Reef Break (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Buried Things - full transcript

In the jungle, gold is found from the wreckage of a crashed plane. This sparks a DB Cooper chase to find the thief and the rest of the gold.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In my old life,
I was a professional-surfer-turned-thief

with a soon-to-be ex-husband
who is FBI.

I need your help.

The last time you said that,
killed my career.

No, marrying me
while you were undercover

killed your career.

But now I'm back...

Your boyfriend's a cop, right?

Wyatt is not my boyfriend.

We are friends with benefits.

And it looks like
I may stay awhile.

The Governor would like
to put you on a retainer.

Some problems, you need...

A fixer?

Works for me.


You got no chance, Denisa!


Give me a break.

You're too fast.


Yo, check this out.

What is it?

It's from a wreck or something.

Looks like it was
a pretty big plane.

Hang on. I'm coming down.


Hey, come here.

Hey, Petra.

We heard you were crashing here.

Not by choice.

Kind of got my arm twisted.

It's a long story.

Your dad was
in Shorepound, right?


Told you.

We thought you might
know someone.

Yeah, I know a lot of people.

What for?

Is this real?

That, or somebody buried
fake gold in the jungle.

And you want me
to help you sell it?

Can you?

What's my cut?

Hello, Doug.

Freedom agrees with you.

Always has.

Why am I here?

Just digging the moment...

You coming back to see me,
face to face.

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you want?

You used to like
a little foreplay.

You used to not try to kill me.

Every relationship
has its ups and downs.

Okay. I don't have to play
your games anymore.

Bye, Doug.

Love and kisses to
the boys in D block.

Jasper needs help.

Things aren't so rosy in Oregon.

He ain't doing good time
in Greenbriar...

Beefing and bitching
and knocking heads,

getting his skinny ass
thrown in the hole.

Well, you should've
thought about that

before you dragged him
into your gang

and got him tried as an adult.

My nephew needs to learn
how to survive inside.

And I'm the only family
he's got.

Yeah, well, send him a letter.

Share your hard-earned wisdom.

Seems we got ourselves

some seriously
overcrowded conditions

in an outmoded facility here.

Federal judge wants to ship
a bunch of us stateside.

Guess where. Greenbriar.

I hear you're
some kind of fancy fixer

for the Governor now.

Doing for him
like you used to do for me.

But having a lot less fun.

No. You know what?

I'm not gonna do this with you.

Come on, Cat.

You always
had a soft spot for the kid.

Bought him ice cream,
taught him how to surf.

I don't get on
the list to Oregon,

Jasper ain't gonna make it.

Get me on that list.

I got to get to Greenbriar.

I need your help

to get Doug O'Casey
transferred stateside.

Why would you even consider

doing O'Casey a favor?

It's not for Doug O'Casey.

It's for his nephew, Jasper.

You believe he's telling
the truth about his nephew?

I don't know.

But I do know Doug's
not a man to be ignored.

And Jasper is a sweet kid

who got pushed
into the family business

by Doug and Doug's brother...

Something I'll never understand.

Is this Jasper kid
clouding your judgment maybe?

I'll talk to the Governor
and the Warden,

see if Doug is even
eligible for transfer.

Great, thanks.

Don't thank me yet.

Let me deal with this guy, okay?

He's a ripoff artist,
but he knew my dad.

Hey, Frank! Open up!

You weren't lying.

You thought I was? Yeah.

Wouldn't you?

So, where'd you teenage
desperadoes steal this?

We didn't steal it. We found it.

Look, we just want
to know two things...

Is it real and
how much is it worth?


Don't move!

Frank, no!

Go, go, go! Go!


Drop it!

Run! Run!

I need your help.

Well, that's a coincidence

'cause I need yours.

Do you remember
Doug O'Casey's nephew, Jasper?

What? Why?

Well, I just remember you had
a crush on him way back when.

For like two seconds
when I was a kid.

I'm not, like,
his prison groupie or something.

Okay, I was just wondering
if you'd talked to him

or seen him
or been in contact with him.

Look, seriously, some people
I know are in trouble.

I need your connections.

What connections?

I don't know.

Big-shot connections.

Get-out-of-jail type

Where did you get this?

Okay, either you start talking

or you can find
another boathouse to crash in,

and I'll go back
to my real life.

The jungle. The jungle.

Around Tiger's Eye.

I took them to Frank Shih's
to check it out.

Frank Shih?

