Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 1, Episode 8 - Jake's Story - full transcript

Still mourning his lost love Jake is seduced by a mysterious photographer who keeps him at a distance until she finally reveals her secret, she is married. Jake knows through bitter personal experience, just how dangerous a game t...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(air whooshing)

(swanky dance music)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

(thunder booming)

(slow dramatic music)

(people chatting)

(slow suspenseful music)

- Hi Jake. - Hi.

- You want something?

- Uh, just some coffee, thanks.

Thank you.

(register dinging)

- Jake?

- Do I know you?

- In a way.

- Refill? - No, thanks.

- Must be a popular guy.

- Not really.

(lighter clicking)

- It's funny, you don't look like a shoe salesman.

- Beg your pardon?

- Red shoes.

You don't look like the type.

- What is the type?

- You know.

The type of guy who gets his kicks out of looking

up women's dresses.

- You're right, I'm not the type.

- You have nice eyes.

Sad but nice.

- Can I get you something? - Coffee, black.

(register dinging)

So talk to me about red shoes.

- It's a long story.

- It's early.

- Maybe another time.

- How about dinner tonight?

- I don't think so.

- Why not?

- I'm kind of in a transitional period,

you know what I mean?

- What does that mean?

So? - So what?

- Dinner? - I don't think so.

Look, remember, you know.

- Look, it's not a date.

- No?

- Just a couple of guys going out to shoot the shit.

- (laughs) A couple of guys?

- Hey, I can go you beer for beer

and give you the shooting stats

on the Lakers starting line-up.

Now I draw the line at peeing standing up.

(Jake laughing)

Besides, I don't take no for an answer.

- You don't? - No.

- Where do I pick you up?

- Here.

At nine o'clock.

Don't be late.

(slow jazzy music)

(slow delicate music)

- Wow, you look great.

- What's wrong?

- I'm sorry, I can't have dinner with you tonight.

- Why not?

- I'm sorry if I've wasted your time.

- What's her name, Jake?

- Who?

- Your wife?


The one who hurts you so bad.

- Fiance.

Her name was Alex.

- Was?

- Yeah, she's dead.

She died.

- Sorry.


- About a year ago.

She killed herself about a year ago.

Without warning.

Just some secret.

You know you think you know somebody.

You think you live with them.

And you think you understand them and you think.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I mean I've told you things I haven't spoken

about for a year and I don't even know your name.

- It's Jo.

- I don't even know your real name.

- Kate.

- I'm sorry about tonight, Kate.

I really am sorry.

(soft jazz music)

(horn honking)

What are you doing here?

(Kate laughing)

- I don't give up easy.

- It's been a while.

I figured you'd give up on me.

- You're worth waiting for.

Come on, let's get out of here.

- You abducting me?

(car door banging)

(car engine humming)

Where we going?

- What's the difference?

(car thumping)

(car door banging)

Hi Taylor.

- Who's this? - My assistant.

- Kate, come on in.

(soft dramatic music)

- [Kate] Can you take your hair down?

That's great, thanks.

(camera clicking)

That's great.

(camera clicking)

Yeah, keep your eyes closed like that.

Can you tilt her face a little bit more in the light?


(camera clicking)

(slow dramatic music)

(car door banging)

(engine revving)

(engine humming)

(thunder booming)

(rain pattering)

(soft dramatic music)

♪ Eh eh eh

♪ Whoa oh oh oh

(intense lively music)

(thunder booming)

- Oh hi.

Who's this?

- This is Stella.

- Hi Stella.

(soft rhythmic music)


I lived in a loft in New York.

You know, you can tell everything about a person

from where they live.

Like to indulge yourself.

Gourmet kitchen.

No food.

You like to eat,

but you want somebody else to do the cooking.

- All that from my refrigerator.

- Okay.

Your furniture.

It's eclectic.

Some of it's bizarre.

Tells me that you're independent.

A leader.

Always the boss.

You like to test people.

Shock them, see what makes them jump.

Open space.

You have a tendency to feel trapped,

not only by places, but by situations.

Ready to run.

One foot out the door.

Possessions, beautiful but not personal.

Nothing that you'd worry about leaving behind.

Alex musta been a really special lady.

- How do I get in touch with you?

- You don't.

I'll find you.

(engine puttering)

(soft sultry music)

Shit, you followed me.

- It's a nasty habit.

You should quit.

- Fuck you.

How'd you get here so fast anyway?

- Aren't you gonna invite me in, Jo?

(elevator humming)

(gate booming)

- You are dead you little bastard!

Come back here you little prick!

(body thumping)

(object thwacking)

- Will you fucking forget it, Kate?

(object banging)

What the hell are you doing, Kate?

Just let it go. - God dammit,

you fucking asshole!

You feel cool?

Hope you feel really cool!

- Let him go, Kate!

- Get back here!

(gun firing)

(Kate laughing)

- Fuck you.

(Kate laughing)

You're fucking crazy.

(upbeat rhythmic music)

(siren blaring)

- Jake, come back to bed.

- You shot these, didn't you?


I wonder what else we can tell

about the person who lives here.

- Please. - Patience.

No mirrors.


Gourmet kitchen.

Food not terribly important.

I'd say the woman that lives here

likes to get inside people's heads.

See what makes them tick.

But is terrified of revealing herself.

- That's enough.

- I wonder why.

(siren blaring)

- [Kate] Don't!

- Oh (laughs).

What am I to you?

- Jake, these picture are for me.

Nobody else is gonna see them.

These pictures are everything

that I think is wonderful about you.

When I look at them it's as if you're here with me.

(book thumping)

- Come here.

Promise me that you won't keep any secrets between us.

(people chatting)

(car splashing)

(soft dramatic music)

My last secret, expose at your own risk.

(people chatting)

(soft delicate music)

- Hey, this is Jake,

the architect that I was telling you about, honey.

- Jake, this is Howard, my husband.

- [Howard] Pleasure to meet you, Jake.

- It's nice to meet you.

- Well, I'm quite familiar with your work.

- Tell me about your charity.

- Well, I've been working with the (muffled speaking).

(Jake knocking)

- I brought your check back.

- Keep it.

It's for a good cause.

- It's not why I invited you.

- Then why did you invite me?

- Because I'm falling in love with you.

And I wanted you to know what I would be giving up.

(soft jazz music)

Dear Jake,

sometimes the hardest thing for anyone to give up

is their mystery.

But if you love someone, really love someone,

you have to make that choice.

Otherwise you end up betraying that love,

which brings me to that age old question,

is it possible to love two people at the same time?

The answer is yes.

Is it healthy?


Not for me, not for Howard,

and definitely not for you.

In saying goodbye, I just want you to know

that for a few moments I lost myself in you.

And that my very last secret

is I'll never forget you.

With all my love, Kate.

(soft dramatic music)