Raising Dion (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Issue #107: Why So Vomity? - full transcript

When Dion is taken to the hospital with a mysterious ailment, Nicole and Pat worry his powers may be discovered.

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["Piece Of My Heart" by Big Brother
& The Holding Company plays]

♪ Oh, come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Didn't I make you feel ♪

♪ Like you were the only man? ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪
- [singing along] ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ And didn't I give you everything
That a woman possibly can? ♪

♪ Honey, you know I did ♪

♪ And each time I tell myself that I ♪

- ♪ Well, I think I've had enough ♪
- [Charlotte] ♪ I think I've had enough ♪

♪ But I'm gonna show you, baby ♪

[Charlotte] ♪ That a woman can be tough ♪

- ♪ I want you to ♪
- [Charlotte] ♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Come on and take it! ♪

♪ Take another little piece of my heart
Now, baby ♪

♪ You know you got it ♪

♪ If it makes you feel good ♪

♪ Oh, yes, indeed ♪

[bird caws]





[breathing heavily]


- Hey.
- [gasps]

You're one of them types like my dad, huh?

Cool. Come on.

[voices whispering indistinctly]

[Dion] I can't find my pencil socks.

Look on top of your dresser.

[Dion] Can you help me?

[knocking at door]

Mom, can you help me?



- Hey.
- Hi.

Uh, how are you?

Oh, I like that...

Um, I like this, uh, shirt.

It's a nice color.

Um, colors. I like all the colors.

Is it just the collar ones,
and then it just kinda...

- Thanks.
- Yeah. Oh, yeah.

- No, just... Sorry. Yep.
- Dion, Pat's here.

[Dion] I'm trying to find my pencil sock.

Oh. [chuckles]

He loves those socks. [inhales]


- How are you doing?
- Uh...

- Are we okay. [stammers] Are you okay?
- Oh, I'm... I'm good.

- Okay, yeah.
- We're...

- We're... We're good.
- Okay, um...

- We're good. [chuckles]
- Yeah, I, uh...

That's good.

Oh, I-I...
I do want to show you something.

[Pat] Oh.

- Oh, can I?
- Yeah, yeah.

[Pat] Huh.

- This looks like data on the aurora event.
- Yeah.

I found a chip in Mark's watch.


- Hey, Dion, come on. Hurry up.
- [Dion] Trying to find my pencil sock.

And I can't open a lot of these files.

[exhales] Yeah, he must have used
BIONA's encryption.

[inhales] The only way
you can unlock it is with...

their proprietary algorithm.

I could take it into work,
open the files there.

I-I would, except, um...

You were right.
I-I don't think Mark trusted them.

And you saw the way Suzanne
was sniffing around Dion at the party.

Yeah. Yeah.


[sucks air] Yeah, I get that, but I...

Don't you want to just know
what else is on the card?

- Yeah, but not enough to risk my kid.
- [running footsteps]

- Hey, no running.
- [Dion] Sorry.

Found it.


I'm almost ready.

Woop, woop!

- Oh, are you okay?
- [Pat] Yeah.


Migraine's back.

What's migraine?

Um, it's a really bad headache.

Your grandpa used to get them
all the time. Here.

Oh, sorry.

It was, uh, so bad that, uh...

[ice cubes rattling]

we would... we would have to shut off
all the lights.


Thanks, Di.

I'm good, though.

- Tilt your head forward.
- Huh? Oh.


Yeah, my mom used to do this for my dad.

It should ease the tension.

[moans] Oh.



Hey, I'm gonna be late. Come on.

Okay, yeah.

- Oh, thank you so much. That is...
- Yeah.

Oh. Whoo.

All right, let's go.

Oh, can we... can we talk later? Just...

Yeah, yeah, of course.

- Two minutes. Okay, yeah.
- [Dion whooping]

- [Nicole] No running.
- [Dion] Okay. Thank you.

Hey, hey. Let me tie your shoe. Come on.

