Relic Hunter (1999–2002): Season 1, Episode 20 - Possessed - full transcript

Sydney and Nigel are in Brussels, Belgium in search of the sacred sundial of Zeus to stop the Vampires.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You cannot run.

You belong to me, my love.

For now, forever.
You're my eternal husband.


I could not have you, my lord.
But, I shall have many men.

They will be my solace...
and my salvation.


Are you alright?

I had this really weird
dream last night. Totally
freaked me out.

What... was it about?

Okay. I was in the middle
of a huge room,

the only woman, surrounded
by men with white faces,
dressed in black.

Do you know what I was seeing?
Bad Al Jolson movie?


Interesting. You know,
many psychologists
believe that, uh...

dreams are the
windows into our

Forget windows, Nigel.
This was so real, I'm not even
sure if it was a dream.

Well, some dreams
can stay with us
after we wake up.

What about hickeys?
Can they stay too?

They sucked the blood
right out of me.
These are the bruises.

Where were you
last night, Claudia?

At that rave that
I told you about.

The rave! There's your answer.
Loud music, flashing lights,
people in strange outfits.

You came home completely
fell asleep...

and the dreams reflected
the chaos in your psyche.

I did not get the hickeys at
the rave, okay? I think I
would have noticed that.

Well you didn't noticed
you lost your dress
at the last one.

That was different.

Claudia, vampires do not exist.

What did you find out
about vampires
on the net, Claudia?

Nothing yet.

You asked Claudia to
research vampires
last night?

Yes. Female vampires
are known as Lamae.

And, why would you
want to know about
such creatures?

Um, Eric Dalt called me
from Brussels yesterday.

He's convinced his girlfriend
is one of them, and that she's
trying to kill him.

When a Lamae picks her man,
she drives him mad and then
drains the life out of him.

It's always an artist.
She had an affair with Zeus.

When his wife Hera I found out,
she turned her into a snake.

But, Hera couldn't kill her.
Zeus wouldn't allow it.

And, now the descendants of the
Lamae live forever...

seducing men they finally
kill with their love.

Eric's never been sick a day
in his life. He's been in the
hospital for nearly a month.

You're not suggesting...

he's been to doctors all over
Europe. No one knows what's
wrong with him.

The only thing that can break
the Lamae's spell is the
sacred sundial

that belonged to Zeus himself.
Here's a picture Eric sent me.

Her name Suzanne.
Notice the symbol on
her pendant.

That's the symbol
of the Lamae.


Don't be offended if he
insults you and every member of
your family living or, dead.

It's just his way of
saying hello.
Sounds like a lovely person.

He's not there. Who are you?

I'm Sydney fox.
You must be Suzanne?

You're the woman he
called, the professor.

Yes, and this is my
assistant, Nigel.

You didn't have to come.
I can take care of Eric.

We were just in town
doing some research.

Anyway, you're too late.
Eric's disappeared.

The doctor told him...

he absolutely had to stay
in bed. Of course, he did
just the opposite.

Sounds like Eric.

It is Eric. He's a headstrong,
stupid, self-centered egotist.

He shouldn't be up.
He's so sick.

He needs taking care of.

We'll find him.

I wouldn't know
where in Brussels
to start looking.

I have an idea.

SYDNEY: I first met Eric in a
bar in Afghanistan. He was
researching a novel.

This was his
hangout in Brussels.

Eric's got women
in watering holes
all over the world.

Nice ambiance.

That's why he liked it.
No distractions.

You always go out drinking
in your night gown?

Sydney. Mother of god,
you made it.

You came alone, didn't you?
Suzanne didn't follow you?

No, she's back at the hospital,
worried sick. I don't wonder
why. You look terrible.

I'm a dead man walking, Syd.
What do you expect?

Who's the twerp?
He's my assistant, Nigel.

Have you got a sister?

You remind me of a
woman I once...
I told him you'd be polite.

Doctors can't figure out
what's killing me,
but, I know. Suzanne is.

We met Suzanne at the hospital.
She seemed pretty normal to me.

