Reign (2013–2017): Season 4, Episode 7 - Hanging Swords - full transcript

When Darnley (Will Kemp) gets a surprise visitor, his marriage to Mary (Adelaide Kane) hangs in the balance. Elizabeth (Rachel Skarsten) learns her attempt to stop Mary backfired. Meanwhile, Catherine (Megan Follows) and Narcisse (Craig Parker) find King Charles (Spencer MacPherson) and must convince him to return to the castle.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Reign...

I told you he's been
like this for weeks.

Sullen, unresponsive.

I should never have become king.

I will fix this.


This is what you two
have been doing.

Misplacing the king of France.

The time has come for the Valois

to step down.

Spain must take control.

Is the Queen asking me
to use military force?

The Queen is asking you
to bring her Darnley.

This englishman killed my guard

and then tried to murder me.

Get out of our country

or we will drive you out.

Tell me what you gave Agatha.

The cure you're looking for

doesn't exist.

Then she will die?


Elizabeth will keep
coming after us.

Let her come;
Let the danger come.

Doesn't it make you feel alive?

Keira, what are you doing here?

I'm going to marry
the Queen of Scotland.

She'll never win
your heart, Darnley.

It's mine.

This is not the dead body
I was hoping for, Ambassador.

Queen Mary insisted I bring

the assassin's corpse
back to you.

She blames me

for the assassination attempt.

On Lord Darnley's life.

Your failure to eliminate Darney

has caused me
public embarrassment.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty.

Do you want me
to send another Agent?


Any further attempt on his life,

successful or not,

will clearly point back to me

and make me appear weak.

And I see no way
to stop this wedding.

Then what do you suggest?

Because after Lord Darney

and Queen Mary wed,
they will raise an army.

They'll gather
international support,

and they will come
after my throne.

The time to move on Scotland
is now.

- Your Majesty, if I may...
- What?

Help me?

Advise me?

Please, Ambassador.

Lord Blackburn and I
occasionally disagreed,

but at least
he didn't mince words.

Then neither will I.

You cannot invade Scotland

without reason.

Then find me a reason.

This marriage is an act

of aggression
and I will not sit by,

helplessly waiting
for the sword to fall.

Come on, Greer,
we're almost there.


- It's beautiful.
- I told you.

Darnley and I found it
while on one of our rides.

Admit it, Greer, it's the
perfect place to get married.

Not for a Queen.

Well, Queen of the fairies,

maybe, but your wedding

is a major political event.

Hundreds of guests,

Official ceremonies,
legal formalities...

and that's the problem.

So much of this
wedding isn't about

who Darney and I really are.

You mean, who you and Darney
have become.

As much as I'd like to run away

and elope in a magical forest,

political realities are part

of my life... And this wedding.

You did have an assassination attempt

at your engagement party.

Darnley and I have been

under attack since
before we met.

By Elizabeth, John Knox,
the protestants,

even some of my own
Catholic lords.

Something is going to happen,

I just... don't know where
it's going to come from.

I see why the idea of
running away with Darney

is suddenly so appealing.

And while I'm checking
over my shoulder

for assassins and the like,

I still have the politics

of a royal wedding to deal with.

The guest list,
the seating chart,

A million little things
that could alienate

my supporters at home.
And you will deal

with those challenges
as you always do.

Except that now,
at the end of the day,

You will have achieved more
than a political alliance.

You will have a chance
to find love again.


It's almost

too much to hope for.

But I'm willing to try.

We have a problem.

If you're referring to the fact

that Charles hasn't
been seen in weeks

and he gave his crown
to a peasant,

we don't have a "problem,"

We have a disaster.

Well, it's about to get
a lot worse.

I've just learned your daughter,

Leeza, is drafting a letter

for Charles to sign,

formally abdicating the throne.

If Charles abdicates the throne,
then what?

His brother, Henry,
is next in line.

He's even younger than Charles.
There will be

a vacuum. They'll make their
own bid for the throne,

which will allow
king Philip to take advantage

of the instability and present Spain

as a better option.

Making France
a Spanish territory.


Charles's absence buys us time.

He can't sign anything

if his whereabouts are unknown.

Leeza has her Spanish guards

combing the countryside
as we speak.

Then we must find him first.

- Yes.
- My sources told me of

a family outside Meaux.

They recently took
in a mysterious boarder.

Maybe it's Charles.

