Relic Hunter (1999–2002): Season 2, Episode 11 - The Reel Thing - full transcript

Egypt, 1516 BC: Amun II is buried with his crook and flail. London, 2001: Working as consultants for an archeology adventure film, Sydney and Nigel realize the Pharaoh's 'props' are genuine, long thought lost relics. How can they be?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


And, cut! That's a print.

Now do you want it Fredrick?

Yeah, action was great.

I can give you another
if there's...

It was fine Sean, fine.

Okay listen people, I want to
move in for close up of the
open sarcophagus.

And, I want this right!

So tech adviser, here.

Tech adviser?
MAN: Tech adviser?

I cannot work like this.

I'm right here.

Ms. Fox, thanks for showing up,
take a look at this,

Is he holding those
things right?
Is it has to be accurate.




...having an affair with
Brad Pitt.


Sorry, I've got to...

Sorry, I was just...

Check out the props.

Right. Checking out props.


Aged perfectly and arms are
crossed and everything
is as it should be.

The Crook and flail.

Oh, the crook and flail.

The Crook and flail...

Sydney, it can't be.

It is Nigel.

Something wrong?

The crook and flail,

they're real.

What are you talking about?

They belong to Amun II.

Amun II?

He's probably the most
important Pharaoh of
the new kingdom.

These are real relics
from his tomb, which
until this moment

were thought never
to have been found.

So Paukland pulled the
crook and flail from stock.

It's a prop department.

This is a big discovery.
Isn't it?


What are you thinking?

Whether to let
the press have it now...

I mean,

I understand how important
publicity is.

But, I have to figure out
how real relic got
mixed up in props.

Besides, there might be
an even bigger story here.

Egyptian Vironic
crook and flail.

Condition excellent.
One each, no doubles.

From the Pharaoh's revenge.

Not a film buff?

The Pharaoh's revenge was
a classic silent film.

One of the first
to shoot on location.

In Egypt.


Produced and directed by
Sir Cyril Reed in 1924.

How did the props get
from Egypt back to the studio?

Hold on.

After the shoot,

46 crates left the
port of Alexandria.

This is strange.

All I have on record is
the receipt of 39 crates,

delivered back to the studio.

What happened to
the other seven?

I've been here a long time,

but, not that long.

You mentioned the filmmaker,
Sir Cyril Reed,

any chance he's still around?

He died in the 70's.

Yeah, I guess anyone associated
with the film would be dead
by now.

Thank you for your help,
I'll return these later.

I think his grand daughter
still lives on the
family estate.

Maybe she knows something.

I don't think you realize
the predicament you've
put yourself in.

You're my Barrister,
not my father and
there is no predicament.

You are facing
serious jail time.

If you don't cover the margins
that are due next week.

I have a buyer
for the estate.

This place is not worth
half of what you need
to come you with, my dear.

You may well be surprised.

And, what does your brother
has to say about this offer?

Malcolm will do
what I tell him.

As will you Crispin.

I think it's time
for you to go.

You know where
the servants entrance is,
don't you?

Malcolm, I need
to see you tomorrow.

Re-arrange your
schedule Malcolm.

I'll see you tomorrow at 10.


I've got to go.

Hi, my name is Sydney Fox,
are you Jackqueline Reed?

I'm sorry to drop in
like this,
the gate was open.

I'd like to talk to you
about your grandfather.

Regarding what?

The making of his film,
The Pharaoh's Revenge.

I don't have the time.

I'm not a film buff.

I'm a professor of antiquities.

I've come across a find
that I think may involve
Sir Cyril.

What do you mean by find?

Do you have any knowledge
of the relics, other than
the crook and flail?

Well, I've seen
The Pharaoh's Revenge a few
times, but, that's about it.

Did your grandfather
keep any records?

I'm sorry, I can't be of help.

He was a very private person.

I don't have anything.

Any luck?

Not really.

I managed to translate most of
the hyroglifics.

Well, here you go.

DIRECTOR: And, cut!


