Reign (2013–2017): Season 4, Episode 11 - Dead of Night - full transcript

Mary and Darnley are at odds as they put their plan to seize England into action. Elizabeth is conflicted about her feelings for Gideon as she attempts to find a Catholic to marry. Catherine's son Henri (guest star Nick Slater) attempts to claim the throne from Charles with the support of Spain and Narcisse.

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Previously on Reign...

Mm, I see you have Nicole well in hand.

Oh, I played her masterfully.

She wants to be a courtesan.

In return, she is
guiding Charles for us.

I am meant to help you,

Mary, Queen of Scots.

It is my purpose.

Rizzio, I am blessed

to have the loyalty
you have placed in me.

You must say that I acted on my own.

You must ban me from Scotland.

Summon Lord Bothwell.

I know he would rather
die than see you harmed.

I've kept you safe, and
aware of Darnley's true nature

- at every turn.
- You're my Loyal Watchman.


Leeza said Charles is unwell

and I was needed immediately.

Your brother is quite recovered, Henri.

So he's not going to be abdicating?


I am pregnant with your child.

I will be a good father
and a good husband.

On that you have my oath.


She certainly adores her mother.

You'll know the feeling soon enough.

Oh, I hope so.

Thank you for returning to court, Greer.

I'd lose my mind keeping
this secret alone.

Only Darnley knows you're pregnant?

I told James before he left.

I was hard on you about James.

Yes, but you were right.

In trying to protect my throne, I...

put my brother in a dangerous position

that ended with his banishment.

And now I fear there is a
cost for everyone I love.

Well, Darnley should be safe, then.

For your information, Darnley's been

on very good behavior recently.

It sounds like you're warming up to him.

I'm not sure I can,

but he is the father of my child, and...

he's trying.

So I can try as well.

Could something else be in
the way, perhaps? Something...

tall, handsome and Scottish?

If you are talking
about Lord Bothwell...


I've been looking for you.

I have news from England.

I'll leave you two alone.

It's not public knowledge yet,

but my friends at home
in England are saying

that our marriage has
pressured Queen Elizabeth

to take a husband, the
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria.

A Catholic?

- Yes.
- Elizabeth has had

countless suitors, and
she's never married.

She won't go through with it.

You married me.

Didn't you? To ensure your
survival against your cousin?

Well, now she is doing the same.

If Elizabeth marries the archduke,

we will lose our Catholic advantage.

The Vatican may shift
its support to England.

Because they will already have

a Catholic king on the English throne.


I know that we now have
a child to consider,

but if we wish to take
England, our forces

must strike before Elizabeth
announces her engagement.

It is now or never.

I always knew this day would come,

that as queen, I would have
to order the attack, but yet...

It is still a terrifying decision.

But you won't have to
face Elizabeth alone.

Just say the word, and I will call forth

my English allies to help us.

1550 Bordeaux.


Delicate nose.

- Floral.
- Mm.


Yes, I do like that.

You've taught me so much

about wine,


- Mm.
- and men.

And... how is King Charles?

His younger brother's
presence is bound to shake him.

This morning the king seemed concerned

that Henri is taller and stronger.

I acted as if I hadn't noticed,

as if no man is bigger

than Charles in my eyes.

Well done.

A king's confidence is essential,

and you are the source

of Charles' confidence.

And you are the source of my happiness.


That's incredible, Henri.

Every battle is incredible.

I can't describe it, but
the air you breathe changes.

It's full of terror,

of life and death.

And the sound

is deafening, like a thunder.

You can't imagine if you've never b...

Charles! Nicole! I was just
wondering where you were.

- What's going on?
- Oh.

Henri planned a family celebration.

- In your honor, brother.
- No one told me about this.

We just happened to be passing by

and heard the music.

Someone should have told you.

I'll find that servant and toss him.

But you're here now.

To the king!

Henri, show him what you brought.

Let's see.

I have jewelry, like this temple ring.


A Hungarian saber

taken from the front lines.

I also thought we could have

some fun with this.

It's called The Goetia...
the book of black magic.

I took it from the last
surviving Turk on a battlefield

full of dead soldiers.

Before I killed him, he swore its spells

are what kept him alive.

What kind of spells?

Anything your heart desires.

I was thinking we could
perform some magic on Charles.

I don't believe in this nonsense.

I'm sorry that I'm late.