I will go at once.


Charles didn't just run away

from his duty.

He also ran away from...


I'm the problem now?

You must admit,
your relationship with Charles

has been strained.

Perhaps Charles
would respond better

to a strong, male

authority figure.

But in the absence
of such a man,

I'll settle for you.

I will hold my tongue
and I'll let you do the talking,

but rest assured,
I am the right person

to bring Charles home.

There's an unbreakable bond
between a mother and her son.

I can't believe you're taking
my lands for your fiancé.

I have no choice.

It's a requirement
of our marriage.

Darnley must be given
a Scottish title.

That requires me
to Grant him lands

that earn him a certain
amount of income.

And somehow it has
to be my lands.

The old Lennox estates
are the only lands

that earn enough income
to give Darney the right title.

And I'm sure this has nothing
to do with the fact

that these are the same lands
taken from Darney's father

for being a traitor.

I won't deny that erasing
Darney's family's stigma

is a benefit.

I know it's a loss.

Another loss...
Of valuable trade routes,

of money out of my pocket.

- I will compensate you.
- Will you compensate me

for the political allies
I've given up?

Or for my position at court,

which Darney has already
declared redundant?

He even took my favorite
Arabian stallion.

Will you compensate me
for that, as well?

Nothing that has been done

was meant to harm you

And I didn't realize

he had taken your horse.

I will talk to him about it.

It's not about the horse.

It's that I don't like

making sacrifices for someone

who isn't worthy of you
to begin with.

He only came here

to promote his power, not yours.

He set fire to a building
so he could look like a hero.

Darnley's a better man
than you think.


Who told you that?


You forged a letter to end
my relationship with Keira.

- How could you do this?
- It wasn't easy.

I paid a fortune.

You don't deny it?
How did you find out?

Keira arrived here
from England two days ago,

Trapped in a loveless marriage,

desperate to know

why I abandoned her.

She's here? Please, tell me.

That you have not slept
with her.

You have ruined any chance

that I had at being happy.

I've ruined nothing.

Your dalliance with Keira

was a foolish passion,

a distraction keeping you

from your true destiny

as king of Scotland.

And some day,
perhaps, of England.

I loved her.

I was heartbroken when I thought

that she had rejected me.

She was the love of my life.

And you've taken that from me.

For your own good.

My son, you must put
the past behind you.

Keira is married.

You are engaged to a Queen.

Do you think I don't know that?

This isn't easy.

I care for Mary, too.

I don't want to lose what this
marriage means to either of us.

Then don't.

Where is Keira now?

She's in an Inn in the village

until I can decide what to do.

There is no decision to be made.

If you continue
with this relationship

and Keira's husband

finds out that she was here,

he will have her jailed
for adultery.

And your fiancée,
the Queen of Scotland,

will be humiliated
before the entire world

and this marriage
will not happen.

You lose every thing
the lands, the title,

the power, all of it.

Don't be a fool.

Send Keira home now.

Make sure
Ambassador Richards knows

how eagerly I await his report.

Excuse me, Your Majesty.

I've just come from the kitchen.

Agatha asked for blueberry pie,

her favorite. Then I remembered
blueberries are out of season.

Well, at least
she's feeling better.

She had a surgeof energy thanks
to the pain medication.

The court physician
said it's temporary,

Of course.

And how are you?

I want her final days to be
as painless as possible, but...

I know she senses my sadness.

I just feel so helpless.

I understand.

Helpless is not a feeling

I am fond of, either.

Gideon, I don't mean to intrude,

but may I?

Anything you do
would be a great help.

Look who's feeling better.

What are you playing, Agatha?


What a coincidence,

that is my favorite game.

Except, when I do it, it is called
Playing Queen.

Would you like to play Queen
with me?

I would, very much.

In that case, we must get you.

A gown.

And a crown.


I like that sound, too.

Would you like to hear it again?

Can we?

You heard Queen Agatha.

Snap to attention.

One of the best things

about being Queen
is that your subjects

must obey your every command.

Does that include my father?


Your father has been

a loyal servant of the crown.

Your wish is his command.

Hop on one foot.

Now dance.

A little faster, Lord Blackburn.

Knees higher.

No, h-higher.

He isn't very good, is he?

I beg your pardon?

In my youth,
I won many contests.

No, she's right,
father, you're awful.

Give me a piggyback ride
to the library instead.

