Reckless (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You could have said
you were staying in a hotel.

You found me.

Yeah, Anna told me.

Is she all right?

Did she sound all right?


Then she's not all right, is she?

Morning. Eddie, by the way.
We've spoken on the phone.

We thought you were a figment.

If I'm in bed when you come,
it's because I want to be.

You still haven't said which.
Which what?

This one or that one.
You didn't know.

You choose.

Michelle, it's Anna.

Won't be in today.

Brian in yet?

I've a 10:30 with Gillow's.

Ask him to look after it for me,
will you? Why not?

Then get someone else to do it!


"I'm sorry, we can't
get to the phone now

but please leave a message."

I should bloody well think so.

This is perfect.

Senior Surgical Officer.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Botswana.

Accommodation, relocation expenses,
living expenses, tennis courts!

If she knows you sent the note,
there's no redemption.

I'd book your ticket.
You're dead in the water.

I apologise for my behaviour.
I'm not like that. Forgive me.

You'll get a good reference.

Don't bother.
I withdrew my application.

If I can still get shafted
by the likes of you, I'm not ready.


You did the right thing, moving out.


You stand more chance
of looking like a victim.

You've been through all this,
haven't you?

If she wants him,
there's bugger all else I can do.

She's said she wants him?

It's different for you
because you divorced her.

I've never felt like this.
I can't relax.

I divorced her
to show her how much she hurt me.

A bit arse-about-face, if you loved her.

By the time I recovered,
the decree nisi was through.

He was a consultant.

Do I know him?

Hussein from St Barney's.

Hussein... Hussein.

It was your wife, was it?

Why haven't we spoken about this before?

Because you've never needed to...

"Richard, it's mother."

"I just wanted to wish you
happy birthday, darling."

"Have you spoken to Anna? Have you
told her what I told you to say?"

"Don't let me down."

"I'd be disappointed
if you let her go."

"Show her the pictures.
Bordeaux, 1991."

"You both looked so happy then."

"Things can't have changed."

"If you can't find them,
I've got a set."

"I'll post them today."

"I've written to her,
but I haven't heard back."

"Your father's
more upset than I am."

"Please don't let her start talking
about a divorce."

"Promise me that. I love you lots."

Go on, get on with it.

House sale?

She'll go through the mechanics,
whatever you do. It's obligatory.

Has she made you an offer?
60/40, in her favour.

Have you agreed?
Not yet.


Stand your ground briefly,
then concede the lot.

Did that do you any good?

No. I lost the house,
but the gesture was crucial.

Your husband's solicitor rang.
They've changed the offer.

They've got a nerve. To what?

They're faxing it through.
Coffee while we wait?


How you doin'?


Has Anna been in today, Myrtle?


What day is it?
It's Thursday.


You sure?


You see, that's today's paper.

Who brought that in for you?

He did.

But this is ridiculous!
Why's he doing this?

I don't think we should delay.
We're typing the acceptance letter.

I haven't asked
for his share of the house.

Why's he doing this?





Fastest money I've earnt.

Fax it now, won't you?

Don't send it.

What's wrong?

It's just...


Give us a pint and a meat pie, Alan.

And some peanuts for the monkey.
Two pints.

Right, this is unmissable.

"Kuala Lumpur.
Head of Military Surgical Training."

You're overqualified.
You're under 40. It's yours.

And you wouldn't have to eat that shit.



The same as she's having,
and the wine list.

This is water.
I've ordered the wine.

I see.

I'm sorry I missed your birthday.
It wasn't deliberate.

It's stunning.

Thank you.

I bought it in Paris. In January.

All right. All right.

Somebody's 30th.

And it's full of people
the same age - ish, OK?

She trots along with you.
Now, what is she wearing?

What are others thinking?

Does she feel comfortable?
Do you? You want a laugh.

What can you do with mother
in the room? Nothing.

You just got off the Titanic
at Southampton. Move on.

You know what's tragic about you?

Your problem is facing the truth.

There are 6,000,000 sperm in a shot.

And 5,999,999 of them were
bright enough to avoid being you.

I'm an optimist, Danny.

I'm a positive person.


Your other problem is...

that she is having dinner
with him... tonight.

How do you know that?

Some files. I dropped some files
into Crane's office

and this was on the computer.

I'm really sorry.

Why have you given me everything?
In the divorce?

You deserve it.

Do you feel guilty?

A little bit.

I'm trying to make things look
as they really are.

Please stop the divorce.

We've only told the truth
since that started.

You want to stop telling the truth?

The truth was out of context.

How badly did you want children?


But you couldn't tell me
that very important thing.

Is that the sort of marriage you want?

It's worth repairing, surely.

You want what someone took from you.

You needed things to change.
Well, they've changed.

