Reaper (2007–2009): Season 2, Episode 4 - The Favorite - full transcript

Satan pairs a reluctant Sam with Morgan, another one of the Devil's offspring, to help capture an escaped soul who has a legion of gold-made beetles to do his bidding. However Sam and Morgan do not get along at all because of the soulless Morgan's antics. Meanwhile, Andi discovers that Sock is sub-contracting his Work Bench shifts to ex-manager Ted, who naturally takes advantage of his new job to further flirt and ogle women customers. Ben becomes uncertain over where his romance with the demon Nina will lead. Later, Sam finally learns that his father is not dead... but rather undead.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm back
with groceries.

- Finally. I'm starving.
- You get everything on the list?

Of course.

I got your special


Got your special
soy pizza pouches.

- Ah!
- Ah, that's for me.

What's in there?

It's private.
It's my private food.

- Sock!
- No secrets, Ben.

Cherry tomatoes,
sourdough rolls and peanuts.

Why is that
so private?

'Cause I don't want people
to know what I eat all the time, okay?

- Ah, got scratchers.
- Nice, Ben.

- Oh!
- All righty.

Okay, come on,
Papa needs a new jetpack.


Aw, I never
win anything!

I think I won


- I won $1000!
- We won.

We won!

That's so weird.
I paid for that ticket with my own money.

This is so great.
I wanted to take Andi away this weekend.

- I'm gonna go cash it out right now.
- What?

- I hate that guy.
- That's my money.

- Hey hey!
- Let me check this out, huh?

Ah ha ha.
My lucky day.

This ought to be
just enough.

- Give that back.
- Hey.

You shouldn't be traveling
with this much cash.

It's financially imprudent.
Live and learn.

That is my money.

And we're going to use it
to bail Morgan out.

Police station...
hop to it.

Who the hell
is Morgan?

That's right, the two of you
have never met.

Wait till you
meet him.

You're gonna love him.


All I'm saying is you're
kind of being a pill.

Know what they say
about money and evil and everything?

Shut up,
shut up.

I think I hear our boy.

Jeremy, if your wife
doesn't like how late you're working,

tell her your girlfriend
doesn't mind at all.

Morgan, you are
a piece of work.

I'm terrible.

Hey, you came!

Sorry about all this.

Look at you.

- How you holding up, kiddo?
- Great great.

They let me sleep in a back office.
Couch was comfy.

What did you do?

I just accidentally
stole a limo.

You believe this guy?


So can I go now?

You must be Sam.
It's good to meet you.

You know me?

Oh, hey,
I'm being rude.

Let me do it properly.

This is Sam Oliver,
bounty hunter extraordinaire.

This is Morgan,
my son.

It's nice to meet you.

Dad's told me
terrific things about you.

You're his son?

One of the good ones.

Like you yourself,

Hey, I guess that makes
you two half-brothers.


Hey, we're having
a good old-fashioned

family reunion here,
aren't we?

Look at that.

- Hey, you make a new schedule?
- Yeah, my first one.

I put you on deliveries
all week.

Perks of dating
the boss.

Thank you.
Wanna come?

I got a Laser Tag
gift card.

I can't. I got all
this work to do.

I hate this new job's
already interfering with our lives.

Andi, how often does my job with the Devil
mess up our plans?

I was gonna take you away this weekend
with the 1000 bucks I won.

You won $1000?

Yeah, then the Devil took it
to bail out his stupid son.

The Devil has a son?

Oh my God,
that is so scary.

Is it?

- It's not that scary.
- There are little Devils running around.

That doesn't
give you chills?

You know,
it's not chilling.

He's pretty normal...
pretty normal guy...


So yeah, I'm gonna
go do deliveries.

Oh, thank you
very much.

- What is Ted doing here?
- I don't know.

It's like he's
still working.

He was fired but he
just can't stop.

- It's so sad.
- Tragic.

Excuse me, ma'am.

Hi, we've had reports
of a pervert harassing

women in the parking
lot today.

Real psycho,
so be careful.

