Red Shoe Diaries (1992–1999): Season 1, Episode 2 - Double Dare - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Res Shoe Diaries -

- Double Dare -

Cup of Coffee, please.

Arnold Vosloo

Michael Woods

David Duchovny
as Jake

Los Angeles.

You're an aid, Stella.
Business like.

Dear Red Shoes,

You wanna know my secret?

It's odd, when I read your ad,

I've been trying none successfully to
work up the nerves to tell my Husband.

Maybe by telling you, it
might help me understand.

Maybe that's what I am looking
for, after all. Understanding.

To do the right thing.

After you read the enclosed, you tell me.

Was it adultery? Was it wrong?

October 24th, another beautiful sunny
day, or so they told me in the elevator.

By the time I noticed it was
already a dark balmy evening,

Still no answer from the
DX account, assholes.

I've got another hour to
en-count Garns Bedora,

Jesus, Japanese long horse, Italian
socks, Indian deodorant. Advertising.

Call me a masochist, but I love it.

I noticed this Man in the window
of the building that faces mine.

He was striking. Mysterious looking.

Brooding, almost a fool.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I guess I was staring
and he caught me.

His smile was,

I don't know how to
describe it, one of those grins,

that's sort of creeps upon
a side of a Man's face.

I don't know why but only Men can do that.

If there was an Olympic event for
smiling, this guy would get the Gold.

I was intrigued.

Not more than intrigued,
I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I couldn't get him out of my mind.

It was like a continuous day dream.
A teenage fantasy.

(Car Honks)

Later, I'm late.

Wish me luck.

Hey, who is it tonight?

Charlie, that gynecologist from Tai Zena?

His name is Charles, and he's very nice.

It just came from on
the office's fax.

There is no name on it,
but it looks like a copy-plain.

See you tomorrow.
-Have fun.

- Tell me your name, I dare you -

He found out where I worked.

And our office fax's number.

I was being researched.

I was being dared.

My secretary thought it was copy
for one of the ads I was working on.

What did she think it was for,
the deodorant or the Italian socks?

He looked like a lawyer or
maybe an investment banker.

Very sharp, sophisticated.

Everything about him exuded success.

I can't remember the last time someone
dared me to do something dangerous.

It worked me up.

You know, it's amazing.

You get married and suddenly
it's like a door slam shut.

You forget that Men still look at you.
Can still want you.

I didn't do it consciously.

At least, I don't think I did.

You know, I don't think
that Men shutoff like that.

But Women do.

A lot.


Nothing. I just love
looking at you, that's all.

Do you look at other Women?


What do you notice?

First thing?

The neck.

I'm a neck man. Definitely.

And then, the legs.

I'm also a leg man.

So, you look at other guys?


Does that bother you?


I mean, they might have
your attention for the moment,

far glance, but I have what counts.

I got your Heart,

your mind,

your body,

and that's what's important.


Hey! What's wrong?


All day long I've watched his
office. Wondering where he was.

Was he out of town?

At meetings at another part of this city.

Would he come back.

Then I wanted him to.

I coursed myself for not opening
the curtains the night before.

- Tell me you name. I dare you. -

I don't know why, but I felt safe.

There was a hundred yards and
two plates of glass between us.

And it was my game.

I was making the rules.

I could stop it whenever I wanted.

I was in control.

(Numbers dialing)

I don't know what excited me most,

The fact that he was
watching me? Tempting me?

Or that I really didn't know
what would happen next.

Either way, I was compelled.

(Phone rings)

(Fax machine at work)

- Take Off your blouse, I dare you -

(Phone rings)

- You're married aren't you? -


You OK?

(Kissing noises)

The next couple of
nights, I worked late.

He wasn't in his office.

At least he didn't
turn the lights on.

But he was there.

I could feel him.

Watching me.

I didn't mind.

I knew I could wait as long as he could.

That he'd show himself
when he was ready.

We got the Go-Ahead
on the DX account

I stayed to work
on the storyboards,

Amazing coincidence, ah?

Bullshit! I knew
what I was doing.

I knew what I wanted.

Somehow I always managed
to play it safe in my life.

Girls' prep-school.

The right college.