These two guys come in shooting.

T-There was... We're lucky
Pet knew about the back door.

You're doing business
with Frank Shih?

No, I knew him from my dad.

Did... Did Frank get shot?

No, there... there was all this
smoke, and we were running.

How much trouble are we in?

Frank Shih's dead.

If they were armed or pulled
any kind of bonehead move,

there's really nothing I can do

but recommend them
a good lawyer.

Wait, do you know
where they are?

No, I do not know
where they are.

I'm starting to figure out
when you're lying.

Anyway, it's not my case.

Hines and Inoue caught it.

Want to introduce me to them?
Not really.

They already
give me the side-eye

for being the brother
of the Lieutenant Governor.

What? And you think that I,
your trouble-making hookup

would be another black mark
against you?

Well, holding you against me
sounds nice.


I got to go meet
some police officers.

- Thank you.
- That's okay.

Why the hell does the Governor's
office care about this anyway?

Well, come on, you know...

"Couple Feral Youths Execute
a Downtown Businessman"

is definitely not
a good headline

for our tourist-based economy.

It's not our problem.

We work our cases the right way.

Let the chips fall
where they may.

Right. Right.

Well, I'm just saying, you know,

I knew Frank Shih.

Not a bad guy for a criminal.

Maybe I can help you guys.

This is from across the street.

Solid IDs on two of the three...

Finn Webb and Denisa Taylor.

With a third unidentified
person in a baseball cap.

You want to help us with that?

Tell me something.

Do you really believe a couple
of kids shot Frank Shih?

They're both in the system...
Shoplifting, DUI...

Yeah, that's how Bonnie
and Clyde got their start.

You know Petra Torrance?

Webb and Taylor are both
South Shore surf punks.

So is she.

Could be Perp 3.

You know, this was incredible.

You guys are everything
I hoped for and more.

I think we should be
Facebook friends.

I really do.

Check it out.

Bring those divorce papers?


Remind me to talk to my lawyer
about that.

Hey, talk to your lawyer
about that.

You hungry?

No. No, I'm not hungry.

What... What is that?


is my yearly eval
from the Bureau.

Screw 'em. It's not like I care.

Yeah, I can see that.

You look like hell, Jake.
What's going on?

You know, this job used to be
for heroes and risk takers.

Now it's for fat-ass

who would rat each other out
for a corner office.

You think if they were around
back in the day

that the Shorepound Syndicate
would be out of business?

No. No.

Who gives a damn? I'm just...

playing out the string.

So, maybe
I should pick your brain

while I still can.

You okay?

You don't have to answer that.

Alright, so there's
these two detectives,

Inoue and Hines.

You know 'em?

Our paths have crossed...

When I had a path.

If I killed someone,
I wouldn't want them working the case.

What if you didn't?

Um, I'd rather take my chances
with a couple of eager beavers

than some pretty boy who pulled
some strings to get his shield.

Alright, thank you.

Thank you for that insightful
and unbiased opinion.

You're welcome.

Can I borrow your car?



I'm here if you need me.


Send up a flare when you decide
to rejoin the human race, okay?


Maeve, Maeve.

You light up this dump

like a chandelier
in a dog kennel.

Thanks, doll.

Join me in a Mai Tai.


Who are we drinking to?
Frank Shih?

I did teach him the damn ropes.

Well, to Frank...

The second-greatest fence
on the Reef.

Frank. Frank.

You hear any word
on the street about that?

How maybe Frank
brought it on himself?

I'm retired, doll.

I don't hear anything
like that anymore.


I got something
that might pique your interest.

It's real.

Credit Luxe.

Can you help me track
the batch and vintage number?

I told you, I'm retired.

You know, you've told me that
many times before,

but you never really meant it.

Any reason you're not going
through official channels?

There's no use
in giving away information

before you know what you got.

There's the Cat I remember,

with 24-karat larceny
in her veins.

So, no, you can't
trace it for me?

Honey, I'm just sitting here
having my Mai Tai.

See you around.

Come on. Come on.


Nice try, clown!

You can't shoot for crap!

What else can you tell us?

Like I said, he was
covered in leathers

and wearing a helmet.

I didn't get a good look at him.

Get a look at his hand when
he fired at you? Gloves.

Could it have been Finn Webb?

No, it couldn't
have been Finn Webb.

Finn Webb is a kid.
This was a guy.

Like, a guy.

Recognize this?


