Reckless (2014): Season 1, Episode 8 - When the Smoke Clears - full transcript

When Roy agrees to defend his high school sweetheart against murder charges, the case threatens his family's reputation and his position at the law firm. Meanwhile, Lee Anne tries to break things off with Terry once and for all.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Reckless:

Lee Anne Marcus never
provided proof that anything

but consensual sexual activity took place.

There's no proof yet that
my client was drugged,

but that doesn't mean she wasn't.

I actually fell in love with you.

No one would ever have to know.

There's a shipment on
its way to the U.S. of A.

$15 million.

You're absolutely certain no
one knows you're undercover?

I'm sure.

Your father was the best city
attorney Charleston ever had.

We can't.

Woman: Roy Rayder.

Lexi Simms.

Now, how long has it been?

I can't count the years on my fingers.


Law degree, tailored suit.

It's hard to believe you're that same punk

who spiked the spring
formal punch with absinthe.

You dated that punk.


So, I heard you made bail.

You've been following my case?


Hostess found dead at the Raven's Den Club.

Gun found at the scene belonged
to one of the other hostesses...

I didn't do it, Roy.

I believe you.

It does not look good, Lexi.

They set me up.

They're circling the wagons.

I can't do it alone.

I thought Reggie Firenzi
was representing you.

He was...

Till last night.

He cornered me in his office,
tried to throw himself on me.

Happens a lot in my line of work.

We didn't exactly end things cordially.

I know you've got a million things going on,

but if...

When does the trial start?

That's the thing, um...

Tomorrow morning.


I'm desperate, Roy.

Then I'm there.

♪ I can't be without ♪

♪ I can't be without my girl. ♪

Knox: I take it you didn't call
me out here to go shrimping.

You got more intel on Russ Waterman?

Yeah. The shipment's on a
Russian freighter right now.

Carrying 2,000 Krinkov
subcompact assault weapons.

- Whew.
- Unmarked, brandnew.

This is the biggest bust
in Charleston history.

With the right timing,
we could take down McCandless

and his two buddies, Frank and Clint.

Waterman's the cherry on top.

Who's the buyer?

I keep hearing a name
tossed around, "Burnside"?

shipment will be here in three days.

I'm giving them some
potential deal locations,

gaps in our patrols.

It's a cell phone wire.

It'll transmit everything you
hear and say directly to my office

with GPS coordinates to boot.

If they find out what this is,

they're gonna put a slug through my brain,

toss me in the Cooper River.

This is a multimillion-dollar
gun trafficking operation.

They're gonna be risks.

What's your gut say?

Good to go?

Yeah. I've been someone
I'm not for far too long.

It's time for this to end.

♪ Wait just a little bit more ♪

(beeping) ♪ I feel you 'cause your
breath is burning holes in my door ♪

♪ You love it when there's
blood on your tongue ♪

♪ And you're ready for war ♪

♪ But wait just a little bit more ♪

♪ Take what you came here for ♪

♪ I know you and I know
you can't take anymore ♪

♪ You got me with... ♪

As hostesses, we serve drinks, cut cigars,

make sure the men feel...


So you work for tips, correct?

And other perks, if you
play your cards right.

Tell me, Kaylee, is there ever competition

between the hostesses for male attention?

All the time.

And was the defendant ever
involved in these fights?

Lexi started half of 'em.

If she had her hooks in a guy,

she'd threaten anyone
who even smiled at him.

Did you ever witness the defendant
fighting with the victim?

Yes, I heard Lexi screaming at Tiff

the day that she got killed.

Mr. Lindeke, in your duty as security
coordinator for the Raven's Den Club,

have you ever seen this firearm?

Yes, the night Tiffany Gable was killed.

Um, just before closing,

I heard two shots ring out
by the locker room area.

And I found that gun lying next to her body.

And was anyone else in the
locker room at that time?

No, but as I approached,
I saw Lexi fleeing the area.

No more questions, Your Honor.

Roy: Isn't it possible

that my client's gun was
taken from her locker?

And that when she heard gunshots,

she reacted as the other
people in the area did,

as any of us would do, and ran?

I guess it's... possible.

No more questions.

You're defending Lexi Simms?

You really should've
consulted me on this, Roy.

I'll will never ask for permission

to save an innocent woman from jail, Dec.

Son, I know Lexi, and she's no innocent.

You know her as your hostess, right?

