Reckless (2014): Season 1, Episode 11 - And So It Begins - full transcript

When Vi's ex-husband is accused of medical malpractice, Jamie works to clear his name, only to find out that a relationship with a former patient could put his entire career at risk. ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Reckless:

Arliss! (Screams)

Did you bomb Lee Anne's house?

- I did this for you!
- It doesn't help me!

This implicates me!


Knox: You've done nothing but
dirty the name of this department.

I'm suspending you.

I need your badge and your service weapon.

How would you like to be the
next first lady of Charleston?

Mayor Fortnum.

I like the sound of that.

We're having a baby.

Terry: I do know something about Arliss.

Search team found
something in the marshlands

not far from where his truck ended up.

When Roy told me that you were shot,

all I wanted was to be by your side.

To hold you.

No one would ever know
that we were together.

I can't.

("The Wanderer" by Shawn James playing)

♪ When I go ♪

♪ I don't know when... ♪

Roy: Thank you for coming in.

Amanda Tavers.

Dec: Uh... If you'll excuse us, Ms. Tavers.

I need a moment of Mr. Rayder's time.

Is it Christmas already?

What are you talking about?

Those young ladies in the lobby.

Did I miss the hiring memo?

I'm interviewing associates.

I need a second chair for
the Lee Anne Marcus case.

Oh, I get it.

Female plaintiff, female judge,

opposing counsel's a pretty little thing...

You need the fairer sex
sitting next to you at trial.


Carol: Hot off the presses...

Profiles and questionnaires
for 512 would-be jurors.

Thank you, Carol.

And let's plan on a working lunch.

I need write-ups for every
potential juror on that list.


People to sue, hours to bill...

But first,

a word of advice.

This is the highest-profile
trial of your career,

it could make or break
your legal reputation...

No pressure.

I was just going to say...

Enjoy it.

Vi: "A" through "L",

or "M" through "Z"?

Is that the potential juror list?

The largest jury pool I've ever seen.

And the biggest case we've ever tried.

I'll go brew a fresh pot of coffee.

Ooh, that'll go good with these.

This is a nice surprise.

Preston: Figured you could use a sugar rush

to help you get through the jury selection.

Those are my favorite.

Well, I know what you like.

Maybe we could do dinner tonight.

You mean like a date?

Yeah. Like a date.

I would, but we have 500
potential jurors to go through.

Rain check.

I promise.


I'll hold you to that.


Do you think that's a good idea?

I'll take "M" through "Z".


Whatever you're selling, I ain't interested.

I worked for Burnside
before his untimely death.

What do you want?

The night of the Waterman bust,

the ATF collected $12 million in cash.

The deal was for $13 million.

There's a million dollars missing.

I'm chopping my own firewood.

I look like I got a million dollars

just lying around, collecting soot?

Burnside was a middleman,

and my new employer...

They don't ask twice.

I don't have your money.

Why don't I give you time to think about it?

Then I'll be back.

And I will collect.

(Door closes)

Uh, hello?

I'll be right there.

I gotta go.

- Alex!
- Hey.

- How are you?
- I'm fine.

Oh, your mom isn't here.
She went to get lunch.

Oh, good, 'cause I wanted to...

What happened?

You didn't violate probation.

Nah, I'm good.

I thought so. I get reports.

Actually, I'm not here for me.

- It's...
- Alex?

Why are you out of school?

And where's your father?

He's at work. I took the bus.

Vi: What's going on?

Well, I came here because one
of dad's patients is suing him.

I heard him say that he
could lose everything.

Ms. Sawyer, you helped
me when I was in trouble.

Please, will you help my dad?

There must be something to this lawsuit,

'cause I can see you haven't been sleeping.

Don't be too hard on Alex, Violet.

He took initiative. It's a good sign.

I read the insurance settlement,

but I'd like to hear your version.

Charles: Well, a few months ago,

a patient of mine, Madison Palmer,

underwent a successful abdominoplasty.

That's, uh... A tummy tuck.

Ten days later, she developed an infection.

That infection turned septic,

and complications from her
sepsis resulted in infertility.

Now, I feel awful for
what happened to Madison,

but I am not at fault.

Then why did your insurance carrier
settle rather than go to trial?

Well, my policy capped at a million dollars.

