Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 2, Episode 9 - Hotline - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- "Dear Red Shoes...


"There are all kinds of secrets.

"I didn't used to think
I had any worth keeping,

"and certainly not
worth sharing ..."


110 years young today,

can you believe that?

- Adam, I'm thinking
about getting a job.

- Sounds good.

- Penny was telling
me about this,

this job opening
that she knows about,

that a friend of
hers used to work at

and they're looking
for a receptionist.

It would only be part time.

- This old woman in South Dakota
who's 110 years old today.

Her husband died last year,

they'd been married
for 92 years!

- Adam, the house is on fire.

- How do they find these people?

We have a dead
body in the basement.

- Do they have a
special research branch?

A bunch of people whose sole job

is to locate
geezers turning 100?

- Did you know that
you have this green,

scaly, slimy alien
creature in your ear?

- What's that, hon?

- You have something
in your ear.

- Hey, hey!

- It's just shaving cream.

- You know you're the best, hmm?

- Yeah.

- Ah, Gary's here, I
gotta go, all right?

- Okay, bye.

My mother told me
that marriage was all

about compromise and sacrifice.

That for everything you
gained, something was lost.

What was lost, Tess, your
silly little stories,

and your wild leaps
of imagination?


There was so much inside and
I used to write it all down.

But now, I don't know
where it's all gone.

- Why don't you have a seat?
- Okay.

- So, um...

Penny's friend
recommended us to you.

Yes, she said she really
enjoyed working here.

- Did she say what we do here?

Counseling, she said
you did phone counseling.

Very innovative.

- Have you worked as
a receptionist before?

- Yeah, yeah, it's
right there, two years.

- Oh, yeah, "Bravitch
Trucking, 1990 to 1992."

- That's where I met my husband.

- You're married?

Yeah, one year next week.

- That's great.

Do you love him?


Yes, very much.

- Welcome aboard.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah!

- That's it?
- Mm-hmm!

- Don't forget your purse.

- I got that job.

- What job?

- The one I told you
about this morning.

- I thought we decided that it,

that it was best
if you didn't work.

Two of us around the house,

nothing ever gets done.

There's no time for each other.

- I know.

But maybe it would broaden
our horizons if I work.

- No, I don't want you to work.

- But I do.

The most
important thing is we just

don't want to keep
the customers waiting,

so just watch the hold buttons

and keep the calls rolling over.

You're never gonna
have to say a word

unless there are calls for
me on lines one or two.

- Okay.

You have a lot of
women working for you.

- Um, people usually respond
better to women than to men.

Women as nurturers, you
know, that sort of thing.

Yeah, my husband
always says that men

would confess more
to their priests

if their priests were women.

- Why don't you try it?

Let me hear you come.

Not yet, baby.

Let me hear you come, baby.

A little longer.

Do you see it, it's a mole.

Do you like my mole?


I want you to put your head

down there and kiss it, slowly.

I'm wearing them now.

What kind are they?

Describe the rubber to me.

It's black, and thick...

And it's tight.

Slip your fingers

inside those panties
and snap them.

I want to hear the rubber
snap against your skin.

Let me hear it.

Snap it, harder!


- What are you doing?

- What are you doing?

Rubber against skin!

- Ow, Jesus!

- Hey, hey!

Come here, come here!

What's going on, hey!

Come here!

You're a wild one, come here.

Come here.

- You're in for it now.

- Uh, oh.

- Drop 'em.

- What?

I want you to take me

to the back of the
room and do me.

Keep it quiet.

Shh, not here.

Like that...

Undo my dress.

Do you like what you see?

Good, it was good.

Does baby want Mommy

to change his diaper?


Now, kneel.

Do you want me to kiss it?

- Touch my leg.
- Oh, my God.

Gently, carefully.

Now run it along my body.

Can you hear me?

Tell me
what your chest looks like.

It feels good, it feels like...

I'm gonna put it down there.


I want you down there.


Do you like my long legs?

- Excuse me, you have a minute?

I'm Nadia, ever heard of me?

Naughty Nadia?

Well, a lot of people
have heard of me.

And a lot of people
call me a lot.

And they spend a
lot of money for me.

And this morning
they've been spending

a lot of time on hold.

- I'm sorry.

You wanna get off on the calls,

do it on your own time.

I've got six kids
depending on me.

It's a lot of pressure.

Firstly, I would
like to introduce

Tess Thomas, our
new receptionist.

- We're having a
problem with our script.

- Yeah, it's like this whole
orgasm thing, you know.

We get to the climax and eight

times out of 10,
the guys hang up.

It's as if they don't
care whether we get off.

- Just tell them to
listen and behave

or you'll spank
their little bottoms.

Nadia, this is
Lesbo-Lix not Mother May-I.

- Well, it's in the seduction,
not the act, isn't it?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

No, Tess, go on.

You're a woman, a
happily married woman.

Certainly you know something
about what turns a man on.

Go on.

- I, I mean, it's all about
creating a fantasy, right?


Like, like maybe he's
your neighbor and,

and he comes over to, to
borrow a cup of sugar.

And maybe, maybe you're
wearing really thin

white nightgowns, I
mean like so thin that,

that you can see the curves
in, in your body, and...