We pulled this picture
from Frank Shih's phone.

Word on the street is that the
kids found it out in the jungle.


Where some people think
Sonny Turner went down.

Sonny who?

You know...

stole a plane full of gold bars
11 years ago,

crashed it somewhere
in the South Pacific.

Our own D.B. Cooper.

Never heard from again.
None of the gold recovered.

How have I never heard
of this guy?

I mean, I've never heard of him.

Is he still alive?

You're gonna fall off the grid
and stay off,

the Reef is a good place
to do it.

That's why you guys
are so into this case.

This is like
buried treasure, right?

Like a treasure hunt.

There's a pot of gold
at the end of the rainbow.

The gold bar...

You still have it
in your possession?

I never did.

Can I keep this?



Nice of you to take a break

while your pals were
giving me the third degree.

They are not my pals.

Yeah, and in case
you were wondering,

they seem to think a guy
who disappeared 11 years ago

rose up from the dead
and tried to kill me...

Sonny Turner.

Sonny Turner? Yes.

You know, it seems to me

they're more interested in hunting
for buried treasure themselves.

What are you saying?

I'm saying that
they were more interested

in the actual gold
the kids were trying to sell

than in who killed Frank.

It's only a matter of time

before those cops
come here looking for you.

Not if you don't rat us out.

I'm not gonna rat you out.

I'm gonna talk to Jake,
get his help.

Talk to a Fed is Step One.

Step Two is turn rat.

You know, you know an awful lot

for someone who doesn't
know an awful lot.

Right, sorry.

In your case,
Step Two was marry a Fed.

Step Three was turn rat.

You forget...
I was around back then.

I saw everything.

And you forget...

I'm the only help you've got.

Speaking of which,

you're on Doug O'Casey's
nephew's call list, right?


Get me on it, too.

Have him call me.


Well, that's
none of your business.

I see you got dressed today.

What's the occasion?

No occasion.

Heard you went
for a swim last night.


glad to see that you're alright.

What do you know
about Sonny Turner?

His case is as cold
as this beer.

Let's see, he was a cargo pilot,

he saw his big shot,
and he took it...

30 mil worth of gold bars.

Last known contact was
Honolulu ground control.

And then he vanished.

People have speculated

he went down anywhere between,
well, there and here.

What if someone
could find Sonny Turner

and prove it was really him?

It's a career maker.

Or a career rescuer.

See this dot right here?

That is Maeve Devlin's Caddy.

You're tracking her car?

If bars of gold moved through
this island 11 years ago,

good chance is
they moved through Maeve.


I have a gold bar
in my possession.

So, you've got
one of Sonny's gold bars?

I don't... I don't know
if it's Sonny's gold bar,

but I took it.

I showed it to Maeve.

She went out of her way
to act not interested.

But Maeve is an old-time hood.

She will never do business
on the phone,

so she's got to move sometime,

and when she does,
we should follow her.

Maeve's on the move.

Come with me.

Let's follow her.

Are you in?


Yes. Come on.

Where's my car?

RPD impounded it as evidence.

Plus, all the work it needs.

You know, there's water damage,
bullet holes, may need a new engine.

What?! Hey,
I didn't order a hit on myself.

Where'd you get this go-cart?


it was a seized asset,

and Wyatt pulled some strings.

I bet he did.

There's my Kitty Cat,

landing on her feet.


Nice try.


She's not here on business.

She's visiting
her grandkid in rehab.


Where are you going?

Hey! Cheers.

Techie Jane!

The Steve Jobs of the Reef.

I prefer Sheryl Sandberg.

Fair enough.

I need you to lean in
on something for me.

Kinda on lunch.

Yeah, it's on me.

Ooh. Big spender.

Detectives Hines and Inoue...

Can you pull their
vehicle dispatch logs for me?

Easiest free burger
I've ever had.

Yeah, those...

Those records...
What do they look like to you?

Looks like some of these
have been edited.

The car's destination
has been altered.

Can you plug their plates into
the Vehicle Asset System?

Let's see where
they've really been.


Here's their most common routes
for the last few months.

What are these locations?

They're all national forests.

You think they're having
secret jungle rendezvous?

No. I think I found
my gold diggers.

Thanks, TJ.

I guess I made a wrong turn.

Can you help me
get back to the highway?

Well, that depends.

Tell me everything you know
about Sonny Turner.

Those sound like questions
for my lawyer.

Well, they can be
if you want them to be.

