Relic Hunter (1999–2002): Season 1, Episode 22 - Memories of Montmartre - full transcript

Sydney and Nigel head to Paris, France to find a stolen locket, so they can clear Sydney's dead grandmother of the charges.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Give this
to Mademoiselle Isabel.

Tell her it is the key
to the heart.

Do you understand?
The key to the heart.



come quickly.

It's Monsieur Ashcroft.

He's been stabbed.

MAN: Andre, call the police!

It's from your father.

From my father?

This came with it.

"Dear Syd, finally decided
to close down the house
in Provence.

"I know how fascinated
you've always been
with your dear grandmother.

"Well, guess what,
I found her trunk
in the attic."

This belonged to Isabel.

She ran away from home
when she 14,

ended up in Paris
where she became a singer

and a can-can dancer
in the Moulin Rouge.

The Moulin Rouge?

So are you gonna
open it or what?


She was the belle
of Paris,

then she was arrested.


For what?

Stealing a locket.

What's this?

Oh, my God.

Isabel's diary.


I knew it.
Isabel didn't take
that locket.

We're going to Paris, Nigel.

NIGEL: I can't go to Paris.

My, my, my lease is up
next week

and I've got to find
an apartment.

I could find it
for you.

I appreciate
the offer, but...

Look, I know this really
great broker Brad.
We're very tight.

SYDNEY: Nigel?

How tight?

That tight?

I know when you say "tight,"
you're not fooling around.

SYDNEY: Nigel?

Of course,
you're fooling around.

That's the whole thing
about tight.
What I meant was...


You can count on me.

Can I? Can I really?

SYDNEY: Nigel!

One bedroom, large,
no small spaces.

Large spaces.


With a view.
Got to have a view.

And above all, Claudia,

I live with old,
I lived with quaint,

I live with charming
every day with...

SYDNEY: Nigel!



The locket was a gift
from her lover.

His family was incensed
and wanted it back.

She was convinced a girl
at the club had stolen it.


The girl was in love
with the same guy.

Who was the girl?

A Simone DeGuerre.

We have to find that locket
and a clear Isabel's name.

Yes, I'd like to speak
to Brad Horowitz

in the executive
apartment division.


What do you mean
he doesn't work there anymore?

Well, where did he go to?

Pizza Express is not
a real estate agency.

Oh. You know that.


NIGEL: There are at least 12
Simone DeGuerres in Paris.

SYDNEY: But only one
living on the street
where the Moulin Rouge is.

This has got to be her place.

NIGEL: How do we get inside?

SYDNEY: Don't worry,
we'll think of something.

Bonjour, mademoiselle.

Can I help you?

So much for my French.

We're music historians

Parisian chanteuses.

We're interested in speaking
with Simone DeGuerre.
Does she live here?

Yeah, she's my grandmother.

NIGEL: You have
a lovely home here.


Nana? These are two...

I am Simone DeGuerre.

Come closer.

Just the Englishman.


Oh, you have
beautiful eyes.

I adore the English.

I knew an Englishman once.

He was aristocrat
and a secret agent.

He gave his life
for his country and for ours.

Yes, well, uh...

Miss DeGuerre,
we're here to talk about...



You called me Isabel. Why?

You look so much
like someone I once knew.

A dear friend.
Her name was Isabel.

Her lover was
the Englishman. Phillip.

Isabel was my grandmother.

I'm here to solve
an old mystery.


I wanted to find out
what happened to the locket
Isabel was accused of stealing.

Do you remember
anything at all?


I have Isabel's diary.

She seemed to think
you knew what happened to it.

I was just a girl.

How could I know
about anything?

Were you in love
with Phillip?

Yes, of course.

Every girl at the club
loved Phillip.

Every woman in Montmartre
loved him.

I'm sorry,
but I cannot help you.

I'm tired now.

Please, leave me now.

Isabel's lover
was Phillip Ashcroft.

