Reign (2013–2017): Season 3, Episode 4 - The Price - full transcript

After Mary receives an urgent message from her ailing mother about the dire situation in Scotland, she finds herself looking to Francis for aid. Catherine finds herself up against Narcisse as she fights to become the regent to Charles. Meanwhile, Elizabeth faces continued pressure to wed.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Reign...

"One rat down, two to go."

There is also the matter of a
new English ambassador to France.

I have a nomination. Lord Robert Dudley.

It's done. Your husband's
the only nomination.

Our loss is France's gain.

What do we do about Amy?

Amy's not going anywhere, is she?

I don't know. You tell me.

- I need you, Nicholas.
- What do you want from me?

I've appointed you the
new English ambassador.

If you leave France, someone else will have

- to watch over Charles.
- Yes,

someone devoted to the Valois line.

- No.
- What are you doing here?

My son has asked me back into his life,

so here I am, back in your lives, too.

I have an urgent message
for Mary, Queen of Scots.

I'm becoming quite the
sailor under your tutelage.

You almost capsized the boat.

It's a good thing I'm
a strong swimmer, then.

I can keep you afloat.

You always do.

That reminds me,

it is time for your herbs.

They're not herbs. They're weeds...

weeds that the horses have watered.

Don't be a child.

The physician said you need one pastille

every hour.

Take it, and I'll reward you with a kiss.

Well, I'll take my reward in advance.

They do seem to be working.

The color has come back to your face.

- And you are feeling better, aren't you?
- I am.

Even if the medicine
itself seems like poison.

Thank you for taking such good care of me.

I would go to any lengths, Francis.

Any lengths.

An urgent dispatch from your mother.

Wait outside for my reply.

Marie de Guise has become quite secretive

since returning to power.

My half brother, James,

has been removed from the regency

by his Protestant supporters

since they discovered,

through his own correspondence,

that he had not cooperated with
Elizabeth's plan to oust me.

My mother is determined

to keep her letters private.

Dearest Mary, I must
ask again for your help.

A recent surge of English forces

has taken control of
the Glen Albyn Pass,

depriving our soldiers of
badly needed provisions.

Unless we can open a
new supply route at sea,

defeat is only a matter of time.

A surge.

Elizabeth knows of my illness.

She's testing us.

Gather my military council

and the dauphin, now.

S03E04- "The Price"
Original air date - November 6, 2015

Your Majesty.

Don Carlos, the Crown
Prince of Spain, has arrived.

He's asked for your
permission to come to court.

Another suitor?

Not just "another."

He is heir to the most
powerful country in the world.

Why must the fate of nations
be decided in a shared bed?

I won't have this argument again.

The reason you deny your
suitors true consideration

is all too clear:

Robert Dudley.

You needn't worry about Dudley.

I haven't seen him in weeks.

We have our own reasons for staying apart.

Then invite Don Carlos to court.

If you don't, Mary will.

King Francis is dying.

She'll need a new marriage

and a new alliance.

Bring the Spaniard before me

and we will see.

The bags from my chambers should go

to Lord Narcisse's carriage.

We're leaving on our honeymoon today.


You startled me.

Why would my presence startle you?

Oh, because you married my lover.

I know you're unhappy about...



Curious to know if you
were pursued by Narcisse?

Or you were the pursuer?

I swear, I had no intention
of taking him from you.


For the sake of your grandson,

please stop the threats, the rat.

Rat? What do you mean?

The dead rat you left in my bath.

Dear Lola, many rats
skitter about this castle,

and some may find their end in tubs.

But not at my command.

But the message in its mouth?

Your rat spoke to you?

A talking rat?

Now I am interested.

Lola! There you are.

It's time for us to be on our way.

You will excuse us, won't you?

Catherine is fearless about taking credit

for the pain she inflicts.

Why deny it?

Well, she's got to be a bit careful,

now that she's seeking regency
votes from the privy council.

You needn't worry.

I'm not saying she's changed,

but she won't have time to menace us.

She's got quite a battle ahead.

And when she does become regent?

No more talk of Catherine.

All I want to talk about now

is you and me, with days alone,

far from here.

The further the better.

Don Carlos, Prince of Spain.

Your Highness.

You are a vision.

And you a charmer, I see.

Well, I've heard you've dismissed suitors

before they've even spoken,

but now I know the stories
were missing a vital piece.

And what is that?

That the men had been rendered
speechless by your beauty.