These look like directions
for the soul of the deceased

to find their way
to the after life.

These two Scepters don't
just symbolize power,

they're like a map
outta the tomb.

I think if someone follows
these directions backwards,

they might just lead
to a way in,

to Amun II's betrayal place.

Check the flights for Egypt.

I did, there's one leaving
for Cairo at 9:30.

How did your legwork go?

We're gonna have to go
to Egypt.

Egypt? What about
this film?

Well Fredrick,
think of all the publicity

you'll get if I actually find
Amun's funeral chamber.

if you just keep it under
your head until we return,

the press will be swarming
all over you.

What will I do about
the technical advisor?

Well for what you need,
my assistant's
more than capable.

You mean?

I get to stay here?

And, talk to pretty actresses

and you have to go on
you hand and knees through
dirty trap ridden tunnels?

Her name's Claudia, she'll be
arriving in the morning.

Claudia. Of course.

I don't know why
I didn't think of it.

This Claudia, does she
know her stuff?

Oh well, you have no idea.

Checking in,
Fox, Sydney Fox.


You're room is ready,
just gimme a moment.

I can't believe you stuck
Fredrick with Claudia.

She'll be fine,
I left her my notes.

Did you remember to
write them in shot sentences?

I don't mean to be unkind
but, this is Claudia.

She's gonna take one look
at Fredrick and go,
"Oh my God!" [MIMICKING]

One look at your notes
and go, bloody hell!

I don't think Claudia
would say, bloody hell.

No, she wouldn't.

Great, Fredrick couldn't wait
for the publicity.

We're just gonna have to get
moving a little faster,
that's all.


I've stored 3D copies of
the crook and flail.

It's almost as good
as having the real thing
with us.


No way.

The director is a tyrant.

He's not that bad,
did you get my notes.

Yeah, and they are no help.

They're not as complicated
as they seem.

Just try reading them
slowly, and maybe...

break them up into
smaller sentences.

we're only gonna be gone
for another day or, two,
you'll be fine.

I don't know.

Just go with
your instincts Claudia.

You've got good instincts.

Good luck.

She'll be fine.

Didn't say anything.


I'll get it.

Ms. Sydney Fox?

we've been informed that one,

or both of you is
in possession of an artifact
stolen from the Ciro museum.

That's ridiculous.

We've nothing to hide.

Just where did this tip
come from?

You can explain this?

NIGEL: What's that?

That's not ours.

No, it is not.

It belongs to
the Egyptian people.

We were set up.

you can bet on it. Once that
story was leaked to the press,

every relic hunter in the world
became our competition.

Wonder what the penalty is
for smuggling antiquities
out of Egypt.

You don't wanna know.

It's not working Fredrick.

It is working fine Sean.

No, I can feel it.


so is it the dialog?

It's not the dialog.

There's just something that
doesn't ring true about
the scene, Fredrick.



you've been watching
the rehearsals?

Is there anything,

anything in this scene
that is not correct?


Can we shoot now?

I'm sorry Fredrick
but, something is
still not right.

His shirt.

What about his shirt?

He should take it off.

Pyramid tunnels were
hot and humid and sweaty.

He would have taken
his shirt off, for sure.

Go with me on this one.

By the end of the scene,

his hair should be
dripping wet and

every curve of his,
shirtless torso

should be glistening with sweat.



Look, loose the shirt.


Let's go.

What are you doing there?

You know, we really don't
have time for this sorta thing.

Sorry but...
Sydney! What are you doing?

Nigel, get outta the car!


Now would be
a good time to leave.

We're never gonna
get away with this.

The two of us stand out
like sore thumbs.

You know what, you're right.

When you get up,
meet me in the hall.

Get up? Get up from what?

MAN: Are you ll right?
Here, let me help you sir.

Are you all right? okay.
Thank you.

Thank you. A thousand apologies.

Would you like...
Very much appreciated.

No, no, no.


Was that completely necessary?

Find something in your color.

Find them.

I don't care what it takes,

and then I want to have
a long talk with them.





I can't see.

