Queen of the South (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Reina de Oros - full transcript

Teresa risks her life and empire when she attempts to rescue girls that are being trafficked.

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TERESA: Previously on
Queen of the South...


(tires squealing)

Get in the car.

Last time we met, you
offered me a partnership.

And you tried to kill me.

If I really wanted to kill you,
you'd be dead, you know that.

CAMILA: Teresa was
a stray mutt when I met her.

Let her die in the cold
with the other dogs.

What does a girl like you
have to offer me?

The book
your husband's been after.

You deal in

When it comes to
making money disappear,

I'm as close to perfection
as our world allowed us.

CORTEZ: Valletta, Malta.
The authorities took notice

of a Somali crew landing at
a port in Valletta last month.

King George uses Somalis.

You can be my Pocahontas.

GEORGE: Or maybe I'll be
your Pocahontas.

POTE: How did you get away?

-Where is he now?
-In the trunk.

POTE: Attagirl.
I'm leaving now.

(tense music)

(speaking Spanish)


(speaking Spanish)

And there was only ever one way
for this to end for you.

(gunshots, men grunting)

(speaking Spanish)


(grunting, groaning)

(blow lands)

(eerie music)

(Taser buzzes)

MAN: (speaking Spanish)

POTE: (yells)




Welcome back.

How long have I been out?


How long?

Two days.



The doctor said
to keep the bandage on.

He said you might need surgery.

(speaking Spanish)

I wanna find those pendejos
and make 'em pay.

JAMES: Might be hard.
They're both dead.


He's with us now.

I need you to trust me, okay?

You need to rest
and get your strength back.


You're no use to me broken.

You listen to me, pendejo,

you betray us again
and I will carve you

like a freaking cochinito.

Do you understand?

(ominous music)

Lay down.



Listen to me.

We have an important meeting.

Rocco's gonna show us
his banking system.


You sure you can trust him?

He saved our lives.

But I'm not gonna trust him

until he proves
his system works.

And you wanna get
a proof of concept?


How much are
you planning to give

the pinche loco magician?

If his system checks out,

I'll put $20 million
with his bank.

The rest I'll keep liquid.

Won't be tied down in Malta.

Yeah. That way we can operate
anywhere in the world.

POTE: Teresita.


(tense music)

Let's get some rest, okay?

I'll be back soon.

Let's go.


That pompous bastard.

He thinks he can
keep Teresa from me.

I want you to go to Malta,

Tear her from his fingers.

Rocco de la Peña is
a powerful and dangerous man.

It would be folly
to pick a fight with him

in his own backyard.

You're scared of a
foreign hooligan more than me?


You don't need more enemies
at this moment.

Let de la Peña
grow bored with her.

Right now you must stay
focused on the real enemy.

Boaz Jimenez must be
your first concern.

I decide who my real enemy is,
not you.

Boaz is just a stupid bull.

But he's a bull with
a spear in his side,

and he is in the ring with you.

Do not turn your back to him.

If you don't help me,

I'll find someone who will.

(foreboding music)

(speaking Spanish)

Revenge is like any drug.

It can please you,
or it can rule you.

Obsession will kill logic
when you need it most.

CAMILA: Teresa is just
a stray dog, General.

It's time we put her down.


(electronic music)

TERESA: Most money launderers

use businesses to clean
their clients' cash.

Hotels, restaurants, retail.

Rocco de la Peña
uses the internet.

He claims it's safe.

JAMES: We'll see.

Your offline servers are here?

Downstairs in my vault.


JAMES: If the servers overheat,
we could lose everything.

What if
the cooling system fails?

I have a contingency.

All rooms are individually
vacuum sealed,

pulling all oxygen out
within seconds,

extinguishing any threat.

(vault dings)

Let's start with
your current methods,

which, frankly,
are fraught with risk.

For example,

the payments
to your Bolivian supplier.

MAN: Let's go.

ROCCO: Though you get
major style points

for your use
of Somali pirates,

there are some glaring

in your system...

(man shouts)

(men grunting)

That can result
in the loss of your assets.

-Let's say you wanna deposit--
-$3 million.

Into my account,
and I purchase $3 million--

in which coin do you prefer?

Ethereum and Bitcoin
have too much movement.

I'm thinking Pteria.

Fair enough.
Fair enough.

So I deposit your coins
into your bank account.

Right now, your
$3 million in Pteria

is broken up into tiny pieces
of digital code

and spread through
thousands of accounts,

rendering it untraceable.

What if I'd like
to make a withdrawal?