Hey, Jake.

Are you picking on defenseless
little ladies again?

Well, if I find one,
I'll have her call you.

I'll see you around, Maeve.

Well, I figure
there's a good reason

you wanted her gone.

You figured right.

I don't need her anymore.

A decade younger, beard,
full head of hair.

Meet Sonny Turner.

I am Bob Clark.

I can show you
a driver's license,

Social Security number...

I bet you can.

So, this...
church you've got going...

The Golden Road InterFaith
Congregation. Yeah.

An interesting name.

Is that what you did
with the gold?

The gold you stole, Sonny?


Don't make me drag your ass out
of here in handcuffs, Sonny.

Not in front of all these
impressionable young minds.

I had this friend growing up.

Walking home from school, he always
used to like to take the long way home,

just so we could walk by
the armored car depot.

Watch 'em roll in empty
and roll out loaded.

"Just one," he used to say.

"Knock off just one of those
trucks, and you're set for life."

So, what happened
to this friend?

He got into a few jams.

Kid stuff, mostly.

One day, the judge said,

"Go to jail,
or join the Marines."

So, Semper Fi, Your Honor.

Bunch of years later,
he's a civilian, divorced,

waking up
in another chain hotel,

rolling out to
a cargo hangar in Oakland.

That's where that plane
from Geneva landed,

full of
Singapore-bound gold bars.

So easy, it felt like a joke.

And then a storm hit, didn't it?

About an hour west of Kauai?

Thing is, until you wake up
someplace in a jungle,

alive when you should be dead,

you just don't know.

Would you backslide
into your old ways?

Or would something click inside,
set you on a new path...

Giving instead of taking?

See, I-I've heard stories
like this before.

They're called fairy tales.

Yeah, well, this one
has a happy ending.

See, he salvages
some of that gold,

secures a piece of land,

and starts building a place

like... this one.

A home for people
who have no home.

Doesn't add up to $30 million.

Where's the rest of the gold?

Next time I hear from my friend,
I'll ask.

A fence named Frank Shih

was found murdered
on Thursday night.

You want to know where I was?

I think I do.

Here, on the grounds,

walking the path to my cabin,
which is right over there.

Let me guess...

You walk that path alone.

Well, I have a lot
to reflect upon.

You were uncharacteristically
quiet back there.

Well, that's because I don't
think the church is a scam.

For one thing,
there's no pay-off.

Come on. The guy's
a thief and a liar.

So am I.

Didn't stop you
from marrying me.

He's probably the guy
that shot at you.

Okay, do you
really believe that?

Come on, really?

Or do you just want to be

the guy who catches
the notorious Sonny Turner?

Of course I like the idea.

All they remember is when I was
wrong, not that I was good.

So, yeah.

Yeah, I'd be happy to
shove Sonny Turner

right in their smug, fat faces.

Okay, that's great,
but I don't believe he tried to kill me,

and I don't think
he killed Frank.

Based on?

My gut.

Okay, assuming
that you may be right,

he's still Sonny.

Dig into his
Golden Road financials

and his phony documents.

I'm back here with
a warrant tomorrow.

Alright, tough guy.

Yo, Tolan.

You got a 20 on Hines and Inoue?

Got a tip on
those fugitive kids.

Went to scoop 'em up.



Police! Freeze!

They found us! Run!


Come out with your hands up!

- Down on the ground!
- Get down!

We're going downtown

to book you all
for the murder of Frank Shih.

Unless maybe you want to show us

where you found that gold bar.

Where are we going?

I'm going to dinner
with potential investors

in the new Harbor Complex.


Not for the Governor.

Well, is the Governor
more excited

by my request to get
Doug O'Casey transferred

off the Reef?

He did not say "no."

So, is that a "yes"?

Weir Street
might be faster, Eddie.

What's your play here, Cat?

There is no play.

I mean, if I can help
Jasper survive Greenbriar

and get Doug O'Casey
shipped off the Reef,

it's a win-win.

You're asking for help
for Doug O'Casey.

Yeah, that makes
a whole ton of sense.

I've definitely been playing
the long game all these years.

Married an undercover FBI agent,

got into a shootout with
half of Doug O'Casey's gang,

and then turned
state's evidence on Doug.


Is this the Governor asking,
or is it you?

The Governor's considering
a move back to the States.

Thinks there's
a Cabinet position for him

in the next election.

He moves up, there's a space
for me to move up.

