Reckless (1997–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

As the couple realize they love rather than just lust after each other, Anna's husband hire a private detective, and Viv becomes the archetypal woman scorned.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
'Imagine you've a day off.'

'You see an accident
involving a child.'

'Now, you're a doctor, so you
step in and save the boy's life.'

'You follow up, check he's OK.'

'His mother's in shock.
You get her something to eat.'

'Now you're up
with the angels in high esteem,...

..because you were there
when life went wrong.'

she's madly in love with you.'

Has this got a happy ending ?

Would you trust
her instinct to love you ?

Trust it,
overshadowed by that trauma ?

Would I hell !
Why not ?

Because it's irrational.

She's in shock !

And she's bloody hypothetical !

A few weeks ago, Anna Crane
was devoted to her husband.

Now she's
passionately devoted to you.

That's not a big leap for you ?

No. She's in love with me, John.

Can people change so fast ?

If you'd touched her, you'd know.

If you'd kissed her, you'd know.

If you slept with her,
you would know.

OK, stick us on the list.

It's not funny, McGinley.
No, she wouldn't look at me.

That dashboard is fantastic !
The upholstery is really tactile.

And the engine is very sexy.

But I'll be absolutely
straight with you, mate.

I prefer making love to women.

He's feeling a bit left out.
Try selling him one.

"So where are you now ?"

The office.

"What are you thinking about ?"



I should be in a meeting.

"What were you thinking of before ?"


I can smell you.

"When do I see you ?"

I'm due out of theatre at six.
Shall I come round ?

I won't finish till seven.

Can you cook ?

Can I cook !
Good !

It will be.

I love you.

I love you.

Oh, get some drinks. We've run out.

I didn't catch the first bit ?

I love you ! Goodbye.

I could have been anybody !

She said we ! We've run out.

That's nice for you !

John says to tell you...

..we've got a patient
in theatre six with half a bowel.

You're on a couch in
the shrink's office. Life's great.

You're sure you've
got the numbers up for the lottery.

The shrink says that's a neurosis,
and it's his job to ease the pain.

No, you say, I'm a happy man. He
says, it's a 14 million:1 outsider.

You're sick to think you cracked it.

So, do you let him do his job
and you feel miserable ?

Or do you get up and walk out happy?

I got four numbers once.
£13 bloody 50 !

I'd walk out.

"This mobile phone
is switched off. Please try later."

Yes ?

Owen Springer
took back his resignation.

I've no idea what's going on.


Gordon's happy if you are ?

Good. Yeah.

There was a question in there.

Yes, yes. I'm sorry.
Yes, of course. I'll speak to him.

How are you ?
Lonely. Thanks for asking.

Me too.

She moved to her mother's. It
won't last, she loathes the place.

I'm at home tonight
if you want to talk.

You don't have to say now.

Most of you have no idea
why you lose good staff.

And you're right to be anxious.

AFO has techniques
to improve your working standards.

We work with management
and labour on individual problems...

..before they become
industrial problems.

Now we'll show you
a short promotional film.

Like all such films,
it makes us look fantastic.

After that, our HODs will talk
about their departments,...

..Finance, Recruitment
and Development. Thank you.

I'd have waited.
I'm only back in for the hard sell.

They look as if they're buying it.
It's all true ! Why shouldn't they ?

Um... Can I buy you lunch ?

I really don't think
I want to eat with you.

Anna !

I am...

..paralysed without you.
Please come home.

The operation went very well.

The lower bowel was healthier
than the pictures led us to believe.

The surgery was minimal.
What we'll do...

We'll keep an eye on her
for the next few days,...

..and that should see
the back of her problems.

I, um...
I need to be somewhere else.

Three times you've avoided me !

You used to take the piss.

You're a junior doctor,
and that's what junior doctors do.

How did I suddenly
gain your respect, Danny ?

I need to think about that.

Let's swap secrets.

I don't want to swap secrets.
Yes, you do. It's a scream.

Mine is - and you're the
only person in the world I've told -

I've been screwing your boss.

I don't see your pupils dilating.

Wasn't a secret, was it, Danny ?