And I think we should go back
to a 60/40 split.

No... 50/50.

Then we're only as guilty as each other.

I think I'll have
some of that wine now, please.

Nice evening?



What have you been talking about?

Not you.

Excuse me.

What've you been talking about?

You don't need to know.

I love you.

I don't need you
to make me feel good or bad.

I love you.

You sent a note pretending to be me.

I love you.

He's off in a hotel with a bimbo.
I didn't want to know.

You made decisions about what you want.

I love you.

You knew all the time.

You lied. I've had to suffer
the consequences, you bastard.

I love you.

I didn't mean to hurt you, Anna.

People keep saying that.
It means sod all!

Nothing I do...

Nothing I say or think or breathe
happens without you.

I'll pay any price for any mistakes...

but I can't lose you.


Please, Anna...

Tell me you love me.

"I'm sorry,
we can't get to the phone now,

but please leave a message."

"Anna, this is Vivien Reid."

"Vivien Reid?"

"I wondered if you wanted to meet?"

"Probably not. It just seemed like
a grown-up thing to offer."

"My home number is 928 6507."


"If you'd like to leave a message,
speak after the tone."

just wondering what happened to you.

If you're there,
would you please pick up the phone?

I waited for you
at the bank to sign the papers.

I don't know whether you forgot,
changed your mind, or what. But...

Anyway, please ring me.

I agree with Man A.

I think he's absolutely right.

I dipped out of that marriage

the minute
I saw how fast he was travelling.

And I was envious.

Envious of his... success.

And if he wanted children
and couldn't say that...

what sort of signal was I giving out?


Man B...

just lit the touch paper, didn't he?

I dived on him
when the boat hit the rocks.




Revenge for what?

I went for a totally different man
than the man that I married

because I thought I was making a point.

And now I can see
that Man A and Man B are...

so similar.

What is it about me?

Why? Why do I pick these...

self-centred people?

(I don't know.)

It must be something in me.

Have you told me this before?


Is Anna in?
She isn't, no.

Just tell her I'm here, will you?
She's out.



State of that?

Day before yesterday.

Has the car been here?

Just the decorator's van.

Did she say anything?

Well, yes.

Look, don't bugger about.

She came in for a drink.

We had 15 minutes and a cup of tea.
Then she left. All right?

How the hell did you get in?

She gave us a set of keys.

Her car hasn't been here?

No. The milk was on the step today.

The other fella came again, though.

He's been looking for her an' all.

What are you trying to do?

You left a message on the machine.

What harm could it do?

Well, you tell me.

There's a month's salary there.

They were meant as ammunition,
but that kind of lost its point.

What you did was bloody selfish!

Everybody else has been, why can't I?

I would have become anything for you.

All you've done is make me feel
like a silly little girl.

Something I'm not totally proud of.

Me neither. I apologise. I'll go.

I'm pregnant.

Since when?

Two and a half months.

Look - No, you don't say anything.

I'll -

No. I don't want to know
what you're going to do.

You have to wait to see
what I'm going to do.

And I haven't decided.

I've got a friend coming round.

So, if you don't want
to be seen here, I'd vanish.

I'm not in the mood for games.
Can I see your letter, please?

It's the same.


That somewhere you go often, is it?

She asks to be left alone.

You want to know where she is.

That's why this isn't gonna work.

What's not?

A gentlemen's agreement.
Not to pursue her.

Don't make on you know where she is.

If you knew,
you'd be out that door like a shot.

I wouldn't. I respect her.

I think you're panicking.

You know I'm better at it than you.

Whatever you think.

OK. I'll agree
to a gentlemen's agreement.

She's left alone, without prejudice,
to make her own decisions?



You've got the number, she says so.

"In the event
of an emergency with mother..."

This isn't an emergency.

Her mother's in trouble.
I need to ring her.

You'll take the risk?


Her mother dies.
How does she feel then, Lorraine?

It's 'Michelle'.
Michelle, sorry.

I've been married to her for 25 years.

Why should you decide
when I speak to her?

Because she told me to.

What if I were to make
a small donation? What do you say?

You're blocking my doorway.

No, I think your parents
did that for you.

Hi, Michelle. How you doing?


I bet she's great to work for.

When you meet her, you'd never guess
she'd be a right laugh.

I'm not listening.

Did she talk about us?

There must have been rumours.

Office gossip.

You all knew about us, didn't you?

Did you know me and him had a scrap?


I didn't think she'd shout about that.

Yeah, we both got arrested.
You're kidding! Who won?

Do I look like an honest bloke to you?

That depends what your next question is.

If I said I loved you

more times than you could count,
would you believe me?

She doesn't either, but it's true.

I didn't say I wouldn't.