[Nicole] I do not know what I'm doing.

[Tessa chuckles]

- [Nicole] He's a good guy.
- [Tessa] But? Hand me that hair tie.

He's Pat, you know?
I never really thought of him that way.

Well, he's thought of you that way.

But it's weird.
He was my husband's best friend.

Do you know how many
of my husband's friends have hit on me?

I don't, because I lost count.


Look, it doesn't suck to have a nice guy
treat you like a woman, does it?


All right then, girl.
Have you some fun. Come on.

- You never know. He might surprise you.
- [woman] Ooh.


You never know, girl. Ooh-whoo!

- [laughs]
- [Nicole] Mmm, you know...

But he is so good with Dion, you know,
and I just don't want to mess that up.

Things got messed up whether
you wanted them to or not, all right?

Look, he wants to take you out,
have a good time, I say let him.

Let him, girl.

- A nice restaurant.
- [woman] Mm-hmm.

[Tessa] Get you some appetizers
and dinner.

Dessert, after dessert and appetizers.

- [laughs]
- [Tessa] I'm telling you.

- Shoot. We could all go to dinner.
- [woman] Mm-hmm.

Does he have friends?

- [laughs]
- Is that too far?

That's too much. That's too much.

Keep your head still, please.


Did you know that storm clouds
can grow up to 20,000 feet?

Which is almost 67 football fields.

[Pat] I did.

Well, not the...
not the football field bit, but...

- Mm-hmm.
- Big storms are cool.


Hey, you know what else is cool?

Remember that Arctic fox we saw at BIONA?

The one with the weird sores?

Not anymore. Because they healed.

- He's still alive?
- And kicking.

Or... Or foxing.

Did you do something to him?

I told him to get better.

But did you... did you touch him, or...?

I touched the glass.

I was really worried about him.

I think you healed him, buddy.

I can heal things?

I don't think we have any idea
what you can do yet.

[thunder rumbles]

All right. Oh.

Does your head hurt?

I... I'll be fine.

Uh, have a good day at school, all right?

- What are you doing?
- Fixing your headache.

- No, wait, wait. Don't...
- [grunts]

Dion, stop. Stop, stop, stop. Let go.

- Stop! [grunts]
- [grunts loudly]

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

[grunts] I'm okay.

You're way bigger than a fox. [gasps]

Sure you're okay?
Maybe we should call your mom.

No, she'll get in trouble at work.

- She'll wanna know if you're sick.
- I'm fine, see?

[makes funny sounds]

[scoffs, chuckles]

- Well...
- I gotta go.

All right, but...

[rain pattering]

[thunder rumbles]

[children laughing and chattering]

[school bell rings]

I still don't get it.

When the warm air meets cold air,
you get a storm.

Okay, well,
where does the warm air come from?

He's trying to explain how a storm is made
so we can figure out how to stop one.

Keep going.

[inhales] Okay, well,
if you could cool the warm air,

the storm loses power, okay?

So, then, we wouldn't have
so much hurricanes.

I've got it. We can make a gun
that shoots cold air into the sky.

We're gonna make a gun? In school?

Right. Uh... So, not a gun.

More like a, uh, fire extinguisher,

but big.

That's an awesome idea.

It is?

My mom's boyfriend's a mechanic.
Maybe he can help.

It can be on a backpack, like this.

Whoa! You're a good drawer.

The Storm Killer!

I like it.


[Dion groans]

You all right, Dion?

[Dion] Mmm, I don't feel so good.

Everyone, keep working.

I'm taking Dion to the nurse's office,
but I'll be right back, okay?

Come on, stand up for me. Stand up.

- [child 1] I hope you feel better.
- [child 2] Yeah, feel better.

[Mr. Fry] You all right?

[telephone rings]

[woman] The Lewis Company. May I help you?

[Rashad] Hey, hey.

You good to dance today?
Because I got a dope idea for a new combo.

You know, I can't today.

I have a million things
I need to figure out.