Medically, they found no
fault with my actions,

but they thought it was
less messy to settle.

Jamie: Charles, that puts
you personally on the hook

for the other $5 million
Ms. Palmer is after.


What do you mean by "messy"?

(Sighs) At the time of the surgery, um...

I was seeing her.

Madison. We were involved.

Same old Dr. Briggs.

Yeah, I'll be candid.

The affair hurts.

You may want to take a cue from
the insurance company and settle.



I'm innocent.

I will not cave.

Then I'd like to trigger
a clause in the settlement

that allows for binding arbitration.


Sorry I'm late.

No worries.

Judge Moss is still in session.

Uh, Jamie Sawyer, I'd like
you to meet Taylor Dunham.

She'll be assisting me at trial.

Oh. Welcome.

My pleasure.

I've heard a lot about you.

Excuse me. I need to
make a quick phone call.

Female second chair.

And she's blonde, like Lee Anne.

Nice touch.

She is blonde?

God, I hadn't noticed.


What's that?

A list of prospective jurors

whom I think we can agree
should be struck for cause.

Keep it, counselor.

I have a feeling there isn't much

we'll be agreeing on these next few weeks.

I was thinking...

we could save a lot of
time during jury selection

if we got together for
dinner or drinks and...

Roy... we can't.

No more dinners. No drinks.

From this moment forward, we have to be...


Jamie, it is just work.

We could either do it tonight, in private...

Or we do it tomorrow in court.

Either way, we won't be doing it together.

Well, if that's the way you want it...

Good luck to you, Ms. Sawyer.

Good luck to you, Mr. Rayder.

I'm gunning for you.

I'm coming at you with everything I've got.

I just hope you'll still
respect me in the morning.

Vi: Hey. I'm headed out.

Need to go pick up the kids.

Is it nice to have Alex home?


I am so impressed with him.

Charles has really turned him around.

You know, it's strange being
all together in one place.

This is the second time you've
stepped in to rescue one of mine.

Well, if Alex hadn't have gotten arrested,

we may never have met.

When Alex did that
smash-and-grab with those punks,

I thought he was going to jail.

I've never been so scared in my whole life.

And now...

We might lose everything.

The house is in Charles' name.

The kids' college fund...

Alex's private school...

If we lose...

We won't lose.

The first surgery was my idea.

I had a birthmark removed.

After we started dating,

Charles insisted on several procedures:

Pinning my ears,

sculpting my nose, the tummy tuck...

He "insisted"?

He said I needed to be
perfect for his colleagues.

I became a walking billboard.

And look at what it cost me.

I'll never know the joy of
bringing life into this world...

And it's all your fault.

Madison (Recording):
How dare you ignore my phone calls?

How dare you have your
whore of a nurse call me?

I'll make you pay, you
worthless piece of life,

if it's the last thing I do.

Now, did you leave that message

before or after you sued my client?


Was it before or after you
developed the infection?

Before, but if you're suggesting

that I gave myself sepsis and nearly died

because I was angry, you're crazy.

This log shows that you missed
four post-op appointments,

any one of which would
have detected the infection.

You didn't show up because you were angry

that Dr. Briggs ended your
relationship, weren't you?



Mr. Owens, I was a physician a
lot longer than I've been a judge,

which taught me that a little
badgering goes a long way.

Madison: I tried to
reschedule those appointments.

Charles ignored me.

And if he says otherwise,

he's lying.

Did Dr. Briggs ever suggest
breast augmentation?

No, I already had my breasts done.

You not only had your breasts done,

you had liposuction,

your eyes done,

vaginal reconstruction... ouch.

That sounds painful.

In fact, you had a total of 12 cosmetic
surgeries prior to meeting Dr. Briggs.


I had a few procedures.

That doesn't mean anything.

Well, it means that you're
a plastic surgery junkie

who became livid when Dr.
Briggs cut off your supply.

(Chickens clucking)


I need a Jackson for the cab.

What the hell are you doing here?

Told you, son...

Ain't a jail been built
that can hold a McCandless.

Two counts of attempted murder
and arson, and you walk free?


Two sweetest words in
the English language...

Insufficient evidence.

Keep it.

(Engine starts)

Thought you'd be at my pre-trial hearing.