- All right.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- Have a good day.

I almost let it slip
to Andi I'm the son of the Devil.

- Ooh, not smart.
- I wasn't thinking.

I hate lying to her.

You're old-fashioned
that way.

Here we go,
here we go.

Excuse me, I was wondering
if could...

What are you...

I'm not! I'm not!

What are you...
I know, I know!

- Happy?
- Always.

Hello, how are you?


Do many people
find those women attractive?

Oh yes, I think
they're beautiful.

So for you,
beauty entails

injecting silicone
into your chest cavity?

Okay, ladies,
enough fashion talk.

Poblano quesadilla.

No, thank you.
I have a class.

Cool. If you're done
with that, can I read that?

- Sure.
- Thank you.


- Mmm.
- Mm-hmm.

This is delicious.

I'm starting to like
human food.

How's demon food

Usually it's
still squirming...

or screaming.

Check it out!

A sex-
and-intimacy quiz.

We should take it.
We'll score through the roof.

"Do you feel emotionally closer
to your partner

after sex,
or mostly farther apart?"

- Closer, obviously.
- Thank you.

- What's your answer?
- I don't know, it's hard to say.

Come on, don't be shy.
It's just for fun.

Okay, that's fine.
We'll go to another one.

"How would you rate
your overall satisfaction

with your lover in bed?"

Again, I have
to give you a 10.

What's your answer?
Be honest.

I don't want
to do this anymore.

Are you...
unhappy with me?

- No.
- But in that way... the sex way...

are you unsatisfied?

It's not you,
Ben, really.

You're amazing.
I've just never...

I've never really
been that into sex.

It's not that important to me, so don't
even think about it, okay?

We should talk
about this.

Do you think
Morgan would like these?

Why would I care
what that guy likes?

Oh, am I detecting
a little sibling rivalry here?

Don't worry, Sammy,
there's no real competition.

I'm always
gonna like him

a little better
than I like you.

Wow, that really
hurts my feelings.

Oh, still,
you know,

I just can't help feeling
a little disappointed about the kid.

Morgan is that
perfect mix

of relative morality
and selfishness.

But there's something
missing, you know?

Something that makes me
think that...

he maybe
just doesn't want

to help me rule
the netherworld by my side.

- Don't care.
- You, on the other hand,

are a conundrum.

For all your whining
and complaining

and lack
of fashion sense,

you always
get the job done.

You want to do the right thing.
I hate that about you.

But I guess
that's the quality

that makes you
so effective.

Are you giving me
a compliment?

No, mostly I just
hate that about you.

It's so damn

If could just take
the best parts of you

and the best parts of Morgan and squish
them all together,

I'd have
the perfect son.


- Is he dead?
- Yeah.

Killed by your
latest soul,

Edmund Fitzgerald.

Big-time shipping
magnate from back in the day.

Real weirdo
if you ask me.

Lot of wild rumors
about the man...

and how he died.

What rumors?

They say on his deathbed
he ate his gold

so no one else
could have it.

There was a ring in this shop
that belonged to him.

Now he's back
to collect what's his.

And he will kill

who gets in his way.

I think Morgan is
gonna like these a lot.

I'm parked at the far end
over there.

You could probably carry this the rest
of the way, right?

What? I'm just saying
you look pretty sturdy.

Thick ankles.
I gotta catch my breath. Hang on.

Oh my God.

Hey, Ted, Ted!

Over here!
Right here!

- Hey.
- What do you want, Wysocki?

How much money
you make today, Ted?

Four hours, about $6.50.

But I think things'll
pick up though.

I have a proposition
for you.

- What?
- This lovely, sturdy lady

would like some help
carrying this box to her car.

If you carry it and she gives you
the customary tip of $5,

although classy people
leave $10,

I will gladly split
it with you.

Shouldn't he get the entire tip
if he's doing all the work?

That is a business

that you shouldn't
have any part of, ma'am.

Okay? But to answer
your question,

I am subcontracting the job.

Therefore we should
split it.

And it's heavy, so $15,
probably the least you should pay.

