Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 3, Episode 10 - The Psychiatrist - full transcript

Evelyn is a psychiatrist with an interesting patient who tells of her strange sexual encounters with men. Evelyn isn't sure the stories are real but her fascination takes her on an actual journey into the depths of her own sexual desire.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Listen to this, Stella.

Dear Red Shoes,

secrets you can't confess to
your mother, shrink, or priest.

That line hooked me.

You want to know why?
I'll tell you why.

It's because I'm a shrink, see?

A medical doctor,
a psychiatrist.

12 hard years of college,
medical school, residency,

just to earn the right
to sit and listen

to people's secrets
all day long.

To judge, to advise,
to administer, to help.

The question is, what
happens when the wall

between you and you patient
comes tumbling down?

I had another fight

with my father again last night.

So I got pissed
and I stormed out,

drove around in a cab all night.

Until I came up with this
brilliant idea to go to Nice.

- To Nice?
- Why Nice?

I don't know.

So I took a train.

That's where it happened again.


- I met a man.

So I took his hand,

and I followed him
along the corridor

to the very back of the train

to the very last compartment.

- And again, this was a man
you'd never seen before.

Complete stranger.

- That's what makes
it so exciting.

- Very dangerous.

- I know.

But that's part of the thrill.

But this time something
different happened.

When it was over,

she paid me.

I think it was his wife.

- And what did you do?

- Nothing.

I took it.

In fact, I liked it.

A lot.

- Linda, you've gotta
stop doing this.

- Why?

- Because it's not healthy,
emotionally or physically.

- But I use protection.

And besides, I like it.

It's fun.

- That's not the point.
- Then what is the point?

- If you don't see anything
wrong with what you're doing,

why do you come here?

- Look, see you next Thursday.

- Linda.

Please be careful.

- I will.

- You know,

ever since I can remember,

I've always wanted
those who wanted me.

That little spark in their eyes.

That's what really turns me on.

Just total desire for me.

What about you?

- Me?

Are you one of those
women who just go with men

who won't even look at you?

Never mind, I was
just wondering.

You know, I dreamt
about you last night.

- Oh really?

What did you dream?

- I was at The Royal with a man.

I was sitting in an
armchair just like yours.

I was sitting there naked

wanting him to make love to me.

But you were there,
too, in the doorway.

I kept thinking,

what are you doing
there watching us?

What do you think that means?

- I'm not sure, really.

Why The Royal?

Something happen there recently?

Wanna tell me about it?

I went there the other night.

Tuesday night.

I wanted a drink.

I heard somewhere that they're
not as strict about women

going alone into the bar.

You know, that sort of thing.

Is that why you went there?

I guess I went out of curiosity.

There was a man there.

A business man.

Said he often came to Paris
and stayed at The Royal

because he liked the
smell of the roses

from across the
street in the park.

- It excites you, doesn't it,
that I want to pay for you?

That's why you don't
do this professionally.

- And how do you know that?

I paid, I get to
ask the questions.

What's your name?

- Isabelle.

- What's your name?

- Linda.

- Linda.

That means pretty in Spanish.

Tell me, Linda.

What's your favorite color?

And don't tell me Red.

That's what you tell
everyone but it's not true.

- Yellow.

- Yellow.

That's a very simple color.

Very honest.

That's why I like money.

It buys simplicity and honesty.

A lot of money buys
a lot of simplicity

and lot of honesty, no?

5,000 Francs.

Will you stand here?

By the window.

Take off your dress.

Show me your breasts.

Turn around.

Turn around.

Lift up the back of the dress.

Take off your underwear.

Drop your dress.

Can you see the reflection
of yourself in the window?


- Are you amazed
by what you see?

Man has always tried to capture
the beauty of a naked woman.

The Ancient Greeks,
Michelangelo, Rubens, Rodin.

But how could you ever
contain the heat, the scent,

the luxury of a woman

in paint of alabaster?

You're beautiful.


You lovely creature, you.



Oh, yes.

I walked out of
there with 60,000 Francs.


You can't imagine what it's like

to have a man want
you that much,

can you?

- Uh, Linda, I thought that

you were going to stop

doing things like this.

- Did I say that?


- Well, what about my dream?

You still haven't
told me about it.

- I think it's okay.

I think it's okay that
you're dreaming about me,

and that the work we're
doing is having an impact.

- You know what I think?

I think you don't have
the slightest idea

what it is to feel anything.

What it is to feel
love, pain, fear,

or even pleasure.

You just sit there
in your big chair

telling people not to
do this, not to do that.

I mean, you think I don't
notice the way you look at me

when I tell you about my life?

You should be paying me.

- Linda, wait a minute.

- You can't imagine
what it's like

to have a man want
you that much,

can you?

Are you one of those women

who just go with men who
won't even look at you?

I think you don't have
the slightest idea

what it is to feel anything.

I was at The Royal.

I heard somewhere that
they're not as strict

about women going
alone into the bar.

- Bonsoir.

- Tell the misseure
thank you, but no.

- Good evening.

- I'm, I'm not what you think.

- And what do you
think I think you are?

Do I think you're a prostitute?

If you are, you're a prostitute

trying very hard not
to look like one.

If you are, can I afford you?

Paris is very
expensive these days.

- I just came here for a drink.

- Then let me buy you one.

- No thank you, I've
already had one.

- I'll pay you 5,000 Francs

if you let me buy
you another drink.

I'm sorry, I don't
mean to insult.

- No, it's so strange.

Why would you do that?

- Let me buy you another drink
and maybe you'll find out.

- All right.

- In my room.

- All right.

- Take your coat off.

Make yourself comfortable.

Now that's a beautiful outfit.

Do you wear it often?

- No.

- When you go on a date?

- Uh no, I don't really go on...

No, hardly ever.

- So it's a special,
special night.

To you.

Uh, look, I really
think I should get going.

- I'll pay you 10,000
Francs if you stay.

And 10,000 Francs more if
you take your jacket off.

And the skirt.


Now please,

turn around.


You are beautiful.

Touch your skin
by your shoulder.

- I want you to touch me.

I want you to touch me, please.

- No.

Please don't.

I can't.

It's not you.


it's hard to explain.

- No.

You don't have to.

- Look.

There's a certain type of
girls I go for, you see.

And you're not that
type, you're not.

You're the type I want
to go out to dinner

and buy flowers for

and bring you home

and make love to you.

Not fuck you.

Not fuck you over,
make love to you.

Don't go, please.

- Look at me.

Maybe I want to be fucked.

Maybe I want to be
paid 60,000 Francs

and walk out of here and never
see you again and not care.

To whom does the priest confess?

To whom does the
psychiatrist go for counsel?

In my case, I've
chosen you, Red Shoes.

Please, don't judge
me too harshly.

Thanks for being there.
Thanks for listening.

There's always you, Stella.

You tell me all your secrets,
I'll tell you all mine.

All right?

- I don't even know your name.

- I know yours.

- Do you want to tell me?

- For 10,000 Francs.

- Touché.