She'd believe me if I told her
I nicked the number out your office.

Or nicked it from your bag.

I could make her believe that.

She would expect me to do that.
But it's not written down anywhere.

OK. Just answer me one more thing.

Did she seem more happy or less
happy since the rumours started?

Yeah, but she's not so cheerful now.

Come on, Michelle.

I'm not a liar.

She knows I love her.
I swear to God.

Look at me, Michelle.

I wouldn't let you down.


01452 721 683.



01452 721 683.


Oh, shit!

01452 721 683.

01452 721 683.

Don't talk to me.
Have you got a pen? No?

01452 721 683.




Where are you, Anna?

(01452 721 683)

Anna, don't put the phone down.


Very sorry. There's a queue.

I just want to ring a taxi.

You can. After I've finished.
That's how queues work.

You've been on all bleeding night.

So? It's a public call box.


What's your name? What's your name?
Written on here, is it?

It's Melvyn, and you'd best
apologise to my girlfriend, mouth!

I'm sorry you're with this donkey.

Here we go.

All right! Back in your boxes!

Melvyn, I'm warning you!

If our Mam hears, you'll be out!

That prick started it.

He's right. I saw it.
It's not your fault.

I always knew you'd be like this.
I knew from about three.

Every time we took your nappy off,

you'd wait 10 minutes and shit on
the carpet.

It gave me great pleasure watching
you eat your crisps off the floor.

You're as clueless now as you were then.

Remember Willy Tattersall?
Lived next door to Granddad?

Worked for the old GPO.
Had a phone in the toilet. the toilet.

That's why he got sacked.

Had phones all over the house.

When somebody rang him up,
the roof shook.

I bet he could get you

an address for that number.

What, now?

No, not now.

He's a businessman,
he does things like a businessman.

And you're a surgeon,
so stop doing things like a dick.

Have you owt for me, Willy?

Where's that?

How should I know?
Buy an A-to-Z when you get there.

Thanks, Dad.


Something off the top shelf, Marty.
Surprise me.

(Bunch of your best, please.)

♪ Edelweiss

♪ Edel-

Go right, right again, bear left,
stick with it, left at the bridge.

♪ Edelweiss



You bastards!!
I'll ring the police.

No, I don't want the police.

I want a taxi.
I'll ring you a taxi, then.

I left me wallet in the car.

You're knackered, then, aren't you?

Can I come in?

I'm sorry,
the hot water's on an immersion.

It'll be about half an hour.

So long as you don't mind seeing
the wettest willy since Waldegrave.

Oh, God!

Anna, please don't make any decisions.

I haven't come to rush any decisions.

Don't shake your head. Don't!

I'm gonna go away again
so you can just think.

It isn't going to work, Owen.

I won't even ring.

I promise. I -



Because it should never have
happened in the first place.


the only reason it did was...

my problem.

It's not a problem
to want to change your life.

You want what he gave you?

Look, I don't want what anybody gave me!

I'm selling the house.

I'll get the divorce.

And I'll think about things properly
from there.

You're wrong.

There isn't anything
that anyone can say.

It's the only way I can go on.

You're wrong!

Look, we would never have managed
to keep this up.

Not in the real world.

(You're wrong.)

(I'm sorry.)

Don't do that.

Don't. Don't go like that.

Look, Owen, take the car.

Take my car!


Well, that's bloody stupid!

TANNOY: "Platform 6 for the 16:30
InterCity West Coast service

to London Euston,
calling at Stockport, Macclesfield,

Milton Keynes and Euston."

"The train at platform 6

is the 16:30
Pullman service to London Euston."

Bye, Dad.

You look after yourself.

Yeah. You an' all.

See you soon, Irma.

Do you trust me with this?

So long as it stops you drinking.

See you.

I haven't decided.


It's glowing, obviously.

I can't fault you as a surgeon.
I'd look a fool if I tried to.

All you've done

is damage her.

There are 24 years, 7 months
and 16 days in there.

And I refuse to believe
she can recover without me.

And that's not arrogance, Springer.
That's devotion.

But you'd know nothing about that.

I've worked
with some of the best in my time,

and some of the worst.

But I just want to say
to all the staff at St Gregory's

you're crap!


Belting house.
Would you like to come in, Arnold?

No. I've a couple of errands.

He's gone off for the knees-up.

Well, hardly that - if he's still
planning to get the half past.

Anyway, take care of yourself, eh?

If you fancy your chances
on the Bingo, give us a ring.

I will.

"Platform 6 for the 16:30
InterCity Service to London,

calling at Stockport, Macclesfield,

Stoke-on-Trent, Milton Keynes
and London Euston."

"The train at platform 6
is the 16:30 to London."

Oh, no!

Subtitles by ITV SignPost