Regular Show (2009–2017): Season 7, Episode 18 - Snow Tubing - full transcript

Rigby tries to get Eileen to go snow tubing.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Here you go.

Two breakfasts

to go.

I put extra syrup

in your sausage

scrambler wrap, Rigby.

Just the way

you like it.

Sweet meat!

Aw, yeah!

So what do you guys have

planned for your day off?


Two words, six syllables.


Snow tu-tu-tu-tubing!

Snow tubing

is so awesome.

You go down the mountain,

and hit all these sweet jumps.

Yeah, last year,

I hit this snow bank so hard,

I almost flipped

over a boulder.

What about you, Eileen?

Got any crazy tubing stories?

Uh, I've actually

never been snow tubing.



You've never been snow tubing?!

But you love the snow, and

you go tubing all the time.

Pool tubing is

an entirely different beast.

Same thing-- just more

thrills, chills, and spills.

But mostly spills.

We usually go up

to Canyon Run Mountain.

You should come.

You'd love it.

Oh, that sounds great,

but I have to work.

The coffee grinder's

been acting up

and the repair guy won't

be here for quite a while.

There's probably zero percent

chance I'll be able to go today.

But you guys have fun.

Oh, okay.

Well, don't work too hard.

See ya.

Later, Eileen.










What are you guys doing here

at 6:00 in the morning?


We switched our day off so we

could go snow tubing today.

Now we can all

go together.

Snow tubing?


I haven't gone

since I was little.

Thrills, chills--

And don't forget the spills.


Uh, thanks, but I'm not sure

that I can make it.

I promised myself I would

clean out my fridge today.


That can wait.

But my milk

is gonna expire soon.

The fun is gonna expire

if you don't come with us.

Yeah, I can help you with

the fridge when we get back.

Let's go, it'll be

really cool.

Well, all right.



Snow tubing,

snow tubing.

Can we get some sausage

scrambler wraps first?

So, you guys have been

here before, right?

Tons of times.

It's far,

but it's worth the trip.

Cannon Run Mountain

has the sickest slopes.

It snowed yesterday,


I bet there's some

fresh powder on the mountain.

Aw, yeah!

Got to get me

some fresh pow-pow!



Speaking of powder,

does anyone need

to use the powder room?



You sure?

I want to hear you



Wait, a powder room

is a bathroom, right?



We've hit every bathroom

since we've left.

Oh, okay.

I got to go.


Man, these things

go right through me.

Hopefully, I don't have

to go to the bathroom again.




We usually hit a ton of traffic

up here, but I know a short cut.

Take a right up here

at the fork.

A left?

No, a right.

Left, got it.

No, right-- Right!


Oh, sorry, I heard "left."


it's still pretty early.

We'll probably beat

the traffic?



All right, unlock

the doors-- I'm walking.

Ugh, finally!

If we hurry, we can get 10 runs

in before it gets dark.

I say we get

some food first.

Can't go snow tubing

on an empty stomach.


I am pretty hungry.

I could eat.

But I want the pow-pow now-now!


Ah, stupid body.


let's get some food.

Yeah, after the first

few runs, it's not so bad.

You'll go down

the mountain and be like,

"Duh, duh, duh, duh-duh.

What? You call those bumps?

I didn't feel a thing."

And if you go fast enough,

you'll feel wind on your face,

and everything is like,

"Sheew, sheew."

And you'll be like,

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!"


Oh, man, remember last year

when we talked Thomas

into going down

that double black...

I still don't know

why you picked

this old,

beat-up grandpa tube.

'Cause it's got

the most character.

Yeah, and

a bunch of holes.


Aw, man.

Where are we gonna

get another tube?

I guess we'll have

to wait in line again.


Well, good luck

with that.

We'll see you guys

up there.

Yeah, don't take

too long.

Oh, look, there's

a single-person tube!

Rigby, take that and

I'll catch up with you later.

No way--

I'm not going without you.

Don't be silly.

I don't mind. Honest.

I moved this whole trip

so we could go tubing together.


Come on,

it's getting dark.

If we hurry,

we can get two runs.

Keep it moving.

Keep it moving.

Oh, wait.

I forgot my-- agh!

Great view

up here, huh?

Oh, look-- here come

some people tubing.



You all right?

Just breathing in

the fresh mountain air.

It's gonna be fun.

It's gonna be fun.

Keep it moving.

Keep it moving.





I've made a mistake!


did you see that?

That guy must have

been going 50,

maybe 60 miles an hour!

With two people,

our tube is gonna go

way faster than that.

Keep it moving.

Can't back down now,

so keep it moving.

Here we go.

Front or back?

Back. Definitely back.


knock yourself out.

What? Am I really

gonna knock myself out?

Well, you're in the back,

so maybe?

Oh, shoot, I left my scarf

on the chair lift.

I can't lose it.

It's a family heirloom.

The scarf that I bought you

that you're wearing?



Where are you going?


Okay, ready?



Somebody's having fun.

Whoo, yeah!

So, yeah, I just

keep it moving all day.

What about you?

Do you keep it moving

around here often?




Double black diamond?!

Wait, no!


Turn this thing around!

I want to go down!






what are you doing?

I told you--

I'm getting my scarf!

Stop lying!

Just tell me what's wrong!

I'll tell you

what's wrong.

The thrills, the chills,

the spills--

Snow tubing

is not for me!

How do you know?

You've never tried it.

I did try it!

When I was little, I went

snow tubing with my dad.

We tried to hit a jump...

but the inertia

worked against us.

The cold air

felt like death on my face.

And then...


That's when I got this!


What am I looking

at exactly?

A scar. A bad one!


Yeah, ever since then, I've

been afraid of snow tubing.

I was just too embarrassed

to tell you.

I didn't want

to ruin the trip.

I knew how much

it meant to you.

You shouldn't be


I freak out over small

spaces all the time.

I'm not ashamed

of my mucastaphobia.



And you're right.


I'm sorry I wasn't honest

with you from the start.

It's okay. I don't want

to make you do

something you

don't want to.

Ready to go back?

Hot chocolate's on me.


Yeah, let's go.

Ooh, closing time.

So, you've, uh, seen

how I keep things moving.

Let me show you

how I slow things down.




No, no, no! Hey!

We're up here!

Hello, anybody?!

Did you hear something?



Epic spills.


Somebody, help!

Don't worry.

I'll just call Mordecai.

No service?



Wait, I got a bar.


Well, I needed

a new phone anyway.



What are we gonna do?!

Hm-hm! There's only one way

out of this:

Snow tu-tu-tu-tubing.

Are you crazy?

A double black diamond

in the dark?


a death sentence.

Look, Eileen,

I know we can do this.

I won't let

anything happen to you.

You just got

to trust me.

This is it.

Get ready

for thrills and chills.

And spills?

Not this time.


Okay, on three.

One, two...


No, no, no!




Keep it moving.




Grizzly bear!!



Oh, no!



They should've been

back by now.

Do you think

they're okay?

I'm sure

they're fine.

Rigby knows this mountain

like his hand.

Wait, what's that?

Like, this part right here.

No, that!




was awesome!

I've never felt more alive

in my entire life!

We were going so fast

and ramped up a bear

and flew over

this crevasse and...

Wow, Eileen, no wonder you were

so afraid to go tubing.

What am I looking at,

exactly? Oh!

I'm sorry I was acting

so weird yesterday.

Hopefully, this extra day

will make up for lost time.

'Cause I need me some

of that fresh pow-pow!


We're gonna hit every slope!


I call front

this time.

Bring on the thrills,

chills, and spills.


That's it?!