I'll do it.
Bert, I thank you.

All right,
watch your back.

Knees... it's heavy.

He's got it.
All right.

Andi, hey,
I need extra shifts.

- What?
- I need extra shifts.

I'll do anything...
clean the toilets, garbage duty,

late night, early morning,
double shifts...

whatever you got, load me up.
Let's party.

- Who are you?
- All right, look.

I've recently come
into some financial issues

that may or may not
be online-poker related.

More importantly,

I know you're

Socket wrench is here to fix all your
problems, boss lady.

I'm afraid.

Me too, because
I'm gonna go sick-house on this job.

The work will be done.
It'll be better than done.

The work will be good.

You seem quiet tonight.

I've just had some stuff
on my mind.

Just been thinking
about things.

Oh, well, stop it.

Oh, okay, sure.

Oh no.

What's wrong?

I don't want to talk
to a certain person over there.

Who was that?

That was Brad,
a demon I used to date.

We just had
a short thing.


It was a totally
superficial relationship.

Nothing like what you and I have.
Entirely physical.

- That's all.
- Physical.

Yeah, that's it.

- As in sex?
- No. Well...


I don't...
sort of.

'Cause I thought
you weren't that into sex,

that it wasn't
that important to you.

It's not,
I just mean that...

I just mean Brad
was really shallow.

No, Nina.

Spit that out.
We are talking about this.

Oh G...
will you get outta here?

Morgan got himself
arrested again.

I don't know how
I'm gonna get through to that kid.

I don't have any more money, so you can
forget about me bailing him out.

I don't need
your money, Sam.

I just wish some
of your good qualities

would rub off
on Morgan.

Okay. Can I use
the bathroom now?

Special delivery.

The next item Fitzgerald
wants to reacquire

is an old portrait
of himself.

It's in the Asher Gallery

The address is
on the back of this.

I suggest you grab
that portrait tonight.

If it stays there
too long,

Fitzgerald will show up
and reclaim it

and more people
will die.

Since when did you care
if people get killed?

I don't.
Good call.

In truth, I have
a small favor to ask.

And by favor,
I mean you don't have a choice.

So training the son
of the Devil?

That was never in the job
description, Samuel.

I can't believe
you agreed to it.

The Devil didn't exactly
make it optional, man.

This son of the Devil,
does he look like you?

Wait till you meet him.
You'll hate him... super tool.

Ooh, he's pretty.

Looked dead even
when he was alive.

- Evening, bitches.
- Hey, Morgan.

This is Sock, Ben.
Guys, Morgan...

son of the Devil.

Hey, it's good
to meet you guys.

You help out your buddy
even though you don't have to.

- You're good friends.
- Yeah, we are good friends,

so... thank you.

Devil get you
that car?

No, would you believe
an ex-girlfriend?

I'm not one
to kiss and tell,

but did she have a title,
and was it "Princess"?


Some people probably
like that car.

I... also do.

All right, we need to get our hands
on that painting

before the soul does.

There's a burglar alarm
sticker on the window,

so obviously there's
a burglar alarm.

- Good one, Sam.
- Okay, great.

Which one of you guys
is surveillance guy?

The tech guy?

Fighting guy?

So what you're saying
is you have no plan, no real skills?

Yes, I would say
yes to that.

Good eye.
Good eye.

- We still get the job done.
- No, you do, you do.

I can't argue
with results.

Hold one sec.

You see?

See what I'm talking about?
He's a dick.

Yeah. Think he'd let
us drive that?

I bet if we ask him
he'd say yes.

- You guys are jerks.
- I bet you're right.

- See the suit he's wearing?
- Looks great on him.

You don't buy that
off the rack.

What the hell
are you doing?!

In my experience,
you guys got three or four minutes

before the cops
get here.

You'd better grab
your painting.

I'm gonna go to a party.

If it's raging,
I'll text you.

Sam, the painting,
come on!

Sam, come on.

Sam Sam Sam!

Fly, you fool!

So you're gonna unpack
all these sprinklers... all 500 of them?