Like what?


Work stuff, Dion stuff,
personal stuff I need to figure out.

You know when you should do that?
Any time except lunch.

- That's your time, remember?
- I know, but...

[Rashad] There's always gonna be
a million things.

Leave it outside for half an hour.
Give yourself that.

I'll see you at lunch.


[cell phone rings and vibrates]


[knocks] Kwame?

Oh, could your timing
be any more perfect?

I pitched your ideas to the team,
they ate them up.

That's amazing, uh, but...

Take this to the graphic designer,
walk him through your changes.

Dion's school called, he has a fever.

I have to pick him up,
so maybe I can handle the poster tomorrow.


They have to start the print run today,
or we have to pay a rush charge.

- Well, Dion's sick, so...
- So find someone to pick him up.

You realize this is an opportunity, right?

Those health benefits are gonna be
more important in the long run

than who picks him up today.



[lock clicks]


[woman] Mmm.

[Kat] Mm.

[woman] Hmm.

[Kat] Mm.

You're tense.

WebMD hypochondriac?

Phelps kept talking over me
to my patients.


What is his problem with you?

Uh... Well, I can think of two
right off the bat.

I'll speak to him.

No! I can't have my girlfriend
beating up the bully.

Well, this is a teaching hospital.
He's supposed to be learning.

Oh, come here, baby.
Let's just take a nap. I'm tired.

- [cell phone vibrates]
- [groans]

[cell phone continues vibrating]

What do you need?

Dion's sick and I'm stuck at work.

Can you please pick him up
and take him home?

[Kat] Oh, what happened
to your new best friend?

- What are you talking about?
- [Kat] Pat.

Yeah, I can't call him.
It's... It's complicated.

Oh, my God, you slept with him.

No. Stop. Can you pick him up or not?

I got you.

Thank you. Just pick him up,
take him home,

and I will get there
as soon as I possibly can.

[disconnects call]

- My nephew needs me.
- Mm-hmm.



Who did she sleep with?


- That might be the problem.
- [laughs]

Up you go. You doing okay?

Here you go.

In there.

Hey, Bug. How you doing?

[sighs] I don't like this feeling,
Auntie Kat.

It's okay. We'll get you back to normal
real soon, okay?

Thank you.

[thunder rumbling]

Hey, come here.

Okay, change of plans.

You're burning up.

- [keyboard clacking]
- [groans]

[telephone rings in the background]

Hey, what's up?


So, basically, it's your original design,
with a few changes.


- Are you kidding me?
- [phone chimes]

Uh, just one minute.


[line trilling]

[Kat] This is Kat. Please leave a message.

- Just...
- Hey.

- Sorry. Call if you have any questions.
- Uh...

[Pat] That's too much.


All right, um...

Big heart or little hearts?


Big heart or...

Little hearts are cute.

Cute's not sexy.

No emojis.

No! Idiot.


[cell phone rings
to Stranger Things theme]


I don't know what "Was ho" means,
but Dion's in the ER.

What? Why?

He has a fever
and I asked Kat to take him home,

- but she didn't listen to me.
- Wh... [grunts]

When did he get sick?
He was fine this morning.

Yeah, well, he's not now,

and I need to get there
before they run tests on him, you know?

If they find out what he can do...

- What... What do you need from me?
- Um, okay.

[keyboard clacking]

Uh, Waze says that I'm 40 minutes
from the hospital,

but I'm just leaving work now.
I mean, you're closer. Can... Can...

Okay. I'm, uh, I'm...
I'll head there right now.

- [Nicole] I-I will see you in 40.
- Okay.

- [woman] Hello, Doctor.
- Hey. Um, he has a high fever.

I need to take a look.

Room 430's open.

Thanks. Come on, buddy.

- [woman] Hey.
- Hey.

- What's going on?
- He has a pretty high fever,

and he has asthma
and I think it's making it worse,

so I just... I just want to make sure
he's okay.