Did they stand before you, slack-jawed,

nothing but a trap for flies?

Amusing. Most men don't speak to me

in such a familiar tone.

Well, that's the goal, is it not?

To familiarize ourselves with one another?

Tell me this, Elizabeth,

great Protestant queen,

would you ever consider
marriage to a Catholic prince?

Aren't you to the point?

Catholic, Protestant.

In truth, I see no difference.

There is one Christian God,

the rest are just bickering clerics,

jockeying for advantage.

The only advantage I care about is England.

What can Spain offer my country?

Is all of the silver and gold

of the New World advantage enough?

I should think so.

But it makes me wonder,

what advantage do you see in me?

In truth?

You are a queen,

and as your husband, I would become king.

I'd like a crown.

I'm tired of waiting for my father's.

So any queen would meet your needs?

I hear the queen of Scotland
is in need of a husband soon.

Many queens might meet my needs,

but only you meet my desires.

Shall we begin negotiations?

I'll consider it.

Would you care to extend your stay

at court in the meantime?

I'd enjoy that immensely.

Our army has already suffered

many losses on the
ground for Marie de Guise.

Now she asks for warships?

To secure a supply route.

My mother is confident that
she can drive out the English

if her men are properly equipped.

But it must be soon.

Marie de Guise is unwell.

If her health falters before
the English are expelled,

Scotland could be left without a regent.

Mary's throne could fall into
the hands of Protestants...

pawns of Elizabeth and enemies of France.

Charles, I asked for you hours ago.

I thought we were meeting in your chambers.

Naval involvement is a steep escalation.

Many could die battling the English at sea.

But hasn't our navy just
built two galleon warships?

They'd easily overpower
the English vessels.

The dauphin is correct.

Prepare the galleons
to set sail immediately.

Your Majesty, with your condition...

I will not have the world
think that we are weak.

You have your orders.

You mustn't strain yourself.

Mary, I am strong.

France is strong.

I won't waste this
opportunity to protect you.


Bash, welcome.

I hear congratulations are in order.

- This place is yours now?
- It is!

Pints and girls.

My lease on the townhouse was up,

and this was for sale, so...

Can I get you an ale on the house?

Actually, I came to talk to
you about the recent murders.

The killer preys on the vulnerable.

And I need to caution you and your girls

to be extremely careful.

Of course. I share your concerns.

But, on another matter,

and since you're here,

there's someone you should speak to.

He's been drinking with
Lord Roux for hours.

Trust me, he's not the type
you want around a future king.

Bash! Pull up a chair!

- Bash!
- Thank you.

We are getting out of here now.

This is no place for you.

What is it?

That looks like a burn, a bad one.

What happened to you?

Not to me.

To Delphine.

This woman you're looking for?

For some reason now, I can feel her pain.

And you think someone's burning her?


Her healing powers... they scare people.

And scared people can do terrible things.

I need to find her

before it's too late.

You're not seriously
considering this, are you?

Marriage to a Catholic prince?

A Spaniard?

Well, I have to marry someone.

We can be together.

You have a wife, Robert.

We can never be together.

We have been together,

on and off, for years.

I make you happy,

and I can't be apart from you.

Have you forgotten how close we came

to speaking of your wife's death?

Thoughts are not deeds, Elizabeth.

Don't marry Don Carlos.

The nobles will never
accept a woman ruling alone.

Then get the people,
your people, behind you.

Show them the Elizabeth that I love.

Take your barge up the Thames,

walk around the streets of London.

Show them your beauty and your
mind and your fierce heart,

and they will love you.

And once they do,

they won't want some
king's hands around you.

They'll want you all for themselves,

just like I do.

That's such a lovely idea.

But even if I could sway
the nobles to accept me,

your wife never will.

Amy knows about us.

She knows the rumors.

If she knows the truth,
she never speaks of it.

She tried to get you away from me.

She was behind your nomination
for the French ambassadorship.

But how could she be?

It was Lord Lionel who nominated
you, so I had him followed.

Amy had been secretly
meeting with him for weeks.

She's dangerous.

If she could ever prove our affair,

I would be branded a whore.

No chance of marriage.

Any child I had would be
dismissed as a bastard.

Without the ability to
produce a legitimate heir, I...

You'd be removed from the throne.

I know.

I will never let that happen.

I love you, Robert,

but this thing between us, it must end.

You are my queen,

but in this, I will not obey you.

I will never give up...

on us.


Where have you been?

I went to arrange our meals.