- Yup.
- Then you're gonna restock the paint

- and ship out the damages?
- You know it.

I'm having a really hard time believe
you're gonna do any of this.

That is because you've
never seen me in hustle mode, Andi.

It is "insani-tay."

Thing about hustle mode
is I need to be alone.

I get sweaty. I take off my shirt.
I'm a little bit shy.

So you go for now,
come back later and be amazed.

Go go!
All right.

So to continue...
ground rules.

You do not work for the Bench anymore.
You work for me.

- I'm the judge, jury...
- Executioner.

Boss man,
all right?

I get the shifts,
you do the actual work.

If Andi comes along,
what do you do?

- Run.
- Run! Attaboy.

Got it.

You smell that?

- No.
- That is a Work Bench scent.

Industrial rubber,

- Lawn fertilizer.
- Eww.

It is wonderful,
and it's home.

- Okay.
- I thank you for this.

You don't know how much
this means to me.

I will do anything
you say.

Just let me
be here...

in the Bench.

- I like your attitude.
- Thank you.

A lot, okay?
Don't do anything

to mess up and make me
have to can your ass.

- Huh-uh.
- I'm gonna take a nap.

Wake me up
in four hours.


Four hours.

Don't tell me
the other two clowns got killed.

No no, they're fine.

I'm not here on
official business today.

I have a matter
of a personal nature

to discuss with you.

I need your help.


Okay, so I'm sorta
in a relationship...

- with a demon.
- Are you now?

Never would've pegged
you for a horn hag.

Yeah, well,

she's a great girl.
Everything's going awesome...

except for one thing.

Spit it out, kid.
I'm on break in five.

Right, okay.

My question is,

can humans

satisfy demons,

or can only demons
do that?

Yes, humans and demons
can get it on.

All the time,
in fact.

Oh... I see.

Are you trying to
tell me you're having a little trouble

in the bedroom

No, actually, no.

I'm doing
a little research.

Look, if you want to know
how to please a demon,

I can help you.

- Seriously?
- Uh-huh.

- 'Cause that would be great.
- Of course.

Drop by my place

I'll give you
a one-on-one tutorial,

as they say.

I like to make
learning fun,

so bring along plenty
of plastic garbage bags.

I think...
I think no.

Thank you, no.

It sounds like something
I'm a little uncomfortable with,

but thank you very much
for the kind offer.

Fine, figure it out
for yourself then.

No, Gladys, please.
Is there any advice

you can give me that
doesn't require actual touching?

I guess she finds you
physically repulsive.

Have a nice day.

This guy gives me
the creeps.

How much longer
do we have to hang onto this?

We gotta figure out a way
to lure Fitzgerald out into the open.

I say we advertise
this painting as for sale,

he shows up to claim it
and then we trap him.

- Ehh.
- Maybe Morgan has some ideas.

- Yeah.
- Morgan? Why would we ask Morgan?

Dude seems to know
how to get things done.

All he did was almost get us arrested.
Why do you love him so much?

I don't know.
He's just got this aura.

He's the kinda guy
that walks into a room

and people's eyes
go to him.

He's got it.

He does not have it.

Some people do.

It's like that undefinable presence.
Like Clooney.

- Pitt.
- Rickles.

I used to have it,

like four
or five years ago.

I remember that.
That was a really good summer for you.

I was really
into kale at that time.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, all right.

He's the son of the Devil.
You can't trust him.

- You're the son of the Devil.
- Do you trust me?

- Not really.
- Wanna hand me that dish?

Oh, what the hell, Sock?!
I'm gonna kill you!

- Sock!
- Look look look!

- The soul, he's here.
- What? Where?

Oh God, get it off!
Sam, get it off!

- Don't let 'em in your ears!
- Ben, Ben!

I can't vessel them!

Bathroom, run!

Eww eww eww!

Aahh! It's on me!
It's on me!

- Shh!
- Shut up.

What are you all
doing in the tub?

Oh, we were playing
a game of...

hide and seek.