He was a spy.

Churchill sent him
to Moscow

to smuggle a tiara
back to London.

The Czarina's tiara,

known as
the Heart of Europe.

Stalin offered it
to finance the allies
if war broke out,

and Ashcroft
was murdered in Paris,

it was assumed
by enemy agents.

The tiara was never found.

What if he managed to hide it
before he was killed?

Phillip told Isabel
the locket was the key
to the heart.

Why would he say the heart
instead of his heart?

"Heart" was a clue

and the locket
is the key.

We've got to get
that locket.

If Simone was involved,
it'll be impossible
to get her to talk.

[SIGHS] You've got that right.

Unless someone
were to soften her up.

Why don't I like
the way this is going?

She loves the English.

She's old enough
to being my...

It's the only way.

Absolutely not.

There's no choice, Nigel.

Not this time, Syd.


Oh. Well, um,
your visit upset Nana.

Really? Maybe I should
come back later.

Oh, no, no.
She's very eager to see you.

She loves the English.
The English.

They seem to, um,
energize her.


Mm-hmm. Come in.

She'll be with you
in a moment.

There's no need for you
to, uh... leave.

I have been expecting you.

For me?


Merci , Nigel.

I knew you would come back.

You did?

I have always had
an influence on men.

It is sometimes a burden,
sometimes, a blessing.

You will not be
a burden.



I've always been that way,
I don't know why.

Even when my mother...



I was... wondering...
if we could talk.

Yes, talk to me
in that lovely English voice.

When Phillip spoke,
every word sang a sweet song.

Tell me about Phillip.

* Baby, won't you woo me
You say

* If I wanted you
And nobody else

* Would you laugh
In my face?

* If I told you we could
Dance on a cloud

* Baby, what would you say?

* Are you the man
I've dreamed about *

Phillip hid something
in the locket
he gave to Isabel.

A clue to the tiara
he brought back from Russia.

He was killed for that tiara.

I had no idea.

He gave his life
protecting the tiara.

Oh, Phillip
was so very brave.

Few people know
how brave he was.

If we had the locket,
we would find the tiara,

and the whole world
would know

what a hero
Phillip Ashcroft was.

I saw something
that night.

I saw Babbette
steal Isabel's locket.


She was a chorus girl
from Alsace.

SIMONE: I was at the club
late one night,
sewing my costume.

I saw Babbette.

She should not
have been there.

I followed her.

Babbette was inside
going through
Isabel's dressing table.

I saw her find the locket

and take it.

Did you tell
the police?

Of course, I told them!

The police didn't wanna know
what I saw.

They just were after Isabel.

I never forgot her.

I watched Babbette,
I watched her

waste her wretched life
one day at a time.

For years, she borrowed money
from a gangster named Rocher.

She had to give him
everything she had
to pay him back.

The locket, everything.

Including her body.

Is she still alive?


They say she was murdered.


According to Simone,
Babbette gave the locket
to a gangster named Rocher

who bought the club in the '60s
at the end of her career.

Why did she give him
the locket?

She owed him money.

When she gave him
everything she had
to pay him back

and it wasn't enough...

He's having
auditions today.
He has them every day.

Simone says this is his way
of getting women
to perform for free.


Why don't you just
make him an offer?

He'll think the locket's
worth something.
He'll never sell it.

We'll have to take it.
It was stolen from Isabel.

We'll just have to go
through the club.

You're determined
to do this?


I have an idea.

I hate this idea.

Auditions are
the perfect cover.

ROCHER: Mademoiselle?


Guy Rocher. And you are?

Sydney Fox.

Of course you are.

She's here for
the audition, mate.


Tony Torquet.
I represent Miss Fox.

A manager?

I should have guessed
from the shoes.

You sing, of course.

Like an angel, mate.

She will go
number two, huh?

Louis will take
care of you,

and if you do well,
so shall I.


I hate this idea.