Hi, Dion. Remember me?

I'm Danielle.


Hmm. You should scan his lungs
once he's stable.

- Thanks. I got it.
- Trying to be helpful.

- I know, it's just...
- [Danielle] I understand.

Let's get him into a bed.

Come on. [grunts] Thank you.


[distorted] His temperature's 104.
Two degrees higher than when we arrived.

[electricity buzzing]

- Didn't they just renovate these rooms?
- Never take the lowest bid.

[Dion, distorted] Mom.

- Where's my mom?
- [Kat] She'll be here soon, okay?

[Dion] Mom.

[Kat] Before we run any tests, we need
to lower this fever. Grab ice packs.

- Audra, I need you to run a line.
- [Audra] You got it.

- I feel really weird.
- I know, baby. I'm right here.

You're gonna feel better in no time, okay?

Don't look at that. Just look at me.
All right?

- [groans]
- [heart rate monitor beeping rapidly]

[Kat] Okay, Di, the worst is over.

[heart rate monitor beeping steadily]

[Kat] Dion! Dion!

Did he pass out?

He's dehydrated.
The IV should work quickly.

What the hell?

Get me more ice.

[elevator dings]

[clears throat]

Uh, excuse me.

Hi. Uh, I'm here for Dion Warren.
Can you tell me what room he's in?

Your name?

Rollins. Um, Pat Rollins.

- And are you family?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Um, like, friend of the family.


Like, Mom's... friend.

Um, godfather.

I am his godfather.

Room 430, but only relatives
are allowed in the room.

Okay, but...

There's a visitors lounge.
You can wait there.


[Kat] Dion.

- [groans]
- [Kat] Dion.

Are you okay?

- Can I have my watch?
- [Kat] Yes, baby.

Here you go.

All right.
I just need to get a blood sample.

- It'll just take a second.
- [groans]

Don't worry. This won't hurt.

All right.

- You doing okay?
- [groans]

- It's almost over.
- Superheroes don't cry.

Superheroes don't cry.

Hey, you're eight years old.

It's okay to cry.


[Kat] Look at that. I'm all done.

You did it.

- [Danielle] Kat.
- Yep.

- Can you come take a look at these?
- I'll be right back, okay?

These are useless. How did that happen?

I couldn't tell you.

They tried it three times
and they all came out like this.

Does nothing work properly in this place?

[sighs] I should get this down to the lab.

Auntie Kat.

I'll be right back, buddy.
Just rest, okay?

- Look, stay. I'll get it to the lab.
- Are you sure?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

- He should be with family.
- Thank you, honey.

My brother was a gifted farmer.

[rooster crows]

After his wife passed away,

he looked after this whole farm
all by himself for years.

Seeing the farm like this
would have killed him,

if he hadn't already...

I am so sorry for your loss.

How was it you said you knew Walter?

We met in Iceland a few years ago.

The meteor shower.

I thought he was crazy.

Going all that way
just to look up at the sky.

Then, after he got back,

that's when his luck started to change.

His farm started thriving, prospering.

Like God was finally looking out for him.

Can you tell me what happened to him?


It looks like some kind of localized storm
hit the field.

Look, I know how tornadoes work, okay?

Skipping over one house
and... and knocking down the next,

you know, like it's, uh,
Duck, Duck, Goose.

But this was the only house
that was even touched in the whole county.

It took my brother.


[Brayden] It was a man.

Made of lightning.

[woman] Brayden, that's enough.

Brayden, did you see the man in the storm?

[woman] I said that's enough.



Upstairs. Go on.

Look, I loved my brother,

but he was imbued
with the spirit of the devil,

and he exposed Brayden
to that same darkness.

He was claimed because of it.
That's my belief.

[Brayden, in Charlotte's mind]
She's wrong. That's not what happened.

[Charlotte] Brayden? Is that you?

[Brayden] Meet me outside in the garden.

Are you all right?