As you wish, Your Majesty.

They said you sent for me.

Is everything all right?

What's this?

It's the deed and title
to your family's former estate.

It's yours now.

Mary, you have no idea
what this means to me.

It came at quite a price.

I had to take the lands
from James.

He was... angry to have lost them.

Especially to you.

I'm sure you'll find a way
to make it up to him.

He is my brother,
and I've already asked him

to sacrifice so much.

We've all made sacrifices
that are painful.

No one more than you.

Tell me it's worth it.

Tell me that
we're in this together.

This could be more
than political,

that we have a chance
to be happy.


You've been wonderful,

generous, you've given me

I don't deserve you.

Well, you have me,

And we have each other.

(horse whinnies,

Humble surroundings
for a king. What is

Charles doing here?
I have no idea,

but it's a step up
from the cave.

You, there!

Don't scare them.

Dear children,
we are from court,

and we are looking
for a young man

with dark hair. Have you seen...


Hello, mother.

What a lovely meal.

Ooh, the soup.

Do I detect a hint
of wild pheasant?

It's pigeon, mother.

I can't remember

the last time I enjoyed
pigeon soup.

King Charles didn't tell us
to expect company for dinner.

He's full of surprises.

Our apologies
for arriving unannounced.

- And unwanted.
- Charles.

Guests at our home
will be given respect.

Particularly, the Queen mother,

and the...

Lord chancellor.

We found His Majesty sleeping
in one of our fields.

We wanted to send word, but...

I asked them not to.

- I needed time away from court.
- He's a fine lad,

Eager to do his share.

All a young man needs
is purpose and direction.

We're a humble people,
but everything we have

comes through honest work.

Isn't that right, Charles?

That's right.

I'm glad to see that my son

hasn't been a burden to you.

I've found a kind
of love and freedom here.

I feel at peace.

- It's why I stayed.
- Yes, well...

We all enjoy a vacation
from reality occasionally.

But your family
and your true purpose await.

I feel that my family
and my purpose are here.

They aren't. You are
king of France, and your sister...

The Queen of Spain...

is using your absence
to threaten

the sovereignty of our nation.

Listen to yourself.
You don't even care that I,

Your son, am alive,

- Well and happy.
- Alive and well

and king of France.
Only if I choose

to return to court,

which I don't.

Perhaps we should all

stop talking before
this delicious soup

gets cold?

I hope that's not my face you're
imagining on that bull's-eye?

Of course not.

I'm imagining Darney.

James, I know you're upset,

but I can't bear the thought
of losing your support.

I want to make it up to you.

And if it helps, so does Darney.

The only person Darney cares
about helping is himself.

- I know you don't like him...
- It's not that

I don't like him, Mary.

I don't trust him
and I'm not the only one.

The servants don't
trust him, either.

- Which servants?
- The stable hands, for a start.

He's not so careful
to be a gentleman.

When he thinks no one
important is watching.

- They see his true character.
- And you think that I don't?

You say you're drawn to him

because it's
a good political alliance.

But I've seen the way
you look at him lately.

You like him because
he's unpredictable,

and you find that exhilarating.

It's not wrong for me to like
the man I'm supposed to marry.

It is when the very things
you're drawn to

make Darney a risk.

He's not just reckless,

he's insecure and selfish,

driven by ambition and pride...

James, I appreciate
your concern.

But if I want to take England,
I must marry Darney.

Please don't judge me

for finding some measure
of happiness in it.

I will compensate you for your
lost trade routes, I promise.

And if you can't trust Darney,

can you at least trust me?

You said you'd come back.


You shouldn't be here.

I told you to wait at the Inn.

I waited all day.

The situation is complicated.

It's not. The letter
your mother wrote was a lie.

You never stopped loving me.

You said you needed time
to figure things out.

- And I have. Keira, I'm sorry...
- No.

You love me.

I am engaged and about
to become a king.

We must end this.

I came here at great risk.

I was willing to give up

But I'm not. I can't.

Then don't.

You can have both
your marriage and me.

A king can take a mistress.

I'll slip away when I can.


Tell me you don't still
love me and I'll go.

Kiss me, and if.

You don't feel anything,
I promise,

You'll never see me again.

But you must kiss me, Darney.

Kiss me or I'll scream.

No one can ever know.

I wish you could stay.

You make me feel stronger.

Everyone else just sees
me as a means to an end.

