Reef Break (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Blue Skies - full transcript

Cat works to free Petra after she finds herself at the center of illegal activity involving Regina, the younger sister of Criminal Doug O'Casey.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Reef Break"...

The Governor would like
to put you on a retainer.

I hear you're some kind of
fancy fixer for the Governor now.

Doing for him like
you used to do for me.

I just saw Doug O'Casey.

-What is this?
-It's only Adderall.

They sell it in
school like Skittles.

Are you dealing?

I can take care of myself.

Are you okay being here alone

with me instead of with Ana?

There's still something there.

Jake: Something's still there.

But I'm exactly
where I want to be.

Let's tell the world
that we're together.

You're drunk. I'm happy.

We're doing pretty well
with our own little secret.

Meet Kristy Ellis,

Reef PD's one-woman
intel department.

It's her again.

You have my, um...

You have my full attention.

I can tell.

You've been avoiding me.

Our little rendezvous
was really hot.

But, you know,
that's all it was.

I'm here 'cause I
want to be with you.

Would it hurt to have
an adult conversation

every now and again?

Conversation is overrated.





♪ You thought you'd
made the grade ♪

♪ All you made
will start to fade ♪

♪ We threw it in the fire ♪

♪ It's better that
it not remain ♪

♪ You just brought together ♪

♪ Didn't seem to
have the heart ♪

♪ Wheels are coming off now ♪

♪ Knew that it
would fall apart ♪

♪ Take one for the team,
you're a cog in the machine ♪







♪ You thought
you'd set the bar ♪

♪ I'd never tried
to work it out ♪

♪ We just lit the fire ♪

♪ And now you
want to put it out ♪

♪ Forget about the cause ♪

♪ Press rewind then
stop and pause ♪

♪ It's like a default ♪


Of course it's you.

It's 3:00 a.m.

Cat: What are you doing?

I'm reading, uh,

Thucydides' "The History
of the Peloponnesian Wars."


Well, that sounds... boring.

On the contrary.

The conflict between
Athens and Sparta

could not be more
dynamically rendered.

How about the dynamic
between you and me

and a bottle of
10-year-old bourbon?

You're on the prowl again.

You can never
sleep after a caper.

Let me in, and I'll
tell you all about it.

Well -- Well, it's late.
How far away are you?

About 10 feet.


♪ So hoist up
the John B's sail ♪

♪ See how the main sail sets ♪

♪ Call for the captain ashore ♪

♪ Let me go home ♪

♪ Let me go home ♪

♪ I want to go home ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Well, I feel so broke up ♪

♪ I want to go home ♪


Okay. Do you
remember Port Moresby?

Now, that was a sloop.

I remember Port Moresby,

and, technically,
that was a ketch.

You can't "ketch" me.

Well, actually,
I did, as I recall.

So, uh, was it --

was it that night
that you got me?


I remember everything
about that night

with absolute clarity.



Are we really gonna do this?

Oh, come on.

It's been in the air since
you got back on the Reef.


You don't have to...

I don't think you sh...

Are you gonna
answer that for real?

Oh, my God.

Hi, Ana.

Uh, uh, you're
looking for Cat now?


Uh, no.

Uh, uh, I-I haven't
seen her all night.

Uh, is everything... Yeah?

Okay, okay.

You too.

Saved by the bell.


Whatever it is that you
can't talk to me about,

she seems very anxious about it.

I got to go.


I got to go.



♪ Got into a fight ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Well, I feel so broke up ♪

♪ Want to go... ♪


Nice and sharp? You
can read all the numbers?

Yes, I can.

You didn't make
any copies, correct?

Copies are extra.

Let me ask you something.

What is so important
that you need

illegally obtained photographs

of a land-trust deed, anyway?

Next to Carter Eastland,

Thomas Freeman is the
largest landholder on the Reef.

He's proposing to donate
a large portion of that land

to become Freeman Park

in exchange for an
extensive tax deduction.


But if his proposal is
based on a phony appraisal,

he's cheating the
people with one hand

while gifting them
with the other.

We can't have that.

So -- Your quid pro quo...

Yep. ...keys to the
Governor's Lodge

on Wood Mountain with
unimpeded views of the volcano.

Yours all weekend.

Yes! And what about my money?

It's been transferred
to your account.


Nice doing business with you.


♪ Bet he feels
like an elephant ♪

♪ Shaking his big gray
trunk for the hell of it ♪

There you go.