[man over PA] Dr. Wallace to CCU.
Dr. Wallace to CCU.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Is he okay?
- Uh, I-I think so.

I haven't been here long.
Maybe half an hour.

I tried to see him, but they wouldn't
let me in 'cause I'm not family, so...

Okay. Is Kat here?

Yeah, she's been in there with him
the whole time.

I don't think he's done anything "super."

- Oh! Okay.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Thank you so much for being here.
- Of course, yeah.

They're right down the hall, so we...


- Just down the hall?
- Yeah.

- Okay, I'm gonna talk to Kat.
- Oh. Okay.

- Yeah, just... Thank you.
- Yeah, of course.

[Nicole sighs]


Hey. Hey, sweetie, I'm here.

Am I underwater?

[Nicole] No, baby.

Oh, you look so tired.
Do you... Do you wanna take a nap?

Wake me up for school tomorrow.

[Nicole] W-We'll see.

[groans softly]

[groaning softly]

His fever is a little strange,
but he seems to be stabilizing.

[groans softly]

I told you to take him home.

What happened to
"Thanks for saving my son's life, Kat"?

It's not safe here for all these people.

Not safe? What could happen, Nic?

Tell me exactly what would happen
if you weren't here

to protect the rest of us
from your sleeping child.

He could hurt someone, with...


Are you still talking
this superpower nonsense?

Get over here.

I've been trying to let this thing slide,

hoping it's not a symptom
of a bigger issue,

but you just can't seem to let this go.

Because it's real.

- [sighs] I've been trying to tell you.
- Stop telling me and show me.

[whispers] Sweetie.


Hey, come on. Can we sit up?

Oh, I'm sorry. Sit up, up, up, up.

Time for school?

I want you to show Auntie Kat
what you can do.

Can you show her your powers?

You said the black van could take me away.

- You told him that?
- This is a special case.


She needs to see what you can do
so she can help you get better. Okay?

Maybe just lift something.


My head doesn't feel good.

I need you to try, though.



Are we done
with this Munchausen-by-proxy bit?

- It's not a good look.
- No, he can usually do it

without even having to think about it.
Something must be really wrong.

Something is really wrong,
with the both of you,

but at least I can fix his situation.

[footsteps depart]

[door opens]

[instrumental music plays]

How is he?

[heart rate monitor beeping steadily]

Well, Kat says he's stabilizing,

but he's delirious
and his fever won't go down.

[Pat inhales deeply]

Well... [exhales]

she's not gonna let
anything happen to him, so...

She doesn't even know
what she's dealing with.

What if his powers are making him sick?
What if it's some superhero disease?

It's not like they teach
superhero immunology at med school.

[Pat inhales]

I think I might have had
something to do with it.

You? How?

Well, this morning I told him
that he healed the fox at BIONA,

and I guess he thought
he could heal my migraines, too.

- Um...
- What?

I-I stopped him
before it went too far, but...

I think it might have made him sick.

I-I feel so awful. I'm... I'm sorry.

But... the...

The fox. When he healed the fox,
it didn't make him sick.

I mean, I'm a lot bigger than a fox.

So then, if this is
some kind of superhero illness,

maybe there's a way to reverse it, right?

I mean, w-what do they tell you
in the comic books and...

- Maybe? I-I, uh, um...
- You're supposed to know this stuff.

Well, you know that comic books
aren't real, right?

I mean...

You said Mark was studying himself, right?

Because I could take that data card
to BIONA and decrypt the data

and see if there's anything there.

What about Suzanne?
Isn't she tracking the servers at BIONA?

I mean, we could wait, but a doctor
could eventually find something abnormal,

and at least this way we're ahead of them.

If I had anything to do
with causing this mess...

let me try to fix it.


[Dion groans softly]


Gosh. Okay.

I will guard this with my life. Okay.

[heart rate monitor beeping steadily]

[monitor beeps]

[heart rate monitor beeping quickly]

[rooster crows]

What else can you do?