Even Mother was invited?

Henri was just showing us his Goetia.

We're going to do some magic.

Give that to me. This instant!

Henri, why did you...

bring this into French court?

- You know that this is dangerous.
- I'm sorry, Mother.

I forgot you're a
believer in the occult.

The great seer Nostradamus
showed me there are forces

beyond our understanding.

- Stay away from this.
- Well...

who wants to dance?


What is that?

Don't be cross.

I was just trying to
show Charles a good time.

Is that so?

I know that you came here expecting

Charles' throne, and to be denied

is certainly a disappointment.

But we mustn't let Spain

divide us from within.

I have recently written to your sister

detailing all of Charles' victories

against the Protestants,

and I am praying that she
allows him to stay on the throne.

You should do the same, Henri.

When one Valois

is weakened, the entire
line is threatened.

I will pray for him, Mother.

I promise.

Our current plan is to
take Queen Elizabeth hostage

in her own castle.

I've invited my most
trusted English friend,

Lord Barrett, to lead the mission.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Elizabeth's castle has vulnerabilities

on the south side that
we've long been aware of.

King Darnley's allies across the border

will join our cause,

but we will need gold to fund the coup,

and we will need more men.

If you can give me an advance
team of your most skilled

Scottish soldiers, then I can
bring them across the border

and into England to
recruit more to our side.

Then we will have the numbers

to seize her castle
in the dead of night.

Once Elizabeth is captured,
and the castle is secure,

the Scottish navy will
attack from the shores.

Our infantry will move
in from the borderlands,

and should all go according to plan,

Spain will follow suit,

- and England will be won.
- Yes, but I have to ask.

Can my fellow English
count on you, Queen Mary?

On the night of the coup,
Darnley's allies will all

be risking death without
ever having met you.

And they will need more
assurance than my word.

Tell your men that I recognize

that they are risking their
lives to install myself,

and King Darnley, on the English throne.

And so I offer them my royal seal...

as a promise of my support.

With the full power of
the Scottish military.

I know that they are risking everything,

and by trusting them with my seal,

- so am I.
- The question remains,

once Elizabeth is taken prisoner,

what will we do with her?

I pray that my cousin will
publicly acknowledge me

as the rightful heir to England.

And if she doesn't?

We will make that decision
when the day comes.

When the English throne is ours,

we'll look back to this as the
moment that changed everything.

Darnley, I...

couldn't have done it without you.

I'm honored you've chosen me as
your intended, Queen Elizabeth.

Archduke Ferdinand,
you certainly have risen

above your competition.

I am well aware you've been
looking for a Catholic king.

Yes, I have.

And you are...

everything I've been looking for.

However, any public
announcement should wait

until our countries
have agreed to terms.

Tomorrow's event with the nobles

will simply be a public stroll.

I can do that.


I hope you know

I'm not just marrying
you to share a crown.

I want something real.

As do I.

I only have a few moments,
but I needed to see you.

How is the archduke treating you?

Fine. He's perfectly nice.

But when he talks, and

he talks quite a bit...

all I can think of is you.

I hate to admit this, but...

i-it's more difficult than I imagined,

your marrying another.

Is it too difficult for you?

Can you live like this?

I just want what's best

for your reign.

If our situation
becomes too complicated,

too painful

for either of us,

I'll simply disappear.

No. Don't say that.

I want you to stay.

Lord Bothwell.

What are you doing here?

The queen sent for
me to return to court.

Even if she did, it's not the time

for you to be distracting
Mary with your presence.


I am so sorry, Mary.

So that's Bothwell.

The man who despises me,

and you invited him here.

After James left I was upset.

I needed someone I could trust.

I promised you that I
would be by your side

as a true husband, and you do this.

I'm sorry, Darnley.

Calm down; I'll take care of this.

I got your message.

Are you all right?

I'm... I'm fine.

Forgive me, I should
never have sent for you.

I disagree.

I'm trying to improve my... situation

here at court.

And though I appreciate your coming,

I must ask you to leave.

You heard the queen, didn't you?

She asked you to leave.

Though I'm glad that
we finally get to meet,

since I've heard such a lot

about the, uh, what do you call it?

Ah. The Loyal Watchman.

You wrote Mary some very
nasty letters about me,

and yet here I am,

ruler of Scotland.

So aren't you going to
bow to your new king?