I know what she seems like, Syd.
She knocked me on my butt when
I first met her.

I thought I'd died
and gone to heaven.

You say that about
all the women
you fall in love with.

Suzanne was different.
There was something almost,
uh, hypnotic about her.

And, the sex was unlike anything
I've ever known. I started
writing like I was possessed.

My best stuff ever.
It was just pouring
out of me.

And, then you just
started feeling sick?

Just... no strength, you know.
Like all the juices are being
sucked out of me.

Maybe it was too much sex.

This is the classic pattern
of the Lamae spell.

The sundial is the only thing
that can break it.

Suzanne belongs to this female
artists group that holds
retreats just outside Brussels.

At first I thought it
was just a bunch of
new-age feminist crap.

And, then I got sick...
and I realized what she was.

A vampire.

And, one time I followed her
out to the estate where the
retreats are held.

I saw the sundial.
You saw the sundial?

It was part of some ceremony
they were conducting.

I was planning on stealing
the damn thing
next time, but then I got sick.

She knows that I know, Syd.

I'm running out of time.

Let's get you back to
the hospital,
and we'll find the sundial.

Is two pillows enough?
Enough to choke a damn horse.

You let me know
if you want more.

Not so tight. I feel
like I'm in a mummy.

Visiting hours are over.

Yeah, I was just
about to leave.

Everything is
going to be fine.

Can I speak to
you, outside?

These are the directions to
the estate. The retreat
starts at midnight.

Look for a woman named
Emmanuelle. She'll lead you
to the sundial. Hurry, Syd.

I know you and Eric are
old friends, but, whatever

Nothing ever happened.

...was in the past.

I don't want Eric agitated
or, distracted from relaxing
and getting well.

All I want is for Eric
to get well, Suzanne.
Nothing else.

Thank you.

Excusez moi, monsieur.

It's, uh... it's quite, um...

Oh, there you are.
What's the matter with you?

Nothing. I'm completely,
totally beautiful.
Fine, that's what I meant.

Nigel, come on.

Hello. May I see your
invitation, please?

Seriously, Sydney, this
is a bit far-fetched.

I mean, female vampires
draining the life out of people?

Well, it is a strange
place, Nigel.
It's not that strange.

We'll see.
I'm sure we will.
We always do.

Sydney, what is this?
It's an initiation
ceremony of some sort.

Let's go.




You saw the sundial?

Damn it, you're good, Syd.

Yeah, I'm not that good.
I lost Nigel. The women took
him into the house.

Nigel, my friend you
met yesterday?

Oh, the twerp, yeah. Sorry.

So the police won't
be much help.

The women technically
haven't done anything wrong,

and we were the ones
that were trespassing.

Somehow I've got to break into
the house, get the sundial and
Nigel out of there.

Good idea.

Yeah, easier said than done.
I would have gone in last night,

but, without knowing the layout,
and being outnumbered...

it's a historical estate.

So the blueprints would be on

You can access them
online at the library.

One more question.
Is there an occult shop nearby?

Yeah. The black dragon
is just around the corner.

I told you to leave him alone,
but you can't stay away,
can you? You're obsessed!

Obsessed? With Eric?

Don't blame Sydney, eh?
I do that to women.

You're having an affair
with him, aren't you?

I wouldn't have an affair with
Eric if he were the last man
on earth.

I'm hurt.

You're in love with him.

I'm a friend. That's it.

I don't believe you.


I have lots of friends.

And, if anyone tried to hurt
one of them, they'd wish
they never met me.

They brought him
in last night?
Where is he?

In the storage room.
But, he belongs to Anna.

Has she started yet?

Emmanuelle won't
let her have him
until after the ceremony.

Back, demon!

Nigel, keep it down. It's me.

Oh, Sydney. Thank god.

What's with the cross?

It's not a cross. It's a...
martial arts move I saw
in a movie once.

It's called the deadly
candlestick X maneuverer. It's
quite lethal, actually.

Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine.


Here, get this robe on.
Let's find that sundial.

Find the sundial? Sydney,
I've just been kidnapped
and held against my will.