You were It
and you found us!

- Good job!
- Really?

Oh, you!

- Sam.
- Huh?

The painting,
it's gone.

He took it back.

So sick.
I had the creeps all last night.

It sounds awful.

Now we have no idea
how to get this soul.

That painting was
our only lead.

What's he doing
with all his stuff?

What do you mean?

He must have hundreds of things...
thousands, maybe.

He's gotta have
someplace to put it, right?

That's a really
good idea.

Someplace big,
like a warehouse.

You said he was
in shipping, right?

Who is that?

- I can see you.
- Can't.

I know it's you, Ted.

Listen, you can't be here.
You got fired.

I know I did, Judas.

Okay, why am I Judas?

I don't know.
Why are you?

I didn't fire you, Ted.
You got yourself fired.

Look at you,
Miss Fancypants,

all drunk with power.

You have to leave.

Sorry, talk
to the boss.

- That's me.
- Nope.

My boss.


- Sock!
- Ahh!

Shush shush shush.

- No need to yell.
- You cannot subcontract your job to Ted.

I promised you
the work would be done,

and it is being done
in a top-notch fashion.

- What's the problem?
- The problem is the company fired him!

I know that.
That's why he agreed to work for 40%.

I get 60, finder's fee,
everybody's happy.

Do I look happy?!

All right,
listen to me.

I will cut you in,

but it needs to come
out of Ted's end.

- Get rid of him.
- No, Andi... oh, brother.

Listen, are you honestly
gonna fire Ted again?

He's already been fired.
Should've stuck the first time.

Okay, do you know
he comes here all the time?

Just to be in the Bench presence.
He loves this stupid place.

It's like his whole life,
his whole identity.

To take that away,
that would just be cruel.

I didn't do
anything wrong.

Plus, he's got
other things in his life.

No, Andi.
Think about it.

This is all
he's ever known.

This is the only job he's ever had.
He eats here,

he sleeps here,
brings imaginary girlfriends here.

If you force him to leave again,
you will destroy him.

We think we found
where the soul's hiding his stuff.

There's an old shipyard
Fitzgerald used to own.

It's been condemned
for years.

I'm on it.
My shift's covered.

So which one
is Fitzgerald's?

I guess we'll have
to search them one by one.

- What?
- Hey, did you call Morgan?


How did you find us?

Hey, Dad wanted me
to meet you here,

said you could use
my expertise.

I guess Fitzgerald's keeping
his loot in this old container.

I don't believe this.
He doesn't help me with anything!

You just gotta learn
to work the old man.

He's actually a little
bit of a pushover.



I can't believe he was
able to get his hands on all this.


Guy's got impeccable taste,
I'll give him that.

- Yeah.
- Biedermeier...

- Limoges.
- Limoges, good stuff.

Venetian crystal.

- Huh.
- Wow.

This stuff is
worth a fortune.

Look at this.

Fitzgerald made a list
of everything he ever owned.

Looks like he
got it all.

Well, except
for "Mary Ann."

Who's Mary Ann?

Maybe this is her.

You think she's
still alive?

We should find her
before Fitzgerald does.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Come on, let's go.

This is Sock's fault.
He put me in this position.

Now if I fire Ted,
he'll probably die or something.

Yeah, but ask yourself,
is that a bad thing?

- I don't know what to do.
- What is Morgan doing here?

He's here?

Wow, that's not what
I thought he'd look like.

- He's a jerk. Try not to kill him.
- Okay.

Hey hey, you ready
to get cracking on that soul?

We're trying
to track down his wife.

Until we do that
we're pretty much stuck.

Yeah, Mary Ann.
I got her address.

Dad hooked me up.
Hi, Morgan.

Hi, I'm Andi.

- You're Sam's girlfriend?
- Yeah.

Okay, good to meet you.
How are ya?

- Heard a lot of good things about you.
- Thanks.

You're a lucky lady.

This Sam, he's one
in a million.

Just brave and smart.

He's just an all-around
great guy.

Yeah, I agree.

You ready to get going?