You can withdraw cash,

but I prefer

carrying my millions
in one hand.


So all my money will be
in the hard drive?

Yes, and only you will
be able to access it

with a 54-character signature.

Please, type it now.


Hit send,
and watch my magic work.

(chatter in foreign language)


(cell phone buzzing)

(cell phone beeps)


GIRL: Teresa Mendoza...


(speaking Spanish)

(cell phone beeps)

My supplier just
got his payment.

It's safer, faster,
quicker, better.

Don't you wish cocaine
could be delivered...

(clicks tongue)

We have a deal.


Welcome to the new world,

(electronic dance music)

WOMAN: * Breathe in

-(soft laugh)

WOMAN: * What is happening?

Hey, the $20 million
have been deposited.

We made something here,

You should be proud.

Thank you.

(distant laughter)

Would you like a drink?

I'm not thirsty.

He'll come around.

I know.

Congratulations, Teresa.

I see bright things
in your future.


You are gonna
be huge in Europe.

This is just the beginning.

Just don't ever screw me.

I do the screwing in my world,

(glass shatters)
WOMAN: (gasps)

(breathing shakily)


-Is she okay?

ROCCO: Yvette is a rare Russian
who can't handle her booze.

(snaps fingers)
Bring me another girl.

WOMAN: * Breathe in

Let's go.

WOMAN: * What is happening?

GUARD: Come on,
pull yourself together.

MAN: Sorry about that, sir.


(glasses clink)

WOMAN: * Losing you

Ladies' room.

Excuse me.

WOMAN: * Fading out
of view now *

* Losing you

(ominous music)

YVETTE: I don't know
what happened out there.

GUARD: Get up!
YVETTE: Please.

I don't know.
I don't...

(slap lands)



YVETTE: (sobbing)



Help me, please.

We're dying.

Did he hurt your back?

YVETTE: He cuts all of us.
He gets off on it.

He keeps us like slaves.

(echoing slam)

Come here.
Hey, we don't have much time.

We have to go.
How many of you are here?

He does bad things to us.

Then he give us drugs
to make it better.

If they find you here--please.
Never mind.

I don't know what I say.
Just--just go.

Listen, I need you to trust me,

-Are they all kept here?
-For now.

-Tomorrow they send us away.
-Tomorrow how?

We go on ship.

Promise me you'll help us.


JAMES: Teresa.

What's wrong?

(dramatic music intensifies)

(chimes tinkling)

LOYA: Malta authorities
won't go near Teresa

with de la Peña
protecting her.

You're holding out on me.

I'm doing everything
in my power.

The DEA's operating
from the embassy in Malta.

All I'm asking you is
to give them Teresa

so she can be
extradited back to Mexico.

Teresa saved your life
at that club.

That don't mean nothing to you?

(soft laugh)
Don't fool yourself.

I was the only thing
keeping her alive.

She was saving herself.

I won't help you kill anyone.

All I'm asking you is to have
her sent back to the country

where her crime was committed.


You're a good man.

You want her in jail.
So do I.

I want her to rot,


(menacing music)

And I don't have
to bring her in myself.

That can be you.

That should be you.

All I want is to visit her

and smile,

just to hear
how lonely and sad

and pathetic her life is

as often as I want.

That means Teresa has
to come back to Mexico.

I'm listening.



This book

brought Teresa
into my life.

And now it's gonna
help me get rid of her.

Teresa's operation
has a weakness.


MAN: (speaking
foreign language)

(overlapping chatter)

(ominous music)

MAN: (yelling in Spanish)

CAMILA: (speaking Spanish)

TERESA: (screaming)
-(speaking Spanish)

TERESA: No, no.

(seagull cawing)

You have something to say?

Teresita, things happen.

This business is
ugly for girls. You have to--

Girls have always been currency
with the cartel.

We can save them,
but it won't change that.

Don't you ever interrupt me
again, cabrón.

Even if we save the girls
that Rocco has now,

there's more where
that come from.

It will never end.

JAMES: Not to mention, you just
gave him most of the money.

We can back away from the deal.

But slowly, with caution.

It's nice to see you two
agree on something.

Just think about it.

You once told me
I was better than Camila

because I had a heart.

This is what that looks like.

It took us six months to build
what we have her in Malta.

You burn Rocco
and you burn it all.

If you burn Europe, you're
running out of continents.

We agreed to do business
in a different way.

But I don't think
this is about business.

That girl was me
when you met me.

I know what it's like
to be a slave,

to people who don't give a shit
whether you live or die.

