Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 3, Episode 6 - Written Word - full transcript

Law professor Clare has a secret admirer who sends her letters every week, finally she unravels the clues allowing her to meet her eloquent admirer and she is surprised the passion she feels far surpasses any she could have dreamt about.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Come here.

Don't eat the letter.

Dear red shoes, some say
all the good men are taken.

- Not true.

I see them every day.

I work alongside them teaching, debating.

They're successful, smart, handsome,

and totally uninteresting.

So I hope that gives you a very clear

and concise idea of how
both sides work in this case.

Okay for your assignment, I
want you to write a summary

on the case of Harvey versus Kelly.

Now give me your opinions
on what compensations,

if any, should be awarded to the

prosecuting party and why okay?

It's due Friday, you can
come pick up the case studies

on my desk on the way out.

That was until I met Davis Bateman.

Beautiful, intelligent, single.

Absolutely perfect.

Unfortunately he was a student of mine.

Off limits within my own
personal code of ethics

an absolute no-no.

- Uh excuse me professor Manning,

could I have a word with you?

- Of course mister?

- Bateman, Davis Bateman.

Professor I missed your
lecture on civil basics last week.

So I was wondering if you had a moment

or two just to explain some
of the points that I missed.

- Well my lectures aren't
optional, Mr. Bateman.

Davis, attendance is mandatory.

- I realize that professor,
and I do apologize.

I had some personal business
back home to take care of.

- Oh, where is back home?

- London, London, England actually.

My father's a barrister, actually.

Just recently appointed...

Our attraction was instant, mutual.

- We're all very proud of him.

- Well that's great.

I could see it in his eyes.

His every move.

And even though it was never spoken,

his respect for me as a teacher

I know weighed heavily on him.

I'm going to need some coffee first.

He too was a victim of his own integrity.

So, Davis, what brings you to America?

- My parents, actually.

It's always been their
wish that I study abroad, so.

- And what do you plan
to make your specialty?

- Business law, business. - Really?

- Yeah. - Oh gosh.

That seems so disappointing.

- Not necessarily, I mean

in order for a country to
work, its economy has to work.

- True.

And where did your parents study?

- Oxford actually, yeah.

Unfortunately that didn't give us

much time together as a family,

but you know we're very proud of them.

There's six of us all together actually.

Two of them are lawyers.

The rest are doctors, so yeah as you see

it evened itself out along the way.

Well, I just want to
thank you for your time.

- Listen Davis, a friend
of mine is in a play tonight

and she just sent me two
tickets and I promised to go.

Would you like to go?

- Um well...

- It isn't an ethical
question, it's just a play.

- Well sure, that'd be nice, sure.

- Why don't you pick me up at my place?

At 7:30.


See you there.

- Okay.

- My love too.

Ever since one night when your voice

I never would have known
breathed your soul to me.

You must have suffered, but you

must have seen how careless I was

to be loved for the mere
disguised body you went about in.

To a soul like yours, it
must have been agony.

Forgive me, for I have only loved

but one man in my life.

And I've lost him twice.

- Everything was unsaid.

A look, a smile, a meeting after class.

Listen, thanks for coming with me tonight.

You looked like you
really enjoyed yourself.

- Actually I should be thanking you.

The pleasure was all mine.

I really did enjoy, thank you.

Thank you for a lovely evening.

Absolutely perfect.

Student or no student.

- Goodnight, and sleep well. - Goodnight.

I must have been nuts.

Another day, another class.

I couldn't shake the thought of him.

He haunted me.

My work was suffering.

I was suffering.

And then I began receiving letters

in the mail, anonymous
letters, love letters.

The writer was bold, poetic,

tender, generous.

Every line, every word hit its mark.

It had to be Bateman.

I'm in a hotel room in a strange city.

A bed, a chair, a desk.

A siren wails.

The flashing blue and red
lights dance across the walls

as the ambulance passes.

I shut my eyes, everything disappears.

The room, the light, all sound.

Nothing else exists but the thought of you.

Your eyes, your lips, your silent breath.