[man over PA] Blue team to ICU, please.
Blue team, ICU.

[heart rate monitor beeping quickly]

[Dion groans]

- [Dion groans]
- [shushing]

- Sweetie, Mommy's here. Come on.
- [groans]

Shh. Mama's here, all right?

There you go. Back down.

[heart rate monitor beeping steadily]

Good. Good, good.

See, now you want to float.
Not when I need you to.


[door opens]

Hey. His temperature is up to 106.

We're still trying to diagnose him.

Danielle is running his blood work,
and the results should be in soon.

You... You drew blood?

Yes, it's standard procedure.

No. No, no, no, no, no. You...

You can't... You can't draw blood.
You have to get it back from Danielle.

- She already submitted the samples.
- Well, then, get it back!

I didn't... I didn't give permission
for you to take his blood.

Are you kidding?

We have to do whatever we can
to help him get better.

You're not gonna make him better.
You're gonna put him at risk.

Of what?

Of the vans you told him
were gonna come take him away?

You have lost your damn...


What the hell?

Oh, my God, no.

What the hell? What the hell?
What the hell?

[Kat sighs]

It's okay.

He floats, Nic.

What the hell?

[Kat sighs]

[whispers] There's no...

There's... There's no prescription,
no diagnosis.

A thousand years of medical science,
and the boy floats?

It's freaky.

Yeah, I know. Just, uh...

take a second.

Oh, my God, and I didn't believe you.

[Nicole] Aww.

[Kat sniffs]

[Nicole scoffs]

There is so much that I have to tell you.


I'm sorry, Niki.

It's okay.

It's not okay, because you've been
dealing with this alone.

[Kat sighs]

And to think I thought about
putting you on a 72-hour psychiatric hold.

- You were gonna do what?
- I mean, I didn't do it.

[Kat sighs]


Do you see now why I'm scared
to have him here in the hospital?


Okay. Okay. Let's think about this.

Okay, um...

Who else knows?

Pat, uh...

And this woman, Charlotte.
She has abilities, too.

There are more people like this?

I mean, I don't know how many.
They like to keep under the radar.

Oh, God.

I gotta delete Dion's medical records.

Wait, think about that.
Let's talk about it because

- if you get caught, you could get fired.
- And if I don't delete them?

I don't wanna think
about what could happen.

You stay with Di.

I'll let you know when it's done.

[woman over PA] Volunteer services
to the fourth floor.

- Volunteer services to the fourth floor.
- [sighs]

[heart rate monitor beeping steadily]

[tablet ringing]

[tablet ringing]

[tablet ringing]

[tablet ringing]

[Dion] Hi.

Are you okay?

You went to the nurse's office
and never came back.

[Dion sighs]

I don't feel so good,
and my fever's like 200 degrees,

and I keep thinking I'm gonna puke,
but I never puke.

Where are you?

The hospital.

Why do you sound so weird?

[Dion, haltingly] Jonathan?

Yeah, we're working on the Storm Killer.

I was talking toEsperanza.

Me and...


[distorted] You should go back to sleep.

Yeah, you sleep,

while we win the science prize
with our amazing gun.

[Esperanza] Not a gun.

[haltingly] She's my BFF...

[Esperanza] Dion?

- [Jonathan] Wait, I gotta record this.
- [Esperanza] No.

No, don't turn it off.

His fever is high enough
to attract attention.

We should extract him.

We need an opening.

I don't think we have time for an opening.


[door beeps open]

[keyboard clacking]

Jesus, Mark.

How long you been able to read minds?

[Brayden] Always.

But I really wanted to do what my dad did.

Make things grow really fast.

He grew that forest out front
to hide the house.

Took ten minutes.

That's what happened to the house?
The vines? Did he do that?

He tried to keep me away from that storm.

He tried to fight it?

He tried, but he couldn't stop it.

Probably nothing can.

Are you sure about what you saw?

The people made of rain.
The Lightning Man.