At your secret little
billionaire boy's club?

She is an old friend of mine,

and someone at Raven's
Den framed her for murder.

I'm gonna find out who.

Not everything is a conspiracy, Roy.

Sometimes, shocking as it may be,

people just kill people.

Not her.

Not Lexi.

Drop the case.


You embarrass this firm...

You'll no longer be a part of it.

Man: Well, if it isn't
the boy wonder himself.

I was told to expect you, Roy.

Mr. Ashby.

I hear our dear Lexi's in your
more-than-capable hands.

How is she?

Good as can be expected
while facing life in prison.

Look, I'm not here to talk
circles around the truth.

I think there's a good
chance one of your members

knew where my client kept her gun,

and used it to kill Tiffany
Gable and get away clean.

I want a list of the names of
the men who were here that night.

I submitted a visitors log to the
police from the day of the murder.

Right, and that was a nice work of fiction.

Of the eight men on this list,

three of them were out
of the country that day,

and one of them was on life support

after crashing his maybach into a bus.


Just give me a list.

We don't have one.

Our members pay for complete discretion.

You know, as city attorney,

I can drag you right
through hell, Mr. Ashby.

I can show up here with
a small army of auditors,

dig into this club's finances.

I can file a civil rights complaint
against what I can only assume

is an exclusively white
male membership base.

Or you can give me what I want.

You know where to find me.

Your deposition is coming
up quick, Lee Anne,

and we need to have every angle covered.

The interrogatory the city attorney sent,

the questionnaire you filled
out after you filed suit.

I remember.

Look over your answers.

Roy has them.

He will try to trick you
during the deposition

to catch you in an inconsistency or a lie.

We can't let him do that.

It could discredit our whole case.

These questions are embarrassing.

Every night, I picture myself on that stand,

airing all my mistakes.

I will be with you the whole time.

I will object and badger him on
every inappropriate question.

I'm going to protect you.

Terry: Sorry I'm late.

I tried to call you.

I know.

Are you okay?

Did you take advantage of me the
other night just to sabotage me?

To trick me into dropping the lawsuit?

Is that what we were doing?

'Cause we sabotaged our brains out.


I have to go.


If I could whisk you off your
feet to any place on earth,

where would you choose?

- Terry...
- In two days,

I-I have a way that we might
be able to escape this mess.

To give you the life you deserve.

What are you talking about?

Two days. Just give me two days,

and then I'll explain everything.

I can't. I can't leave Arliss.

You don't owe him your life, Lee Anne.

You don't.

Terry, you and me, we're...

We're just...


And I can't live my life knowing
I'm the woman that could...

Leave her paraplegic husband.

I... I won't do it.

I can't.

Waterman: Bernie!

You know, I never thought I'd say this,

but that is a pretty baller minivan.

At last, the mysterious Burnside.

Burnside: I hope you won't mind
if my men do a little pat-down.

These boys aren't just arm candy.

They're partners in my little
import/export business.

These are the guys that are gonna make sure

that this deal goes down without a hitch.

And that's a Russ Waterman guarantee.

Burnside: Don't quote me your
idiotic commercials, Russ.

Show me what you have.

(Clears throat)

I, uh, cross-referenced
all the CPD patrol routes

along the seaside areas of the city,

highlighting a few gaps.

Terry chose the location.

You want to tell 'em about it, Terry?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Uh, this abandoned cannery off Wraggborough

looks like the safest location for the deal.

Low visibility, completely off both
land and marine patrol routes.

Waterman: You hear that?


These are my guys.

They got our asses covered
upside down and sideways.


Are we cool?

2,000 peashooters, $7,500 per?

$6,500, or nothing.

Frickin' economy, right?

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

(Tutting sound)

You know, you are lucky that I'm not
in the habit of carrying a firearm.

Oh? Why's that?

I'd be well within my rights
to shoot you for trespassing.

You see, this is my private sanctuary,

and you just violated it.

That's mighty hypocritical of you, Roy.

Is that the membership
list that I asked for?


Oh... Dec said you were like your father,

and, uh... I agree.

Like you, he thought it heroic to
always swim against the current.

Do the right thing.

But there is the right thing,

and there is... the way things are,

and, uh...


He never could learn the difference.

Maybe you can.

What is this?

Oh, it's just a little,

uh, Rayder family history you
may want to brush up on.