Well, I got my own problems.

Guess that explains the liquid lunch.

By the way, I'm gonna need
a few grand for my lawyer.

Well, that ain't gonna happen.

Come on, boy!

Share the wealth. (Chuckles)

You got more than that in your pillowcase.

Not anymore.

Knox suspended me.

Suspended, huh?

We can beat that.

Let me shower, come up with a game plan.


But when I get my job back,

having you around ain't gonna help.

You got to find another place.

You wouldn't do that to your old man.

Roy: Why didn't you tell me that
you suspended Terry McCandless?

I didn't know I needed to keep you
in the loop on personnel decisions.

A key witness gets put on leave,

it does not look good.

Lee Anne is the liar here.

She seduced those men, including Terry.

That's all the jury needs to know.

(Quiet laugh) Jamie's argument...

is that there was a pattern of corruption.

So was there?

Last year, I launched an investigation

to weed out some bad cops.

Our main target was Terry McCandless.

My man on the inside was Preston Cruz.

Preston was undercover?

We had McCandless cold.

He was running guns with Russ Waterman.

Something happened during the bust.

And now Preston refuses to implicate him.

All right.

How much does Jamie know about this?

She knows Preston was undercover.

I told her myself.

Preston was dying.

I was the one who put him in harm's way.

She needed to know, so I told her.

If Jamie finds out that McCandless is dirty,

and that you are covering it up...?

I only told her about Preston.

If she knows anything else,
it didn't come from me.

All right.

Bailiff: All rise!

Welcome to the process of voir dire,

which means "to speak the truth."

So let's do just that and select us a jury.

Most people believe there is nothing
more important than jury selection.

I believe there's nothing more
important than jury selection.

The jury rejection process,
as I like to call it.

We're rejecting people who can hurt us.

This is Lee Anne Marcus, and
my name is Jamie Sawyer.

And I'm here to represent
the plaintiff in this case.

Roy Rayder, and we represent
the city of Charleston

and the police department in this case.

Does anyone have a relationship
with either litigant or attorney?

Bailiff: Step in.

Roy: Pick the right jury,

the case is basically won.

Eliminate the right juror,

and my job is 90% done.

He wants to be a cop, applied
to the academy just last week.

Juror six can be excused, Your Honor.

Her husband has sued the city
on three separate occasions.

Uh, we'd like to excuse
juror 12, Your Honor.

Jamie: My strategy is to
identify an Alpha juror

who will be on our side.

So, if you were the lone holdout,

you wouldn't feel pressured
to change your mind?

I'd listen, I'd examine the facts,

then I'd vote the way
my conscience dictates.

That one right there is an Alpha juror.

Worth two or three votes.

I see myself as a coach.

If I eliminate the outliers and
the bad seeds from my team...

I have three sick kids at home.

I'm scheduled for overseas deployment.

No, I was not abducted by aliens.

I went willingly.

The ones who remain will take us to victory.

How many of you have seen the sex tape

with my client and members
of the Charleston PD?

And how many of you can
disregard those images

and give everyone a fair shot?

Thank you.

Moss: Ladies and gentlemen,

the motto of this great
state is "dum spiro spero."

"While I breathe, I hope."

Know this.

You are the hope of this process.

Please stand.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me.

I will faithfully try
the issues of this case.

Jury: "I will faithfully try
the issues of this case."

And give a true verdict
according to the evidence.

"And give a true verdict
according to the evidence."

So help me God.

"So help me God." (Gavel bangs)

I'm sorry. He's a little friendly.

That's okay, really.

You're the, uh...

I think it's terrible what they did to you.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

Nothing can truly prepare
you for what's ahead.

At times, you'll want to get angry.

You can't.

The jury is looking to you for their cues.

Tell them when to care.

And show them when it hurts.

I understand.

All right, let's go over your testimony.

Oh, no, Jamie.

That man, juror eight.

I spoke to him in the park today.

Are you sure?

I didn't know he was a juror,
I swear I didn't know.

All right, now, first we need to
inform Judge Moss about the contact.

And then what?

Well, she'll either replace him with
an alternate or declare a mistrial.

Start the entire process over.

I can't make it another
couple of months, Jamie.

I'm barely holding on as it
is. Do we have to tell...?

