Regular Show (2009–2017): Season 7, Episode 16 - Crazy Fake Plan - full transcript

Rigby has to create a massively crazy fake plan in order to surprise Eileen for the first time ever.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


And now commentary from RGB2.

If you ask this old-timer,

TV peaked in the '80s.

Why don't shows have

laugh tracks anymore?

Sorry to keep you

guys waiting.

I know you're hungry,

but my famous peanut butter

and celery appetizers

will be out in a jiffy.

Daringly modern.



These are all words

you might say

when you gaze upon my piece,

Seeds of Agony.

You won't want to miss

this cultural event

before it is taken by blimp

back to my minimalist

Parisian studio

and destroyed.

The venue?


A transitional locale between

the realms of light and dreams.


Off of Spruce and I-95

at dusk by the Cheezers.

Saturday only.



Wow. That looks crazy.


Crazy enough to work!

Dude, what are you

talking about?

Can you guys

keep a secret?

I'm taking Eileen

to see that tomorrow.

and you guys

are coming with!

And you're not gonna

ruin the surprise!


It sounds a little intense.

And why's it got

to be a surprise?

Is it a special occasion

or something?

No, and that's the point.

She'd be expecting

something if it was.

I've made her laugh, cry,

scream with terror when

she fell into that cave hole.

All the big emotions.

but she's too smart

to be surprised.

No way.

If there's a mystery,

she has to solve it.

Whenever I try

to surprise Eileen,

she figures it out



Good evening, my lady.

I'm 'ere to warn you

that trouble's afoot.

You see,

there's been a mur--

Aah! You're taking me to

a murder mystery, right?

Uh, yes.

Great! I already picked out

a dress a week ago!


I'm taking you--

To the conjunction of the Moon

and Mars up on Lookout Mountain?

I know!

I'm so excited!


You're taking me

to the biannual mating season

of the hermit crabs?

You're the best!

She's smart

like that, dude.

so I thought up a plan so crazy

she'll never figure it out.

Will you guys help

drive us around?

Dude, you're being

kind of crazy,

but at least it's a nice

kind of crazy.

I think that's sweet, Rigby.

Of course we'll help you.

Who wants celery

and peanut butter?

Wait, I smell

a surprise brewing.

No! You don't!

You're taking me

to a movie after this!

Ha! No!

Is there even

a surprise at all?

Who's to say?

Hello, Eileen.

I have something for you.



I'm gonna say, based on

your beach casual look,

combined with formal

jacket and corsage,

we're going to...

beach prom!

that's the most

fun party of the year!

Oh, Eileen,

Eileen, Eileen.

I have a different

surprise in store for you.

And this time, you're never

gonna be able to guess it.

Now, ditch the apron.

We're heading out.

Wait, but I still

have to work.

Talked to your boss.

It's taken care of.


50 years from now,

are you gonna remember

bussing tables

or the greatest

adventure of your life?

Now, get out of here,

you crazy kids.


I don't know who that is.

He's a guy who gets it.

But don't worry.

I did talk to your boss.


If it's not beach prom,

are we going

to Costa Rica?

No need to guess.

Just enjoy the surprise.

Maybe your outfit

is a red herring.

Whoa. Crazy running

into you guys.

So random.

Need a lift?

but that could also be

a red herring

of said red herring,


beach prom!

Just get

in the car!

I'd say we're about 15 miles

outside of downtown,

heading northwest.

The temperature has dropped

approximately three degrees,

which puts us near

that shoe store I like.


Yep, we'd overshoot it

by about 900 feet.


Sea Turtle Fan Club!

I just paid my dues.

That's so nice, Rigby.


And time to turn around.


Uh, make a u-turn up here.



All right, everyone get out

and go behind the house.




I've got it.

You're building

a hot-air balloon

with all this stuff

for us to ride in.

That stuff's for a birthday

at the park later,

which you guys

better be back for.

I'm not working it by myself

after last time.