How did you find out ?

By accident.
I rang your emergency number once...

..and, er, he answered the phone.

When was this ?
November. Ish.

You've known since November ?

November 25th. Ish.

Oh. Why blab now ? Why would you
want to dump me in the shit now ?

It's nothing to do with me.
I've got nothing more to say.

You have no career, if
Crane finds out you told his wife.

Yes, but I didn't !

I believe you.

I think Owen Springer
had something to do with it.

Now your pupils are dilating !

I've done nothing wrong !

And blackmail is an uglier word
on your file than gobshite,... let's just
leave my career out of this.

I've... I've left my mobile...
in the car.

Can I borrow yours, please ?

Er, Joyce... um, Crane.

Tied up,
but you know how to find me ? Good.

Yes ?

No. Not... not now.

Why did you need my phone ?

It's a complete aberration !
I don't know.


Where have you left things
with your lover ?

It's over. It's completely over.

How did you break it to her ?

I... We...

I told her that I loved you.

You told her that you love me
and it's over ?

Or you just told her
that you love me ?

It was very clear, very terminal.

The former.

Someone rings my mobile
on the hour and hangs up.

Vivien wouldn't do that.
Vivien Reid ?

You asked her home to dinner
six months ago ?

Called her a hybrid of Virginia
Bottomley and Peter Cushing ?

By then you must have been
sleeping with her - six months ?

I - I deserved that.

That, um... That's put me
a couple of points in credit.

That gives you credit.

Fire away !

Have you done something
to hurt me back ?

Mm ! Initially, yes.

Are you seeing someone ?

I've tasted what you tasted.

I understand totally
how confused you get.

You have my sympathies.

I've done this ! I've done this !

Who ?

Is it someone we know ?

Is - Is it a friend ?

My friend.

Not yours.

Anna !

Anna, who ? Who is it ?

I'll invite some men round,
you can work out which !

You're not like that !

I know !

Dad, I left two carrier bags
in the hall. Have you seen them ?

Don't look at me like that !

I know what I'm doing.

Braise in the oil,
fold in the claret,...

..and simmer for, er... 50 minutes.

That was meant to be for tonight !

Er, it is tonight !

For me tonight !

Well then, have some.

It better be good ! I turned down
chips and curry. Hiya, Owen !

What ?
How late is the supermarket open ?

What time is it now ?

Oh, shit !

Was this for her ?

Oh, right.

Oh, right ! I thought
he'd just got the shopping in.

Well, I'm not clairvoyant, am I ?

Looks nice. Do you want an olive ?

No, I can't stick 'em.

This is great !
It's like camping out.

I've booked a van
to bring my things over.

Does your mum know you've moved in ?

I've told her. I don't think
she took it in. What's that ?

Marmite toasties. Try it !

Bite the toast, swig the beer.

Oh, that's great !

Makes it taste malty and yeasty.
You try it.

Oh, that's disgusting !

It's a well-known aphrodisiac.

Ugh, well-known where ?

Oh, my God, he's a total regressive!

I won't be able
to take him anywhere !

Would you want to ?

I want to take you everywhere.

Owen !

Yeah. Car boot sale.

You're blushing !

She blushes !

Oh, it must have cost -

Nah, I just sold a flat
in Notting Hill.

What else have I got
to spend my money on ?

Are you tired ?

Depends what you're offering !

Your Loving Arms

# So many times
have I asked you to tell me

# That I'm your girl

# Cos time after time
I have needed a reason

# Just to get inside your world

# So many times
have I asked you to ask me

# How it feels to love

# And once love
seems the only conclusion

# That I'm guilty of, oh, baby

# Then you

# Put your loving arms around me

# And it feels like shelter

# When you

# Put your loving arms around me

# Inside your arms... #

# SADE: Smooth Operator

A classical education, obviously.
But, um...

I think beer and marmite's
got the edge.

I'm sorry it's so late.

I'm just, erm... I just need...

I mean,
obviously there's no question...

I'm not here to stay the night.

I can live with that.

No !
Go on.

No !

Why do you want to know that ?

Cos I do ! Well, I don't. Go on !