But you love me
for who I really am.

Wait for me at the Inn.

I can't let you go
back to England

without seeing you again.

Look at him.

I mean, Charles isn't just well,

He's happier than
I have ever seen him.

This environment
does seem to suit him.

What, you mean
a simple, loving family?

Well, Henry and I
could give him everything

except that.

There's a part of me that wishes
I could let him stay.

We can't, Catherine. We have
to find a way to convince him

to return.

Yes, please.

Queen mother,
I don't mean to interrupt...

No, my dear. Clearly,
we are the intruders here.

I'm sorry Charles
is so reluctant

to return to court.

I've never been off this farm,

So the stories he tells
sound wonderful to me.

Sometimes we stay up all night
talking about it.

You stay up all night
talking with the king?

I'm sorry, what did
you say your name was?


Well, you seem
to have quite a bond

- with my son, Nicole.
- Yes.

If he were to leave,
I'd miss him so much.

Well, you...
You wouldn't have to.

If you could convince Charles
to return with us as king,

Then we'd happily
bring you along.


That would be a dream come true.


Give me a moment to talk to him.

Looks like
the king's been using his hands

to work more than
just the earth.

No wonder he's better.


But it'll take more than a Tryst

with a farm girl
to make Charles capable

of convincing Leeza

he is fit to be king.

After having full run
of the castle all day today,

I can't imagine what you're
going to dream about tonight.

My favorite part was splashing
in the fountain.

I liked jumping on the beds.

I'm not sure why I don't
do that more often.


- Did you take this?
- I saw it

on that big map when
we were playing Hide and Seek.

There were so many boats,
I didn't think

they'd miss just one.

Darling, these aren't toys.

They're meant to represent
real warships in position

to protect England.
Some were aimed at Scotland.

Will you use them
to fight Queen Mary?

Only if necessary.

Mary's so nice.
Did she hurt you?

No, not directly. Not yet.

Agatha met Mary in France.

You see, real Queens sometimes

have very difficult decisions
to make,

whether they want to or not.

I thought Queens
didn't have to do

anything they don't want.

- Darling...
- It's not quite that simple.

For example,

Even a Queen must go to
bed when it's very late.

If I were Queen, I'd want
everyone to live in peace.

Then you would be
a wise ruler indeed.

Good night.

Your Majesty,

I have news that couldn't wait.

What is it?

I found with your request
a reason to take

military action
against Scotland.

There was a recent border
Skirmish, not an uncommon event,

but in this case,
English blood was drawn.

Scotland would appear
to be the aggressor.

A justifiable reason
for us to strike back.

And our best chance to stop.

Queen Mary once and for all.

Let me know when the
troops are in position.

On my order,

England will invade.

You wanted to see me?

I have good news for you. I have
found a way to compensate you

for your loss of the trade
routes on the Lennox Estate.

I am getting you the use

of a port owned by a man

- called Lord Bothwell.
- I know Bothwell.

- Did he agree to this?
- Well, no.

Not yet.
I summoned him to court,

but he sent word that he was
too ill to travel at the moment.

Did he?

I think I might know
where he's recuperating.

Go around the market!

If you're looking
for Lord Bothwell,

You'll find him in that Tavern.

He's not ill,
although he might be drunk.

Are you saying
that he lied to me?

Another of his fine qualities.

If you're trying to prove
your support to me,

don't expect Bothwell's help.
He's no gentleman.

Although, I must say you
have consistent taste in men.

We should have
invited Darney along.

He likes taverns, too.

Darnley is riding all day.

And you're wrong about him,

- James.
- Lord Moray.

May I have a word?

Go on, James.

I can manage Lord
bothwell by myself.

What is it?

After the English assassin,
you asked us too keep an eye out

- for suspicious activity.
- And?

We found something
at the village Inn.

A traveler from England
arrived a few nights ago.

Someone registered a room

at the Inn using forged papers.

Do you want me to gather
more men and search the rooms?

Actually, I think I ought
to look into this myself.

Hello, boy.

Nice to see you again.



I have nothing to say to you.

That wasn't what it looked like.

That girl, she means
something to me.

- You can't tell Mary.
- I warned her

about what kind of man you are,
but she wouldn't hear it.

She insisted on proving
herself to me, instead.

Because she thinks we can
be happy and as long

as she doesn't find out
about this, maybe we can.