I want everything to be perfect.

Uh, the kitchen's in this very building.

Why are your boots muddy?

I also arranged a tour of the vineyards.

At the crack of dawn?

Well, that way we get to spend

every available waking moment together.

And you do seem very awake right now.


Is there something you're not telling me?

I'm your husband, Lola.

Have a little faith.

Amy, I've come to inform you

that I have made arrangements
for your return home.


I'm very happy here.

I know about your
meetings with Lord Lionel.

I know that you were behind his nomination

of me for the French ambassadorship.

Lord Lionel came to me suggesting the idea.

I simply agreed you'd
make an excellent envoy.

I know you meant well.

But your meddling has had
unintended consequences.

It has damaged my reputation

and this is clearly not the place for you.

You must leave.

While you stay here?


As you wish.

That's enough for today.

Pick up your sword, Charles.

You're not done yet.

Why do I have to take these lessons?

Kings don't fight.

Well, God willing, you'll never have

to draw a blade in battle, but I did.

And our father did.

And a king must master skills

in order to gain the
respect of his subjects.

Being king's a performance.

You need more practice.

Francis does seem much better.

Better than he's been in months.

I brought in a physician from Austria.

He's trying a new approach
that seems to be working.

Tell me something, Francis.

Why take me out of the dungeon

if you don't plan on seeking my counsel?

What are you talking about?

The warships that you sent to Scotland

have been sunk by the English.

Hundreds are dead.

I could have told you it was
a mistake to send those ships.

The English Navy has designed a new ship.

They're called frigates.

Smaller, faster, more agile.

Easily capable of outflanking our own.

Information you gained plotting
against us at English court?

Would you really have cared
where the intelligence came from

if it had saved your precious supply route?

I didn't think so.

I won't be so reckless as regent.

If you don't spend more time

lining up your privy council votes,

you won't be regent at all.

I'm well aware.

In fact, an influential
member of the council

and dear friend, Lord Clavell,

is coming to meet with me.

And when the privy council votes,

I will have a comfortable majority.

You'd better.

I took you out of the
dungeon for one reason...

to secure my brother's rule.

And if you can't do that, I'll
put you back in the dungeon

and find a regent who can.

Now leave us.

We shouldn't have sent those ships.

Men died.

It was a mistake.

Kings make mistakes.

You'll make mistakes.

But this wasn't one.

This was a show of courage and strength.

The mistake I made was
only sending two ships.

- You're going to send more?
- No.

There is another way.

Your Grace, I came as soon as I...

You sunk our ships.

And still more Englishmen
pour over the border

to spill Scottish blood.

Avenging the English dead,
killed by your mother's forces.

She is under attack.

I have asked you here to propose a trade.

We have captured two of your
generals... Hawkins and Gilbert.

We will return them in
exchange for an armistice

along the Glen Albyn Pass.

Allowing your mother
to resupply her armies?

Elizabeth won't cede the
upper hand to Marie de Guise.

I am offering you a peaceful solution.

Why aren't you interested?

Because those are not my orders.

- And what are your orders?
- To wait.

Wait for your mother's forces to starve,

for the French to tire of
dying on Scottish soil, for...

Francis to die.

Leaving no one to protect you.

I hope your wings are strong, you vulture.

You will be circling for quite some time.

Get him out!

Meeting over now, is it?

Barely out of that tower a week,

and you're already trying to marry me off.

I most certainly am not,

unless you take a liking to the young man.

Lord Clavell's son?

Lord Clavell is an important
member of the privy council,

and we need to make a good impression.

You mean, you need
to make a good impression.

So that he'll support you as regent.

Yes, so that I can support
your spending habits

once I'm running things.

Fine. What do you need?

I've been touring the
old goat around all day,

answering his every demand, and nothing...

absolutely nothing... has been good enough.

This dinner is my last
chance to secure his vote.

I simply need your help
to liven things up a bit.

Get ready to charm, darling.

Lord Clavell, I'm so glad
that you came to visit us

from your ch?teau in the
beautiful Loire Valley.

Have you enjoyed your time at court?

Bed in my chamber is lumpy.

I'm so sorry to hear it.

The trip to the royal aviary,
was that more to your liking?

Floor was littered with bird droppings.

Most unfortunate.

You're so funny.

Forgive my bluntness,

but I have provided you
with all your demands.

You asked for nicer chambers, I
gave you the archbishop's suite.

You requested a five-course
meal, and I present you seven.