You said you were all right!
Well yes, physically.

But, the psychological effects
of such an abduction could be

Well... well...

"From the passion of a woman
springs life eternal".

I'd like to go there...
it's got a nice view!

God, where are we?
I have no idea.

They're all
names of women.

Give me a hand.

This is not a woman.
This is a man.

Another man.

Suzanne. Eric's Suzanne?
It's empty. Lamae
kill their men.

Yes, I recall.

I think these men were killed
by the women whose names
are on the coffins.

This must be Suzanne's
trophy case for Eric.

Sydney, let's get out of here
now. We'll call the police,
have them investigate all this.

Eric's dying.

Well, he's in a hospital,
being treated by professionals.

We need to find that sundial.

When you are with Emmanuelle,
listen with your hearts
as well as your ears.

She has much to teach
about the power of the feminine.

Women are the
wellspring of life.

The past, the present,
the future.

We give life, and we take it.

We control the cycle of
birth and death.

This is our legacy
and our power.

We are the alpha
and the omega.

I'll pass on the facial,
oil makes me break out!

Who are you?

Cinderella. It's almost
midnight, gotta go!

I've been waiting for you...
for such a long time.

I've seen you before.

You have?

Last night.

Oh my god.


I'm not into that trip, okay?

I'll bet you're not.

Package for Sydney fox.
Can you sign for it?

Oh, yeah, right.
Like you're a delivery

My day job. At night,
I'm a Slayer.

I knew it.

It's a band.
The slayers?


You were there last night?

You're a slayer?

Cool office.

Yeah. My idea.

If you would
just sign here.

This is the way to my room.
I knew you'd find it.

You did?

I should be, uh...

I'm not... I get this...
I don't know why.
You must forgive me.

Have you seen Sydney?
I really need to speak
with her...

Do you know why
you've come to us?
It's all just a silly mistake.

I should have signed
up for the retreat
instead of crashing it.

How much is the weekend?

You have an extraordinary
power that many search
for and never find.

You will make a fine
teacher of women.

Pass. I've already
got a day job.

Meanwhile there's a guy in a
hospital that thinks his
girlfriend's killing him.

She is. Eric Dalt will be
Suzanne's initiation
into the order.

Which order would that be?

The spiritual
descendants of
queen Lamia herself.

Call me crazy,
but, I don't think
Suzanne's the type.

She has no idea
it's her power
that is killing Eric.

The first kill is always done
in pure innocence.

After that, the killing
is done consciously.

Sounds like fun.

We only kill to free our men
from their bodies.

But, why?
That's the best part.

We take their lives, and
save their souls.

And, they think
that's a fair trade-off?

We give men joy,
they've never
experienced before.

And, then you kill them.
Is that really necessary?

Necessary, and
quite pleasurable,
as you'll see.

I don't think so.
I really kind of like men.

Well, most of them, anyway.
I'm definitely not into
killing them.

You will be, very soon.

You are very
disturbing to me.

Me? Disturbing? I'm actually
a very un-disturbing sort of
person. Boring.

No. You're very exciting.
I felt your power
the first time I saw you.

Really? My power?

Yes, you're a
very creative man.
And, very sexual.

That's very kind, but...

We watched you and the woman,
we let you come here.


Because we wanted you.

Emmanuelle gave
you to me,
as a special treat.

A treat?
What about Sydney?

She is being well
taken care of.

A ta sante,
mon amour.

This is fantastic.
What is it?

Ambrosia. Once made
for Zeus himself.

Slowly. Slowly.
Savor the taste.

I want it all.
And, you shall have
all, my love.

You know what I've
always wanted to do?
Tell me.

You have an artists soul.

I think I do. I mentioned
it to my father once, but
he didn't...

I understand.

You don't need to struggle.
We're about to give you
a precious gift.

Oh, don't do that.
I get uncomfortable
when people give me things.

I do need a new clock, though.

The sundial belonged to Zeus.

The shadows cast by it
channel his spirit to us.

The shadows also break
the spells you cast
on your men, don't they?

Hera was a jealous wife.
She wanted to make sure...