Don't pretend you care
about Mary's feelings.

You only care about yourself.

I won't let you hurt her.

If you tell Mary, you will be
the one that hurts her.

Not because she'll feel
betrayed, but because.

This marriage is the one chance
she has to defeat Elizabeth.

We both know that Mary
isn't safe until she takes.

Elizabeth's throne.
Well, marrying me is

the most direct route,
and the key to her survival.

Even if that were true,
I can't stand by

while you carry on an affair.

Then I'll end it.

You have my word.

You know I'm right.

You don't have a choice.

Fine. I'll keep
your secret this time.

But if you betray
my sister again,

You will pay with your life.

Your Majesty. Lord Dunbar,

Lord Fenton, Lord Macdowall.

And you must be Lord Bothwell.

Too ill to stand?

I was in the middle of a
good hand, Your Majesty.

Then by all means
don't let me interrupt.

Surely one of you gentlemen

can beat a three flush?

Well... It appears I've
just ran out of luck.

How can I help you,
Your Majesty?

I'll be brief.

I need you to give my brother
James access to your port.

I don't give anyone anything.

I'm a businessman.

Though I am curious to know

why Lord Moray needs
my port when he controls

the trade routes on
the old Lennox Estate.

Those lands are being returned
to lord Darney.

Yes, the ambitious foreigner

that you seem so
determined to marry,

although you shouldn't.

You sound like James.

I don't like your brother,
but in this case

I'm inclined to agree with him.

I didn't come here to ask
for your marital advice.

Lord Moray needs to find
a new way to move his goods.

The crown will
compensate you, of course.

How much?

The crown is willing
to pay five percent

of the trade profits...
That should be fair.

Make it 25%.

That's more than fair.

Fine. Do we have a deal?

Now that I think about it, no.

No? What do you mean no?

That port has great
sentimental value to me.

It was given to me
by your mother,

Marie De Guise,
for services rendered.

To honor her memory, I couldn't
bargain it away for any price.

So our negotiation has
just been a waste of my time.

Not at all.

My friends here have trade
routes of their own.

And now that they know how much
you're willing to pay for them,

I'm sure they'd be
delighted to negotiate.

I believe the starting
price was 25%.

I'll take 30.

Did Queen Agatha enjoy
her royal carriage ride?

She loved it.

She only wants to travel

by parade from now on.

I'm sorry you couldn't join us.

So am I. I've been in meetings

with Ambassador Richards
all morning.

About Scotland. I know
I've been occupied,

- but as your advisor,
- I strong... don't.

You have enough on your mind.

Agatha, where's your doll?

I gave it to the kitchen girl.

She's never had a doll.

That was very generous of you.

I'm not going to need it
for much longer.

What's it going to be like
when I'm gone from here?

Darling, we're not
going anywhere.

From this earth, I mean.

Agatha, I, um...

I can't, um... I can't...

As you know,

Queens are chosen by God,

so I happen to know.

Heaven is a beautiful place.

Much better than any castle.

It's filled with wonderful
food and dancing.

And you mother will be there.

And she will pick you up
and hold you tight

and never let you go.

And once you are with her,

Nothing can ever hurt you.

And you will never

feel afraid or alone again.

And even though you can't
see your father,

you will feel
how much he loves you.

And that will never change.

So, you don't drink blood

or hunt children
in the woods at night?

Those were ugly rumors

started by peasants.

You ran away,
disappeared for weeks.

Admit it, Charles,

Your mind is week,
you cannot handle

the pressures of being king.

Your brother was just
going through a difficult time.

It's all right.

I did run from court,
and from my responsibility.

Being king was more daunting

than I anticipated.

But... after rest and reflection,
I found the truth.

Being king of France is a duty

I was born to.

I accept who I am
and I will not abdicate.

Spoken like France's
one true king.

Or a well-coached puppet. Leeza!

I won't be lied to
again, mother.

This is a cover-up,
and you're behind it.

I know how you work.

Charles is not fit to be king,

and if none of you
will admit it,

I'll bring the Vatican in
as judge.

The pope himself can decide
who should rule France.

How dare you threaten

my Country or my Reign!

You have no power over me.

Neither does
the Catholic Church.

That is Blasphemy.

It would be
if I were Catholic...

which I'm not.

Charles? What are you saying?

I'm saying.

That I, Charles De Valois,
king of France,

am a protestant.

He's a heretic?!