♪ He knows that you're dreaming
about being loved by him ♪


♪ That's how it is till
the end ♪ Thank you.

Here you go. Enjoy.

♪ Yeah ♪


Buy a cold drink from you?

Why? They refuse you
service across the street?

I support independent

I may be young,
but I'm not stupid.

Whatever your hustle
is, take it somewhere else.

What are you moving, Adderall?

Yeah, SATs this Saturday.

Those kids need to concentrate.

They don't have rich parents

who can bribe them
into fancy colleges.

Look at you,

the little Social
Justice Warrior,

leveling the playing
field one dose at a time.

Are you done having
fun at my expense?

Just starting -- I hope.

We're always
looking for fresh blood.

And we'll clear 10
times this by lunchtime.

I'm Luke, by the way.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Think you're ready, just
walk across the street.


He called himself Luke?


Hangs out on Bay Street?


Stay away from him.

You always say that.

And you never listen.

I'm not a kid anymore.

Bye, Otter.

You notice how the whole
world wishes they were a kid,

except kids like you?!




Cup of coffee?

Uh, sure.

Hey, I hear there's
a big raid planned

for tonight at the Island Club.

Two sugars, no cream?

Yeah, thanks.

So... there's a C.I. involved.

Squeezed out of his nightclub

by what's left of
the O'Casey family.

This detail, it's a
mix of squads --

Detective, Vice, Tech.

It requires a lot
of coordination,

and TJ needs a
Detective-level supervisor

with her on this.

So Tolan gets to
take the door with you,

and I'm stuck here
holding TJ's hand?

This isn't personal in
any way, shape, or form.

I want to make that clear.

And if you left me
off the detail entirely,

it might look that way.

Thanks for understanding.




So, "Luke"... what's the deal?

A week's pay for
15 minutes' work.

How does that
sound, Warrior Girl?



Hey! Get out of the way!

Yo, Tony Hawk! Move your ass!


-Come on.

Get up. Move.

Come on!

Pick her up and move
her yourself if you have to.


Man: Don't move!

Yo, yo! Chill, chill!



No, you can't go!


You got no idea
what you just did.

Put her in the car.




Hey, Cat. It's Regina.
Remember me?

Uh, Regina O'Casey?

Doug's little sister?
Yeah, I remember you.

It's been a minute, huh?

Want to say hi to
your little pal Petra?

Petra's with you?

Uh, you know what, Regina?

I don't really want
to say hi to Petra.

We're -- We're taking a break
from each other for a while.

Ugh. That's bad timing,
Cat, because she helped

steal something of mine,
and if you don't get it back,

let's just say I can't
guarantee the kid's safety.


Ana: Uh...

You continue to
be full of surprises.

We had a Thai housekeeper
when I was growing up.

I learned a few words from her.

My parents disapproved,
so, naturally, I persisted.

Ah. Well, without
your persistence,

we would not be opening
the largest new public park

on the Reef in 50 years.

Thanks to the generosity

of the Freeman
family and Foundation.

♪ Two, no one really likes ♪

Oh, I just -- I
got this codicil,

or whatever word
the tax guys use.

It's Greek to me,
but, apparently,

they wanted to make
some small amendments

to that side of things.


The official announcement
to the media is at 4:00.

I presumed this luncheon
was some sort of celebration.

The truth is, Thomas,
the Freeman fortune

was built by illegally

your entire inventory,
cheating the Reef out of

tens of millions of
dollars in revenue.

Now you've
overinflated the appraisal

on this donation by some
400%, according to my people.

I must say, uh --

The Reef taxpayers
are not gonna foot the bill

for your personal extravagance.


Sign over the deed,

and we'll work something
out to keep you afloat.


Do try these noodles.

They are divine.


Jake: It's Jake. Do me a
favor. Don't leave a message.

Hey, Jake, it's Cat.

So, uh...I'm heading out
of town for a couple days

to the mountains, you know,
to clear my head, and I...

I thought maybe you'd
like to come with me,

see the volcano, you know?

Call me back if you get this.





Who are they?

Just tell me who they are

and how I can retrieve
my merchandise,

then I'll let you get out
of here in one piece.

What do you say?

You'd do that for me?

Call me sentimental.

I remember you now.

Always trying to act
tough and impress Doug,

but he never paid attention.


Is that tough enough for you?

Take her downstairs
to the basement.