Married to the right guy.
- Okay, no names, no phones -

It's fine. Really! I
know that. But...

I never took this
kind of risk before.

And I never had
this kind of freedom.

I was riding, the crest.

Free falling.

It was exhilarating.

And I could take it,
as far as I wanted.

- You got a radio over there ? -

F.M. 103.7

(Funky music playing)

- I hear it, take off your
pants. I DARE YOU -

"Rhythm is the power, it's
the perfect season plan

"Rhythm is the spirit, is a
part of soul all have prepared

"Oh mama you born
till the day you deny


"Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm ...


"Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm ...


"Rhythm, yeah..

"Rhythm, yeah..

"Rhythm is the power, it's
the perfect season plan

- Touch it, Double Double Dare. -

"Rhythm is the spirit, is a
part of soul all have prepared

"Oh mama you born
till the day you deny

You know, you look beautiful tonight.

The good news is, I brought all that
excitement, all that energy home with me.

I couldn't get enough for Sam.

I am with me.

It was like we first met,
passionate, torn, unbelievable.

I have both ways.

I had everything.

(Funky jazz music)

I just couldn't get his
image out of my head.

His eyes, his chest,
his hands, his legs.

The way his hair was stuck
out over the ears just a bit.

Like a little boy.

When I was a teenager, my parents bought
this house next to a boy's boarding school.

My bedroom window looked
down on one of the dorm houses,

Every night I'd lay my
curtains open, just a little bit.

I knew they were watching me.

I played these stupid games,
pass by one way in my rope,

And back the other
way and it might slip .

Yet in all the years
we lived there,

And of all those boys,

Only one had the courage to knock
on our front door and introduce himself.

And on the day before
he left school for good,

He just wanted to say
how much I meant to him.

I don't know what
I'm trying to say.

No, that's not true that's a life.

What I'm trying to say is that,

It excited me then,

And it excites me now.

(Jazz music)

Who is she?!

His wife.

A girlfriend.

His secretary.

A whore.

Whoever she is, she is
not a part of my fantasy.

(Phone rings)

(Fax incoming)

Ready for the next
step? Ready to meet?

For the rest of the week I
worked with the curtains closed.

I was curious, and terrified.

I knew that if I succumbed, if I
open those curtains, I'd be sucked in.

And I dreaded
where it would end.

Necessity, doesn't care
but the canister. Alright.

Dark as hell in here.

Leave them closed.

Necessity, doesn't care
but the canister. Alright.

(Phone rings)

- It's your turn, dare me. Dare me to touch
you. Dare me to fuck you. Double dare me. -

- It's your turn, dare me. Dare me to touch
you. Dare me to fuck you. Double dare me. -

It's been a week since I
last opened the curtains.

He is, relentless.

Where are you?

Touch me, fuck me,
double dare me, double dare.

For the game to remain interesting, the
players have to keep raising the stakes.


Take my hand.


I dare you to make love to
me in the back seat of my car.

It will be the perfect
end, to the perfect game.

No one will ever know.

I... I... can't. Uhm,

I... I'm not, very good playing games.

I, I've never even been to Las Vegas,
I.. I don’t' even own a deck of cards.

It's wonder it lasted this long.

I'm cashing in all my chips.

I'm sorry.

(Car starting up)

From that night on,
his light stayed off.

I still thought of him,

His beauty, his arrogance, his sexy grin.

I had expected him to pressure me,

but he didn't.

But if the truth be known,
really disappointed me.

For a long time, after
at night when I close my eyes,

He was the last thought I
had before I drifted off to sleep.

And the first thought I had in
the morning when I woke up.

What we had,

affected me like a drug.

And very quickly became habit for me.

It was very hard to break.

The question still haunts me,

is that even thought
we never really touched,

Was it cheating on Sam?

I think it was.

So, what do you think Stella?

Looks like Dianne is really
crazy about her Husband

It makes sense to me.

Question is, once you're married,
they'd put your sense of desire on hold.

Does it automatically shut down?

I don't think so.

It's a sense of adventure,
nobody wants to give that up.

Real question is,

Where do you draw
the line between,

window shopping,

and putting down your Credit Card.

Hell of a world, Stella.

Hell of a world