Jury tampering is extremely serious.

Someone could've seen you,
or this could be a setup.

No, no one saw us.

Couldn't you just explain to the judge...?

It doesn't matter.

Judge Moss is going to
make her own decision.

Maybe I could help her make the one we want.

Does anyone else know about your
covert plan to become mayor?

No one.

Except you.

Look here, Barbara.

Nolan and I own this.

It's worth about $30 million, give or take.

We'll make a nice cut.

If I do this...

Four times the land.

Ten times the value.

But isn't that area being discussed
for historical preservation?

A process the mayor can
preempt with eminent domain.

Well, the money is nice.

The power that comes with
the mayor's office...

This is something our legacy deserves.

We can have it all.

There's only one problem, Decatur.

Or did you forget that you're
having a baby with your mistress?

(Laughing): Because...

I-I can assure you the press will not.

Lindsay's never had a child.

And she's determined to keep this baby.

But she'll say it isn't mine if she has to.

What you're saying is you want to keep it?

It's my child, Barbara.

And it could be a...

It could be a boy.

(Laughs): Of course.

You always wanted a son.


But you actually can't have it all, Decatur.

You'll never be mayor with a
pregnant mistress living in Charleston.

The question is:

What do you really want?

Alex: Why do I need to speak French?

Alana: Parce que c'est
le langage de I'amour.

Oh, gross. Who cares if
it's the language of love?

Oh, trust me, you will in a few years.

- Oh, I will?
- Yeah. Yeah, you will.

All right, then let me see.

Okay. Right here. (Alex speaking French)

What are these pills doing in your pocket?


I don't know.

Is this why you're doing so well in school?

Uh, mom.

Uh, maybe we should hear him out.

Answer me.

Are you doing drugs?


Are you serious right now?

You never had faith in me.

That's why you sent me away and kept Alana.

I sent you to live with your father

'cause it was the only way I
could keep from losing you.

And don't make me ask you again.

Those aren't mine.

That isn't even my jacket.

It's dad's.

I borrow it sometimes.

It's not what you think.

Really? 'Cause I think
you're taking uppers again.

Just like in med school.

You were addicted.

It took everything I had to get you clean.

And now you're putting Alex in harm's way?

Don't you throw that in my face!

Alex is fine.

He's better with me now
than he was with you.

You can't stand it.

I never understood how anybody
so educated could be so dumb.

How do you expect us to defend
against a negligence claim

when you're taking drugs?!

Us? What, are you a lawyer now?

Did you obtain these pills legally?

Of course.

Then show me your prescription.

Right. You don't have one.

Look, I work 14 hours a day.

They're just a pick-me-up.

Does Madison know about your pick-me-up?

No, she doesn't know.

I only started taking the
pills after she filed suit.

You better hope you're right.

'Cause if not, you can kiss
your medical practice good-bye.

As you know, trial is fast approaching,

so I just wanted to touch base
with all of my potential witnesses.

I need to know what you told Jamie

about being undercover.


Knox told you.

If Jamie knows that Terry is dirty

and that you are protecting him,

she'll use that information to paint
the entire department as corrupt.

I'm a cop.

I'm testifying on behalf of the city.

And I'll testify truthfully.


You haven't been big on the truth, Preston.

You lied to Knox about McCandless,

and you lied to Jamie about the sex tape.

I was undercover.

I nearly lost everything.

And I did lose Jamie.

Because I was doing my job.

Then let me do mine.

Stay away from opposing
counsel until after trial.


That's what this is about...

Me and Jamie.

You hate that I'm seeing her again.

No, no.

I am asking you to refrain from
giving ammunition to my opponent.

When the trial's over,

you can do whatever the hell you want.

But if she does ask me,

I'll tell her not to
settle for a guy like you.

She deserves better.

You don't have to worry about the case, Roy.

I'll never turn my back on the department.

But you listen to me closely.

When it comes to Jamie,

I'll do anything it takes to keep her.



Well, well.

Aren't you a pretty thing?

A little skinny for my taste,

but I get what Terry sees in you.

You're disgusting.

I'm disgusting?

You got your own peep
show on the nightly news.


That attitude makes me
want to finish the job.

What the hell is going on?!

Just meeting your little girlfriend.

Get inside!