If Cat doesn't show
up by midnight,

then Miss Thing here
turns into a pumpkin.

Otter: Hey, you've called Otter.

I'm not here. Bye.

Hey, Otter.

God, doesn't anyone
answer their phone anymore?

It's Cat.

Listen, I'm heading out of town.

I need you to do me a favor.

Have Doug O'Casey
call me, alright?


Wyatt: Hey, TJ. How's it going?

So far, so good.

I'm establishing the live
feeds to the Island Club.

We'll be ready
for the raid tonight.

You draw short
straw or something?

Aw, well, Sergeant
Ellis thought you needed

some adult supervision.

What happened
between you and Kristy?

I was shipping you guys hard.

You were what, now?

Buddy cops.

Or something more? Okay.

Riding together or
grabbing a coffee,

all "tête-à-tête" over there.

TJ, Sergeant Ellis and I have
a professional relationship.

All goes well, they
kick in the doors

at the Island Club tonight.

So... coffee with
Sergeant Ellis tomorrow?


You know how to
help yourself, right?

Spill your guts.

Then we can both
get out of this dump.

Yo, junior, it's
your friends or you.

They're not my friends.

Why'd you do it, then?

I mean, what'd they promise
before they ditched you?

Who said they
promised me anything?

Well, if you did it for nothing,

then you're dumber
than you look.

Maybe I did it to get
Regina's attention.

What, by getting caught?


You're funny.

Yeah, keep laughing.

I'll have your job
by closing time.








Hey, Red.

Hello, stranger.

How you doing?

I'm good.

Hey, you got mineral oil?

Aisle 1, by the tissues.

Right here.

You know, you keep
moving everything, Red.

I got to keep busy.

Alright. And... Ah.

Wow. That's a lot of peppers.

Yeah. So...

nice Italian sub for lunch
with a side order of tear gas?

Yeah, well, Otter called me.

We're gonna take care of
some guys with something spicy.

You want a bag for those?

Uh, well, if you throw in
the basket, I'll pay cash.

You got it.



I'm nervous.

I hate talking to the media.


You're giving the
people a beautiful park.

No one will care if you stumble

on a line or two of
your announcement.

Well, thank you. I...

Excuse me.

Jake. Hi.

Um, listen, I can't...

I can't really talk right now,

but I just wanted to
make sure you're okay.

Never better.

Is that right?

Hey, I didn't see your
message -- m-messages.

My phone must've
ran out of batteries.

You sound like you've
been drinking again.

Hey, it's happy hour somewhere.

This is about Cat.

Isn't it?

Why would you even say that?

Because last
night when I called,

I heard it in your voice.

-It's time.
-I have to go.


Otter: Let's see what you got.

Luke: Names, dates, CVVs.

Every one checks out.
Go ahead and run one.


How many?

Every card's solid gold
-- or platinum, right?

Where did these come from?

What do you care?

Your job is to
sell it, not smell it.

Regina O'Casey runs
credit cards on the Reef.

So? Let's just say
it fell off a truck,

and we're too smart to
spit fortune in the eye.

Well, if that's the
case, lucky for you

I already have a buyer
to take this off your hands.

How much?

You'll be blown
away by her offer.



Aah! Aah!

You screwed over Petra!

Otter, show these
boys what happens

when you mess with our girl.


You want one?

No. Or some food?

I-I could get you a sandwich
from the kitchen or something.

It's 'cause you're young, right?

That's why you
get the crap details.

You know, I-I see you
trying so hard to be bad.

I remember what it
was like at your age.

Yeah, well, when I'm your age,

I won't be the loser who
gets stuck in the basement.

Well, at the rate you're
going, you'll never be my age.




Jake: It's Jake. Do me a
favor. Don't leave a message.

Jake, where are you?

It's me again. Listen,
change in plans.

I'm not going to the volcano.

I'm at the Island Club,
and I need your help.

Call me back.


Sorry. Wrong number.

Doug O'Casey.

I see you got my message.

It made my day.

You know, one call
from you to your sister

could end all of this.

My sister?

She's a pain in the ass.

Why did you bother calling me if
you're not gonna help me, hmm? I am
lying in my lonely cell,

surrounded by
foul-smelling, noisy man.

Take me away from here, Cat.

I need to relax
before I can figure out

how to help you.

What am I, a phone-sex operator?

I'm a little busy right now.

Yeah, well, I've got
all the time in the world.

Yeah? Well, thanks
to your sister, I don't.