You may wear the
Scottish crown, Darnley,

but you'll always be English by birth.

And I must confess, I
don't like English people.

- Bothwell.
- They've crossed our borders

and slaughtered our
countrymen for 300 years.

If I could bathe these
hills in English blood,

I would. So no, I will never bow to you.

I would rather die.


Stop. Guards, stand down.

There will be no bloodshed in my court.

Very well.

By the queen's mercy, you may walk

out of this castle with your life.

But as punishment for your defiance,

you will never return.

Please, go.

That ball was long, brother.

I think it was in.

It's true, Charles.

The ball was in; it's Henri's point.


It's all right,
Charles, you can do this.

You're the king, after all.

Brilliant, strong,

master of all you survey,

and I adore you.

Well, she's a devoted subject.

You know, this is nice,
watching your brothers play.

I'm not all that close to my siblings.

Well, you can certainly borrow mine.

Go on, Charles.

I wonder who's winning.

The match isn't over, Henri.

- And it's my serve.
- No need, brother, I've got one.


Oh, my nose.

Henri, what the hell was that?

I didn't mean to. It was an accident.

Charles, are you all right?

Get him to the infirmary.

You struck your brother
with a tennis ball

packed full of rocks.

I took the balls out
of the bin and played.

- I had no idea...
- Oh, you're lying.

Narcisse saw you take this
out of your own pocket.

You are purposefully

undermining the king.

You're throwing parties,
you're treating this court

as if it's yours.

And I have seen the way you
eye his young love, Nicole.

Despite your reassurances,

you want his throne.

Leeza says he's not right in the head.

That I am needed. I've led
armies. What's Charles done?

He was born first.
That's all he has to do.

That is how a monarchy
works, how it endures.

Look at me.

This ambition that you carry

endangers not only your
brother's life, but your own.

Yes, Charles has struggled,

but he has finally adjusted to the crown

and he will fight for it.

So you will apologize to your brother,

tonight at dinner, in
front of the whole family.

Or what? What can you
do when, last I checked,

Spain wants me in power?

Leeza's not going to change her mind.

Perhaps I can change it for her.

This dirty little memento
that you brought back,

The Goetia.

That was just a trinket, a joke.

Actually, it's heresy.

And neither Spain nor the Vatican

take very kindly to heretics.

You would never accuse
your own son of witchcraft.

I would if it stopped you

from tearing this family apart,

from inciting a civil war.

The lord chancellor

will corroborate my accusation

and you will be ruined.


I'll apologize to Charles tonight.

Am I disturbing you?

No, come in.

I'm drafting a letter to Spain,
telling them of our plans.

Well, I've received an update
from my friend, Lord Barrett.

He and the Scottish soldiers
have arrived safely in England,

and are waiting to turn over
the gold to my Catholic allies.

Well, that's good news.

Darnley, we should talk about
what happened in the courtyard.

Oh, with Bothwell gone,
I've put it out of my mind.

But there is something
I'd like to discuss.

We are so close to
getting everything we want.

Scotland and England,

Elizabeth no longer a threat.

And now we have a little one

to consider, too.

Should anything ever happen to you,

don't you want me to
continue to protect Scotland?

I think we should reconsider
the Crown Matrimonial.

No one would fight
for our child's future

as fiercely as I will.

Why are you so worried

about something happening to me?

I would think you would protect me

as you would your unborn child.

Of course I would!

You know I would.

Then why is it necessary?

Are you really going to continue

to resist granting me what I deserve?

It is my blood, my allies
that give you England.

As it stands, you are
telling the whole world

that you are the sole ruler of Scotland

and that I am powerless!

And we come back to this again.

How many times must you
disappoint me, Darnley?

You know, it's funny, but the truth is

that because I am without power,

I am also without risk.

If Elizabeth should find that seal,

you're the one in danger.

If the plan should go wrong,

and those men never make
it out of England alive,

you alone would be implicated.

She would know that you
were behind it, as well.

Would she?

If I confirmed

your efforts to destroy her,

allowing her to justifiably
come after you...

would she care?

Are you actually threatening
your wife and queen

when I am carrying our child?

That child exists solely to replace me.

I have given you
everything that you wanted.

Now it's my turn.

Do not deny me this,

or you will lose England.

You will lose everything that you
have fought for your entire life.


The soup is delicious.

Such a medley of tastes.

Mm, I have something to say.