Nigel. Where'd you
put your laptop?

It's gone.

It was here,
the last time I used it.

The hard copies, thank god.

We can still locate the tomb.

Let's hope the competition's
not already there.

What are we gonna do
with these?

Throw 'em over the balcony,
we'll get 'em later.

If you only developed as much
passion for objects with
a heartbeat,

you might have emerged,
a somewhat interesting man.

Did you talk to
the ones you tinker?

What do you want Jackqueline?

I got an offer on the estate.

I told you before, I don't want
to be involved in any of this.

Yes, but, you already are
involved, Malcolm.

Unless if you sell all your cars
are become a real mechanic.

Crispin said it would cover
the trouble you're in.

Crispin doesn't know
what he's talking about.

And, Crispin doesn't know
what we know.

It's not right.
We shouldn't have
kept the secret.

Well we did keep the secret
and we'll both die
with that secret.

So here's the contract.

I want it signed and notarized.

You can do that on your own,
can't you?

You enjoy belittling me,
don't you?

Only because you're
so pathetic Malcolm.

You know what would be
a miracle Malcolm?

To witness my brother,
not be a gutless wonder.

I would work up some
respect for you.

I loath you Jackqueline.

I know.

Have that contract signed
and notarized and
bring it back to me.


This is it, stop. Stop!

DRIVER: Yes sir.

Thank you.
You're welcome sir.

Amun must have followed
the back tail.

Well the Beckteb's a tributary
of the Nile
that no longer exists.

This is the dry river bed,

Amun's spirit was to ascend
to the heavens

when he between
the Great Sphinx at Khafre,

and the Djedefre Pyramid
at Abu Rawash.

This is definitely
the right spot.

Okay, so what's next?

This is where
the stick comes in.

According to the hyroglifics,
when Amun exited the tomb

he must place his staff
in the ground,

and Ra was over his head.

Ra's dark cousin would
point the way to
where we are now.

Ra's dark cousin?

Well Ra's the sun god.

His dark cousin must be...

his shadow.

They say when Ra
was over his head.


It's 4 O'clock now,

Amun's spirit was only to appear
as summer solstice.

Considering what day
it is today,

when Amun stuck his staff
in the ground,

his shadow would have pointed

30 degrees north of where
ours is now. In that direction.

If we're following it backwards,
we're headed that way.

We follow the compass
to that ridge.

Who do you think set us up?

Don't know. Someone who knew
exactly who to call,
to get us arrested.

Rival relic hunter?

No. With that picture
splashed all over the papers,

it didn't take long to find out
that I was consulting
on the film.

Anyone that knows me knows that
I would have headed straight to
Egypt with a clue like that.


There are two of them.

Well, they're the only entrances
for a long way.

We're pretty much on the compass
course so which one do we take?

I'm not sure yet.

It is possible for me to
calculate a more precise angle.

To the exact medium between
the two monuments.

The ancient Egyptians have very
sophisticated ways of judging

And, what with, Amun's father
being worshiped.

That way.

How do you know that?

I just do.

You just do?

What do you mean you just do?

It's hardly scientific.

Watch your step.

These rocks are pretty loose.

Yes. God forbid that I should
be injured for when they

hang us back in Luxor for
assaulting the local police.

Looks like this tunnel
goes on for little way.

Well I guess we made
the right choice then?

knock that one
up to instinct then.

Once the priests had
sealed up the tunnels after
the main burial,

they must have left this opening
for the soul to escape.

Considering back they that the
Ubek was running freely.

It would have good cover
against grave robbers.

well someone broke in after
that river dried up and
stole that crook and flail.



The tomb of Amun.


And, that door is definitely
not eh work of new kingdom
tomb builders.


I doubt they had,
welding torches back then.

Freshly broken.

Someone got here first.

Be careful.


This is where
the sarcophagus was.

This took place of the walls.

But, left the Pharaoh?

I don't think so.

What do you mean?

Pharaoh's got a Timex.

Wonder when the tomb was looted?

Look at this.