How, sir, can I make you happy?

How can I convince you
to back me for regency?

You can't.

In truth, I only came here to
see how far you would stoop.

It seems you would go so far
as to dangle your daughter

like a common whore.

What wrong have I done you?

You don't remember, do you?

Visiting my home?

Years ago with the king.

My family came out to greet you.

We presented you with a gift.

But you deemed it
unworthy of a queen, so...

Your sweet daughter offered me
her dress after I admired it.

She raced inside to remove the gown,

but you were too impatient.

By the time she returned,

you were rolling away in your carriage,

crushing her foot in the process.

Well, that is horrible.

I had no idea.

You did.

You chided her for her clumsiness.

You were in a rush.

Her deformity caused her great pain

and ruined her chances of marriage.

I apologize sincerely.


And I will meet with your daughter

and I will help her find a
husband any way that I can.

Where is she now?

She's dead.

Of course she is.

Killed herself a year later,

after yet another suitor rejected her.

Shall we, Claude?

You do not have my vote.

And you will never become regent. Never.

Sir Nicholas.

You're certain Nicholas intercepted

the letter I sent my mother.

I saw the messenger
hand it over to Nicholas.

He copied the letter and handed it back,

just as you said he would.

I'm sure he's already decoded it

and sent it off to his queen.

How did Nicholas know about
the cipher in the first place?

He's been bribing one of my servants.

Once I found that out,

I simply allowed the servant
to observe me using it.

Hopefully, Elizabeth will send
her troops in the wrong direction,

and your mother can
reopen her supply route.

Do you think it will work?

It has to.

We sent our troops north days ago.

We lost their supply route.

What do you mean "we
lost their supply route?"

The intelligence we received from Nicholas

appears to have been misinformation

planted by the French.

There was no French
fleet sent to engage us.

It was all a ruse.

Once we diverted our forces, Marie de Guise

was able to reclaim the Glen Albyn Pass.

Resulting skirmishes
left many of our men dead.

And Mary made a fool of me again.

What are you doing?

I'm sorry, Your Highness.
It was just a speck of down

from your pillow.

There is one way to turn

the tide against Mary forever, Your Grace.

Yes, yes, yes, I know... a marriage.

Not just any marriage.

A marriage to the most
powerful country in the world.

Tell Don Carlos I'm ready
to accept his proposal.

Your Highness.

Congratulations on your
victory in Scotland.

Well, I couldn't have tricked
Elizabeth without you, Nicholas.

Your spying played

an instrumental role.

Clearly I underestimated you.

You certainly did. Stealing my cipher?

Bribing a royal messenger?

Tell me why I shouldn't have you hanged?

Because the truth is, you used
me and you got what you wanted.

Whatever punishment you seek

might pale in comparison to
what I face back in England,

when I am called before
my very angry queen.

I wish our wedding holiday would never end.

We could stay here,

away from court and all its problems.

- Wouldn't that be nice?
- Yes.

Yes, it would.

I could send for John.

I'm sure Mary would give me leave.

We could go to your estate in the country.

Lola, you know that's not possible.

My life is at court.

Your life is at court.

But I like who you are away from court.

I suppose I worry about
the temptations there.

Your ambitions...

You thief!

You stole my father's land

right out from underneath him!

Madam, your father willingly

parted with that land.

I have a signed contract to prove it.

My father is illiterate, you snake.

A fact that you were well aware of

when you held his hand and
signed the deed yourself.

I just want what we're owed!

Lola, please, I...

Just tell me.

Is it true?

A cross.

Prince Don Carlos, I've invited you here

to formally begin marriage negotiations.

And I'm honored, but
I was hoping to discuss

a small matter with you first.

Can you tell me why you haven't married?

You've had many suitors,
many viable opportunities.

Why have you waited so long?

"So long?"

As a woman in a patriarchal society,

I must proceed with caution

when it comes to the man I choose to marry.

The man who will rule beside me.

And are you part of this
"patriarchal society?"

Part of...?

Let me be clear.

The rumor at your own court is

that you are secretly, privately a man.

That's absurd!

It is strange.

But you've been of
marriageable age for a decade.

There is talk that a
girl was born and died.

Retribution feared.

A child quickly needed for
your father's brief visit.

No girl at hand, boy with your
coloring presented instead.

The deed done.

And I not only a man but an imposter?

You can easily refute the male element.

The rest will fall away.

Prove you're not a man.

Show me your womanhood.

My request is not sexual but factual.