Mr. Ashby...

Don't ever drop by my
house unannounced again.

You have a good night, now.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Ms. Marcus, how old were you
when you lost your virginity?

Jamie: Objection.

Don't answer that.

And, Ms. Marcus,

how many sexual partners
have you had in your life?

Jamie: Objection.


Here is a relevant question, then.

Do you remember a man named Matthew Decker?

He was my boss at Deacon's Chicken.

And did you sleep with him?

I was 17,

I didn't know what I was doing.

Now, moving on to your time of employment

with the Charleston police department...

Exactly how many employees
did you sleep with there?



Do you mean willingly?

Lee Anne: One.


And that was whom?

Terry McCandless.

You answered interrogatories
several weeks ago

and stated that your last sexual
contact with Terry McCandless

was two months prior.

Is that correct?

Yes. That's correct.

May I speak with you privately?


What was that?

What was what?

This case is about sex,

and it is my job to ask the tough questions.

You don't get what's wrong
with the system here.

I do.

I understand how hard it must be for
Lee Anne to answer those questions...

Maybe you attempt to understand
it on an intellectual level.

But you've never lived it.

There hasn't been one second of one day

that you've known what it's like
to be a woman in this world,

scrutinized and judged as a sexual object.

You're turning this into a gender debate.

It is just a deposition.

Nobody's asking Terry McCandless

when he lost his virginity, Roy.

Feel free to.

Nobody's asking because nobody cares.

My client is "promiscuous."

But Terry and his buddies
are just "boys being boys."

And that's what I just can't tolerate.


You here?

Well, I'll be hot-damned.

What's this?

Roy: It's a little gift courtesy
of Stanford Ashby.

It's a complaint my father dismissed
15 years ago as city attorney

that alleges the city
controller, Tom Stewart,

was embezzling funds with
the help of his secretary...

Melinda Rayder.

Your mother.

Do you know anything about it?


First I've heard.

Well, there's no record of
it at city hall, either.

But if it's true, Dec,

my mother committed a crime,

and my father illegally used his
influence to make it disappear.

I warned you, Roy.

Raven's Den thrives on
a currency of secrets,

and Ashby is a master at using
them to bend people to his will.

You pushed him.

Are you really so surprised he shoved back?

Lexi needs me.

I won't let her down.

I suggest you consider your
next move very carefully, Roy.

Maybe he's bluffing.

Maybe none of it's true.

Well, both Tom Stewart and
your father are deceased, Roy.

So there's only one person left

who can answer that question.

("Heal" by Tom Odell playing)

♪ Take my mind and take my pain ♪

- ♪ Like an empty bottle takes the rain ♪
- (Sighs)

♪ And heal... ♪


Hi, mom.

Well, you sure look good.

City attorney obviously agrees with you.

Oh, I just, I...

I can't tell you how proud I
was when you were appointed.

Okay, so what's bothering you, Roy?

After years of canceled lunches,

for you to show up here?

Must be important.



Who gave this to you?

I need to know if it's real.

I'm afraid that it is.

I need you to tell me everything.

Your father...

He had a way of making me feel small.

Like I could never quite measure
up to his standards, if...

Well, I think you know what
I'm talking about, right?

I started having an affair with my boss.

Tom Stewart, the city controller.

Tom could really see me

at a time when your daddy just
seemed to look right past me,

and I needed that so badly,

Roy, I...


When Tom asked if I would help him

funnel money out of a city account,

I said yes, because I was stone stupid.

And we got caught.

So you went to dad.

And he agreed to cover up the
embezzlement on two conditions:

That I move out immediately,

and that I leave you with him.

I didn't want to leave you, Roy, ever.

I didn't have any choice.

Of course you had a choice, mom.

I could never abandon my girls.


Ashby: Well, it went up about $30 a share

as soon as I pulled my money out.

I think outsourcing has
a lot to do with that.

I don't cave to blackmail, Mr. Ashby.

Feel free to go public with the complaint.

I'm mighty sorry to hear that.

You could have just cooperated with me.

I would have shown some discretion.

But now I just want the list.

And I will publish it on the front
page of the Charleston Herald

if it will help me find out who
framed Lexi Simms for murder.

Even if that person is you, Mr. Ashby.

Now give me the damn list.

Lexi: Next name...

Grady Hoberman.

(Typing) Grady Hoberman.

Did you ever see him with Tiffany?