Got a good feeling
about this.

- Don't say it.
- I'm sorry,

he's not that bad.

I told you
not to say it.


- Nina?
- Babe, I'm right here.

- Yeah.
- Hey, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just heard humans
can please demons in bed.

Ben, I told you
this wasn't a problem.

Yes, it is!

Sex is an essential

in a strong

It is
the cornerstone of...

I don't know.

I read it
in some female books.

What exactly
are female books?

I know what it is,
all right?

You can't be yourself

You change
into human form

and pretend to be
something you're not.

I want you to be happy.


I'm gonna have sex with you
in your natural body.

I would simply ask
you be careful

your wings don't poke
me in the eye.

Also please be aware my skin
is very sensitive. It chafes easily.

Also please don't talk
while we're doing it,

your demon voice
is a little mannish.

Okay? I'm gonna have
a cocktail first.

I hope you don't mind.
Do you have a glass?

So you want this?

I could drink
from the bottle.

I don't know what I can tell
you about my late husband.

If you're looking to get
your hands on his estate,

you can forget
about it.

He made sure
there was nothing left.

Um, actually,

we're here
to warn you.

I know this is gonna
sound crazy.

It's just that...

Edmund Fitzgerald might
be back from the dead

and might be
trying to kidnap you.

I would've been
a little more

delicate about it,

but yes, it's true.

He had this list
of everything he ever owned,

everything he loved.

You're the last thing
on the list.

Now I know you're
a couple of crackpots.

Edmund loved
only things...

Nothing else mattered.

No, he did.
Mary Ann was on his list.

That's not me,
that was his boat.

The Mary Ann.

She sank to the bottom
of the Pacific 50 years ago.

But if Edmund's ghost
is looking for that,

he'll never find it.

Serves him right,
the son of a bitch.

I feel compelled to point out
you're attacking the dead,

and to say there's
nothing really wrong

with having an appreciation
of the finer things...

Actually, we were
just leaving.

Wait, you're
wearing his ring.


You're gonna
get us killed!

Fitzgerald is gonna
come looking for that.

He's not even gonna
know it's missing.

- We have to take it back right now.
- No.

I like it.

You are such a dick.

Now I understand why the Devil is
disappointed in you.

- You're a moron.
- He said that?

He said he was

You don't care about
anybody but yourself.

You do whatever you want
and it doesn't matter who gets hurt.

Why would I care
when the world's full of guys like you...

responsible and ethical?
I don't feel that.

Never felt it.

In fact, I've never felt
anything for anybody.

It's very liberating.

Do you really
think I'm gonna

kill myself
for the family business?

Not a chance.

But you...
you spill your blood.

You work hard
and you do a good job.

When the time comes,
I can stand on your shoulders...

or dead body
if necessary...

in order to get
to the top.

You are evil.

I'm the son
of the Devil.

What'd you expect?

I'm done with this.
I'm done with you.

After today,
no more training.

I think dear old Dad
has some serious

quality time
planned for us.

I don't think you're
gonna be done with me anytime soon.

Do you hear that?

Huh, my lucky day.

- Morgan, wait wait!
- Oh, what was that?!

They're inside the vents.
They're inside the vents.

- Run.
- What?


Sam, back here!

Wait wait, I am not the one
you're looking for.

I swear! I'm not the one
you're looking for!

Whoa! I'm not the one you want.
I swear.

- Morgan!
- Sam, back here!

Just give him the ring,
that's what he wants!

It's stuck!

The pool...
jump in the pool.

It worked.

Yeah, I know.

- Got it.
- What're you doing?

Why did you do that?!

Wait wait wait!

I'll give it back to you.
It's yours.

You want me to put it
in your mouth?

Please don't bite me.



We get to keep
those, right?

I can't keep
running away from you.

Or shoveling food into my mouth,
for that matter.

So I think I'm ready
to tell you the truth now.

The truth would be nice.

So you know I used
to be an angel.

Yeah, I know.
Demons were angels.

But what I didn't
tell you is

that you're not
my first human.