When I was fighting the Turks,

we were vastly outnumbered at Dumar.

But I led us to victory after
eating the very same soup,

which I asked the cook to make.

It bolsters one's strength.

Henri. Don't you have
something to say to the king?


Charles, I'd like to apologize to you.

Did you hear that, Charles?

I'm truly sorry.

I forgot how traumatized you've been

since your terrible kidnapping.

- Henri!
- How rattled you've been

by the pressures of ruling.

Those whispers about

your odd and ghastly habits...

Get out of my court!

I wish I could leave,

but Spain wants me here.

Spain begged me to come.

What? Spain did what?

You're a liar!

You're a liar and you have no reason

to stay here any longer!

Dinner is officially over!

Everybody should retire.
There are warships

waiting in the harbor,
should I need them.

You might be my elder brother,

but I am stronger than you in every way.

More's the pity,

which is what they all feel for you.

Especially her.

Charles, would you please?!

All right, well, if you haven't
forgotten it, then what is it?

Would you just, um, give me a moment.

I don't know why you're
following me, Rizzio.

Queen Mary needs to speak with you.

It's serious.

She told me to stay away.

Desperate times.

I need to abort the mission in England,

but I can't abandon my men;

I need to return them home,

along with the evidence
Darnley is holding against me,

my royal seal.

I need you to retrieve it all.

It would be an unsanctioned mission.

If you were captured on English soil...

I know what happens to me.

I realize what I am asking of you.

But I have nowhere to turn
and no one else I can trust.

You don't need anyone else.

You must find Darnley's
ally, Lord Barrett.

- Do you know where?
- No.

Darnley lied to me about their location.

But I do know someone who
could help, Gideon Blackburn.

You want me to ask a former flame

and advisor to Queen Elizabeth

for information about
men plotting against her?

It's because he cares
for me and my cousin

that he is likely to help.

I know we hardly know each other,

and yet here I am, asking
you to risk everything for me.

With or without your crown,

I would do anything for you.


Be safe.

I was so excited

for my family to be together again.

But we're a disaster.

Charles is damaged,

Henri's ruthless,

and my mother is

Catherine de Medici.

Now that you've seen

me and my family up close,

you must be disappointed.

Still think I offer you

a promising future?

I don't regret a thing.

And you are no disappointment.

Perhaps, when we

start a family of our own,

it can be different.


You're a good man, but
you should know that...

I'm not in love with you.

I'm not in love with you, either.



Foolish Henri.

You had a chance to make amends tonight,

but you squandered it.

Now I see no other option

but to inform Spain
that their prize pony

dabbles in the occult.

Or you could do nothing.

Tell me, Lord Chancellor,

is the king aware that you and
his beloved Nicole are lovers?

Yes, I've noticed Nicole disappear

shortly after you leave a room.

How do you think my brother
would react if he knew?

Do you think blackmail will protect you?

How endearing.

But let me offer some advice:

next time you threaten someone,

make sure you have proof.

A theory

is nothing more than a feather.


Don't worry, you're young.

You will get better at this.

That is outrageous!

Henri attacks his brother, the king,

defies his own mother,

and then he has the
nerve to threaten you?

- Well, enough is enough.
- Yeah.

We will draft a letter to the Vatican.

I don't care if he is my child.

He wants to act like a young buck,

I will make him a doe.

Catherine. Sit down.

We are not going to
do anything to Henri.

That boy has earned my respect.

- Narcisse...
- We have been backing the wrong horse.

For months trying to

make Charles act like a king.

Well, Henri is a king.

Look at him. In the few
weeks he has been here

he has already shown more confidence,

cunning and boldness
than Charles ever has,

and ever will.

By taking out his brother
with a ball full with rocks?

It's cruel,

but inventive.

Spanish warships are backing him.

If that isn't kingly,
I don't know what is.

Face it, Catherine,

Henri is the future.

What exactly are you suggesting?

Removing Charles by force?

Even if there's a peaceful
way of transferring power,

which there isn't,

Charles would not survive.

He will always be seen as a threat

to Henri's reign.

He will be murdered one way or another.

And the entire Valois
line will be vulnerable.

Maybe not. If there was
a strong king like Henri

to replace him.

I like Charles, but...

he is irreversibly damaged
from whatever he endured

at the hands of the Red Knights.

But it's too late.

- For everyone.
- So you're with Henri, then?