I wish I knew more of these guys.

I was only there a few months.

Doesn't help that they all look
like they're running for governor.

Uh, next name...

Phillip Boyd.

(Scratches pen across paper)


Wait... Click on that one.

That's him.

That's the guy I saw arguing with Tiffany.

I told the cops I knew she
was fighting with a patron,

but they didn't believe me.

Well, Phillip Boyd...

Executive VP, research and
development at Trent Pharmaceuticals.

I guess I better request
a meeting with Mr. Boyd.

I did argue with Tiffany.

The morning before she was killed,

I slipped into the Ruby
room to make a private call.

I had just been informed that our
biggest selling drug, celaxal,

was getting pulled from
the market by the FDA.

I remember that.

it was a potential disaster for this company.

I hung up the phone, I turned around,

Tiffany was standing there.

She'd heard my conversation.

I didn't think anything of it,

until later that day when our
stock went into a freefall.

People were selling before the
announcement had even came out.

She had to have told someone.

It could have been someone at the FDA...

Or even within your own company.

Maybe, but I thought it was her.

And when I confronted
her, she looked scared.

Jamie: Judge Moss is almost ready for us.

I read your brief.

It's a good argument.

I read yours, too.

I threw it across the room.


Ah, Jamie, you can't use rape shield laws

to get the sex tape dismissed.

Rape shield laws are for criminal cases.

Rape shield laws were made to
prevent sleazy defense attorneys

from using a woman's prior
sexual history against her.

That tape has no probative value.

Allowing a jury to view it

is calling her a whore in open court.

And beyond that, that tape
has been tampered with.

I have been fully transparent with you.

I called you to my home
and showed you the tape

as soon as I had it.

I hoped that you were going
to see this case as hopeless.

Bad for Lee Anne and
bad for your reputation.

But you didn't listen.

But the tape is germane to this case.

And you're arguing to suppress it

because it shows your
client caught in a lie.

And you know it, or you
wouldn't be arguing to dismiss.

Compliments of Judge Moss.

And what is this?

Her ruling on the taped evidence.

She made her decision based on your briefs.

Hmm. Well, it looks like our
case isn't so hopeless after all.

The tape is out.

Round one to you, but it's
gonna be a long fight.

Believe me, I know.


- Hey.
- Hi.

What do you want?

I just want to talk to you for a minute.


I haven't stopped thinking about you.

Not one day goes by...

I don't want to start this again.

Just listen.

Some things are going down tomorrow night...

Some operations that I've been involved in.

If anything happens to me...

I want you to know I love you.

This time we've been apart...

Makes me know that's true.

I haven't been able to explain the tape...

And Lee Anne.

I've had to keep things from you...

To protect you.

After tomorrow,

when the smoke clears...

I'll finally be able to
tell you the whole story.

Bye, Jamie.

(Papers rustle)


(Taps palm on table)

I assume you spoke to your mother?

She convince you to drop the case?

You know, I don't have time to chat, Dec.

I owe someone an apology.


Terry: You said we were doomed.
I don't believe that.

No, it's over, Terry.

I just had to see you one more time

- in case I...
- In case you what?

Just one kiss. It's all I ask.

Arliss is on his way home.

He could be here any minute.


You have to go now, Terry, please.

It's a spy cam for sure, Vi.

A pretty good one, too.

How's it work?

Well, um, the camera's motion-activated.

The signal's picked up by the router here,

which transmits the captured
video to the Internet.

Nasty-ass creeper.

All the hand sanitizer in the world
ain't gonna wash that away.

Hey, uh, want me to find out who did it?

What can you do?

Well, I can hack into the router,

find out where the
video's being transmitted.

That could get me to an
IP address of your...

Nasty-ass... creeper.

All right.

Hey, Ed.

Thought you were a germaphobe.

You forgot to wipe it off.

Maybe I don't want to.


Wait... you think Phillip
Boyd's telling the truth?


Could be.

Maybe someone at the club heard
about the drug getting pulled

and used that knowledge to profit off it.

Now, you said that Kaylee lied on the stand.


Maybe she wasn't lying to cover for someone.

Maybe she was lying to protect herself.

You make a pretty nice income
hostessing at the Raven's Den Club.

Don't you, Miss Reynolds?

I do pretty well.

$4,000 a week.

Is that correct?

(Gallery murmuring)

The members tip very generously.