(tense music)

(car door opens and closes)

GEORGE: Yo, principessa!

The King has arrived.

(speaking Spanish)

Ugh, Teresa.

Can I get an "amen"?
Where my dogs at?

Oh, there he is.
Baby Chapo.

Welcome back from
being a dipstick.

POTE: (groans)

What the shit happened to you?

You try and hump a real Wookie?

TERESA: George.
-Right. Plan time.

So Yvette's information
was correct.

There's a cargo ship

owned by one of
Rocco's subsidiaries

leaving Port Senglea today.

Now, it'll have less guards
than at the club.

It'd be safer to get
the girls out there.

JAMES: Why would he ship 'em?

Why not just fly 'em?

He makes twice the money
on them this way.

He gets paid once for the trip,
when the crew uses them,

then again when they get
to their destination.

It's despicable.

Bastards like Rocco ruin
the good name of smugglers.

Now, my men and I
will take out the guards

right here once
the girls are on the move.

Then we need
to get out of Malta.

Well, as we speak,

my boys are parking
our escape vessel

on the other side
of the port.

Now, we'll load her up.

The second this shit
goes belly up, ooh,

we gotta skedaddle
with a fury.

JAMES: If Rocco knows
you're involved,

you'll lose the $20 million
you just gave him.

That's why we need to get the
money out of the bank first.

(exhales deeply)
You're putting yourself

in a whole lot of danger just
to keep your conscience clean.

Is that any worse than
doing it for the money?

So we're robbing a bank?

We're not robbing a bank.

We're bringing guns?


Where are you going?

I'm gonna go not
eat a sandwich.

(speaking foreign language)

I ain't going nowhere
without the snake.

We're facing off against
a Maltese billionaire.

Lord know what
that freak's packing.

Don't forget the egg case.

(indistinct chatter)

How're you holding up, darling?
On the real.

I'm fine.

Wonder Twins giving you grief?


Hit that.


Pote and James will do
what needs to be done.

No doubt.

But for a man who ain't seen
below that mustache

since he was nine,
he can get pretty lippy.

Oh, they're just
scared for you is all.

Psychopaths can be

Kind of like courageous women.

I'm not being brave.

If there was another way
to do this, I would.

Your men seem loyal.

They know where
their bread's buttered.

So it's just for the money?

Them boys are special.

We've been through
a lot together.

But I'm always
straight with them.

Like I gotta be
with you right now.

What are you talking about?

I did a run for Rocco
years back.

And I didn't wanna say
anything in the house,

but I think it's
important you know who

you're clashing horns with.
-Why didn't you tell me?

It don't affect the why you're
doing what you're doing.

But it--it might just
affect the "if."

-You hear me?
-Yeah, I'm listening.

Rocco came up as an enforcer
in the Galician Mafia.

Dark reputation even back then.

I smuggled a payload
of Kalashnikovs

to this Afghani rebel-rousers
they're trying to get

to strike against
one of their competitors.

Rocco had their
families crucified.

Women, kids.

Dude's got a thing
for blood.

Now he passing himself off
as some kind of techno wizard.

But the dude ain't changed.

You understand why
I can't leave them behind?

I do.
I get it.

And we're all here for you.

You just need to understand
what you're up against.

The man's a goddamn spider.

You walking right out
onto his web.

(tense music)

(speaking foreign language)

Close her up.
Let's go.


(car door slams)

(romantic music playing)



ISABELA: (giggling)


(both giggling)

(speaking Spanish)

(music halts)

ISABELA: Mom, will you show us?

My mom studied to be
a dancer when she was my age.

-I didn't know that.
-(soft laugh)

How about it, General?

Will you help my mother
show us how it's done?

(soft chuckle)


You're very light on your feet,

I'm impressed.

You're the one
with the gifts, mi jefa.


(ominous music)


(speaking foreign language)

(cell phone buzzes)
Let me see it.

We're in position now.

Rocco's still inside the bank.

As soon as he leaves,
we're going in.

GEORGE (over phone): Got our
guy at the port on lookout.

He's gonna call me
when Rocco's guys

bring the ladies
for transport.

The second y'all get
your hands on the monies,

me and my boys are gonna
snatch up some honeys.

Did you get everything
from the safe house?

GEORGE: Like y'all
were never there.

Got the getaway boat
all loaded up.

Got your money from
the safe house in there.

And all of Chewy's
pots and pans.

Thank you, George.

As soon as we're out,
I'll let you know.

Emptying your account's
gonna raise some flags.

I'm gonna leave $1 million
in the account.