What's the matter with you?!

Lee Anne, wait!

Wait. Why is that man in your house?!

Lee Anne, he just showed up.
I haven't figured it out yet.

I don't know. I mean, if I'd known you
were coming here, I never would've...

He tried to kill me!

Is everything okay? Why'd you come by here?

I don't know. I just...

I know what it's like to be
fired from that department,

to lose your identity,

to wake up in the morning
and have nowhere to go.

I just thought I could
be a shoulder for you.

But I won't come back.

Not if he's here.

(Door opens)

What are you doing?

What I should've done months ago.

Don't tell me...

That you are choosing that white trash bitch

over your own flesh and blood!

Get out!

Where am I supposed to go?!

Go shack up with one of those old widows

you love to get hammered
with! I don't give a rip!


You would never have made
it in this life without me.

You owe me.

This is four grand.

It's every cent I got in this world.

We'll call it even!

You're weak.

Just like your mother... weak.


Dr. Briggs, what do you think
caused the infection to Ms. Palmer?

There is simply no way to tell.

I mean, sometimes infections just happen.

But if Madison kept her post-op visits,

I would have caught the
infection and avoided this...

Did you notice that Madison
was experiencing leakage

with the drain you placed inside of her?

Look, there was no leakage. I checked.

I have here an affidavit
from Dr. Lawrence Jacobs,

the medical expert who examined Madison.

Please read the highlighted
section, if you would.

"Dr. Briggs used a controversial
new drainage technique

"when sealing the abdomen.

"This method caused unnecessary backflow.

"It is my opinion that
physician error rather than

"post-op neglect was responsible
for the patient's infection."

Do you happen to know Dr. Jacobs?

Yes. I did my fellowship under his guidance.

So, your own mentor thinks you're
liable for Madison's infection.


Move it along, Mr. Owens.

Do you suffer from exhaustion?

I'm a doctor. It's par for the course.

Has your exhaustion ever
caused any legal concern?

I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean.

I have a police report filed two
days prior to Madison's operation.

You fell asleep at the wheel and
drove off the road, didn't you?

- Objection.
- You were tired.

You performed a new operation.

- You made a mistake!
- This accident is irrelevant

to state of mind during
the surgery! Objection!

No, I'll answer.

I graduated at the head of my class.

I was voted one of the top
cosmetic surgeons in the country.

I did not make a mistake.

Of course you didn't make
a mistake, Dr. Briggs,

because everyone is wrong but you.

All right, I've heard enough.

I'll render my decision tomorrow.

I'm looking for records on Madison Palmer.

Yes, I'll hold.

You're really going to bat for a man

who's caused you so much pain.

Pain goes away, but the legacy
we built for Alana and Alex?

I don't want his name tainted in their eyes.

You never told me why you got divorced.

Well, Charles is an
excellent father and doctor,

but he was a lousy husband.

Once he started scaling the social ladder,

my jagged edges and sistah-girl ways

just didn't make the cut.

So he left you 'cause he
thought you weren't good enough?


I left him because I
finally figured out I was.


Wait, in person?

Thank you so much.

I was checking Madison's
past medical claims,

and I found this.

This is for fertility treatments.

If she had fertility issues
prior to her operation,

we may be able to mitigate the damages.

Can we get those records?

Well, we have her medical release on file,

but it has to be presented in person.

The office opens at 10:00 A.M. in Atlanta.

I'm on the first plane out.

You'll never make it back in
time for the arbitration ruling.

You want to bet?

(Dog barks)

(Rustling, barking continue)

Pop, is that you?


Toss it!

I told you, I-I don't have your money.

Then this will end badly for you.

- On your knees.
- Go to hell!


I-I don't have your money, but I'm a cop.

I can help you find it.

You were a cop.

Now you're a dead man.

(Neck snaps)

(Plastic bag rustles)

Are you gonna tell me who this fella was?

Would it matter?

Why don't you come back to the house?

No, I gotta get going.

I just came by to give you this anyway.

Just keep it as a reward for saving my ass.

Saving your ass is my job.

You're my son. I'll be fine.

I always make do.

Hey, pop.

Thank you.

Your Honor, I'd like a short recess.

There's some new evidence...

Request denied, Ms. Sawyer.

This has been a difficult decision...