That storm came to get my dad.

Or me.

I am really glad that it didn't get you.

[sighs] I'd rather be with him.

I hate this place without my dad.


I should go.

Me too.

- [Charlotte] What?
- Take me with you.

No, no, I can't.

- You have to.
- I... I can't. See, I alr...

I can't.

Who's Dion?

You keep thinking
about someone named Dion.

Is that why
you don't want to take me with you?

Did Dion tell you to leave me here?

[woman] Brayden. Supper's ready.

I'll check on you, I promise.

[Brayden] You're lying!

You're not coming back!

- No, no, no, no. Stop it, Brayden.
- You're going to Dion.

[Charlotte] I can't.

Why are you helping Dion
but you won't help me?

Don't leave me here.

Come back!

[birds cawing]

[keyboard clacking]

I've been looking for you.
Dion's blood work will be done any minute.


[Kat] Yeah.

What's going on?

What are you doing?

Who gave you permission
to delete these files?

- Just... Just give me a sec.
- What the hell are you doing?

I know how this looks,

but I'm just asking that you trust
that I'm doing the right thing.

Trust you?

You're deleting
your nephew's medical records,

and it sounds like you're asking me
to ignore that fact.

Do you think I would do this
if it wasn't important?

It's for Nicole and Dion.

Why does your sister need you
to breach protocol?

I'm protecting my family.

I thought we were gonna be family.

I'm asking you to keep a secret,

like how you asked me
to keep our relationship a secret.

Because no one should attribute
your success to me.

You're a gifted doctor.

Why are you risking your career
over this?

For the last time,
please tell me what's going on.

[Kat sighs]

I'm taking you off this case.

I'll tell the board about us
and take the consequences.

You should be prepared for the same.




[phone chimes]

[monitor beeping]

His temperature is 107.
Y-You need to do something.

His iodine level
is one and a half times what it should be.

- Well, what does that mean?
- That means I know how to help.

But we have to move fast.

Danielle caught me
deleting Dion's medical records.

- [monitor beeping]
- [Dion groaning]

- Wait, what's happening to him? Di? Di?
- Look, calm down.

Go there, put more ice packs on him.

- It's not doing anything. He's burning up.
- It is doing something.

It's going to lower his temperature.

- You said he was stabilizing, Kat.
- Calm down.

[woman] Security should be here
in a moment.

[Danielle] Thank you.

Can you check on the vitals
of a patient for me? Room 430?

Of course.

This can't be right.

The patient's temperature is 115.

Is it a hemorrhagic fever?

[Danielle sighs]

I don't know what it is.

- Uh...
- [dialing]

I got it. I...

- Oh, no, she knows.
- Hey, Pat.

- She knows, she knows.
- Oh.

So, okay, so, um, Mark ran
a bunch of tests on himself.

Blood work, physicals, genome tests,
MRIs, you name it.

- What is that there?
- [Kat] This is to lower his iodine.

[Pat] Lower?
No, no, no, no, that'll kill him.

Um, the aurora event
changed Mark's body chemistry.

He actually had twice
the normal iodine levels.

So Dion needs more iodine, not less.

- [Kat] I-I can... I can work with this.
- [Pat] Okay.


[Kat] Iodine's going in.

[monitor beeping]

[Dion groans]

[electricity buzzing]

[Dion groaning]

[continues groaning]

[continues groaning]

What do we do?

[continues groaning]

[grunts, gasps]

[monitor beeping]

[Pat groans]



[monitor beeping steadily]

[shaky inhale] Dion?

- Hi, Mom.
- [Nicole gasps]

[Nicole chuckles] Hi.

Oh! [chuckles]

- [kisses]
- [Dion grunts]

[Kat chuckles]

- [exhales] Yeah.
- Oh, my God.

[Dion] I can't breathe!

- [gasps for air]
- [Nicole chuckles]

Don't kill him. We just got him better.