How dare you ask such a thing?

If I were your husband,

you would grant me such requests and more.

As is custom.

I'm afraid I must insist.

Lift up your skirt, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, what is it?


Don Carlos shamed me.

He insisted I prove my womanhood.

Your womanhood?

There is a rumor at court.

Clearly my maidservant heard the same.

She stroked my cheek.

She was feeling for whiskers.

What if this is your wife's doing?

Hello, my dear.

That's much prettier.

Did you do it?

Did you start that rumor?

What do you mean? What rumor?

That Elizabeth is a man.

That nonsense?

Can't believe you
haven't heard that before.

It's been circulating for ages.

Robert, you accuse of me
of such terrible things.

- Why would I ever...?
- Because you know.

Admit it, Amy.

I don't know anything, truly I don't.

I love her.



I always have.

I always will.

She will use you and toss you away.

She has other lovers.

- Don't speak.
- They come and go

from her chambers. They're
on their knees for her

- as they're on their knees...
- I am warning you!

While you are nothing to her,
I love you and I always will.

I'll never leave you.

What have I become?

I wanted to be a good man

and a good husband.

You are that man... with me.

Leave her, please.

You'll be whole again.

The good man I married.

Stop this obsession that is destroying you.

Please, Robert, let her go.

I'll stop.

I swear it.

This is your idea of a honeymoon?

Looting the locals out of their lands?

It's not what it looks like.

Then what is it? Just tell me.

Yes, I tricked that man out of his lands.

Because I could see no other way.

I didn't want to worry you,
but Catherine is coming for us.

A woman like that does
not forgive or forget.

These lands that I took...

they're the only way I could
see to protect our family.

Protect us how?

What does one have to do with the other?

That land, combined with the lands

that Francis gifted your
son, they add up to one thing.

John gets a seat on the privy council.

A seat that I will occupy in his stead.

Giving you a vote in Catherine's
fight for the regency.

It will protect us.

Catherine will need to
keep on my good side.

Then why didn't you just tell me that?

Would you have agreed to it if I had?

Stealing land?


You're going to pay that woman's family

the money they deserve.

If that will satisfy you.

I'm not sure it will.

Nor am I.

But you need to trust

that I will always do my best for us.

It's a simple question, Cardinal.

What groups do you know of

that use burning brands
on suspected witches?

The Catholic Church

doesn't condone such barbaric practices.

No, you prefer to burn women alive.

Delphine is innocent.

You tied her to a stake.

She's innocent of murder, perhaps.

Not of witchcraft.

That's a stain that can never be cleansed.

Not even with crossed brands of iron.

I never mentioned a cross.

Tell me the truth.

The Sisters of, uh, St. Agatha

have been rumored to perform
exorcisms of the iron cross.

A pointless effort.

No matter the good intention.

After all that talk of armies and ships,

you defeated the English with
nothing more than a letter.

I can't take much of the credit.

It was Mary's plan.

How did you know it would work?

I didn't. I only made

the best decision that I could in a moment.

Just like I did with the galleons.

I would've given up after that.

I wanted to.

But that's not an option.

Not ever.

Hardly a day goes by where I don't wish

someone else was making the decisions.

But you always seem so confident.

Remember, being king's a performance!



Francis! Oh, my God, what's happened?

Where is the physician?

He sent them away. I told him...

Charles, please, the
physicians are powerless now.

"Powerless"... what do you mean?

Then we must find another healer.

Or Nostradamus or that woman Bash

was searching for... Delphine.

You can't die.

I'm not ready.

Charles, I know that you're scared.

But you are ready.

As ready as I was.

I'm not.

You said ruling was a performance.

I-I can't even pretend well enough.

When I suggested the galleon
ships at the council meeting,

it was all a lie.

I snuck into your study
and looked at your notes,

so I'd know what to say.

I can't do this. I'm not a king.

You will be the king.

We don't have a choice.

That's not true.

It can't be.

Mary, come to me.

There may not be much time.

Come lay beside me.

I don't understand.

You were doing so much better.

The physician said it
can happen at the end.

"The end"... don't say that.

One of God's small blessings.

Mary, you've done enough.

Fought so hard for me.

All that's left now is
to enjoy my final hours.

We should call for Catherine.

No. No.

I want my last hours

to be in peace.

Alone with you.

I love you.

And I thank God for the time we've had.

If it isn't the newlywed.


You seem remarkably cheery.

Oh, I am.

I've put it all together.

