Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 3, Episode 4 - Like Father, Like Son - full transcript

When Jamie first met Celeste she was the lover of his father. When the two meet again, Jamie is a grown man and Celeste, an older woman. But her better judgment cannot stop her from falling prey to Jamie's advances.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Dear Red Shoes, if it had
happened to someone else,

I'd probably have found
it quite amusing too.

But even now when I
think about it, I can't say

that it didn't shake me up.

- Here's my problem,

a simple problem,

a very old problem.

- Jamie has something to tell you.

- Edjana and I are to be married.

- I should say I had a problem

or I should say I finally realized that

I could do nothing about the problem I had.

- To champagne!

- Oh she's drunk

- I was crazy about him, who
was of course, my boyfriend.

Twenty years old and good looking.

I mean, really good looking.

And all that testosterone inside of him,

it makes a person do crazy shit.

Like the time he went
ballistic over this mistress

of his father's who sort of lived with him

when he was growing up.

- They're beautiful!

- What a wonderful voice,
you were great as usual.

- Anyway, she recently
showed back up in his life

or I should say, in his father's life.

- She was beautiful, seriously beautiful.

And she like invaded his
fantasies at an early age.

If I know him, he'd probably
peek through the key hole

while she was taking her bath.

Some stuff like that.

Testosterone is tough.

- Oh Celeste, I'm so sorry.

- Don't be silly.

You changed so much, you look wonderful.

- You look wonderful too.

- Thank you.

- You're still one of the
most beautiful women

I've ever seen in my life.

- Ah, don't be silly.

- It's true.

- Oh!

- All those fantasies...

Here, let me help.

- What a mess.

- I've always wanted to do that.

- And of course, he just couldn't resist.

So he took his best shot and of course,

this mistress of his
father, the older woman,

resisted, but he persisted.

- Study? All of a sudden you want to study.

Your exams are in a full week.

- I haven't opened a book all semester.

- Will I see you for dinner?

Answer me.

- Actually I was thinking
of staying at home.

I need to work, I need to think.

- Need to work, need to think.

- Exactly.

- You are full of shit.

- No, I'm not.

- Yes you are.

- No, I'm not.

- Yes, asshole.

♪ It must be something...

What I am saying is
that having a 20 years old

boyfriend is like raising a child.

You have to love him unconditionally

and let him go and make his mistakes.

- Oh Celeste.

Edjana, Edjana, Celeste.

- Hello, don't worry.

I belong to his father.

- Really?

- We were together when
Jamie was a little boy.

- Sorry for being such a bitch, but in case

you haven't heard,
Jamie is not to be trusted.

That's why I love him.

♪ It must be something...

I'm just leaving because
I know if I stay, you'd try

to get us into bed together.

- What she says isn't true.

I would never share you with anyone.

Where you going?

- Home.

- I'll walk you.

- I bet you didn't know, but all my

childhood fantasies were about you.

Every single one of them.

In my mind, I must have
made love to you a million times.

And on Christmas vacations
when I came home from school,

I watched you perform and afterwards,

I'd follow you at a distance

until the end of the night.

You had no idea, did you?

- No.

- I was ah, possessed.

- And all those fantasies...

Testosterone is testosterone, seriously.

- But maybe I should
tell you the attributes

of having a younger lover.

- No, it's not necessary.

- Oh I insist, sweeter breath, softer skin,

firmer body.

Shall I continue?

- You made your point.

- Not yet.

♪ It must be something...

Should I come in?

- No, au revoir.

- I was crazy about him.

So what I did was, um, I
just realized that he was

going to do what he was going to do.

- Oh come on, you're soaking wet.

This way, come on, take this off.

- Quick.

- The more he persisted, the
more flattered she became.

You know, this young
beautiful guy wanting her

more than life itself.

She looked at him and said,

"Damn, why not? Jungle fever!"

- Tell me again the advantages
of having a younger lover.

- It'd be much easier
for me to demonstrate.

- Repeat after me.

Celeste is my teacher,

I would do as she says,

I would do as she asks.

- Celeste is my teacher.

I will do as she says.

I will do as she asks.

- Could be it was an
estrogen kind of thing.

When I'm her age, I'd
probably do the same thing.

Why not?

- It's perfect.


- For now.

What else is there?

- Nothing.

- I've said something to make you sad?

- No, it's my nature.

Happy one moment, sad the other.

- I'll change all that.

- You already have.

Don't call me, and don't send me flowers.

- Why?

- A promise is a promise.


- He was convinced he was in love with her

which should have pissed me off

and it did kind of piss me off.

You see, I don't even sleep with him.

Why should I?

Would you?

- You were wonderful.

- I thought we agreed not
to see each other again.

- I love you.

- No you don't.

- I always have.

And I know it's stupid
but I can't help myself.

You've ruined me for everyone
else and now that we've

been together, I don't
think I can live without you,

I really don't.

- Jamie, I'm going to step out the theater

and you're gonna let me go.

You understand?

I take your flowers.

- I could say I saw it for what it was.

Wonderful and sublime,

something to rejoice in.

- Celeste!

- Oh, hello.

- It's so good to see you!

Jamie has something to tell you.

- Edjana and I are to be married.

- Oh, that's wonderful!

- She knows all about us.

- Oh really?

- I had no one else to turn to.

- It was true his love for
you, but I fell in love with him.

Does that make any sense to you?

- Why not?

- Love...

I'm talking about love.

What I'm talking about is love.


If someone can fall
passionately, selflessly in love

with one person, then that means

they can love somebody else, right?

- Uh, never thought about it that way, but

- I mean it's like you
either can love or you can't!


To love or not to love,
that's the question.

- Tell me, does your father know about us.

- Fuck his father!

Most of the women he goes out with

are younger than I am.

That's what broke you guys
in the first place, wasn't it?

Older men with younger
women, that's all find and dandy.

Switch it around and the world goes batshit


To all the women and
younger men, to women, to love,

to parties, to birthdays,
to marriage, to honesty,

to homosexuals, to
heterosexuals, to cats and dog!

Hm hmm.

- To goldfish,

to mazto balls, to champagne!

- Oh! Oh she's drunk.

- Sit down!

- Come on, she needs help.

- To tits and ass!

To free love and to the sixties!

- Okay come on darling, let's
take her into the back room.

- Oh my shoes!

- Whoops, move!

- Celeste.

- Jean Paul.

Anger, jealousy, rage, insecurity.

No way, not me.

Beautiful isn't it?

He loves her and I love
him, and he loves me,

and I love her, and she
loves you and you love her.

At least you would if she were my age.

- I'll be outside.

I think we should talk about this.

- You might think I'm a
flower child, but I'm not.

I'm a practical child.

One who's in it for the long haul.

- I suppose you don't expect
me to apologize, do you?

- It's my fault.

- No, Jamie.

- No, it's important for him to know.

I'm not out to prove anything,
I'm just crazy about her

and I always have been.

You understand.

- He loves you and I love you.

She loves him and he loves her, hmm,

if someone told me this story,

I'm sure I'd find it quite amusing.

- Check back with me in
ten years or so and I'll tell you

if my little philosophy worked or not.

- He loves her, and I love you,

and she loves him and he loves her.

I am so confused.

(saxophone musi