And maybe you're, you're
rubbing lotion on each other

and you ask him if
he wants to join in.

Do you wanna
help us with our script?

- No...

No, I couldn't, I,
I don't know...

Go ahead, I'll pay you for it.

Maybe in a week or two we'll
give you your own line.

- No, thank you,
but I, I don't know

about all these games
that you all play.

- Oh, just try it for a while.

- Hi.

I'm Lana.

Hi, Lana.

So, what's it gonna be?

It's $100 for a blow job...

$200 for straight sex...

And $300 for anything kinky.

Oh, yes...

We are having a sale tonight.

The Friday Night Special.

Only $275.

It's a steal.

I'll take the
special, definitely.

Good choice.

Cash first.

- Coming right up.

- So, what do you want?

I like your mind.

- Wow!

- Wow, what?

- Last night...

You're the best.

- Yeah, you liked it?

- So, you like the new job?

- Yeah, yeah, it's good.

It's interesting.

I'm learning a lot.

- Good.

I gotta go.

What's with you, bud?

- What do you mean?

- You're whistling,
singing, smiling.

You getting some?

Yeah, I'm getting some.

What's she like, young, blonde?

- It's Tess, man, my wife.

- You're having great
sex with your wife?

Yeah, I don't what got into her,

but suddenly she's
into all these games,

like fantasies, you
know, dressing up.

It's fucking amazing!

- And you said this
stuff just started up?

- Yeah.

- No prior warnings,
just suddenly?

Nah, I'm sure I'm wrong.

Forget it.

- Wrong about what?

What are you talking about?

Well, a few years
back Barb got into anal sex.

Just like that, one night,
that's what she wanted.

And I'm talking all she wanted.

Never wanted it before,
never mentioned it.

I found out a couple
of weeks later,

she was having an affair
with her pottery teacher.

He'd turned her onto it.

- Yeah, right, well, I
ain't too worried about it.

Hi, welcome to Lilac,

the ultimate pleasure
point, where all your

wild and secret...
- What?!

Fantasies will come true.

To use this live
sensual service,

stay on the line and
one of our beautiful

operators will
personally assist you.

Hi, welcome to Lilac,

the ultimate pleasure
point where all your wild

and secret fantasies
will come true.

To use this live, sensual...

- Hi, baby.

What's wrong, you okay?

Adam, please don't sulk,
I hate it when you sulk.

How 'bout I count to three,
and when I get to three,

you tell me what's wrong,
like we used to do.

One, two...

- Why didn't you tell
me about your job?

- I did, I tried to,
but you just didn't

really seem to
wanna hear about it.

- Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!

That's complete
and total bullshit.

You didn't tell me because
you knew I'd go ballistic!

Tomorrow morning,
first thing, you go

in there and you
tell them you quit.

- Bullshit.

When we got married
we had an agreement,

we would never tell
each other what to do.


- Right, but this is different.

- How?

Because it's, it's just
out of bounds, that's all.

- Oh, and, and
what's been going on

between us, that's
been out of bounds?

- I didn't say that.
- Yes you did.

- But you're my wife.

- Right.

And I'm crazy about you.

I love you.

And I'm happy now.

And when I'm happy I think that,

you know, I can make you happy.

I just, I like all this, you
know, the fantasies and...

And coming home and
being somebody new,

and you being somebody new.

Before I took the job I mean I,

I would have no idea that
people do this kind of stuff.

Besides I'm, I'm just
the receptionist.

I just think that
maybe you should

just think about it for a while.

"Angela cannot remember
when the change began...

"Or why...

"Or how...

"Fight or flight...

"These were Angela's options...

"And as she saw him
standing in the half light,

"the tone and glow of his skin,

"the wonder of her in his eyes,

"she knew she would fight.

"She reached out
for him, to touch

"the perfection
of familiar flesh,

"her hands tracing the
topography of his body,

"hoping that she would
find new territory,

"yet to be revealed...

"Some new landmark by which they

"both could reset
their compass."

- Hey...

- What are you doing here?

I thought I would bring
a little peace offering.

- I don't know if
this is gonna work.

- I don't know either.

You know, I can't
promise that I can

be the person you need me to be.

Goddamn it, Tess, I don't
like that you're not at home.

I don't like that you
work here with a bunch of

women who talk dirty to
strangers on the phone.

But I'll try and understand.

I love you.


- It's our anniversary today.

I know.

- I thought maybe we could
pretend we're husband and wife.

- Come here.

"I thought that in order to grow

"in myself, I had to
grow away from Adam.

"But we learned we could
grow together, if we wanted.

"That life was still a
mystery and a surprise.

"That we were, and are,
familiar strangers.


You wouldn't keep secrets
from me, would you, Stella?

- Come on.

♪ You got the power
of control over me

♪ You got my heart in your hands

♪ You know so many
ways to satisfy me

♪ My body is at your command

♪ How does a prisoner

♪ Have the love that I need

♪ You bring out the
fire that's raging in me

♪ And your love is thrilling me

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been thinking 'bout you

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ I've been broken in two

♪ I've been ravaged

♪ Girl I love what you do

♪ Oh baby it feels so good

♪ To be ravaged by you