Against Charles?

Against me?

I am on no one's side

but my own.

But I am done with
fighting a losing battle.

Spain wants Henri on the throne,

and you do not have the power

to save Charles.

Not anymore.

I am going to scream.

He invited me on a
four-hour carriage ride

through the country. Tonight.

Very romantic.

He's a nice enough
person, but four hours?

Gideon, you have to get me out of it.

I'm merely asking for tonight.


I'll make something up just
before you leave, some...

important business that
will allow you to cancel.

Well, it better work.

I expect this important business

to keep us occupied

the entire night.

Lord Blackburn,

you have an Italian visitor
here to speak with you.

Oh, you see?

Works every time.

Lord Blackburn. My name is David Rizzio.

My associate and I apologize
for arriving unannounced.


I'm not sure why you asked
to speak with me, personally.

We have an Italian consulate

which might be better suited to...

Actually, t-this is a
Scottish matter, actually,

one requiring your discretion.

My discretion?

Queen Mary is in danger.

And we wish to resolve
the threat against her

without divulging her
weaknesses to Elizabeth.

I'm sorry, but I don't know you.

And I work for Queen
Elizabeth, not Mary.

You nearly married the queen
of Scots to protect her.

She said we could trust
you to protect her life.

Was she mistaken?

I didn't get your associate's name.

Apologies for Lord Bothwell's tongue.

I think what he means is
that Mary's situation is dire.

There is a noble here on English soil

who would do her harm. Lord Barrett.

Yes, I know him, he's Darnley's man.

- And a Catholic.
- Yes.

It is critical that we find Barrett

before he carries out the deadly threat,

because if something terrible
should happen to Mary,

we will all be responsible.

Gideon, will you help us?

I hate waiting.

Not knowing if the men
I sent are alive or dead.

I hate it almost as
much as I hate myself

for trusting Darnley again.

I need to speak to the queen. Alone.

Greer has heard all about your threats.

You can speak freely.


You need to make a decision.

If you still want England,

then grant me the Crown Matrimonial.

Darnley, she needs
rest in her condition...

This is between me and my wife.

And you are just stalling for time.

Now, the privy council

are already assembled downstairs.

Sign the Crown Matrimonial,

and we can make the
announcement together.

I know how difficult this is for you.

I promise, you won't regret it.

This is the right thing to do, Mary.

For us.

For our child.

I will be a true king,

and we will finally be equals.

I made you king.

But we will never be equals.

You just lost England.

I will warn Elizabeth against you,

and when she gets word of your plot,

she will come for you.

And she will take your head.

Oh, do what you must, Darnley,

but I will never sign.

We do not make our move on
Elizabeth until King Darnley

gives the order.

Now, I am in command of this operation,

and we will continue to wait
here for further instructions.

Lord Barrett, the wait is over.

Queen Mary says you're all to
return to Scottish soil at once.

The mission has been aborted.

Stay where you are.

You're Queen Mary's secretary.

The Italian. Well, I don't
know how you found me,

but I do not work for your queen.

I serve King Darnley.

And until I hear from him,

these men are not going anywhere.

Lord Barrett, let me explain

the royal hierarchy, hmm?

You see, Darnley is only king consort,

so he has no...


Maybe you didn't hear my friend.

The mission is aborted!

Now, where is Mary's seal?

I don't have it.

Lie to me again, and I
will open you up, right here

in your own house.

Gentlemen. Please load Queen Mary's gold

onto the carriage and mount your horses.

We're going home.

Lord Bothwell.

We found him spying on us. He's alone.

You shouldn't have come
here, Gideon. We had a deal.

Yes. You told me this
threat against Mary

didn't concern Elizabeth.

I just wanted to see for myself.

And how much did you see?

What do you want me to say?


He's seen too much. He's
going to report Mary's plan

back to Elizabeth.

It's not your call, Bothwell,

it's Queen Mary's.

You're right.

Take him with us.

Is something wrong, Your Majesty?


I just sent for one of my servants

to retrieve a blanket against the cold.

Did you find Gideon?

No, Your Majesty.

I've asked every servant on the grounds.

They say he left hours ago.

Any word on where he went?



It's all right, Gideon.

You're in Scotland.


No, no, no.

- I've got to get back.
- No. You can't leave.

You have information that
can't get back to my cousin.

Are you going to kill me, Mary?