Lamia would never be able
to seduce her husband again.

So she turned her into a snake.
Good idea. It's usually
a turn-off to most men.

But, Hera couldn't kill Lamia.

Prepare yourself.

For what? We haven't even
been properly introduced yet.


I hate hitting women!

I was right. You have the power.

We need you here. Join us.

Here is history. So are you
and your sisters.

No. We are forever.

Nothing is for ever.
"Seinfeld", perfect example.

Give me that sundial.



Are you all right?
I'm okay.
What about Emmanuelle?

We need to find Nigel and get
this thing to the hospital. The
question is, where is Nigel?

I think I know.

I heard a man's
voice in this room.
I'm sure of it.

Nigel. Nigel. Are you in there?

Open the door. Nigel!

Nigel, didn't you hear me?

Hello, it's me, Sydney.
We've got to go now...

No, no, no. I've got to finish
this. It's the best work I've
ever done!

What's the bad
stuff look like?

We've gotta leave.
No, I can't. I won't.

Leave him alone.
He's mine.

Uh, no, actually, he's mine...
I mean, in a manner of speaking.

Get out of here.

I will, with Nigel.

Would you stop with the never?
What's with you women and never?

I'll be with you in just a sec.

Oh my god. You've hurt her.
What are you doing?

Saving your butt.
You'll thank me in the morning.

Eric? Eric!

I'm barely getting a pulse.
Then we've got to
Get a doctor.

A doctor can't help him now.
He's dying! We've got to
do something!

Only the sundial can
break the spell.

He's your man,
so you have the power
of life and death over him.

Now, you have
to will him to live.

It's not working!

You have the power,
you just have to believe in it.

Believe in yourself, believe
in your love for Eric. That's
all that matters.

What's going on?

Eric, you're alive!

Sort of.

You got the sundial.

You saved my butt, Syd.

Oh, I didn't do anything.
I'm not sure the sundial
did, either.

What did, then?
I'd say it was the
power of love.

What the hell
does that mean?

I think I'll let Suzanne
explain that to you.

How are you feeling?
Oh, horrible.

Sorry about the jaw.
No, no. Not... not that.
That woman.

Sydney, I... I couldn't resist
her. I... I didn't even want to.
I wanted everything.

I noticed.

It was totally exhilarating.
It was unbelievable.

Been there.

If you haven't come along,
I don't know what would
have happened. Thanks, Syd.

No problem. She wasn't your
type anyway, Nigel. Too old.
Positively ancient.

What happened?
I thought vampires
frightened you.

Actually, I find the
whole thing very sexy.

Children of the night,
neck biting, the undead,
blood thirst.

Claudia, you got a
paper cut last week,

and you begged me to rush you
to the emergency room.

I've decided to discover
my dark side.

As opposed to your usual bright,
sunny, charitable self?

I just want to be open
to self exploration.
I'm a very open-minded person.

You met a goth guy.

Mmm-hmm. He is so hot,
and I am so totally into
this new scene.

I spent hundreds on the clothes,
the hair, the new make-up.


Ancient studies?

Hi, Matt. What?
No way...

No way! I don't think so.

What's the matter?

That was Matt. He had
an intense religious
experience this weekend.

Invited me to go to an
Ash Can with him.

I think he was talking
about an ashram.

It's like a Hindu
spiritual temple.

Well, this is so unfair. I mean,
what am I supposed to do with
all this Gothic junk?

Well, Halloween is only...
A long time from now.

So this ashram stuff,
is it hip?

Well, it's been hip on and
off since the '60s. Many
people think it's psychedelic.


I could look hot
in psychedelic.

Maybe we should watch her.

You know, these ashrams
can be cultish.
She could get brainwashed.

No, you have to
exchange those outfits.

I have just had, like, a very
deep and meaningful
spiritual experience...

and if you don't do the
exchange, I'm going to
sue the pants off you.

Oh, and... I'll take one of
those muumuu things, or
whatever you call them, in red.

Claudia, brainwashed?
They'd need a lot of soap.

Buckets full.