Oh, I see.

Before the fall,
some angels

came to Earth
and married humans.

There were even children born.
They were called nephilim.

- Wow.
- I was one of those angels.

I didn't have
a kid or anything,

but I did fall
in love.

When God found out,
he banished us from paradise

and smote those
we loved.

So the guy
you loved died.


So if you're feeling like I'm holding back
from you, you're right.

I have been...

holding back
in a lot of ways...

and emotionally...

because if I ever
lost you the way I lost him...


I can't tell you what's gonna happen
in the future,

but I can tell you
I'm crazy about you.

And I'm not
going anywhere.

Is that enough
for now?

I think it is.


I think I'm ready
to be with you completely...

heart and body.

And when you say body,

you mean this one,

Without the tail
and horns?

I'm just checking.
I'm just checking.

I made my decision.

Ted, only official employees
can work here at the Bench.

So I cannot allow you
to continue taking Sock's shifts.

Didn't think you
had it in you, Andi.

So cold.

That's why I called
home office.

They're letting me hire
you back on a six-month-trial basis.

Yes. You are a benevolent
and gifted leader.

On one condition...
you'll be hired back as a trainee.


Little girl, I was
working in this store

when you were experimenting
with alternative lifestyles at summer camp.

Take it or leave it, Ted.

- Fine.
- One more thing...

our new trainee
is gonna need a trainer.


I don't think so.

- No.
- Oh, I do.

If you want to continue
working here, you'll agree.

Besides, I think you'll make
a fantastic trainer...


You guys are
gonna be a team,

joined at the hip
for six months.

Touch?, Andi.


Who's the pretty boy?

Hi, I'm Morgan.
Nice to meet you.

He's sorta the son
of your boss.

So's Genghis Khan. You expect me
to be impressed by a Gap ad?

These also came...
a bunch of gold coins.

I'm not sure what
to do with them.

Not a vessel,
not my problem.

I can't believe you.
And you say I'm selfish.

I did all the work
and saved I your life.

We are not splitting
this 50/50.

We never would've
found the soul

if I wouldn't have
lured him to us with the ring!

So that was on purpose?
That was all a trap?

- That wasn't you being an idiot?!
- You're a jackass.

Listen to this,
fighting like two brothers.

I'm getting all misty.

Look at you, huh?

The hero.
You captured your first soul.

I'm just trying
to make you proud.

You could learn a thing
or two from this guy, I think.


Let me see those
gold coins, Sammy.

Now, Morgan, Sam has made
quite the investment in you

by bailing you
out of jail.

And after your well-deserved
R&R at my villa in the Caymans,

I want you to start thinking
about how you're gonna repay him.

Why does he get the gold?

You don't want that.
That's blood money.

People died
for that, Sam.

You don't mind a little
blood on your hands, do you, Morgan?

No, I prefer blood
on my hands, Dad.

Then it's settled.

Hey, that's not a very
happy Sammy face.

He did nothing to capture that soul.
I saved his life.

Don't worry about it.
I'm trying to give the kid a little confidence.

Don't want to demoralize
him his first time out.

You demoralize me
all the time.

- You can take it.
- Whatever.

Sammy, look, I don't
have to reward you with trinkets

and paltry pieces of gold
that some soul has vomited up.

You're much bigger
than that.

You are.
In fact,

I'm beginning to reassess
this whole situation.

Maybe Morgan isn't the one
I should be priming.

- Maybe the perfect son is you.
- No no.

- I'm not. Seriously, put it outta your head.
- Yes.

I don't know. It's becoming clearer
and clearer to me

that you are the one
who will be sitting at my right hand.

Morgan can have that job.
I don't want it.

Don't you see?
That's what makes you so perfect.

Wow, I am
so conflicted now.

I don't know
who to root for.

You could root for Morgan.

Hey, do you mind
making one last delivery?

It's a big freezer.

- Sure.
- Okay, good,

because it's going
to your mom's place.

What does she need
a giant freezer for?

I don't want you
to be afraid.

Hey, Sam.