That must be Rocher's
office up there.

I just need
a little time.

What is she singing?

NIGEL: What's she singing?

What song will the lady
be performing

for our discerning


Do you know
Frere Jacques?

Frere Jacques?

'N Sync?

You go second.


Actually, Miss Fox
usually appears
later on in the bill.

It creates a larger sense
of mystery and expectation,

a certain
je ne sais quoi

with a touch
of joie de vivr produces...

LOUIS: You'll go second.


ROCHER: All right,
hold that pose, hold it.


Nigel, how's it going?


Who would've thought
you could use a bowling pin
and a dog collar

in such a unique
kind of...

Nigel, the time.
How are we doing on time?

Not good.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Such flair, such innovation,
such a natural talent.


And now, ladies and gentlemen,
a very special event,

all the way
from across the Atlantic

and, uh,
God bless America,

the lovely, the talented,
the very foxy,

Miss Sydney the Fox.


What do I do now?
I don't know.

You're my manager.
You're supposed to know.



NIGEL: Wrong song, mate.
Wrong song.

LOUIS: It's Frere Jacques.

Well, it's the French
Frere Jacques, yes,

but why would she be singing
a nursery rhyme?

I don't understand.

The British
Frere Jacques.


The techno, house,
acid jazz,

industrial disco,
heavy metal,

top ten in the charts
for 16 weeks hit
Frere Jacques.

My God, son,
where have you been?
In a cave?

I don't know
what you're up to, Tony,

but you have one number
to figure it out,

and then I'm going
to figure you out.

Do we understand
each other?

Yes, very much.

I bought us some more time.


He treats himself well.





Look. I knew we'd find it.

NIGEL: Never a doubt
in my mind.

My God.

Simone looks remarkably
like Babbette.

To my dear Guy
Love always

Take that with us.
We'll figure it out later.

NIGEL: Time to try
another door.

Is it just the locket
you have taken
or is there more?

It's just the locket.

It was stolen from my own
grandmother by her.

I'm sure the police
will be fascinated.

We don't need
the police, do we?

I mean, when am I on?
I'd love to show you
what I can do.

I think you have done enough
performing for one day.

Oh, but you haven't
seen me tap dance.

I do a great number called
shuffling off to buffalo.

It's a killer!





Guards, be quick!

Nigel, the church.
Quick, inside.

Father, we need your help.

That's evident,
my daughter.

We're lost.

Perhaps you'd care to seek
divine forgiveness,
confess your sins.

No, it's not that.
A great idea.

Good. Who'll go first?
GUARD: over here!


What is it you wish
to confess, my child?

Gosh. Where to start?

From the beginning.

Actually, there was
this one time
in the eighth grade

in the art supplies room
at school.

His name was Dave Forinash.

Then there was
Bradley Epstein.
That was a mistake.

Bobby Ryan, Richard Stoltz,
Dennis McEvoy,

then Gerard, Paolo, Grant.
Jimmy, Johnny... Jimmy.

His brother John.

And this is all still
when you were
a sophomore?

Yeah, yeah,
we haven't reached
spring break yet.

Come on, let's go.

I really should
get going, Father.

This has been good
for me, thank you.

There are men out there.

Men I'd rather not
get involved with.

Now, this is a good start.

Actually, I'd...
I'd like to ask you
a really big favor.

A favor?


Hi, I'm calling about
the apartment.

What do you mean
it's rented?

It can't be rented.
It's perfect!

Then why is it still
in the newspaper?

So Simone was Babbette,

does that mean
she stole the locket?

That's what Isabel thought.

Well, why would
she tell us anything?

The only reason
we found the locket

is because she told us
about Rocher.

Maybe she wanted us
to find it.


There is no back
to this locket.

I wonder if Claudia's found me
an apartment yet.

If it was a seven-day ad,
you shouldn't have rented it
until the last day,

so people like me
don't get screwed!


Ancient Studies.

