,

but the location
was kept secret.

Do you think this
could be the place?

It's a good possibility.

How long will it take
to get there?

Not long. But the road
is very bad.

You shouldn't travel at night.
It's best to wait till morning.

Is there an inn nearby?
Just up the street.

We should get a map.

I can show you the way.

That would be great.

NIGEL: Why can't we
ever find one of these
in a populated area?

Well, the ruins should
be up here on the left.

NIGEL: The building's gone.

Yeah, it was in ruins during
Gabriel's time as well.

VASY: Gabriel
was most likely
buried below us

in a crypt or a vault
of some kind.

The zadovar symbol may
very well mark where.

Well, the site plan
that Claudia sent

shows the places
where the symbol was found.

Three, according to that.

One, near the ruins
of a watchtower,

the second, near
the foundation wall,

and the third,
dead center in a well.

Gabriel could be buried
under any one of those.

That large pile of stones
looks like the watchtower.

I'll check it.

I'll go over to the well.
I'll check the foundation wall.

I was just thinking
of poor Oswin,

of what Theodoric
will do to him.

NIGEL: I found it.

It's not a well.
It's been filled in.

There's something
underneath the fill, though.

I found one, Sydney.

A carved stone marker
with a zadovar symbol on it
about yea big,

but not a sign of any
crypt or any entrance.

I found the second,
just a stone, nothing else.

Okay, here's the third.

I've got it.

But it's just a marker.

There's no sign
of a crypt entrance anywhere.

Why markers?

Well, according
to the legend,

Elgin brought Gabriel
here himself.

Maybe he brought some monks
from the monastery with him.

And laid the symbols to mark
the hero's resting place.

A symbol.

You thinking what
I'm thinking?

The markers are part
of a larger pattern.

What are we looking for?

Another marker.

SYDNEY: There it is.

This is how
the stones fit together.

You take
the first three markers

that the other
archaeologists found,

and then you add
the fourth.

But hang on,
there's more.

Looking for a circle.

Yes, a circle.

Just like the circles
at the end of the cross line.

It's almost
a complete symbol.

Which means
there should be
another circle

somewhere over there.

SYDNEY: A circle.

Do you notice, Nigel,
that the cross line
runs east-west?

Something Claudia said to me
on the phone yesterday
got me thinking.

She said the zadovar
is a sun symbol.

The path of the sun.

Of course, this is brilliant.

NIGEL: A not-so-uncommon
way to mark a burial place.

The sun rises
in the east in life.

And sets in the west...

In death.

Gabriel is buried
under the western circle.


SYDNEY: Hello, Gabriel.

NIGEL: Cozied up the space.

VASY: I don't see
any sign of a burial.

NIGEL: Well, a knight
of Gabriel's stature

would always be buried
with his armor and
other valuable belongings.

They would never
leave them out
in the open.

VASY: A zadovar.

NIGEL: There's an inscription.

"Apium labor
Gabrielli dux est."

VASY: "The work of bees
is the way to Gabriel."

NIGEL: Your Latin is excellent.

I was an altar boy,
years ago.

"The work of bees."

SYDNEY: The work of bees?

VASY: Surely it's
not something back
at the monastery.

SYDNEY: It's made of wax.

VASY: Beeswax
from the monastery.

NIGEL: The work of bees.
But how does that lead
back to Gabriel?

SYDNEY: There's a keyhole
behind it.

NIGEL: Then there has
to be a key.

NIGEL: What are you doing?

SYDNEY: I have a hunch.

NIGEL: Yeah, I think
I can see something.

VASY: The key.

SYDNEY: The way to Gabriel.



Gabriel's gauntlet.

Get over there.

Move it!

What are you doing?

How convenient for you two
that you're already in a crypt.


SYDNEY: Nigel.

NIGEL: The symbol.

He was a monk?

Why was he living
outside the order?

I don't know.

So Vasy was working
for Theodoric all along.

Playing us so we'd
lead him to the gauntlet.

And those two thugs
who beat Vasy up,

that must've been just
a show for our benefit.

Poor Oswin,
he trusted the man.