A million for ten girls?

They're worth it.

(tense music)


Okay, let's go.


Miss Mendoza.
How may I help you?

I would like to make
a withdrawal, please.

Of course. How much are you
looking to withdraw today?

$19 million.

Is there a reason that you wish
to withdraw such a large--

Just some business.

Yes, of course.

Unfortunately, your cash is
no longer at this location.

-You'll need to wait 24--
-I'll take the hard drive.

If you'll give me a moment.

-Excuse me.

What now?

This is when we find out if
we have to rob a bank or not.

We're not robbing a bank.

POTE: Hmm.

(cell phone buzzes)

What is it?

Sir, Teresa Mendoza
is looking to withdraw

almost the entire sum of
her account onto a hard drive.


How much is she leaving
in her account?

$1 million.

ROCCO (over phone):
Ah, she's testing us.

Such brazen theatrics.

I'll have to remember
to cure her of that.

Give her the hard drive.


Miss Mendoza, if you'll please
accompany me to the vault.


(cell phone buzzes)

I'm sorry.
I need to get this.

Just one minute.

GEORGE: Bad news, principessa.

They're moving the girls early.
As in right now.

I don't have what
we came for yet.

Shit, man. Maybe we need
to hit the ejector button

on this one, T.

There ain't no shortage
of girls in other places

that need saving.


Don't do it.

GEORGE (over phone):
It's now or never.

But I gotta seriously advise
against being stuck inside

a sealable building when
this shit goes down.


Get the girls.

Gracias, maestra.

Why would you do that,

push me towards a man
you don't trust?

You said we need him.

If keeping Cortez close
helps our family,

the closer the better.

Dangerous men, Isabela,
are not to be toyed with.

You need to learn discretion.

So teach me.

The heroin is selling
like a Christmas miracle.

I'd like to keep
our arrangement.

And Camila?
And the Colombians?

Ah, what do they say?
"Ignorance is bliss."

I won't tell if you don't.


CAMILA: You two look
like old pals.

No one would think that one

tried to burn
the other one alive.

Bygones, señora.

Men don't hold grudges.

(speaks Spanish)

Some men have thicker skin
than others.

To what do we owe the pleasure?

BOAZ: I'm here to take Kique
with me on a business meeting.

Our favorite Colombians
are in town,

but I guess you
already knew that.

Excuse me, governor.

BOAZ: Kique...

-Te amo.
-Love you.

Bye, Kique.

BOAZ: (speaking Spanish)

They're meeting
with the Colombians?

When did that get arranged?

I was just asking myself
the same question.

I'm sorry, Miss Mendoza,

we don't allow weapons
inside the vault.

If you don't mind.


Follow me.

Please enter
your signature here.

(keyboard clacking)

You have the whole thing

WOMAN: I'm quite impressed.

It's only amateurs
that need to write it down.

There. The funds are
uploading to the hard drive.

You should know my intentions
with Teresa are good.

You proposing?

I'm not her father.

I get it.
If things were reversed--

-They wouldn't be.
-All right, cut the bullshit.

I never betrayed you or Teresa.
I was loyal to Camila.

Doesn't even matter if you
think I should be here or not.

Teresa trusts me, and
that should be enough for you.

My brother kept a weasel
as a pet when we were niños.

Found it as a baby.
Gave it the bottle.

Slept with it like it
was a stuffed animal.

My parents trusted
the weasel

with my brother
like it was a dog.

One night, while my brother
was sleeping,

the weasel clawed out
one of his eyes and ate it.

Sad ending.

Especially for the weasel.

Good talk.

(speaks in foreign language)

(tense music)


(whispering chatter)

All right, on the count of
three, we're gonna give 'em

the ol' Royal Texas bum rush.
You ready, boys?

-Yes, my King.

GEORGE: All right,
now remember,

a pirate's only as good
as his shanghai.


One, two, three, go, bitches.



(opera music playing)






(cell phone buzzes)




Attacked by who at the docks?

Why would African
guerrilla fighters...



We need to get back
to the bank now.

Come on, girls.

(ominous music)


-(phones ringing, dinging)
MAN: I'll call you right back.

WOMAN: One moment, sir.

(tense music)

WOMAN: I'm sorry, ma'am...
MAN: We'll call you right back.


(doors buzz shut)

I knew we were
gonna rob a bank.

(yelling in foreign language)


-Here you go.
-Thank you.

(alarm blaring)

-What was that?
-I'm not sure.

(door whirs shut)


-What're you doing?
-Give me the hard drive.