I need you to understand
that I am no longer

pursuing Elizabeth's throne.

Really? You're just
giving up on England?

I can't worry about England anymore.

I have enemies here in Scotland

who are seeking to destroy
me and take my crown.

I thought my husband would...

would be my ally, but...

he is a danger to me.

Oh, Mary. I'm so sorry.

But you were planning
to move on Elizabeth.

Soldiers, the gold...

She never needs to know.

It didn't happen.

It never happened, Gideon,

because I stopped it.

Gideon, after all we've been through,

I must ask you to bend
the rules one last time.

Promise me you're no
longer a threat to her.

I swear it.

Release me, then,

and Elizabeth will never
hear of what you did.

You have my word.

Thank you.

You shouldn't have let him go.

He gave me his word.

And you gave yours.

Have you truly abandoned your
pursuit of Elizabeth's throne?

I don't know.

I can't take England with Darnley.

And from here on out, I must
do everything in my power

to keep this disastrous
marriage from ruining me.

You warned me not to marry

Darnley and I should
have listened to you.

I am so...

tired of thinking about him.

You once told me that you
weren't as strong as I thought.

But you are.

I am married.

And a queen.

And you can't afford to make a mistake.

It's a lovely day outside,

you should get some fresh air.

You're upset.

Where's Nicole?

Doesn't she usually lift your spirits?

I don't know where she's
gone. What Henri said,

about Spain...

Put his nonsense out of your mind.

No. Tell me the truth.

Do they really want
Henri to take my place?

Charles, you know...

I am anointed by God.

And if Spain really
wants to see the rightful

King of France deposed,

they'll have to kill me.

Charles. I would never let that happen.


You are my son.

And you are going to prove stronger

than anyone ever imagined.







Next time you go drinking in
Cornwall with your friends,

you should tell me.

- Hmm.
- You just disappeared, and I thought...


I thought maybe our relationship
had grown too painful.

- Elizabeth...
- Just listen.

I just spent hours in a carriage

with a man who is kind and handsome,

and I kept thinking to myself,

how can I spend a life
with someone I don't love,

when the man who means

everything to me will
be kept at a distance?

And I realized I can't.

I'm not gonna marry him, Gideon.

But you have to.


No, I don't.

I wasn't drinking in a tavern.

I was working with Mary.


What happened?

There was a threat of a Catholic coup

against you.

Mary asked me to help prevent
it, and I... and I did.

Who else was involved?

Catholics who wanted to
see Mary on your throne,

but... but she called it off.

There was a threat of a coup forming?

Are you really going to
continue to defend my rival?

No. I'm not.

You were right. As long as Mary's alive,

there will always be Catholics
who want her on your throne.

Unless you share it with
someone of their faith.

To stay alive, you
must marry the archduke.

What's Bothwell doing here?

I banished him from court.

And I invited him back.

He's now my bodyguard.

And Rizzio is my new adviser.

How lovely for the three of you.

Why did you send for me, Mary?

Is it because you've
rethought your decision?

If so, I am more than
willing to do my part

to move forward in peace.

Together, we can still take England.

No, Darnley. We can't.

My seal.

Safely retrieved from England.

Along with my gold

and my countrymen.

Could we, uh...

speak alone?


Mary, please.

We both know that things got out of hand

last night, but believe me,

I am sorry.

It's too late for apologies, Darnley.

The threats you made
can never be taken back.

And they will never be forgiven.

I lost my temper.

We both know I didn't mean what I said.

I-I would never betray
you to Elizabeth.

We are finished, Darnley.

Well, that's it, then.

You win.

But I never really had a chance, did I?

I gave you every chance!

You're the one sitting on the throne.

I am your king in name only.

Not a real king, and I'm
certainly not a real husband.

But, if that's what you want,

then from now on, I
will do nothing but drink

and whore my way through Scotland.

Bothwell. Arrest him.

You can't arrest me, Mary.

Have you forgotten that the child
in your belly needs a father?

Oh, you didn't know.

All I have to do is

say that that child isn't mine,

and you and your heir
will both pay the price.

You would condemn your own child?

And who would believe you?

Any man would.

You and your new
bodyguard seem very close.

You're trying to take all my power away.

But I'm still your husband,

and I still have the power to ruin you.

Get out of my sight.

Get out!

= synced and corrected by Shahrazade =
... addic7ed...