A protestant?

- Are you insane?!
- No.

For the first time
in a long time,

I am healthy and clear-minded.

Thanks to Nicole and her family.

Their faith is
a source of strength.

This is your fault. I should
have your entire family

burned at the stake.

I don't understand.
Charles is king.

I thought he could practice
any faith he wants.

I can.
Henry VIII broke from Rome

and freed England
of Vatican oppression.

Under my rule,
I will lead France

to a new golden age.

You're not Henry VIII.

And France is not England.

When England broke
from the Catholic Church,

it wasn't reliant
on Rome or Spain

for financial aid, France is.

Not to mention, most of your
nobles and your privy council

are devout Catholics,
myself included.

Even our personal income depends
on Nobles, Catholic Nobles.

If you think for one moment
they will stand by

while a protestant king
bankrupts this country...

As lord chancellor, the man
who holds the purse strings,

I can guarantee you
that will not happen.

You need to go to your sister
immediately and recant.

I'm sorry, I will not lie
about my beliefs.

Not to the Queen
of Spain or anyone.

You asked me to return
to the throne, and I did.

A protestant king.

What my sister Leeza thinks
is of no consequence to me.

You will tear
this country apart.

If that's the price of progress,

so be it.

James, there you are.

I have in my hand
papers that Grant you

access to new trade routes that
more than make up for your loss.

Well, I'm sorry
for your trouble.

Is that all you have to say?
Are you actually

disappointed that I've
resolved this issue?

No. In fact, I'm grateful to you

for having gone to such
great lengths on my behalf.

But your issue was not
with my generosity,

but, rather, Darney's character.

And so you are
still not satisfied.

Mary, I know that Darney
offers you many things.

An heir, a chance
at the English throne,

but I-I still don't think
he can give you

the one thing you truly deserve.


Leeza, please don't do this.

There's no need
to rush back to Spain.

Or to involve king Philip.

This is a family matter.

Charles is young.

It's probably just a phase.

Protestantism is not a phase.

It is a disease,
and Spain is the cure.

And what would you have
Spain do?

Forcibly remove your own
brother from the throne?

If necessary, yes.

Well, do you think that's wise?

France has a sizeable
protestant population,

and if they learn
that a Catholic Nation

is trying to remove
their protestant king,

You will have started
a civil war.

Don't threaten me, mother.

It's your responsibility.

It always has been.

We both know that
you didn't come here

to promote catholicism.

- You came to punish me.
- And why shouldn't I?

It's not as if
you don't deserve it.

You're right.

I have failed you.

You needed something
I couldn't give.

What do you want from me now?

You want me to do
all things that I didn't.

Do for you when you were
a child.

Do you want me
to comb your hair?

Do you want me
to sing you to sleep?

Do you want me to love you more?

If I could go back in time

and be a better parent, I would.

I would change so many things.

It wouldn't matter.

Nothing can make up

for the sins of your past.

Then don't punish all of France
when you want to punish me.

Tell me what I can do now,

today, to make things right.

Do you know how expensive.

Your bed sheets are?


One silk pillowcase costs

more than my father
earns in a month.

If you're looking for Charles,
you're in the wrong room.

His bed sheets

are very nice, too.

I know exactly whose
room I'm in.

Charles is a lovely boy,

and being with the king
has its perks.

But now that I know

how things really
work around here,

I'm interested in getting
to know you better.

I don't blame you.

I am a fascinating man.

But the question is,

why should I
be interested in you?

Because the king
still listens to me.

I could...

persuade him to listen to you.

And that could be useful.

But you'll have to make it
worth my while.

I need gold,

and lots of it.

But if I ask the king, the
privy council would object.


I'm turning to you.

- You're a fast learner.
- I am.

I know all kinds of things.

Agatha's sleeping.

She is exhausted.

By the looks of it, so are you.

Thank you.

For making Agatha happy,

for comforting her
when I had no words.

I wish there
was more I could do.

That picture
you painted of heaven.

Your words tumbled out
so easily,

the specifics so vivid,
you didn't even give it

a second thought.

It's because it's what you told

yourself as a child, isn't it?

My father wanted
little to do with me.

My mother was killed
before I turned three.

Later, they locked me
in the tower.

They accused me of treason,

And I never knew if they
were coming for me next.

I grew up with a sword hanging
over my head,

Aware at any moment
I could be slain.