I have no idea
what's going on out there.

Then why do you
look so nervous?

Why would I steal my own money?

WOMAN: I'll let Mr. De la Peña

ask you that question
when he returns.

Now give me the hard drive.



(both grunt)

(dramatic music)



(pistol fires)

Teresa's in the vault!



We need to get her out!


Ah, chinga tu madre, cabrón!

What the hell are you doing?


(both grunting)

(both grunting)

(head thuds)

TERESA: (panting)


There's too many of them.

We need to turn on
the vacuum seal.

POTE: Not yet.

We gotta get her
out of the vault first.

JAMES: If she walks out into
these guards, she's dead.

(cooling system hisses)

(alarm beeping)

How is she supposed to breathe?

JAMES: Rocco said the rooms
are individually sealed.




(beeping intensifies)


They're starting to drop.

(muffled groan)


(stabbing flesh)


No one puts Bilal
in the corner.

Thank you, my King.
I had him.

I know you did.

I just got a little greedy
is all.

Didn't want you to outshine me
in front of the girls.

You know what I'm saying?

(doors creaking open)

I know what you're thinking.

Out of the frying pan
and into the fire, right?

Well, this is what a Teresa
Mendoza rescue looks like.

-(distant sirens wailing)
-No time to get picky.

Teresa sent you?
Where is she?

She's a little preoccupied
at the moment.


(device beeps)

(scanner beeping)

(locks clank)


-The seal's broken.
-(electronic beeping)




JAMES: Shit,
there's one more guard.


Teresa, no!




(door thuds)


(dramatic music)


-(engine revving)

(tires squealing)

We're on our way.

(sirens wailing)

Don't come here.

I got the girls but our
getaway ship just got seized.

What now, principessa?


The police got our ship.

We need to find another way
out of Malta.

POTE: Rocco controls
the local police.

There's an airfield
about 9 kilometers away.

I scouted it as a backup.

George, I'm gonna send you the
address to an airfield, okay?

TERESA (over phone):
Bring the girls there.

You got a bird in the nest?

Not yet.

(tense music)


(speaking Spanish)

(cell phone buzzing)


LOYA (over phone): King
George's ship has been seized

at a port in Malta.

The DEA tracked his ship
using the hull ID number

from the page you gave me.

And Teresa?

Malta police confiscated

$7 million in cash,
but no Teresa.

-How did she escape?
LOYA: There was a shootout.

Malta authorities found some of
Rocco de la Peña's guards dead

and some Somalis.

(ominous dramatic music)


(cell phone buzzing)

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

(tires squeal)

(suspenseful music)


(tires screech)

Are you the pilot
of this plane?

You're not allowed back here.

I'll give you $200,000
to get us in the air

in less than five minutes.

Or there's always another way.

I'd take the money.


(tires squealing)

I call window seat, bitches!

(tires screech)


I wasn't sure
you would make it.

I always make it, principessa.

WOMAN: (speaking Spanish)

GEORGE: Come on, girls.
Allow me to escort you all

to getaway vessel number two.
Let's go.

You're bleeding.
Are you okay?

Rocco put tracking devices
inside us.

We all broke them
on the way here.

I just hope we got them out
in time.

I know what you gave up for us.

Most would not
make this choice.

It wasn't a choice, Yvette.
Come on, let's go.

Thank you.

Come on.

(tires squealing)

We got company.

-Get the plane ready.
-Start it up.

Baby Chapo,
give me some cover fire.

Bilal, give me the snipe.



Cross one off the bucket list.


(dramatic electronic music)

You know you're crazy, right?

You're the one who tried
to hump a real Wookie.

James, now!


(stirring music)



(both chuckling)

(cell phone buzzing)

My God, Teresa.

You could have been amazing.

ROCCO (over phone):
And now you're all alone,

fleeing for your life while
Europe burns down behind you.

(speaking Spanish)

(speaking Spanish)

(ominous music)


ROCCO (over phone):
How does it feel, Teresa,

to know that you were
so close to greatness

and you just let it slip
through your fingers?


Why, Teresa?

Some things aren't for sale.

Oh, my God.

I didn't know I was
dealing with a child.

ROCCO: All of those girls
will be replaced tomorrow.

The shipment is
already on its way.

As for you,

if I ever see you again,
you're gonna be screaming.

But anyway, good luck.

I really think
you're gonna need it.


(dramatic music)


You saved your soul today.

Was it worth it?


(ethereal music)


(film reel whirring)

(typewriter keys clacking)

Captioned by Captionmax