My first boyfriend was
an Italian exchange student,...

..who stayed at our house.

He was a few years older than me.
My sister's exchange partner.

So you've an early history
of infidelity. And his name ?

Giovanni Degani.

Handsome ?

Beautiful !
I hate his guts ! Next.

No, no !

Your turn.

My first proper girlfriend... ?
Tina Marshall !

We're talking about regular sex.

You had regular sex
with Giovanni Degani ?

Top, bottom, everything ?

I don't like Italians !
They're very pushy people.

Giovanni Degani was not pushy !

Tina Marshall ?

Tina Marshall !

She was taller than me,
she was wider than me,...

..and she was stronger than me.

And she wasn't that beautiful !

You've a history of bad choices ?

What was the attraction ?

Her dad ! A crowd-control policeman.

He got us free tickets to Knebworth.

Oh, that's terrible !

That's the only reason
you went out with her ?

She got what she wanted.

We had more sex
than a pair of chinchillas.

Owen, that's completely mercenary !

I was ! I am.

In the end, she ditched us
for a Lou Reed lookalike.

Anna, I don't want to feel
we're cramming all this in !

Don't start discussing it, then.

OK, I won't.

Doesn't it bother you ?

Yes, of course it bothers me !
I look at the obstacles, and...

..look at how we got here.

It won't always be this easy,
will it ?

I need to ask a favour.

Hm ?

She's been a bit silly. She...

Because of this,
she's now seeing somebody else.

And I know I'm not in a position
to complain about that, but...

I want... I don't know, I want to,
er, find some sort of detective,...

..private detective, or...

You want me to ?

I wouldn't know where to start.

And I do ?

This isn't a bloody hobby, Richard !

No, I know you're the last person
I should ask, but...

I just need some help,
and I'd be very grateful.

Sure you want to know who he is ?

Oh, I'm absolutely certain
I want to know who he is !

I've used all the hot water !

What are you doing up ?

Off down to Chester Races
with the Buffaloes.

Buffaloes ?

League of gentlemen
dedicated to the public good.

Our lot are old gits
with chest infections.

As I'm not paying, I don't care.

Bought you a razor ? It'll be
a bungalow next. Is that good news ?

N-reg Audi !
That's not welfare state, is it ?

How is she ?

She's fine !

I didn't get a close look.

But from what I saw,
you've set a standard.

Will you be introducing us ?


Why not ? You're mine, I seeded you.

If she loves you that much, she must
be curious about your background ?

No. You didn't
come into the conversation.

She's bright enough to fill the gaps

There's only one problem
with women like that.

And you would know

It took you so long to get this far.

She married him,
she's used to better.

What's left
once the nookie wears off ?

I know about men like you, Dad.

You think foreplay's
remembering their name.

You think nookie's all-important !
You've got it out of perspective.

Lay off the Golden Poker
and see what happens.

She'll bloody vapourise !
You don't know her, Dad.

Well, like I said.

Fetch her round,
put me in the picture.

I'll see you there.
OK, love.

Julie. Julie Foster ?

I'm Mr Springer.

And I'm a really nice guy.

Is it your first time in hospital,
Julie ?

Owen ! We need to talk.

What about ?

The menstrual cycle of insects
What do you think ?

OK. I think Viv Reid is on the case.

And how did that happen, Danny ?
Not me ! She knew before she asked.

I am absolutely in the clear.

You keep it that way, OK ?

For my sake. For yours, I'd think
twice, you ungrateful bastard.

I'll get you a drink !

Get me a date.
Then we can discuss it.

Stupid, stupid, stupid bitch !

I didn't mean that.
I didn't mean that !

Sorry !

God !

Mum, you know I've er...

..moved into your place for a bit ?

Mm ?

Would you mind if I took
some bits and pieces there ?

What kind of bits ?

You understand what's happening,
don't you, Mum ?

I'm leaving Richard.

Ah ! That didn't last long.


You are being looked after,
are you, darling ?

I am.

I really am !

Ahh !

Ooh !
What's that ?

Your chair ! I tripped over it
when I got dressed.