- I kiss you. - Tenderly.

- Tenderly. - Gently.

You do not resist.

You slide beneath me.

You enter me.

We do not move.

I feel your heart beating.

No walls, no time.

Another day.

It's raining, it's sunny, windy.

Cold and hot all at the same time.

We begin to dance.

I dance you outside.

Trees, blue sky, and the ocean, the clouds.

A train passes.

I break away.

I dance alone.

I dance for you.

I dance alone, I dance for you.

I feel your heart beating.

No walls, no time.

- Since practice finals are approaching,

I thought I'd see how you all
react under a little pressure.

So, I've prepared a hypothetical
case for you to analyze.

Evaluate the situation,
list case histories,

and summarize any monetary damages.

Now don't forget emotional damages.

Now you guys, I realize
that this can't be typed,

so obviously handwriting
will be acceptable this time.

Okay you have the rest of the class period.

Now forgive my spontaneous cruelty,

but believe me it's good for you.

Okay that's it, your time is up.

Hand in your work on the way out.

It had to be Bateman.

But I needed proof.

I gave a pop test.

I matched his handwriting
to the letters, it was him.

- Big hurry to get out of here?

- Hey Tony.

- You need to slow down.

How about slowing down over a drink or two?

- Hey that would be great.

Why don't we do that?


- Kneeling back onto
the bright white sheets,

the bed is in the center of the room.

My lips trace your chest, your stomach.

The inside of your thighs.

I lean back, your eyes lock with mine.

We do not need words.

Tears of joy well.

Roll down my cheeks.

Taking my face in both your hands.

I kiss them away.

The school bell rings.

Children's voices fill the air.

There's a hill beyond my father's house.

And beyond the hill a grove of trees.

I dream of taking you there.


My arm intertwined with yours.

Your head on my shoulder.

The sweet smell of your hair, your skin.

Billowing clouds.


The dress I'm wearing is sheer

and white as a feather.

I can see the outline
of your body through it.

You take my hand and bring
my fingers to your moist lips.

I shut my eyes.

Everything disappears.

The room, the light, all sound.

Nothing else exists but the thought of you.

I kiss you, tenderly, gently.

You do not resist.

You slide beneath me, I enter you.

We do not move.

I feel your heart beating.

Your eyes, your lips.

Your silent breath.

No walls, no time.

Your eyes lock with mine.

We do not need words.

We do not need words.

Beautiful, intelligent, single.

Everything was unsaid.

What was I going to do?

- You wanted to see me?

- Sit down.

Excellent line of attack
for the defense, Davis.

But you're extremely
unsympathetic to your client.

I feel that you've neglected to consider

the repercussions of one's actions.

You're going to want to write this down.

Your client's letter to the shareholders

was to inform them that

their dividends wouldn't be as large

as they originally anticipated.

He wasn't trying to rip them off,

he was only trying to correct a mistake

that had been made by a clumsy typist.

So the legal question
here isn't about the typo

but more about how words are

perceived by the people who read them.

Like Cyrano de Bergerac.

A man who nature has
been so cruel to in one respect

but so generous in another.

Imagine if he had been
as beautiful as his words.

We do not need words.

He'd be just like you.

Your eyes lock with mine.

Close your eyes.

I shut my eyes.

Everything disappears.

The room, the light, all sound.

Nothing else exists but the thought of you.

- Look at me.

The school bell rings.

Children's voices fill the air.

Your eyes, your lips, your silent breath.

I kiss you, tenderly, gently.

You do not resist.

I feel your heart beating.

No walls, no time.

You slide beneath me, I enter you.

We do not move.

I feel your heart beating.

No walls, no time.

It's sunny, windy,

cold and hot all at the same time.

We begin to dance.

I dance you outside.

Trees, blue sky, the ocean, the clouds.

My lips trace your breasts, your stomach,

the inside of your thighs.

We do not need words.

So there you have it, red shoes.


I haven't had feelings that
intense since I was a teenager.

It was like a dream.

Safe and cozy

and warm.


- Romance with a capital R,
good old fashioned romance.