In part because it's two decisions.

First, was there negligence
on the part of Dr. Briggs?

And second, if so...

Your Honor, I apologize, but
this is extremely important.

Ms. Sawyer, I need an explanation.

This is the new evidence
I was talking about.

A little leeway?


Ms. Palmer, who is Dr. Peter Langley?

He's a fertility specialist.

Did Dr. Langley ever treat you?


But I don't see why that matters.

This is a copy of your medical file

and a sworn affidavit from Dr. Langley.

He informed you six years ago that

there was no chance you
could ever have children.

You lied, Ms. Palmer.

The infection didn't cause your infertility.

It hid a preexisting condition

just long enough for you
to make a million dollars.

Anything to add, Ms. Palmer?

In light of this evidence,

I'm ruling for Dr. Briggs

and ordering that Ms. Palmer pay
all costs for this arbitration.

We are adjourned.

Thank you.

Charles: No, just-just make the
appointment for tomorrow, okay?

All right.

(Clears throat)

Look, I just want to say
thank you for believing in me.

You're an amazing woman

who is capable of anything
you set your mind to.

Thank you, Charles.

I've often thought that...

losing you was the biggest
mistake of my life.

Oh, it was.


We've both made mistakes,

but I think it's time that
I correct one of mine.

You can't do drugs and live
under the same roof with Alex.

I want him back home with me,

at least until you get clean.

Listen, I'm grateful...

And I'll stop taking the pills,

but I'm not letting you take my son.

If you want a fight, I'm ready,

but I think we should
do what's best for him.

What suddenly makes you the expert?

She's right, dad. You need help.

And I'm gonna stay with
mom while you get it.

Have a seat, Lindsay, please.

These past few years of getting to know you

have changed my world.

You are a breath of Southern air.


But I can't be the man you need me to be.

What's this?

This is my promise to
always take care of you.

The details are outlined in the document.

In return, you release me
from any parental obligation,

you keep quiet and you
leave Charleston forever.

You're trying to buy me off?

I'm sorry, Lindsay.

Dec, this isn't you.

This is Barbara.

You look me in the eye.

You look me in the eye and you tell me

that you don't want to
be a father to this baby,

that you don't love me.

Barbara is my wife.

That's never going to change.

I don't love you.

(Papers rustling)

I thought you'd want to know...

You're having a son.

Damn it, Lee Anne, this is my fifth message.

My dad's gone.

I sent him packing.

Just call me back. We need to talk.

The contact with juror number eight

was inadvertent and incidental,

and my client came forth immediately.

This disturbs me, Ms. Sawyer.

I view the jury process as sacrosanct,

and it has been defiled by this conduct.

That's why I move for an immediate mistrial.

There's no way that we can
conduct an unbiased trial

for my client here in Charleston.

We'll start over, move
for a change of venue...

You're not ready, are you, Ms. Sawyer?

You're thanking your lucky stars
that juror talked to your client

so you could have more time.

Roy: Your Honor, for once, I
actually agree with Ms. Sawyer.

This case should...

There will be no mistrial.

This case will proceed in my courtroom,

which has always been free of bias.

I resent the implication that
it has ever been otherwise.

I'm replacing juror number eight with
first alternate, Nicolette Graham.


Ms. Graham, it seems
your service is required.

Are you prepared to become
our new juror number eight?

I am, Your Honor.

Very well. Trial begins tomorrow.

It promises to be one heck of a day.

It worked.

I'm on the jury.

Don't worry.

I'll make sure you get the
outcome you're looking for.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,

this case is...


Ladies and gentlemen,
this case is about one thing

and one thing only:



♪ People tell me there will come a time ♪

♪ When your heart and mine... ♪


Sorry to drop by like this,

but I, uh... I needed to see you.

Okay. Come in.

Thanks, but, um...

I think it's best if I just
say my piece right here.

♪ You won't ever be alone... ♪

Look, I know, over the next couple of weeks,

we're gonna be at each other's throats.

We're gonna do things we regret

and say things we don't mean.

But this is my promise to you:

No matter what happens, win or lose,

when this is over...

I'm gonna make you fall in love with me.

♪ As long as you're around I'll follow you ♪

♪ And I will be ♪

♪ Wherever you go. ♪