Look, I'm sorry

about that brush fire,

but I don't think

we'll make it back in time.

Rigby's plan

might last all month.

Speaking of which,

round 'em up! Back in the car!


Not cool, bros!


Rigby, I have to say

this is the best surprise

you've ever done.

But that doesn't mean

I won't figure out what it is.

Well, you won't, unless

you know what's that way!

Uh, that seems

kind of shady.

Yeah. Very shady.

Is there even time?

We might not make it

if we go this way.

Oh, no. We'll make it.

Trust me.



the sun's going down.

That thing that we're trying

to do is gonna end soon.


Trust me.

Now go over that hill.

Come on, man.

We got to turn around.

We have no business

being here.

Mordecai, chill.

These guys are probably cool.

We just need to drive past.

We'll blend right in.


Okay. All right.

Just keep driving. Just...


Not okay.

Not all right!


Wow. I honestly

don't know what's next.

I am terrified

beyond all reason, though.


Um, can I help you?

I'd say y'all

don't blend right in.

Where are you headed?

Sorry. Can't tell you.

Trying to surprise

my girlfriend.

You understand.

Oh, a surprise, huh?


You know, my old man

surprised me once.

Now he's dead...


...set on never

surprising me again!


Long story short,

you best be telling me

where you're going.

No surprises on the road.

That's the biker law.

No! It's a surprise!

Rigby, come on.

Yeah, here.

I can just act surprised later.


Rigby! Oh, my gosh!

I love it!

That's not

a real surprise face!

Yeah, pathetic!

Rigby, just tell him.

Dude, it's over.

No! Never!

Tell me!

These aren't

rational guys, Rigby.

Uh, sir, I can tell you.

We're gonna--

No! I want to hear it

from this guy!




Withhold information,

we throw you off the cliff.

Second biker law.


My exterior!


BIKER: You gonna tell us now?


How about now?!


Maybe you should

tell them, Rigby.

I'd really like to live

to see the surprise.

But telling them wouldn't

make it a surprise anymore.

I've been at this for too long.

I'm not giving up now.

Get 'em out of the car!



Now, come on, boy.

This is your last chance.

I'd really like to know

what that surprise is.

You and everyone else!

I'd rather die

than give up the one thing

that might surprise Eileen.

I'll never break.

So be it.

You're gonna get it.




All right! Ladies first!



I don't want to die!



All right! You win!

I'll tell you!




Guys? Guys!


I brought you to see

a giant strawberry!


I can't believe it!

Seeds of Agony by Jonno?


I'm really here!

But-- but there was

the Sea Turtle Club,

the balloon at the park,

the observatory...

but then we ended up here.

What does it all mean?



You guys, too?

I knew it!

You slippery devil.


I knew I couldn't outsmart you,

so I had to out-crazy you

with the craziest

fake plan of all time!

Are you surprised?

Yes, I'm surprised!

And I'm sorry I couldn't

just go with the flow.

My critical mind

is a blessing and a curse.


for sticking with me.

I really love this surprise,



Also, who are these guys?


Oh, we're the troupe

from the murder mystery

you attended.

We wanted to help Rigby

after you guessed the culprit

within seconds of arrival.

So we just threw on our old


Motorcycle gang voices


a-and lent a hand.

Yes, it was a delight

to reprise our roles.

Oh, I thought

you looked familiar,

but I was too paralyzed

with fear to guess.


Anybody want anything

from the car?

Yeah. Surprise me.


Dude, I can't believe

your plan worked.

Yeah, it was sweet.

Then it was terrifying.

But now it's sweet again.

I wish you would have told us

about that motorcycle gang.

Part of the surprise.

What are you gonna do?

Rgardless, I'm still really

impressed you did all that.

Well, it's Eileen.

♪ It's Eileen ♪

♪ It's Eileen ♪

♪ It's Eileen ♪

♪ It's Eileen ♪

We also do musicals!