2 July, 1924, SS.

Evening star.

BOTH: Reed.

What went on here in 1924?

Well 1924, was the year
Sir Cyril Reed shot
The Pharaoh's revenge.


"The SS evening star"?

And, who was he?

His name was Kamal Nasim.

Sydney Fox.

You don't disappoint.

You are as beautiful
as I have heard.

And, as good.

Your interpretation
of the hyroglifics

was quite helpful, thank you
for the computer.

And, you are?

Omar Nasim.

And, to answer your question,

he was my grandfather.

Your grandfather?

The famous... or, as others
might have said,

the infamous Tomb Raider
of the 1920's.

I should take my inheritance.

Here see,

he claimed to have discovered
the tomb of Amun II.

But, no one believed him.

And, then he disappeared.

Mysteriously in 1924.

Now I know where he's been
all this time.

And, who did this to him.


Yes, Ms. Fox.

The Director of,
The Pharaoh's Revenge.

Quite fitting.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to reclaim the rest
of my inheritance.

Don't make this more painful
than it has to be.




CREW MEMBER: Places please
people, we are ready.

Sean! Come on.

We are ready.

Hey Fredrick, what's up?

We're working on my dialog.

We're working on his dialog.

I just found out,
I've been mis-pronouncing
the Pharaoh's names.

We'll only be
a few more minutes.

There no way we're going to get
a signal for the cell phone
down here,

We're too far into the cliff.

There's nothing
of use in here.

Only this grave was built
to last forever. Come on.


You said built.

Who built this tomb?

I have no idea.

Well, it's classic New Kingdom.

There's one,

one, two, three,

Nigel, what is this?

I've seen this before.

It's the mark of Ignasis.
The tomb builder.

Right. What was his
architectural signature?

Wasn't he the guy that built
air shafts above the sarcophagus
in his burial chambers?

Air shafts.

Air shafts were meant
for spirits to pass through,
not humans.

There's something else about
the Ignasis tomb,

just can't remember what it is.

When you figure it out,
let me know.



Where'd you go?


Is everything all right?

It's a little tight.

With 5000 years worth of dust.

Sydney I remember
what it is about the tomb.

What is it?


He built traps into
all the entrances
and exits.

What about the air shafts?

I don't know.

This is not a good thing
to not know.

What kind of traps?

I'm not sure.
You're not sure?

It's been a long time Syd.
I didn't spend a lot of time
on his work.

Maybe fire?


No, wait that was Arunk.

Water maybe.

Water, like in
flooding or, drowning?

Yes, yes that's it.


I can't be sure.

Well unless if you like to add
starvation to our list of
possible disasters,

I think I'll keep going.

Of course!









Spikes. Yeah.

It's all beginning
to make sense now

It all goes back to 1924 when
Pharaoh's Revenge
finished shooting

Reed transported the props
back to London.

Now I bet if I took another look
at the prop department invoice,

It would name the vessel
as the SS evening star.

What are you saying?

What if Kamal, the old
tomb raider actually found
Amun's funeral chamber.

Like Omar said,

then approached Reed
with a scheme to smuggle
it's contents out of Egypt.

As studio props?

It's a pretty clever way of
smuggling antiquities past
Egyptian customs.

Let me guess the ending,
Reed double crosses Kamal

and seals him in the tomb.

It's possible isn't it.

We gotta get back to London.
Gimme the cell phone.

Before we make
plane reservations,
need I remind you, that

we're escapees, wanted by
the Egyptian police.

Who confiscated our passports?

How do we get outta the country?


How did you get in here?

This is not a robbery, Ms. Reed.

Who are you?

My name is Omar Nasim,

I came all the way from Cairo,
regarding something
that happened years ago.

During the filming of,
The Pharaoh's Revenge.

He was quite a man.

Very impressive estate.

All this, priceless
British respectability.

Your gun is making me nervous.


I know what happened in 1924.

What are you talking about?

You grandfather double-crossed
and murdered mine.

Over the treasure of Amun II.

The Pharaoh of the new kingdom.