Thank you, Governor.

Yes, I-I think it's a
very good deal for us

and the taxpayers.

Thank you, sir.
That means a lot.


Hey, Thomas.

Yeah, I'm just outside now.

I can't wait either.


Stay close, Eddie.

One drink, and I'm out.



Hey, it's Cat Chambers.

Tell Regina I'm here.

Hey, look at this.

Why is Cat Chambers
at the Island Club?

What is she doing here?

Do our guys know
she's in the building?

I don't...think so.

Were the cards delivered?

As soon as I get confirmation
from our man inside.

Why is she here?

No idea.

Find out -- now.

On it.



Long time, no see.

Regina: Good. You've
got my package.

Give it to him.


You look good, Regina.


Dish towels?

Oh, you trying to play me.

Why can't you ever make
anything nice and easy?

Did you really think I
was gonna walk in here

and just hand over the
goods, give up my leverage?

I want you to bring Petra
in here, let me see her,

and then you can have
your cards back, okay?

I actually have a better idea.


Kill her now.

Oh, come on.

You know me better than that.

I know a bluff when I see one.

Your brother, Doug,
would never let you touch

a hair on Petra's head.

It's always Doug.

People throw his
name at me like a knife,

but I pay the bills here now.

The good news is you'll
be right down the street

from him at the women's
maximum-security prison

if you're dumb
enough to kill a minor

over 50 grand
worth of credit cards.

I mean, come on, Regina.

This is small time.

So when I see my
brother, I'll be asking

for his forgiveness,
not his permission,

if I don't get my
freaking cards back.


Bring Petra in here.

I'll make my call.

I'll get you your cards.

That simple.


Bring her in here.

I need to go to the bathroom.

There's no way
you're leaving this room

until she says so.

Are you serious? You're
gonna make me go right here?


Don't do anything stupid
and make me beat your ass.


Over there.

What, in a bucket?

Just do it, man.


Come on through.

♪ I love to make love to you ♪

♪ That's just
what I want to do ♪

♪ 'Cause any old
time in your prime ♪

♪ Is the time to begin ♪


It sounds complicated
being a public figure now

in the age of social media.

Yeah, it is. ♪ How
sweet to repeat to you ♪

And yet we can't just turn
off our feelings, can we?

♪ Any old time in your prime ♪
We become robots.

♪ Is the time to give in ♪


♪ And when is your prime? ♪

♪ I claim it's any old time ♪

♪ And the time of your
life is the prime of your life ♪



We got a problem.

Got it.

My, oh, my, how the
game just changed.

What are you talking about?

You came here to
save Petra's life...

...and she just ended yours.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey.


You don't -- You
don't want to kill me.

Yes, I do.


No, you don't.

Aah! Aah!

Sit down!

Sit down.

I said sit down! Aah!


She walked in with the
bag they told me to look for,

and she ran out with a gun.

What the hell is
she doing there?

Yeah, I'm trying to find out.

Tell Kristy not -- Sergeant
Ellis not to move yet.

Aw, come on, Cat, pick
up your damn phone.

♪ There's a ♪

♪ There's a ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ There's a ♪

♪ There's a fire in my soul ♪



♪ There's a ♪

♪ There's a ♪

♪ There's a fire in my soul ♪

♪ It's the gasoline in you ♪

♪ Make me burn out of control ♪

♪ There's a fire in my mouth ♪

♪ Only you could put it out ♪

♪ Come on over, put it out ♪

♪ While we're in our
prime, why waste time? ♪

Hey, private party.

♪ Wasting time is a sin ♪
Ohh! Aah! Aah!


♪ Oh, I-I'd love to
make love to you ♪

♪ Now is the time to begin ♪

I just need -- Give it
-- One second, okay?

Excuse me. Move over.

Hey. Hi. Good
evening, everybody.

Ladies and gentlemen,

free drinks right
here in the private bar.

Free drinks. Come
on in! For free!

Yeah, courtesy of
Thomas Freeman,

the island's newest benefactor.

Free drinks! Come on!

♪ You keep telling white lies ♪

♪ White lies ♪

♪ I keep on telling you,
telling you, telling you ♪

Petra, I am trying to
save your ass here.

Okay, you're like the
worst criminal ever.

We got to go.

Stay away from me.

♪ I don't believe in
anything you said ♪

Great. You guys again.