So I told myself that story...

So I wouldn't be afraid.

You've faced death
your whole life.

It can't help but
to have shaped you,

even as Queen.

But now, I look at Agatha...

Facing death with such
strength and courage.

And I wonder, can I ever
be that strong?

Elizabeth, you are

that strong, and you have
more courage than you know.

Enough courage to face what
must feel like certain death

and still make
the right decision.

Let's hope you're right.

You won't be climbing trees
in it,

but your wedding dress
will be beautiful.

You don't seem happy.

I am happy, mostly.

Gave Darney back
his lands and titles,

and I salvaged the
situation with James.

But there's something
about our conversation.

That bothers me, it's like he...

knew something he wasn't saying.

Mary, James sees his sister
marrying someone

- he doesn't approve of.
- Can you blame him

for seeming less
than enthusiastic?

I suppose I should be thankful

I have a brother who cares
enough to worry about me.

A letter for Queen Mary.

Another warning from
the loyal watchman.

Every time he writes,
he speaks the truth.

But it's never been good news.

I don't understand.

It's quite simple, Ambassador.

- I've changed my mind.
- But the troops

are positioned, they only await
your word for the invasion

to begin. Your Majesty,

This chance may not come again.

Ambassador Richards,

Were you afraid of
the dark as a child?

I believe I was.

And are you still
afraid of the dark?

- Of course not.
- Exactly.

It would be foolish

to let our childhood fear

govern us as adults.

Mary has made no overt
move against me.

Reacting as though she had
would be the actions

of a scared little girl.

Which I am not.

You tell your men to stand down.

I will not be remembered as
the Queen who drew first blood.

Blueberry Pie.

Blueberries are out of season,
so I had them

brought in from Portugal.

It turns out a Queen actually
can do whatever she wants.

Where are Lord Gideon
and Agatha?

I'm sorry, Your Majesty.

She passed during the night.

You know, mother,
despite all our difficulties,

I trust we've come
to an understanding.

We certainly have.

Leeza is finally
returning to Spain?

Yes, the Viper
returns to her nest.

Well, we're not
out of trouble yet.

That farm girl

that Charles is so fond of,

I think she might have her
eye set on something more

than just a day at court.

We may have to get rid of her.

Not yet.

If she has Charles' ear,
we may need her

for the task to come.
What's wrong?

The only way that leeza has
agreed not to tell Philip

or the Vatican
that Charles is a Protestant.

Is if I remove Charles from
the throne and replace him

with his very Catholic
Brother, Henry.

But Charles has finally
embraced being king.

He's not gonna give up
the throne without a fight,

And if the protestants
rise to his defense...

There'll be a civil war.

A bloodbath that pits
brother against brother

until one of my sons is dead.

That is my punishment.

If you want to know my opinion
on flowers for the wedding,

I like what you like.

See what a good husband I'll be?

I wanted to talk to you about
the seating arrangements.

I found out we
have another guest.

Where should we seat
Lady Keira white?

Mary, I don't...

Don't bother trying to deny
you're having an affair.

I'm sorry.

Keira is the love of my
life, and we were torn apart

by a lie.

She's married.

We have no future.

Mine is with you.

James tried
to warn me about you.

He said that you were
selfish and reckless,

and I refused to listen.

Why should I listen to you now?

Apologies are for wives,
and I will never be yours.

You can't seriously be willing
to walk away from this marriage.

Just to punish me
for one mistake?

No, the mistake was mine.

For thinking that we could have
more than a political marriage.

I was so stupid to think that
we could find love together.

It was only one time!

Why do you keep saying that

like it makes it better?

I can't trust you.

You have ruined everything
we might have had,

everything we might have been.

I knew that something or someone

was going to get in the way
of our happiness.

And I was looking in this
corner and that for all the...

The people and the threats

that I was protecting you from.

And all this time,

the enemy was you.

You don't love me.

And I'm willing
to bet you never will.

In your heart you know that,

so what does it matter?

I'm giving up
the love of my life

to marry you, but if you walk
away from this marriage,

You are giving up much more.

I know you, Mary.

You want England.

You won't,

You can't, let one indiscretion

destroy everything
you've worked for.

If I do marry you,

It will be for
the good of Scotland

and the promise of England,

and nothing more.

You will be my husband
in name only.

And we will never be happy.

And I will never forgive you.

Synchronized by srjanapala.