- [Nicole kisses]
- [Dion chuckles]

- Auntie Kat, Pat?
- [Kat] Hey, buddy.

[Pat chuckles]

- Mom?
- Little bug!

[door opens]

- His fever broke. He's okay.
- Good.

I still need you to come with me.

No, this is on me.
Whatever the punishment is, I'll take it.

- That's not how this works.
- Nic.

It's okay.

Lars, the hospital just called in an alert
to the CDC.

They need
a secure level-three quarantine facility.

Hey, where are you going?

I have to pee.

- Okay, I'll take you. Come here.
- I can go by myself.

I've been doing that
for, like, six years now.

With varying degrees of success.

Yeah, but he's got his watch on,
so he'll be okay.

- Right?
- Yep.

- Wash your hands.
- Six years!

[door closes]

- Could we...
- So how does it feel to be the hero?


Uh, it...

feels good. [chuckles]

Yeah, well it should.

[clears throat] Um...

I'm sorry about last night.

- I just...
- It's fine.

- It was such a good day.
- I know, it was.

We were hanging out, and I... I just...

- Look, it's fine. We don't have to...
- I'm sorry. Okay.

I'm not...

I'm not trying to replace Mark.

I can't do that. Um...

But, uh... [inhales]

I... I care about you.


A lot. And, uh...

- I think we're a good team.
- I...

Ju... Before you say anything,
just understand that...

nothing has to change. I'm...

I mean, we're already
kind of like a family,

and we can still be that, and we can be...

We can be...


Anything you need.


I need us to be friends.

Um, is it... Is it Dion?
Did he say something?

- No.
- I mean, I know...

- I know he... he comes first, so...
- No, it's not Dion.

It's not Dion and it's not timing,
it's just...

It's just no.

But, um, it doesn't mean
I-I don't adore you. I adore you.

- Oh, no, no, I got it.
- Dion adores you.

You don't have to, um...

I'll be fine.

Yeah, me and, uh...

Me and rejection are old pals.


- [toilet flushes]
- Um...

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go, just before...

[door opens]

[door closes]

Where's Pat?

[Nicole] Hey. What happened?

[sobbing quietly]

Hey, no, no, she...

she will think about it,
and she's gonna change her mind.

Not unless I can tell her what happened.

And I can't do that.




I'm so sorry.

It had to be done.



[shaky breath]

You taking Di home?



Hey, do you wanna come over?

[shaky inhale] Hospital administrator's
waiting to talk to me.




I'll be okay.




[siren wails in the distance]

[people chattering indistinctly]

You got your watch?

[Dion] Uh-huh.

- Oh, I'm starving. Are you starving?
- [Dion] Yep.

What do you wanna eat for dinner?

Um... some chicken nuggets
with some barbecue sauce?

Chicken nuggets
with some barbecue sauce? Okay.

- And some French fries.
- Excuse me, Miss Warren?


[dramatic music plays]

- [man 1] Get that right side.
- [man 2] Stop right there.

- [man 3] CDC.
- [man 2] Stay right there.

- Everyone, please stay calm.
- That's him.

- Everyone back!
- Just step back, ma'am.

- What's happening?
- Step away from the boy, ma'am.

- My son? No, why?
- Mom?

It's okay. Just be calm.
Don't do anything.

The boy needs to come with us.
The CDC was alerted to his condition.

Until we're sure
he poses no threat to the community,

he needs to be quarantined.

- Put a mask on him.
- [Nicole] No, no, he's fine. Hey!

Hey, but look at him. He's... He's fine!
What are you...

- Don't you see? He's... No!
- Mom! Mom!

- No!
- [Dion] Mom!

Get off of me! No!

[screaming] Mom! Mom!

- Mom!
- [Nicole] Dion!

- Get off of me!
- [Dion screaming]


- Di!
- Mom!

- [Nicole] No, get off!
- Mom!

Dion, just...

[screams] Mom!

Mom! Mom! Mom!


- Mom!
- Dion!

[tires squeal]