Claudia, what's wrong?

Wrong? No, um,
no, nothing's wrong.

Everything's really,
really, really great.

How's the search going?

Didn't I just say
everything was great?

Great. Brad's pulling
through then, is he?

Um, actually, brad's moved
into, uh, more sort of, um,

retail kind of spaces.

So who are you
working with?




Basil, um, Oregano.

Basil Oregano?

Yeah, he specializes
in kitchens.

I'm not a big
kitchens person.

I'd feel a lot more comfortable
if you were working
with, say, high ceilings.

Look, I've got to go
right now.

Everything's under control.
Take care, bye.

Everything all right?

Claudia is working
with someone or something
called Basil Oregano

who specializes
in kitchens.


What does it mean?

I don't have a clue.

But I'm sure I know
someone who might.

SYDNEY: You recognize it,
don't you?

Oh, oui.

Does any of this mean
anything to you?

What is this?

It's the clue
that Phillip left
inside the locket.

It could lead us
to the tiara.

The tiara he gave
his life protecting, Simone.

I'm afraid I...
I don't know
what any of this means.

Does this mean
anything to you?

I've never seen
that before.

You signed it "Babbette." Why?

This photo is a fake!

You're Babbette,
aren't you?

You're the woman
in your story.


Why did you tell us
about Babbette?

Because I'm a stupid,
old woman.

Get out of my house, now!

I didn't mean
to upset her.

I know.

There is a very famous
cemetery here in Paris,

Pere Lachaise.


The chair.

Isn't that where a lot
of famous people are buried?
Balzac, Chopin?

Yeah, and Jim Morrison.

These numbers
could be a location
inside the cemetery.


The cemetery is laid out
in quadrangles A, B, C, D.

Like the legs of a chair.

What is it, girl?

Why are you
staring at me?

I am wondering
who you are.

I am who I am.

Well, then, you're a woman
who's been hiding the truth
for too long.

Stopped talking
so foolishly.

This isn't foolish.

You need to talk
about what happened.

You need to be honest.

I told them everything.

Oh, no, you didn't.
You lied.

You're gonna die
with lies in your heart.

According to this map,

A317 should be
on Chemin Leger.

NIGEL: Some of these
mausoleums are bigger

than some apartments
I've lived in.

Not really enough room
for two in there, is there?

There is room for 20.


What's wrong?

I thought I heard something.

Don't start
hearing things, Syd,
not in a cemetery.


Okay, got to find
a triangle.

The heart is in
a triangle.

There's our triangle.

Looks like it's been
pulled out before.


SYDNEY: The heart of Europe.

My God, Sydney,
it's fantastic.

Ivan the Great
had it made for his wife.

ROCHER: It must be worth
a fortune.

I was curious why
you wanted the locket.

This belongs
to the Russian people.

Have you ever been
to a Russian museum, Sydney?

Full of French art.
Go figure.


Drop the guns
or I'll break his neck.

Drop him or I put a bullet
through Tony's head.

Sydney? Hello?

I'm sorry
I did not have a chance
to see you on stage.

Sorry about your luck.

you could dance now?

I don't think so.
Lighting sucks.


Put them in.

Put us in? In where?

NIGEL: All right, I got it.

SYDNEY: You got it?
NIGEL: I've got it.

SYDNEY: Don't drop it.

NIGEL: I am not
going to drop it.


SYDNEY: What was that?

Did you drop it?
You dropped it,
didn't you, Nigel?

You don't have to be so
negative. You know, you can
be very negative sometimes.

NIGEL: I got it.
now turn it on.

Why is it men always
want to be on top?

If we don't get out of here
we're going to suffocate,
aren't we?

We'll get out of here.

I have no idea.

In a cemetery. Shameful!


Come on.


I'm making progress.
I've almost got my hands free.

Sydney, I don't know
how to tell you this, but...

I seem to have
a little problem.

You went three times
in an hour
before you got here.