SYDNEY: To think
we almost got sealed
in here with Gabriel.

NIGEL: Minus his gauntlet.

We'd better go
find Oswin.


NIGEL: Any sign of Oswin?


I hate to think
what they've
done with him.

This relic hunt's
turned into something

far greater than
searching for
Gabriel's sword.

We've got to get
Oswin out of there.


SYDNEY: The front gate's

The place must be
on high alert.

There's Theodoric's muscle.

Front door's
out of the question.

[EXHALES] We'll have to
find another way in.


You sure about this?


You're sure?

You have a better idea?

This place goes on forever.

First we find Oswin,
then we look for the sword.


A prisoner's meal?

NIGEL: Oswin?

OSWIN: Thank God.
You shouldn't have come.

You're both in great danger.

Look at your face.

The sting's mostly
gone out of it.

Theodoric did this?

Oswin, I'm so sorry.

My punishment
for assisting you both.

He caught me as I was
leaving for the village
and locked me up.

Did you find Vasy?

Vasy's dead.


Recovering the gauntlet
from its hiding place.

Good lord.

Was he a monk?

No, no, he wasn't.

SYDNEY: He pulled
a gun on us.

Fortunately, Gabriel's armor
was booby-trapped.

We found the zadovar symbol
on his arm.

Is there a chance
he was working
for Theodoric?

I don't know.

And the gauntlet?

I knew. I knew
you were the one, Nigel.

The minute I read
your letter,

I sensed the passion
in your words.

I knew you were
the one that would draw
Gabriel's sacred sword.

I can think of no other man
worthier of donning Gabriel's
sacred gauntlet.

I hate to interrupt,
but we really should
find the other relic.

The stone is hidden away
in a wing of its own.


It's real.

Just like your father
told you.

I wish he could
be here to see this.

Put on the gauntlet.
Let's see if
your theory's right.

Brother Theodoric,

Oswin has escaped.

Hurry, Nigel,
there's no time.

For over four centuries,

this sword has been
encased in stone,

hidden from the rest
of the world.

Now, I hold the pommel
in my hand.


We've been discovered.
They'll be here soon. Hurry.

No. You're more deserving
of this. You risked
your life to help us.

We couldn't have
done this without you.

And we won't if you
don't get a move on.


Oswin, you made
a vow to watch over
the captive beast.

To ensure that Belisle would
never again walk this earth.

Think what you're doing.

You're going to
unleash the demon.


Pulling the sword
will release Belisle.


For years, I've
waited, prayed,

toiled within these walls,
dreaming of your return.

The blood of
your loyal servants

has been shed
so that you may come.



SYDNEY: We've got
to help him.

We've got to put that demon
back where he came from.

NIGEL: It's hopeless without
the gauntlet and the sword.


NIGEL: Theodoric's next.



I'll distract him.





put our very existence
in jeopardy

with your greed
for the sword.

NIGEL: It wasn't greed,
it was curiosity.

SYDNEY: And we weren't
the problem.

Vasy and Oswin were hell-bent
on releasing the demon.

THEODORIC: Vasy became
obsessed with Belisle,

on unleashing him
to the world.

In a strange way, he wanted
to save the world
from its own excesses.

I found devotions
to the demon
in his belongings.

Hoping to stem
the tide of corruption,

I had him expelled
but allowed to keep
his ties to the order.

That was a tragic mistake.

Theodoric, we understand
why you would want
to keep this a secret.

But we question
your methods.

We saw the bee stings
all over Oswin's face.

He broke his vows.

We could have all
been destroyed.

Well, perhaps I could
have been more honest
with you about the sword.

Well, if we hadn't
have gone through all this,

we may never have rooted out
Oswin and Vasy's intentions
to release the demon.

The Lord does work
in mysterious ways.

I always believed
the legend to be true,

I just never realized
removing the sword
would release the demon.

This needs to be protected.

Nobody in this order
must ever know where
the gauntlet is hidden.

That's why Gabriel,
in his wisdom,

separated them
in the first place.

What would you like us
to do with it?

Never let me find it.

We can do that.

Nigel, I think your father
would be very proud
of you right now.