You can't be serious?

Very serious, Ms. Reed.

You see, my grandfather, Kamal,
was a tomb raider,

who made a deal with
your grandfather, to
sneak the antiquities,

out of Egypt.

I'm here to discuss
our inheritance.

Why should I trust you?

I don't think you have a choice.

Now, what happened to
Amun II's treasures?

Ms. Reed.

Maybe I should show you
what's in the basement.

Let me get the keys.


There you are. I thought
your plane got in at 8?

We were delayed
getting out of Cairo.

How'd it go?

Other than for being entombed,
left for dead and having to
sneak out of the country,

yeah, everything was fine.

How's everything going here?

Even worse, we're already in
second meal penalty,

they're gonna have to
push tomorrow's call.

And, looks like Sean's not even
gonna get his profit turnaround.

Oh, by the way, Clyde
the prop guy, he's been
looking for you.

I got your message.

The evening star was the ship
that brought the props back to

According to the bill of lading,
these were among the items

that went in the same crate
as the crook and flail.


these are authentic as well.

So everything,

the props from the film,
as well as the contents of
Amun's tomb,

were all shipped back to England
on the Evening Star.

What if one of those crates
of artifacts,

was mislabeled and ended up
at the studio.

Instead of disappearing with the
other crates full of,
smuggled relics.

But, where are they now?

You know, last time I was here,
something struck me as curious.


For a wealthy man who was
a noted Egyptologist,

he had nothing from Egypt,
on display.

Well he has been dead
a long time, maybe
it's all in storage.

Maybe his heirs sold it,
anyway why are you
so suspicious?

I don't know.
Something's just not right.

What do you mean,
somethings just not right?

I have a feeling.

There's that
feeling thing again.

Doesn't look like
there's anybody home.


We're gonna have to go in.

Of course we are.


You should come
take a look at this.

The blood leads
right down the stairs.

That's odd.
The Victorian architecture.

Just become stone wall.

A new piece.

Finally something Egyptian.
The mortar of the dead.

And, the end of the tunnel,
it seems.

You know, we should have found
this in Egypt where the steel
door was,

outside the tomb of Amun II.



Well done.

I can't believe it.

We found the lost tomb
of Amun II.

But, not in the Valley of
the Kings, in the
English countryside.

Nigel, what do you say,
we open her up and see
how old Amun's holding up?

My god!

Sir Cyril,

he gave himself
a Pharaoh's burial.

He's been dead for 30 years,
look at him.

Some embalming job.

The question is,

where's the real Pharaoh?

Omar must have confronted
Reed's grand daughter.

So she kills him
and dumps him here.

Well, almost kills him.

I must confess, I've never been
very good at finding a pulse.

So, freeze dried Cyril
in the basement?

Does he come with
the rest of the treasure?

Amazing isn't it?

Ancient embalming techniques.

Much better than the most
sophisticated modern methods.


You are gonna take greater care
when checking our pulses,
are you?

Yes, I am.

And, this time, I'm not going to
rush with you two.

I thought so.


you remember Monaco?

I hope this has a point.



Miracles do happen Jackqueline.

And, it is notarized.

hold it. Jolly good. One more.


Big smiles now.
There, that's it. One more.

One more. That's it, great.
Thank you very much.

Let me get this straight,

we escape the Egyptian police,

we get left for dead,
in a Pharaoh's tomb,

we almost get shot by some
deranged woman and they
get all the credit?

Welcome to showbiz Nige.

What do we get outta this?

We get our passports back.
Come on, we better go.

Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I got to thank you for Claudia,

thank you so much,
she's terrific, she really
knows her stuff. Thanks

Why are those extras
in the nude?

The sons of Anubis you mean?

Thanks to Claudia,
we caught it in time.

They were wearing robes.

But, they did wear robes.

I love this job.

Come on, we're late.
Where you going?

We're heading off to the Reed
estate, we have to meet the
emissary from the Cairo museum.

He's cataloging
the Amun II collection.

Have they found the mummy
of him in the second yet?