But that's only a drop in
the barrel for you, isn't it?

I'd like to submit into evidence

copies of Miss Reynolds's
last four bank statements,

as well as a copy of her stock portfolio.

Can you authenticate
these statements, ma'am?

Yes, they're my statements.

Objection. Relevance?

I'll allow it.

Please get to your point, Mr. Rayder.

Now I have a sworn affidavit
from a member at Raven's Den,

who says that he confronted the
victim the day before her death

because he believed that she used
information overheard in the club

for her own financial gain.

But he was mistaken.

Miss Gable never received
any financial windfall.

But you did, Kaylee.

You had the same access to privileged
information as the other hostesses,

and you used that information for profit.

Didn't you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, seven months ago,

you sold stock in Trent Pharmaceuticals

the day before its price plummeted by half.

Objection! Again, relevance.


Four months ago,
you purchased a thousand shares of stock

in an obscure tech firm

the day before that firm
was bought by Harvey Smight,

a member of Raven's Den.

I could go on, believe me,

but I would like to get
out of here by supper time.

It's not against the law to
make good investments, is it?

In your case, it is.

You see, it is called insider trading.

Now, but that's a matter for the SEC, right?

What should concern the court today

is that you had access
to the hostess' lockers.

And you knew my client
carried a licensed gun...

Objection! Argumentative.

Perhaps if counsel would like to testify,

he should take the stand.

Judge: Sustained.

Just one final question, Your Honor.

When Tiffany Gable found out

you were betraying the
Raven's Den clientele,

did you then shoot her so
she wouldn't report you,

and then frame my client for the murder?

No further questions, Your Honor.


You were something in there, Roy.

I owe you.

Big time.

In high school, when my mom left...

I needed someone.

And you were there for me.

And you got me through some
pretty rough spots. You know?

You don't owe me anything.

And we will get through this.

No matter what happens. Okay?

Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor, we have.

In the matter of the state of
South Carolina v. Alexis Simms

on the charge of murder
in the second degree,

we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.

(Gallery murmuring) (Gavel bangs)

(Both laugh)


(Indistinct chatter)

What are you doing here?

Go home, already.

This couldn't wait until the morning.

I just saw Ed, the police I.T. guy.

He helped me get to the bottom
of our little peeping Tom issue.

Is that such a good idea?

I trust him.

And believe me, if he cared so
much about the Charleston PD,

he wouldn't have given me this.

Now, Ed was able to extract
a whole mess of video clips.

Basically, everything the camera saw

when it became motion-activated.

Now, he hasn't been able to
track the IP address just yet,

but... just watch.

Oh, my God.

Lee Anne.

What the hell is she doing?

Wait, is this...?

Both: The night of the mayor's ball.


The bastard.

All right, gents, you know the routine.

Cell phones, beepers,

anything that goes beep-bop-boop,

and emits a signal, stick it in the tub.

Come on.

There you go.

Come on.

Very good.

Na zdorovje!


All right, let's get these
puppies to where they're going.

Terry, you're gonna drive.

James Island Expressway.

What? That's not how you get to the cannery.

Burnside is, uh, what
one would call cautious.

If one was prone to understatements.

Changed the location on me half an hour ago.

All right.

To where?

Boat Graveyard, James Island.

Come on.

2,000 of mother Russia's most
exceptional assault rifle.

The AKS-74U.

For those special moments
when an AK-47 just isn't enough.



Well, all I need is my cash,

and we can go our separate ways.

I brought your cash.

I'm just reconsidering whether
I want to give it to you.

Every deal I do, I make sure
all of the bases are covered.

That's why I changed the
location of this exchange.

And that's also why I assigned one of my men

to keep an eye on the previous location.

Now, I just got an interesting phone call.

He said he spotted several
Charleston PD units

camped out around the old cannery.

One of your men tipped them off.

Lower your weapons!

No, you got it all wrong, okay?

Everyone, drop your weapons now!

Kill the cops first.


(Shouting, gunfire)

Cover fire! Watch your back!

Get down! I got you, I got you!

Two more!

Twelve o'clock! Twelve o'clock!

Go! I got him now! He's right there!

Take him! Watch your back!





Don't take this personally.

I'm just doing a little restructuring.


It was you, Preston.

You were playing us all. Weren't you?


I got two bullets left

and I'm gonna use them both on you.

You go ahead.