♪ But that don't mean
you're easy to forget, no ♪

♪ I don't mind your
broken promises ♪

What took you so long?

Traffic was a bitch.

Come here, you! Get off me!

Excuse me. Coming
through, gentlemen.

You're welcome. Drink up.



Can you hear me?

Yeah, I'm at the Island Club.

Get out of there.

I'm leaving now.

Did you see Cat?

She shouldn't be there either.

Just for a minute. Why?

You're both at the wrong
place at the wrong time

because we're about
to kick in the door.


We need to shut it down.

I need to hear it
from Sergeant Ellis.

Do it, TJ. That's why Sergeant
Ellis assigned me here.

There are lives at stake.


Shut it down, TJ.

We are go on the ground.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Go, go, go!


Go, go, get down.



Man: Breaching!


Hands in the air!


Everything alright?

-Clear left! Clear left!
-Go! Go! Go!

Go! Go!

-Police! Don't move!
-Police! Nobody move!

Don't move!

In here!

Hands in the air!

On your knees!

Nobody move!


TJ, what happened
to the house lights?

I gave the order to go dark.

Turn them back on.

♪ Do what you want,
do what you want to do ♪

And kill that music.

-What is this?!
-Stay where you are, people.


We're alright!

I'm still really pissed at you.

Me too.

Come on.

Thank you.

Guess I was wrong
about you and Kristy.

It's you and the
bad girl, not the cop.


Can I drop you, Thomas?

Hey, you want to go somewhere
and have a drink with me?

Good night, Thomas.


Tell Dougie I haven't forgotten.

Neither has he.

It's soon, isn't it --
whatever's coming?



Hey, I, uh...

I want you to wait in the
car for me for a minute, okay?



Jake Elliot saves the day.

I was...

I was here for the
assist -- barely.

What's going on? Where are you?

Somewhere I haven't
been in a long while.

I'm just trying to figure
out what to do about it.

Is this about what
happened last night?

Good night, Cat.

Good night.




I know I messed up.

Yeah, you did.

Yeah, well, next
time, I'll be smarter.

Next time?

Oh, there's gonna
be a next time.


My dad was Shorepound
Gang. It's in my blood.

Okay, you know, I was
Shorepound Gang, and I got out.

This whole "it's in my
blood" thing is a story

you've been telling
yourself for so long

you're actually
starting to believe it.

Stop, okay?

No, I won't stop. You know why?

Because I care that you
make choices that are smart.

I don't want you doing something
you can never escape from.

It's not a choice.

It's who I am.

You're 17 years old.

Who you are right
now is just dumb.

No offense.



Kristy: You're a
tough one to figure out.

Ah. Well, that's exactly what
my mom always used to say.

Whatever you
think's going on here,

it does not justify you
being out of protocol.

There were people with guns
and bad intentions at that club.

Cutting the juice
maybe saved lives.


Isn't that why you
gave me this assignment

in the first place --
you know, supervise TJ

so I could make that
kind of judgment call?


But this Cat
Chambers connection,

whatever you tell
yourself about it,

it'll kill you on this job.






Good morning.



Coffee's on.

I'd love a cup.

So --

I've been doing some
thinking, and, um... were right.'s not the right time

to let people know about us.

We'd be, um, opening
ourselves up to a lot of scrutiny.

Yeah, yeah, and, um...

yeah, we got a good --
we got a good thing going.

Why change it?





Good morning.

Looks good out there today.

It's offshore and barreling.

Let's say we grab our boards
and hit it, what do you say?

Come on.

No, I'm really tired today.

I'm not in the mood.

Oh, come on.

The ocean always
makes us feel better, right?

You're just, uh, one surf
away from a good mood.

That's what I like to say.

Come on.

Let's just get in the ocean.
We'll wash it all away.

It's easy. You'll feel better.

You know, I really
miss my dad...

every single day.

And nothing can wash that away.

I know that, Petra,
and I... I feel...


And I'm sorry.

I won't stop trying
to make things better

for you, do you understand me?

No matter how hard you
push me away, I'm here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Let's go in the water.

We'll just -- We'll
go for a surf.

You'll feel better.


Not today, Cat.

♪ Lone bird on a perch nearby ♪

♪ Saw something
in her come untied ♪

♪ And then shivered just a bit
as she aimed toward the sky ♪

♪ Up high in a friendless wind ♪

♪ Tears frozen upon descent ♪

♪ Get down that
Matterhorn again ♪