For that to work,

neither one of us needs to
be embarrassed right now.

Did you really need to take
me on this long-ass car ride

to tell me no?

I needed to take you
on a car ride

just to say
"Make sure you want a 'yes, '

because I can get you one."

Hey, Wyatt. What's up?

Hines and Inoue have been
hunting that wreck for two years,

on and off city time.

Frank Shih must've called them

about the kids coming in
with the gold bar,

sent them a photo,
things went south,

and they took Frank out.

Now they need
Petra and her friends

to show them where the gold is.

I got to go.

Wait, do you know
where they're going?

I don't, but I know who does!

Find Jake! I'll call you!

Okay, just be careful.

Come on.

Moment of truth has arrived.

The moment of truth?
Listen to me.

A few kids found Sonny Turner's
wreck a couple of days ago,

and now they are headed back out
there with guns to their heads,

and the only person who can
help me find them and save them

is Sonny Turner.

So let's quit the game.

Help me.

You understand the deal, right?

She comes up with the gold,

or none of you ever walk out
of the jungle again.

Ready to go?

Come on. Let's go.

- Up.
- Come on.

Up. That's it.

Move your dumb asses.

Follow me.

Are you sure this is the spot?

Follow me.

You know where we're headed?

Wya 100 yards into the jungle

from the south entrance
of Tiger's Eye.

It's through here?

Yes or no?


She give you coordinates?

No, but I got a vague bearing.


This is a fool's errand.

Up here.

I think. You think?

Hope we're not too late.

No more games.

We didn't come to
this rathole for junk.

Where's the gold?

I found it up there
behind the big rock.

Keep an eye on them.

Stay here.

What do you see?


There's nothing up there.

Hey, genius!

My God!

Come on.


You're okay. You're okay.
You're okay.

Wya So, it looks like we can
tear up those murder warrants.

They're free to go?

Yeah, they still
have to testify.

Now, come on.
Get out of my desk.


See you later. Yeah.

Yeah, we'll run with that.

You really think
he's telling the truth?

I think whatever he did
pull out of that crash

he put to good use.

My turn to tell a story.

Well, I'm a good listener.

About a guy I worked with.

More of a grinder
than a superstar.

Didn't always kiss
the right asses.

So, later on,

when this guy made
a few mistakes,

they hung him out to dry.

Career was hanging by a thread.

Maybe it was just time
for him to move on.

Yeah, maybe.

Then one day, this case
just drops in his lap.

One that would put him
in the history books,

never mind back in the game.

Thing is, though,

in order to prove that he was
bigger than his past mistakes,

he would have to lock up
a man who...

had already proven just that.

Anyway, this guy realized

that he didn't give a damn
about the empty suits in D.C.

He knew who he was.

Turns out that...
case was never closed.

That's the story
the guy told me.

Heck of an ending.

Let's make sure
it stays that way?

Your boyfriend says I testify,

or I'll get locked up
for obstruction or something.

Okay, that's not gonna happen,
and he's not my boyfriend.

No? No.

I see him sneaking out
of the house all the time.

What are you... Are you
spying on me or something?

You're welcome, by the way.

For what?

Well, I saved your life.

I took care of that thing
you wanted, with Jasper.

Thank you.
Yeah, well, I wasn't gonna owe you.


You let him go.

That's the man I knew.

I'm still waiting on those
divorce papers, Cat.

You have received a collect call

from an inmate at Greenbriar
Correctional Institution.

To accept charges
for this call, press 1.

To decline...



You there?

Hey, Jasper.

It's good to hear your voice.

I thought you forgot
about me, Cat.

No, no, I wouldn't do that.

How are you?

I'm doing okay.


Your uncle said you were
having a tough time.

You know, I spoke to Jasper.

He says what's up?

Turns out he's never been
in the hole, not even once.

Got his GED.

He's doing great time.

He's gonna be eligible
for parole in two years.

Seems I was misinformed.

You're a lot of things, Doug.

But you're not stupid.

You knew I'd figure out
your story didn't hold up,

which leads me to believe
you're lying to me,

and you wanted to stay

off the transfer list
to Greenbriar

and stay right here on the Reef.

See, this is what I miss.

Playing chess with you.

I miss it, too.

The problem is,
both of us cheat.

I'm gonna find out
whatever you're up to,

and I'm gonna drive a stake
through you with it

once and for all.

I'm counting on it.

I'm counting on it, Cat.