I only kept it to make your dad
think he was drunker than he was !

Did your man get you drunk ?

We got drunk together.

Oh, I love it when that happens !

Course, that doesn't last
for very long, does it ?

Is he good ?

Mum !

Well, it matters ! Sex matters.

'Her name's Anna Crane,...

..but she trades
as the Anna Fairley Organisation.

Car registration, mobile,...

A mobile number which I think
belongs to... um, her consort.

And £300 cash as a down payment.

I'm very grateful for the business !
Thank you.

Very insensitive,
but I'm glad you're motivated.

I've only got your mobile number.

That's right.

Nothing else you can tell me
about the man ?

He's younger than she is.

Are you guessing that ?
I don't think so.

The situation's very complex.

And I can't afford a single error.

Anyway, I've got to go.


What I don't want is photographs.

No photographs, just information.

I understand.
Just a surveillance log.

Discreetly fed back, so you
can identify the third party,...

..then you and your daughter can
decide about the lady of the house.

Mr Penman !

I want photographs.

Do you want to try driving it ?


Right. Which way ?

You're driving !

That way looks handy.

Oh, yeah ! Yeah. Oh !

Get off !

Bugger off !

Jesus Christ !

Oh, are you all right ?
Monty ! Monty !

Here, Monty ! Here, Monty !

They're friendly !
I'm bloody not !

I do apologise !
I'm bleeding.

Good boy ! Good boy.

Good boy ? Little bastard
wants its teeth pulling !

With your luck,
you wouldn't get lockjaw.

You'd get a permanent hard-on and
the female population at your feet !

You don't deserve me.
I've never been so compromised !

I am an honest person.
Dressing ?

If you'd been dressed,
this wouldn't have happened.

Viv Reid's home number.
She wants you to give her a ring.

The least you can do
is give her a bit of time !


Oh, and thanks !

Do you find her attractive ?

Who, Anna Crane ?
She's older than I go for.

Too middle class,
and her attitude puts me right off.

Apart from that,
she's absolutely stunning !

I'm beginning to dream of her.

I think she's completely sexless.

That's the cabbage
calling a sprout green !

In 20 years' time, Owen's 50.
She will be almost 70.

It's from the Fortean Times !

'I lived over the brush
with a Palaeozoic fossil.'

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Anybody seen Owen Springer ?


Are these third or fourth ?


Did you send that message ?

Will you get that off ?!

Look, that note proves bugger all.

Why would you want to hurt me ?

I didn't.

You wanted to hurt him ?


You're aware
you've wrecked his marriage ?

I'm not as bad as you think I am !

Whose standards are we going off ?

Obviously, I'm off the scale
on account of ritual adultery.

But where are you, Springer ?

Where are you and Anna Crane ?

Did Danny Glassman say that ?

I told you, Springer.
There are information-in people...

..and information-out people.
One species lives longer.

You're way off beam, Vivien !

He's having her followed
by a private detective.

You don't even know her !

How the hell did that happen ?

It's a long story.

Are you gonna tell him ?

Piss off !

Hello, Myrtle.

No, no, no !
If you're tired, you should sleep.

I was looking at my eyelids
from the inside.

What time is it ?

Half past one. I came to give you
a check, if you feel up to it ?


That's all right.

There we are.

Anna popped in. Was that nice ?
I think so.

Did she bring you the book ?

This ? No !

No, I never let it out of my sight.

Talk about anything nice ?


Did she say
she's living in your house now ?

I-Is she bringing bits in ?

Certainly is !

Did she tell you about her friend ?
Her new friend ?


Were you there when they got drunk ?


Ohhh !

Has he got a name,
this, erm... this friend ?

Did she say a name ?
I don't think she said -

Alan !

Alan ?

Miladdo turned out to be
a bit of a shit, didn't he ?

Thank you.

Scissors, please.

"Hello, this is Mr Penman."

"Good news. Very good news."

"I've made contact with the target."

"Malcolm Crossley.
He's a car mechanic."

You're off your bloody head, man !

"He works at Crossley Motors
in Greeley Street."

You've actually seen
this mechanic with my wife ?