No, it's not that,
although it's in the same area.
It's just...


You know how you lose
the feeling in your foot

when the circulation
gets cut off?

You've got to be kidding.

I wouldn't be kidding
about something like this.
If you could just...

I am not massaging
the feeling back!

No, no, no, I just mean
shift into another position.

Okay, fine.


What now?
You kneed me.

Oh, good, the feeling's back.
Oh, I'm eternally grateful.


Come on.


Should we yell or something?
No one would hear us.

Yes, it wouldn't make
any difference, would it?


My hands are free.

Good. Push.




It's not moving.
It's not moving.

We're gonna die in here.

You're supposed to be
the encouraging one!

You're supposed to say things
like, "It's gonna be all right.

"We're gonna find
a way out, Nigel."

Nigel, it's gonna be okay.
Nigel, we're gonna get
out of here.

Not convincing!

Not convincing!

You're using up
all the oxygen.

Oh, my God, does it
really matter, Sydney?
Does it really matter?


This place!

Now would be
the time to yell.

BOTH: Help! Open up!

Help! Help!


SYDNEY: Help, quick, please,
we're trapped!


SYDNEY: Push harder, Nigel.
Move the lid. Move it.

Come on.


See, Nigel?
There's always a way out.

Oh, my God,
they're alive.

What are you doing there?

Looking for Jim Morrison.

I thought I saw
some people following you
when you left the apartment.

Are you all right?

We'll live. Nigel could do
with a little massage, though.

We're fine, just fine,
every bit of us,

except Rocher
got the tiara.

You must get it before
Rocher calls Gerard.


The man he sells
things to.

His fence?

Everyone in Pigalle knew Gerard.

Where do we find Gerard?

No one know where he live.
He will come to Rocher.

Thank you, Simone.

call me Babbette.

Where the hell is Gerard?
He said 3:00.

Diamonds and rubies.

For this,
he must pay a fortune.


Make sure it is Gerard.



All right,
who wants to dance?

Hope you all
enjoyed the show.

Isabel and Phillip
loved each other so strongly,

their love would
light up a room.

I was young and jealous.

I took the locket
not to hurt Isabel,

but because I loved Phillip.

When he died,
his family refused to believe

it had been stolen from her.

The police were called.

* If I wanted you
And nobody else

* Would you laugh in my face?


I allowed that to happen.

I'm so ashamed
I never told the truth.

It has tortured me
ever since.

I had the locket,

but my heart was as cold
and dead as Phillip.

I wasted my years.

I lost everything.

Simone, I've spent my life
researching the past.

It teaches us how to live
in the present.

It's never too late
to do that.

Thank you, Sydney.

You know, Isabel
was a very wonderful woman.

You would have been
proud of her,

and she would have been
proud of you.


Where have you been?

Oh, um,
I was at Guido's
Italian Market.

My recipe calls for only
the freshest ingredients.

Never mind that.
What about Basil?

Of course, silly,
I even pinched it
to make sure it was fresh.


Oh um, Basil.

You're back.


And you were in...


I know it's right.
I was the one who went.

Now, what about
my apartment?

Your apartment.

Claudia, please tell me
you did...

I hope you like it.

Twentieth floor.



High ceilings.

Great view.

Health spa
and a doorman?

It's expensive?

Eight hundred.

It's perfect.

I know.

I don't have to live
with a family of four
or anything?

All yours, honey bun.

You, uh...

You really came through
for me, didn't you?

Me and Basil,
of course.


Um, oh, I almost forgot.

Not that it matters,
but where is it?

Oh, right.
Um, it's Maple Wood.

Maple Wood?

What's wrong
with Maple Wood?

except it's an hour
and a half drive!

Well, they never mentioned
anything about that.

Well, how about asking?

Asking, Claudia,
did you ever think to ask?


Just goes to prove
that age-old adage.

If you want something
done right, do it yourself!