I know about the rat.

You planted it in Lola's bath
to scare her into marrying you.

Her fear of me actually
helped you land her.

Admit it, Stephan.

I did no such thing.

You and I are so very alike.

Oh, we are nothing alike.

Falling in love made me

a better man.

And it brought out the worst in you.

You made me feel vulnerable.

It's true.

I don't like that.

You don't like it, either,
or else you could have

taken more time to woo her.

You like certainty.


You also like the hunt.

Now that you've bagged your prey,

how long before your interest wanders?

I love her.

You'll miss me.

She'll judge you.

And in so doing,

miss the best parts of you.

I loathe you.

Because you know I'm right.

I'm also a hell of a lot more fun.

Don Carlos and his
retinue made a hasty exit.

His terms were unacceptable.

I will not marry...

anyone... ever.

I will consider the suitors
they parade before me

in order to placate the nobles.

But between you and I, William,

I swear to you,

it will never happen.

Don Carlos was right.

It is a fact of our time.

A man rules his wife,

even if his wife is a queen.

I will not be laid low by any man.

I will not be ruled by anyone.

This choice will leave you open

to unsavory unions.

It will lead you straight back to Dudley.

So what?

We love each other.

I will give England my
life but not my happiness.

Please, William, stop.

Your judgment pains me.

Elizabeth, you cannot rule alone.

- No woman could.
- I can.

And I will.

I will show England their leader is fierce

and brilliant and strong.

I will draw them to me
and they will love me.

And thank me for loving only them.

Why do you refuse to see the truth?

That a monarchy needs more
than a ruler, it needs an heir.

If you never wed, you will always

be vulnerable to a queen who will marry.

Mary knows that, and when her husband dies,

she'll take another.

With this choice, you will ensure

that Mary, Queen of Scots,

will forever threaten you.

Then it will be the challenge
of my life not to kill her.

Please, I came here for sanctuary.

You promised to help me.

We are helping you, child.

We're purifying your soul.

The iron cross drives out Satan.

You mustn't interfere!

She still has Satan within her soul.

We must continue until she feels no pain.

Only then will her soul be clean!

Anyone will stop feeling pain once you burn

deep enough, you fool.

Satan has nothing to do with it.

Let's go.



Look after her.

Why are you here?

Your deputy told me where you'd gone.

I've come for Delphine. I
know your gifts are real.

I've seen their effects on Bash.

And now I need you to
save the king of France.

No, Charles.

I want to save Francis as
much as you do, believe me.

But you must understand.

There is a price to be
paid for her healing.

I don't care.

As the dauphin of France,

heir to the throne,

I command you to obey.

Is the pain terrible?

Whisper me our future.

I can't bear to think

about a future anymore, not without you.

Then keep me in it.

Tell me about our happy lives.

I wanted to give you children.

Aren't they playing outside?

Don't you hear them?


Our lovely children.


and James.

Yes. Anne and James.

Anne takes after you.

She's so strong and beautiful.

She's fast as lightning.


She never lets James win.

When they chase each
other around the castle,

that's right... Anne always wins.

It's all they'll talk about at dinner.

She wants your praise.

And after dinner, your usual
game of catch with Anne,

James will want your attention,
too, with his reading.

I'll have him work on it.

You promise?

Promise me, I mean it.

Promise me you'll try.

One year of marriage, it isn't enough.

Fight, Francis, please.

I will give you children.

Don't give up on our dreams.

On the life that we could have.

It's such a beautiful dream.


No, Francis, don't leave me.

Not yet. Not yet!

Come back to me, Francis!

Francis, come back to me!

No, no, not yet!

He's gone!

This is Delphine, the healer.
I-I've brought her for Francis.

It's too late!

There's no guarantee she can help him.

And even if she can, there may be a price.

What do you mean "a price?"

The price of someone else's life.

You can't be sure.

And even if there is,

he's your brother.

Your husband.

The king of France.

And what's the cost of
a king's life, Charles?

Your life?


If the price is my life
for his, I will give it.

- Bring him back.
- Are you certain?

Yes, I am! Do it now, do it!

Please, hurry!

Everyone needs to step away.

What is she doing?

Be quiet. Let her work.

Francis! Oh, my God.


You're alive!

You came back to me.

Was the cost your life?

We worked well together, daughter.

Scotland awaits her queen's return.

Until then, your
country and your throne

are as safe as they
can be in my hands.

Your Grace!

Madam! My Lord, she's dead!