"Oh, yes. He drives a green MGB."

"Licence number YAP 40J."

Where's Malcolm Crossley ?

Round the back.

Malcolm Crossley !
Do you know who I am ?

Get up.

Get out !

There's been a mistake.

I'm very sorry !

I'm so terribly sorry.

Do you own one of these in green ?

Not any more. Sold it yesterday.

Who to ?
Who wants to know ?

I do !

Pass us those yellow receipts,
Pen, please ?

Mr McGinley, where's Mr Springer ?
I - I don't know.

Where is he ?
I don't know, sir.

This is John McGinley.
Bleep Owen Springer.

Tell him to go up
to the main car park now.

Mr Springer ? Mr Owen MG Springer ?

No ? Thank you.

John ! John, John, John !

Oh, my God ! Oh, my God !

Shut up !

Let me.

Thanks !

Ooh !

Please ! Calm down !
Owen, out of here, now !

Get off ! Get off me !
No !

Get off me !

Will you calm down ?!

Vivien, move !
Get out of the way !

No !

Vivien, please move.


You keep doing this, McGinley.

He didn't even like me.

I pushed and preened
for six bloody months...

..before I got
so much as a handshake.

I feel like
he never took his gloves off.

Springer wouldn't agree with that.

How did he get mixed up with her,
for God's sake ?

They met before he got the job.

In London ?

On the train on the way up
from London.

Sheer destiny.

Why did he blow the whistle on us ?

I don't really know. I think
Lady Macbeth was too convinced...

..that her old fella
was a shining saint.

Like we all were.
Excluding yourself, obviously.

Thank you.
My pleasure.

Anna Fairley Organisation.

"I need to speak to Anna."
Sorry, she's in a meeting.

"Break in, Michelle."

"Say it's Owen, and it's urgent."

Sorry. She'll be half an hour.

"I'm on the mobile."

Your messages.
Owen on his mobile, urgent.

Your husband, urgent. Owen,
urgent. Your husband, very urgent.

And the cleaners
saying your suit's ready.

Oh, God !

She must be out of the bloody
meeting now. If not, drag her out !

"She's trying to call you."

"Try hanging up."

How could you !

With a poxy, jumped-up
bloody registrar ! How could you ?

"What's happened ?"

A grubby, underqualified,
charmless little twat like that !

We can't discuss it now.
Where are you ?

At your mother's house.
Go in and wait for me.

With a pokey-faced,
uncultured bloody drone !

I'll hang up now.
There's a key under the plant pot.

Let yourself in.
I'll be right over. Have a drink.

Bitch ! Bitch !

Just tell me what happened.

He turned up at work and punched me.

He hit you ?

In the hospital ?

With half the bloody team watching.

Anna, how did you end up with... arrogant,
self-satisfied dickhead like that ?

"Please, don't you start !"

The jumped-up shit !
What's he said ?

Look, I'll have to talk to him.

Talk to him ?
I'm going to bloody kill him !

Just keep away from him.
Please, Owen !


Have you got any iodine or anything?


Whereabouts are you ?

I'm at your mother's house.

Oh, shit !

Why ?

Oh, shit !

Anna ?

Anna ?

All right, Napoleon !
Come on, take me now.

I'll break your fingers. And
every bit that touched my wife,... stubby, pernicious,
filthy little shit !

You'll have to bust a lot of it !

Get up. Get up, you soft git !

Come on ! Come on !

Come on, come on, come on !

Hey ! Break it up ! Come on !

If she mattered that much,
why were you screwing Viv ?

I never took your wife, you
gave her away, you stupid bastard !

It's Alan Bates and Oliver Reed

Who's house is this, anyway ?

My mother-in-law's.
And I'm staying here.

You're what ? You are what ?
With his wife. Who he cheated on.

Who's cheating on him.

With me ! Yeah, we're staying here.

You... !

Show 'em your sex aids, Colin !

You gave her away,
and I slept with her.

He started it !

Anna ! Anna !

Anna !

Anna ! Anna, I was provoked !

Will you let me speak
to my bloody wife ?!

Subtitles by ITV SignPost